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Hawaii holomua = Progress. [volume] (Honolulu) 1893-1895, October 26, 1893, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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The Life of the Land is Establiskta
in Righteousness.
The btar has even excellea
itself in the line of vile1 inde
cency by allowing something
which signs itself Justice to pnb-
lish a most cowardly and con
tcmptiblo attack on the Queen.
Justice whoever, it is (we are
or a man) bases this latest nn-
callod for attack on the Queen
on the lotterv bnsiness. Wo
should pay no attontion to the
letter of Justice if it wasn't a
good example of tho bigotry and
inconsistency of the gang which
spends its time in deriding at.
and abusing the Queen. The
Lottery Bill was passed in tho
.Legislature ana uecanio law. it
was then presented to the Queen
for Her signature and she was
advised by Her cabinet to sign
it. As a constitutional sovereign
fiho had no choice in the matter.
Tho vory mob which has been
howling at her for opposing tho
constitution of 1S87 now howls,
becauso she acted up to tho spirit
and fundamental principle under
lying a constitutional govern
ment. The old Psalm singing
women represented by Justice
were not elected by tho people to
represent it in tho legislative as
sembly of the country. The men
lawfully olected exercised their
constitutional rights by passing
any act proposed to them, and
oach one was individually res
ponsible for his actions to his
constituents alouo and not to a
lot of -ignorant woraon who did
not and thank Heavens do not
oxorciso a political franchise-
horo. To grant to a number of
outsiders and women at that,
rights which are by our constitu
tion vosted in tho Legislature
would bo an absurditv and
' Tho weakness exhibited by the
men who supported tho Lottery
Bill by now saying, that they
didn't know what they were do
ing is indeed a pitiful spectacle.
Tho petition circulated in favor
of tho lottery, wero certainly
not circulated and signed sec
retly. They wero presonted and
Bhown in even store and overy
street-corner, and over 1200 for
eigners in Honolulu attached their
names voluntarily and know-
iugly. The petitions in favor of
tho lottery bill sent to tho Legis
lature wore signed by a von
largo number of people
and tho men elected
by tho people were in duty bound
to favor tho measure. Wo do not
caro to discuss tho merit of the
bill with Jnstico or tho other old
ladies. Thoy lack the knowledge
necessary to judge such .measnro
and are in no way entitled to bo
heard in preference to those who
believe the act to have been
beneficial to the country. We
are so used to hearing the reform
party and the missionary element
calling theasalvea always tk
best peopl" ami tue boat
element" that it is hardly worthy
of notice. W would like tfcongk
to be i&foraftd someday why they
bwkve iheutEeiyefe sapanor to
the people who refuse to join
their ranks and their churches.
Those of. them -who have come
under our special notice have been
mostly distinguished by their in-
tolerance, bigotry, hyrcrisy, and
mental and physical corruption.
Neither by instinct or by educa
tion, can the men and women re
presented by Justice be called
gentlemen and ladies. The less
said about their bevnsr "the
bfist." the better.
j In reeard to the accusations of
Jastsce against the Queen, that
she bribed the members of the
Legislature to vote for the lottery
bill, we can simply stamp them
as foul lies- The bribing done
durins the last
done by leading men of the
reform party. We challenge
j Justice and "its" ilk to produce
iota of proof to back
j "its"
j offer
dirty assertion against
Majesty, while we
to bring forward proofs
which would result disastrous for
i some of "the best"
men referred
to by ibe Star-correspondent.
Threats, bulldozing, promises,
cash, and financial services were
used alike by the reform clique
to obtain votes to oust cabinet
after cabinet so as to bring the
country into the most deplorable
political situation and thereby
find n reason for advocating an
uexation a measure denounced
by the false tongue of that
Christian leader of the reform ilk
Mr. Thurston while he was nego
tiating with tho American Eepre
seutatives for the bartering of
Hawaii's independence. If the
reform party and its mouthpieces
like Justice and Curtis J. L3ons
desire to rake np political records
we are ready over- time and, by
Heavens, thoy will come out in
the small end of the horn.
Now Commissioner Joe will be
happy. He has long sought to
shine as a lady, man but failing
dismally has at last imported the
only kind of Indies with whom he
could bo popular, and thoso are
Professor KoebeFs lady-bugs.
Mr. Johnstone is. ranking a
violent attack on the half whites
this morning. Evidently this
great "American" journalist (!)
is not tho progenitor of any of
that despised race.
Our esteemed contemporary
the Star does not yet realize that
tho word "missionaries" is
synonym of a certain political
party in Hawaii, tho stock-in-tmdo
of which has been their
alleged Christianity and their
very actual note-shaving and
usury. When Mr. Smith, of the
Star, some day gets proofs of the
great love with which the "mis
sionaries" xiew him and most of
the American members of the
Annexation Club who do not be
long to tho "inner circle." he
he will be more moderate in his
adulation of the "ring."
You Bet.
The Provisional Government
may as well come right down off
its perch and save itself the
humiliation of being iueibled
down head first, so says the
Adveriiser.of this eornuur. Brer
JokmsiBg, we are with yon and
suggest as an ameadment the
additioaal words "the sooner the
It is said thai the other day,
an official from the Do part-
, ment complafa pains in his
head, and called on Dr. of
of Beretania street for advice,
who upon examination said,
"My dear sir, yon will have to
underco an operation. I find
that there is some disease threat
ening your brain, and to do any
sood I must see it.' The official
agreed and the doctor duly per
formed the operation, aud took
out a portion of the man's brain
and went into another room to
examine it. t
The official sat staring about
him, yawned several times, and
at last feeling thirsty and tired of
waiting, ho reached for the piece
of his skull, put it back in place
to keep out the cold, put his hat
ou and struck out for tho Hotel.
Some three or four days after
ward the Doctor saw his patient
walking down Fort street aud
called out "Hey there, you
foreot your brains tho other
da'." replied: "Thanks,
doctor, but really, you know, it
doesn't matter, we nover need
them in the Department."
Last Evening's Show.
The government's rifle carriers
were on the streets last evening.
A large number of persons had
gathereu at Palace Square to see a
"Battalion" drill, but did not
see it.
The drums of the several com
panies kept as good time as, and
sounded very similar to a Chinese
After the Col. commanding had
taken the coiumand. he was heard
to give three 'commands," of
which "company" was the only
word recognizable.
As at the former show, the man
ual of arms was omitted from that
of last evening.
Many amusing and laughing
remarks were heard throughout
the crowd as to the inefficiency
of the men.
In fact, it was a grand march
around, and a bystander was heard
to remark, that it put him in irmd
of the "Mulligans Guards" in a
minstrel show.
Another Fellow.
oi oa M&keo Island!)
Pretty girl,
A summer's night,
A moon, serenely mellow
A fond caress
A loving vow
A kiss, and all is well, oh'
Again the girl
Another night
Same moon so far all's well ohl
But if we took
Another look
We'd see another iellow.
A shaddy nook
A babbling brook ,
Bed lips where kisses dwell, oh 5
Swearto be true!"
"I do: I do!"
Pwp! pwpl the lucky follow
Again the nook
Once more tho brook
Same lips but, sad to toll, ohl
The one who. sips
Those ruby lips
Is qnite another fellow.
Toronto Mail.
The mn who starts oat to
"nake a night of it, is very
oftek surprised to find it is mom
ing. Truth.
Up to the time of our going to
press.no report has been made
of tho sighting of tho steamer
Hey, there! The Advertiser
speaks of the square on'which the
show was held " last evoninj;, as
"Palace" square.
Wasn't there, any beer served
after the show last night? The
'Tiser forgets this morniug, to
inform the "tax-payers" on this
point. -
About sixteon members of tho
Hawaiian National Band fur
nished music at the Merry go
round last evening. Tho uiora-
L. -t It tl ,1 "
iue Advertiser man nas an
other "spectre" bothering him
now it is that of the "half
whites" we should have thought
that he was used to them by this
It was the wooden "Cullerd
Gentleman" who grinds the
hand organ attached to the
Merry go-round that played the
"Shir spangled Banner" last eve
ning, not the Band.- Snro'.y the
'Tiser writer was not in one of
thoso stages of drunkennes he
speaks of.
The Councils
are sitting this
afternoon. It is to be hoped
that tho Finance Minister will
announce to the mombors there
of, what the correct amount of
tho "public debt" is. At the
last meeting of the Councils two
amounts were announced; tho
"taxpayers" ure anxious to know
which is the correct one. As it
makes all the difference in tho
The Only Band.
xho Hawaiian uand will give
anotner or us excellent nnu ap
preciative mnsicales at tho Ha
ti f i it t i
waiian Hotel, on the evening of
the arrival of the steamer Mari
posa irom oan l'raucisco. The
following is the programme which
will bo rendered on that occasion:
1 Marcli "Good nop- Clauder
vrpnure ua j'asnn (or n
quest ..buhl
3 VaIU "Promena.lw Gnngt
4 aieuiey "iKHion iv Ke 'inewi....ijrooit8
a etcc:ion rmniauan soncs iaerx
6 Maruria 'Patcnslle" nevj ......Fust
Idyll "Mills in the Foret' . .. EJcflb.w;
3 ilircn "Iteaa soasa
"Hawaii Ponot"
N. Z. Observer and Free Lance.
We are m receipt of a file of
the iT. Z. Obarver and Frte
Lance One of tho most vicorous
lonrnals published on our anti-
poues. wnat a pitv uit our
learned Attorney-General or our
press censors haven't got such a
paper to Heal witu, and snow
thuir "liberal" spirit on. We
congratulate the editor of the
Observer upon the fact that he
isn't in b asm ess here. His
future career might be hampered
the government jail with naiimit-
ed work und limited salt salmon
and poi before him. The "mon
archical despotism" of Great
lirttam and ner colonies swms
loss dangerous to a free press
than the alleged republicaa form
of govdrnneoi of Hawaii.
(We Ho act koid osrwlrr re3ajbl fur
Is Hawaii Uakr ta rrejectioa ef tfce
Ut4 State te-dajt
Editor Holoxca: Allow ine
a space in your valuable paper.
The qnestion heading this writing
is, I think, of great importance
to Hawaii's present political sit
uation. If tho answer to tho
above question bo in tho negative,
then I would say, that any mili
tary show from an American ves
sel or vessels in port, without any
direct official license or permis
sion from tho Provisional Gov
ernment, tho only Government
known in existonce in Hawaii, is
nothing else but an act of tres
pass; but if the auswer to tho
question should bo in the affirm
ative, then all Americau military
show and parading through tho
Streets of Honolulu, "will hold
water, and tho P. G. with its rfe
facto supremacy is only of second
ary consideration. I hold tho
second answer.
It has ever been impressed in
my mind, that ever sinco the day
that the American Flag had its
glorious ascendency on Aliiolani
Halo, backed b3'Ministor Stevens
declaration for Amorican Protec
tion over the Hawaiian Islands,
aud that Stovon's "American
Protection" has not beon annul
led by any possitive and clear
declaration from an Authority
higher thau Stovons, notwith
standing tho "hauling down" of
tho American Flag, that Hawaii
is still under tho Amorican Pro
tection, and thereby gives all
right to tho United States naval
forces to manouvro such military
shows as they desire, in the
streets of Honolulu, without first
bogging for permission from tho
P. G. Kanaka Hawaii.
European; Reanfant,
2vb. 509 Hotel Street
Steufc. Hm Sc Es fjr 25 cts.
Boarding 4.50 per week. nr2l
Mo-I T.ckew br 4:o0. Fowl
three times a week, cooking on
frst ciass style. Meals at- all
tct26 Im Proprietor.
By a 3'oung intelligent German a
situation, not afraid of hard
work, low wages.
Apply at the Omce.
LEWIS & Co., ,
Wholesale and Retail Grocers
Salt Salxon c Barrels
a SrrciALTr.
in Fart St., Hivtofolx. Tel. 340,
P. O. Bex .
Club tables Go.,
S. P. GRAHAM, lfaagfr.
r,iv, T?Pnr1 nnrl
Sale Stables,
Fort Street, between Hotel
and Beretania.
Counseled Witk M
Comer King & Bethel SEs.

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