OCR Interpretation

The New Orleans crescent. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1866-1869, November 04, 1868, Morning, Image 6

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015775/1868-11-04/ed-1/seq-6/

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l , o h Ser. a leep neg
ii ub n s IIL rIe*lte ,rn ag1M
the Whit, . e07 In aeo at the Ranod 0ih.
Salso preest to PIete h so Ms t e
gensat h2 4 dsarge the ti b M Dem orn y
eveywbere for his aeble eUrs a I r e eme
aThe e irtat e of h ub, aer deOO dime
with to the arms of inv oý ý by allowing
models to bet o roed f .a.. ba w
The secretary of the navy has app ulsld Dr.
Heray Ltewart, of New Orlda. Ipima naee o be
asia. t bm. m i the UIbetd btate. Navy.
ses. hersaaWklgraph tLhat Ge. Carr, with
aseen compas ef she hb cavalry, and Porsyth'
se5nta, under Lieot. Plerpent. trak the Indians
on iulner's creek. south of Beaver. on the I2th
alt., and killed ta Indians, fie horses, sad cap
tured three pos. The anxt day he followed
the Indam , who disatched their advano. to pro
tect their lodges astock. The Indians burned
the farm to windward. bat did nt stop the ad
vance of the troop. They fored the Indieans to
abanden ter late lod4ge and camp equlpage.
aepturing sad killing seventy-two ponies. Gee.
Corrstillpersai l them. Col. Bankhead i
The resury department has issued a circulaur
doar wad fW eat1 per pound, sad tweeaty-re
per cent. ad valorem e asessed o ll cigars,
elgaee sald shroote.
man farmers have noticed in their Selds a large
black beetle, with most brilliant dote placed In
rows oa his back. Dr. Poth ays : ,," eggs pro.
duoe theaerae pgbUklte. ft is a most ilveterate
fee' i the osa-yes s, gmasping the worm in iL
lga . sad, Is spits of is violent writhing
sad struggesa, ly holding it. When it iads
tae worms . pleaty it res and earfelts iself
upon the till It I gluttd ad srextended asu to
be scarcely able to stir. for It never knows bow to
let a cut-worm alone whea he meets him. It is
cesals, y ma+. g these worms, feding on no.
ething el t it ca obtlthn. Both t and the
a Md M wdh produces it, thereforee
la l be rared."
A Wae bgl e dispatch of the 30th 31 ys:
Another perol connected with the 8anfoedon
over cospiracy i about to come to grief. The
least one i W. Heustit, the warden of the city
prison, who i charged with outragr the
person of a female prisoner. Several of the
origiI camp trsa y gang ae In the State
prison, and this tHsi is a candidate for the
sme place.
Th eeoam ,losr of the land omoe ha just
received specimeas uf gold quartz, found near
Manchester, N. H., which proves to be of rich
I I not improbable the eastern etreity of
h ppalachia Chain may furnish another gold
The osemsener geeral of the land office has
submitted to the secretary of the interior for ap- b
preeai three list, of lands, embracing about
2 •8400 ares, whieb same to the State of EIohi si
m ander the dat psrtiag lad. to said State to fo
aid in the oow rsei f a hurbor ad shlp canal D
at -eenewaw eiit, Ls ke Sperior.
Quite a seasatim was ocossioned a few days
gou near Quincy. a Owen county, Il.., by the
fladingof a sigular p the premises of a
widow lad sear that town, by yag lldy, a
member of her ousehold, osn Stday, October
2th. On the shell, it t said, therei imorinte
an Aneims g. rowith Wsansr, sad the ead of
a hors. It e heats followin in aorotton:
'And - ,ail sometipos, eith the Ged, that
there shalle prophet, sad will show g a
Withbthld , and there bhll be lgs insrh  mao,
th ms aN t r gret distee ofL as- gri
heaven. shallie shaen, ad the hbeeves ad t
earth shall pais of, sad this generation shll not slt
Sa May ol sa sayi re falilld." OiI ac
Intora ts that there i greatl 5 uOltse to
among the peopil sear, Qulicy. icoessqu ues of CO
th predlction or ths amrvlou egg, ad that re- (I
liglous meetings are being held, at which large
numbers are converted. It will be seen by this (
that there are means of grace besides those re
ceived by our orthodox friends, and men are to be A
Msved through a singularly wrought han's egg. It (I
I.1ls said that Col. Hays, of iGosport, hae oflrel A
$100 for this egg. ad that Mr. David Duooan, of
Quac who saw the egg, orersr 500 to say per
aon who will produce saother like iL
Tan Camnss Eusasr ry LONDON.-"A Trav
eled Osetry Cousi" writes to the London imem R
as follows:
AYr-The empire of China Is reputed to contain
300,50,00 sols. o one.third of the ishabitas. te(
of this planet. China sends a every year mare
than W0.0000 peee aof tea. and takes frdt as
In the same period more than 100,000.000 yar of
Macheer sad Yorkshire fabrics. Englsh steam.
e reah the very heart of China by asendlng
the girat rnver Ysng hlag and arrive within
o aile o t capital by going up the Peiho. A
In nq other ocry cnamreianodstrious
peoplbe ml da,Oor o  that ire loves a I
the Chisme ods. were warlike sad pIreand
led o by such at geeral an Aluaeeor
rt p e, rrsalew up I oeIa and probably th e
rem r e d* pe, vem If they ool aedon bet
thbe ihe t'a of Wrar. at
*The 4Ya ehes sha n*or e moset, he e e l a
r o er ur h the re or the worlad, an o n
. by avd fe derlore eenl looirdal th thet 1 o
emS,.r - r m e aooas oft o ciaom raetin (Je
gllven s the Cwins mobas nao i laodon, d
lra dries o the a olebio tat the s ptio, (S
f -Isln d b.een given", anoot bare ken of
,e .y~W-iu l a or imprresve cortr. A,
If tBhe.hsdaty r ipaid dume of d he-ud-Srk- (
squre le, peestaed to be obbled up by
Pro sad When Hexpaor to EHland are rei
ptserte b sme oussad don ors If Sltzer
Sa att f grass o f meescubia piape per
mme, paid na a vit, a speIa tra , wid
have cokod his ereity frotm thamts se
he. inPin . _ornd'ri dirtors would Wnt
ha· ve atsdnra art alos termu her rsed
mrint esaringe iLaoempaie d to peris h. t
s.uamrao of-llf· Iruds, would have nriveyed the V
illUstrlo(l rtrouger to W Bide be rwo hall e t ol
ned inthte astt ithe i io H , and  sa aed da-ai
ilth, ctvic oompsaae.
But 14 the rerasontauvs of one-third of man- coac
hind we aave no naitcsud weloeme to efr. For '
all we ha rl them they mhbe a grou 0bnrtoet o
the Tg rad pdas Tnanad' waxwork,. t l the
dn •about. theiar feelings on the jnll, -4 II it teye
is likely to meet with satr eas et t (WI,
Aeme rlee wa a deplnt piseiple when (Don
tle) a, dh.. o h we a,_amr.e now ur
endar who is at the n the embamy smiting
grrir~r rer~ err mittake. Amerlican nlay live to A tr
pratt by.and we deplore th coetrat that will J'
probabll be drawn in Pekin.
The Vat amount of tlasatlon Sittelrs now be
ing eeld and shipped from New Tor t o almoet In
redible. Go when and - here yoo wt-along R,. o
the whares pers ad at the de s--you hereb
will me great pilee of these blttew ait p - footb
ment ad conveymace to every nook and oraCr thein
of the coontry, ad to the hundred or forenl (81
por t. they amvo amo iil I
of pmoie m auoI n all ctbe limd
nd sret y 'sYt, ao vho requie
pureS. sCro rum, Ciayand ecarlla bark. Je
-an all te world kio0a fall well wh alt benecial
reenlt accrue from the eombiutione.
bhe Batpn Noieo G(aste and Comet of the 31st
A seat f ee rpet-beglr, swim and hereby
muatornh yesived in ear ity from t w Or- o
peculierly i neItly just at pre t ar tisdam t How
of-samerwl.eStisi. The iasma rarir from fil In
th reeti Itdatd perses V ht city, it - (S* g
The 8e Plantr of the 31st eli, sys:
prilcs w d m. ls . Thi ce is eid f
eup l a k P o_pp ier it ths perish,
York y i nrkgs for (evr & Biae's famlly I
ewpin gl atthl1s le dne r lmel irma
Machines warr od for Ive ers. Hermer, ac
qulteH retr i brdr with ach machine. Uadin a
3' ..~·r ..NW.
r (pafnr Oseu ,ee
5a , uerecy
alloweg [No. im-s.
Wead DL eheIasd toMvo t he ss mad, to
sto e " rept. 6ar 6186,
t, with died (0) doara. --
0Ota s (Uýd)Pfresdd, Board Ai ,- .
ad oat. Pfrý) _ildet BerAIurýer,
oe A proed Oct. 28, 1 8 6. Ar, aor.
to : ( ) Jo D-, B. owar, Mme,
b Almd A scoy
the ad- JoH w. Or.LL, Secretary.
liens to
alpaGe, MAYOALrT or Nr OuLuaMs,
head City all, Oct. 3S, 188.
[No. 1es6--W. d.]
ilar, . Ra to, i7. an _asete. far Ire sum of ter eep •
gr then be elm f he' whoaaba f
a large ( ) i A COnWAT, ay
c ed o Poreeeat Beor etae.
Ie pro (Biged) as to
ItC Approvelld OctO 28,, 88.
rithn (Signed) Joa . CONWAYU, MayoQr.
A Atrue bo aae
ts Jof JoR. CourALL , feyora .
fae te
J . O' ra , s., e tar y  .
ow to MATOALTY OF Nw OILsaws,
Itle City HaU, Oct. 2, 1888.
[No. 10no6-.N. 8.]
d the Reso ed. That th ely "lreore be mad he r
Shereby authorized to remove t ~ erem eria fo
oed o the center ofOb te t e soth
wet aide of said street, aad have the mald street
,e o graded aad ditched; Provuide, The uet, of maid
I 11 (8igned) ALrmm KAmrry,
(e Pres)dent Board as e n , o
I ) - THoAS Mar~y , h
sreeMen BaedM rbmn
Sthe Aproved Oct. 28, 1868.
d (Jonix . CowY, Mayor.
o Joax w. OvnsL, eoretary.
Sof MAYORALTY or o Nw OLsaw,
gold City Hall, Oct. 8, 1868.
[No. 19 --N. 8.J
Shaa Recmved, Tbhat thotoller be ad e is he re.
r ap- by authoried to warrant o the emrer im favor
boot of r P. La.e for the a ef twt hundred and
t to formedon thepavedtree o the 8th wardh3d
rn (Signed) ALPUm Kaasay
thra Pwredet Bod Audtat Aiderm e. Jo
lbs (Bued) Thox MAR. Il_
of T Mta Presldent Board Aldermen.
Sa Approved Oct. 28, 1868. at
sr itue Jonax . CONWAY, Mayor. l
Ied tre eoy :
4 of Jo QW. OruALu., Seeretary.
apld City Bell. Oct. 28, 1868.
[No. 1099-N. 8.]
m ReMced, That pertomsial be and Ih hereby
ma granted to Charles Morel, to erect a stand for the -
and etc., at the rmer of Ilyaha Fields and (Baihrue
Lt to real durlg the pleasure of the Comn Wmo her
so Go nad, the
rer(i ed) ALeIAb K a iatres PJ
S (SedPresident Board Assistat Aldermen. pe
otf (Se) THOMAS MAsKE, Y
Sre- Presideot Bord Aldermen.
b pproved Oct. 28, 1868. (
t (nd) Joax 3. CONWAY, Mayor.
rolA true copy.: A
of Jos W. OvEmuALI., Secretary. (I
oCity Hall, Oct.oer 28, 1868.
- (No. 10990--N. B.]
age R1olred. That the atreecol hse soad be an
thereby oredis place the neeodary gast aftermps on a.
Stertreet, between Girod and Poydru treet se
ae Preeident Boeard Asieesat Aldermen. Me
of (Signed) THlOtAa MA E Yya St,
of p Presd det t Board A ldrte, city
0 ve Oct.g 28, d 6. auth
A true copy JouHx . CONWAY, Mayor.
Jo J W. OVERALL, Seceretary. t
City Hall, Oct. 28, 1t88. I
[No. 101--N. 8.] d
We Rols, th* Tre depu moeo Is hrreatl emb dr
.te Inu sthe elarauno oa om a c whell nd,
f , and r r ·ae, SoAsr ow ar.
cis-stit mo n Wth a be a od ar ierb
M ori sed o on fer w it h the boa'r d o nder Re
iters tmake some arrangement by whfoh th*ey suc
(o g e edA to ta, Ipro or
d Prdident Bead Arent Aldermetn the L
Pmeat t Bud abd Kd
Aproed Oct. 28, 1A6r.
( Sged)o Joan 1. COxWAr, Morot. l
a Atrue copy: R
Jo EN W. O ErBA LL, Seretary. lAtro
MAYOALryO or Nw OrANus, (Bi
Cty Hall, Oe. O2, 16cl.2
[No. o110 -N. 8.] A
Whhodaes, Thet tie rtarne r co m a d as wela
the ityareIt of Bronee tree c. c o th f
President Bord 4eiut Aldere n.
O Prd, eat Bared Alderten. Im
mi tee a Joof bo Cobxwa b , an yore hrb he.
eri r . OmakNe . om s e entby. te t
pay I theT or eat Omn.eAhs, I roim
eity all, Oct. 2S, 1868. "
Adad. th e lr b e he· i--N u.
thee u thrie ct, -orIo otr , m. e ass roe
the may ue anaet to 1se acpions of the aon
(gtmde) A,,nr y aa fir
(g.ed) shdt Beahri, Altearm,
SApproe4 Oct. 868l, ·k n_
( e) J B. CoWAr, Mayor. A
Jow . ORALL,., e ,m~ . A
MAroajivyr oaw wOAN, -
City all, Oi 2,1 .
t. tslo r.oed are et me. d Ords
tao. m ..B. ow Mr. *t
Jrr,. O C W . 3os,7
8r[No. 11M.... a
S eo .he Saw thenes eemal_
hiundred dons" (6e 8.) Orl s e .
(Signed) os a
Preeldest Bard Aalnt KAlem/.
Aploved Oct. 28,18 l.e
r y (b ) Joa B COnwAr, Mger.
*mdp JonA s b O ;inana..eergeaey.
eansr. [No. 1107-N. ) ]
bT. Resolved, That the bane.ot) ma_ bhe at
NOe. the? are hereb hrnnrmid to eoo-o.
. gne for the defense of d he alO
. Daith vs. the city of Nes iorln serd .
(BSigned) ALma Ksuamr,
Preident Board Assetat Aldermen.
s (Signed) ThoMAs Mass,
r PrsOt dent Board Aldermen.
Aproved Oct. 28, 1s68.
Se Areod) JoaHN B. CowAY, Mayor.
andh true cop:
seeph JoN W. OayALL, Seretary.
SrDbl LT oF Niw OAnsas,
City Ha, Oet. 268,186.
[No. U0--Nr. 8.]a
wram Resolved, That the srveyw be end be is ber
mee, by anthe psr ed o to bae br o,
,the ae wtt eand or any t"her etaeril, m atlir
(Signed) ALmn NAuNr,
(ed)Presldt Bard ATetast Adera
68. President Board Aldermen.
Approved Oct. 28,1868.
(lgned)o JOHN B. CONwAY, Mayor.
A true eop :
eg she JOHN W. OvALL, Seretary.
of said City Hall, Oct. 28, 1868.
t, fut [No. 1108-N. 8.]
Resolved, That the urveyoer be and e is hereby
a. requorzed, after reare days noce to the ity Co
i ura tll, o atthariest contrcab t for reptai
the reel wrate belorog St thaebarty, r locality
 nea, betwo Frechlm sad St. taro
ayor. aeer tn suase ation
.Presidant Board Alderm.
(g President Boardsistt Aldermes.
Approved Oct.28, 186..
6 (S gJoaN L CoxrWA, Mayor.
A true cop :
s here. Jon W. OVnuLL, Seoretary.
ed an MA ALT or New ONLunA,
r /City Hall, Oct. 28, 1868.
.Per. [No. I110-N. 8.]
Resolved, That te controller be and e is
S by authorised, after five day' noti eIn the official
an. ournal, to adjudicate a contratt fe, repairn
Y, the break.water and road at Mllneburg, fronting
(Signed) TwHoAs MARune,
ied) President Board Aldermen.
(Signed) ALIEaD KeRNYr
Li. Approved Oct. 28,188.
S (Siged) Joasi .l CONwAT, Mayor.
A true copy
eb Joan W. OvaRALL, Secretary.
City Hall, Oct. 28, 1868. [
o[No. 110--N. 8.]
*m t a on oaon a bindiga fore Idthe two Imta
only Reolved That the teattorr be and eat i
Shereby autored to e quarterly e for
app red. for the same have not begun brmse
(Signeda) THOAS MARYEt,
en. oPresdent ButBoard Aoldermen.
Approved Oct 2 d, o-8.th
(Signted) Joux . CONWAY, Mayor.
S irne p is co:
City Hall, Oct. 28, 186s. f
[No. 1111-N. Al.
Wa b WHEREAS, Dortb are entertained a to the
r ·nattuton aand beding forc of the Iwo acts
n. Metropolitan Police Board, ad the other creating
,a State printer whe cimer to be paid out of the
r. Resolved, That the city attorney he Instructed
to take proper tep nts i the oorln the
conettutionallty or legaliy of eaid a or the f la
re.d.' Ad @ t ~ ld@moen.
bilityof the city under em and C ore, andor.
a prevent, by proper legal proanes aof th et of
ad the treasuryed on the ordertf any um which may be
dtrde1 u rnet Boarn of AsoMtat Ald ermna
Approved Oft. cit Bh,;e.re ofld frm
mad un Jtecy dr Cotwah , Mayor. o
A the eo:tu e c o e e
atiros andepoeed to trontwmith and
a LdYe t rneDY i O I, TAeb UsE.
antod Abythe u 0 c Ue Insuran e Companies
auread rf thncf of e Ftoti clncl o.
Preehdent Board of Ahlee . .
ovB. e BROWW, Oct. ,t,
tp esHallmr, t, Nw ORL ENs5
Sprvd bly thaefnotrs tege of b
Pribor eut Board of Aelel.a., t Ald erme Q
Pree-dent Board of Alder
w~Cjg7. ___
tw -s
.....»« «
p............«. mW~m`5I
mmnm Lees .....,.,,**3... awn
1a,181. r ..........
at . f, iw rV um.......,,..5 em.
7H !q:.pans., and~.o..on ba
~ Umgne hla e .. * 1 3
0teme ane Ig, Usallem 1N....... U~l
d mealr on.ldma Bl.. o............
npinmn, Rel b.la imn
TIM l pm I ne a seieAres l
pestof ad Iimb. l eai..n. o
.60lb~ pud b W *n fTlf r ewa I r ..el
1888.N 4 ...I . ...l ................ ....dam
,.Wdt. Mqot.- eU1Nbg .......e b e a M b
dal, r the an. lam s. Oflut. . be, m .............mp.
bempats Dat binle. ...t . N/ a3
d bY N .. . ............... U
h . in d.. .............................. 3,uI
)h.pws. fteP'rlu b .. IM.-.e...d ISII
ma s abee" of UsbON""ad.
ILR~l~e Pr li R OIW xm vela...
M1818. oI.P.e Dewb. bmod G.lA a% w. Pdayi..r. A
two. PAUL W. Oogaanm,
h hereby am the Pu ofas roo
Ity~oo Coo.-r
lies of ell *lzpU~..nWielae sin.63wah~ef~
YO3AU, DB~l96SIfn is., ye
01oalt k a.[nNi 1t etw.
md- YU q a"
W nyo M AMM. Tiuce A. Ldm Umgaf.lemm , a
AM. C«ýle A. ae ..en,
BeR. A. Paebr~. Plink WUf..
S. swts Tbs.m seme %
fiNS, ob.. laltee Dad Tbemb, u1
,868. j low S. /n L W. A. Th S. lb.
P. Lad....., Bsph~asslaq
I.hbra. AIw en1q. win.M r 6
e offical A. hubS., Joe WiAgL
~ots of *Awry Minin...., $dohnMn Jr.,
Eaml5. VeI~e, 3 l Le
3~s.snsS v . Nai.que Is.... o. .r A
ryL am R E1.P.bwea. p1do ý f
-at t0.. 'U
urea The To.mmea ~ eemfterly%. 3lbs.ýhtar, ..bll lk 'thihi
me, lowing adtementoftew album a lbs es'p'y w lW. a
R, day K pfa, IlF" r d rf .p... 33
forD. Had- Prmikaum. fetym .
Marin P-smin.. fir leer. 64.. .a
.afmaed. 63. II.*
Marnot...................... " WNq
oTthe -. . " nd..ua............wbNino.
0 the ....... U.. ... .........................Mo uS Mwe
1cWn hid rei..aad diemeat. Mn - A.
tI ~16 eeop.................. .1 3
;iict w ane pielum., gs.. .
Isb ant oI.die..ie.... 51.64N L a..
acted Ii. prnat!.......................* a~
f the """LALSO I
N lis- Th. Coemay hal. thtefrowwlwn Am" Lo
an nub 5W .o Bet ...................$ 3.4d u
t o Lmn.hlead ee. risige.. =
ir, i ylTu~reru -41IMrw~ ~'
ty ow how....................... - aoma 1I
ILe o se. o. Pedn o s.peeia ad call.. DeS. m
be8 Couponsfbi C~YOT U..d. IC patP due..
Pra~le lorl accUnt 1.3330
C~* bls smiled ic...........hl
r.~ - ST&
the ehssiasa inp· aI true ··· en mie rasrptbr
- 1301 A. ANAMI. Pr atdea~
3, t B un V"" ·········.. Oamsn lentay
allt Iw·rrorn o ad io·( euwbd li i'blai
PRI hi······. 3d ayofIa
Secon bile fth eae
SI The Comauwi i inr lweet Mie aoin aOLV.C
tbensf aU Pahd ella i mmmd Uada Inline ml.1
The Imik~d i Iat. mrtee deebled, slu. Dvda .Id
Laftiele Ba eidp inhugm m~l, free OfI.y.-I JH I
T~u~MAIb A. ADA.g. Piauimi,) ER
EnIty, EAB·~rCruElr H.KBNdY, Vice Pimidout. W
Osnus Seisiary
IB.*l A.II Oer A Teans
leugaj ut CAIlIN Dfla
- AOornadh·ef hil ewemme ech . In Cep
binbeP!D de0............,. 1 ~
..................................~~~~ .a)IIffO
ath.Le es 64.24424 Aileiwu
knomee PieS~otl S la· et..i
The ehese Nimat Ir , hue d eenrj b-m
los. S. blbtfuammnsg AWeoo( 0tetJI.
or~~~~~~~~~ 3B1~ P·rU·~a o tr L.13
wrasdp~~~~~~~m~ ~ DtY~)topUl~l·w~ rI~
'us. badl ,) UI 3ik~o ~fArlllm~~~dPL
.3. l~cl~~aort~ O1
8. ILM13, V t
io marm' AL IL MW
t"on L K.. RANKSI, .4 W3O
Km. qRu . ua rr g,&
.1r. M~orals r rua
. . I ft PrrIw AYFSai
1 D L OAUIwm, JNO6 0. UUIOtL
ream a onuI wns, V.0.310115
lie 0771:1$ :~, rrwr
I. OFFICrar3Ir
-4.K 1111 JDaiQ w DISO Ram -
+ wV. a1111. VisePm.iuse*;
..4UB. I WV. TouwA uum""s;
Usl IA. A. OURSUR , ?umr
a V. s. 1[OO77, Aissmq.
V.C. RICROLI, II. D~ rIh u
U 1.0. 1.014111 Asse,
UOsm Pa. MU Ce edim siset. tdses'.s Re..
eash the ae
" 13n eml ISM.sbusY Ogm16. N.:1M.I
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0A .3. Peanoy, ~ ws N.11.
1^Ik . Nodott. Mb .. 1M s .f t.M ·saol..r
"..Ohii Ks ".lou~ ..M ~u.
O.X I hLs '"rr··m·u lWm.m ? ~
M/ Jw ·1 aaMIa a at9
F· id I, Amrau~ - LaaaAa d e
» .1.15:. . K. M,ýtAWR? 0mmYhs.
Pe ' Pa St elee set,
elhl b e~ OWNEW om
W. D. P··b Ym Z. l iWlr .MI · J. Z
a m ai£ d... eL............
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WILYms. persvlepgee a ... the m1t.10.1Eebeb
16. Ps J 5 5..ame aw
owl S LE MUUAL"R ýoas ft"NuO UM.FAET W~s
it, "M~ee.a i N.. 61 Camp M Sieves. S
hams EI PPIrsdSVei behi eeL
Srl. w~
rrpror 111w OaLRA1,
leg ~ 3emm a l w........r..
48 Nd Dew......... >tw..,,~w .........
Lese a~, s MgD eee ss 1 UP Pi MO . a . J1
msa Jmemvmum.... Remeg-11
beft ME-440 4
PANT. L I ___sa.Ya0 Itj"1/., ' >.T
PANT. O 11 01113W 10.aMu..
0m s. a 71., p TI O s ee es N hsemea, "'1'1
low I"
wh Mg* YKITmE TEAR. Vol
Plemum mmmi darms e ver 115a N
DeemkmUs, 3W... .........~W -MMN1
1 O W N M=N -mpMm, Is ew, ae ,
I.,,,...... UN......b s..aY.. D
.C_ s .ee She 3. Re mbee NW .R ? 9356K
lo a1i wýp 6155mm by Pbm ase as~ ber,
Am. W.em m kmN~s demepeq PbEM Fisees thet
WJ. 3. 13 118,Vlm
A. V. >.133, Jai. Pm.
LIFE 1 UUA 10 0011.1T
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- 0710103 SU CANAL Do3Y: NEw Omwamt.
1375 lrr.Y~
Oserg 4.... he··rg, Reor
t . Freerleet, W.S.?rVi.Fiieg £
Ilm u .r azu~ m hasW P.h RIr aapm.Semeae.. 4.1~ l
Re. Mmy Sin., DHI.K...., taw R. .0.Weel
mll Aaee ~Lredeemees~r tee 4aeel elpam
u elmdtsgmbd ro'rem m
CoutIVla· to Teka
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ChAR.L 3IS5F3LD Semmy
LoYD K.2 GOLZMAi, reti
03. Staq ~lwl ·
edJAl BBLN*3e o5 1,4
SD.(rlavses Sipees.--
SEON ANNU~l,. 3t*rzw, TEAR DIS _
RIh? KUIDONlr, Fredimt , 1
* L. RrbIge.Lrr~·· n E
J~'II~Ol~J 5.. Nebk ILr Wh m.
Nug Re asl~b~. 3.a Reber The DIPS~
AIds4S. BIEegke~P. Win. 0mep~lr C
L.K.IkEF r. tWo6 3au .
I.D.mr Uoi~,~.PaL)3baa
RembOmY Ps. 33UgU
£hB~aC OOm. B
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ýoUntssi· s Ai**As PTA~sf~lr?.
!NLI weaii..eatdf. gs.d.g.inat ofMOWat~iN.
KIR , AH. .......s I%=
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[oaaaºr a krl~l..................... .. MA~~~~,,~~~ IU
*u w Os b ... . .................. ms s
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Os~~. atw
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.. MUTUAL.... a U t.
I h, k htitamp. .08 ....- mN.
E s ..wwt. .ORI r R.... ...... tm a
392921m a4Dealt. .................
Dam wee emmis
emu.st.dr "d Cudbw a....La
Ns.aý -.... Sm.. albL s
.... .... ....... ."......."..
QttdrNrlwfdad ..M Pap
. a5 1 i Sat d ,rn.
aIa Itema Ir Laem.mem W.......$1 * u
S-ev. far "a t * 1 B
..td N T JId, e............. 1 W .07 T u W
xr. ra. fNon Natwur /
Ne.. . ZamU~ubb5 5* be. 0.. mu
Us rwsl ssw b sSoa Hasandson"a ' ef
DaisZ bass s ubel.td w...y.
2*-.,, 4 aseat
MU. ur~able b 2*.~k~ U.WI. 1
rolll rr ' ar 'ww·
eAeL POUIPI.a 3,Ma..
aL PAUL w o, MU."`
ifU=*P 3413 w00 JIMas. ANdA. &
1.1* elOahin, OhIt. Is 4wth
In.h 0a m be 1 ee d ... r as ad .y ob & Itt
U.. PAWL V. P fT O
6 r r~Lf~tN diu.Pwm. so
a IrstimlS mbar kt dada. ahtpDid
P"n"em Ix NNW SIb OIL sw os.
' U P Ds i r rpea . l r w U s W d d e l a , l ieSr . i r.1 L e a
eat Abetsm ~ ad . br ~r peta Eab ke2
WAN% T. ~ v P. 3W 533331lw
'3m Oeudas Kegs"gi....... .-IpI
an..swis oon wst
1aa ow r ated epa . Nam i..
Muim IamegL Vmpga3CL~
i~tnN N o Ihuqat Ist wone as Kit 35 3kM.
'kmaawq ad , to Mesyak. MnpeiL rubd .m
ma wbb. sdbabal.J r1 5 . bqem As mgebrt, ifp.
"AaimfDna by the miffr of to now orb.. bad .
Pew O b.as. Ott. 11. um.
e w own" -RA
p~- .drab, "" Dem
tliwfa~s os~sI dab ar r r walaj rata
r M....................
!..e fws Prsead ............d....«
ý atbag Se.a Demba, 131...........amineftt
_ New Os , lawr u,
2%asomee beIld.. havae removd I. 6 ad..
004000 he.sg. KisaT Pewe twMM Dm 0....- -.
daegaiaaf aI~ m m a a ae
N t mb RU.U L 'Vim
I.V.3 bee1
E~V1C -ma~·~
Th B?. JAKUS DOTER wIt be mapteed,,· r as )pr
SeIiImb.. i Ime .ameeI s. . 0
DS~ 3*311·14Ln~Qt~~ RU. 30M
_r P·rrepaiel
S.carrL1m. r^ ~TEI.
0. 3.~ BALLn~~ --
a.~ -r mL. r
g· OmbIUWWRE It 4 aqide.I.Iy
Pifieta ~ ~ blaeepebse
D,·· iee~Ld C ~kmi S aibY3m Umets
Dm .ohaba a c~mndsI. sp~rn.zr13
ma ·~ II mm oImI a.
·Ilr~lrdll& luu w (eb oud a~
lead, - J4 aei a rr bseas MaIm Irt el bed
Pa.maC Win... PAtICPY IN
·-T ~4tlu4rwr~~·r r
"· ~rr ~~ r 1 be psll u,

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