f "V H ; 1 i 8P Ilfr IE BC M il W: 1 & Mhnthhj gonrnnl devoted jo the goldiera, gailors, and enmonerx of the gnited tntet nnd the instruction of the gamilu ginlc. Published by Tho ) ttat t- m. in Txr a orrrwr. mxr -rx n mr-,- - NATIONAL TRIBUNE GOMPANY. Snteredaeeordinp ) Act oOongreu, in th year of our Lord, 181$, in tie Office ofths Librat ian oCanfireu, a Wathington, D. 0. TEEMS, FIFTY CENTS PER YEAH. Specimen Ooploa sent Free on Request. The Same Canteen. BY CHARLES G. TIALPINK. Thoro are bonds of all sort3 In this world of ours, Kotiors of friontlBhlp and tics of flowort, And true lover's knots I weon ; Tho girl and boy aro bound by a kiss, But there's never a bond, old friend, llko this Wo havo druulc from tho samo cantoonJ It was sometimes water and aomotlincs milk, And sometimes applejack lino as silk, But whatever tho tipplo has boon, Wo shared it together in bano or in bliss, And I warn you, friend, when I think of this- Wo have drunk from tho same canteon ! Tne rich and great sat down to dine, ' And they quaffed each other in sparkling wine, Prom glasso3 of crystal and groon ; But I guess in their goldon potations they miss Tho warmth of regard to bo found in this : Wo havo drunk from tho same canteen ! Wo havo shared our blankets and tent togothor, And havo marched and fought in all klnds.o f weather, And hungryand full wo havo beon ; Had days of battle and days of rest, But this raomory I cling to and lovo tho best Wo have drunk from tho samo canteon I For when wounded I lay on the outer slopo, With my blood flowing fast and but little hope, Upon which my faint spirit could lenn ; O, then I romombor you crawled to my aide, And blooding so fast It scomcalfooth must havo died, Wo drank from tho samo cantoon.l ANTIETAM:. One of the Great Battles of the War. THE BATTLE-FIELD. We can form some idea of the general plan of the bat tle of Autietam if we imagine the town of Sharpsburg to be tho hub of a broken carriage-wheel, with one-haft the rim held to it by two spokes projecting southward. Tins segment of the rim will represent tho Potomac Eiver, aud tho two spokes will represent the two roads leading to tho river from Sharpsburg. These roads strike the river, not at tho onds of the segment, but near tho middle, and aro probably two or three miles apart at tho respective points of intersection. At the lower or eastern end of the broken rim the Autietam Creek flows into tho Potomac river ; at the upper or western end of the rim is a range of high hills which overlook the river. Tho prolongation of Genoral Jackson's line touched tho base of these hills ou tho west and the extreme right of Hill's corps rested on the Autietam Creek, not far from its junction with the Potomac. The creek curves from its mouth to tho west and for five or six miles its course is substantially parallel with that of tho river. Four spokes on tho north sido of tho broken wheol, arranged at irregular intervals, will rep resent tho roads leading from Sharpsburg to tho north. The spoke corresponding to tho Hagerstowu turnpike will bo nearly at right anglesta tho spoko corresponding to the Shopherdstown road, on the south side, while tho Keedys villo turnpike is, as it were, tho northern projection of tho Shopherdstown road, and of course these two spokes will bo in nearly tho same line, while the spoko representing tho Rohrersvillo road leans considerably to the oast. The two last-mentioned roads cross tho Autiotam Creek and tho bridges, which tho battlo has mado forovor historic, may be represented by dots on the spokes, perhaps two miles distant from tho hub. .. TIIE SOUTIIB1W AKJIT. On tho lGfch of Septembor, 1303, General Lee's army planted itself in front of Sharpsburg, forming, as it were, tho sogmont of a circle whioh crossed all tho roads on tho north sido, and of course covered all tho approaches to tho lotonme. Tho lino was in most places something over a lnilo distant from tho town. It rau through a succession of boautilul fields, in somo of which tho tall corn had not yet been cut, and others wero boiug plowed aud mado ready for seeding. In front wero tho peaceful homes of the farmers, embowered among tho orchards aud sur rounded by all tho ovideuees of prosperous industry and thntt. .No earthwork or other dofenses wore thrown up, excopt that wherever thoro was au available fonco it was torn down and tho rails wero ranged in piles in front of such portions of tho liuo as wero supposed to bo tho most oxposedv A country lane, tho bed of whioh has boou washed oui by tho heavy rains, proved to bo a strong de fense, and it most probably saved Gouoral Leo's army from iiLiui. win-, do mu lioroaicer oo explained. iuu uiu conioaerato oommauuor was arranging his nT0l,llte aVd SttulS his Malory into position, General JilcUlol an's nrmv mis mnvdiimv riw n. iran,u,J. villo turnpike. A signal station on tho top of ono of tho spurs ot the bouth Mountain overlooked thoenomy's posi tion, and tho Union commander was kept advised of all that was going on in front. hen tho advancing columu roaohod tho Autietam Greek tho sovoral army corps do ployed to tho right and loft, and boforo sundown anothor Iiiiq ot armed nion stretched across tho roads radiating northward from Sharpsburg, Those soldiors facod to tho southward, aud confronted those who occupied the inner and shorter lino. Genoral Burnsido turned to tho left and placod his corps in a position to assault the bridge, which now boars his name 'Hooker crossed tho Antietam aud marched over to tho Hager3town turnpike, where his coi'ps confronted that of General Jackson. Sumner re mained in the centre and filled up the gap between the left of Hooker's line and tho right of Burnside's lino. There was somo desultory skirmishing and artillery firing late in the afternoon, but no determined assault was made on oither side, and when tlarknass came on the weary soldiors of both armies laid down to rest, with no covering save their blaukets and the starry canopy abovo them. What visions of carnage, in its most appalling forms, must havo filled their dreams ! THE TLAN OP BATTLE. General McClellan's plan of battle was to ongage the opposing line in the centre and at the same time" break through both wings aud seize tho two roads leading to the river, which were tho only avenues of escape open to Gen eral Lee, and wero already blocked up with trains wait ing to cross into Virgiuia should a retreat become neces sary, lb happened, however, that the two wings of tho Southern army withstood the terrible assaults of Hooker and Bumside ; and although they were forced back until the slightly curved line, which covered all the roads in front of Sharpsburg in tho morning, resembled an irregu lar horse shoo at night, yet neither tho hub of the wheel nor the spokes on the Southern sido had been reached. Tho only substantial success obtained by tho Union troops was in the centre, where Richardson's divis ion of Sumuor's corps broke the rebel lino and doubled it back on the two wings. This was in tho middle of the atternoon, however, and the troops on the right had been so roughly handled by Jackson's corps that they were un able to take advantage of tho opportunity for winning a great victory ; and Bumside, ou tho left, had not yet been able to get across tho Antietam Creek ; and while a small body of sharpshooters held a whole army corps atbay Gen eral Lee restored his broken line. He was glad, however, to bo left alone for tho remainder of the day on his left and centre. Whatever may be said or written to the con trary, there was no fighting on the battle-field of An tietam after the famous charge of the Irish Brigade, ex cept by Burnside's corps, on tho extreme left of tho Union liue. THE LINES IN CONTACT. I have only space to give tho merest sketch of this most sanguinary battle. At break of day, on the morning of tlie ran, uenerai Hooker, with his accustomed impetu osity, began an attack on tho extreme right. An army commanded by a less resolute and skillful soldier thau "Stonewall" Jackson would havo beonswept away by the very momentum of the assault. A strip of woods on the east sido of the Hagerstowu turnpike formed a sort of base or rallying-ground for the Union troops, while Jaokson's men occupibd a considerable tract of timber land on the west side of tho road. These tracts of timber aro not op posite each other, and the road runs diagonally through tho fields which separate them. Through these fields and across the turnpike Hooker's men and Jackson's men charged many times, only to be repulsed before they reached the woods, aud tho ground was thickly strewn with the dead of both armies. Hooker was wounded and carried from tho field just at tho very moment ho supposed that he had won a great victory. Sumner's corps came into action about niuo o'clock and relieved the shattorod brigades which had been fighting since the early dawn. I do not know that Hooker's corps was again engaged in battlo during tho entire day. In faot, General Sumner, in his roport, says that when ho came upon tho field General Hooker's corps melted away. Out of 14,850 oulisted mon it lost 048 killed, 3,01(1 wounded, and 235 missing. Mans field's corps, commanded by General Williams after Gen eral Mansfield Nas killed, fought on the right with Hooker, and, in fact, tho two corps were blended together. The casualties in this corps wero about tho samo as in Hooker's. Sumner went into action with 18,S13 enlisted men and lost 5,209, of which 819 wero killed and 3,801 wounded. Forty-live ofHoois wore killed and 89 wounded. When Hooker's men fell back Geueral Sedgwick's di vision of Sumner's oorps renewed the attack ou tho rebel lel'b (Jackson's corps,) and fought ovor substantially tho samo ground that had been contested by Hooker, oxoopt that the rebel liuo was shortened, and tho battlo raged around a small brick church which stauds in tho edge of the woods on tho west sido of tho llagorstown turnpike. THE ASSAULT ON THE CKNTKE. While General Sedgwick's division attacked Jackson and again compelled his corps to come out from tho woods, only to be drivon baok with torriblo slaughter, the other hvfi divisions rtf S5ini!iwi'ii nnrnc ntirrmrnrl i-lw nnnKvi oil for tho next two hours tho work of destruction wont on ! with indesoribablo fury. General French's division moved up in front of tho sunken road already alluded to, and by repeated charges tried to break through this part of tho line, but ono brigade aftov another was driven baok by tho withering ilro of muskotry from tho lauo and tho cornfiold boyond. Fortunately for tho assaulting column tho ground ribes gradually from tho road to tho placo where their liuo was formed, and when tho brigades recoiled from tho attack, they quickly passed over tho crest of this hill, and by falling flat on tho ground, got out of range. For an hour or more a deadly gamo of snapshooting was kept up on this part of tho lino. Tho iustant a head appoared abovo tho suukon road or in tho cornfiold beyond, it be came a target for the soldiers on tho crest of the hill, but tho man who stood up to shoot or got his head a foot or two above the ground was pretty certain to drop. The two lines at this point were not more than a hundred yards apart, and more men were killed hero on both sides than on any other part of the battle-field. TnE CHARGE OF THE IRISH BRIGADE. While this murderous work was going on in front of the sunken road, Gonoral Richardson's division engaged the enemy a little further to the left and pushed back the line until the flank of tho brigade, which held the road, was uncovered ; then the Irish Brigade, led by Colonel Barlow, of New York, charged down a steep hill into the cornfiold, and before the troops that were lying in the lane could get out of the way, the1" woro beset by bayonets aud com pelled to surrendor ; the charge was continued across the cornfield and the rebels were driven back nearly to the Hagerstown turnpike. If at this critical moment tho di visions which were fighting on tho right had made a vig orous assault, the war might have ended at Antietam. But after the Irish Brigade had cleared the cornfield be yond tho sunken road the pursuit was stopped, and fight ing ceased on this part of the battle-field. The rebel line was doubled back, but tho Union army did not advance to occupy the ground or to capture the roads which had been so stubbornly defended. Both sides were utterly ex hausted. General McClellan had 10,000 troops in reserve that he ought to havo thrown into action, but ho was afraid to take the risk. burnside's bridge. While the great battlo was being fought by Hooker and Sumner on the right, Bumside was trying to get across to Antietam on tho left. I do not think the enemy had two thousand troops on this part of tho lino during the early part of the day, but owing to the peculiar position which they held they were able to hold an army of 12,000 men at bay. The south bank of the Antietam at this point is a high bluff, covered with trees and underbrush. On this bluff; but concealed by the bushes, was a line of rebel sharpshooters, who could pick off a man at every shot without incurring tho risk of being fired at in return. Tho Union batteries were posted on a hill opposite the bluff, and they wasted a great deal of ammunition without hurt ing anybody, except that now and then a shell went clear across the hill and exploded in the streets of Sharpsburg, to the great consternation of the people who had not been able to get out of the way before the battle began. A few days after the battlo I was shown a shell that came through the roof a house and dropped into a closet among the cooking utensils. Fortunately it did not explode. Thoro was an old log barn standing in an open field about three hundred yards below the bridge. Behind this barn Gen oral Cox's brigade formed in column and started on the double-quick for the bridge, moving parallel with the line of the creek ; but the sharpshootors on the bluff poured such a deadly fire into their advancing column that it broke, and the men rau back until they got under the sholter of tho barn. Tho column was again formed and again essayed to reach the bridge, but with no better suc cess. Other brigades were ordered up and rau tho gaunt let of death with no bettor succoss. General McClellan kept seuding his staff officers to Geueral Bumside with orders to carry the bridge at every sacrifico ; but tho morn ing wore away, noon came, and tho sharpshooters on the bluff woro still the masters of this part of tho field. THE BRIDGE CARRIED. A now plan of attack was then adopted. A brigade was takon back some three huudred or four hundred yards and formed in column immediately in front of the bridge. The Fifty-first Pennsylvania Regiment, commanded by General nartranfr, (now collector of customs at Philadelphia,) led tho way, and the Fifty-first Now York followed. Tho men held down their heads and ran for the bridge. Some of them dropped by tho way, but most of them got across. The captain of one of the companies that led the way told mo that none of tho soldiors of the regiment at tho head of the columu went up tho hill ; they turned to tho right and left and kept under cover of tho bluff, dose to tho edge of tho creek. But tho troops that came after them, when tho way had been cleared, quiokly formed in lino of battlo and charged up tho hill. Tho enemy ran away, and thoir lino was pressed almost to the outskirts of Sharps burg. This was about three o'clock in the afternoon. At this hour tho 'division of A. P. Hill's corps, which Jackson had left at Harper's Ferry to manage the capitu lation, arrived on tho battle-field and took up tho fight. Bumside in turn was pressed back, and, fearing that he would be drivon across tho creek, sont to McClollau for reinforcements. Before they came, howover, tho rebels desisted from the attack, aud the ha tie ended. Bumside lost 410 killed and 1,015 wounded. The succoss attained was not commensurate with the loss. The sun set on a battle-field ou whioh 2,010 Uuion soldiors lay cold in death, aud 9,410 wouuded mon had been carried into the fiold hospitals, many of whom died in tho next fow days. The Southern loss in killed nnd wounded oould not have beon less, and it most probably was much greater. The official roport shows that 87,104 men wero engaged on the Union side. Toddlekins is a very small man indeed, but ho said ho nevor minded it at.all uutil his throo boys grow up to be tall, strapping young follows and his wife began to cut . down their old olothos and out thorn ovor to fit him. And thon ho said ho did got mad. ill 9 'i ! i 1 &! si .fl ' U'l 1 y vs