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The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, January 29, 1883, Image 2

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J tiljjf
$ $fla uUtBn,
MONDAY, JAN. 211, 1880.
Mr. Adams will sell at sales room
ul 12 noon, the schr. Kmmn.
, Iuijnon.v Lodge, I.O.O.F. 7:30
, ' ' The Receptions.
Saturday was a kind of gnlu day
al tlic J'alacc, lltcro being no less
limn ,tvro presentations in tlio one
nfternoori. At about noon the
mounted cavaliy, escort of tlic Jap
c?e Kmlnmy, was seen rounding the
corner of Punchbowl and King
sliecls. The escort consisted of two
atiimds, of about a dozen in each,
preceding and following the two car
riages, containing the Ambassador
and" suite and Col. C. P. Iaukca.
,tVe did not, however, notice the
pcrniiincnt representative of Japan
" in this country in cither caniagc.
As the gate rolled open the Band,
stationed in the Coronation pavilion,
struck up a merry tune. Inside the
Palace the usual ceremony was gone
through, credentials presented, &c.
Afterwards tlic Embassy visited His
Majesty's sisters, tlic llciicss Ap
parent, and II. 11. II. Piiuecss
At 1 l'.M. n qtiictcr corteye passed
up King htrcet from the wharf, con
taining about eight of the ofliecrs of
the Lackawanna, and His Ex. 15. M.
Daggett. The Ministry aired their
new uniforms for the firbl time.
Jt seems as if our timely warning
on tlic decrease of our artesian well
water supply had passed by unheed
ed. "Wc have, as yet, heard of no
further steps having been taken even
by a single well-owner. And yet the
decrease in the supply is constant.
"When the first well was opened, and
indeed with others, it was found that
, the water would rise -12 feet 10
- inches above the sea level. Now
that capability of rising to a height
, above tlic sea level is diminishing at
the rate of one inch per month.
It seems to us only wise and pon
' dent that immediate steps be taken
' to regulate the use of what is al
ready being taken, and to see that
no waste is being permitted.
Shipping Notes.
The Iwalnni brought 2,288 pack
ages of sugar for Irwin A Co.
The Mci-foo biought j00 bags of
rice from Koohui.
, The bark Lily Grace will clear for
' ,' Nanaimo to-day. Airy mail matter
i can be forwarded by her.
The Mokolii brought 10C1 bags of
The Likeliko, Iwalnni, Lehua and
Mokolii will leave to-morrow at -1
o'clock on their regular routes.
' ' ' ' " KahuluFnotes".
The faclir Hosario, Capt. Swift,
" cleared on the 2(Jth for San Francis-;
co, 'with 181G bags sugar, weighing
206.:J03 lbs, valued at ia,7i(5.oO.
Pabscngcr, T. Sharp,
The bchoo'iicr Anna, Capt. Mac
(Jullock, arrived'on the 27lh, fiom
.Eureka, with n cargo of If. 11. ties
and posts for the II. H. C.
Local ,& general items.
Tjik music for the 'bus horns is
. quite tool-toot. See, eh?
Tiib "Wiiiinanalo was hauled up on
the Marine Railway after the launch
ing of the Likclikc on Saturday.
-" . -.-, -.
Tin: Palace yard walls are now
decorated with bpiked btaffs for the
purpose of holding the illuminations
during the Coronation festivities.
Oxk of the New Ilcbridcans sent
up to work on liana Plantation,
Maui, murdered another through
jealousy, and then severely hacked
the native policeman who was sent
lo arrest him.
Ox Saturday about ." o'clock, a
Jmek was standing on the wharf near
Afoug's rice mill, whoa the China
man in charge blew off the bleam
which bo scared the horse that ho
jumped clear up into the air and
over into itho water. It was dead
before it could be got out.
L.vir.i.Y it series of petty lai conies
have been cynimitled by boys who
have helping the dilvers of the ice
carls. In most cases the propel ly
has been ivcoveied and restored lo
its owners. Some is still at- the po
lice station awaiting identification!
Ox Saturday a native went with
an old duplicate cill for$r00, d.-awn
upon the Bunk of California, ,to the,
Dank and asked for payment. He
.told several stories how it came inlo
his possession, "but ultimately ac
knowledged having picked it up.
Ox Friday afternoon' tlic cement
trough generously placed on King
street, in front of "Ward's artesian
well, lo allow horses lo gel a drink
on the road, had the front of it
broken so as lo allow no water lo
remain in it, by a cart running into it.
1 i
Eaui.y on Saturday morning or
late Friday night a Chinaman was
found casting off one of the ropes
which fastened the "W. II. Meyer to
the wharf. On being asked by a
policeman his reasons for so doing,
he stated that he was going to Clnlia
and wanted to start quick.
At different places in Kau two
white men and three Chinamen have
been arrested for selling liquor with
out a license. About fifty cases of
liquor have been seized. The two
white men h.we been lined 100
each and two hours' imprisonment.
The Chinamen have not yet been
Ox Saturday morning at o o'clock
tlic water was reached in the well
sunk in the Palace yard. No means
were available to .stop or check the
How, and the whole grounds were
soon covered with water. Alakca
and Richard blrccls, from King
street to the sea, were Hooded all
Pitr.ciM'.i.v at 11 a.m. on Saturday
the cradle bearing the Likeliko be
gan lo move, and in a few short mo
ments had reached the end of the
line, and the Likclikc was afloat.
No sound, no crash was heard ; no
effort seemed to be made: every
thing went binoothly. It seemed lo
go without motion, if such an ap
parent contradiction can be under
stood. Two little dogs were lying on the
floor of the cradle when it began lo
move, and so insensible was the
motion that they did not observe it
until the wave encroached ou their
foot-hold more and more. They were
finally dragged into a boat. A rat,
too, had left the Likclikc, and being
intercepted by the waters climbed
up on the bow supporting block.
From thence it finally swam ashoie.
SatuiidayS P. C.A. says : "When
the expected men-of-war ariivr it
will tax the ingenuity of our efficient
harbor-master to move them in our
small but safe harbor, at the same
time allowing sufficient spaco-for the
ingress and egress of our inter
island vessels." Now, as there aic
hut six or so coming, .this will give
but a very poor idea to poisons
abroad of the capacity of our har
bor. "Wo would have thought that
there were some of the A deert iter J
staff who could recollect the days
when from 100 to 150 vessels easily
found room Co stay here.
Auction Sales by E. P. Adams
This Day, Monday,
Jantiniy 2Uh, at 12 noon, at Sulci Ttooin,
will lie sold for account of whom
1 1 may concern,
ii sho now llo on the Bunch,
At "Wniiwiuo, Ouliu,
together with her Spin,, frills, Ringing,
Ac, iVe,
E. P. Ahams Auctioned.
Dv. Wo I'i-K'h,
Veterinary Physician,
Stable oiiBcrctnnia st.
-ti.n'liiliis near Thomas
Suuare. Oiilei-o sent to 1'. O. Box 315
will iccohoproiupl attention.
Dr. Di! Files having lilted up ologant
accommodations on tle l'liiins for the
doctoring and emu of animals, i- fully
picp.ucd to render satisfaction. lln
iiImiu hirxo pasture hind aud will tuko
geneinl good cue of hoiics and cattle
left in his charge. No'cuk up pay.
liO'Jly ,
or Tin:
' , ix guAitcit of Tin:
HLcmiiHliip "Suez.'.'
The steamer Kilauea IIou returned
yesterday afternoon. The follow
ing is n copy of her log, kindly fur
nished us by Captain Sears :
Left Honolulu on "Wednesday
morning, .Ian. 21, 188D, at 1 o'clock
Searched along the weather side
of Molokai, Maui and Hawaii, work
ing off and on from within 5 to 3d
miles off shore.
Proceeded south as far-as hit. 20
and 10 in., as far oast' lot c 50 in.
long., and then made a due north
course lo long. l."i I ."0 in. and hit.
22 I.") in., and then north-west lo
long. 155 DO m, and hit. 22 150
m., and then woiking a zig zag
course to Honolulu. ' '
Distance run during our absence
G08 miles.
Spoke the schooner Anna, off
Maui. Had been nothing of tlic
The liist three days .strong east
erly trades. The last day had light
southerly trades.
D. W. Suaks.
flSP-lOOO yards of Quoohccj all wool
flannel, from 2octs. up, at Chas. .1.
Fibhel's Leading Millnury House.
- . l r
JiSyPlain Sateens all colors, at
Chas. .1. Fishcl's Leading Millinery
House. ,2ilo
S5E. Zeahmdia, Gents fine
Tweed Suits, at Chas. J. Fishcl's.
12T The liir"e-t -election of I.adic-.'
Fielmei and ColLuelto of the Iatet
Patterns :tic to lie had tit the llounlulu
Clothing Djiipniiiim of A. M. Mr.u.is,
104 Fort Street 271
Ancient OMer of Forrcxlt'i'N.
Summoned Electing of the above
Cpurt will beheld onTue-ihiv ovening,
the BOth instant, at 7:30, at lvnights of
Pythias Hall, "when businc-s of impoit
ance will ho hi might liofoie the meeliiig
All viiiling brethren me cordially in
vited to attend. Uv order ol the C. 'it.
ao;i at i. v. siNGi:n, Si-c'y.
nethe liiisiness young man. Ai
ply iinmediiitely to .1. A. I'Ai.-umi & Co.,
It:! Fort street. ."07
TMMr.DTATF.LY, a neatly furnished
JL or piutly furnished Cottage, in u
plciisiiiit ncihboiliood, for agenlleinan
and his family. "Will p.iy a 'iliod lental.
Appl;or addics-, immediately lo .I.E.
Wimi:v,n, Genera1 business Agents.
y JiQ.'j lw
ANYONE hnvinjr a copv of) J. W.
ICauwahlS "Foim llook"to (IK
jiosu of, w ill llnd a purchaer by sending
woid lo
::o: tf .T.AV. I(ohi:ui.iqn-& c..
middle aged woman to lake eaie
of ehildieu and net as iiuie, and to ti.i
el with Urn family in foieign lands.'
vsuiiiiiiiuiiiii- iiiiiuu uauieii mill s,uu-
nine wages',
Addiess or apply to J. E. WISEMAN,
General I)ulncsS Ageiit, No. 27 Mcr.
chant street. itOil lw
JAMES IIANLON will nllend to lame
t and siuk horses. Call at hit. -hop
on llctlicl street, on Urun's prumlcV. !i()7
" .i ' i j '
Plans and Estimated f urni-lic f for works
of upuliucti(u. Civil Engineering, A;
Siirveyinu' Ollleo, l!l .mil 21 Ti'rolmid st,
above J, W. Itobeitson & Co's.
.W P. O. Hov,' 101. " ly
NJnuv Ciinu For Sale,
A FINE SHOW CASK, 8 feet long,
with packing c.isoj can lie seen
fiom 10 to 13 o'clock, next Wilkinson's
E.Mircss onieo, Kln-r ht. :10I) ;
For Sale,
To arrjvo por barkcnllne " Eureka."
S00 bales Califdrnii Hay,
200 Sacks Oats,
200S.ickx lbaii,
200 Sacks Coin,
200 Sacks Giound Jl.iiley,
200 Sacks llarley,
200 Sacks Potatoes.
F. S. I'n ATr it Co., Auelioneeii'.
S90 Allen &, JtohiiiNon.
For Vrlmo Cornotl Jioef
Spiced JtoiiiidH of Jteef
'Call or i-cnd vour itlcti to the
U07 Tclepliyilebu.
1 1
Jtibt leeched e. " Australia " nml ' Ella " fipin New Yoik and
S.in Kuuicikn, '
TEgjSamclhing New hi Lamp Goods !pL
Ctiiri.igu I..unpi a large variety of the he-l American make.
"Wile Gauze, Door Math, Cutting Nippeis,
Trowel", Saws, Ilcavcs and Shcnis.
Royal Cement, for
Ship Augeis, Dills, Door Dolts, Da Hoy's Planes, SpnrPhmcs,
Locks, ltulc.
rio-ws, Whip Lashes, and Novelties-!
Reciprocity Relations Rather Revivifying
Between the Hawaiian Islands and thcTJiiltcd State's, and "''
between the Hawaiian Islands and
. .5'.. 33. WISEMAN,
Eoal Estate Broker, Employment Agent und General
Business Agent,
Office, 27 Meiclmnl Micct, Hawaiian Gazette Block.
The only recognized Real Estate Broker in the Kingdom.
Lit nil and propeily for sale in all parts of Honolulu and the various Islands.
Houses to lease and rent in Honolulu and suburbs..
Booms to rent, en suite or single, throughout Honolulu.
Honolulu Draymen's
Protective Union.
In consequence of the continued high
prices for hay and grain, and also of the
high rates of wages that prevail, we, the
undcr.signed Draymen, arc compelled to
make a slight change in our range of
chargc-i for callage.
On and after Februaiy M, 1883, the
lollowlng iatci will he charged:
Sugars and Biee, short hauling,
per ton of 2000 lt.s $0 25
Sugais and Bice, fijnn Espla
nadc whaie-i to Queen -Irccl
wharves, or vice veisa 50
Lime, corneal, molnsc- or sl
inon, to wit: 8 bill1- lime, ."
bids cement, 7 bbls inol:i-es,
8 bids salmon, to constitute a
load, from any point on Espla
nade to Queen st. wharves, or
vice vitii, per load 50
Lime, cement, moliissc-, and .-al.
inon, sboit callage 37J
Mcichnndisc to Bond , per load. 50
Merchandise fiom Bond, per Id
(detention ctra) .'... 75
Merchandise fiomall vesselsdisehnrg
ing at any wharf to any point within the
follow ing llinilr., viz: '
3fnuunkca St., Bcictniiia, st. and
Alakca st. per ton, as per bill
of lading Iili
Any Pinglo load, less than 1 ton,
as above 50
Merchandise to. island steamers,
per load ., 50
(Detention of dray nt the rate of
1 per hour.) ,
C6al, bagged, ton of 2210 lbs.,
within limits :17
Coal, loose , 50
Oo.il, carting and pllingj-nsiier agreem't
Bucks, within limits named
above, por'M , . .,. 1 00
Bricks, piyshcd or lire, naine'd
above, peiM :.: 1 50
lion aud inacliiiiery, within lim
its, per load or Ion 50
Extra heavy safes or machinery
as per agreement
Black or white sand as per agr't
Itubbiidi or dirt, as per agr't.,,. .
Household furniture as per agr't
Lumber per 1 M ft within Hints 50
Posts per 100, within limits 50
Shingles per 10 31 within limits 50
Fire wood, on city front, cold. . ' 75
Fiie wood, fiom city front lo
any point within Maiiuakca,
King aud Punchbowl sts 1 00
Keio.sene, stoichoiis'o to the oil
house, per case of oil 01
Fiom Iho oil house, per Jo.ul of
25 can'- cjr los 1 00
Fiom tlic city fiout to any of the fol.
lowing points)
To lCukui slieot 75
To School street, bet. Einnia
si. and Walkahalulu Bridge. . 1 00
To Waipluhi , 1 00
To.liiddstieet , 1 50
Tol'iiunul , 2 no
To "Wylio Micct , , . 2 00
To ico works (Nuuaiiu) pci load
or ion...,..,.,, ,.. 2 50
To J'auoa ,, 2 50
To f.eleo , ,.,.. I 00
ToOahiiPuspn. .,., ,...- loo
To Kohololoa, slaughter houses
or tannery, por load 1 50
From slaughter liouses or tun-
liny, per fo.id.., 1 50
To LilJIui and School si. comer. -1-50
ffoJLlUlJo mid Khi ij bt. coruer, .' '1 00
mending crockery?
To Keformntory Bcliool corner. 1 50
To Alnpai's coiner , . . . 1 50
ToWnHei'd, Kulihi.r. ...": J.'.."" ii 00
To Pa wan 1 GO
To Artesian Ice Works, load1. . . 2 00
ToPunahou , 3 oo
To Xamoiliili '. ..-'.3 00
To Insane Asylum ....-..-..-,. .-... 2 50
ToQuccn's Hospitairr.. .'..... 75
To "Wuikiki, town side of ibridge., ?
near church .'..-..; 2'50
To (own side of bridge at Park
entrance '....i. 800
To'Park, as per agreement. ...- '
To Kulaokahua.as far as Piikoi
street :.'....."...' 1 00
To Gov't Powder Mngaaino, per
loadilOOO lbs or less t..; "5 no
Fiom Gov't Powder Magazine
per load 1000 lis or less 3 00
To or f rom Kaknako 00
II. G. CiiAinu:, S. M. Caktek
E. Pi:ck. G. II. RoiiEUTSOT
AbiuxY & Co.,t y. F. Shauhat, 5
Mrs. O. P. W.uid, (per F.1 Hiistacc, '
30" lw Manager).
Plushes, Silks, Satins, Surrahs,
Moires, Laces and Trimmings
"Will bo opened this day by
a. :r. Mcihk,
10 i Fort Street.
TO. BENT, on Kulaokalum
Plains, couer of Kiniiu and
I'cnsacola streets, one LARGE
COTJ'AUE, containing Parlor, Dining
Boom, a .Bedrooms, Bath-room with all
modern conveniences; largo Pantry and
Kitchen, with latliccd vcrand room
attached ; also Stable, with two stalls, hay
and cirriajfe rooms; and 2 rooms fo'r
sonants. For further particulars apply
to wj. AV. Hull. 300
KskATO LET a Cottage, contain-
''.'JE.4t....f? Hnn... ...t.l. .T..t.lt t
tlllgl I 1IMJIID, Willi muuiuig UJHl
every convenience, situated on
the Plains, oo mile from town. Arte
sian well water. For particularHdpply
200 lm "tKi&.ULdlBonfr
j&gkJk STRANGE'ilS wdl ihul 'a
at IIS Nuunnu Avenue. Rooms furnish.
eil single or suite, at modcrale cliargos.
tiOli lint MRS. J. T.WHITE.
ToTLet, .
i PLEASANT CO WAGE, qentrally
ii. lociitcd, suitable for two gentle,
inen.t Iucpilro, at Buu.ijTiy Ofllce. 300
' George Cavenaj;li,)
"TriIILE thanking tfic'piiblle for the.
IT very liberal patronngo necorded
lo him in the agency business, would
nrtw'state Hint ho has sold the good'will
of bis Intelligence office business to M.
11. Mcdhurt.
Referring to Iho above, I bog to state
that 1 au now in a position to supply
help of any desired nationality. By at
tention to business I hope to uphold the
reputation of tlio " Labor Agency" so
successfully established bv mv prede
cossor. IL MEDHURSU',
W Hotel street.
The Hotel Strcot Market
Is now iu a position to supply their cus.
mors with
Prime Mutton, Veal,
and everything fn tho mealillne.
Sepd in your ciders. Piompt delivery,
201 CavWiAuh it Co.
JTclephoiio NoT 23Q.
NO-TIOE. Tlie Captain or
Ajfents of the b.uk Hermann
;will not be respousihlu for
any debts contracted bv any
of tho ojllrcis or crow of said vessel.
Wl lw F. A. SuiAEmt t'o.Agcut-,

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