OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, September 08, 1883, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1883-09-08/ed-1/seq-5/

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I is
im mmw, tu bepoteh, and
fl1m I'tetnler, Mr, .lumen Herviec,
h undouhUully mi old cnriwlftrf
!, fCUVfOg Irf.''fl in office before,
fcnw that good defence In re
quired ayfdunb the fmddfoii aJoek
of deputation" mid Interviewer, He
Urn, therefore, had hln renldence at
ikdnclava mrrounded by a atonc-wall,
topped with broken ppm, while hi
Harden gate Um aplkc Jong and
ftfarp enough to terrify even the monb
permtenb mWAAr h m "xtr'1 Prfi
caution, he wry night make Ida
man lock the gdo nd take the kv
home with him no that, ahould hi
hcatb Ity any mean become nofteued
Ut the supplication of Into nightly
vfoltor, lie In towetUm to let them
UltO Uift pfMtltii'H ', COUKCqUCIltly hln
peaceful nlumbern are undfwturbcd
mid Ufa lawn at early morn him wot
crowd of promenadern wafting for
him, tdmllar to thone which once
followed another Mluhter of the
Crown we know of-a Mlnlnter who
could nob tlud npiken enough f n the
colony Ut keep off the ofiec-cokora
who nutiUsd him, However effective
lam mid boll stud pfke might ho
m against other, they ore no
hindrance to tt reporter when ha Kan
work to do, m Mr, Hcrvfce found out
a few evening siffo, An Aroint res
porter, wfohfng bo nee Mr, Herviat
on impottetit liiinluen, proceeded In
it cab bo Ids residence ab about ten
o'clock abnluht, Finding the pro
mImm locked up, with a very wine
discretion the reporter Induced the
cabman to clluih over the wpfked
ppiUi to roum ui the I'remler, mid
tell hint tltiib a reporter from the
Argu whhed Ut nee him mi fmpor
tunb hmlneM, Accordingly the
enltmnn ohayed hln Imtructloim, nnd
on Unockltifi ub the door the Vrcmter
rrenenUid hiumlt In hln ulhb-nhlrb
mid cap, In reply to ihe memen&er,
Mr, Hervlcc Mild lb vuh ImpoHMbte
Ut open theunU'.f a hk man had tli
key, and lb would Ik; Indeeenb bo
cKpone hlmmlf In Iheuarh he liwl oi
ub the Mite, no thttb If the reporter
wmited U) mm him he mmb run the
rink of lblu Hplked, Xolhlnu
dnunbed now, tl reporter climbed
Hie (abe, mid iih he wtm dmccndUiif
on the garden tide there wim a
momeubot krrlhle Htinpuwe tin he,
felb ItitiiHcIf temporarily Idtchwl by
lle nether varment, While thin win
ttoltiu otif one of Mf Hervlca'ii
neluhbotirti hud hU attention directs
ed Utwurdu the operation nnd luiu
ydnlng thub tlic cabman and reporter
were hurif,ltiritthclr appeuraucA',
iUHtlfyliifif Htieh n eitnchiHlon--he ub
once jitmle for fJo mnrvnb police
station, HcturnhiK with couple of
Htttrdy policemen tlnty n three
placed tlteiiiHclveii in auibiiHh mils
nidii llic gl, and waited for their
prey, Ify llif I lino tlw reporter hud
llijli'd lif interview, and he and
ll cabman, made f,lih' way back
over tlio garden Hate, tli reporter ub
tli name time unatheinallHbw huIUch
and barlm of ill diwrlpilom, i'lwy
had hardly tonclit'd llio around,
however, when tli two )llt'moii
poiiiKJcl iion tli;ni, and In a mo
numb had them lmndaif(;d on their
way Ut tl lockup under lli tlioroiili
conviction tloit tlicy wvre, the numb
vile rullhmH, Kxplanatlom, how'
ever, cnancd, nd lio reporter
wanted the comlahUtH te climb Mr,
Hcrvlce'H fjuli Uj uncertain tli trutli
of hln Htateinenb, with i liojic tlmt'
tlicy fould jdk thetiMilven, Tld
arrangement, however, did nob uuib
tlic giinrdln of tl peace, but tlic
reporter baying Imn intimately
Idcntldcd he wan fdlowed bl liberty,
but much aalmb tlie bicllmitiou of
the eomtablen, who thought I hey bad
rmulo a haui.-rJfelltwrie World
An Incident In tlm clool life of a
teacher, an related by bcreolf, llliiw
trateH our point Win bad diarm of
a nchonl In a country frn early in
Iter career, and among ber cbolar
wan a, boy about U yearn old, who
cared very little about wtudv and
aIiowcI no lnlr't ajmarelly In any-
unng eonneeuui wnn tue cnooi, Day
after day he failed in hln Imnonn,
and detention after school hour and.
noten U) hln widowed motlier bal no
effect, One day tbe twiclior lial wmt
bfm te hln aeai, after . vain effort to
Heb from lifm a correct annwer to a
rjuextfoj fu armnmar, and feellnu
aomewbat nettled abn watelwA Id
conduct, Having taken lil eat be
punhed tlie book Impatiently alde,
and cnpylnff a ily, caught ft with
dextfron nweep of the hand, and
then Imteok Jdmmdf te a clone Inipec
tlon of the Imect, Vor I ft mlnuteu
or more the boy wan thun occupied,
heedU'M of urronndbig, and the
exprennlon of hln face teld tbe tcber
It wan more than Idle cnrlolty that
pOHKUKned Id mind, A thought
htuck her, which hc put lute pruetm
at the carlJewt oiijortnnlty tuatday,
"lloyn," Huld me, l(whub can yon
tdl we about llUmV and calling
several 0 tbe brlgbtct by name, he
anked them it they could t;ll ber
womotbfng of a Iy' cmtltntIon and
habit, 'J'bey bad very little to aay
about the f iikccI , 'i'bey of Urn caught
one, but only for nporb, and did nob
think It worth while to atudy o com
mou an inneel, Finally nue anked
the dunce,, who had xllenlly, but with
kindling cyvit, Untuned to wbatbl
0jhoolmaten had InuilalJugly naUl,
heiul, eye, wing, and fcetof the lit
' tic creature, no full and cijtlui0ludic
that Hut teacher wan anlonhdied and
the whohj wchool wtruck with wondci',
Ie (-old how It walked and how It ale,
and many thing which were entirely
new te Id teaeluu. Ho that when lie
bad fiufftlicd alio aald; "Thank you I
Von have given im ureal lecture In
natural hilory, and you have learned
lb all yonimlf,"
After the achool cloned that, fitter
noon nha had a long talk with ihe
boy, and found that be wan fond of
going into the wood and meadowa
and collecting fnaccta and walehlng
bfrdtf, but that bla mother thought lie
wfin waating Ida time, The teacher,
however, tritely enconragwl lilm In
Ida piirauit, and anked him to bring
beetle and buttcrflfc nnd caterpillar
to achool, and tell what he knew
about them, The boy wun delighted
by till unexpected turn of affair,
and in a few daytt the llatle dunce
wa the marked boy of that wcliool,
Jlook 011 natural history were pro
cured for him, and u world of wonder
open te hln appreciative eyen, He
rend and atudicd and examined lie
oon underatood the necewulty of
knowing something of mutlicmutlc,
geography, and Hrununar, for the
ncceful carrying on of Id favour
It; atudy, and be made rapid progre
in Id clae, in whort, twenty
year later he wa eminent a a
uaturalfftt, and owed hi auecc. an
he never bcIfuted te acknowledge,
to that decerning teacher sPhrmO'
lofllaul Journal,
n general holiday time the work
Ingmaii who I not a workliigman, If
be take part In the frolic at nil,
catche up with hi work at odd
moment, He mantern lb It he
munb Htay tip all night to do it,
The workliigman who I u working
man join in all the fun and let hi
work go to the demnltlon bow-wow,
The workbigmaii wiio I not a work
liigman I never away from hi work,
lb goe to bed with bim, and never
by chance leave blm on Hnnday,
Tbe worUinaman who In a working
man bid good-bye Ut Ida work at (I
i', ,, and think of it no more until
(i a, m, next day, J'crhup the
workliigman who In a, worklngmnn In
the more aemdble of the two, bub he
in nob the more iudutrlou,
John Mannfatcr, the comedian, wan
presented to an old lady proud of
ancient and noble blood, The lady
aked a wit of tlie day, who ww
preenl, "Who are the ibtiiiiftcr7
Are they of a good family'"'
"Yen," aaid tlie wit, "very good In
deed they arc Hoely connected with
the Wnfr," "Oil' ald the lady,
"a very ancient family of Ayrblrc
date Imck teUHOl I am delighted
to cc your friend,"
At Itriglaud, a Gabicinu village
about 10 mile from Cracow, a now
vondon of the old farce, "llie devil
Ut pay." would appear Jo have boon
recenlly produced, Tlie hero of
lid diverting performance proved
te be an oHIclal porxonage 1 ho
judge of the village In qiiMtlon
who laid aumed the eluiracter or
"Old Nick' (or highly ronrolinf bin
purponii, He having learnt that,
an old peawtut woman living In the
diHlrfct bad wiu a prize of 1100
llorlmi In the Cracow lotiery, be
thought him of n plan bow ho could
traimfer thoxo lll-gottou uidim te hl
own poeiaIon, Accordingly hay
ing dreiHod an the ''Devil" he
presented hlmiolf, a the clock
xtriick midnlubt, at the old woman'
lonely dwelling, awoke her from her
dumber, nnd ii a hollow ,yoico
commanded her to liau'd over all"
her whining upon the ground that
"all Hum accruing from lottery
apeculatlon wore Id 'porpilHltoH,'
and by bim to be applied to the
corruption of human aoiil," The
terrified female at once handed over
75 florin, pretexting alio had that
day lodued the remainder in the
Cracow Havliigif-bank, Whereupon,
the "Devil" Informed her that he
would call the following light, at
the name hour, to receive the re
mainder, and with dreadful threat
of "infernal torment," aliould he
fall to fulfil hi ImlicHtu, The next
morning, tlie old dame repaired Jo
tlie fiJuvlngHdmnk for tlie remainder
of her deposit, The manager being
rather aurprinud alio aliould want
It out ho noon, nuked tier reason; alio
than gave bim the full particular
of the previoiia night, Whdn jii
"Halanfo Mftjcty" called at 1 p.m,.
for the balance of Ida "porquiHlto"
be wa received by "two gendarme,"
who bandcuTed him, and marched
bim off te Cracow, and there
delivered bim tothe"Hncular Arm,"
wbieh will put a top to hi pbtylng
the "Devil" for omo time to come,
The old dame being no overjoyed
at regaining the whole of her win
ning, bent her top homeward,
ainglng "Nunc ,Dimfttf," Mel'
bourne, World,
w vwt 1 90y
A female acrvant, wccping out a
bachelor' room, found u fotirpcnny
piece on the carpet, which alio car
ried to the owner, "Von may keep
It for your honetyf" ald be, A
abort time after lie mfncd bl gold
pencil cio, and inquired of the gbl
If lie bud men It, "Vc, lr," wan
the reply, "And whijt did you do
with It'" "Kept it for my !iuncly,

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