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The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, June 22, 1883, Image 2

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HsHf ? JPnlBr
On Wednesday, Junu 20lh, ut 12 nooi
His Kxcollcnoy It. 31. Daggett, U. S.
Mini'ter Resident, ntul the Cuptuin and
Ofllecrs of tliu U. S. S. Essex, were pre
sented to Ills Majesty. 1113 Exeellenoj
the Minister of Foreign Affairs picccnt
oil His Kx. it. 31. Daggett to His Ma
jesly. Ills Ex. It. 31. Daggett then pre
sented A. II. 3IcConnlck, Commander,
U. S. S. Ksscv, who presented:
W. II Pnrkcr, Lieut., U S.N.
31. S. Ruth, Suigcon, U.S.N.
L. A. YorUe, Paymaster, U.S.N.
1. P. McCartney, Chief Eng'r, U.S.N.
II. Dunn, Ensign, U.S.N.
On "Wednesday, June 20th, nt 12:80
p. m., 3Ion. Feor, Consul and Commis
sioner for Fiance, and the Captain and
Olllccrs of the Eclnlreur, wcie presented
t Ills Majesty. His Ew the Minister
of Foreign Affairs presented Mons. Fecr
to Ills 3Ijjesty. 3Ious. Four then pre
sented G. Boulleoh, Chancellor Fr. Legation;
Capt. Pougin de in ilnisonucuve;
31r. J. Pnllsn, Astronomer of Vienna
Lieut. Nogaret;
Lieut. Lldin;
CommUsaiy 3Iouct.
Ills Majesty was nttended by His Ex.
the Minister of Foreign Affairs; 3Iajor
Purvis, II. 3I.'s Vice Chamberlain, and
Col.J. H.Bojd.
Ijhe atlji nlb&i
FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1883.
Regular Cabh Sale nt Sales Room,
of Lyons & Levey at 10 o'clock.
Ladies' Prayer Meeting, Fort St.
Church, nt 3 o'clock.
Musical Society, Practice, YMCA
Hall, 7:30.
Imp. Order of Red Men, at 7 :30.
Morning Star Lodge, K. of J. 7 :30.
Graduating Class of Oohu College
nt Fort St. Church, 7 :30.
To any person taking a walk up
the slopes of Punchbowl very near
the summit and looking down upon
the town beneath the size of Hono
lulu seems compaiatively small with
his recollections of it as seen from
its streets. Instead of seeing, as
might be expected, a fair city of
about 20,000 inhabitants spread out
beneath his feet, one sees nothing
but a forest with here aud there an
odd building peeping above it or
through ite''$it is almost the same
when viewpd in the distance from
the sea.
Now, what ,we would
public to ask themselves,
proportion '' oi ' vegetable
great for human health."
like the
"Is this
life too
And we
venture to answer that it
tively deleterious to the
is posi
general health considering the circumstances
of the city. Our only purifying wind
comes over the top of one high and
narrow cleft in the mountains and
has therefore natural obstacles
enough to its circulating and puri
fying the air of the town without the
artificial barrier of this dense vege
tation. We have no drainage and
the mnount of festering and putre
fying animal and vegetable mutter
about the city is too great to be ab
sorbed as food by these trees aud
shrubs and they constantly hide it
from the drying heat of the sun's
rays and thus picvent its disappear
ance by desiccation. These trees
further tend to keep the soil moist and
damp aud constantly exhaling rae
phitic vapouis from the decaying
mutter as they never allow the light
and heat of the sun to reach it.
If the aforesaid observer had
made his walk about G u.m., he
would have observed a dnuk, deadly
mist hanging over the city, con
sisting of tho poisonous vapours
exhaled during the night, and leach
ing to a height of about 30 feet
fioiu the ground.
If he had walked
over the bridge on
King sheet near
the Chinese Theatre when tho tido
was out lie would havo realized tho
fact that although wo have no bono
or rag factories here, no chemical
manufactories, none of tho&o
. abominations of older countries in
other parts of the world that we can
'produce nu lino a fetid smell in
this country ns would siifllco to
poison n nation.
We have had this year already an
outbreak of inalaiiat fever irom
these sources and wo arc only wait
ing for the tit inking water to be
come thoioughly impregnated for
the whole town to become-pi ostmlcd
with typhoid fever of the must
malignant type. Now ne ask the
Government and the public gene
rally. "What aie von going to do
about it?"
Wednesday, June 13 Drunks;
Muunitt, and Onn, forfeited 80 bnil
each, Knlunhinc, (old offender) 7
day's, and $1 costs. Knuhikoa, dis
orderly conduct, days, and 81
costs. Ren Tcnorio, assault and
battery, remanded to 14th. J.
Kroner, alius Lcdcrce, an insane
person, committed to Iusanc Asylum.
Thursday, Juno 14 Diunks; Ki
kipo, S. Keantti, Kahni, forfeited SO
bnil each. B. Tcnorio, remanded
from 13th, fined 84 and 81 costs.
Kaulelena, embezzlement of 3,000
salt fish valued $90, remanded to
Friday, June 15 Drunks ; Kimo,
Ioanc, and W. Edmund, fined 5
and 81 costs. Manuel, furious
riding, forfeited 812 bail. Lino,
assault and battery," fined 87 and
83.40 costs. Ah Liu, Ah lice, and
Kont Kwei, conspiracy, nmandod
till moved on by piosecution. B.
Naukana, assault and battery, dis
charged on pay incnt of costs 83.40.
Kaulelena, remanded from 14th, nol.
Saturday, June 10 Mokio, assault
and battery, remanded to 19th.
Iloponopono, Larceny, of chickens,
remanded to 19th. Pahao, di.s
orderly conduct, sentenced to 7
days imprisonment with hard labour
and 81.20 costs. J. Niel, G. Niel,
and C. Namau, truancy, returned to
St. Louis College. Youay Oug,
Larceny of jeweller', committed
for trial to Supreme Court. Ah
Moon, Sliik Man, and Chang Hook,
remanded from 12th. The first two
were nol. pros, and the latter fined
85 and 3.25 costs.
Schr Malolo brought 121(1 bags sugar
Stmr Wuimanalo 4G1 bags sugar.
Schr Waimalu 1000 bags sugar.
Schr Lenhi DIG bags sugar.
Schr llalcakala 450 bags sugar.
The bgtno W. II. Meyer, Oapt Dclany,
arrived yesterday, 15Ja days from San
Francisco. Shu brought Kill sacks of
Hour, 223 bales hay, 120 bbls fish, 1393
r. w. posts, 200 bbls lime, 498 sks feed,
20 tons sand, 52,000 bricks, and 155a pkgs
general merchandise. She is consigned
to C. Bi cv cr & Co.
The bark S B. Allen, Capt Eldredgc,
arrived yesterday, 134 days from Bos.
ton. She brought 0 safes, 23 doors, G29
kegs nails, 1 whale- bo.it, and 17,778
pkgs general merchandise. She has 05
tons coal, 3000 casks oil mid 250 kegs of
nulls in transit for Hongkong, bhc is
consigned to C. Biuvver & Co.
Tho Estella is discharging at Wildei's
The W II Meyer, Hope, and JAFal.
ken burg are unloading al the Esplanade.
The U S S Essex, Harniodius, Nouan
turn, and St. Lawrence, are in the stream.
Tm: Maiy Dodge and Amelia are
discharging at Allen Sc Robinson's wharf.
The S 13 Allen is unloading at Brewer's
The Kalukanu Is loading atBicwer's
Tho Calbaricn Is loading near the tlsh
Tho Herman Is bunding her sails.
The bgtno Morning Star sails to-day
for the South Sea Islands, in command
of Capt. G. F. Gmland.
The bark Forest Queen sailed for San
Francisco yesterday; ho took 15,409
bags sugar, 520 bugs paddy, 203 bbls of
molasses and CO bucks bunanas. Value
Lycan As Joiikbon sell 301b, curled
hair Mattrosses for $20. 429 lvv.
Last night's performance, at the Music
Hall, was tho bet yet. It was too aw
fully good fun for anything. Yaas.
Mn. C. J. Flshcl has returned to Ho
nolulu after his extended tilp to tho
East witli about 550 cases of tho flucst
goods fiom tho European and Eastern
liuikcts, He opens them next week.
The Itoad Supervisor ought to dump
n load of stone in that hole in front of
tho watetliig trough on KlngSt. opposite
tho Old Plantation which bus been worn
by the feet of horses coming for a driuk,
. o
Ox his last trip up to Hawaii Captain
Crane of the llalcakala had two of his
ilbsbioken by belug violently jammed
against tho wheel happily ho is now
recovering. The flying jlbboom was
also cuiried auy In tho same squall.
Tm: native ancslcd on tho race course
for horse-stealing proved Dint ho had
bought tho horse from another native.
This in u n was then arrested and huviug
confessed his 'guilt was sentenced to 18
months' Imprisonment at hard labour.
. .
Ir may iuteiest our reudors to know
that the news roluinu of our paper me
ami always have been kept open until
half pasi sl o'clock of the mornl"g of
lsuo In order to supply them with the
latest posslblu news If of any Impor
tance. To-day the- Aunlvcrs.uy Exercises of
the Knwttlahao Scmlnuiy take place at
Knwnlnhao Chinch commencing at 10
am. In the evening the Graduating
Class of Oahu College give their excr.
cises in Fort St. Church. The public
uru invited to be pi cent.
31ns. C. P. Wind has been much an
noyed of late by people climbing over
the Old Plantation fence and turning on
or shutting off the water of the- Artesian
Well without pcrinjsslon. To avoid a
rcctttrcnco of the annoyance she 1ms hnd
a neat wooden structuie erected over the
well so that outsider cannot get nt it.
Wk notice by the last mall from
Loudon in tlio accounts of the Flshciles
Exhibition Hint Ills Majesty's pieseuts
of coral, sponges", etc., to Lady Brassey
while she was here weic on exhibition
in one department and attracted quite
un amount of attention being greatly
We havo been sampling some of a
small lot of choice Havana cigars just
received by 3Ir. Xoltc. The name's of
the brands w HI be found In the advertise
ment. All of the brands are of a much
supei lor quality to those usually found
lu the uiuikct here but of them wo
prefer tin second fourth and fifth on the
list as being of the choicest flavour.
Two native women weic brought up
at the Police Coujt on Wednesday for
having opium lti possession.- One of
them is the wife of the native who is in
custoday for stealing 3Ir. C. B. Wilson's
chickens and she sent the other along
with some food for him 'and in tills food
the opium was concealed. On the food
being examined nt the Station House the
opium was found nnd the two women
were placed in custody.
The Great American Clothing House
on Nuuanu St. is now showing about
the finest assortment of Gent's furnish,
ing goods now to be seen in Honolulu.
By the last two steamers they have re
ceived over 1000. new suits in French
Casslmero, Blue flannel, Snowfluko
tweed, Yacht-cloth, and Scotch tvv eed,
while the remaining portion of their
immense stock is made up of all the
neceisary accompaniments one needs to
be well fitted out in clothing. Go and
see tlicm.
Auction Sales by Lyons & Levey.
Friday; Juno 23ml,
At 10 a.m." at Sales Boom,
Regular Cash Sale
Consisting, of
Dry Gotids, Clothing,
Groceries, Ciockery,
Hardware, Furniture,
Boots, Shoos, &c, &c.
Also, a superior lot of
DPlatedL "Wai'e.
Lyons & Levey, Auct'is.
To L,ct,
jwttji A HOUSE on Emma. street,
(jti containing 7 rooms, kitchen,
IBfl'S'i&itia bath-room, pantry, servant's
room, cnrhigc-liousc, stabling, nnd fowl
house. Inquire at 79 Fortsticet or 51
Emma street. 434 tf
Fiom the lt of Julv, ONE or
TWO H003IS in 3Ir lthodes'
Block, in Kiiahuinanu street.
Enquire at the oHlce, upstairs. 434 lw
In accordance with the cxpiesscd wish
of many of his putions, Mr. Muccubc
will give a
Matinee on Saturday Next.
! tJl036(
The Gallery will be TJloaed.
Admission $1 to all parts of the Hull.
Tickets to bo had at the Hotel.
' Graduating Class of 1883
"Will take place at Fort Street Church,
Ou Friday Eveuing,
June 22nd. The public aro cordially in.
433 vited to atteud. at
No Ice will be Delivered
fiom tho Honolulu Ice Factory
ALL PURSES will be nid off ou
ucMj between 1 mi 4 o'clock p.m., at
the oucictary'd olilcu. And nil bills due
by the Park must be presented to the
Secretary, ut his olllce, on or before
Thursday next, or they will bo forever
J. E. WISEMAN, Secretary,
433 Ut OtBco 7 Merchant street.
Just Eeceived
Suitable for Stock Ranches where water is required to bo lu'cd from gulches
to pasture lauds for watering stock. Full particulars and estimates furnished.
Refrigerators, Brooms of superior quality.
Magueso-Calcite Fire Proof Safes & Boxes
Absolutely flic-proof.
Lubricating Oils ol every description at lowest markot rates.
Rice Cloth, Patent Bag Holders just tho thing for Rico nnd Sugar Mills
Differential Pulley Blocks, Carriage Lamps.
New Goods .constantly arriving.,; -
Full lines of Plowsjnnd Agricultural Instruments, ' - -'"'"
Full assortment of Agate Iron Ware,
Illustrated Catalogues on application.
Where do you Jluy your
wc simply desire you to examine
closely three main points:
1st, luaUt j -Material. "
nd, Htj lc-Flt and IVorlc.
3rd, I'rtcc-HUo of BUI.
And when you nro satisfied with conclu
sions, pay us a visit, and wo guuiantee
Quality or aratorlnl,
Style of Fit ana AVorlc
Saving of 20 per cent
In your order. If these arc sufficient
considerations please call at the
Great American Clothing House
17 Nuuanu Street,
393 ly Corner of Marine.
AT the earnest solicitation of horse
owners, we sjnt to the Coast of ur
First-Glass Horse Shoer,
and Flooruum. Thanks to our agents, a
flrst-cluss mechanic has arrived, and
comes well lccommcnded frpm
Leading Shops in tho United States.
Wc have, therefore, no hesitation in
btating that all horses sent to our shop
will, in future, be shod in the most
scientific manner known in modern
Stock that has been crippled by clum.
sy workmen can now be made to travel.
(fur away from Soaking Stalls and Foot
417 King street, Honolulu.
The Delmonico Restaurant,
next door to Castle & Cooke,
on King street.
Meals Cooked to Order
25 to CO cents.
Roaid, per week, npMoirs, : ; $0.00
in advance.
430 1m Proprietors.
All Water Kates Now Duo
and owing, must bo paid at the offleo of
the Honolulu Water Works,
foot of Nuuanu st,
On or before June 30th, 1883,
Othcrwiso the privilege will bo bus.
pended without further notice.
Sun't Water Works.
Appiovcd: J. E. Bush,
Minihter of Interior.
Honolulu, Juno 1, 188U. 418
HORSE, sound and
kind, 7 years old. Ap.
r-is piy at sso ort street.
" 420
currh or draft
from 4 In fl vcurs old.
JLZkh'- Inuulro at the Buu.e-
U'oi Sal.
Bows, in pig; nlso, youug
pigs ior ureeamg. in.
quire at tho Bulletin
Hydraulic Hams
To thk Honolulu Puhlic: AtthaAu.
mini Meeting of the Board of Reprcscn.
tutives of the Honolulu Firo Department
held on the 7th Instant, tho subject of
don-fires aud trash-burning on private
property, within or nc.ir flio city limits
was diheussed from a Firemnn'b stand
point, and, as might have been expected,
it called forth some rather harsh com
ments on those who havo during tho
past year, cither through thoughtless,
uess or indifference, been the cuuso of
useless efforts and loss of time of tho
Department and wear and tear of its ap.
paratus, by kindling bonfires without
notice, oud selecting It would seem in.
tentionally tho times when they would
cause tho most alarm and unnecessary
work and trouble.
It was finally decided to authorize tho
Chief Engineer to make a public appeal
to the property holders and residents of
tho cityurenerally. requesting them to in
form either the Fire Marshal or himself
a reasonable time beforehand of the ex.
act time and place of any intended Bon.
firo or Trash-busning in order that false
alarms from theso causes be prevented.
Some of our citizens have already
been considerate in tho matter and given
dun notice, as above requested, but tho
custom is by no means general.
This appeal is made with adegree'of
diffidence, as the members of the De
partment remember with pleasure and
gratitude that they, as a body, have been
dealt generously with In the past by tho
past by the good people of this city, and
they hope to merit a like consideration
in tho future; at tho same time they en
tertain a measure of confidence, that the
reasonableness of their request will bu
admitted, and a hearty compliance there
with given.
We have at present in round numbers
three hundred active members;' a largo
majority of whom depend for their live
lihood of their families and themselves
on their dally wages; and while they do
not hesitate to spend their time and
btiength or risk life and limb for the
benefit of their follow.citizens when oc
cuslon may require it, yet there is noth
ing more disheartening and destructive
ol discipline and prouiptitude in the in
dividual firemen themselves, aud unnoy
ing to their employers than to find, after
a long and fatiguing run with heavy ap.
paratus, their efforts and time have
been thrown away in consequence of a,
careless and wanton false alarm.
Per order of the Hoard,
Chief Engineer Hi F. D.
Honolulu, June 14, 188r. 428 lw
A Large Assortment
At 1.75.
(foimer price $2.50,)
By To be hadt
413 Honolulu Clothing Emporium
home - ma.i:e
fresh and pure
Chocolate Creams.
Cream Cocoauut Bars,
Cream Almond Burs,
Cream Lemonade Bart,
Cream Chocolate Bars,
Cream Strawberry Burs,
Cream Fruit Bars,
French Nougat Bars,
Peanut Bars.
All the above delicious Confections arc
warranted fresh and
Guaranteed to be Fare,
and wholesome by
Aud are sold at his
Steam Candy Factory,
424 ' Hotel Street, lru

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