OCR Interpretation

The National tribune. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1877-1917, February 22, 1883, Image 6

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The Commander-in-Chiefs Record of
Work Department News.
Commander-in-Chief Tan Dcrvoort aud Adjutant-General
F. E. Brown have returned to
National Headquarters. Omaha, from their tour
of inspection in the East, well pleased with the
evidences of prosperity everywhere manifest.
General Van Dcrvoort writes us that lie has
visited all Departments east of the Mississippi
River twenty-four in number and but seven
California, Dakota, -Iowa, Utah, Oregon,
"Washington Territory, and Kentucky still
remain to be inspected. Since he assumed
command, General Van Dcrvoort has traveled
2G,9S3 mile?.
Tho Oregon Encampment meets to-day at
Portland. The Indiana Encampment is an
nounced to take place at Indianapolis on tho
2Sth of March.
During tho last week instructions and blank
applications for Post charters have been for
warded to the following: Win. A. Bartlctt,
Blandford. llampden county, Mass. : C Smith,
Laurel Gap, Green county, Tcnn. ; T. X. Goo
tee, Loogootcc,Ind.; M. G. Shappcc, Salt River,
Mich.; R. X. Thorn, White Pigeon, Mich.;
Samuel M. Lindsay, Riceville, Crawford county,
Pa.; John Dey, Greenville, Outagamie county,
Wis.;W.S. Wood, Tarkio, Atchison county,
Mo. ; Robert Anderson, Maple Rapids. Mich. :
F. A. Boyt, Vienna, 111.; Si B. Fair, Xorth
Calais, Vt.; J. P. Kinuey, Schutz Mills, 111.;
Captain James Do Voir, Pickering, Mo.
The following applications, duly signed, have
hceu forwarded to headquarters for Posts at
Calais, Washington county, Vt.; Lexington,
Sanilac county, Mich., and Albany, Green
county, Wis.
Adjt.-Gen. Brown acknowledges the receipt
of applications previously forwarded by The
TmBCXE for Posts at Dundas, Minn., Rock
ville and 3It. Ida, Wis. ; Athol and Canton, X.
Y., and White Rock, Kan.
At the regular meeting of James A. Garfield
Tost, No. 40, Bluehill, Maine, held on the 10th
inst., a committee of five, with Comrade George
W. Clay, Post Commander, as chairman, was
chosen to consider ways and means for a sol
diers' monument here. Comrade II. A. Tripp,
Adjutant of the Post, was choseu Historian,
the plan being to have a concise history of each
comrade, civil as well as military, entered in
a book and preserved with other records of the
Post. The meetings of the Post are well at
tended, and much interest is manifested, and
eucccss is bound to follow.
Department Commander A. B. Valentine has
issued General Order, Xo. 1. announcing his
xe-clection and makiug the following appoint
ments : Comrades C. C. Kinsman, re-appointed
Assistant Adjutu'ir-General; W. L. Greeuleaf,
re-appointed Assistant Quartennastcr-Geiieral ;
C. A. Bundv, re-appointed Assistant Inspector-
Geueral ; H. E. Taylor, re-appointcd Chief Mus-tcaftJ-Ollicer:
KittredgeBaskins, re-appointed
Advocate-General. Headquarters arc con-
Ted at Bennington. " For the past year," says
mmander Valentine, " our increase has been
more than seventy-live per cent. If we all
work with a will, the increase of 700, large as
it is, will be equalled before the seventeenth
annual Encampment convenes. In accordance
with orders from national headquarters, each
Post in the Department will keep a record of
the comrades who bring recruits into the Post,
and report the name of the comrade securing
lhe greatest number. Post Roberts, of Rutland, j
vas the banner Post for JSS2, bavins mustered
che most recruits, and shown the largest per
centage of increase. Post Sedgwick, of Brat-
tleboro, and Post E, H. Stoughton, of Bellows
Falls, were not far behind, aiid the same can
he said of other Posts. Let a healthy spirit of
emulation exist for the honor of showing the
largest increase in numbers and percentage for
the present year. It is computed that there
atare least 5,000 veterans in the State, and they
all ought to be numbered with the Grand
Army of the Republic before January l6t, 1881.
I would recommend that, were it possible, the
Posts of the Department have regular meetings
once a week. It is none too often to become
familiar with the work, and the interest is
augmented by having frequent meetings. Let
Camp-fires, to which all veterans and tho
-public are invited, be held often.
The address of welcome delivered by Dept.
Com. A. B.Valentine at thereccnt Encampment
.of the Department of Vermont shows that
the Order in that State is up and doing. In the
course of it he said : " I know the difficulty at
tending a large increase in our mountainous
and sparsely settled State. We scarcely boast
of a city, and of but few villages of more than
one thousand inhabitants. 3Iany veterans
have gone to Western States and there swelled
ths number of recruits to the Grand Army.
Comparatively few centres in our State call
runny old soldiers together. But twenty years
ago these same difficulties stood in the way of
recruits for the Grand Army about to march
against the foes of our country ; and did that
prevent the nohle sons.of Vermont from com
ing to the rescue? By no means. From moun
tains and valleys they came. Thousands
walked miles to enroll their names in some
company about to march. Many were added to
tho quota of adjacent States, because there
companies were being organized nearer their
homes, or perhaps Avere more nearly ready to
march to tho front. And so it has been in this
Department the past year. In towns too small
to have soldiers enough for a Post, they have
gone to neighboring towns, and gone on foot,
too, miles and miles away, for the sake of join
ing their old comrades."
Cummings Post, Xo. 37, Hineshurg, Vt., are
making arrangements with the Burlington
Philarmonic Society to give one of their musi
cal entertainments at that place. The recent
Camp-fire of the Post was held at Hineshurg,
not at St. Georges. Mrs. J. S. Patrick was tho
organist upon that occasion.
PostXo.10, of Worcester, Mass., has appointed
Comrade Clare W. Putnam as agent and corres
pondent of The Tiubu.ve. The officers are as
follows: Commander, W. L. Robinson; S. V. C,
H. J, Buck; J. V. C, C. X. Walker; Adj't,
C. H. Benchlcy ; S. 31., E. E. Livermore; Chap
Jain, Rev J. F. Lovering; Q. M., E. A. Rice;
Q. JL S., G. P. Eames. This is tho tenth con
secutive term of the last two officers. O. G.,
George Blunt; O. D., A. W. Cunningham.
Comrade Cunningham was over twenty-one
months in rebel prisons. The total membership
ia 460. Comrade Putnam writes us : " We have a
good hall which we have leased for a term of
years. There are two waiting-rooms and a
kitchen connected with it, and in the kitchen
is a large set of crockery, which we use at our
Camp-fires, &a We have a good set of scenery
on the fctagc, and also a piano. The walls
arc adorned with large copies of alhthe Corps
badges, pictures of General Charles Devens,
Colonel G. II. Ward, Sherman's march to the
Eca, and many other scenes of interest to old
"Fairfax" writes us that Moses Ellis Post,
Xo. 117, Medfield, Mass., has installed the fol
lowing officers: Commander, Wm. F. Guild ; S.
V. C, Johu G. Wight; J. V. C, J. A. Fitts; Q.
"M., Joseph Clark; Surg., Dr. J. H. Richardson;
Chap., Lo well Babcock ; Adj"t, P. C.G rover; O.
D., X. F. Harding; O. G., Wm. H. Bullard; S.
3VL, Win. Crane; Q. M. S., David Mcany. The
Post, though a small one, is solid in the ranks.
"Xevcr before," fcays our correspondent, "in
the history of the Grand Army of the old Bay
State, has there been such a thorough waking
tip of the vcterns along the line as that during
the past year. This was mainly due to tho
efficiency and noble effort of Past Post Com
mander Patch and the other Department offi
cers. The Xational TumcxE is a most wel
come visitor to our table. It is a clear cut and
-.veil made-up soldiers' Journal, and should bo
taken by every ex-soldier of tho Army of the
Reynolds Tost, East "Weymouth, Mass., was
organized July 14, 1663, and was so named in
honor of Major-Gencral John F. Reynolds, the
gallant commander of the FirstArmy Corps,
under whom many-of the comrades served. It
luwl then 10 members; now it has 322. The
first commander wa the lamented Gon. James
L. Bales, and the present one is the Hon. Benj.
S. Lovell. January 1, LSS3, the Post fund
amounsod to $3,294.94. The ladies' circles in
the diiferent sections of (he town are hard at
work making preparations for the grand fair
to be held in .May. It is intended that tne-fair '
this year shall outrival anything of the kind
ever before attempted, and to this end the
members of "the Post, ably seconded by the
ladies of the diiferent circles, will devote their
entire energy. Dr. M. R. Greeley, of South
Weymouth, is a delegate to the Xational En
campment. Comrade C. W. Putnam, Worcester, Mass.,
writes us that Post Xo. 10 of that place will
give an entertainment to-night, at which will
be presented the original two-act drama. ' The
Chimney Corner,"' which will be followed by a
Camp-fire. Among the recent visitors to this
Post were Comrade Smith, of Amherst, and a
comrade from Post Xo. 5. Philadelphia.
Post, Xo. 59, Lovell's Corners, Mass., has in
stalled the following officers: Commander,
Benj. S. Lovell; S. A. C. David Dunbar; J. V.
G, Geo. F. Maynard ; Adj't, Chas. W. Hasting;
Q. M., Elbridge Xash ; Surg., Moses R. Greeley ;
Chaplain, Geo. E. Fairbank; O. D., John H.
Whelan: O. G., C. S. Redmond; S. M., H. E.
Raymond : Q. M. S., Jas. J. Mahoncy, Jr.
In the address of Comrade Henry F. Jcnks,
retiring Department Commander of Rhode
Island, delivered at the annual Encampment
held last month at Providence, he stated that
the last quarterly report showed "7GB comrades
in the State, which number could and should
be increased to 1,000. During the year, Burn
side Post, Xo. 2, was mustered at Shannock
Mills. The charter of the Slaterville Post was
surrendered on account of the changing of the
population. The Posts at Woonsoekct and Bris
tol only require their comrades to go earnestly
to work to make them again flourishing. Com
rade Jenks. in his speech, laid down some ex
cellent general rules, among which was that
the inspection of a Post and the installation of
its officers should ba done by the regularly ap
pointed officers, aud never, except when una
voidable, by one of its members. The impor
tance of Posts being provided with uniforms
cannot be overestimated. The uniformed Posts
really sustain this organization. They give it
a character, obtain recruits with littlo exer
tion and command public respect. The ex
pense is within the reach of every comrade.
Department Commander Isaac B. Hyatt has
issued General Order, Xo. 1, announcing his
election and making the following appoint
ments: Assistant Adjutant-General, Henry
E. Taiutor, Post 50, Hartford : Assistant Quar-frrmnsfrvr-fifiiftRil.
Win. H. Piernonh Post 17.
Xcw Haven ; Inspector, John T. Crary, Post 1, J
Xorwich; Judge-Advocate, .1. D. Plunkett,
Post 52, Xew Haven ; Chief Mustering Officer,
George W. Keeler, Post 3, Bridgeport. Head
quarters of this Department will continueatXo.
332 Main street, Hartford, Conn. The follow
ing arc the alternate delegates to the Xational
Encampment: Willis W. Clarlfc (at large),
Post 1, Xorwich ; William S. Knapp, Post 48,
South Xorwalk; John C. Lewis, Post 1G, South
iugton; Samuel H. Seward, Post 54, Putnam.
Comrade 31. Keane writes us that Colonel
David S. Cowles Post, Xo. 60, has recently been
mustered at Xorth Canaan, Conn. The fol
lowing are its officers: Commander, X. Van
Dusen; S. V. C, A. P. Briggs; J. V. C, D. D.
Walter; Surgeon, M. Keane; Q. M., L. Parson ;
O. D., M. J. Kilmer; O. G., I. Tubbs. The J
Post has twenty-four members and recruits
waiting to come in. It was named after Colo
nel Cowles, who was killed in the assault on
Port Hudson, La., May 27th, 16G3.
Comrade W. G. Gallager, Meridian, Conn.,
writes that Meriani Post, Xo. 8, which has a
membership of 210, has appointed him corres
pondent for The Ttibuxe for that place. On
the 7th inst., the Post had a sociable at its hall
which was graced by theprescnceofalarge num
ber of ladies; Comrade John J. Saxic, of Wad
hams Post, Waterberry was also present. Dan
cing was enjoyed until a late hour. To-day
Meriam Post, with nine other Posts, will shake
bauds with comrades of Stanley Post,. Xew
Brittain, Conn.
Comrade William 31. Rogers, Hartford, Conn.,
writes us that the performances of the opera
of "Chimes of Xormandy," recently given by
R. O. Tyler Post, in that city, was highly suc
cessful and netted the Post about $500. Miss
Katie Sherlock sold 202 tickets, and was
awarded a silver ice pitcher. Our correspondent
came next with 200 tickets, and won a silver
cake basket.
Comrade George C. Ruff, Lewiston, Idaho
Ty., writes us that Arthur Guernsey Post, Xo.
2, at that place, which was mustered last Sep
tember, has now twenty-four members. Its
officers are: Commander, Phil. Grigsby; S.
V. C, A. O. Johnson; J. V. C, W. J. Johnson;
Chaplain, J. W. Rigby; Surgeon, W. L. Berks;
Q. M., J. E. Richard ; O. D., George C. Ruff; O.
G., Edgar Kittemiller"; Adj't, William Wiug;
S. M., Wm. King; Q. M. S., W. B. Akin.
The headquarters of tho Grand Army of the
Republic of Xcw York are now virtually estab
lished at Rochester under Department Com
mander John A. Reynolds. The new Assistant
Adjutant-General, Joseph A.Adlington, was in
that city for two or three days last week, and
was fairly initiated in the duties of his office by
his predecessor, Colonel George F. Hopper. All
of the Department property in this city has
been forwarded to Rochester, and the new
headquarters will be in working order within a
few days. In General Order, Xo. 1, General
Reynolds gratefully acknowledges the honor
conferred upon him, and says, among other
things : " There is a unity of feeling now exist
ing never before realized in tho history of our
Order, and I desire to urge this fraternal feel
ing to even a greater extent, that our personal
interests may be subservient to the noble prin
ciples of our Order and to tho general good.
Let us be determined that in the coming year
the Department of the Empire State shall, as it
ought, rank every other Department." Among
the appointments as aides-de-camp are J. C.
Julius Laugbein, of Kimball Post, Xo. 100, aud
Thomas B. Odell, of Dix Post, Xo. 135, of this
city, and Joseph L. Follett, of Rankin Post,
Xo. 10, of Brooklyn. The presentation on the
14th inst. of a crayon portrait and the letter
book of Adam Goss, formerly of the Fortieth
(Mozart) regiment, Xew York volunteers, to Post
Xo. 330, which has taken his name, was a very
interesting affair. The gifts came from Martin
and Phillip Goss, brothers of the deceased sol
dier, who lost his life at the second battle of
Bull Run. Considerable interest was also ielt
from the fact "that it is among the first instances
of a Post taking the name of a private soldier.
The presentation was made by Lewis R. Steg
man, Sheriffof Brooklyn, and formerly brevet
colonel United States volunteers. Commander
Hatfield resjtouded to the remarks of Colonel
Stegman, and read a letter from Lawrence W.
Callahan, now in Kansas, and a former com
rade of Adam Goss, paying great tribute to his
character and commending the choice of the
Tho fourth annual Camp-fire of Custer Post,
of Bath, Xew York, was held at Purdy's Opera
House on tho 8th inst. The Opera House was
handsomely decorated with flags, &c, and pre
sented an attractive appearance greatly in
contrast with the old camping-grounds except
the stage, which was occupied by a tent, stack
of arms, camp-kettle over a mock fire, and the
proverbial canteen, without which army life
would have been much harder to bear than it
was. Upon the chandeliers were placed flags
of each Army Corps twenty-five in number,
and on the walls were flags which had passed
through mauy hard-fought battles. Five ta
bles, extending nearly the entire length of the
hall, had been placed in position, and were
loaded with hard-tack, pork and beans, cheese,
sandwiches, coffee, aud other "delicacies"
which, after tho meeting was called to order,
disappeared from view like dew undera morning
sun. Hon. A. C. Brudago acted as toastmaster,
and after a few eloquent remarks introduced
to the audience Mr. H. C. Work, of Xew York
city, composer of the famous song, "Marching
Through Georgia." Mr. Work made a neat lit
tlo speech, saying that he was not a singer
himself, but composed songs for other people to
Bing; however, on this occasion, he would en
deavor to sing the song mentioned above if all
present would join in the chorus; they did so
with much enthusiasm. Tho programme of the
evening was then carried out, the toasts being
promptly reonded, to with but one exception,
the Hon. Wm. Rumsey not being present to re
spond totbetoiisttofhe"AnnyofthoRebellion.
The programme was as follows: "The Grand
Army ortlic Repuhlio"-3la". Jno. F. Little. Song
"Thne Buzzing Bumble Bees" Waneta
Glee Club. "The Armv of the Rebellion"
Hon. William Rum-cv. Song "Do You Think
I'll Make a .Soldier" Waneta Glee Club. "The
Private. Soldier "Captain W. S. Burns. " The
Home Guards" C. F. Kingsley, Esq. Song
" Do Old Home Am Gone" Waneta Glee Club.
"Our Country" Prof. L. D. Miller. "Our
Absent Comrades.'- Song "They are Going
Down the Valley" Waueta Glee Club. "The
Village of Bath "Hon. G. H. McMastcr.
"The Ladies"' W. H. Xichols, Esq. Song
"Steal Away "Wan eta Glee Club. Song
"Good Xight" Waueta Glee Club.
Comrade W. M. White, adjutant of E. A. Slo
cum Post, Xo. 211, of Fairporr, Xew York,
writes us that a grand Camp-fire was held on
the 13th inst., which was attended by 300
guests exclusive of the wives and children
of members. Commander L. G. Parsons read a
paper describing the character and objects of
the Order, and brief remarks were made by the
Revs. Gardner and Brockway. Excellent mu
sic was furnished by the S. J. Dc Sand band,
and rations, consisting of hot coffee, baked
beans, cheese, and cakes were served to all.
During the evening a capital speech in the
interest of ex-soldiers was made by Otis Clapp,
Esq., one of the staunehest friends of the Order
in the town. The Tost now Viumbtrs thirty
seven members and is 6teadily gaining in
strength. An oyster supper is to be given this
evening in aid of the relief fund.
The following officers of Rathbun Post, Xo.
277, Corning, X. Y., were publicly installed at
Knoxville Hall, on tho 2d inst. : Commaudcr,
George Swingle: S. V. C, E. W. rainier; J. V.
C, J. Oldham; Adj't, G. M. Clark; Q. M., X.
Taggart; Chaplain, M. P. Haradon; Surgeon,
Charles Thomas; O. D., W. Vandcrwater; A.
Q. M., J. M. Palmer; O. G., R. D. Hainc. After
the installation services were over, the chair
man of committee of arrangements. G. F.
Haines, introduced the first speaker of the
evening, Captain J. F. Little, of Bath, whose
name was greeted with cheers as he took the
platform. Miss Lulu Swingle, Miss Mettie
Palmer, Mrs. George Hines and Captain D. F.
Brown and others also contributed to the
entertainment, which was much enjoyed by all
Comrade Willard Reeger, Coiiklin, X. Y.,
writes us that Henry Baylcss Post, Xo. 203, at
thatplace,has about thirty inembcrsand is doing
well. The public hall fund is booming. Tho
following officers have been installed: Com
mander, Willard Reeger; S. V. G, C. D. Jones;
J. V. G, H. C. Wilber; O. G., Charles Hap
mon; O. D., L. Parsons; Chaplain, S. 31. Yos
bery; Q. M., B. J. Boyless; Adj't, L. L. Roe.
William M. O'Xeal, an old vet of Woodbourne,
X. Y., writes us that some of the boys got
together on the 10th inst., and thirty signed
an application for a charter. Had the weather
been propitious it would have been fifty. A
flourishing Post will shortly be mustered at
Comrade A. W. Fielder, of Seth X. Hedges
Post, Xo. 210, Dansville, X. Y., at a Camp-lire
held on the 5th inst., delivered an interesting
poem, in which the Post and its officers were
described in rhyme.
General Orders, Xos. 5 and 6, have been
issued by Department Commander George B.
Fielder John Ramsey, Assistant Adjutant
General. Xo. 5 has reference to the transmis
sion of Post communications which should be
addressed to the Assistant Adjutant-General,
written on letter paper, folded in three folds,
with an indorsement on the back, giving name
aud number of the Post and stating the char
acter of contents. Xo. G announces that in
dcterming what Posts should receive honorable
mention for promptness in forwarding returns,
the distance of Posts from headquarters and
the time required for transmission through the
mails will bo taken into account. Circular
order, Xo. 2, advises Posts that arc without a
copy of the State record of enlisted men to
apply to headquarters for same.
A meeting of the survivors of the Elev
enth regiment, Xew Jersey volunteers, was
held at tho American House, Trenton, Xew.
Jersey, on the 30th nit. The following
were present: General Robert McAllister,
Col. John Schoonover, Capt. U. B. Titus, Dr.
E. L. Welling, Dr. Edwin B. Young, Lieut. E.
R. Good, Lieut. L. II. Leigh, Lieut. Charles A.
Oliver, Serg't Thomas D. Marbaker, Serg't
Samuel S. Lindley, Serg't Frederick Schaedcl,
Serg't Thomas G Blackwood, Corporal B. W.
Mains, Privates John H. Gilbert, William C.
Coddington, John Wilkinson. It was decided
to hold the first Reunion of the regiment? on
the anniversary of the battle of Chanccllors
ville, May 3d, as it was at this battle the Elev
enth regiment particularly distinguished itself.
Comrade Xcvius, Red Bank, X. J., writes us
that Arrowsmith Post, Xo. 61, of that place,
organized a little over a year ago with twenty
three members, now numbers fifty-one. A
Post hall has been rented and the boys are
about to furnish it.
The following is a brief sketch of the military
careerof General E. S. Osborne, of Wilkcs-Barre,
the new Commander of the Dept. of Penn. : He
enlisted in the three months' service, April 18,
1861, as private in company C, Eighth regi
ment, Pennsylvania volunteers, and was mus
tered out at the expiration of the term of ser
vice. He raised company F, One Hundred and
Forty-ninth rcgimentjPennsylvania volunteers,
and re-entered the service for three years Au
gust 22, 16G2. Soon after reaching Washing
ton, D. G, he was made judge advocate on the
stiff of General James Wadsworth, Military
Governor of the District, served in that capac
ity until December, 1862, when he returned to
his regiment in time to take part in the battle
of Fredericksburg, Va. After the battle of
Gettysburg, in which he was also engaged, he
did staff duty in the First and Fifth Corps un
til the surrender at Appomattox. He attained
the rank of major in his regiment, and was
breveted colonel United States volunteers.
After the war he was appointed judge advocate
United States army, wasassigned to dutyatthe
War Department, was sent South, investigated
the horrors of Anderson ville, and drew up the
charges upon which Captain Wirz was tried.
By order of the War Department he inquired
into and reported on the arrest and confine
ment of citizens of Pennsylvania in military
prisons and recommended their release, after
which fie resigned his position to follow the
practice of law. Comrade Oshorne joined the
Grand Army in 1667 as a member of Eli Post,
Xo. 97, of which he was elected Commander,
was judge advocate on the staff of Department
Commander A. Wilson Morris, and was dele
gate from his Post to the Encampments held at
Altoona, Lancaster, Pittsburg and Williamsport.
The new hall of Post Xo. 71, Philadelphia,
will be dedicated at-two o'clock this afternoon.
Washington's Farewell Address will be read by
a comrade of the Post, after which Major Veale,
of Post 2, will deliver an oration. Invitations
have been scut to all the Posts in the city to at
tend, and a large gathering is expected. The
Post will have tho use of the entire building,
and have fitted up the Post room and lower
hall in a handsome manner. The muster roll
contains the names of 250 comrades, and is con
stantly increasing.
Comrade Samuel Xewton, Oakdale, Pa.,
sends us the following resolution, passed at a
recent meeting of Harry McEwen Post, Xo.
101, at that place: Itcsolved, That we do hereby
express our unanimous opinion, that in the
matter of appointments under tho Federal
Government, soldiers disabled by wounds or
physical debility incurred while in-the military
service, should, in all cases, be preferred to
civilians or soldiers who are in full possession of
their, physical strength, especially in the ap
pointment of United States pension agents."
About twenty-five Post Commanders of
Philadelphia met recently at the Department
headquarters, 1202 Chestnut street, to take
action in regard to the unveiling of the sol
diers' and sailors' monument, which is to be
erected at Gcnnantown on or before May 25th.
Comrade A. J. Sellers occupied the chair.
After a general debate tho Fourth of July was
decided upon as the most appropriate occasion
for tho unveiling.
Comrade T. J. Tallman, of Post Xo. 5S, Sus
quehanna, Pa., writes us that a new Post is
about to be organized at Xew Milford, Susque
hanna county, Pa. Application has already
been made for a charter, and it is thought the
Post Avill number forty or fifty members.
Comrade Wm. J. Steen, late Senior Vice Cnm
mauder of Fred Taylor Post, Xo. 19, of Phila-
dclphia, was buried on the 4th inst. according
to the ritual of the Order.
A new Post of the Grand Army is about to
be started at Xowpo'rt, Delaware. Comrade
Myers writes us that they hope to muster
between thirty and forty members.
General Wm. E.W. Ross, of Baltimore, having
been constituted an honorary life member of
the Sons of Vcterans.'with the rank of lieu
tenant general by brevet, and placed in full
charge and command of tho second and fifth
Grand Divisions of the Sons of Veterans, and
given full authority to make all necessary pro
visional appointments and organize the said
Grand Divisions in accordance with the forms
of the Constitution of the Order, and under
such instructions as may from time to time be
issued from the Commander-in-Chief, has as
sumed command, and appointed John A. Thomp-
j son, jr., Assistant .Adjutant General. Division
. Commanders in the States of Xew York, Xcw
! Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West
lrginia, .Maryland, District of Columbia, Vir
ginia, Xorth Carolina, South Carolina,Tenncssee,
Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisi
ana. Arkansas, Indian Territory and Texas,
which comprise thesccond and fifth Grand Div
ision's, will report their name and location as
early as possible, that proper blanks may bo
sent them for the enrollment of their Camps at
his headquarters.
Comrade John II. Sutcr, Department Com
mander of Maryland, issued from headquarters,
Baltimore, on the 12th inst., a circular which
bears, upon the subject of " rank straps." It
says: "Xational, Department and Post officers,
while in service as such, wear, instead of tho
eagle, a miniature shoulder strap, and instead
of the flag, a ribbon, buff in color for Xa
tional, cherry for Department, and Blue for
Post officers. A Post commander would wear
a miniature colonel's strap, silver eagle on
I blue 'ground, and blue ribbon. A member of
the olhcial stall of the Department, the col
onel's strap with black ground and cherry
ribbon ; but these do not entitle them to be
called 'colonel.' TheDepartmentcommander's
strap is one with two stars, as a major-general's,
but it is very much out of place to style him
' general.' A Department or Post commander
should be addressed officially as 'commander,'
unofficially as ' comrade.' A comrade wearing
a captain's strap and blue ribbon, is without
doubt the officer of the day of his Post, but
should not be called 'captain,' but 'officer of
the day' or 'comrade.' The practice of ad
dressing a comrade as 'general' or 'colonel,'
who may have have done his duty to his coun
try well and nobly as a private, lieutenant or
captain, does not meet with approval, and it is
suggested that it bo discontinued in this De
partment." Department Commander John H. Sutcr, of
Maryland, was presented on the 14th inst. with
a handsome Department Commander's badge.
j The presentation took place at Grand Army
I headquarters, and was made by Colonel II. L.
Emmons. There were present a large number
of Commander Suter's friends. The bar from
which the badge is pendent is a miniature
major general's epaulet, and has a border of
gold with a black enameled field. In either
corner is placed a silver star and in the centre
of each star a diamond. The regulation ribbon
connects the bar with the regular badge, and
the whole presents a beautiful appearance.
Wilson Post, Xo. 1, Baltimore, Md., has voted
to accept the invitation to the Frederick (Md.)
celebration to be held to-day. They will prob
ably take about one hundred and twenty-five
men and a drum and fife corps of twenty-four
pieces. The Post will act as escort to Depart
ment Commander Suter and stall'.
Comrade Samuel Peters writes us that Thos.
Williams Post, Xo. 72, Fort Smith, Ark., now
numbers fifty members and is in a flourishing
In General Orders, Xo. 2, recently issued,, at
Columbus, by Comrade Charles T. Clark, De
partment Commander oXTJhio, Comrade David
Lanning, A. A. G., it is announced that on rec
ommendation of the Council of Administration,
mustering districts have been established com
prising one or- more counties,-and the Comrade
whose name appears opposite each is hereby
appointed district mustering officer.
Brown and Adams L. W. Williams, Ripley.
Fayette aud Clinton T. J. Lindsey, Wash
ington C. II.
Ross, Highland and Pickaway John A. Rit
tcr, Chillicothe.
Scioto aud Pike J. K. Duke, Portsmouth.
Gallia, Jackson and Lawrence W. S. Mat
thews, Vinton.
Meigs and Vinton J. C. Bishop, Middleport.
Athens and Hocking F. T. Towsley, Athens.
Fairfield, Franklin and Madison W. J. El
liott, Columbus.
Miami and Champaign W. M. Williamson,
Darke and Mercer J. A. Reis, Greenville.
Shelby and Auglaize E. E. Xutt, Sidney.
Union, Logan aud Mariou W. P. Anderson,
Hardin aud Wyandot Frederick Reiser, Up
per Sandusky.
Defiance aud Paulding W. J. Henry, Hicks
vilie. Williams and Fulton L. M. Murphy, Wau
scou. Lucas, Henry and Putnam H. Z. Eaton, To
ledo. Wood and Hancock F.3I. Young, Weston.
Seneca and Crawford A. M. Dildine, Fosto
ria. Erie and nuron J. W. Rexford, Xorwalk.
Ashland and Richland O. F. Grail, Ashland.
Morrow and Delaware James M. Crawford,
Knox and Licking George W. Chase, Xew
ark. Washington and Morgan Theodore Davis,
Muskingum and Perry H. S. Korte, Zancs
ville. Wayne and Holmes James P. Van Xest,
Lorain and Medina Wm. Bigham, Seville.
Summit and Portage T. D. McGillicuddy,
Cuyahoga L. R. Davics, Cleveland.
Ashtabula, Lake and Geauga W. E. Orcutt,
Trumbull and Mahoning George W. Bear,
Stark and Carroll J. M. Ebersolc, Canton.
Jefferson and Columbiana F. M. Webster,
I Belmont, Harrison and Monroe G E.Erwin,
i Martin's Ferry.
District mustering officers, will report to the
Chief Mustering officer, andjare charged with
the duty of organizing a new Post at every
point in their rcspecthc districts ivherc it is
reasonably certain that one can be maintained,
and arc expected to enter upon the perform
ance of that duty immediately. On recom
mendation of the Council of Administration
the office of district inspector is discontinued.
The following appointments.'on the staff as as
sistant inspectors are hereby,aunounced : J. St.
J. Clarkson, Post 23, Dayton ; J. F. Flowers,
Post 65, Elyria ; M. V. Payne, Post 117, Marion ;
I. Ullman, Post 134, Massillou; Wm. Richard
Clark, Post 15, Toledo; Thos. H. Dawson, Post
125, Middleport; J. P. Slemmons, Post 1, Co
lumbus; E. T. Petty, Post 220, Bamesville ;
John G. Magaw, Post G9, Coshocton. Assistant
inspectors will report to tho inspector, and
whore assigned to special duty their traveling
expenses will be paidif so staled in the order
requiring the duty. Comrado O. B. Shaffer,
Post Xo. 29, Youngstown, is hereby appointed
Senior Aid-de-Camp. Other appointments will
be anuounced hereafter. Post Xo. 235, at Ham
ler has surrendered charter and its members
have been transferred. The following new
Posts have been mustered since the last report
in General Orders : Andrew Crawford Post, Xo.
6, Xcw Philadelphia; Adair Post, Xo. 59, Cam
bridge; Jacob Banker Post, Xo. 70, Middle
town ; Lieut. Fellers Post, Xo. 191, Rays ; Au
gust Willich Post, Xo. 195, Cincinnati.
Comrado William Brunncr, Xorlh Lewis
burg, Ohio, writes us that Comrade R. L. Kil
patrick, of Springfield, on the 17th inst. mus
tered John Briney Post, Xo. 293, at Xorth Lewis
burg, with forty-six charter members, aud also
installed the following officers: Commander,
F. Housington, S. V. G, P. A. Callahan; J. V.
G, Wm. Brainier; O. D., W. E. Iuskip; O. G.,
H. G May; Q.M., J. Swisher; Adj't, E.Sherett;
Surg., W. H.Wagstaff; Chap., Allen Burroughs;
Q. M. S., J. K. Hawkins; S.M., Wm. Hunter.
Three recruits have since been added and there
are three applications on file.
Comrade L. B.Wolfe. Evansburg, Ohio, writes
that the members of Richard Lanning rost,Xo.
G9, at that place, are anxious, as all good mem
bers are, that every honorably discharged ex
soldier should become a member of the Order.
The Post proposes to erect a monument to those
who fell in the late war at Coshocton, the
county scat. Our correspondent is canvasing
tho county for this object.
Comrade C. H. Ray, Mantua, Ohio, writes
us that Uazlen Post was mustered at 3Iantua
Station, Ohio, on the 11th inst. With twenty
three charter member. The following are its
officers: Commander, Dr. A. M. Erwin; S. A".
C. W. II. Chapman: J. V. G, M. Sweet; Adj't,
Geo. Striker; Q. M.. J. T. Spink; Surg., F. A.
Derthick ; O. D., T.W. Esty ; O. G.,W. A. Curtis ;
S. M., Wan-en Bower: Q. M. S., 31. Haskins;
D. M. 0., Chas. Strand.
Comrade George G Jenkins, Washington
Court House, Ohio, sends us another club of new
subscribers and says John Bell Post, Xo. 119,
of that place, now numbers 11G members, with
nine applications waiting to be mustered.
Comrade Frank Faulk, of that Post, was buried
on the Sth inst. according to the ritual of the
Order, the first time that the Post has had oc
casion to employ it since its organization.
A Reunion of ex-soldiers is announced to be
held in Rushville, Ohio, at Winegarden
er"s Opera Jlouse on the evenings of Feb
ruary 21st, 22d and 23d, for the benefit of
Jacob Kate, Rufther Post, G. A. R. On the 22d
a Reunion of company D, 62d O. V. I. will be
held. On the 23d a competitive drill of old
soldiers will take place.
"Company H, Thirteenth Indiana," sends us
an interesting letter, in which he says that the
Council of Administration met in Indianapolis
on tho 13th inst. aud decided to call the fourth
annual Encampment of the 'Department on
March 28. Owing to the devastating floods that
are now raging in this section, a portion of the
Council could not be present. There were on
hand, however, Gen. F. F. McGinnis, Post Xo.
17; J. A. Curler, Post Xo. 10; W. A. Quiglcv,
Post Xo. 2G; Col. W. F. Robertson, Post Xo. 40,
Chief Mustering Officer; J. T. Wooden, Post Xo.
5, Inspector-General; Dr. Wm. Scott, Post Xo.
30, Medical Director; J. A. Carnahan, De
partment Commander, and others. The En
campment will wind up with a public installa
tion of the elected officers and a rousing Camp
fire in the rooms of the George H. Thomas
Post, Xo. 17, Indianapolis. Post Xo. 138,
Xoblesvillc, was mustered on the evening of
the 10th inst. by the Department Commander.
It mustered 50. The following new Posts have
been recently mustered : Xo. 139, Fulsomville,
Whitcly county; Xo. 110. Xcw Corners, Dela
ware county; and Xo. 141, Walcottvillc, La
grange county. The Department Commander
will shortly go to Huntington to muster a
largo Post there. A charter has already been
issued. Comrade Johu E. Ifcikes, of Abraham
D. Shultz Post, Xo. 73, Windsor, Indiana, has
in his possession the ink-stand used by Jeff
Davis during his incarceration in Fort Monroe.
Hcikes was tho orderly detailed by General
Xelson A. Miles, the commandant, to attend to
Davis's wants, and when he was released se
cured this souvenir. This comrade has some
interesting facts concerning the Arch traitor,
unpublished, from personal observations. The
manuscript will be placed in the hands of Sol
Ycwell, Jr., a journalist, with a view of prepa
ration for publication. The following is the
roster of Post Xo. 8G, Jeffersonville, Indiana:
Commander, J. W. Thompson; S. V. G, Geo. G
Watson; J. V. G, J. S.Ulilier; Q. M., Phillip
Spccht; Adj't, J. Gallagher"; Chaplain, J. G.
Robinson; Surg., W. D. Fouts; O. D., A. J.
Burlingamc; O. G., Hugh Mitchell ; S.M., John
Williams; Q. M. S., Henry Dibble The great
floods of the Ohio River have at present ren
dered homeless the comrades of Huff Post,
Lawrenceburgh, Aurora county, Indiana.
Among the comrades of Bachman Post, Xo. 2G,
Madison, Jeffersonville, and all the Posts on
the river great destitution prevails. Commit
tees have been organized, trains of provisions
sent, and everything done to alleviate their
present wants. Comrade Roberts, Mayor of
Lawrenceburgh, had to telegraph to Cincinnati
and elsewhere for provisions and physicians.
The comrades of Indianapolis started a train
for the doomed city with rations, besides sev
eral hundred dollars.
Department Commander James R. Carnahan,
Ben. D. House, A. A. J., has issued General
Orders, Xo. 12, announcing the decision of tho
Council of Administration to hold the annual
Encampment at Indianapolis on the 28th inst.
Delinquents are urged to send in their reports
and per capita for the fourth quarter to head
quarters. Tho attention of Post Commanders
is again called to the matter of the Monumental
Association, referred to in previous orders and
circular, and they are earnestly requested to
exhibit the certificate of membership sent
them or their predecessors, and to canvass their
commands for membership. Any subscriptions
already made should be forwarded with the
names at once to the Assistant Adjutant-General.
Wm. Trout, of Post G6, Denver, Indiana,
is appointed Assistant Mustering Officer. The
following Posts have been organized and mus
tered since the issuance of General Order, Xo.
11, of date December 9, 18S2: Post 123, Rock
port; 124, Pierceton; 125, Ligonier; 126, Con
nersvillc; 127, Franklin; 128, Mishawaka ; 129,
Dublin ; 130, Spearsville ; 131, Russiaville ; 132,
Argos; 133, Xoblesville; 134, Sardina; 135,
Ormas; 136, Houston 137, Huntingtin; 138,
Hudson; 139, Folsomville; 140, Xcw Comer,
141, Wolcottsville.
MeClung Post, Xo. 95, Rochester, Ind., on
the 6th inst., passed a series of resolutions de
manding that the pension laws be so amended
that rank shall not be taken into consideration
in granting the same; that all soldiers of every
rank shall be equal and fare alike ; that the
only distinction made shall be in grading the
disability and not of rank; that the minimum
pension for all shall be twenty dollars per
Comrade Alexander writes us that Austin
Post, of South Bend, Ind., is the largest in the
Department. The Commander is E. Vicar,
who is also Senior Vice-Commander of the
Department. On the occasion of Commander-in-Chief
Van Dervoort's recent visit to the
Post, he remarked that it was the best he had
seen in all his rounds. On the evening of tho
3d inst. Post 128 was organized at Mishawaka,
four miles from this place, making thrco Posts
in St. Joseph's county.
Comrado Thomas J. Clark, Connersville, Ind.,
writes us that Comrade Albert Winshal is act
ing as agent for The Tribune for Conners
ville Post, Xo. 126, at that place. The following
are the Post officers: Commander, John A.
Dunn; S.V. G, W. G. Plummer; J. V. G, Geo.
S. Johnson ; Surgeon, J. M. Waldrip ; Chaplain,
T.M. Little; 0. D., W. X. Young; 0. G., H.
VanKootin; Adj't, Wm. Jewiss; Q. M., John
W. Ross; S. M., Thomas J.Clark; Q. M. S.,
Robert Utter.
Comrade J. W. James, Lebanon, Ind., writes
us that Rich Mountain Post, Xo. 42, of that
place, now has 150 members in good standing,
and is in a prosperous condition.
Comrade Xewton McKee writes us that a
drum corps, auxiliary to A. E. Burnsidc Post,
Xo. 109, South Chicago, Ills., has been organ
ized by him, and will be under his manage
ment until it is self-sustaining. It will be
under tho instruction of Major F. W. Putnam,
drum-major of the Second regiment. Tho
corps, when complete, will number some thirty
five "members, all sons of vetcreus, and the
major predicts that the boys will be a credit to
the Post. Hon. Schuyler -Colfax, on the 12th
inst., lectured at the Grand Opera House, South
Chicago, under the auspices of the Post. His
subject was "Our Martyred Presidents." A
large audience was present. The Post is making
extensive preparations for the military drama,
"Reward; or, the German Volunteer," which
will be given at the sameplacc, on the evenings
of February 2Gth, 27th, and 2Sth, and March
1st. The cast will consist of nearly all homo
talent, including thirty members of the South
Chicago military company. Charles Collins,
the Dutch comedian, will play the title role,
and any who have ever heard him will be suro
'to go again.
Comrado W. Bruce Cowan, Georgetown, 111.,
writes us that the ex-soldiers of that place aro
making an effort to organize a Post. Some
twenty-five or thirty have already signed tho
application for a charter.
Comrade Samuel A. Harper, Department
Commander of Illinois, has re-appointed Com
rado J. L. Bennett, of Chicago, Assistaut Adju
tant General.
Comrado H. P. Holmes, Xew Lisbon, Wis.,
writes us that W. P. Mitchel Post, at that
place, has thirty-two members and is doing
Comrade George B. Gibbons, Bamboo, -Wis.,
writes us that Joe Hooker Post, Xo. 9, of that
place, now numbers ninety-live members, and
is in a nourishing condition.
" Correspondent," Xash ville, 3Iichigan, writes
that Jeffords Post, Xo. 62, of that place, held a
successful and highly entertaining Camp-fire
aud banquet at the Opera House ou the 2d inst.
About 400 persons were present, and all voted
it the best entertainment ever given in the vil
lage. The ladies got up the excellent collation.
The programme consisted of toasts, speeches,
songs, and recitations. The exercises closed
with a grand ball which lasted until morning.
Among the curiosities shown, preserved from
tho late war, was a hard-tack issued to Com
rade E. D. Williams, of Jcfierds Post, while he
was on board the steamship Baltic, sent to the
relief of Fort Sumter in April, 1SG1, he then
being in the Regular army. Jeffords Post
boasts of two noted members Comrade E.
Parady, who helped to capture the assassin
Booth and Comrade William, who, under
Major Anderson, witnessed the fall of Fort
The second annual Gimp-fire of Joe Hooker
Post, Xo. 26, held at Layton's hall, Hart, Mich
igan, on tho 2d inst., drew a good house. In
addition to the local attendance there we're a
number present from Shelby, Elbridge, and
other townships. The exercises of part first
consisted of music, singing, recitations, tab
leaux, camp scenes, iVc. At the close of part
first the scats in the main part of the hall were
removed, Babcock's quadrille band swung into
position, the floor manager gave tho word "all
aboard," and dancing commenced and was kept
up until an early hour next morning.
Comrade Isaac W. Drake, Ovid, Michigan,
writes us that Mustering Officer Colonel Shank
on the Sth inst. mustered Post George A. Win
ans, Xo. 101, at that place, with twenty-two
charter members. The following officers were
installed: Commander, L. G Mead; S. V. G,
John Cross; J. V. G, Jesse Hadley; Adj't, E.
E. Levan; Surgeon, J. M. McPhcrson; Chap
lain, I. W. Drake; Q. M., D. Armstrong; 0. D.,
Charles Cowan ; 0. G., William Hunter; Serg't
Maj., II. W. Perkins; Q. M. Serg't, A. B. Pier
son. Comrade Drake has been appointed by
the Post a correspondent of The Tribune.
Comrade A. Burr, Commander of Frank
Hicks Post, Xo. 78, Dansville, Michigan, sends
us the following roster of officers : Commander,
A. Burr; S. V. G, J. O. Gilford; J. V. G, A. J.
Miller; Adj't, G. W. Pulling; Q. 31., G E.
Ball ; Surg., G G Sherman f Chaplain, Isaiah
Dakin; 0. D., A. Dakin; O. G., H. H. Dakin;
S. 31., G F. Patrick ; Q. 31. S., A. L. Crossman.
The Post numbers thirty. In his letter he
refers to the good work of the G. A. R., and
appeals to all comrades to fill up the ranks of
the Order, and make it one which even its
enemies must respect.
French Post, Xo. 28, Grand Rapids, 3lichi
gan, will have a good old fashioned Camp-fire
to-night. 3Irs. Rebecca Stedman 3IcCan, an
elocutionist from Toledo, and others, will con
tribute to the entertainment of the guests.
Camp Xo. 5, of 3Iichigan Prisoners of War As
sociation, will be organized and mustered to
day by the president, G G. Hampton, at Big
Rapids, 3Iichigan, at the rooms of French Post,
Xo. 28. All Union prisoners of war in 3Iecosta
and adjoining counties are requested to be
Comrade 31. G. Shappee, Salt River, 3Iich.,
writes us that he is making an effort to organ
ize a GrafW Army Post at 3Iount Pleasant, the
county seat of Isabella county. There arc a
great many ex-soldiers in that county, and an
association was formed last fall, of a public
character, which it is proposed to merge into
a Grand Army Post.
Comrade George I. Xash, Marcellus, Michi
gan, writes us that Post 57, at that place, has
about 100 members and is highly prosperous.
Juninor Vice Commander B. F. Groner is a
delegate to the Xational Encampment. The
Post proposes to give a performance of the
drama "Brother Against Brother"next month.
Comrade Geo. F. Wiedman, Barrien Springs,
Jlich, writes us that General Kilpatrick Post,
of that place, organized a year ago with twenty
eight charter members, now numbers forty
eight, and is still growing.
Comrade J. W. Fuller and Adj't E. F. Wade,
Fairmont, 3Iinn., write us that Phil Kearney
Post, Xo. 18, was mustered at that place on the
9th inst., with twenty-nine charter members.
Comrade J. B. Frazier, Fairmont, Minn.,
writes us that a new Post is being organized at
that place, and will probably start out with
thirty-five or forty charter members.
Comrade G 31. Cross, Commander of Redficld
Post, Xo. 26, Perry, Iowa, writes us that the
Po3t held a fair in Union Hall, commencing
on the 7th inst. and continuing four days, for
the relief fund, which proved a grand success.
Excellent music was furnished each night by
Hazen Cornet Baud, which is attached to the
Post. A recent issue of the Ferry Pilot contains
a communication addressed to ihe editor to the
effect that when George W. Blakesleo, a Perry
banker, was approached by one of the com
rades for a contribution to the fair, he not only
refused to give a cent, but voluntarily asserted
that but few Union soldiers went into the
army because they thought they ought to;
lots went in to keep from being arrested for
crime; lots to get rid of paying their debts,
and others because there was more money in it
than in anything else.
Comrade Harvey Smith, Waterloo, Iowa,
writes us that Anderson Post, Xo. 6S, of that
place now numbers about 130 members, and
some eight or ten applications on file. Although
the Post ha, no ladies' auxiliary, yet it re
ceives the ai! of the ladies, all the same. Mrs.
A. A. Weaver, wife of Quartermaster Weaver,
was recently presented with a beautiful lady's
huuting case gold Avatch by the Post in token
of her efforts in its behalf. The presentation
speech was made by 3Iiss Carrie Bodcll, to
which 3Irs. Weaver responded in fitting terms.
The Quartermaster, acting under instructions,
recently purchased a full set of swords aud
belts for the officers, which was a gift from
3Iessrs. Ricker & Lindley, lumber dealers of
that place. The cost was $102. A series of
resolutions were passed thanking the donors.
Comrade D. B. Pond, Scranton, Iowa, writes
us that iu the month of Xovember, 1832, X. II.
Powers Post, Xo. Ill, was organized at that
place by that gallant and well-scared veteran,
Colonel Jno. B. Cooke, of Carroll City, Iowa.
The Post was named in honor of a brave and
true Illinois soldier. The officers of the Post
are as follows: Commander, D. B. Pond; S. V.
C., II. Anderson ; J. V. G, A. L. Syphers; Adj't,
Scott Barber; Surgeon, W.T. Bonesteol; Chap
lain, W. H. Perkins; Q. 31., G W. Cressler; O.
D., D. D. Dunning; 0. G., Richard Brader S.
31., Hugh Pound; Q. 31. S., H. B. Scoonover.
The membership is about thirty.
Comrado J. V. Hobbs, Xashua, Iowa, writes
us that G. W. S. Dodge Post was mustered at
that place on tho 2d inst. by 3Iustering Officer
3Iilo L. Sherman, Commander of Carpenter
Post, Fredericksburg, who was accompanied by
fifteen comrades. It numbers thirty-nine
charter members, and the officers are as fol
lows: Commander, Joseph F. Graves; S. V. G,
James 31. Hobbs ; J. V. G, S. S. Sample; Adj't,
W. B. Perrin ; Q. 3L, W. E. Xewman ; Surg., S.
S.Troy; Chap., W. M. Gibson; S. 31., A. R.
Godding; Q. 31. S., J. H.3Iitchcll; 0. D., F. R.
Shope; 0. G., Warren Jones.
Comrade L. Austen, Bristow, Iowa, writes us
that Surfus Post, Xo. 105, organized at that
place last fall with twenty charter members,
now numbers thirty, and is steadily increas
ing. It is the only Post in the county. The
officers are as follows : Commander, L. Austen ;
S. V. G, G L. Jones; J. V. G, Comrade Hart;
Surg., F. F. Xcwbury; Q. 31., S. W. Ferris;
Chap., G Surfus; O. D., Peter Ebling; O. G.,
G Connolly; Adjt, L. L. Hatch. The Po3t had
its first Camp-fire on the 27th of January, and
it proved to be a very enjoyable occasion.
Comrade Z. Yarnall, 3rontezuma, Iowa, writes
us that Yarnall Post, Xo. 127, was mustered at
that place on the 27th tilt., by Comrade Charles
II. Fish, of Xewton, Iowa, who also installed the
following officers: Commander, A. 31. Hogan;
S. V. G, A. W. Ballard; J. V. G, J. A. H. Dry
den; Surgeon, W. T. Parker; Q. 31., Georgo R.
Lee; 0. D., J. If. 3Iillimcn; S. 3L, Jester
Hedges; Adj't, Joseph Satchell; Chaplain, Z.
Yarnall; O. G., A. Gordon; Q. M. S., Jos. Mor
ris. Comrado J.L. Matthews, Wellman, Washing
ton county, Iowa, writes that Ed. Hamlin Tost,
Xo. 112, at that place, organized last Xovember
with twenty-four charter members, has la
stalled the following officers: Commander, JT
A. Riggcn; S. V. G, J. L. 3Iatthews; J. V. G,
V. Bradford; S. 3L, E. X. Foster: Q. 31., J. W.
Gemmill; 0. D., J. K. Sanders; O. G., A. Lind
say; Chaplain, L. P. McRynolds. The Po6
was the first oneorgauized in the county; now
there are two or three.
Comrade George Schneider, 3raynard, Iowa,
writes us that Reynolds Post, Xo. 47, at thaft
place, has installed the following officers)
Commander, I. M. Speass ; S. V. G, E. Gleason S
J. V. G. W. 11. Deckcrd; O. p., SSncdigor J
Q. 31., Georgo Schneider; Adj't, E. Packard;
Chaplain, C. L. Stoddard; Q. M. S., H. H.
Pratt: S. 31., G Anger; O. G., A. E. Goldberry.
The Post is in good condition.
Comrade F. D. Rood, Anita, Iowa, writes us
that tho Post at that place is in a very prosper
ous condition, numbering some forty member?,
and representing nearly every State in tho
Slipllndav Post. Xo. S4 Monrno. Towa. will
. " T ' J
hold a fair in its hall commencing on the 27th
! inst. and continuing as long as profitable, for
the purpose of creating a fund to supply tho
wants of ex-soldiers and their families.
Comrade J. Whitney, Emmctsburgh, Iowa,
writes us that there are some sixty or seventy
cx-soldiers in that vicinity, and that there is a
fine prospect for tho organization of a new
Post soon.
Comrade S. D. Cox, Lamar, 3Io.. sends a
most encouraging account of A. D. McCook
Post, Xo. 3-1, at that place, which hsis seventy
five members and thirty applications on file ;
one hundred more recruits arc confidently ex
pected. To-night tho Post will have a Camp
fire. h
General Order, Xo. 1, issued by Comrado J.
P. Rea, Department Commander of 3Iinnesota
at headquarters at Stillwater, announces tho
following staff officers: Samuel Bloomer, Still
water, Assistant Adjutant-General ; X. C. Sim
milkier, Anoka, Assistant Quartermaster-General;
T. II. Pressnell, Duluth, Inspector; W.
II. Harrington. Stillwater, Chief 3Iustering
Officer; Edward Simonton, St. Paul, Judge Ad
vocate. Twenty-eight old vets fell into line and
answered to roll-call on the 9th inst., at tho
organization of Alexander Wilkin Post, Xo,
19, at 3rankato, 3Iinn. The following wera
elected officers : Commander, Comrade Cannon j
S. V. G, Wm. Thomas; J. A'. G. W. B. Torray;
Surg., Wm. Frisbic; Chaplain, David Dackins;
O. D., W. J. 3Iartin ; 0. G., 31. Hanna; Q. M.,
Frank Wilkin ; Adj't, G. W. 3Iead.
Department Commander T. J. Anderson has
issued General Order, Xo. 1, assuming com
mand, and cstablishiughcadquarters at Topeka.
The following appointments aro announced :
Assistant Adjutant General, II. X. Devendorfi
Topeka, Xo. 1; Assistant Quartermaster Gen
eral, George L. 3Iurdock, Topeka, Xo. 71 ; In
spector, Laf. G Smith, Stockton, Xo. 76; Judgo
Advocate, S. B. Bradford, Carbondale, Xo. 91;
Chief 3Iustering Officer, T. H. Soward, Win
field, Xo. 85.
Aids-De-Camp. D. E. Ballard, Ballard'a
Falls; A. Saxey, Osborne, Xo. 69; R. G. Ward,
Sedan, Xo. 74 ; A. W. Kniffen, Parsons, Xo. 64;
David Addison, Salina, Xo. 127 ; G A. Xorton,
Beloit, Xo. 147; S. H. Kelsey, Atchison, Xo. 93.
Assistant Inspectors. G J. McDivitt, Abi
lene, Xo. 63; G. W. Farron, Ottawa, Xo. 18;
G D. Xichols, Columbus, Xo. 59 ; D. Taylor,
Emporia, Xo. 55; S. H. 3raunder, Washington,
Xo. 5; S. R. Burch, Olathe, Xo. G8.
The following appointments are continued
on the staff of the Commander-in-Chief:
Aides-de-Camp. W. B. Shockley, Fort Scott,
Xo. 32 ; R. W. Jenkins, Clay Center, Xo. 88 ; A.
31. Fuller, Topeka, Xo. 1 ; J. V. Pierce, Osago
3lission, Xo. 114; Johv H. Lyons, Wyandotte,
Xo. 10 ; J. II. Burke, Burlingamc, Xo. 35."
Assistant Inspector General, Theodore WieS
man, Lawrence, Xo. 12.
Xational Council of Administration, William
Irving, Topeka, Xo. 1.
The following aro members of the Council of
Administration : R. W. Jenkins, Clay Center,
Xo. 83; O.R. 3IcXary, Leavenworth, Xo. 6; C
H. Haynes, Fort Scott, Xo. 32; J. E. Davis,
Sterling, Xo. 14; S. D. Underwood.
The following are the delegates tb Xational
Encampment at Denver, Colorado :
Delegates. P. B. Plumb, Emporia, Xo. 55 ;
T. 3IcCarthy, Earned, Xo. 8; William Higgins,
Topeka, Xo. 1; E. W. Jenkins, Clay Center,
Xo. 83; Charles W. Blair, Fort Scott, Xo. 32;
Theodore Wiesman, Lawrence, Xo. 12; John
A. 3Iartin, Atchison, Xo. 93; 0. R. 3IcXaryi
Leavenworth, Xo. 6.
Alternates. D. J. Addison; Henry Booth,
Earned, Xo. 8; E.E. Wilson; S. E. Sheldon,
Topeka, Xo. 1; W. A. Cormany; J. S.Clark,
Wyandotte, Xo. 23; T. L. 3lanhall, Osage City,
Xo. 11; R. G. Ward, Sedan, Xo. 74.
Comrade E. D. Rose, Hoi ton, Kan., writes us
that at a pnblic installation of officers of Will
Wendell Post, Xo. 46, at that place, the follow
ing were installed: Commander, E. D.Rose;
S. V. G, Ed. F. Jonas; J. V. G, E. T. Speuce;
Chaplain, 1. 1. Taber; 0. D., James E.3Iooney;
O. G., F. Xevenhisen ; Adj't, GW.Xoble; Q,
31., George Barker; Surgeon, V. V. Adamson.
After the ceremonies of installation were over,
a beautiful flag was presented to the Post by a
brigade of ladies. The presentation speech was
made by 3Irs. Col. Myers, in the course of
which she eloquently touched up the brilliant
record of the comrades of the Post and tho
hardships which they once endured. Comrado
Ed. F. Joans responded in fitting terms. Sing
ing and other exercises followed.
Lew Grove Post, Xo. 100, 3ranhattan, JKan.,
of which Comrade H F. Christy is Commander,
now numbers thirty-five members, with eight
een recruits waiting to bo mustered in. Tho
members expect to increase their number to
one hundred before the meeting of the Xa
tional Encampment. The other officers are as
follows: S. V. G, Charles Waring; J. V. G,
H. 31. Shepherd; Q. M., Thomas Huuter;
Surgeon, G F. Littlo; Chaplain, G A. Buell;
0. D., F. E. 3Iarsh; 0. G., J. J. Myers; Adj't,
James T. Ritchie; S. M., P. O'Rourko; Q. M.
S., G B. Allen. Sixteen States are represented,
in the Post.
Comrade T. 31. Dunstan, 3fonmouth, Kan.,
writes us that Corinth Post, recently mustered
at that place with sixteen charter members,
has installed the following officers: Com
mander, Julius Bridegroom; S. V. G, John
Mason; J. V. G, William Lucas; Adj'l, B. F.
Fitzgerald; Q. 31., W. H. Dunstan; O. D., B.
F. Collinn; Chaplain, J.F. Gates; 0. G., Johu
Hook; Surgeon, William Casey; Q. M. S.,
James Evans ; S. M., Jacob Foltz.
Comrade F. 31. 3Iartin, Howard, Kan., writes;
that E. M. Stanton Post, Xo. 23, of that place,
is in a flourishing condition. Tho following
are tho officers : Commander, J. 31. White ; S.
V. G, Jaeob Amberg ; J. V. G, Joseph Dolen ;
Adj't, A. Reynolds; O. D., J. Xcal; Q. M., W.
Strayn; Chap., Rev. Bristow. The Post
now numbers 100 members.
A grand ball will be given to-flight by Raw
lins Post, Xo. 26, Elk Falls, Kan., at its Post
hall. Comrade II. Wclty is the Post Com
mander, and Comrade M. W. Henderson Adj't.
The committee iu charge of tho ball are Com
rades John Mack, J. H. Sells and J. Ransom.
The Grand Army Post at Hutchinson, Kan.
now numbers 130 members, and is still growing.
Comrade " G T.," Weeping Water, Xeb., writes
us that Lafayette Post, No. Gl, of that place,
now numbers eighty members, and, nnder tho
lead of Comrade F. F. Rexford, is prospering
finely. Xcw recruit-; aro being mustered at each
meeting. One feature of the Post work is the
visiting of members at their homes, by as many
comrades and their wives as can make it con
venient to go. Somo simple refreshments are
taken along by nearly all, and during tho
evening are passed around on tiu plates belong
ing to the Post, which generally accompany the
expedition, and tin cups for coffee, thus causing
very .little work for any one in particular, ana
promoting sociability and good fellowship. A
Camp of the Sons of Veterans has recently been,
organized at this place with twenty-three char
ter members. Tli is is the first organization of
tho Sons of Veterans in Xebraska, and will bo
the headquarters of the Division. Colonel S. W.
Coglizer is commander of the Division, and
J. W. Sperry, captain of tho Camp at Weeping
Comrade H. A. Vcdder, Osceola, Xeb., write
us that Comrade H. F. Reuse, of J. F. Reynolds
Post, Xo. 2G, on the 27th ult. mustered B. F.
Stephenson Poat, Xo. 132, at that place, with,
eighteen charter members. The Commander
is John Skinner; S. V. C, Comrado Cook, and
J. Y. G, B. P. Xebergall.

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