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The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, May 08, 1882, Image 2

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io people
of these lain mis nie
tending people, niiil
innimnhcal'v u
this .).-iftMnoiit. is true of tho native
'If:f!iii!iiM us wc'IJ as of the foreign
ers resident hero. riie foimer sup
port (hive nuwpapers in tlioir own
language, each with an edition of
from three to four thousand copies
weekly. Among the foreigners, hc
uides the three weeklies and Un (aa
yet juvenile) dailies, a very large
number of the standard newspapers
of the- United Stales and England
are taken by regular subscribers,
either through the mail or from
news agents, besides eonsidcralilo
quantities of the leading monthlies
and periodicals. Go where you may
on these islands, cither in the towns,
on the plantations, or in the remote
and scattered bcttlemcnts, you will
bo sure to find a good supply of
readiim matter. As a very neces
sary consequence, our people arc
intelligent and well-informed upon
all matters of general interest, and
in regard to what is going on in the
wo -Id at large in this wonderful nine
teenth century, to a degree that wo
venture to say is not to he found in
any other community, in proportion
to its size. All this is encouraging
tolhe newspaperman, as lie delves
at his tread-mill occupation.
And this brings us to remark, that
our thanks are due to an appreciative
public for the encouragement which
the Daily Bulletin has already re
ceived. Our subscription list, since
the date of enlargement, has increas
ed nearly fifty per cent., and our ad
vertising patronage lias correspond
ingly grown. We can only say that
we bhall spaie no pains to ensure a
continuance of the public favor.
ii l i ii wmpmmm
Tin: Noiival. By the next arriv
al from the Coast we shall expect to
hear news of the missing boat of this
ship, an account of the burning of
which we published last month. It
has been surmised by "old salts"
on the beach, that the Norval, being
an iron ship, would be likely to drift
after the fire had burned out, and
from her position when abandoned,
and tho "known tend of currents in
this ocean, the hulk would be likely
to be found somewhere to the North
East of these Islands. It is to be
hoped, however, that it has gone to
the bottom, rather then to remain
above water to be butted against on
a dark night by some passing ship.
Wo may expect to sec a large
gathering this evening at the open
ing of the Loan Exhibition. Tickets
at J. W. Robertson & Co.'a.
Tho Bktno Emma Augusta for
Port Towuscnd, sailed from Kahului
on the 4th inbt, and tho Schr Anna
on tho (ith inst, for San Francisco,
rjfV) Let, tho upper story of a
JL house t 31 Richards St., con
taining 3 bodiooms and a p trior,
.jvirily furnished, situated opposite
the I'ulace. All comforts, bathroom,
stable, &c. Inquiio at J. W. Robert-
son & Co's, 83 lw
Horeaftar taking a back seat
Will not bo dreaded so much
by persona going to
Crowded Gatherings
as ha-i boon the caso in tho past.
Mr. Geo. E. Wells
Has impoited a large lot of
Comfortable Chairs!
that he will furnish to parties de
siring extra scats at
Reasonable. Prices!
For further particulars enquiro at
Wells' Music Store, 107 Fort street,
Telephone 179. 83
tiL' ' ' A VjS
Saturday wat a short day. A pe
tition was Jiiienlcil asking that the
.so-called IMHIion Loan project be
adopted by the House; and another
one, " on the coutraiy. quite the re
verse," asking that we do not bor
row a cent.
A losolution Avas ndopted, author
ising the Finance Committee to ex
pend 8f00 in the employment of ex
perts to assist in the examination of
the Government accounts.
The Hon. Mr. Smith gave notice
of a Dill to repeal the Passport Law.
The Resolution appropriating the
sum of 25,000 for the expenses of
the Session, was finally passed.
Hon. Mr. Kauai proposes to insert
in the Appropriation Dill, when that
document shall be before tho Assem
bly, tho sum of81.r),00l) for a fire
proof government building for the
Island of Kauai. He probably means
a Court House.
His Ex. the Minister of Finance
gave notico of his intention to intro
duce two bills one to amend the
Law of Taxation, ami one to regu
late Immigration, 'so that the
biennial Appropriation Bill will be
presented during the present week.
The Steamers Lehua for Molokai
and Maui, and Mokolii for Koolau,
leave this afternoon at 5 o'clock
The Steamers C It Bishop for Na
wiliwil", Koloa, and Waiincj, and
James Makco forKapaa and Kilauea
leavo tins afternoon at 5 o'clock.
We beg to call the attention of
orr readers to the advci tisement of
C. Brewer & Co. in to-dav's Bull
etin, of a cargo of seasonable! goods
tinny expected ny mat nrm.
The telegraphic news from Europe
and 'lieiica via the Colonies is un
impoi ant. Wc note the death in
London last month of Dr. Darw'n,
the naturalist, philosopher, &c.
The mail steamer from the South
come in this morning at 2 o'clock.
She is full of passengers again, and
those intending to go from here will
no uisappoinicu, a lew, pcrnaps, as
was the case a month since, paying
cxliorbitant prices.
4,120 packages of sugar came
luind this morning.
Expeuts. The Finance Commit
tee of the Assembly has asked and
obtained pel mission to expend $500
in the employment of " expeits."
Ti's would argue that they have
found something in government ac
counts which their unaided skill in
figures cannot unravel.
"Where ignorance is bliss," &c.
One resident of Koolau was heard to
remark to another, recently, " So wc
arc to have a road over the Pali at
last. I hear that our Representative
has already got 850,000 appropriated
for the work." Experience proves
that appropriating a sum is one
thing, and getting it expended is
nother. But in this cnuj the mea
sure is merely suggested, for after
Offer for sale,
The following Goods
Now due per bk Furness Abbey,
from Dot, ton:
Extonuion Top Carryalls,
Corning top buggies,
Baskot scat beach wagons,
Basket Phaetons, Canopy ton ditto
Grocers' wagons, Democrat wagons
iuiro cures, iigni anu ncavy:
H id carts, canal barrows,
Baley wagons, Fraser's axlo grecso
Cluirs, Trunks, Iron safes,
Bales of Excelsior, Hair mattresses
oalc. Plaster, coinp. nails,
Black cut nails,
Fannoirt' boilers, !J0 and 25 galls, ea
Bennett's Jamaica (Jingor, piutt
Cider vinegar, warranted puui; and
By the Edward Hay,
Yellow Metal, assorted weights.
Families, Attention !
Franklin Stove Coal gives a brighter
fire with loss smoke than any
other stovo coal.
For sale in casks by
83 C, BREWEll & Co.
Kwitnt Bn.Lr.Tis : 1 concur fully
in tin; lvimuk's of 11. T in his com
munication to the .'raw of Temper
ance in all thins; also in his (state
ment thai 'Mho" Prohibitory Law, (if
passed) will prove a dead letter,"
and bog t add my amendment to
his article. I think, too, the Law
would prove a dead letter, because
wc have not the proper kind of a
Police Derailment to enforce the
law, as there would be lots of moon
shiners, there arc now for the mat
ter of that, and they are not sup
pressed. The physician would need
spirits in his practice, unless the law
intends to do away with allopathy
and substitute homeopathy; the
druggists also will be deprived of
tho article, and last but not least,
the churches, for how can they uso
a forbidden aiticleV These arc only
a few of the reasons why prohibition
will not work.
I think the acts of Government
oflicials of Tahiti could be copied
here, and would apply to all, viz. :
grant licenses to whoever apply for
them which should bo doubled
here impose a heavy flue on all who
sell without a license, one-half of
the fine to the informer ; if an in
toxicated man enters a place where
spirits arc sold, the owner shall be
prohibited from selling him anj' ; if
a policeman sees a drunken man he
takes him to the Station House, and
he is at once fined four dollars ; if he
pay, and staggeisout, he is brought
back and another four dollar line
assessed ; and this is kept up until
the man is broke or sober, which
makes a drunken spree too costly to
be often indulged in.
I think the above very much bet
ter than a prohibitory law, as this
can lie enforced and the latter
jix lino, on inursttay last, an aci
cident occurred on the railroad track.
A car, containing some 15 Chinese
laborers, got beyond control on a
down grade and jumped the track.
One laborer killed outright and a
number seriously injured.
Af the Catholic Church, Honolulu, on
May Gtli, Leon Malteru tu Miss l'o
knlil. C3- 3 Jk. IV 3L
For the Benefit of tho Building
Fund of the
Library & Beading Room
Tho above Exhibition will embrace
a large collection of articles in tho
following departments:
1st Pictures and Engravings,
2nd Hronzes, Carvings, Statuary and
Itnl Antiquities and Cariosities,
4th Coins, Medal, Jewels and Laces,
5th Natural History, including Shells,
Corals, Ferns, &c,
Gth Chinese and Japanese Goods.
will bo held in
Campbell's Building,
(comer Fort and Qucon sts..
Which has been kindly placed at
tho dispcwal of tho Association for
that purposo.
The Exhibition will
commence on
Monday Even'g, May 8th,
at 7:!10, and continue ono wool;,
opening each day at 11 a.m., and
closing at 10 p.m.
$d3" Refreshments will bo served
uvory uay at moucrato prices, as
follows: Hot and cold Lunch from
13 to 2, and Ico cream, cakes, &o.,
jii mo evening.
There will also be
Entertainments of Music,
Tableaux. &c,
In'tho Evenings.
Singlo Admission $0 50
Season Tickets a 00
Children Half price
Tickets for salo at the stores of J. W.
Kobertbon & Co, and T. G. Thrum,
ami "t Hollihtiir & Co's drug store,
8. U. I)qi.k, Chairman,
II. F. Toon, ticcictavy,
82 A, J. OAitrwmunT, Treasurer,
T"J'VV ""J ""W
i itn o ju
"1TC7K have just received auargo
J assortment ot
Hawaiian, American,
and 3ritish Flags
in 3, 5 and 7 yard length ; nlso Ha
waiian and American Mags, printed
on cloth, from 3 x 5 to S23 x 34 in.
For sale cheap by
85 J. W. Robertson & Co.
Extraordinary !
Hon. Nobles and Members
of the Legislative Assembly 1
Are hereby notified to appear at the
opening of the Session on Saturday,
April 2!)th, at tho Legislative Hall,
which they will find at the
Honolulu Clothing Emporium
101 Fort Street.
72 A. M. MELLIS.
Lewers & Cooke,
Lumber Merchants,
Keep constantly on hand a full
assortment of
Lumber of all Kinds.
Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes of all sorts,
Wall Taper, Nails,
71 Spikes, &c, &.e.
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Worker,
Plumber, Gas Fitter, &c.
Stoves and Ranges
of all kinds.
Plumbers' stock and metals,
House Furnishing Goods,
77 Chandeliers, Lamps, &c.
At Mrs. A. M. Mollis' Cloak and
Mantle Making Department,
No. 104 Fort Street, : : Honolulu
Orders executed at short notice. 72
McChesney & Githena,
Proprietors Honolulu Tannery ;
Dealers in Hides, Tallow & Leather,
Also, Groceries, Provisions,
71 Salt, etc., etc., etc.
s Acknowledgments to
" Accntto tnlcn ARlrnnwlMlirninntn
for Labor. Interior Dfllce,
22 Nuuanu street,
Importers and Dealers in Chinese
Goods and Groceries.
Always on hand, Teas of all quali
ties suitable for family or plantation
uso. 81
JE. WISEMAN, 27 Merchant st,
Heal Estate Bro'.cr, Employmui
As;cnt and General Ofllcc Business.
'Telephone, No. 172.
liusn, Manager. See advei tise
ment on other page. 23
JAMES HANLON will attend to
laino or sick horsoB. Leavo
orders at J. W. Robertson & Co's.
n iw
TirANTLI), a situation as Ilook-kcep-
T cr, by a competent man. Address
A Z, J W Lunlng's olllce, Merchant st.
. of
WANTED Hy a young man who 1m
thoroughly convei-saut in English,
Fiunch, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese
and Chlncso languages, a position as
Book-keeper, Cleik or lntcrpietur.
Apply to J. W. Houektson & Co. 03 1m
WANTED, throo girls, compe
tent to trim and sow dresses,
at Mrs. A! M. Mellis' Drcbs, Cloak
and Mnuplc Making Establishment,
101 Fort t,U cot. 74 lw
iBiniiili tmimmm mmii mi u am t -Vl A
Honolulu Drayman's
Protective Union.
Prices of Cartage :
ON and AFTER the 1st of MAY,
1882, the following prices will
be charged on all
Sugar, Bice, Iron,
Coal (loose or bagged),
Machinery, and
General Merchandiser
Cahtaoi: On all sugar and rice,
25 ets per ton of 2000 lbs., within
the following boundaries :
Pakaka warehouse,
Steamer shed and tho City Front, on
a line of the above named ware
house. Also from Brewer's wharf to tho
Fishmarkct wharves-
From Esplanade to the Queen street
37 cts per ton.
All sugar and rice to be delivered on
the wharf and not on the vessels
rail, as formerly. If delivered
on the vessels' rail 87J
ets per ton.
Coal, bagged, 3" 1-2 ctspcr ton, 2210 lbs.
loose, El) cts.; or any part thcic.of.
Lots ot coal over fit) tons, -ID cts a ton
Cai-tini: and piling coal, per agreement
Drluks $1 per 1000
" pressed, $1 .50 per 1000
Limo or Cement .17 1-2 cts a load; r
Merchandise to bond 37 1-2 single load
" from bond CO cts
" to the Island steamers and sclirs,
CO ets single load
Mola.cs :i" 1-2 cts single load
(ieueial uieicliaiulisu, exclusive ot the
above clause, "17 1-2 cts load or ton
Including the following boundaries
Herctania, Alakca and Maunakea.
streets and City Front,
Iron and machinery 50 cts load or ton
Extra heavy machinery aud sates as per
Lumber 50 cts per 1000
Posts 1-2 cent each
Shingles 50 cts per 10,000
Itubblsh and dirt SO cts single load
lloats 75 cts each r
Black sand per special agreement
White sand 2.50 single load
Wood CO ets cord
Furniture as per agreement.
From tho City Front to any of the
following places :
Kukui street 0.G0 loaO"
School st. bet. Emma AUrldgo 0.75 "
Waiplula 1.00 "
Judd et 1.C0 '
Ice works 2.E0 "-
Lcleoand School sts l.oO "
Panul 2.00 "
Kohololoa 1.00 "
Kakaako 1 .00 "-
"Waller (Kaliln) 3.00 "
I'.uioa 2.50 "-
Pawoa 1.50 "
l'mmhou 2.00 "
Insane Asylum 2.50 "
Alapal's (Palama) 1.50 l-
Queen's Hospital 0.75 "
Kerosene House 0.75 "-
Oahu Prison 1.00 "-
To Gov't Powder Magazine, per
load of 1000 lb : or less 5.00
From ditto ditto 3.00
IIoitATio G. Cuabue,
S. M. Caktkk,
E. Peck,
Heouaud & Co.
Geo. II. EonEiiTSON,
Mits. C. P. Wam, '
77 per F. Hustaco, Manager.
General Agents for the
Mutual Life Insurance Co.
of Now York,
The Largest, Safest and Most
Economical Life Insurance Co.
in tho world,
Cash assets, - - over 90,000,000
For information concerning tho
Company and for rates of insurance
apply to AVimikh & Co., General
Agents ; or J. E. Wiseman, Solicit
ing Agent. 71
ftOHH. GERTZ, No. 80 Fort st.
- inmor'c-r and dealer In Gent's,
Ladles' and Childien's boots, shoes and
slippers. 03
1 7
iii r
' xJu J
i1 )
.W v.

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