OCR Interpretation

The New Orleans crescent. [volume] (New Orleans, La.) 1866-1869, February 25, 1869, Morning, Image 3

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82015775/1869-02-25/ed-1/seq-3/

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INtU RAN(;1.
In nfordty with tho requni ntrem of teir Chart., the
Depany poblik the tollowing
lre reedve during the year eadlng Mt a, 1g.It
Jldtng unearne premium onf the prevlou year :
Fireitl Rssu .....,
O MRivero Risks .......................
Total Pr ....... . """""" IJ
Lore Presmimt.e Umeete 11.6 May.
INS . . . .......... 226.... !.. 47 00
eto Premirn.s.....
et Earned Premnums.. 31. May, 1 *....... $11 164 16
ILores paid:
On Fire Riks ............. .. 71 ,21
Or Marine Risks ............. 173,940 is
l 1l.o,09 91
Tu...... ..
Reaiusarnoe, Expenes., Profit
and Loge, ls lateret ..... 1U,:A2 34- 6314,14 S6
l " "I to ***...0......... $ s
i Pro t ..................... 7.3T
rComapeny have the following neets:
Real E ate .... . .1......, 7... .. ..s ,9 7
Note. Secured by Murt ...ge....... 7S,807 38
Note Ieared by Pledge ................... 9 147
Caeb 0e hea.. . 14(8 4
Premiums in coune of OoUecto ........... 80,7536
ty Bond . ............ ..... ......... 1 3 00
Sand Railrod to .................. 0 00 00
Dils Receivable ............................ 17.154 79
ircri. of Mutual Inuerros Con l !e..... 41) 8)6 00l
oc of Vallette IDry Dock (,'rnonyr...... I5,0lr
Lves SBteam Cotton 106a,........ 5,11 00
" M rne Dry Dock ............... .. 1,700
" Merchant,' rhan;-e. .......... 1 .'00 0
" Lghterlag and Wreckin. (`C .... 1,01 00)
Lonlsana ]quitable LIf, Ltno Co. 250 00
State Bonds .... .............. ............ 1,00 00
Total........................ ....... ,4 4 1
Sl~r~e Interest and Inter.rt pay
able in Juiy next on all eatstana
tlg brr, of the Comprny........ 101,246 I
1-five per cent of bcrip issue of
i86, paeyile In July............ 7)lr5 T7
araed :mir..s 31st May, 185L ., ZA6,47 (6-$133.756 9t
$!.67,0.. 266
The hab.oe tatement is a Just, tr.ie and correct trenucrip
from the ,..,k ut the ComIany.
JOHIN Pi;bLRTON, Preldent
PAUL FOU(RCHT. Secretary.
Purnrh of trle., ::) u: N-s Vr.oxat I1
F':r to IOna e bseh.7id belore t'. :,Lie 9th !,oy of Jana,
1;b. PAUC. W. OI)LLEh',
T-d Jnauce of the Pseao
A a meeting of the li.Brd of ie, :ors, raki o the .th
doy r .11 e 1m.. it ws roeesoed to a' e a 4cr.p Dbideod
( THIIIETY PI'R ('ENT on the Ir .'xl Partlcipating
Frenun:ue tou t:e year enoia 30)th t y I, for which cer.
trficatus wl he Ieenes on otol after `e fir-1 day of Angust
ext . A. t' , .y on aidt d f.,r tis !) ,con d Monday u July
rext TilTHTY- !i L PLR ('CNT.. t IltE bCIP I.SBL'r
Of I1 99 rI nix per celt. interest )Pl I onlesnlitng !9rip
of the * moay D
Jho, i'elrberton. P. Rasper. David Mctord,
M P L F ienreror PY r'e P..ts,
( :n ry, J• %r : , - .:I 8. Z. Ralf,
I 0 J .1 0 race
Oanr..: vy 0,.' htbi · r'the w .w il ., t:
Yotai Cre.,nam for ts. year 67ne. Feb
meary. Ir1................... ........... s~ac~t 4
Vle-Ir, ror.ni-tr . ...... ?rr 57
IMrrne PIr-'r  t ........ i,,L".7 ,)
'..vr PeronI- ....... .... . 01d 1s
S54.8,525 41
Lam RE i, Prim.ul a .... ..... .:065 .3
_ Rt  ot' ... .... . , , t:,:4
rg t e ntl lremlmn. . t.......`i :........... tt.18 67
.oames 1Fa1.
Fire Losoe ............. . 6 8.2 7 8
$.rroe Looem,......... ...... 104,°2 79
s r ostAes .......... ......... 94, ./h t t
.142.(R) 14
~!arsnlt lien of eei ........... , ,348 6
1 dutxe and internal Reven e....... 2,741
r.penore, B·ent. es., loss Dicout
A codt...... .........3 . . . ·,310
Clx per cent. irtereet en outstandi$
acrip to let March, 13... .......... 777 1,40
Reserve.d 'C r Unadf d Losses .. ..........11,77
The Oompaay have the fo'llewtg .. eae. which in the ti.
Investemd L ea ate ............ .......... M II
Invested In Oty snd other 6onde ............ 3,2"O 00
loted t Bnk anomd oter Rftockh ....... 123, O
n Se p ted t a lar ofers n, ........ e 13,31 mp
r waned w aid ed.....uc.. .i*ns * ar ** *** b euvae18,tt0 e
Kill Boulvehble....... ..3,2,·* ··lKdd·* M* 6;*
p reantusn arse ofuo( Col~eos ~. ·. ...........2..
thab8 a Lvbr .... . . . ........*.**** *11.6113 4
The above steret ea i st. r ~d mnd resewls
Ip oe osos ef lt Uompeay.
0. F. 3oys. U*oIt.Pde
wu to aud eshmeed berre r4 thinS 31 da 6 Mar,
h elegal holdnerthe(eoloo* Ih(°1 loodoyof MY, at
Awe. aon zar Vie Presldemt.
AgO. Oerttesr . illfutrr
S7..oh naoyru. i
p. ro. Andynbon.
Alfd n. m. . n.,"P."
A. KrerlthP, S. WeIR.
So. .o.oe.
J Oy. DAoIDmON,.
&. Wz TleO, h,.dip Sin.o
L H. A. (F5O
L N. iRfTOLp, M . r. , E
a :E 17177 l g on tW u
J Ofl.~ DAVIDPIiN, prost Nt .
W. 0 TO M.D. IPiKE.O FT·
ALIRADER K 5 AR, V. 0.dl,'1 d
W. . P LE. V. Preldeletn Id m"
llor.t Al, Lostoet Liierett Aditnt aud l'roPl t
O ee*, or .er of amp sad CGaal .atrees.
Premnaus reelveed daring the year ending Deeem.
her Hy I84.............» ......................5433U 3 81
(lse., Tans, Expeas.a Neasureance, lse , paid
daring Same period ............................$190,175 20
t on the 31st Deembe, 8 b ................. $3,S4 76
aNw Oadrun January 11, 1199
At a meeting of the Board of DLrectore held on the 14th
rstent. it was relvred to declare a scrip dtiidend of FORTY
PER CENT. on the et earned participating premiums lor
the year end:ring ecembe 1P68 for which certitlcres
will be tsraed on and after Mare sad have further
'eolved to pay tlz Per Oant. ereston the outanding oee
tifleate of Scrip, on and after the second Moe lay of March,
t1i9. I. TUTES. Fedeat.
J. W. HOwes, Secretary.
Gee. Urquhart. T. B. Blanchard, Ohs. Ladtt(
A. k. rcher~n, Win. Steven, M. Pay7a
O. W. Babcotk, J. A. White, E. Mtltenberger,
Aug. Reirh.,rd. W'. F. Wlllame. J. Tayc.
-o1r ma
Rew Orleans. May Ra, 1968,
The Traetrs, Ineconformity to the charter, submit rthe fol.
owing statement of the affairs of the company on t.e itk
t.y of April, 1868:
Fr e Premiums for year.............. Z36.I22 9
Sarin.e Premiums for year............ 91.06_
iver Premiums fotrear............ 177.4
--- 5-- 517.T 15
I tat mot earned Prsnte .......... 5 .4 23
t:re lo:ass paid and es:titted..... $ 9.500 63
Srine ............................ A7.t i3
ler .................. ............. 5.572 t7
witd Taxes........ . ....... ...... . 86.1, 54
raid reinsurancersnd discour: In lien
of scri........................ .. 4.13 30
'( Intesrest, return premiums, gen*
eral expense losv discount etc.... 67.649 03
Net profts ......................... 51 9'
Te Company f bea thefollowing As".te:
:'. _ r .................. 9 7 4 a t
.o.st ot ondseed Mvrtgaje....... 69.13 33
- ----916.337 i
s"bh on rand ........... ....... 14.577 34
Leave ott pbod. r r. 5O Ki on c .1... t w. 00
. 167.874 So
.tars on pledge of stocks on time.... 11.2.
Rial Estate........................... I.t UU
t0ripe of other CompaLile and sort
aceon t ............................ 4 .0t 41
131.372 Ad
,nce olldated City Bonds.............. S'. J t d1
':.y Bonds........................... 96. 00
Rqtk and other stocks................ 196.937 17
521.617 17
toupony for (Cty Bonds pact dnr... 8.tLA ()
Jne for Promtnmis n course of co;
tdtion.......................... 41.810 0
The Company hare also:
3,: endied .Lte, SteoksAna Bod.. 5 63.365 11
S.r tted bcrtp sctuNnn .............. 7..9 2
to'ast anualldt. for.....S..........S 7.Y
The'.oces'ow "'!em t is atrcc and c errectlryneo pt f-r
THOd A. ADAMS, Prmident
oistr V. 00DmES BSecrtory.
City '. New Orine-M
r -rn to ande sebcrirhd Ltefor me, thts 23d day ofi day.
Becond Jusuce of the l'ece,
Pariah of Orlnsu.
' e C.otpay wilt piy Interest L ,r sct. hti eas on
!to (out.satdt g Lertflcatoe of Scrip to the legal .o:rs
.r-,f, on d ha.J l'tr t-.e wecotrl Mionday in June next
i: toutrs , f Trtt r"ct re .,lso idec:.red a Scrip Dividend
T!IIItTV.'TI .tE AND O.E-THIRKD per cent on te.c
Air - pun.inr a entitod to part1'ipatyon fur lthe yescere
,. AprH' ). tlia.. f.-r w','h ret rate, will be! ened on oud
terthe Grat M.ordy In Aguoet next. rlie of tiovertment taL
THIMAt A. ADAMS. President,
IFAOhltL H. KRI.NEDY, VicePreede't.
H1war V. Oeam Secretary.
ThOtas A. Adams, Pmnel H. Kennedy,
C(. . Bnadolka Sruamel B. Newman.
p. i. PFoey, Wtn. Edwards,
A. G. Oer., A. Thompson.
P. Ltimsn John Phelpe.
A. FJiner Bader. E. H. Summers.
Authorised Vapttail t it.*.@,
Altn Lare samdby tis 6'opsy are necered on Rslt Re
otle pr, erty on we.t.b It t *acureI, ,rd in ce of oonLtry
ui ,rrtty. tti dlnre .'ltlceai Inrt amOeim~to
h,". te" cr,,t o" profits pald to t'.lley Holdere.
itv,4erds dr.Sared arrnntbly aSd tranaterred at and otf evr
J. J I [)PKtS, ber ot]ry.
C. B. Pnoow. M. D., Medical Advisor.
W. D. (hhl, E. . Thurmnnd, I.R. Pebte.
heioarIiMartln, T . bitrpalrck. Win. (ordon,
C. A. bhalter, Win. P1. aepherd. D.D. Hartatekw .
Liberral eommlaslo0s will be paid to ood agentso Tenxse
Arkansas sad ulaasias.
D. H. NAI. Y, General Agrt,
apstl. ........ ....... *.*....... ... ....... *.
(,,,, W. & Pire, ldward anai?,
. W tose, W, B. rhimnid,
8!,c<mb, A Thtnltsoon, Alexaser Mache,
..t:honrio.t. ji. I:t ieur, C. E. Ilirardey.
.rorgs A. 7054105. Mdward Baett. Mcraei .5. Smith.
'orswn EITisOc. Pres:dent. W. Pr·1. VltePres!de~a
L.ttit DJatO , ien. Agente.C , W. P. HAarms, eret ar.
Ir. Liror7i , bt. Dr. J. i. Lewis. Dr. W. tC. Strcoli
ti. . A teauz. Aite~m e
tI L hPi ,d OF L'IE KIISKS TAKE-Onrdnary Li'e
C . . ndowr . t; Ten Annual Endowcent anod 're
Snn.l t.nd, wect: RrOtle Paymenot; Partric;i:patg ad
,,n Partilortigl Issued by this Ompesy a Iym er
i,,r Conpacy.
Capital ·tork..........................
With privilege to increase to $3.'Xh,0t.
tOiPe Io Cap street Btory Bd':ng, co-ner o camp
a tuommou streets.
4. Lr Ms.tzL UDop. Pra' dett; J. . LArra., Vie.Prest.Lent
E. N. alScus5. Secretary.
i (0ompacy eIsso t he inared the optlin or a rbate of
5 ]per cent. or • paLrticiptLee Is the a pretle, pyaute at
the end of eachrb year tn e
New OrleanS.
O n a PrsS............ * .... Aget .
Dr. L. I ..... ......................... JO T. SCOT.
The Atlas U -tce Lls anae o ,mpa - Issue a World.
Wide P ,try. Ihe .o .rred byit, s tewrm s r's.l ie altwed to
trec ol by see n ard lrd throsphnOt Shr hole wotti. w ltti .
et, 0 tdra ce tr pert I., o.i beaU hberty to toliow aoy ao ca
IlL o.. .C...::Lt~d.· eot.c cc.
OMee, We. 78 Camp trexr
Cc.rner , 1t :tcheb street.
Asutos cL toe 2,tt December. 1tG ., .... .1,11, 57ii
HMM PEiKE l .. .o, \I tc roieu.
A. W. firtvra, Fecretiry.
'I1'f, Conpany Cl'.tnres to ise e P,,',"ies on FIRE,
C1: ER and MARIeE rkb at the current ratos of prrmium
.. K C(onerse, O-tave Vornrts, Archie Woods,
A. i. 'M.y, cH-brt ii,re J M AMIn,.
ii N i lorell, ,. T. M-re. W  .er.
Jro ite, rs. P A c'haffrix. W d Perk:.s
S...............Caroadelel Street............... 8
Preminum for te year ...... ............ ~i 266
Lo .ese Paid................. .............. 192l710
Aseta, 30th April. I .................... OJt. t 1s
Is Capital Stock Department..... TEN PER GENT.
Ii Prenmim Department.... .FIFTEN PkR CENT.
This Company continues to tene Polices on I R', RIVET
aid MA RINE RISBK st the current rates of Premium.
All Dividade o the Company are payable In OASH, with
HARMON DOANE. Vice President.
ga. A. PALRnYr, Berretsry.
Moem Oraewood. Richard Mlllit.L
J. W. Btrbtrdge. Hamuel KN Moore.
W. A. Johnson. W. H. Heraieg.
John 1. Noblae J. J. Warren.
John Chaffs, Simon Bloch.
Ilugb McColL R T. Bockt r.
Marcha J. 1 m tb. Ear-el Friedlan ar.
L Caulfied. H. Frellsea.
Alfred S Eonttngton. Win. CrL.vy.
L. H terry. E. W. Rodd.
J. D. Blair. Jaeph Hoy.
RoCar tltkln. Perry Nugent
Ra nmboe.
-'FFIC. cr'1:. CAlr'O.)LtLr AN) '" IN SI t.
FIII. . tMAtld1 ...... IlVAL.
Ri.SK TA!d'N AT Til-. L(lSr.T TA½IF F RATE`.
E. LIANI trE . PFrLe-At'.".
A. BA .L WA1\. I ,, }-.. ',c.,
L. W. hAý 1 , ..est.
A I',ler, C""s. Is L  J., A i ,
A erer , I. io t H rd -d
S II. ta :,s, \1 , . 11-, i. J. t ,'4.
t, . . . . . A , -
A M , _r. . , . t .,, , ' , 1. Ina,
A V ..-it .i 1 .
'_ ootlrnrmity with the renuemetnor. of their chaster the
"(;MME KC'!AL INSURANCE (COMPANY pub!ill the fol
wing statement:
Atr nt of Premlmls fIr the year esdltg 1Ist ar.h. 1i
t:.r Premlon r.......... ......... 710r 4 204
S,.rtie tlmaeX s............... 99,5` 11
-.-- S.% 71
- r.-....... ...... ..I I
L' ,- . .e L .' ....................... 24 ',i 3 .
$1277 i4i
. .ruc ......................... 0 "
" -IM P. . . ........ . ...... ..... 4.79 l l
Ro.. E Pist and Lee, tc. teIn
ro est ........................ . 3.. 0!. 0 5-4 l3 al . t
lr 'e........ .. ..... ..... ?.jL o
,.. ,r ........... . . .... ....4... , 1 1
.r;,r l dS e ................... ..... 2  l'` 4 i
' fatcr Fte....... 116 -$40' 77 44
I e ob e-0 itatemetn t c Is e )ct, tenl. old corrOt tra'.,..'i.r
tos the books : the compon C.
S. B. BULCKNI.iA, Prre: '
firo. I E Swsr., BernErDtse'
-,rU t'o and stclecr:rod tbe!,!n r oe tit. 21i. do;" o' Apr i
i s. 'lleR ndIU S .lt. L ,, ret
A. ROCIIEREAU-W-V . . 1!''
4 I.i: AG1a.'T FOIl TIlE 6A.lE OF
AOU> n. O Ct CAdAMl'AGSiC..
Nee. !Ia nnd )N Sit. In.ts al trect.
NEi TON * ( AllP4ai.Y-
Si Tcholupittoulia iat.o*.
,omsniailon Melcihaets for the Piircusoe
ie -, olroar~in ad '.o- f Ilci-. LoAt.e..
Wici, Beeswax. Tc'l.w anO Tacncag
ClI sterinli,
II.ar. ie d '2 (r , '- .,,r e c:r-.t N- .Or', -*.
iW. H. hrsAs . P,. fILtlrfe. DIs'SL P. LOls)
No. 37 Csr, t elet tre.t, New Oreas:.
I'rtn -si rvaer es, , vie . ! 'pnt: :,ei o.:r friends in ct
Is., Lcrrpoto, Pew Yort and hiliadlphld*
T. P. WOEL & CO..
For the ealo of
Cattle, os.Sbheep, Muleassd Hor-sea.
PRatfrtoryl rferlsnres dese.
esmovod fr,.m ,o. Iagealoe street,
Myaohnaeturer rf BaddlerI aid Iliraes·.
-!aroTyRs Or
0LO;., ETO., Lrc0..
I-. 8 .dcoalpioaas d8 New Leve' land 46.d t iM:li
3evot~e B* Seuthesi alaesreta.
ee Years of iatencei
Ile ag aaab'eb publicaties for aminee ma seesaitr
, e-i mit. t0 elelgant react F imo gIuag i reviesl
sibeatly tS aioltlcal sentsI of the wk, the situation ec
ibe cestry, the New Orlesne Americ pros the sartlcI
act·t of Louisiana, the aIrt.u troil end commeroial affairs W
tre oeiiaimlity ti- mark-i pricercomrnl, the thriealI soir
ibUsesr7 aed ielolillio podoetiosi of the day, and glees a
VU y or on!e tl t histrnctle gem, hsertltts
an rid all that composes a irst ele paper,
Iepages of LA RENAISSANCE are edited e u
etismiof. ndl the Stlatews l es adre ·sloolo dp
plyeadwrith readtiu, matter n ch pe h it me th e
eaa ehtlaelmbilbehed selbeomeslede desirabl
utieeioic i/w 0 4slhe fac that Fisai i e
br raflmi cumunmlcdio with the NOlIWhtmL, mod
Wursts of the ette cf PbsIda and in Ito Ieca da
patrett devotes spi. -a·tteton to the immne Lumb
..Ld 'midt-r trace rowne sapin its-riclty, u also to otha
:cmrn- c'n Itrocs. wn,'. the ra'efcc reaie wilr rl dcca'r
'be deveoprment of lhe srat ectua ad-.aine ofg Pclnaoes
aptyrk ACT.1: I..cnrd ±ird.
tht 4m irtitan Qr etst ,rt
Supreme Court Decisions.
The following decisions were delivered by this
court yesterday. Chief Justice Ludeling present, .
with Associates Howe, Howell and Wyley. Ab (
sent: Associate Justice Taliaferro.
No. 20411- lank of Louisiana vs. D. P. Williams j
ard wile. 'im. F. MebLta for plaiutitf and appel 1
lanrts; Mayo & Spencer for defendan:s and appel- t
lee. Appeal from the District Court, pariah of a
Ti e p!aitibfa have appealed from a judgment
scstaining the plea of prescription of nve years
to the following instrument, as a non-negotiable
pronicascry note, to-wit:
" ATI OF LortratAa,
" Parish of Concordis.
'We the undersigned. David Percy Williams and
M stre's Elizabeth Matilda Gillespie, his wife, of
the parish of ('oncordia, State of Louisiana, ao
krowh dge ourselves jointly and severally indebted
oato the 'president. directors and company of the
Bark of Louisiana' in the full sum of thirty thou.
nard dollars (30.000'. being for a loan of money
this day made to us by said corporation. The
anmount etf which we confess to have re
c ived, which said sum of $3;0,000 we do, for our
selves, our heirs, executors and administrators,
buod ourselves jointly and severally to the said
oresideot, oirerturs and company of the Bank of
Louisiana, punctually t, pay in one year from this
drte, and to eoomriy wit. sli the coadjim oe ot Ir
mortgage this day made by us, and also with the
olligations of the charter of the said bank.
"In testimony whereof we hereto subscribe our
bntesa cn this twenty-eigi,th day of Aprir, A. D.
eigh!:en hundred asid tiley seven.
"'\\ itrsses : David Percy \\Vl!ia'us: W. R. C.
1Verino: E,'zabeth Matilda (;liesple ; A. (;. T"ler;
ltv lle~ly basl Thaw, attorney. P'araphed ne va
"Cir r. F. FiENCti, N. P.
* V0ilia, April 20th, lo3d."
l.y law "all proml,,ory notes, whether the sam9
te reg-tiat e or otherwise, shall be prescribed
in ive years " ( . C., art. 3:O5: act 1-52. pp. t,0,
. More than five years having elapsed between
tLe n atruity ol tht atbo e ;:,tcruent and the in
ci !,':, r i f thic si;t, writi ut at y legs! i'slerrnp
i,-n cf the prescri; tion please:d being shown, the
itr irury precented is, whether or not said instru
no :c is. in contemrplation of law, a promissary
rce T he platinr'f contend ti it it is a bond and
[ c',' ed In ten l esls.
' I!, t' cing c :u',P ir.wve-t gat:n -f the na
tu:,e o:d c'. tles of b ods, exrtir.g at ctiu:non
!aw. it lta ul :citit to say that, itn our law, bonds
ePt rt to ie arttten (.Lg:,latias which are drepeln
d 't 'n sone contingrCcy ,nd are esp*cral'y pro.
i. fur: while the in-trter~r't ,0  :it pos-e.q es
at' the c i-rt-al at l.l b,: s of a pr.c1 ,ary not",
Si. are inc L i.g crs, "., 'e y any other
Si; t.ai re or re . tI errb ..i d in it.
A prortise. ry note is de!ined to be "a wrt.en
tricer cut by one I ra u to pay an tIcer person
: oertin ramrd, alhoiutely and uncorli.tt~n ly, a
c, tasi, StUn: ( f ;:oney a a ittime epie .fit, therein.
::t'ry on Note, sec. 1: bytles on Bills, p. ...
St iu. i-t t,,nai c a fugal promn-e t 'r t.," i
I-in 'rnt of a certain sum. and the maker and the
I.eyce l' t c te detpiated with sutfihi ent cer .
tair.ty. ' If to a receipt for money the
rces 'to te re':rud Len a e a: for ar ariled:
if t1 e e'tr:er of a~ iPstrrTcr ent a, kn)wledges in it
tl-a' a c1 It i'i ,I'nI of money is borrowed on the
prt I,.e (, f p y'r.eut t:eref,. or that a certain surn
,A 9 iti, !v, ,.f A ,o Le repai I on demand with
it tir, -:<' t 'rnntr.e are he.d to be promis
, r ro tte. - L nite teel not cou'iai the
S.r'da 'E ror;e to I.amy if trele are otter words of
ea ,atert it l Cr'. 'P:et s on Notes, vol. 1,
'i'.. , I, t'. :l:!.t b-efore us the sign
:s b ni uetn i'.T s to paiy, it one year loino its
u *ti i th ie trt,, ;t, _I cto:a a ic Copa ;y of
': e anrk of I. u-iin .'r A , i iin i of $ t ), uianey
l.red to :nd receivrd by them
'lth !rrl.r s.lput;uite, "to cmply wih tj,3
n i , ! uE ',i .u' n u u t".g ,n .. w.an thI! ", ) -
ta ' o i. , t 1 " '.Lar c- tsl . t ar k, ,
:I'i.iOn. r:.] plupt.te Go c,,ntt gery o'v W:;CL
. c t r ! . to Ccp'i Ld, but re.cg:izCe a 'Le.-ory
_ : .i. i t'r ? ' , , or e.+: tcd 1,r the 0. v
S I':'t p n '. ;d t, ir o -.i n wo!I nut hare
in p ired tLe c hlgartion to pay the tamney.
I!.c i:..-t:~rnrt Pued 0 be13n an u.3LOl-it an.'
aY c an t to pit" a c",rt3'n I:, tf rm oney. "'1."
I ut be ( ,st d asn.ong ti e p.t-er al ata' i a, wH!,',h.
he t.:o r ,;e, ' ae ie t.-cer:bed ;a ten ears ; c.r isit
a. .. " g , ;.,t tie ' it:en * .",ec,, u' ad, 'ht ! e
i tvy a r ot_:cte executud beMt'e a no:ary
\\ .' ' ',I ,li t !,at1 the u , c - I t' .'
q-, b' r:" t'.e t "P'C,. rhlvl et five t"
.Ii Judg t.i alirrLe J.
I'. ActLIATE .TI 'TICE ti F.
N-. 1 I',--,urge Ernnett et ale. sppelP"; , v-.
t'I . o t! . eI: .I · et a'. appe:l 't:ct A. s. t,i
tn ard II. N. (glen fur p'i.: "a s' . i ' r
tcr o 1, . It. Ail atn II. J. i e cy for del-n
irtsand appe'lrats. Appeal tborn the Se:'onu
e ulctal tit t a ut urt, par.ti ol  f  -rsoa.
Ut the 2'1 A\pril, 1- 7, a number of front pro
pr ietores n St. t ,arses avenue, in tie City of ;Jef
tire(c, pecl;outd the city fvr certaia tha waks,
aud for the pa:.g of the street wi't. the Nc ts)n
baev nuint. A list f t.^l iroperty and :ts di.an
csit;. was annexed, and the ciry surveyor certi'lel
, t tie pr- pd ty) signed f,. t0't 2 led one-11d. it
asi the p;rtoerty frontiqg on the avenue t'i tbi
lits of thLe city of Jdt erson.
Oit the I h A.\pril the count .1 a'llpt' I a res lu
'... r (rT aLLLce dilec inc the cor.t itit r t a'"i
,""-'{'P ct.triac't for te Parv g an i a!.i for the
ci h.r 1 . to 'he lowest bidder, after a ivert eurcnt.
at n u iltci- and rime as shtourd be der-nit e-d bc
t: e < , rtro::cr. As to the )avt g thlu re aotclit'
requ, rd iihe work to be d n t'o i:_:t ac,,Jauance
. , h the lequiren: euts of tue pa'ent.
Ihe conirller adverlt ed tLe sale ta take ptace
n tLe 1llth f hy. (n It, ease day A. D). Vot
.en trjintd the city friom laither proc'eedings
aP? tbe bsl] was postponed.
At a nweetg it thb cioun~:l, May l;li, a peti
t. n wac rid, higLed by property h-iders on St.
( . 't< AZen.ue. an!cg whom werroe h owners
St : , ral It.: Jred Ir fret Ictrpresorterd in the
,:e ",, pcn;.n. Iroteostl: against the sale of
i- rl:iit. ILis paicllrn was refcrr',i to a
'i - 1. cl)r0i:itt-e, who, on the 2Ib)h of May, tCe
,rt i,t Le had cxamird the matters com
i, : f ,, and haI Rsc.E rtc.ineet that a tmajoi'y of
i:. atIt irol t rturs had orri4.lly petitioned for
,,. t jr' t uent. and they therefore reported
.t rtet tLe r.em,,rial of tLe p lit:cocerS. )n the
-1 ' ,. May Mr. ,'isen dismi~,sd his suit and in
. i t( n, an I cn the .,;th ot May the controller
cauicatted ,he contra t for rpacicg to Mlcers.
t o I r It Lockwood at 1: '0 per square yard, and
! nt cniract for curbing to J-lion 1rney at f pIer
ru tincg foot.
()Un the '.th May ti e au ii hby resolati -n ap.
til ov id these ac-l.i ,' t i e..,, and t:e m iyor was
Snpr( wen'd to crtrr into tp:iper conltasts by
tn tl. .aIst M:ay the mayor entered into a con
t ;t itin SIeCere. 'l'"iylr A. I'ckoCUd f ,r t:e
l r- ,.g if t.le street w-li the Nico:son pavenirtt.
'Itius contreact is l coc.iurll'ii" to and embodies
!I e idirar'e.
no 'he '2h J1ice, .1 -7, the plaintii. owners of
I 'petIty ircoticg o0 the avenue and liable, under
Sprovision of this charter, hereafter referred to,
t, be speciaIy asessed fcr their pr, tection of
two rhirdis of the ',''s of paving and the whole
,'.4t ,f the cnrh. fied the pe ition now before us,
l-ray:ng in ubrtance that the ordinance fur the
iou:,ication of tie contracts be de-reed to be
il;eal, nunil and void: that the ('Ity of Jefferson
be erjtinCd fromn proictedrg to col!ect from petli
t;, ners any port-on of the ertra t price of said
works, hy virt:e or any clause In the charter ren.
,iering tue petit oners, as front proprietors, seps
ra'eily trom other owners' oi piperty in the cty,
r:-,r.cs:ble for the coet of making bacquettes and
ri-ltg strets: and tica' it also be decreed con
trad~leterily with thie c,,ntractore t who were made
partles defendant ; ti.at the t ity of Jetferson haa
no rights against the property of petitioners, in
fott of which tLe tirprovetoents were being
ii e ceurt rendered jadguent in favor of the
plaintiffs, in accordance with thelr prayer, as to
the contract for the Nicolson pavement: but
against petitioners as to the contract of Raoney
It r curbing. As to the latter the plaintiffs have
Lot lapealed, ane we cannot inquire Into
1t st pertion if the iodgment. w.. -h concerns the
ptvirg contract. The defend, u s, the City of
e fferson sand the southern Pavnrg comnpany, sub.
regated to the rights o0 Taylor & L.oclwood,have
ael Paled.
The cenrt, after going through a large space of
argurment in ressoning, aad in citing authorities,
c rnc!udes as follows:
The (City of Jefferson is not prohibited from lay
ing any sort of pavement in her streets, and may
In this regard keep step with the programss of sci
eLce and nloventive still. It Is cnly whben her
action ia provoked uoder the special paaglraph
we are now consklerilg thateane t bound to afford
an opportunity for real competilos. If thfs sys
tem be inconvenient, it Its for the lelgisLature to
furnish a remedy.
It will be seen, however, that, in one rtespect,
the judgment appealed from is erroesone, In ao
fer as it declares the ordinrance under which the
ci utract was I:ace ut::!l and vo; '. The council 1
." a rtL', tr:tr its gner! pos-eir, to order
to mnake tice ccntract for that rcrp; e. TfLre are
eeitLer al!egations nor prot in the case which
would autLotize us to I roLcan. e the elutie nullity
of this action or the action of the muayr. So far
as appears, the ordinance and the contract are
valid as between the city and the contraoture.
It is only in so far as by necessary intentment
the front proprietors are held to the city for
two-thirds of the cost, and the contractors subro
gated to the city's rights, relieving the city from
)nability .r! tando, and a pr vilege on property
created, that the crdinance and action under it
can be declared void.
The plaintiffs are amply secured and protected
by the reMainder of the judgment appealed from.
It is, therefore, ordered and adjudged that said
judgment as to such portion thereof as declared
the Lullity and illegality of the ordinance in ques
tion be reversed, and that in all other respects the
said judgment be affirmed, the defendants to pay
the costs of the court below, and the appellees to
pay the costs of this court.
No. 2011. Lewis E. Stowers vs. succession D.
F. Biackburn and C. A. Blackburn.
Appeal from the District Court, Parish of Car
This is an appeal from a judgment rendered on
default against the succession of D. F. Blackburn
deceased, and Mrs. C. A. Blackburn i, so!;?1, for
$10,000 with F per cent. interest from Ist Jan.
usey. 1r60, on the following note :
"$1I (0.-On the first (lest) day of January,
!8;1, we or either of us promise to pay L 27. Stow
era ten thousard dollars with ten per cent. inter
est from the 1st day of January next for money
loaned. D. F. BLArCgt RN,
"C. A. ELACKrcRn.
"December 19th, 1539.
"On the first day of January, 1862, I promise to
ap l. E Cwere- tae .b.ve ma. etw sthe.
d dollars, with ten per cent. interest.
"'Indorsed--Lake Providence, Li., Dreember
I:,'h, l 1.--l acknowledge the within , ite to be
correct. C. .\. BLACKeuRaN.'9
rt-rvice was accepted as follows:
" I ac knowledge service of the foregoing peti
tiun and note-sued on and citation, as execu'rir,
Ht d in my individual capacity, this reptemher
11th. 1e7. C. A. BLAcSvRact."
The Ireecription of five years is pleaded in this
cburt, snd is urged only on behalf of the sneers.
s:. n on the theory that the acknowledgment male
on the l3th December, 1~'65, was made by Mrs.
Blackburn, indic 'dua l, acd the suggestion that
,he has gone into bankruptcy.
Both Iarties admit that the promise written at
tie foot of the note, was the indtividual a'cuonption
by the rccr',r, of the note sued on, although for a
citlerect sum and payable at a dillerent date, a',d
the questi -n is, whether or not the ackonowleig
mer.t on 13:th December, 1,;, InterruptAel per
scriptl.n as to the succession represented by Mre.
Blackburn as executrix. To sustain the atllrmns
tive, it must he held both that the obllgation ue:d
it is r rt a sotdery one, and that Mrs. I:lackhtro
d:d not make said acknowledgment as exteutrix.
1I.. It is not shown that she was b:und W,
. !, as maker of the note, and hence her ha
t .l.ty for the debt can rest solely on her sunbe
quLt promise to pay. But it is contended, and
ie tt-ik surceisfuliy, that this prom,,e do ' not
c'cate the solidarity contemplated by the Code to
determining the effect of an acknowledgmrent by
SLe ( f the codebtors so idc,. t~.:dlrity exiits
by ti e (ode when several persnas bind theru-eves
towards another for the same sum at the same
t me, and in the ea re co-t:act. It cannot be pre
sumed. There binug no privity nor re iprucity
between the provisions, nor express siiDniiltiun of
solidarity in th:s case, the defendauts are no:
debtors I, .,,o, and consequently the ackn wl
edgr.ent of 13:h IDecember, 1;'t, if miad by
Mrs. Bllackbnrn ind.vidually dii not tnterrut pae.
e ription as to the sncceessin. (C. C. 20i2, '377,
' b, 7,, -, 2 1 ., :17; 1 R. I 3; 1 A. 16-5., It
s unnecessary ti dncice whet!i-r or not tie eve
cutrix canoLt create a solidarity ubliatiun
o3a.iLSt 'he succe-sioC.
20. The qnestiun aiLethcr she male the ac
I ;owhlagment as executrix is one of inference.
aid upon the pieadli3gs and evidenco before us sa
one of cons derable doubt.
as the plaintiff might i.re added evidence on
tLis point, or otherwise shuwn an interruption of
pit ecriyion, if the plea had been filed in the
,r ?nrt, we think the ends of i tlt; e will be
cui tired by rimanding the canue as retiuested
I tLe appeteie.
'e cannot disterb the judlgmenlt as to Mrs.
:..liunrn. as cpn the admtiLsitn of counsel, she
:a i batruptcy.
It is therefore ordered that the judgment of the
d,lrict court against the succaai.u of D. I'.
i. t(kburn, deceased, be teversei, and the cause
; to said uoc(etsicu be remanejd upon tie ques
ii t I rc' cription, coats of appeal tc be paid
bit. \'2le3 rteused.
CrY AS40Cit.tT It rTI E HO'TI:L..
\n. 2ii- A. . duiix vs. John Hi. IBi,!er.
a.4 l it rom the dis'rict court, pariiu oi \ ca:
' n l;,uoe.
Fevrot A LeTrnn for plsintitt ard appellants.
I arrw ,A I' p, for defelidaote.
I uias an ac'ton ion a :ruuimr0 nits rotl by
; In hi !.!r ron 11,th Miay, 1., at We-t istuo
i I[et for $':;7-, payable to the order of Menard
\:Freud, tweive mi nths af er date, at their of
hl e in New Orleans, with e, per cent tuterest after
tce. The defendant, who accepted, pnrc.ty and
-aply, tie estate of his deceased fatter, John
:i,l.lr, filed a peremptory exception, alleging
:1 at, at the date of excenting the sail n te, the
t ki r sided within the Confederate m litary
t'e, at d the payee wil;u Federal military haeS,
. cart' -eeutly the c:': tract wa nullt, I, lug ia
v oalti n tl asw, prohibitirg all commerctal inter
, 're or transautions between said parties, of
st1.r h acts tl.e piaintiil had notice.
The plantl t'.en fi'e an amended answer, de
c: tire that said note had been riven in renewal
a t an olicgation c.eistrg as lar back as 1., <, o-g
n.,.y hr. Ic , Etveral times renewed and re
oed tby piaymeents to the amount of the note
o.d o. tnn d that In 186i6 the delendant acknowl
edged the correctness and validity of said obliga
tion ascd pron.lsed to pay the same.
The defendant exceptcd to the fi:ing of thii
amendrd petition for the reasons that it would
.: arge ploirntill'l ground of action, that the orig
iLat obligation was no:atcd and that th Irrmhise
:I defedant wna in view of a compromise, which
w~-,et poperly overruled.
The tihetance of piaintl; demand was n t
cl aenged by allegations of tue amended petition.
"I ry s:n.p!y set f-rth the origin of the obligation,
at i the c:leFge d pron iee to pay is not incon-siert
.,tih cziginal drmarod and can Iltopetly be set up
l, aunertment.
lHe question of nrratiJn and compromise de
i" r.i cn evidence and cnnot in this instance be a
.routil of exception to anj itqu';ry in:J the facts
a re.. l. 'Le t;strict jnre ic ::t:i : dthe peremp
", ry e xception and dl'isti sed Ilhi til 's suit, who
The on;y !uest::on which wv dent it neceissary
t o exam ine is that of de ftnd ant's acknowledgment.
He contends that it was made ia view of a com
'-" ir re. and w,tbout a knowledge of the nature
i the ( b:,gat! n, wuich, iheing absolutely void, is
n t cespable of being made valid. The acknowl
e.l.emont and lpromise are ehoiwn to have been on
csiiditirnal. 'he olrJy point of d:fTerence was as
to the time whtn a confession of judgment should
Le made.
'he note itself was notice to the defendant of
tl e citccnstancea whicO in lawV would effect its
val:ility, a:id it is apparent that he must have
made the acknowledgment and promise with a
lull k:owvldEc of the orig!n and nature of the
( tigation, which we must hold to be such as to
'co:.a a legal bhsis tor a new promise to pay the
', evidrnced by the note sued on. The obl;ga
tli n existt d before the war, and although the note
yes executed betweco par ies not competonut at
t! e tl.e to contract, the debt wau not thereby
e:.ingcuihed, and the subsequent promise to pay
.t cc e~idenctd by said note, having a moral obli
,!,atin as its basis, can be enforced in a suit there
r, which may be taken as the evidence of the
dt t agreed on by the parties.
The judge , ,i.. erred ,n dismissing plaintiff's
sa it on the peremptory exception, which ;s really
a delense to the actiou, and ia there is evidence
in the record on the ments to establish the claim,
we r ':st sustain it.
It :- t:herefore ordered that the judgment ap
piacie, frcm he reversed, and that plaintiff recover
'1 the defendant, John B. I;ibler, the sum of
:,7;)-, with 8 per cent. interest from the 16th day
ot May, Is-3, and costs in both courts.
No. 2051--Jaoie V. Fletcher vs. A. F. Danbar ,'
Co. John lK tcher, intervenor for appellants.
Appeal troa the Thirteenth Julicial Distriet
(Court, pariah of Concordia. (.. S. Sawyer for
plaintilff, and Mayo & Spencer for defondants.
Judgment afirmed with costs.
No. 2(22-Jsred Williams vs. Edward J. Gay,
appellant, Appeal from the Fifth Judioial Di.
tr:ct Court. parish of Iberwlle. Foqua & Caliban
for plaintif and appellee; Barrow & Pope for de.
fendant and appellant. Judgment reversed, and
it is ordered and adjudged that the plaintiff have
judgment against the defendant for the sum of
2500, with costs of the lower oourt, the plaintiff
to pay the costs of the appeal.
No. 26-Jno. V. Bevier vs. SuccessIon of Jas.
G. Gordon. Farrar & Reives for plaintiff and
sppe:!ee: Julius Aroci and T. P Clintoo for do*
feLdant ard appellant. Appeal fro,, tnIo Thir
teenth Judicial District Ce urt. A:,. -al ~c..aed
_tt It ~ .u: tt th ' t1 . a':.t
No. 1233-Bartly Johnson A Co., appellees. vs.
enr cesetonl and htirs ol ikstworth, appei;aut.
-lasrow A luontgcmery for plaintiff; M. Du)bose
for defendant. Appeal from the Thirteenth Jedi.
cial listrict ( ourt, parish of Carroll.
TIhis suit was instituted under the act of 1853, to
revise an order of seizre anod esle and a lil;.
mrvt rendered against Felix Bosworth prior to
1 '3.
The defense is the ples of prescription, more
than ten Etars having elapsed from the promnigs
t nu of the act of 1853 to the Institution of this
slt. There was judgment in favor of plaintiffs
ard the defendants have appealed.
In this cabe the judgment appealed from is re
versed and amended, and it is now ordered thts
plaintiffs demand be diamissed with costs in both
co urts.
No. 2043-Wm. A. Britton & Co. in litigation vs.
the heirs of Jno. F. Scott, deceased. H. B. Shaw
for plaintiffse, Leach a Lewis for defendant and
appellants. Appeal from the Thirteenth Judicial
District Court. parish of Tensas.
In this cace it was ordered that the judgment
appealed from be avoided and reversed, and that
the cause be remanded to be proceeded with ac
cording to law.
No. 2054-Fleming A Baldwin vs. J. 1). Shielhs
et ale. Appeal from the Thirteenth Judicial
District ('urt, parlsh of Tensas. H1. B. Shaw for
plaintifl, E. D. Farrar ad ?,oc for Shields: Farrar
& Reeves for intervenors.
Judgment affirmed with costs.
No. 2042--Denis Long vs. succession and heirs
of John F. Scott. deceased. Appeal from Thitr
tesuth Judicial District 3oqrtt pariah of Tensas.
Art-t Oo&let for peestin, Leacs & Lewi for
This was a suit on apromissory note dated Jan
nary 13, 1159, and due 15th February, i1ci. The
petition was tiled 16th February, 19;7. On 10th
No ember, 186-', a default was taken, and on 16th
November, loUab, a final judgment was rendered
making the default final.
From this sjudgment defendants have appealed.
Judgment reversed and plaintiff to pay costs sa
both courts.
No. 2014-ArJrew H. Gay vs. A. P. Marreon
neasx et ail. Appeal from the Fifth Judicial Dis
trict ('curt pariihi of Iberville.
Talbot & Pet and Mathews for appellant,
Barrow & Pope for appellees.
This is a suit to partition certain property held
in it micn by the plaint f and the defendant.
Shbe plea of res judicata interposed by the
ulaintif nmust be sustained. 11 L. 4'7, S R. 195,
1' Ii. 319, 7 An. 530, C. (. 1270. C. 1'. art. .3+,
57,;. It is therefore ordered that the appeal he
d s- issad at the cost of the appellant.
No. 203;6--tHery Frellsen vs. F. C. Mahan. tax
collector. Appeal from the Seventh District Court,
pariish of Orleans.
C('mptell. Spefford & Campbell, Breaux & Pen.
ner for appellees. 8. Belden, By. i'. Dibble and
Jio. H. Robertson fir defendant and appellant.
The plaintiff obtained an ilijanction against the
deendart to restrain Iim from collecting the
taxes levied upon plaintiff's property by an act of
tie Gtneral Asstmbly of the State of Looisana,
alproved on the 2Tth day of September, 16ti8.
'lnis Is what is called the one per cent. tal,
yhi'h the lower court pronounced unconstita
'1 his court, after going through a large list of
eu'he-rities dectdes: " We canniot perceive whers
i. ,le at.Tute in question violates in any man
nrr the CcLSllttion of this -itte.
It is there ore ordered, adjudged and decreed
that the judgment of the lhatrict Court be avoided
atOd reverece, and that there be joagment in fav ir
o ' -e defendant, dismissing the injunction issued
in tis, case, with twenty per centum on one bun
did and thirty five dollars, amount of taxis
whereof the collector was e joined as general
dain ages, and that the plaintilt pay the costs of
both courts.
-- * --
Among the bills of indictment returned this fore
noon by the grand jury was one against laac J.
urtine, the ex-clergytman, charging him with lar.
ceL) if books frI in the stores of Little, Brown &
Co., Edward P. hutton & Co., and Joseph Camp
bhi II. Up. n beiog arraigned Stine pleaded guilty
to a part of the charges, but not guilty to the
indictment as drawn. He also desired to plead
,,, to. . ,telre, but Judge Lord said that plea
, old not be tsen. ona. Wm. Brigham addressed
tte court in behalf cl Stine. lie said that the par
tis from whom -tine had stolen books requested
that the indictment be placed upon tile and Stine
be allowed to go on probation.
Judge Lord remarked thai the prisoner hid
ipleaded cot guilty, and as the case atsuds nuth
ium in that elrection could be dune.
Dlirict Attorney May said that the case was
ratt.er an unnsual one. He had reason to believe
irm what had been stated to him by reliable par
t( a that the character of Stine had been god
lrei'o!ore. lie was in the divinity schoolat Ca- n
oridge. coning from the Ltheran denominati in
:n ati h he Lad been a preacher. He has a res
prctable family and in every respect the case is
one, he said, wnere the ends of justice will be as
tol y attained by placing the unfortunate man on
ir. -ation as to send him to the sta'e prison, lie
Purchased books at these places until he found an
opportunity to steal some. Baut ha has made or is
w;!l.g to make restitution, and the parties fri m
t om he stole have interested themselves so far
as to come into court and say that justice does not
require that he should be punished any furthi,r,
and that they would be satisfied if '~e could hare
bn oppcr'uLity to go at large and be allowed to
ri turn to his friends in Pennsylvania. The RItr.
Jates Freeman Clark had interested himself in
I ts behalf, and the district attorney said he t e
I-reed it was a case in which the best course for
the goverLment s to purane is to have 8tine pnt on
pri bation.
Judge Lord said it was a qnestion for the dis.
trict attorney to decide. It may be a case where
the lristner should go unpunished; but the fact
that he has been a clergyman should be agaitist
I:m. The fact that he preached morality and
then stole makes him a notonrous thief. Judge
L.,rd retfued to advise in the matter, and ex
Ir seed himself as not relibshing the duty whlch ch
Ihged him to send a raganoffin who had nothing to
eat to the house of correction because he steslt a
loaf of tread to keep him from starring, and thsn
di-charge a criminal clergyman and allow him to
go home. The court let the matter with tne dis.
tr et attorney to dec;de. If he moved for venten:e
t! e court will have to pass the same; bat if il Is
tLought to be a proper case for probatiin toe
cm rt will deem the district attorney's reasons
a ffcient and grant the requess.
-tMne then retracted and pleaded guni!t ard
to, t, er action in the matter was temporardly .u
ponded.- [Boston Herald, ith.
The P'aris correspondent of the Etoile Belge
describes the appearance of the members of toe
I-reach cabinet ss follows: "Ronher, the mist
eloquent ard ifiuential of the ministers, and of
wh m, if well informed persons tell the truth, the
emIl ercr would like to get rid if be could spare
hbm, is a rather good looking, middle aged man,
,dthned to obesity, pale,somewhat bald. and very
broad shouldered. tils manners are unpleasront
ard imperious, and hisl foppish dress and the crre
wbth which he tries to conceal his baldness, make
a d:ssgreeable impression. His colleague, the M.r.
Qui- de Lavalette, isa polished courtler,with ape r-.
li e head, such as Louis Phillippe had---soy e
bhat too corpulent, also, but graceful and digoi.
fld ;n all his movements. Old Vaillant, the mir
-tal. looks like an effeminate epicore, and no one
can see that he ever did any military srrvice. A
cou.rron joke st court Is to sy that thbs mere r Fll
o a drum frightens him terribly. isi face lock
-0riveled : he largha a great deal, and seems to
i e to display the splendid set of false teeth
hi h hewears. M. de kurcade is a rather dry
, k ng man, with courteous manners, and a ft-ir
exltreseon of energy and good sense. Magne,
the medacious finance minister, shows in his
wttle appearance how fond he is of champagne
and pa,, de fie jras. The fibs he tells in hisi
budget reports do not seem to trouble his con
sa ence much. Neil has exceedingly fine eyes,
bht an unpleasant face. When he speaks he Is
very nervousn and fidgetty, and 1 believe he would
ra her face a battery than the Corps Leginlatif."
Ihbe Britih admiralty has decided on a subutan
t~l measure of retrenchment in issueing an order
tcr the final cloiag of Woolwivih and Deptford
di ck-yauds. There are 173:3 men at present woo
find employment in them, but the winter will hare
pissed away before they are dismissed. Woolwi-h
wll still have its arsenal.
OCsl sad see Keep & Hogan, 39 Tohoupitoulas
street, for hardware, cLutlery, plows, hoes. csyt
ings, saricultural implements, etc. Prices low.
Tat Twaa's Iantvavos-r.-e isterior bark of
tbe soap tree of Chil i mldsMted by botanists to
possess cleansing and preservative qualities on
shared by any other knowu sbetance. It native
name, guillyi, is from quatlian, to msnake eleas.
This matchirss antiseptic L a :main constituent of
the famous preparation for the teeth known as
.osaodont, which hba long since t.ken the lead of
every other artile of its class throughout the
Western hemispbere.
Buy the only sewing meebtine t for family re,
th:e Grover & Baker. Warranted for five yeas .
("oilier, braider and hemmer given with each na
.,ir-e gt 1'. ('1gsl trtt.

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