THE NEW ORLEANS CRESCENTO UME VIII. SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 18, . NUMBER 154. TH ORBE8OENT'B DISPATOHEg Tk e Comatee en the f ais Nstaralization Treaty. THEIRE SIX TO ONE AGAINST THE ALABAMA TREATY, OU*IRJ RAILROAD UBSIDIZING BILLS. M IS ,IPPI NOT TO BE ADMITTED THIS SESSION. ene Longtreet Said to be After the New Orleans Collectorship. slal Dspateh th. New Orlisas Orm=.jL W t~nomow, D. C., Feb. 12.-The Senate oom alnte a foreign relations have agreed to report toy on the HEglish naturalization treaty. They ,e six against to a fr the Alabasa treayt Boar ra members continue to present Southern Talro  bsidizing bills. Thea is no probability of admissdon of Miseis gippi as session. Ge ongstreet i in the city, and is said to be an sla cant for the collectorship of New Or. man.. DELTA. FRO' II JEFFERSON, TEXAS. TERRIB:E DISASTER-BURNING OF THE STEAMER MITTIE SIEPHENS. SIX l.Y-THREIE LIVES LOST. Victls of the Disaster from New i Orleans. BOAT AND CARGO A TOTAL LOSS. The Survivors at Jefferson, JiritrFsox, Texa, Feb. 12.-The steamer Mittle StepLhes was bured in Caddo Lake, last night, at midnight. Sixty-three lives leost, among them Mr. W. A. Broadwell and Mrs. 8. L. Lyon and her son Fr ak, of New Orleans. The crorvivors, forty-three in number, arrived here by the steamer Dixie this evening. Boat and cargo are a total losse. W &bHINGTON. TRURBDAY'S PROCEEDINGS IN CONGRESS. THE SPIRIT OF THE HOUSE-BINGHAM AND BUTLER PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT FOR MISSISSIPPI-SYN OPSIS OF THE BILL. The Militia and Postal Railroad Bill Passes the House, THE 12D PARALLEL PACIFIC RAILROAD The Writ Against Underwood, THE DRY TORTU(-,AS I'ItlSONERS. W iiscNaoroN, Feb. 12-Noon.-The spirit per vading the House may be imagined from the fol lowingextracts from yesterday's proceedings : Mr. Butler-" I take back nothing." Mr. Itangham--"Then I ask the Houe to compel you to take back your revolutionary resolution. That is something that the gentleman cannot re tract,aud I denounce it here to-day, before this Rouse and before the people of the country, as being as unwarranted as any act of secesielon. I denoon ed, as a representative of the people thib attempt to inaugurate revolution upon the floor of hiL Bosne. I will oppose the reference of the resoluntion ua seeming to commit the House in some sort to a challenge of your own law. How would it look for us to refer another resolution suaggested by the speech of the entlestan, Mr. Butler, and that is that she House should be authorized, to use the gen tlean'sa language, 'if the Senate wonid not re. tire from the joint convention, to kick it out.' The gentleman from MaYaschusette should be eaptain in the kicking operation. (Launghter.) I think the gentleman cannot gainsay his speech in that behalf, which brought down the galleries and split the ears of the groundlinga, and it la illustrated in the animus of his resolutloo. I denounce it here au a reolutlon of revolution. I denounce it ua a resolution of anarcoy, The idea of the House of Representa tires kicking the Senate of the United State ! Abort tihe time you will have kicked the law-mak ing poer, oout of existence you will have proved yourselcns greater architects of your country 's ruin tLa did the millions of men who, for four years, waged war upon your Constitution and your la's, drenching your land with blood and ridgi~r t all over with graves." hr l~tier (aside).-" I always did like that speechd f Mr. Bingham's." (Langhter.) An.tbtr : Mr.. mWSenck--" I have not the slightest idea of propesiig the censure of the speaker. 1 think he was exscrted like the rest of av." Mr. C lfax--" He was not." Mr. henck--" There is only a difference of opinion hbout that."  &,,,t-After the reports of committees, not includtijn the judiciary or Virgiola, the Senate pro ceeded a the consideration of private bills. liu. --The privileged resolution of Burtler was resumeS. The Npreme Court heard argument on the writ o~ rohibltion against Judge Underwood, from n4:ifying the acton of the Virginia courts. The r cosstruction committee further considered , Miaaimpi without action. Wao iSlOo , Feb. 12-Evening.-Io,,se--A petition from the Mew York brewer. wan pre sented, king for the repeal of the tariff on Canidia barley, the home product being lnsuof ficent i quantity and quality. A hil was pained allowing the crew of the Eeara $1J0,000 prize money for destroying the Confedl ate crniser Alabama. The r construction committee reported a bill organi, ig a provisional government for Kin imuippi. It act orises the reassembling of the conven tion for iwith, by order of the president thereof, and in c se of hia failure within thrity days by order the commanding genral of the district. The onvention, in addition to its present powere shall ppoint a provisional governor, and ay re ove adapspolint all State county, town ship an otherodera of the provsonal govern ment, othorise the provisional governor to re movre a appelat registers and judges ,of elec eons, ad sbmit to the people with or withount smetdnient the Constitution heretofore framed by the conventton. The bill exempts from attachment or sale house. hold property or implements of the value of $500, sad authorizes the convention to pass ordinan. ce consistent with the coustitation sad laws of the United States, for the protection of life, liberty and property. The convention shall not eotiwe in sesson longler than 30 days. nor allow members more than five dollars per day, nor more than ten cents per mile, milesge. Ordinance of the convention to remain in force until disapproved by Congress, or until the state is admitted. Jury trials for offense against the State laws are ordered. Milltary commanders shall aid the provisional government in preserving the peace and enforcing the laws. After adjournment of the convention the pro visional governor may remove and appoint offi cers, subject to the orders of the preident of the United State, who may at any time remove the governor and appoint his successor. State and federal courts shall have concurrent jurisdiction in offenses against a fair and free vote. The poll tax shall not exceed one dollar and a half per year. The bill was ordered printed and recom. mitted. After a severe struggle Butler's resolution and several amendments were tabled. The bill authorising a military and postal rall road from Wsshington to New York passed 100 to 54. Becess. The Hoose considers the tax bill to-night. Senate-After considering several private bills, the currency bill was discassed to adjourament. It is stated aI.sw " ian applinant for the New Orleans torship. bHoa iad committee heard Generale Fremot and Heintzelman to-day in favor of a road over the thirty-third parallel. James Lyons has addressed the Supreme Court in support of the writ of prohibition against Un derwood. A. B. Guigan wasin court to take care of the interest of Peter Phillips, sentenced for wife murder and rescued by Underwood's rulings, but made no argument in opposition to the writ. In the Supreme Court to-day Evarts stated that he had been served by the petitioners with a notice of an application for habeas corpus for the Tore tugas prisoners, but unless the court served him with a notice he would consider the motion ex parte. FROM OBILE. The Fertheemag Prees Coonvesatta. MOBILs, Feb. 12.-The Mobile Board of Trade will do all in their power to render the visit of the members of the Press Convention in this city, on the 17th, agreeable, and desire to extend their at tentions and hospitalities to such members of the press. North and West, as well as South, as find it convenient to be present. The Mobile and Mont. gomery and Mobile and Ohio Railroads will pass members of the press to and from the convention free. It is hoped connecting and more remote lines will do the same. The Board of Trade has tendered the use of its hall to the convention: FROM MAIH VILLE. keslpnasle of Qev. rewatlnw-Preeiams. folea t eleetiea-Fl aeral of a Mardered -e dter-Grea F tre I InPsakIta. Teaa.-The Teasees, Legislatore sad she Mtlllal. NAIsa ILLE. Feb. 11.-Nearly the entire busi ness portion of Franklin, Tennessee, was destroyed by Are this morning. Loss $100,000, mostly In sured. The fire was the work of a negro incendiary, who was shot as he emerged from a store he had fired. It is probable that the resolution adopted by the House yesterday, requiring the governor to disband the militia, will meet with the concurrence of the Senate, though strong efforts will be made to defeat It. NASHVILLE, Feb. 11.-Gov. Brownlow tendered his resignation to the Legislature to-day, to take effect on the 25th. The governor has Issued a proclamation stating that he has given certificates of election to Lell man and Smith. Republican oandidates for Con grea in the Bedford and Memphis districts. He arrived at this result by throwing out the votes of certain counties and distriots. Both seats will be contested, Capt. Sheaf and Dr. Leftwich hasv eng man6rities of the legal votes oast. Private Ford, of the 46th regulars. killed by Muhlman, was buried to-day with military hon ors, all the regulars at this post participating. The homicide caused considerable indignation among the regulars, and further difficulties are apprehended. Steps will be taken to prevent anything of the kind. FROM MEMPHI5. Stabbing AKSair. Maxrais, Feb. 12.-A printer named John Brown, engaged in the Avalanche office, was found this morning. about day light, near the corner of Second and Jefferson streets, fearfully stabbed. He refuses to disclose the name of his assailant, but the police have arrested Wm. Mullins, another printer, on strong circumstantial evidence. Brown is In a critical condition. Mullins was sent to jail to await the result of Brown's Injuries. FROM COLUMBIA, 8. C, The oSeth Careolas Legtltature. COLrMBTA, 8. C., Feb. 12 -An act to enforce the provisions of the civil rights bill was passed by the General Assembly to-day. FROM ATLANTA. The sergta Legtslaturo. ArlIArNT-a, Feb. 12.-The Georgia Legislature to day passed, almost unanimously, a resolution to elect representatives to Congress on lirst Monday in April. FROM EUROPI. Soers to the Cortes. M~ADRID, Feb. 12.-The city is profusely orna ,mented in honor of the assembling of the cortes. toerrano delivered a congratulatory address. FRO HAVANA. Attempt to Explode a Powder Magr atue PlFuater' Loa--ere ants Meetlag-Con tnsned Arrests-As English Coasnl Arrested -The 8thnews of War. HAvANA, Feb. 11.-A person painted black olimbed the walls of Fort Punts ior the purpose oi exploding the powder magazine. The sentinel wounded him. The planters' meeting passed a resolution gacs. ranteeing a nine million loan by ten per cent. of their property. The merchants had a meeting to-night for the purpose of raising money to asslt the govern ment. Arrests by the military and police continue fre. quent in the city and throughout the irland. Among the prisoners are many well known plant. ers. merchants anti iwyers. The English consul at Cardenas is among those arrested. The Prensa says at present Jimenes, Planita and CassanOva are the only rebel leaders in the central department. No other chiefs with men have ap peared. The nnnber of rebels at Camarone is supposed to be 3000. The meeting of merchants last night to raise funda for the government had no decisive results. A mixed commission of merchants ana planters was appointed, with instructions to report a plan for supplying the needs of the government quickly and securely, without imposing additional burdens upon the middle or poorer classes. FROW THE PANE. SorRvnwus PAss, Feb. 11 --Noon.-Barometer 30:20. Wnd east and fresh. Arrived: Steamship Pantheon, Beeley, Liverpool, to Ashbridge, Smith & Co.; steamship Agnese, Wilson, Galveston, to C. A. Whitney & Co.; ship Assamun Valley, o. berts, from Liverpool, to Manry & Co.; bark Dui -ra·iUI, Meslni, from Palermo, with fruit, to J. G3reande; sohooner Agelinas, Ward, from Utilla, with fruit, to d. B. P16in ; schooner Androme da, Smpeon, from Turk's Island. with salt, to A. Couteerle & Co. Sailed: Steamship Juniats sad brig Lady Mohek. Borrgwm PAss. Feb. 12-6 F. x.-Baro meter 30.15; wimnd east and fresh. Arrived: Bark Granton, Grmedell, Liverpool, salt to order; schooner Three B8ters, Henderson, Ruatan, trait to K. Morgna; schooner Henrietta, Snow, fruit to F. Pierce. Sailed: Steamships Sxonal and Clitom sad ship Oledonas. RlVZR rWsw. Vlcxsume, Feb. 12.-Paied up: Magenta at noon. River falling. ST. Lous, Feb. 12.-River falling slowly. LoUeriVLLE, Feb. 12.-River rislag, 8 feet 9 inches water in the canal. CAIRo, Feb. 12.-Passed down: Peoria City at 2 A. M., Mollie Ebart as 2 A. IL, and Cora at 1 r. x. Up: Argeonat, Silver Moon, Virginia, Groesbeck and Hamilton. River rose one Inch. Westher clear and pleasant. MYaYPms, Feb. 12.-Weather clear sad pleasant. River rising steadily. Departed: Belle St.Louis, for St Louis, Norman. with 700 bales of cotton for Evansville, qpd Sam Bale, with 1700 bales for Cincinnati. MAlt=1r. LoweNo, Feb. 12-Noon.-Consols unchanged ; bonds 733 ; sugar firm both on the spot and afloat. LiVzarooL, Feb. 12-Noon.-Cottoo quiet; mid dling uplands t12Jl12d.: middling Orleans 124~ 12fd.; sales 10,000 bales. Sales fur the week 63,000 bales, of which 4000 bales were for export and 22,000 bales for speculation; stock 285,000 bales, of which 94.000 bales are Americas ; corn, old 33s. 6d.. new Sis. 3d. LIVarwooL, Feb. 12.-Stock of cottoa afloat 286,000 bales, of which 116,000 bales are Ameri. esi Jj el roulard to-day estelt /Ad Lowsst, Feb. 12-Evening.-Sugar excited ; on the spot 38s. td.. afloat 28s. 9d. LIvERPOOL, Feb. 12-Afternoon.-Yarns and fabrics at Manchester heavy. LlarPooL, Feb. 12-Evening.-Cottou easier but not lower. Middling uplands 1246@l2d., mid dling Orleans 12@12;d. Sales 8000 bales. Losaorc, Feb. 12.-Evening-Consols, 93; bonds, 774. Tallow, 45.. 9d. Sugar firm; afloat, 28s. 6d. LIvsRPOOL, Feb. 12.-Evening-Oid Corn, 33s. New, 31. HAvRE, Feb. 12.-Cotton unchanged. HAVANA, Feb. 12.-Sugar still advancing. No. 12 closed at 910@9 reals. Exchange on London 16017 premium, on the United States sixty days currency 23@22 discount. Gold 4J@5 premium.! New YoaR, Feb. 12-Evening-uotton dull and lower; sales 2000 bales; middling uplands 300. Floor less active and soarcely so firm, and prices without decided change. Wheat less active and scarcely so firm. Corn less active; new lower, old white firmer; mixed Western, new 92@94c., old $1 0-4@1 06. Oats firm. Pork doll and heavy, $32(32 50. Lard lower, kettle 20)@20jo. Whisky quiet and unchanged. Rice doll. Sugar excited, muscovado 12 (g130. Coffee firm. Molasses ex cited, New Orleans 75@78o. Turpentine 57@574c. Rosin $2 50®8. Freights drooping; cotton by steam 4d. Nsw YoRE, Feb.)12.-Money easy and abundant at 5@7 per cent. Gold 135. Sterling 109.lo Southern securities generally quiet. Stocks closed dull. New Yoax, Feb. 12.-Evening-Capital in abundant supply; prime discounts 7@8c.; Loauis iana Levees, 67c. ; 5-20's of '62, 114; of 't;4, 111,; of '65, 113;; do. new, 110;; of '67, 1101c.: of '68, 110 ; 10-40's, 1011. MonrLs, Feb. 12.-Cotton receipts for the week 8646 bales. Exports-foreign. none; coastwise, 1856 bales. Stock on hand 60,333 bales. Sales for the week 7850 bales. Sales to-day 800 bales. Market quiet. Low Middlings 271. Receipts to. day 2784 bales. ST. Loris, Feb. 12.-Flour $5 35@6. Wheat $1 75. Corn 72(475c. Oats 65668. Barley dull. Rye $1 28@1 30. Whisky 95c. Pork $33 50. Bulk shounalders 13c., clear sides 164j. Baton shoul ders 14'c., clear rib sides 17tc., clear sides 1840. Lard 20c. CIlcolNNATI, Feb. 12.-Family flour $7@7 50. Corn 63@64c. Oats 66(67c. Whisky 95c. Bulk shoulders 134c. Bacon shoulders 14.c. Pork $3. Lard 20c. AICAcO, Feb. 12.-Superfine Flour $5 2518 50. Wheat $1 2401 26. Corn 659c. Oats 54@0 551c. Rye $1 20. Barley $1 !:. Highwinee 1:4c. Pork $32@3" 50. Lard 19@l1c. Bulk ahoul ders 13ec. MiMpnmi, Feb. 12.-Cotton easier. Middling uplands 2-.jc. Week's receipts 10.189 bales. Ex ports Nota 11,393 bales. Stock 26,384 bales. LouImrvILLE, Feb. 12.-Sales 03 bhde. teobaoo at $5®29. Pork $33. Lard 2"c. Bacon--should. era 144c., clear rib sides Ie., clear sides 18c. Bulk shoulders 14c.. sides 17l4171c. Superfiue flor ,3 75(G 25. Corn 60GiJc. Oats 60@:33c. Whisky 96c. Arrtivals at the Prsmlcpal Hotels. CITY HOTEL. Dr Jean, N Y. Ben L Crater: MYa G(o bargent and servant, Miss Roe Gordon, Mis : Mki,; . (3 Wilmci, d.o, Wm W Warner, La; F E Evans, La; R M Walsh. La: Jan P Wtntson. turton R D Osbura, Mne. Sam 8 Alexaeder, city, J . tiltiret1 m, t Cnrse Are. .I M Strood; Jas F Hiobames, Mobile; ii Marshal. city lno Sitrrett. ,Jr, C,n. Ii T lilictt, CI, L L Buller La. Mrs J T Bodle and children, W e Wood. Ala; Ala: J A Hildreth. Ky: S (7r ssb., Mies, W C Day, Mia Mobt Day, do. 0 Brande1, NY. Mr. Baldwick; Wm B Ltreet and family: Dr J H Pope; Col G I Carker. lTet Mrs Bendrix and sou: RichaRld O(nes. city. W Hortor, (' irc. J D Venner and family Mr. Bark, Louisville; C A Park.. La. J W anfield. WH Arnold, wife and child; C II Davs. La. S B McLean, Miss H FL ocher, Min: ML ,Rancopi, La, F Bail Lonirsvll.e. ST. CIARLES HOTEL. J H Brooks, Boston. J A Ticker. Boston: W A Tucker. do: J F Bhey, Louisville: N i Turner. Lonisville; H J Stevens.ol asd wife. N Y; J W Le Bisana, Washington: Ueo W Storm, Montgooiery, Mrs C Linoe and ciildrea, K Liverford Montgomery; R Ht Byv, rc ity: Chas Brick;ey. Houston; A B Rtainmune, Mirn : Col W Sharp, Texas: Br B Victouor. ct); tL LIeverson, Slemphic; J B Drury. Memphim , J aS Loftun. do, " m Dean, Pltacborg. 3 L Osgoed. BT. JANUS HOTEL. W O Caten. str Olive Branch; A Koskllno, ; C RWheeler. La: W White, La; F H Sansy, Ark: AP Jonus Ky; td Aieaander, Ark; J 1' De LoIPo, Fl.a; w resole: 'C A Peltin. Nut: A O 5orrison. T"am., J 5 M konbrongh, Va: TI oaJao-b.t river, O Silcrioni La. Jbn U ck ar rajmily, La; HUM Penlito. La; T N i'r:5. La: L f C!s, La; (;us ailador,. art, J Earnest. Al.; -a Co rths, Bal, n: . ; Jau Iidwick, Looisvi'e. OUA(ITITA HOUsE. FR iBrown. Eldorado Aik. M D:,on, Proy.dese,. IL; V' io,,lr, b. K arnp -t. Jamo W Btoo.hrr. "irx. Joe Edward, lbaoas Land. W J Eddinston, Mero Land ing. ioi: K Noble, Winn gariah, La; i A Thigpen, Morebonss par J ('rrll and onre s k; AP Forrls, Morehouse par- James h iteven., Massoli, ishb, La: Mus. RiroRt Al TII GEN. IaBAST's CABINET.-A Wash. ington dispatch of the 7th to the New York \\ orld, esays: A Sunday morning paper here pub lirhes the following, which is sent for what it is worth: " Last eve:ning political circles were very ouch excited ov,-r what seemed to be well au thenticated rumors among well informed politi. cians in regard to the probable complexion of (;en. (rant's cabinet. It is said that Chief Jus reice Chase will resign his position and become our minister to England, and that William MLI. Everts, the present distinguiolshed attorney general, will be appointed chief justice of the Supreme Court. That Benator Morton, of Indiana, will be made secretary of the treasury; Hamilton Fish. of New York, secretary of war; John Lathrop Mot ley, of Massachusette, secretary of state; Admi ral Porter, secretary of the navy; Senator Nye, of Nevada, secretary of the interior; John W. l'orney, of Pennsylvania, postmaster general, and Wilhlam E. Chandler, attorney general. There can no longer be any doubt but what Elihu B. Washburne. of Illinois, will be onur minister to France." The paper adds that the above im. pressions were entertained by many at Secretary Seward's grand reception and diplomatic dinner last night. THe Trn's SALVtIATiON.-The interior bark of the soap tree of Chili is admitted by botanists to possess cleansing and preservative qualities nu shared by any other known substance. Its native name, guilia, is from quilian, to make elean. This matchless antiseptic is a main constituent of the famous preparation for the teeth known as orodont, which has long since taken the lead of every other article of its class throughout the Western hemisphere. The rapidity with which Plantation Bitters have become a household necessity throughout the civ ilized nations, is without a parallel in the history of the world. Over five million bottles were sold in twelve months, uad the demand is daily iocreas ing. Bich and poor, young and old, ladies, physi tians and clergymen, find that it revives drooping spirits, lends strength to the system, vigor to the mind, and is exhausted nature's.great restorer. It is compounded of the choicest roots and herbs. the celebrated Calisays or Peruvin bark, etc., all preserved in pure St. Croix rum. It is sold by all respectable dealers In every town, parish. village and hamlet through North sad Bouth America, Etrope and all the islands of the ocean. TIIE SCIAL EQUALUIT QUIWTII, Negroes visit the Academy of Musie. Clse upo. the passage by the Ienate, of the civil rights bill, two colored rme, peemmulg upon the accepted idea with their class, that a man keeping a hotel, theater or other lieoused place of reort, is compelled to entertain them, provi ded they pay like white men, Iast might obtained seats in the parquette of the Academy of Made, and remained there sadisovered until the inter mission, at which time the usher was informed of the fact by a gentleman who recognised a bright mulatto belonging to the Cassaave family, of which there are three brotherm In this city, bat who could not designate which one It was. After the intermission they were searched for over the house but could not be sees. Neither the proprieter of the Academy nor Treasurer Kittredge was apprised of the pres. ence of colored men at the theater until after the performance, and therefore were not enabled to enforce the rules of the house. That the Casanave present should have purchased his a complexion to deceive the most inexperienced as to his race. The Casanave alluded to is prob. ahbly the second of the brothers, and known as B. Felix Casanave, who was defeated for the office of street commissioner on the Republican tickte, at the last election. The other colored man was not known. satl _nttmtcleu. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in city money was burned at the Gas Works yes terday in the presence of the proper officials, making a total of $350,000 thus far destroyed. The money consisted of bills of every description in bundles of $6000 each, and the proces verbal was signed by Mayor Conway, Controller Landry, Treasurer Mount, Assistant Alderman Fisher, Thomas Layton, president Southern Bank; John G. Devereaux. cashier; C. Livaudais, assistant cashier, and others. TriT PUBLIc SCHOOL TEACHnER will doubtless be grataled by the announcement that to-day, at the city treasurer's office, the pay rolls for January will be paid, and not in city money, but in crisp new greenbacks. ABOUT HALF PAST TIN O'CLOCK on Thursday night as Col. J. B. Walton was going up town in one of the Camp street cars, he sas robbed of a pocket-book containing fifty dollars in moey, and papers valued at several hundred more. Special officers Boullosa and Dumas, yesterday, recovered all of the stolen property with the exception of the money, and deposited it at the station to be returned to its owner. TH TxvaAvs yesterday, as shown by the thermometer at C. Duramel's,111 Canal street, lately corner Bienville and Chartree streets, was as follows: At 6A.. x. 54 degrees; 12 x. 63; 3 P. I. 65; 6 P. x. 64. Tnu CONDITION of the dirt streets in the third ward, back of Mognolia street, was reported yes terday by Corporal Creagh to Capt. Edgeworth of the sanitary police as requiring immediate atten tion, it being asserted that the gutters are on a level with the sidewalk in most places, and that grading is badiy needed. Capt. Edgeworth has reported the fact to the street commissioner. Tan BoARD or PoLICE CoiersloNLas propose to immediately vacate their preent quarters, at the corner of Lafayette and St. Charles streets, on account of the insecure condition of the build ing, the rafters of which, it is said, are setting in ward at a rate which during the past two weeks has been alarming, threatening serious consequences. The board held its session down stairs yesterday on this same acccunt. Jones Dra.ULL's INDIsPOSITION continuing, there was no session of the United States courts Sesterday. THE CICARS BRECTI. SEIT7D by Collector Ful ler while they were being landed in hampers of garlic, were yesterday sold at the Custom House at auction, by the U. S. Marshal, bringing $81 per thousand. SOPIBINTENDENT CAIN has, at the request of the chief engineer of the fire department. issued an order that any patrolman hereafter turning in a false alarm shall be brought before the police hoard for trial. Several instances of causeless slerms turned in of late have rendered this strin gent action necessary. * A DORSE RAN AWAY with a buggy from the corner of First and Magazine streets, about 8 o'clock on Thursday evening, throwing out the two occupants, Messrs. Johnson and Thomas, both of whom were slightly injured. SEPOEAT REILLY reported yesterday that the house of Mr. Stone, 130 St. Mary street, was bur glarionsly entered during Thursday night. The thieves, being discovered by the inmates, left in a hurry, carrying with them a pair of pants. THE TILL of Mr. Will's grocery store, at the corner of Josephine and Constance streets, was robbed of the sum of $60 at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon, while the officer on that beat was tak ing a prisoner to the station. Ms. E. F. KErLINorn, charged with shooting at and attempting to kill a car-driver in front of the customhonse a month or two ago, was found guilty of a simple asult yesterday. before Judge Abell, and, after a few words of advice, was honorably discharged. U. S. Drsarca A¶--roRrnr Ioaria yesterday failed Information against the distillery of Nimrod Johnson, at Gretna, the seizure o0 which by the acting collector, under direction of Supervisor Creecy, was reported a few days asince. THERR WAS LITILa done in the courts, yester day, of public interest. In the 'rrst, Judge Abel passed a few sentences, viz: Frank Riggs, nine months hard labor, for larceny: Alexander Wil liams, seven months penitentiary; James Norton, six months; Prosper Andry, thieving, two years bard labor in the penitentiary; Granville Drowry, 130, or one month Parish Prison; W. Parker, pick ing pockets, two months and ten days Parish Prison. FIFTH DIraTrcT CoRT.-In the case of the Louisiana State Lottery Cmpany vs. the Ala. bama Mutual Aid Association and others, conn eel for plainutifs yesterday took a role before ijdge Leaurnmonit, ordering Thos. L. Maxwell, civil sheriff, to prevent the selling anywhere in this parish, of lottery tickets of the Alabama State. Lthe judge has granted the prayer of the rule, and Sheriff Maxwell's deputies have been, some of them, occupied in closing the offices of those pereons who are contravening the injunction of Jodge Leaumont. .\ANOTHER MvSTRIOCs MLeRDoR.--Hon. Murray McConnell, an ex-member of the Illinois Legiala ture, and for a great number of years personally identified with the interests of Central Illino s, wes brutally aserssinated on the 9th, at his office in Jacksonville. The perpetrator of thedeed is un known, and the afiair rivals, in mystery, the mur der of Mr. Rogers in New York. OILS, DRUGS AND Gaocats.--Mr. Alf. H. Pier son, Noe. !5 and 97 Gravier street, has for sale English bicarbonate of soda, alcohol, linemed oil, boiled and raw; coal oil, concentrated lye, and all the best articles of imported drugs. One item of his varied and extensive stoek is a thousand ounces of quinine. He has also a large stock of ale, porter and fine wines sitable for medicinal purposes; all of which he offers to the trade at low figures. His advertisement containing a more extended account of his stock, appears in another column. Ladges and children attendaing the matinee at the Academy to-day can get cool drinks at five cents per glass, and other refreshments in pro portion. New York prices for the celebrated Grover & Baker sewing maohines, sad no charge for frelght. Mehie warranted for five yars. Only mancle nt for familie. 182 Canal street MAGNOLIA WAT.--SupDerior to the best ipm ported (Jermran Cologne, and sold at half the price. RKLIGIOUS. THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. SECON3 D DAY. The conveation re-assembled at S. Pal's Church, corner (leale and Camp streets, yester day morningl. The morning services were read b Rev. Dr. Btrong, of Baton Bonge; ev. Otis Hachett, of time dioeese of Arkaasm, and Rev. Mr. Adams, roetor of St. Psals, Bishop Wilmer pronouncing the beaediction. The minutes of the previous session having bn read and approved, the convention proeeded to bosiness. Bpeoial committes were appolnted, and the report of the standing oommtte was read. The ommittee upon the education of the col ored race olbred throeug Ha ehairmea, Rev. Mr. Lawson, rooter of Obrit Churh, Btrop. a re port ahowir te presnsat condition of the negro mind tewd relative lto its cepucity for reoely lag instreution, narraing the dieoulti to be en countered and recommending that as the co-. mltte hd s yet settled apes no systematic plea, the matter be left to the discretion of the respee. tire reaetos an each parish. Rev. Mr. Laweon stated that aid toward the end proposed had been refused the committee is New York, nates the Rev. Balla DaSa. ofe piphasy Churohb New Iberia. was opposed to the reoeipt of the report, Ssavoring a peitiel eharlter, sad soese quntl being out of place. Jas.D. MeConnell, aq., lay delegate from St. Paul's, favored the report being spread upon the minutes, and also uggeted the adaptation of the eharch musin and services to the wants of the colored people. He thought it the duty of the church to raise Its voice of warning against what might become theirhfatre coadition. Rev. Mr. Dan renewed his opposition to the report being received. It contained, he said, po litical truths not expedient to be told In church. He objected to the matter being brought into the convention at this late day. The report was recommitted with Instruotions for the committee to report some practicable system. The committee on the state of the church gave notice, through its eharmea, Rev. Dr. Dal sell, of St. Mark's, Shreveport, that a meeting of said eommlttee would be held immediately after adjournment teat day. The report of the treasurer of the Protestant Episcopal Assoctation was received and read, showing a balance of $77 92 cash on hand. The annual lncome may be set down at $1600. The report proposes an increase of the fund so that the Interest thereof may be relied upon In lieu of annual contributions from the parishes. The total assets of the assooation are reported as amounting to $21,300. The report was referred to a speocal committee of five, by whom it was subsequently pronounced correct. The order of the day was then taken up, it be ing a motion by Rev. Mr. Dun. fixing the annual time for the conventions assembling on Ascension hea mover spoke briefly In advocacy of the pro position as Identifying the sessions with one of the lesats of the church. Rev. Mr. Gallagher of Trinity Church, Jackson street, thought this motion oonlicted with the law which permits each convention to declde where and when the next shall assemble. Rev. Mr. Donn did not regard this as a vital ob jection. Mr. McConnell opposed the motion. It had been mooted at the last convention, and the pres eat time of meeting had already been decided upon with a view to the beat interest end con venience of the clergy sand laity from the coun Rev. Dr. Dalsell said, as one coming from a dis tance, that the time of meeting was a matter of indifference to him. He found that the conven tion was no better attended by the laity in Feb ruary than in May. and is no larger in 1869 than it was in 1868 or 1867. Bishop Wilmer took the view that the conven tion had no authority to determine on what day the convention, two years hence, shaell usmbla. Only that of next year was to be provided for. The resolution by Rev. Mr. Dunn being acooord. ingly put to vote was lost. An amendment by Rev. Mr. Lawson, fixing Ascension Day as the date of assembling for the convention of 1870, was however carried. The convention then proceeded to make the following elections, vis: Standing Committee -Clergy : Revs. W. F. Adams, Dr. Lewis, and T. R. B. Trader. Laity: Messrs. Thos. Sloe, Robt. Mutt and H. V. Ogden. IDelegates to General Convention - Clergy: Revs. Mr. Adams, Dr. Dalzell, Mr. Girault, Mr. Lawson. Laity: Messrs. A. S. Herron, McCoan tell, Mott, O. L. Cox. Missionary Committee-Clergy : Revs. Dr. Strong, Mr. Dillon, Mr. Gallagher, Messrs. E. P. Cleaveland, Lloyd, Dr. 8. R. Chambers. Trustees Theological Seminary-Rev. Messrs. Hilton of St. Mary's Church, Franklin. Duncan of Enmanuel's Church, Jefferson, Dr. Mercer, Mr. Bein. Directors P. E. Association-Revs. Drs. Lea cock, hedges, Lewis, Revs. Messrs. Girault, Ad. ams. Gallagher, Memar. 81oo, Dix, Grimshaw, McConnell, Lloyd, Nugent. Trustees of the University of the South-Rev. Mr. Lawson, Mr. Grlmshawe, Dr. Mercer. The committee on canons reported an amend ment, the effect of which is that each rector an anally furnish the bishop statistics of the work done in bla parish. Also an additional canon (X) providing a mcde for amendment of the canons when necessary. In accordance with a suggestion from the blshop, Rev. Mr. Gallager moved that measures be taken for procurilng annuals reports from the varons church educational and oharitable lstitu tions, to be submitted to the convention here after. This was adopted, after which, without further important buainess, the convention ad journed to this morningat 10 A. u. GEN. JACKSON AND THa OLD UNITD SnTA-sg BANK.-A correspondent of the Boston Traveller relates the following incident in connection with Gen. Jackson's opposition to the old United Btaten Buank. The facts in the case of the interview be tween Gen. Jackson and David Henshaw are these, as related by Mr. Henshaw himself: The Whig committee had so far succeeded with Gee. Jackson that there was an implied if not actual romise to yield to their request in regard to the nited States Bank. This coming to the ears of Mr. Henshaw, that gentlemen determined to cir cumvent them. Knowlrg that Gen. Jackson was to leave for New York the following morn ing, he called at his hotel after midnight. Bending up his card by the servant. he wasu lo formed that Gen. Jackson was about retiring. But this did not deter him from seeking an inter view, and the servant was obliged to conduct him to the general's room. Entering, he found the general seated on the edge of the bed, with his pipe in his mouth. "* General," said Mr. Ken shaw, " do you remember the promise you mde d" "Yes, by the etaernal, I do!" was the reply. "Good night, general, and a safe return to Wash ington," was the only remark made by Mr. Hen shaw. He knew that the old man's oath meant all. David Henshaw by his own powerfil will had overcome and conquered the greatest political faction Mnachusetts ever knew. AN INCIDrNT IN PAIts.-The Pall Mali Guaette tells this story : "An amusing incident oocurred at the opening of the French Chambers, on Monday. A newly appointed attach6 st the American em bassy came to witness the ceremony, but, being nnknown to the police, was stopped by the two ofltals st the door, who asLked him his name. The mattnch nswered something in Eoglish, end at tempted to pro on, but the ooials refused to ad mit him. This so enraged the American that he seized the two offmtcals by the collar, nad knocked their heeds agaist each other two or three times. Aun oficer now came up asked the attachi for his card, which was immediately prodnced, and had a remarkable effect on the conduct of the poliee men, notwithstanding the hard usage they had re ceived. They bowed profooundly. and with much mtpresieitent showed the attschd to his seat." The chief of police In St. Louis has a letter be fore him from an indignat wife in Illinois. It is dated January 28th, nad begies autollows: To thb Chief of Poles, a8 laoiS: 'Bespected Sir I am rnang To you for informa tion ConcernIng my bhusband I receIved a lettebr directed to him from St. Lewis from Some wo mnu that Bote to him calling him dear huasbad I wish you would go to the - house and learn what Right she hen Calling my Huosbeond Hern." By the oly sewig machtem fit for family me, the Grover & Baker. Warranted for five ye~rs. Quilter, braider and hemmer given with each me chine at 182 Canal street. MASONIC. The Grand Lodge of Lounaina. IJUALLaIZ OF OfOLRI. The Grand Idg resumed last esing at MN some Hall tn labors, which consisted In the in stallatlon for the eanang year of th eaer, the first Ave of whom had been elected on the proioes night, while the mase of the remainder as pub lished below wer announced before the lastlla tion ceremoes began. The followeg a oem plate list of the oficers Installed: W. B. Samuel Meaning Todd, of Marion Lodge No. 68, M. W. 6. M., who pp ed W. B. S. G. Parsomen of Mount Gorkim Idge No. 54, R. W. Deputy G. M. W. B. Ams Kent, of St. Helena Lodge No. 96. was elected R. W. Grand 8. W. W. B. Jena L. Barrett, of Union FPatsnel Lodge No. 5,. a W. Grand J. W. W. B. Beary . Swasey, of George Washlegtoe Lod e No. 6, B. W. Orand Treasurer. . BS. James C. Batchelor, .f Alpha Home Ledge No. 12, R. W. Gread Secretary. . W. Rev. C. B. Hedgee, ofGeorge Washingtos adeo. 65. Orsad Chaplain. W. IB. aL Babest, of Atchalalay Lodge Ms, 163 Juolor Grand useaos. B. B. Geo. W. Race, of Mt. Morh Lodge No. 59, Grand MarshaL W. B. Y. E. Gerard, of Hope Lodge No. 145. Grand Sword-bearer. W. B. George Baldy, of Linnwood Lodge No. 167 Grand Parsuivant W. B. Win. Robson, of Caddo Lodge No. 169; W. B. J. C. Miller, of Mt. Albane Ldge No. 28; W. B. J. B. Sorapar. of Concorde Lodge No. 3, and W. B. Oscar Carnowaki, of Hiram Lodp No. 70 Grand Stewards. W. B. A. Queaat, of Orleans Lodge No. 78, Grand Tyler. At the oonelusion of the Installation cerenoies. the following Board of Dsrectors of the Granad Lodge (Masonie) Hall was announced, via: 8. M. Todd, M. W. G. Y. H. R. Swasy, R. W. G. Treas. J. C. Batchelor, R. W. G. beet. W. M. Perkins, P. G. M. J. Q, A. Fellows, P. G. M. E. Barnett, P. D. G. M. John Anderson, Mount Morlah 59. R. L. Bruce, Excelsior 166. J. G. PFlelsg, Qoutma 76. Ed. Marks, Dudley 66. J. P. Honer, Orient 173. Geo. G. Garner, Loualaona 102. Without further business the Grand Lodge was olosed. The mankas ]aw. WAslNoox, Feb. 9.-The :Hoase Oonlttee on banking and curreocy, at their meeting to day, had under consideration and agreed to a bil which paseed the Senate last session to emend the national banking law. The first soetion provides that ev national banking assooeation selected as a depeastory shall deposit United States bonds with the treasurer as security for such deposits, and wheonver the mosey so deposited shall not exceed ninety per cent. of the securities so held, the treasurer i required to reduce the amount of deposdt not exeeding ninety per ent. of the bonds so de posited. The same section also provides that no beak shall be selected as a depository where a sb treasury is located. It also imposes h y es and imprisenment on any oloer who sa pay or ofer to pay for obtaining or retn lag de positm of public money. The second section sets forth that within twelve months from the date of the notice served pon the controller of the currency by any banking assocaton, that its shareholders have voted to go Into liquidation, the association shall pay over to the treasurer the amount of its outstadling notes in lawful money, and take up the bonds whis the essoaenhas as deposit fee the ee curity of its circulating notes, into default of which the controller shall sell the said bonds to the highest bidder, at public auction, and from the proceeds pay over to the treasurer the amount equal to the outstanding ocrcllation of such asso elation, any surplus remaining to be paid to the oficers of the associatioo. Any bank whleh has heretofore gone Into liquidaston shall pay over to the treasurer lawful money, equal in amount to ts outstanding circulation, within twelve months from the date of the passage of this sat, In de fault of which its bonds shall be sold as above provided. The third section provides for a salary to re ceivers of $1500 per annum, wit4 a commission of two per cent. on the first $100,100, and one-half of one per.cent. upon all sums above $100,000, and not exceeding $500,000, anad onequarter of one per cent. on all sums above $500,000, to be paid by the controller of the currency, out of any moneys realised from the assets of the bank in the hands of the receiver. The House committee struck out the fourth seo tion of the SBeate bill providhbg for a distribution of the national banking currency, and Inserted a proposition of their own for a redbtribution of the ciroulation among the States of $22,849,355, of which the Southern States are to receive $14, 000,000, the West $6,000,000, and a change throughout all the other States that have not got their required quota covering the remaining $2,849,000. The secretary of the treasury and the controller of the crrency are required to carry out the provision of the bill. It is naderntood that Massachusetts has a ex cess of 18,000,000. New York opward of $8,000, 000, and the other New Englarl Staits, with Penneylvansal, the remainder or the exoeas. The Late Mrqutla f lnastlanee's irnltmre. [Ieom the Loe· Daly ews, Jan. Lt]. The coelly and elegant furniture removed from Donnlgton Park, Leioeetershirelate the property of the Marquis of Hastings, Is now being dispoeed of at the rooms of Mr. Phtllps, In New Bond street. Yesterday was the first day of the sae, when the following valuable lateo we sold: Bed room furnitltre, a opital 7 foot blrohwood ward robe, fitted with trans, drawers and dress peg, In closed by two panels and a plate glass door, with moulded coraloe-tweaty-elgt galaeas; an ex cellent Spanih mahogany-winged wardrobe, with rounded corners, center doors with plate glass. the interior fitted with trays, drawers, box and dress pegs-twenty two guaines; a capital 74 foot Spanish mahogpny-winged wardrobe, fitted with trays, drawers sad dress pegs, Inclosed by two panels and a plate glaedoor-twonty.four guineas. The library far nIture. a costly suit of rich crimson stia curtains for two lofty windows, lined and wedded, deep vilalce and draperies, trimmed with silk gimp and mere ; two paLr of do., en sult, and apr eoz pmkr, in th eame taste, sad two dep a n256 gulneas; a capital 4 at slfre oer walht frame sofa ad pillows, evered in satin to match the cartains, illhed with silk fringe, extra cretonne covers, arid set of Holland caes-twenty-mseven gaineasu; a magnificet black bubh library table, richly inlaid a-d mouated with chaste earystide, fgores, masks and mnealdlngp in ormola, 6 by 34 feet, the top lined with oria. son morocco, and a Holland cover-L100; a superh white and gold console cabinet, With ceter plate glass doors, anglar sides for OCiu ad marble slab, sad a console gt--s overt with brackets for eblh -elghty-nine gloneas; a pair of noble oadelabra, designed in Berrea, (Chilia, peinted in subjects after Greune, the reverse mides with birds and fowers supportlg lily lIghts for eleven can dies, and mounted with ouate ormela fgures, i faet high, on octago weod stadse. oovered in blue silk, with Holland o-ases-150l guinaeas; a pair of beauotiful old Orietal vases, 26 Inahee high. with medallions of lowers, rleved with gold on dark masrline bli groand-i gaiaeas; a pair of verde antiqa marble vases and coversm, of (re clan design, double handles, 56 Inches high-28 guineas; a pair of gold Chbelea seonaux, with raised grapes and vine lnves--5 guleasu; a handsome vermillion ground bottle. 23 inches igh, ooLtagen form--2O guineas a pair of e chairs, wL shell-ebshped backs. nd two readg chairs, with ebonized framee-41 gueas;thr black sad gold frame chairs..dhel beks, and a rocking chair covered i sati-S gulaes. A young lady, who I i tndignat at the typo graphical errors in her first pubdlshed poem, e presses herself as follows : "I wish I had that editor about half a alsute ; I'd basg him to his heart's con eat, sad with a I'd ja h bdjeye, and bones, sad spell it with a 4, And send hIm to that hid of his-lie spells it with aa e."