OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, July 15, 1886, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1886-07-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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July 15
Stmr Iwnlatil from Knunl
Sclir Ncttlo Men 111 from Waianao
S S Zeaiandia for San 1'ianelsco
Selir Wallelo for Pnla
Stmr Lchtta for windward ports at noon
Sclir Canute for llilo
Stmr I wain til for Kauai at 5 p m
Sclir Nettle Murrlll for Wulanac
Bk Lapwing for San Francisco
Schr Moiwahlne for Koholalclo
Ilk 0 O 'Whltnioro, Thompson
Ilk Wgi, Zopl)
Ilk Star of Devon, Moekets
Ilktuo Morning Star, Turner
Fr peer Ilnnuuonla. Arnard
llrlt Ilk Lap wing, Do Gruchy
Ger sclir Alary U llolini, Mobcrg
Bk Forest Queen, Winding
Ger bk Faust Itlsmurok, vaiidcr
AinSelir J North, Mooic .
Bgtno XV G Irwin, McColloch
Brit bk Bli-mali, Jcuus, from Glas
gow, duo .TunoU'i-HO.
Brit bk Isle ot Erin, Nicholson, from
Liverpool, due July 15-31.
Am bk Edward May, Johnson, from
Boston, due August 20-31.
II 1 G M S Bismarck, from Auckland,
N Z, via Samoa, duo April 20-30V
II I O M S Gnelsenau, from Auck
land, N Z, via Samoa, duo April 20-30.
II I G 31 S Olga, from Auckland, XZ,
via Samoa, duo April 20-30.
Brlt'shlp Amauu, from Liverpool, due
August 10-25.
Haw brig Allle Howe, J Philips from
Hongkong, due Juno 10-30.
Am barn Aurora, from Newcastle, N
S V, due July 1-10.
. Am bk F u Slebcn, from Newcastle,
NSW, duo July 20-31.
Am bk lloldcn, from Newcastle, N S
W, due July 15-20.
Am brig Saliiiu, Blnkc, from San
Francisco, due at Kahului, Juno 20-20.
Bol bark Don Nicolas, Boss, from
Port Townscnd, XV T, due July 20-31.
Am schr Ida Sehnauer, from Eureka,
Cal, due at Kahului, July 20-30.
Nlc bk Elmljlo, Howard, from De
parture Bay, B r, duo June 25-30.
' Am schr W S Bowuo from San Fran
cisco, due July 0-17.
Am schr Kosario from San Francisco,
for Kahului due July 0-17.
For San Francisco, per S S Zeaiandia.
July 15th Cabin: A G Abell and
daughter, Miss'K P Brown, WB Oelseu
iind 2 olillilicn, J A Cummins, 2 chil
dren and servant, T Cummins, Jr, Mrs
J Bowler, Master L Lotiisson, Master II
ltotli, C C Kennedy, wife and child, G
E Whittaker, J 11 MeCoorcy, B Dinln,
D Noonan and wife, It W Laine, J It It
Kynnersley, Oscar White, Mrs C F
Wolfe, J E Bid well, Mis J E McLaugh
lin; Steerage: CLeonaid, P Perry, V
Fmtnerson, A Lane, Mrs A Powell, T
Bromley, w ife and eliild, J Carthy, E
Piovet, T Blllingcpinbo, J Fernandez, J
Itapoz and -wife, J O Davis, Airs II
Sore'usoii and 2 children, It H ltcnebonc,
F Soraes and 1 Chinaman.
From Kauai, per steamer IWalani,
July 15th II F Glude, C Greenfield and
wife, 3 Chinese and 0 deck.
Stmr lwalani 1,470 bags sugar.
Schr Nettie Merrill 2.000 bags sugar.
The S S Zeaiandia sailed this noon for
Sau Francisco with 18,099 bays of sugar,
1,905 bag.-, of ilce, 1,209 bunches of
bananas, 53 bags of awa, 31G bdls of
green hides, 25 dry hides, 2 bales of
goat skins, 235 bdU of sugar-cane, 10
pkgs of roots and bxs of betel leaves.
Value $8110,021.15.
Music and skating at tlio rink to
morrow evening.
Mit. Geo. McLeod has resigned the
captaincy of tho Honolulu Rifles.
. . .
Kawaiahao clock cither needs re
pairing or winding up, for it is not
going. .
Doi:s anybody want a good night
watchman? If so, npply to Air. J. A.
Messrs. Irwin & C.o. shipped 15,
582 dagH of sugar by the S. S, Zeai
andia this noon.
Those in want of cottages, to pur
chase or lease, should consult Mr.
Wiseman's list.
Mn. J. T. Watoi house's stores have
just been replenished with a new
stock ot elegant goods.
. .
A reward awaits tho finder of a red
ea bean-with "Ivy" on it, at Mr.
Williams' Photographic Gallery.
Company B. of tho King's Own,
commanded by Chus. Clark, did tho
best marching apd wheeling during
tho roview last evening.
Williamb' bashful boys will assem
ble at tho Yoscmilo rink to-night, to
bo further instructed in tho complica
tion's of tho giddy whirl,
Mu. John Hading has lost a gray
mare and a brown horse, W hoover
returns these animals to their owner
will bo rewarded with $20,
At tho running pinctico yesterday
afternoon, near tho -foot of Punch
bowl hill, Air. Cliu3. McCarthy dis
played his agility and carried oil" tho
R. W. Laink, Esq., has gono on
tho Zeaiandia for a short trip -to San
Francisco, His biibinesH will con
tinue, until liis icturn, in cliurgo ot
A. Lucas,
Afit. and Airs. Tlios. Bromley and
Eon, tho principals of that family
intrigue mentioned by this paper a
fow (lays ago, departed by tho Zenl
undin this noon.
Tjii: steanic'r Iwuluni arrived this
morning from Kuuui. The-Captain
reports fair weather, and a little rain
last Tuesday. Tho iwnlaui sails this
evening for Kauai and willroturn
next Sunday.
Every momber of tho Honolulu
Killcs is ordered to appear nt tho
Armory nt 7 o'clock this evening,
nnd obedience to the otdor will bo
for the good of tho company.
The Fourth ot July Ex.ocutivo
Committee will meet this evening nt
8 o'clock, at tho Hawaiian Hotel.
Every member of tho committee is
desired, if possible, to bo picsent.
' . m . '
The quarter-mile r,nce Hint was To
havo taken place at ICapiolani race
.course yesterday afternoon, between
J. Torbert and Lnau, did not como
off. Torbert was on hand) but Laau's
backers were not, and tho money was
not put tii. Tlioro wns n forfeit of
$15, which Torbert rightfully clnimed,
but it was not given to him.
Mh. J. A. Hassingcr says that his
soldiers ate all very small boys, nnd
each entries n seven-pound gun. Tlioy
have no"t been drilled long enough to
stand the scrutiny of tho public gne
and do justice to themselves and to
their commander. Hut before long,
and after further instructions, Air.
Hassingcr will submit his young
warriors to public criticism in a dress
parade drill.
. .
Tun departure of the S. S. Zeaian
dia this noon was largely attended,
but lacked to some extent tho gaiety
of former occasions. Floral. decora
tions were in oidcr as usual. Tho
Band played on tho wharf and made
all merry. The btcamer took a cargo
valued at $11G,G21.45. The Post
Office despatched 3,877 letters, weigh
ing 113 lbs., and 1,023 papers, weigh
ing 252 pounds.
Mu. Anton Vogel, of Hpffschluger
& Co.'s, and Aliss Wilholniina Gertz,
daughter of Air. Chris. Gertz, boot
and shoe dealer, Fort Street, were
united in marringo last evening, at
the residence of the brido's father,
Fort Street, by Ruv. J". A. Cumin.
Only tho relatives and most intimate
friends of the bridnl couple were pre
sent nt tho wedding. After the cere
mony tho party enjoyed a bounteous
spread of refreshments. Air. and
Airs. Vogel, who wf 11 reside in n cozy
cottage on Punchbowl street, havo
the best wishes of many friends.
Artists' Materials, Plaques, Panels
Stretchers, Canvas, etc., etc., at King
Bros.' Art store. 74 Gt.
The most populnr resort in the
city aro the Elite Ico Cream Parlors
Delicious Ice Creams, Ices, Cakes
and Candies always on hand. 73
. J)n. Flint's Heart Remedy is n
Specific for all forms of Heart Dis
ease, and also for Diseases of Kidneys
and Circulation. Descriptive book
with overy bottle. Bonbon Smith it
Co., Agents. 354 .
. .. .
By the steamer Zeaiandia the Lead
ing Millinery House of Chus. J.
Fishel has leceived a fine lino of
Gent's Neckwear, Unluundred Shirts,
Freych Kid Gloves nnd Slippers the
genuine. article, Swiss Edgings, nil
over Laces. Full line of Ladies,
Alisses and Children's Hats, Feathers,
Ornament, etc. Call nt once and -inspect
his stock. 74
Patronize Homo Industry by buy
ing cigars of J. W. Hingley, Cigar
Alanufucturer, at tho Crystal Soda
Works, where he is prepared to fill all
orders at tho lowest possiblo whole
sale prices. Island otders solicited
ard promptly filled. Tho attention
of dealers is respectfully invited to
the fact "no license is required" to
sell these cigars. Do not forget tho
name J. W. Hingley, nor the place
Crystal Soda Works, Hotel street.
66 ly
The Koynl Hawaiian Band will
play this evening at Emma Square,
beginning at 7 :30. Following is'the
31 arch Knlakaua Allchicls
Overture Light Cavalry Supps
Gavotte Welcome Kluss
Lipolipo ka Will o Elellc.
Iteminisceuees of tho War Beyer
Waltz Jb all les
Quickstep Sweet Lei I.chua
Hawuil Ponol.
Tho Ladies' Benevolent Society
of Fort-street Church, the Woman's
Board of Missions and tho Hawaiian
Board, will Rive a reception, at 7 :10
o'clock, this evening,, in the vestry
of the Fort-street Church, to Dr. nnd
Airs'. Pease, Aliss Hemingway, Aliss
Crosby, Aliss Smith, Miss Palmer,
Aliss (Jathcnrt, nnd Captain and Airs.
Turner, of the Alicroiies'mn Mission,
and Dr. and Airs. Lcchler, of China.
Brief addresses will be made by His
Honor Judge Judd, in behalf of tho
Hawaiian Board, Airs. II. Bingham,
in behalf of tho Ladies' societies,
and Pns'tor Criizan, in behalf of tho
churches. The missionaries will
make brief responses. Refreshments
will be served. All are invited.
Tho terminal examination of Airs.
Waliaco's Girls' Academio School
took place on Tuesday nnd Wednes
day forenoons. Yesterday one of
tho Bulletin staff, on calling nt tho
room found Aliss Alubel Ladd occu
pied .in tho performance of sonic
interesting ulgebraic work on tho
blackboard. The young lady showed
a very intimate acquaintance with
the subject. Classes iu arithmetic
were next examined. In this branch,
the girls gave good proof of their
intelligence as well as of the pains
taking skill of their, teacher. Next
came British History. After the
junior class had giyen a good ac
count of tho early periods, the ad
vanced pupils present, Miss Louisa
Voss and Lily Hutler continued the
subject down to later dates, showing
that tho exciting events of those
times had received from both stu
dents nnd teacher careful attention
nnd research. After this Miss
Mabel Ladd passed a line examina
tion in General History, ancient nnd
modern. This closed tho pro
gi amine of tho day. The llnnl
literary exercises take place on Fri
day evening.
All the volunteer military cotnpa-'
nics, in response to an order fiom
headquarters, assembled nt tho Ar
mory nt 7 o'clock Inst evening, for
n battalion drill, under command of
His Mnjcsly the King. The even
ing wns superbly bright, with nn
occasional shower. Crowds of peo
ple were gathered nt I'nlncc Square
by 7:30 o'clock, bu.t the soldiers in
keeping with their usual dllatorines3
did not arrive at the drill grounds
until nearly 0 o'clock. The Alnmn
lahons, Prince's Own, King's Own,
Queen's Own and the Itoynl Gunrds,
formed tho battalion. The Honolulu
Rifles having been excused by His
Alajesty, did not participate in tho
drill. Each company was divided
into two posts, thus making in nil
ten companies, with about twenty
four men to each. After the parade,
the ten companies, commanded by
their respective captains, marched
up and down before Her Alajesty
tuu vuccn ami suiiu, wuu were
seated near the Palace gate, sur
rounded by a guard of honor. His
Alajesty, "accompanied by His Ex.
Gov. Dominis, Alajor Holt and
Captain Haylcy in uniform, re
viewed tho companies in a truly
soldier-like manner. The Hawaiian
Band was in attendance and- played
during the parade. It also escorted
the soldiets back to the Armory.
Shortly after 11 o'clock the batta
lion was dismissed, with orders to
appear in uniform this evening, for
another diill and to attend a tea
party at Kaumakapili Church after
the drill. A'so to attend services
at Kawniahno Church next Sunday.
Further .that there will be a grand
dress parade next Monday night by
electric light.
At a meeting of Harmony Lodge,
No. 3, I. O: O. F., held on the
evening of the I2lh,' the D. D. G.
Sire W. E. Foster, assisted by E. C.
Rowe, R. H. Graham, XV. C. Parke
and L. L. LaPierre, P. G.'s, in
stalled the following officers : C. J.
Fishel, N.' G. ; W. O. Atwater, V.
G. ; J. A. Palmer, Secretary, re
elected; L. C. Abies, Trcasuier, re
elected ; C. J. McCarthy, W. ; R. II.
Graham, R. S. N. G. ; F. Wilhelm,
L. S. N. G. ; E. C. Rowe, R. S.
V. G.
The London correspondent of the
Alelbourno Aryus, wiitiug by last
mail, 8ays:-r-"Sir A. Stuart and
Air. Randolph Want appear to have
hi ought away from America very
sanguine impressions regarding their
success m negotiating .for the pro
posed cnhlo ncross the Pacific to
Australia. Air. Want states- that
the Governments of Hawaii, Amer
ica, and Canada have promised to
support and share the cost of the
Pacific scheme. A financial house
in London has guaranteed to find
2,000,000, the estimated cost of
the line, and the construction com
pany, are wjlling to net upon this
guarantee. The Canadian Govern
ment are favorable to the proposal,
and the Canadian P.ieific Railway
Company will allow the use of their
wire across the continent. Air.
Want will probably open connec
tions with the Mackay-Bunnett Com-,
pany. lie says the colonial Govern
ments not only favor tho scheme,
but havo consented to subsidise it.
He expects' the cost of telegraphing
by the new route would be Js. Gd. a
word fiom London to Australia, and
2s. 3d. from' San Francisco to Aus
tralia. The Press rates, he thinks,
would bo Oil. a word from San Fran
cisco to Australia, and (id. more
from London." Brisbane Courier.
Tho labor troubles which have
lately agitated the United States ap
pear to havo thoroughly startled the
authorities. Anti-monopoly utter
ances became the rage among Con
gressmen and Senators, and the
chnplain of the National Congress at
Washington offered up the following
prayer on the morning of 27th of
March :"Givo ear, Oh God of Ja
cob ! and awaken us to seo the dan
ger which threatens tho civilised
world revolutions more tremendous
than any, which history tells, in
which scenes of the reign of terror
may be enacted in every capital of
Europe nnd America. For long tho
few havo mastered the ma,uy, be
cause they understood tlio secret
tools to them that can use them ;
but now many have learned the se
cret of organisation, drill, and
dynamite. Arouse the rich to un
derstand that the time has come for
the grinding of selfish monopoly to
cease; that corporations may get
souls in them, with justice, honor,
conscience and human kindness.
Teach the rich men of this country
that great foi times arc lent them by
Thee for other purposes than to
build and decorate palaces, to
found private collections of art, to
stock wine cellars, to keep racing
steeds nnd yachts, and find better
company than hostleis, gi coins, and
Jockeys, pool sellers, and book
makers, Tench them, Oh God, that
It is Theo who hna glvon thorn power
to get tlicBC fortunes, that it is to
piovc them to know what is lu their
hearts, whether they will keep Thy
commandments or not, and that
those commandments nrc: 'Thou
shall love the Lord, thy God, with
till thy henit, nnd thy neighbor a3
thyself.' That if the rich men of
our land keep these commandments,
the poor will follow tho example,
and we nt lcttst, will be saved from
the days of tribulation that nro fast
coming on all the world. Help us,
O God, and save us." Brisbane
Professor Alexander Graham Hell
and. his cousin, Dr; Chichester Hull,
have rcoently inndu n very remark
able discovery, which they think is
qttito as important as the ttaiibinis
iiou of tho tones of the voice through
the telephone. They have discover
ed that a falling jut of water or a
flanio of gas burning iu a room re
produces ovety word spoken and
overy sound uttered within :i given
distance. When two people join
in conversation iu a room in the
evening, the gns which bums above
their heads repeats every word they
say, and sounds uttered "in the vicin
ity of llowing water produce vibra
tions. To a reporter of a local paper
Prof. Bell showed a large disk, upon
which appeared u spiral streak com
posed of tiny 'little shade lines,
plitced together or farther npait to
make up the variation of intensity.
The surface was one of depression
and elevation. .This, Prof. Bell,
said, represented sound waves.
When the plate was revolved upon a
pivot and the depressions and eleva
tions conveyed to the car by a mi
crophone, there was a repetition of
the conversation there recorded as
distinct as when it was deliveied.
The undulating surface representing
sound waves was produced by pho
tography. Professor Hell says that
if any one will go ton water-pipe
and turn on the faucet, so that the
water will fall in a stream to the
ground, that water can bu made to
rcpoit the conversation taking place
in its presence, and a stream regis
ter every sound within hearing
of it.
Professor Bell considers this dis
covery quite as important as that of
the telephone, and his cousin, Chi
chester Bell, hns gone to Europe for
the purpose of bringing it before
scientific men in England and on
the Continent. Patents have already
been obtained in all the principal
countries of both continents. The
great object of the inventors wns to
record by photography or otherwise
the vibrations in the jet of watoi
which correspond to sound waves ;
the result of words spoken in the
vicinit3': to keep the voice on ic
cord bottled up as it were, for my
length of time, and then, when call
ed upon, to- let the record speak.
This, Air. Bell says, has been accom
plished. The water or liquid oi
whatever kind it may be, is colored
with bichromate of potash. If it
were perfectly clear it would not
answer, because the light used in
photographing would pass through
without resistance and no record
would be made on the tablet. The
water is colored for photographing,
and the jet is made to fall obliquely
on a glass plate. The water spreads
itself out on the glass plate nnd
runs off. It is the water so spread
out that is to be photographed as it
passes. Words spoken cause tin,
jet of water to vibrate, the vibra
tions in the jet cause corresponding
vibrations in the film of water as it
breaks and spreads on the gins'
plate and runs off. A ray ol
light is passed through that film
and through the glass plate to a
sensitive tablet behind. The sensi
tive tablet receives the impression
of every vibration while the speak
ing continues, the jet keeps burning,
the film passes over the' plate, the
recording tablet keeps moving, and
the light passing through the film to
the tablet -makes a record of the
speech far more accurate than any
verbatim report. These scientists
do not consider their invention per
fect, but they aro at work improving
it. Washington Cor. N. V. Gia
lUUUuU Stamps of nil valuis.
nleo, Un'il Envelopes nnd Postal Caub,
for CubIi, or exchanged for other I'u
ropean Stnmps. For full particulate,
Inquire of J AS. S'IKINKH,
at thu Elito Ico Creuin 1'arlor.i, 85 llutul
ttreet. '0 lw
Hlnco establishing our .Mission lu till
city, wo havo frequently been solicited
to prccuio larger and more convenient
(pinners for worship ami Bible ins-,
quite a number expressing thcmclvi
as willing to contribute toward the
necessary expense. Wo ImYo now se
cured tho building on Fort slicet, foi.
morly lined as a gymnasium, thus incur
ring quito a debt; besides, bomoohnugut,
aro necessury. Therefore we would say
to all who would esteem it a privilege to
aid in in thci mutter, Unit they can con.
fer with Air. N. F. Burgess, or with the
undersigned. L. A. SCOT I',
71 lin A. 1,A HUH.
84 King Mrect, : ; Honolulu.
C'nriicntrr unU Ilullilcr. liaucnco mill
(oiierul llxiit'CHH.
Druyiug and steamer Freight cuiefnll)
Carriage painting donu by a first-clnsf
workman at 78 King street.
Jobbing iu uliovu lines attended to with
promptness, mid charges n cording to
the amount uud quality ot work.
Ofilce Tclfiilioue, i?i 2. Iietlduucu, 1&2.
HUly .
1,T n. a. J. ApPLtrnv,
M. '1 B iClIMl OF BANJO.
1 ir lei 11, rnniiln' ul
74 it.' W SI", DOW & CO.
Fort St.
ASht ' Kn ' l'"1' "nik- for a term
iVrt' of 'i.' months, thu Coltnge
n'.d nicmlics now occupied
by tlic uiiileiFk-nr'i, and coutnlnlnj
I'u lor, DIulUjj ntid 2 lirdroom. AIo,
liithrooni, I'nntry and Kitchen. The
i'ottii;i' 1 nicely funiMicd in every
pun lt 1 r for housekeeping. A Jersey
Cinv on lhc promises furnishes quail,
titles i f in Ik, cream nnd butler; also, n
nice co'l ctlnn of good laying hens. To
n di'i-irablo putty good terms will be
oil'eicd. Apply to
70 1I..T.AGNEW.
On and after this date,
re. Davis (6 Wilder
wlll.nttuiid to tlio
Entire Belivery of Bite
to till tho Customers served bv tho
Woodlawn Dairy & Stock Comp'y.
Boral Dot, WNot Dead !
Ryan's Boat-filing Slioj
Is now adjoining the rear of
Lucas1 Mill.
LN amounts of 00 and upwards.
Good ticntitv rupiitcil. Apply to
lijtf 42 Alt'iehnnt ttrect, lloucluhi
Itlanulnctitrcrs of
Ginger Ale, Cream Soda,
Lemon Soda, Lemonade, Sarsaparllln,
Fruit i-jiups nnd Essences and
madejfrom Oic pu-c Apple, all of which
we guutniiieu u bu ihe-beit.
aSy Wc ii No invite parties intending
t.iiiiig clous for the sale of iced
d'inks nnd wishing Inuntuin supplies,
10 call on us LelonTgoing elsewhere.
Tlio Crystal Soda forte,
P. O. IJox !107, Honolulu.
Bell Telephone,
Mutual "
Hy order of .T F. HaoMcld, Ksij., the
duly- nppohiii'd Abiimiceof iho Ilank-
upt K-ti If of T. It ChirUcof Kipahuhi,
Unul, nciing under atithority'of an or.
Icr of ihu Kujtrcmn Court dated June 8,
88'l. wcaicdlieoted to sill at Pulillo
tii'tinu, . -it our Salesroom, in Honolulu,
On MONDAY, July 19, '8,
at 12 iiV lock, noon, of that day,
All the Right, Title & Interest
of the snld J. F. Hnckfcld as wich
Assignee, of, lu and to tho
."initio ut'Kipahulu, Muni, heretofore
liulongini! to lb') Mild T. 1C. Clarke.
T'i i suld Plantation comprbos about
llOU a'MMof Lund lu feu simple, und
iliont J."0'l ii'tm of Leistd Land; there
in: aliiiut 7 h( 0 acrctJ of Laud available
Inr cane culllvutliiii; about 1C acres of
t'latit l uiio und about M0 ucres of 1 and
1 Ma tonus mu now giowing for the
next ciop to come oft' troin, say. Decern,
ner, IbPlJ, lo about Nay, U87. Tlioro
mi ahum
132 head of Working Cattle,
2 Bulls, 27 Ycnrlings,
35 Cows with 27 Calves,
3 Mules, 10 Horses and somo
on ll.e Plantation all branded TKC, also
About 11 Bullock Carts,
2 Mulo Carts, Plows and
other Implements & Tools
ginendly ued on a sugar plantation.
Thu liugrr pari of thu C,imo, when lair
vestiil, can bu conveyed to the mill by
Tin re lu unod MilMnrjUiil binding
liiblge, In which iho I'liiiitiition holds a
half liiii'te-t, Alt-o, a Honker Knglnu
tud iu Hue tinck lonncctid with the
Tut' I'lunltiilon is -in good running
oidcr and u new crop is lilting put in ut
' tST Tho terms of ho Bale oio CASH,
nnd the Deed are at the expense of the
For all funlirr patliculurs applv to
J F. Unci, Mil, Honolulu, or to OHCAIt
UMs'A at Klpiihulu, Maul.
E. P. ADAMS & CO.,
CD Ul Auctioneers,
Mer-Islana S, I. 'do;
Tlio 33e:sfc Xonte
to tho World Henowned
Volcano of Kilauea
Iho new and Haunch
iSteamer W. C. Hall
Leaves Honolulu at 10 o'clock a.m. ou
Tuesday, July 13th.
The steamer pastes along the entire
coast of the leuward side of llnwnil, af.
fording tiiurlfts u panorama of charm.
Ing scenery, nnd will stop at Keabikc.
kiui liny, where Milllcient time is allow,
nt to visit thu Monument of Captain
TotirMs by this routnienrh I'unaluu
nt r, o'clock on tho day nficr leaving
Honolulu, being only ono night on tho
vessel, milking tho entire pusngo In
smooth water. AtPunaliiu there is tlio
and from there tourists will be conveyed
by railroad to Pahaht. thence by stage
coach to Half-wny Hoiipc, where horses
nnd guttle will be in attendance to con
vey them to tho Volcano.
Tourists will havo two nlght9 and one
whole day at tho Volcano house.
Tickets for tho round trip, $50, which
includes all cspenpes.
Apply to HAH11Y AIllMTAGE,
Agent, at Williams' Photograph Gallery,
Port strict, or at tho olflce of the 1. 1. S.
N. Co., En plan nd c. ;:.(! (Jin
Uegs to Inform thc.TuhHo in general
tliut ho ha3 received an
of Ladles', Geut3' andJChildrcn'3
Boots, Shoes &
GLEAN, rool, r.omfoitnblc, furnished
ltonms to let, ut moderate rntes, at
88 and 100 Hotel Mrcct. 531m
The Grand "Work finished.
Gen. Grant's Memoirs.
Both volumes arc waily for delivery.
The pre-s nil over the woild bpeuk in
udmirablu terms of the books. Send
in your name to the uudcislgucd nud
secure a set.
Pi ices of tho two volumes (complete
ct) are as follows:
In line cloth binding, plain edges
?! 00 per set
In full sheep binding, Library
style, marbled edges. . if 11 00 per set
In tine half morocco binding, mar
bled edge $ 1 3.00 per set
In full Turkey tnorrocco, beveled
boards, lull gilt buck and
edges $C0.(lO prrset
In three calf $.:7.00pcr set
J. E. "W1SKMAN, Gcnerul Businc3
Agent of Honolulu, is our authorized
Agent on the Hawaiian Lluiids. GC lm
AS complaints have reached mo of
late from Eomo of my customers
that they euu puieliuse HawaUan-mndc
Soap cheaper thnn I have Lcen celling
It, I bi'g to state that I have always
tiam-nctcd my business iu u fair and
straightforward way, charging the panic
price to nil alike, uud telling at a
moderate rale; and al the same time I
would inform my customers nnd tho
public that from und after this date my
price will bo $7 per 100 lbs.
Honolulu Soap Woiks, Lelco, Hono
lulu, June 21st. 59
' TOTliEpBLIc!
Tie Pacific Transfer Co.
Ofilco with C. K. Miller,
11 Morchunt Street,
Bell Tel., 377, Mutual Tel., 391.
I am fully prepared to do all kindsof
drayagc, hauling or moving work, all of
which I will guarantee to execute faith,
02 ly S. F. GRAHAM, Prop'r.
"Wo should Blot Out Disease
in Its Early Stages.-
Tho disease comminccs with a slight
derangement of iho etonincli, but, if
neglected, It iu tiniu involves tho whole
frame, embracing the kidnevH, liver,
pancreas, and in fact tho entire gland
ular system; and thu tdllicted drags out
a miserable existence until death gives
relief f i out Ftill'i'ilng. Tha disease is
often mistaken for other complaints;
but if the readur will ask himself tha
following ijuistlons ha will bo able to
determine whether he himself Is one of
the alllictcd: Havu I distiess, puln, or
dilnculty lu breathing after rating? Is
there a dull, heavy feeling, attended by
drowsiness? Hao tho eyes a yellow
tinge? Docs a thick, tulcky mucou
gather about tho gums nnd teeth in the
inoruinge, accompanied by a disagree,
ablu taste? Is .the tongue coatid? Is
there pain iu tho sides and hack? Is
there a fullness about thu right sidu as
if tho liver were enlarging? Is thcro
vertigo or dl.iiiness when rising sud.
dciily from an horizontal position? Aro
tho secretions, from tho kidneys highly
coloured, with a deposit after standing?
Does fond ferment soon after eating,
accompanied by llattilcnco or belching
of gns from thu stomach? In there fro.
ipieiil palpitation of tho heart? TJicso
various symptoms may not bu present at
one time, b,ul they toniium tlio BUlferer
iu turn as tho dreadful ditcuke pro
gresses. If Iho case bo ono of long
standing, there will be u diy, hacking
cough, attended alter a limn by expec
toration. Iu very advanced stage the
skin iieFtimo? n dlny brownish appear,
iiucu, and the lrtiuis and feet ntucuteri'd
by a cohl sticky pwipirutlon. As the
fro ft A
liver and kidney becoino moro uid
more dlte.Ued, rheumatic paliis aprir,
nnd the usual treatment provis ent ,cly
unavailing against tin' Infer ngor.'-lng
disorder. Tlio oilgin of this malr.dy is
indigestion or dyptpl'i, nnd a suah
quantity of tho proper niidiclni' will
remove tho disease if ttken In Hi Inrlp
iency. It is most important that tho
disease should be promptly and pro rly
treated in its llrst stapes, when a llttlo
medicine will clTeet n cure, and even
when it has obtained u stiong hold tho
correct remedy should bo peraeverql in
until every vestige of tno dlscum is
eradicated, until the appetite has return
ed, and the dlgcstlie oreans restored to
n healthy condition. Thu surest und
most effectual remedy for this dlsliess
ing complaint is "Sclgel's Cumitve
Syrup." a vegetable picpntntion toK by
all chemUts nnd ni'liulne vendors
throughout the world, nnd hv the pro
prietors, A. J. White, Llniiiuf, Lon..ou,
13. O. This Synp strlkn nt the very
foundation of the dlenuse. and (hive It,
root and brunch, out of iho - s'.cmi. Ask
your chemist Tor Scit,cl'a Curtiivo
"Easbstrect Mills, Cam'.rii'ce-henth,
"London, E l, July 24th. lfcf 1
"tlr, It gives me gloat pleasure to bo
able to add my testimony In favot.- of
your valuable Syrup us u mutative ngciit.
1 had suflcied for some length ot t me
from a severe form of indicVtLu. .nd
thu long train of distressing smp; ins
following thai disease. 1 lintl tiled nil
posiblo humus to gt rollnt, by sees tig
the best medical aiivlu.1. I l'.ml swal.uw
cd sultlclent of their stult't'i iliwt n i.i.iii.
of-wnr, so tr speak. Ivt all r, no in dl.
A friend of mine, coming en the s.-nc
in tho initial of my sutlcilnr-', brmrdit
with him ii bottle of your b.,'el h ip;
ho advised me to try ii,vintliig he rlt
confident it would LcneiH nu. lit lug
weary of trying o mnuv druir?, 1 con
(tcmned it bcloie tiiul. tlunkirj itc ild
not poiaibly lo me any g.iod, but i !ii.
mutely dvlirmlucl to tnxo tho Syrup.
After doing so lor a shot! time it w. rk.
cd such a ciiHiigc in me that 1 roi.linrcd
taking it for nearly two month, u" 1 I
then felt thoroughly cured, roi I J.uvo
discontinued it Uto'for the weel, .mil
feel In the- lut of hra'th, and enn rnr
take any kind of food with ci'Seund
comfott." I am thercfuio thankful to
you that, through tho ln-lrumerttnlit of
your valuable lueiliciue, 1 r.ui ioloicdto
tho state of health I i,w eujoi. Yonr.4
truly, XV. S. ifoiwruH.
"To Mr. A. J. White"
Those who aro in the "Asthma
Fur uacc" should lo:0 no time m ol .in.
ing relief hy tho use of "The Kot'iig.
weed Tar Mixture;" but do not up ' 'io
medicine unless you will lollow ni. iho
directions "to the letter."
Poor Asthma Mitlerorj, who nro
strangers to "tired .Nature's n ect
restorer, balmy sleep," should link"' uso
of "Thu Uosinweed Ti.rMij.Uiie." IJuiel
refreshing sleep will follow- It1- use
"Waterloo lloJte, London Stile, CIils
wick, "P.'buiary 17th. !Si.
"Mcssr. Wnitu und Co., London.
"Gentlemen, 11 U with ijiealpVas
ure that l add my testimony to tno
wonderful eltceN ofSeigolS i-"iu;i. vr
years I nail bcui uffeiing from bi'b us
attacks', which began with giddiness;
then a mist would conic before my i es,
so that I should not be able to rec'iignic
any one or any thing at the dlMnnee "f a.
yard or two fioin my face. This would
bo followed by cxee-Mve ticiul'llng of
my knecr, so that I could not st nil
without support; after which asev. ic
headache would occur, lasting ofouitwo
or three dss. I h.iic tried vurlrns
remedies for thci-o distressing symptr ins,
but until I tried i-elgeTn .-yiup I had no
relief. .Since then I have'hnil exeollout
health iu eu'iy respect, and ifecrl
feel n headache coining on f take one
dou of the Symp, which anests it.
Hoping that this tcMhnonial miiy bo thu
mcuus of Inducing otheis iwlio Mtft-r as
I used) to tiy the Syrup, ns 1 feel .uo
they will receive speedy bcuellt and
ultimately bo cured, 1 beg toicmi'in,
yours faitlifiillv,
"A. 11. llomo.w"
Seigel's Operating Fills pioveut ill
effects from exeoss In eating or drink
ing. A good dii?e ntbed-tlmi icndi'rs
a person tit for buslnd-s iu tho niornhur.
If you have Asthma use? -The itosluwecd
Great Excitement in VYaios
about a Marvellous Cure.
Iiivlnjr Six Yours "Without
Goiiif? lo 33cd.
Mn. Kditoii: While spending aftw
days in tho pli.i-aiii seaside town -f
Aberystwith, Cntdigur.shirc, Wale?, 1
heard related wli.it ei-cmid o nm cjii or
a fabulous .ttcry or a int.iv.lttui.s cm
The story was that it pcoi tull'ei er who
had not been able to ltodovn in bod lor
six long yearn, given up lo dlu by i II ho
Doctors, had been speedily cured 'ty
some Patent Medicinu. It was rolMd
with tho more implicit ronildinrc trt'in
the circumstance, us was aht, that ha
Vicar of Llunrvtujii wjs fnuilliar with
tho facts, and souiil .uch ler tho tinth
of the report.
Having a little curiosity to know Low
such stories grow lu travelling, I lujk
the liberty wl.llo nt iho villngn of I.h u.
rystyd to call upon tho Vn at, the lw v.
T. Evans, and to enquire ulmul '.his
wonderful cure. Though a total stri.n
ger to him, both he and hii wito nr st
graciously entertaiiud nto iu a half
hour'sconvcisiilion. principally touching
tho case of 'Mr. Pugh, iu which U jy
Ecemed to inku a deep and Hmputlie-tiu
interest, having been fMitiliiir with hi-,
Buildings, and now rejoice.! in what
seemed to them n most ic-i-uiikul'le cu.e.
Tlio Vicar romaikrd that lie iiroiunnd
his name had been cuuiuolcd mHIi i.iu
report from his buying mentioned tho
case to Mr. John Thomas, ti chemist of
Llanou. 11" said Mr. Pugh wan fonui r.
ly a resident ol their pailsTi, but v ns now
living in the p.ivhh of Llai,dilu)ii'l.
Ho strongly vouched Mr, ni. l'ugl.'s
character as u vepcrtnUo fanner ul
worthy of credit, I left th.i venen hlo.
Vicar with a livelier tenno of ti o hurpy
relation of a p.istor and people, fvi ing
that ho was one who truly sympiulroi-tl
with all who arc allllcli d m mind, body,
or estate.
Ou my return to Aberystwith, 1 v. as
impressed with a dcclrc loei-u Mr. Put Ii,
whosu reputation stood so high. Ills
farm is called Paiieoiu.M.iwr, signify! ig
"abovo tho dingle," bltuated near tho
summit of a smooth round lull, tn r.
looking a beautiful valley in which Is
itualed tho lovely ivy mantled Cliu: .h
of Llaniidciiio). I found Mr, Pu.-h,
apparently about 40ycars old. of liud.tim
height, rallier slight, wlthti plcHMimi.'id
Intelligent, face. I told him I hnd henrd
of his great iillliction and oi his remit' k
a bio and almost iniractilous relit 1, .. d
that 1 had como toleiirn fiom hiso'in
lips, what theiu was of truth in tlieic
ports. Mr. Pugh remarked that his nch.:h.
bors hud talcen u kindly uud yr.:p
athctid iutoii'Hi in ids etu fur in.ny
yean, but of bite thcii iiiterett hml ben
Kreiitly iiwakcntd by a bnppy cliangp m
his condition. Whtit you rtpoit ua U ,v.
lug heard abroad, snui hi-, is subitum
Uliy true, with oue exception, I ue-.r
underbtood that my ceeo wa cvfr'ijhea
w 74 &
4 ' 1

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