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The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, May 01, 1885, Image 4

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I y&
id Wasort i
King Street, near Lincoln's.
Repairing, BlncksniUhing ami every description in the Carriage mid Wagon
lino manufactured. Kstitnalos and drawings furnished for all Car-
Carriage a;
riage and Wagon building.
1 have also got up a now kind of Buggy
Cart, which for cheapness and practicability exceeds any carl ever
brought to this country,
1 would beg to notify the public in general that
1 have opened a Carriage and Wagon shop on
King Street, at the old stand of M. J. Rose,
mid liiielv neennied bv Messrs. Whitman &
"Wright , where I am prepared to do any kind
of Carriage and Wagon work, in a first class,
durable and practical manner. By close and
I prompt attention to business, satisfactory
work, low and reasonable charges, I hope to
merit some of the public patronage.
979 3m King Street, adjoining Geo. W. Lincoln, Contractor and Builder.
l-s1 T. n
FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1885.
Frank Gertz, 103 Fort Street,
-MgL jra - "rj-Tn's" "' m-3f&&SSfMB&JE3E-BE
lias received by late steamers a splendid line of
For Ladies, Gentlemen and Children.
gfcSr5 DOon't
Hio Door.
(17 mul Ol) ilotcl Sti'eut.
JUST RECEIVED, EX MARIPOSA, On Ice, Cala Fresh Salmon, do Flounders,
do Rhubarb, Eastern Fresh Shad, do Oysters in shell, do Oysters in tins,
Horse Radisli Roots, Fresh Cala Crabs, Cauliliowcrs, Celery, Red Cabbage,
Cala Fresli Aspaiagus.
ALSO Not on Ice, SwKs Cheese, Cream Cheese, Mild Steele's Cheese. Bbls Choice
Red Salmon, y. bbls do Salmon, Smoked Halibut, Kits Mackerel, Dutch
Bologna Sausages, Choice C.ilu Family Corned Reef, Holland Herring, Kegs
Family Salt Pork, Kegs Queen Olives, Kegs Gilt Elite Untter, Kits Silmon
Bellies, Cases Mackerel in Tomatoe Sauce, Cases Salmon Bellies, Boston
Bread in i lb tin's, tiy it; Sardellcs in kegs, Saidellcs in ibis.
ALSO Green Mountain Maple Syrup, Iluckin's Mock Turtle Soup, Case3 Barata.
ria Shrimps, Dnpce Hams, Whlttakci'n Star Hams, Russian Caviar, Kegs
Salt Water Cucumbeis, Breakfast Bacon, Cala Dried Figs, and a complete
line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, all of which will be sold low. Goods
delivered to all parts of the city.
Island Ordci a solicited. Telephone No. 240. P. O. Box 297. (7G2
The Corner Harness Store
Still to the Front !
Large invoices of Goods (of all descriptions) having been received by me ,thoy
Tlmn the same quality of Goods can bo purchased elsewhere in Honolulu, and
satisfaction guaranteed. My stock consists ol all kinds of AMERICAN,
Saddles, Belts, Pouches, Leggings, Saddle Cloths, School Bags, &c,
Bits, Spurs and Stirrups, &c., in Nickel and Silver Platen.
' The reputation of my HOMK-MADE HARNESS lor supeiioiity of workmanship
"'' and material remains unchallenged (lining my six years' residence heie.
TJtunkful for the generous patronage ol the past, its continuance and increase in
the fiituio Is respectfully solicited at the old stand.
880 3in Corner of ,Fort and King streets, Honolulu, II. I
I was silling with the ttajnh on
the raised platform in front of his
house, drinking tea in the cool of
tho evening. Suddenly our peace
ful, silent smoking was disturbed by
a young and n very pretty girl with
flowers in her hnir and silver orna
ments on neck and arms, who rushed
up tho ladder and throw herself at
tho linjnh's feet in a passion of tears.
After her ascended slowly, one by
one, a number of villagers wrapped
in their long, homespun mantles, who
quietly sat down on the platform to
the right and loft of tho chief. The
Rajah smoked on silently, until tho
woman's sobs had grown somewhat
less violent, when he remarked
quietly, "Weeping is good for wo
men." A few more puffs of fragrant to
bacco, and, as the sobbing still con
tinued, he added with solemnity,
"Three conditions are to bo avoided:
Fiist, not to bo able to weep ; sec
ond, to weep without knowing for
why; third, to weep too much."
The last condition was pronounced
with impressive distinctness, and an
assenting murmur went around the
assembly. The girl raised her head.
"My father. I cannot live with
Tawngcy! I hate him!" "What
has ho done? Has he beaten you?"
"No, he has not beaten me, that I
should not have minded. He sus
pects me. lie watches me, and I
will not endure it. I demand to be
divorced ! Oh 1 my father, be it on
your head!" "Tawngcy, come for
ward, thou son of foolishness! What
is this I hear?"
Tawngcy appeared, slinking shame
facedly from the depths of the
crowd. First making a lowly obei
sance he sat down before the chief."
" My Lord," said Tawngcy, " I saw
her flirting with ." "It is
false it is false!" vehemently cried
the girl, dashing away her tears. "I
went with the other girls to draw
water in the stream, and Adui's
sweetheart, Pawthcc, came and
began laughing, and, so wo splashed
him with water. Then this man"
(pointing with conccntarted scorn at
the wretched Tawngey), "this man
was spying behind a tree, and ho
came and dragged me by the arm
and abused me before them all. I
have never suffered such shame.
Release me, oh my father ! I will
not live with him." Here slic again
prostrated herself at the Itajah's
feet. A dead silence ensued, broken
only by the girl's sobs. Tawngcy
looked as though he wished tho earth
would swallow him, but ho said not
a word.
Suddenly the Rajah spoko again
and gave orders. " Oh, you and
you" (naming two or three elders
among the spectators), " take away
these two wicked ones, who disobey
the holy law. Strip them of all their
clothes, save one cloth only to the
women, and shut them up together
in the great empty guest-house. In
the morning I will hear them again.
Enough! 1 have spoken." So the
young couple were hustled off and
shut up in a bare, empty house, with
but one garment between them. The
night was very cold, and as I pulled
my thick wadded quilt over my
shoulders before going to sleep, I
admired the shrewd wisdom of tho
Rajah. In tho morning when their
clothes were handed in to them and
the door was opened to conduct them
before the Chief, they quietly slipped
away haud-in-hand, and departed
peaceably to their own abode. From
JAcut.-Vol. Xewm's " How J
Helped to Govern India."
Oiloi- fox Sale
this ror.T.owi.NO
Ox Carts,
Light ExprcBSjWngonn,
Ex Top Carriages.
Cumberland Coal,
Com. Wood Chairs,
Fine Molasses Shooks,
Rosin, Soap,
Ice Chests, Nos, 2, 8. and 5,
Hoe Handles,
Lobsters, lib tus ; Beans, 31b tns
Sprurc Flank.
Hay Cutters, Nos. 1, 2, & 3.
Eisei from tlie Aslms !
Axlo Grease,
Fairbank's Scales, Nos. 7,8,10 & i
Leather Belting,
Centrifugal Lining, 14 inch j
Comp. Nails, 1, 1.14 Inch.
Bales Excelsior,
Manila Cordage, Assorted:
Excelsior Mattresses,
Galvanized Fence Staples,
Sisal Rope, Assmtcd,
Ash Plank,
Dump BunowB,
Anieh' Shovels,
10, -18, '10, 22, 24 and 20 oz.;
Hair Mattresses !
Grindstones, Rubber Hose,
Hide Poison, Barbed
"Wire, Refined Iron,
Galvanized Screws and Washers.
' 532
IVIIcox'h 3Inclilno Made.
"TRS. LOVE desires to intimate to
XtX. her numerous old customers and
tho public generally, Unit her bakery,
DcHti'oycd ly Xiro,
lias been restored In handsome, sub
stantial and convenient form. She is
therefore prepared to supply the largest
custom with
Plain and Fancy Bread
of the best quality, nntl manufactured
by tho most approved methods.
Everything in the lino of a tlrst-class
bakery v, ill be carried on with greater
facility than before tho fire.
The Lunch & Coffee Room
is also restored in more elegant stylo
than over, 'and at rates that cannot be
underbid by any restaurant.
Brick Building, 73 Nuuanu Street.
Honolulu, Dec. 12, 18S4. 8D2
The Only Viticultural Paper in
MRS. A. E.MORRIS takes pleasure,
in announcing that Mm has leased
Tho Beautiful' Seaslilo Rosldonco
Of Mr. Allen Herbert, at WA1K1KI.
Honolulu's famous summer lesort, and
is prepared to accoiuinodnte parlies de
sirous of enjoying the balmy air, unsur
passed sea-bathing, nnd tropical rest and
quiet of tills charming place. Every
Jncility is offered for the perfect enjoy
ment of tills ideal watei lug place. By
special arrangement Dodd's Line of
'Busses will take passengcis to the en
trance of the place, when two or more
For terms, etc., apply to Mr. Congdon,
Telephone No. 1)02, Queen St., Honolulu,
or to tho undersigned, at tho'residenco.
aiRM. a. r. aionuiH,
Wulklki Telephone, No. 257. Lessee.
900 3m
Devoted to Viticulture, Olive Culture,
Sericulture, and other Productions,
Manufactures and Commuico of
the Pacific Coast.
A Splendid Advertising Medium
For Hawaiian Business Men desirous of
forming trade connections
on the Coast.
TERMS Three Dollars per annum;
1.75 for six months.
Charles R. Buckland,
Editor and Proprietor.
OFFICE-323 Front, Street. Post-Officc
Box, 2300, San Francisco, California.
fj JjP
Corner of Fort and Hotel Hts.
A Horse ! a Horse f My Kingdom for a Horso. King Richard.
The Fast Trotting Stallion
Every Description of Job Printing
Executed with neatness and dispatch,
Daily Bulletin Steam Printing Office,
Families and others in want of Good,
Fresh, Clean,
Machine Made Poi,
Can obtain the same in quantities
suit by leaving orders and con
tainers with
At Pacific
Navigation Co.'
Queen stieet.
Bill Heads
Ball Programs
Bills of Lading
Business Cards
Book Work
Concert 1'rogr'ms
Draft BookB
Delivery Books
Hand Bills
m ' ' Invoices
Letter Headings
Law Roports
Note Headings
Plantation Books
Show Cards
Shipping Rcco'ts
Visiting Cards
Queen Street,
An Auburn lawyer's little daughter
goes to Sunday school, and is in a
class with other littlo girls. Possibly
the Auburn legal luminary hasn't
allowed for the sharp ears and tho
bright eyes of his little one as much
as he might. It was in a review last
Sunday iii her class. The teacher
was going over the good old story
of King Solomon and his wisdom.
"Now, dears, who was tho great
Queen who travelled so many miles
and miles to sec this King"' Silence
prevailed in the class. "Why, you
do know, all of you. The Queen
who came to see the King?" Tho
name was forgotten by the class.
In order to help them, the kind but
misguided teacher began to offer a
little assistance: "You do know, I
am sure. The name began with S.
and she was a very great Queen."
Just then up shot a little hand, and
out spoko tho triumphant voico of
the little Auburn girl. -Sho transfixed
tho listening school-room with tho
following brief statement in a clear,
bii.siiicss-like voice : "I know, teach
er; it was tho Queen of Spades."
Lewiston Journal.
A couple of littlo girls requested
permission to attend St. Paul's
Church, Boston, and their mother
having given her consent was sur
prised to lind her daughters at home
soon after tho serviced began.
"Why, girls," sho exclaimed, "what
brought you home so early?"
"Why, mother, it is all over wc
wont to church, and St. Paul came
in his night robes and knelt down to
say his prayers before going to bed,
and eo we came home,"
Building: Lots for Sale.
SEVERAL building lots for sale or
rent at Kapalama, near theNiuhe
lewai bridge, on the Ewa side of the
lane leading to Austin's estate. Easy
terms. Applv to AV. C. ACHI,
Law office of W. R. Castle. 887 tf
RECORD, a.274.
Having purchased this celebrated Stallion from ME. JAMES CAMPBELL, I
hereby notify the public that he will stand the present season at my headquarters,
corner of Punchbowl and Queen Streets (Captain Cluney'p). Terms for the sea
feon, $00; to insure, $100.
Venture is a rich chestnut color, 1G hands high, and weighs about 1 ,100 lbs.
In structure lie is the pictiue of great muscular power, and in appearance, tem
perament and disposition, he is faultless. Full ol fire and gentleness, he is witli
ontfcpeckor blemish. As a stock horse he is having extraordinary success; his
numerous progeny, botli in California and in this country, attest this fact, several
of them being able to trot low down, and one of his daughters (Venus) can trot
in 2.23. Venus is also the dam of Transit, which is said to be the most promising
two-year-old in California. He trotted a mile last season, as a yearling, in 2.45.
Venture, chestnut horse, foaled in 18G3, bred by Henry Williamson, Esq.,
Oakland, California; by Belmont, he by American boy, lie by Seagull, he by Im-
porteu iixpeuinon.
1st dum, Miss Mostyii.by American 15oy, Jr.
and dam, by Kenner'a Gi ny JU'tloc.
3id diun,Iiiipoited I.atly Moatyn(ly Tonlers.
4th dum, Invalid, by WliiRker.
6th dum, Helen, by Ilumbletoniun.
fcth dum, bufiun, by l erton.
7tn uum, uiowsy, uy jjionc.
fcth dum, by Old Knuliuul.
9th dum, by Cullcn Aiublun.
loth dum, Miss Cudu, by Cudc.
11th dum, JJlb9 Mukulcas, son ot Greyhound.
Hclmont, byAinoiienn Hoy.
lt dum, Impoited l'luncllu, by Comus.
2nd dum, by I'm tlsan.
3rd dum, l'awn, by Truinpator.
4tli dum, l'runollu, by Highflyer.
fitli dam, riomlHc, by Snap.
litli dum, Jullu, by lUuiilc.
7th dum, Spcctntoi's dam, by Partner.
Sth dum, Bonny I.uss, by lluy Bolton.
Dili dum, by Dm ley's Ainblun.
loth dum, by JJyorly Tint.
Uth dum, by Tuffolct limb.
12th dnin, by l'luco'H White Tin It.
13th dam, Nuturul llaib Mm ti.
Most of the Houses
My Book of Instruction,
Gives all necessary information.
Price, Twcnty-I'Ive CVntH jut roj.v.
Bilk Wor
tines, ced
low est market rates.
rm JSggs, Jieeis, rrees, uut.
s &c, for sale at tho very
Tlicrniomolcr and Baromotor Combined
For use of SHU Raisers, free by mail
only.7C cents.
I will bo pleased to give information
toconespondents who apply by letter,
inclosing two-cent stamp for reply.
'Hneoiincii l!ox8 of CnrooiiH Jk lteel-
cd HIIK, as CentM.J
None but articles of the first quality sold
AddrcbS all communications to
Miss Nellie Lincoln Rossiter,
Practical Silk Culturlst,
Now Lisbon, Burlington Co,
In offering the fccrvicc? of this liorso to the public I make one claim for him,
which is that he is the highest bred trotting stallion in tlte world, living or dead,
and in biipport of this claim I am willing to submit it to any authority that can be
obtained, and if he is not, then I will foifeit all my claims to horse knowledge. It
will be seen that his pedigree represents a union of tho purest blood of the English
and American thoroughbred racer, one of his grnud dams, as also one of his great
grand dams, being imported from England to the United States. When Venture
was on the turf, about eight years ago, he was at that time tho sensational horso of
tho Pacific Coast, and the sporting papers in tho East, that w ere always so much
opposed to miming blood in the trotter, commenced picking away at his pedigree,
trying to find a cold cross in it, at the same time declaring that it was simply im
possible for a strictly thoroughbred horse to trot as fast as he was then trotting;
but at last they had to give it up, and admitted the fact that he was a stiictly
thoroughbred horse, but declared him a phenomenon, and were unable to account
for his great speed at the trotting gait. But the fame of his sire, old Belmont, In
almost world-wide, and it is a well-known fact his blood nicked better with the
trotting families than that of any other thoroughbred horse ever known, as, in
addition to Venture, two other thoroughbred sons of his, Capt. Webster and Owen
Hale, wero (said to have possessed great speed at the trot; Besides these, he sired
the dams of Belle Echo, 2:20; Flora .Shepherd, 2:30; Monarch. 2:23; Nelly
Patchen. 2:27; Rustic, 2:30; which is a showing that a great many of tho best
trotting bred horses cannot equal. Mr. Patrick Earrell, who Is one of the most
experienced drivers on the Pacific Coast, told mo the last time that I saw hhn, that
Venturo was tho fastest trotter that ho ever pulled a lino over, and that if ids
temper had not been soured In his youtli by bad handling, ho believed that he
would have equaled, if not surpassed, all the records ever made, and that he could
show a two-minute gait with lum to a wagon, but In company ho would become
wild, on account of his hot blood, and was often beaten by horses that could hardly
lun as fast as ho could trot. His record of 2:27 which was no measure of his
speed, was made at the Oakland track lu 1877, in a race which he won, beating
Alexander, Gus, General Reno and Billy Hayward, this being his last public
It is thought by sonio people that an aged horse is not as good a producer as a
vounir one, but no greater mistake could nosslblv bo made. Indeed, tho onnoslte
Is churned by many largo breeders, and instances are so numerous of horses siring
their beat foals at an advanced ago that the above theory has long ago been ex
ploded. Impoited Dloincd was twenty-seven years old when he shed Sir Archy,
his best son ; Bonnie Scotland, who died only a few years ago, sired Luke- Black
burn and Georgo Kinney, by far the best of his get, after ho was twenty-ilve; Im
ported Leamington sired Iroquois, his best son, tho last year that ho lived, at
twenty-tive. Among trotters may be mentioned Volunteer, tho sire of St. Jullen,
who is tlilrty-ono years old tills spring, and is said to bo as lively and vigorous as
ho ever was, and his young foals as promising as any that ho ever got. Old Ha
miltonian died in March, 1870, aged twenty-seven years, but sired two foals the
last days of his life, and one of them, called llainlltonliurs last, made a trotting
lecord of 2 :2B4 the past season, and tho other ono is said to bo equally as fast.
With these facts before us, it is plain that tho age, of a horse has nothing to do
with his success as a she, I think myself that there Is a great deal In the condi
tion that a horso U kept, for an animal that is well-fed and eared for, with plenty
of exercise, will beget better foals than one that is turned looco and never stabled
or fed grain.
Venture .is twenty-two years old this spring, and with tho care that I Intend
to give him, I expect him to sire better fouls than ho ever has befoie. Ho la a
remarkably sure breeder. Mr. Campbell assures me that ho has never bred a
mare to lilin yet that did not produco a foal, and his many beautiful colts, now on
Mr. C.'s ranch, are worth a long journey to see; and now as he is to be kept so
convenient to the general public, no one owning a good inure should he so blind to
their own interest as to neglect the opportunity of obtaining his blood while they
have the chance.
Forany additional particulars npply at Punchbowl and Queen streets.
O. 33. JMOULJE1&, Proprietor.
Honolulu, April 10, 1885. 0D2 lm
?AWigtiii.V ,.
!k"' WX. V: i -is?,? i "
fi ' whbr i f - '"J rfJ. A

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