OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, September 21, 1886, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1886-09-21/ed-1/seq-3/

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TUESDAY, SISLT. 21. 188(5.
September 21
Bk Atnlmitn from Port Townscnd
Stnr W G Hall from Hawaii and, Maui
Sclir Wiilchu from Knual
Sclir Eliukal from Wnlalua
Sclir Ltika for Ihiknlatt and Puna
Stinr Iwalaul for Knunl
Stmr Llkellkc for Kahulul
Stiiir Kiluucii Hou for Windward Port?
Ugtno J 1) Spreckels for Ban Francisco
Sehr Mary Foster for Knunl
Sclir J C Ford for San Francisco
Sclir Eliukal for Wnlalua
Sclir Wiiiohu for Wnianao and Knual
Stmr O 11 Bishop for Hainakun
For San Francis-co, per bgtne J 1)
Sprocket, Sept 21 Sirs .T Lyons aud
daughter, ami Mr Wm Lyons.
For the Volcano. per stmr Kluau,
Sept L'O C Tucli. For way ports:
Major W II Cornwell, Edward Norric,
Cnpt G W Wllfong, P II W Ross and
win-, P Jarrett, 11 Sclnclbor, and 100
From Maul and Hawaii, per stmr W
Gllall, Sept 21 P X Mnkce, E F
Bishop, W F Roy, Harry Armltngc,
Bishop Willis, .1 Tuinbull. Apana,
Chung Pen, .1 McCarthy, P Hayley, 11
P Atkin, .1 Hamauku, J M Alexander,
wife and II children, Mrs II C Bilggs,
Mrs Naliaolclun and "i children, Mrs
Makakoa and 71 deck.
j . IIUJ
Stmr W G Hall 270 sugar. 32 cattle, 11
coffee, 501 awa, 108 hides, and 12
The J D Spreckels sailed this morn
ing for San Francisco with 4,859 sugar
nnd 20'0() rice. "Value 4:18,410.10.
The new barkcntlne Planter is docked
near the OSS wharf.
The salliug of the sehr J C Ford was
postponed until this afternoon.
The bk Atalunta, Capt J O Kllhnan,
arrived this afternoou, 32 days flora
Port Townscnd with lumber to Hack
feld & Co.
Bgtne J D Spreckels
Japanese man-of-war Tsukuba, Fukus-
Bk Isle of Erin, Jas Inkster
Am bk Edward May, Johnson
Bgtne Consuelo, Cousins
Bktne Planter, Pcrrimaii
Am yacht Brunhilde, Phelps
BI? Forest Queen, Winding
Stmr Geo W Elder, from San Fran
cisco, due hero Sept 2,lrd.
American bark Saranae, from New
York, sailed July 13th, due here Nov. 18
30, to Castle & Cooke.
Ger bark Pacillc, Oltman, from Bre
men, due Sept 20-30, to Schaefer & Co.
Brit bark W II Watson, from Liver
pool, sailed June 9th, due here Octobei
2Gth-Nov lbt, to Schaefer & Co.
Brit ship Amaiia, sailed from London,
April Otb, aud from Madeira April 24ih,
due here August 24-31, to G. W. Mac
farlane & Co.
Brit bark Iionerag, sailed from Liver
pool, Juno 5th, due here October 23rd
Nov 1st, to Davie & Co.
Am bk Martha Davis, F M Benson,
sailed from Boston August 7th, due
December 1-20, to Brewer & Co.
Haw bk Thomas 11. Foster, F W
Rugg, from Newcastle, N S W, due
Nov 15, to Brewer & Co.
Am bktnc Eureka, from San Fran
cisco, due here Oct 1st, to Hackfcld &
Brit bark Glengaber, Rolleston, from
Liverpool, due here, Jan 15-31, to
Dnvles & Co.
Am bktne S N Castle, Hubbard, from
Port Blakely, due here Dec 15th, to
Castle & Cooke.
Am bark Calbarlen, rerkins, from
San Francisco, due at Mahukono, Sept
30th. at Honolulu in Oct, to Castle &
Aufschooner W S Bowne, Paul, from
San Francisco, due here Oct 1-8, to
Schaefer & Co.
Am bark Martha, Fisher, from Glas
gow, sailed Aug 28, due lere Jan 15-30,
to Schaefer & Co.
Am bktae Ella, Rust, from San Fran
cisco, due here Sept 25th, to Brewer &
Brit bark Lady Lampsou, Marston,
from the Colonies, due here in Feb, to
Brewer & Co.
Am bark Hope, Penhallow, from Port
Townseud, due hero Oct 15th, to Lowers
fc Cooke.
At half-past 5 a. m., September 21, in
this city, to the wife of J. U. Kawulnui,
a daughter. "
Eaas aro five cents apiece, and
scarce at that.
Captain Cameron, one of the
owners of tho schooner Emma, hus
made the best average score at Fort
street shooting gallery, so fur.
Master Lansing celebrated the
anniversary of his lifth birthday with
a, juvenilo party, nt his father's resi
lience, School street, yesterday.
Mil. McLaughlin's lioiso sold to
day for $2U0, and his buggy for !95.
Mr. S. M. Damon purchased the
former and Mr. Vv S. Luce tho latter.
Mil. J. J. Aubortin, of tho London
"Graphic-," visited tho King, at tho
Palace, yestouiay, and had an ox
tremely pleasant interview with His
Oai'tai'.v Phelps, .of tho American
yacht Brunhilde, and Mr. llillnrd, uie
being entertajned by II. It. 11. Prin
cess Likelike, this afternoon, at her
rcsidonce, Wnikiki.
The G, A. It. Camp Fire, that was
to have been held next Tliuibduy
evening, lias been postponed until
tho following Saturday evening,
September 25th,
Mit, Wiiglit, of the Hawaiian Car
riage Manufactuiing Co., is now
making tho largest goose-neck for u
dray ever made in this kingdom.
It will weigh, when completed, about
700 pounds.
The Athletic Association, at their
meeting hbt evening, decided to
wind up tho affairs of tho Associa
tion, and dihband.
Koolau is having fair weather.
The rice plant is in good condition,
the cutting of which will begin in
three or four weeks.
Mn. Lewis J. Levey's sale of effects
of Mr. McLuttghlin, previously adver
tised for Thursday tho 23, has been
postponed for Monday, the 27th, ut
10 a. M.
V. Sakeno has opened a Chineso
intelligence office at the comer of
Nuuunu and Kukui streets, where
Chinese servants for any desired
purpose can bo proem cd.
Pauties here expect from Tahiti,
by the next mail, orders for a num
ber of cattle. If the number oidercd
is not too largo, the schooner Canute
will probably be chartered to take
them to Tahiti.
Mu. J. U. Knwainui, proprietor and
editor of the Hawaiian newspaper
"Ko Hawaii Pae Ainu," has become
tho jubilant father of a churming
little daughter, whose innocent eyes
first saw the light early this morning.
Aiiout tho only way to report tho
Royal Hawaiian Band concert at
Emma Square, last night, is to say
that it was "as usual." The music
and the attendance were both good,
as usual the, former superlatively so.
. .
O.v the first of next month, Mr.
Cha8. J. McCarthy will remove his
billiard and cigar business to the
store adjoining the- upper side of
West, Dow & Co.'s. These premises
are being fitted up by Mr. Wm.
Howe, and will make a good billiard
Dit. Brodie has a comical monkey,
at his residence on Beretania street,
attached to a long chain, "which
allows the little creature considerable
latitude in its movements. Dr.
Trousseau nUo has a monkey nt his
residence. This is a ferocious animal,
and lias to be confined in a cage. It
recently bit its owner's finger pretty
badly, while being fed.
IIaiuiy Byng is a genius. AVith
his regular avocation as a hair
dresser, he intersperses literary pur
suits and wood-carving. His latest
production in tho latter line is a
razor box, with an artistically en
graved exterior. Tho central figure
on the side exposed to the public
gaze is the American eagle, tho
design and finish of which would
discredit no amateur engraver.
Last Saturday night, at 12 o'clock,
Mr. Chas. B. Wilson, Superintendent
of Water Works, was called from
his bed to remedy the bursting of a
pipe on Liliha and School streets.
Mr. Wilson, with the assistance of
three prisoners and one of his own
men, worked from 1 o'clock until 4
o'clock that morning in mending tho
break. The fracture occurred in an
old pipe and was caused by the in
creased pressure of water.
. .
Captain McGregor, of the schooner
Manuokawai, says that all the
marriageable girls of Koolau are
getting married ; that last Saturday
moi ning a half-Portuguese girl of
Punaluu got married, and a grand
feast was held. Three bullocks, ten
pigs, twenty-live sacks of sweet pota
toes, and several barrels of poi, with
liquors, comprised the bill of fare.
Crowds of people from Eva and other
places flocked to the feast, which is
not over yet.
The Honolulu Rifles, under com
mand of their rigid instructor, Cap
tain V. V. Asliford, are fast coming
to the front, and will soon become a
"crack company." The recruits (15
or 20 in number), are drilled three or
four times a week, while the old
members drill on Wednesday, and
sometimes on Friday evenings. If
the interest continues with tho samo
gratifying effect, the Rifles will prob
ably give an exhibition drill and
dance next month.
The Hou. H. A. P. Carter will
leave by the next outgoing mail for
the Coast, to resume his official
duties at Washington.
Captain Phelps, of tho American
yacht Brr.nhilde, and Mr. Hillard,
were entertained at breakfast by His
Majesty the King, at tho Palace,
yesterday morning. Gov. Dominis,
Hon. P. Neumann, Hon. S. Parker,
Col. Iaukea, Major Hayley, Major
Cornwell and C. O. Berger, Esq.,
were also guests of the occasion.
This afternoon, opened a Fancy
Fair at tho Roman church school on
Fort street. Tho articles beinc
offered for sale are the handiwork
of the convent girls, and ladies in
terested in the work. The proceeds
of tho sale will bo devoted to tho
benefit of poor children of any reli
gious denomination. Refreshments
in the shape of ice-cream, cakes,
and candies will be supplied. The
fair is being conducted by the
Mother Superioress, and will remain
open during this evening.
Mr. Fred. Wundenburg has re
joined the Myrtlo Hoat Club with
renewed interest.
The senior crew of the Myrtles
Alex. Lylo, Martin Hartman, Fred.
Wundenburg, Chas. l'urdy, Jock
Smith and (J.. Crozier have come
down to solid practice.
Tho junior crew of the samo
club C. J. McCarthy, Horace
Lyle, Wm. Grclg, Wm. King, Al
fred Carter ami A. Brown aro
practising steadily.
The Kupiolani Club will not enter
tho six-oared race .this regatta.
They will pull in the four-oared
race, however, with Big Dan, mate
of the steamer Hall, O. O. Spinney
and Geo. K. Cavanagh handling
The Eclipse Club will take no
pail in the races.
Tuesday, September 21st.
Drunkenness was booked ngalnst
four persons, and $2-1 deposited
with the Court thereby.
Henry Brown, charged with as
sault and battery on Kalnuia (w.),
was found guilty, and sentenced to
imprisonment at hard labor for three
days. Costs 81.20.
Mnkinikona, charged with desert
ing his wife, was remanded until
tho 2ijrd instant.
Ah Fo, Alii and Ah Fnt were
further remanded until 22nd in
stant. Lee On, Yung Sung, Wan Nee
and Tai lice, charged with assault
and battery, were remanded until
22nd instant.
Wnn Nee, Cluing Hook and Yong
Sang, were also remanded on a
similar ehnrge to tho above,
civil, CASES.
S. Colin & Co. vs. John Eagan,
assumpsit for $6. Continued until
23rd instant.
All Chew vs. Inter-island Steam
Navigation Co., assumpsit for S50.
Continued until 23rd instant.
Wilder & Co. vs. Wong Tai Poon,
action on two notes for 8187.97.
Continued until 27th instant.
Tam Chan vs. "Victor Fagerroos,
assumpsit for $8.75. Continued
until 23rd instant.
John Ross vs. Kahawaii. Proceed
ing under the statute to decide who
shall pay certain pound fees.
Lorenzo Menduy vs. Abdel Ma
homed, damage $30. Judgment
for defendant. Costs S3. 00.
Editok Bulletin: There is a
great deal of talk -about town about
the Clementina-Redwood race. I
will say that I will allow any man
in the Kingdom to take the choice
of the two horses, and I will take
what he leaves and trot for $250 a
side, any kind of a race he wants,
in any reasonable time.
Yours respectfully,
P. A. Bhouse.
The Hew York Times' London
correspondent, under dale of August
30th, telegraphs: "To-night I ob
tained the details of what the world
is likely to learn much to its excited
interest within a few days. The
conclusion that my informant draws
from it all is that the greatest war
of the century is close at hand. The
facts come in part from a gentleman
who dined at Jugenheim with Bat
tenberg's father on Saturday night,
and in part from a diplomat tempo
rarily here for purposes of consulta
tion. The secret of the Franzenbad
interview is that 31. de Giers urged
Prince Bismarck earnestly to pre
vent Prince Alexander's return to
Bulgaria. Bismarck declined to
commit himself, took the matter ad
referendum and shortened tho inter
view almost abruptly. A great
amount of telegraphing between
Berlin, Vienna, London, Rome and
Constantinople ensued. Whether
M. de Giers got an answer befoie
his unexpectedly hasty departure, is
not known; but the result was that
Prince Alexander was not restrained
from going to Bulgaria. Mr. Las
celles, the British Consul-Genoral,
who was spending his vacation here,
started post haste for Sofia the same
night to represent English interests
iu the trying time now at hand.
Mr. Lasccllcs hastens, as docs
Prince Alexander, to forestall fire
eater Dolgorouki, who is reported
to be on the way to Sofia. He will
be received coolly with strict
courtesy, not affronted, nor recog
nized, but there is doubt whether he
will really go to Sofia. Indeed, the
secret information here is that he is
likely to go to Athens and thence to
Macedonia. It is known that Rus
sian gold has been going in great
quantities through Greece to fer
ment a rising in Macedonia, which
is expected to occur duily. It is
believed to be certain that the pres
sure of Germany, Austrian and Eng
land has gained Turkey over once
more and the Porte will authorize
Alexander as a tributary Prince to
enter Macedonia, subdue it and in
corporate it as part of his dominions
held under the Porto with a view of
the eventual formation of the King
dom of Bulgaria.
Against this plan is set the practi
cal certainty that Russia will at
tempt to occupy Bulgaria, when she
will be resisted by Austria, Tuikey,
Roumeliu, Bulgaria nnd Servia.
This will enable Germany to hold
nloof, keep France in awe and satisfy
tho Kaiser, whoso scruples have long
delayed a collision between Teuton
and Muscovite. My informant lays
great stress upon the strength nnd
sufficiency of these scruples, but be
lieves the Kaiser is angry nt the
pira'ical indignity offered Prince
Alexander, and has consented to let
Austria and Turkey undertako the
task of chastisement. Short and
heated diplomatic work is coming.
England is believed to ho ready to
assume the lead, and it is felt far
more probably than it was Saturday
that, eventually, she will take a
hand in tho fight. It is a serious
fact that the most trusted men in
tho English foreign service believe
to-night that war is inevitable. Two
war correspondents on London
papers iHart for Bulgaria to-morrow.
itetdt.,. ''
,tijfct&,'.-',JM Mtf''l
In reference to a letter which ap
peared iu the 7'uiiix, headed "The
Sea Serpent Once More," pirhaps
the following story will throw some
light on what the Rev. Mr. Highton
iaw and on sea serpents in general.
In 1818 I was attached to her maj
esty's ship St- Vincent, bearing the
flan of Sir Charles Napier, nnd
lying at Spithead. One summer
evening about 0 o'clock, just as tho
olllccrs were sitting down to dinner,
the midshipmen of the watch ran
into the ward-room and reported
that u sea serpent was passing
rapidly between the ship and the
Isle of Wight (tills was after the
reported appearance of tho Dnjdnlus
sea serpent). We all got our glasses
and went on deck, nnd there, sure
enough, about a mile off, was a
large monster, with a head and
shaggy mane about one hundred
feet long, and tapering toward the
tail ; it was going with the title, and
had a rapid, undulating motion.
Two or three boats weie manned,
and some olllcers got their guns and
went iu pursuit. We watched them
from the ship; they gradually got
close, and guns were raised nnd
leveled at the creature's head;, but
just as we thought the sport was
about to begin, down went the guns,
and from their gestures we saw
something very laughable had oc
curred. On their return we found
that the supposed serpent was a
long line of soot. Some steamer in
the Southampton wateis had evi
dently swept her dirty flues, and
the soot from tubes or Hues is
always of a very sticky nature, and
as it was pitched overboard it went
away with the tide, sticking to
gether, and giadually forming into
the shape of a long set pent, the
wave motion giving it an undulat
ing, life-like appearance." In this
case, if the bouts, had not gone wo
should have all believed we had
seen the real serpent, and this "ar
rangement in soot" is evidently
what Mr. Highton saw. The curl
he describes toward the tail end
arose from an occasional wave hav
ing a little more than ordinary velo
city, and carrying its dusky crest
for a moment along with it, while a
strong tide and fair wind would
give considerable velocity. My
story will, I think, supply a raison
d'etre, not only for Mr. Highton's
sea serpent, but probably for the
whole brood. Letter to Loudon
HORN'S Steam Candy Factory and
Bakery & Ice Cream Rooms. 27
Dit. Flint's Heart Remedy is a
Specific for all forms of Heart Dis
ease and also for Diseases of Kidneys
and Circulation. Descriptive book
with every bottle. Benson Smith &
Co., Agents. 354
Patronize Home Industry by buy
ing cigars of J. W. Hingley, Cigar
Manufacturer, at the Crystal Soda
Works, whero ho is prepared to fill all
orders at the lowest possible whole
sale prices. Island orders solicited
and promptly filled. The attention
of dealers is respectfully invited to
tho fact "no license is required" to
sell these cigars. Do not forget the
name J. W. Hingley, nor tho place
Crystal Soda. Works, Hotel street.
What everybody needs at the pre
sent hot spell is something cool and
refreshing. There is nothing like
tho superior handm ide Ice Creams,
Sherbets and Fruit Ices serve. 1 at the
Elite Ico Cream Parlors, 8) Hotel
street. Keep our fancy cakes and
candies in mind. They can't bo beat.
Kapiolani Bath House!
If cleanliness is next to godliness,
go to the above named resort, near
the Marine Railway, whero you can
get the best appetizer in the world
fresh air and salt water bathing and
boating. Refreshments and cold
drinks upstairs. 1G
Roofing Slates
Queen Street Store.
84 lw
H. Hackfeld & Co.
Hive just rect ived a few more
I'm cut
Choice Property for Sale.
School sirens, bolonglng to Mr.
M. LouUsmi. Enqulrn at the ofllco of
I 23 lin Queen Streets.
W'MMrtli HllfaM,
We are. Fighting Opposition !
Selling at Cost!
Great Slaughter in Laces !
S. COHN & CO.,
03 and 5 Forfc Street.
No connection with any cornor, wo aro just below.
0 Lookout when the TEMPLE of FASHION will
have one day in this month, where we will give Goods
away, NO PAY. 27
Willi a Fine
Which ue will sell at the following
Boys' Suits from - $3.00 upwards.
Youths' " 4.00 "
Mens' " " - 0.00 "
Our Furnishing Goods are all Guarantied, arc as Pine in Quality, and as Cheap
in Price as any legitimate hou e can afford to sell In Honolulu.
Remember this Stock is New ! Remember the Prices aie low, and eur Goods
are Guaranteed!
Wccannol all'ord to give tnih away to draw customer hut will sell you some
thing which will give satisfaction and make you call again at
Cor. Fort & Merchant Streets.
Corner of Fort & Merchant Streets,
11.11.' ..
Latest Styles and Novelties in Neckware.
Also, by repeated and special requcnt, n tun nil invoice of the linH hnnd-made,
Most Durable Gents' Shoes
Obtainable in the
King Street, between Fort and Alakea Streets,
Smoked Salmon, Smoked Halibut, llnms, Bacon, Block Codlhh, K!t and tins Hal.
mon I'etlii'x. kugi lluiler Cala Chece, ke(;s Pickles, kogs PIk Pork, Table Raj.
sins, Figs Almondu, Walnuts, Spiced llocf, Honed Chicken, Lnni h Tonguee, Chip
ped llcef, cures Oyslrrx, Kuidino, Sea Fonm Crickerft. Flour, Bran, Wheat, Oil,
White Castili! Snap, Granulated Sugar, Cube Sugar, Powdered Sugar, Gcnneu,
Breakfast Oerm, Choice Tend, French Peas, etc. Also,
" Good Night " and Palace Brands Kerosene Oil.
All at Lowest inarkrt rates mil Hulif-fartion Guaranteed, far P. O. Box J-72;
1142) ' Telephone lift.
Telephone 210.
111 Vnx't Htroot,
Importers & Dealers In Staple & Fancy Groceries.
.Inst lo hand, per Mrainer AiiBtralla Keg-. Holland Herrings, kegB Family Cornid
Ui'i-f, ki'ijb Family Coined Pork, Keg F.imilj Baurkraul, kegs Mixed Plcklis,
ki'ut, CrvKli.l l)iin. Mil Extr.i Choice Salmon ISelllcs. kit Extra Chnieu
Mackeicl, ficch Smolud Halibut, fresh Smoked Salmon, fresh Smokd Sail.
Mine, fro'h Smoked Heif, 'MiiMaker St'irr Hams, Hm Dupeu Hiiuih, Jacob
Dohl's Itiitl'iiln Hams, C tin Dried F1i?m, black nnd white; fjulu Cheen, Orer-on
Cream Chc-mi. SwU Clii-wc, San Kngn Cheese, Pine Appln Chceso and Edam
Clit-cro, 2 It. Hocks; Snow While OodhMi, ('icily Lemon, fresh Pears, Red
Cablmgo . Ff I'arliculiir aileiitlon is called to a nice assortment of the fan).
oiih Holmes A; Coutt's Hlsi-ulis, Graham Wafcr',Oaken Flakes. Sea Foam
Wateis, .Midgets, Ginger Wafers and Water. These biscuits, and a full Hue
of Canned Guudr and tJrnlti, nlso fieli AnptcH iu boxes, in quantities to suit,
At lowest market price. New Cala Potatoes and Onions In fine condition. 17
(Formoily with Samuel Nott).
Importer tiutl Deulor iu
Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.
Beaver Block. - Fort Street.
3T Store formerly occupied by S, NOTT, opposite Spreckels & Co.'s Bank, -
yi i Hamuli
Assortment of
H . 1!
Eastern markctx.
P. 0. Hox CM.
Health is Wealth !
Dn. E. C. WtST's Nkhtb axd Ubaix TnrAT
MMT, n guaranteed ippclfio far llstcrin, Dltil
ncM. Conrnlntonn. Pits, Nerronn NcurnlRin,
of alcohol or tobacco, WakefolneaB, Mental Do
prejtlon, Boftmlnjt of the Brain, resulting in in.
eonity and leading to mirjr, decay nnd dUhS
Prematura Old Ako, Barre nneet, Loss of Power
in either eex. Intolantary Loc and Hpormator
rhoca, caused by orer-exerUon of tho brain, aelf.
abuso, or prer-Indulgence. Each box contain
ono month treatmont. (1X0 n box, or six boxec
for 13.00, sent by mall prepaid on receipt of price.
To rare any Cftso. With each order received by tin
for six boxes, accompanied with S5.0J, wo will
sond tho purchaser our written Kuamnteoto re
fund tho money if tho trontment docs not cITect
a cur. Guarantee Issued only by
WS nifT IK ,Wt nnr4 If uf fuW tlrtf Ctafblmf
Dj"ffl. Skk Ibtitctia, lUMtloa.CMitlpaUoa or CctlrawH,
MulnwUkWil'iYrtUMtLlmrUli,ttfa lk llm.
Uouut MrkUy Mmplus trhfc. 1Ujlr fnlf MtUlU,iU
MTVfUllatWtMiUhctlra. B.pr CMU4. Utft bow, cm
UMicW fUlmi cnu. In ttl, hT ta trmMu. Inui
JOHN C. WKSt A CO, 111 in W. MUUoti Su, CUfJ.
Im btel pwlif ml W tuu prtptU m tmiri f t cul iubs.
HolllHtor A: Co..
:V fini Wholesale nnd Rctnll Agent.
Mer-Isluiiu S. I. Co.,
Tlie Best JRotite
to the World Renowned
Volcano of Kilauea
The new and t-taunch
Steamer W. G. Hall
LeiiVe 0'inliilii al 10 o'clock a.m. oa
FRIDAY. September 2lth.
The 'tc liner lias-e along the entile
coast of i hi- li'cwur.l side of HhwhII, nf.
fording tuuriit! n riamnnma of charm,
ing scenery, ai.d v 11 stop at KVi lake,
kua Bay, where huflkient time is allow,
ed to vi-it i lie Monument of Captain
Tourisls by I h Jo tout e reach Punaluu
nt 5 o'clock on tho day afierleainj;
Honolulu, being only one nlghi n the
vcs'el. making Hie entire pa-nge in
smooth water. At Punaluu there Kihe
and from there tourists will tie convoyed
by railroad to Pnhula. thence hy Btiige
conch to llnlf.wuy Home, where homes
and milde will Tie in attendance to con
vey them to the Vnb'uno.
Tourists will have luo night, and one
whole day at the Volcano lloi.su.
Tickets for the round trip, $50, which
includes all expenses.
Agent, at Williams' Photograph Gallery,
Fort btrcet, or nt the ofllcn of the I. T S.
N. Co., Esplanndu. f 810 6m
A Live Morning Paper
The Daily Herald"
Fifty Gouts a Jlonth.
281 DANIEL LOGAN, Proprietor, ly
Having tecuied the Services o
Greo. C. Stratemeyer
wo are prepared to execute all
nidcis iu
House or JSign
80 tf
Steel Rails!
Fisliplalcs, Bills & Spite.
is now adjoining ilurear of
Lucas' Mill.
ChiiH. Brewer & Co.'h Bos
ton Line of Packets.
Shlppcis will plcato ti. ke no.
lieu Unit ft llrsl.ehisi vesiel
uill lie in Ihu berth loudlng
for this tiort in November, to
sail Decern I ut Iff, Orders should leav
hero by Miumer ol October lt to lmvi
careful attention.
Another fltbtclass vessel will gall for
this, port on or uhout Ihu Ut duv of
March. 18ST, of which furtbtr nolle
will bo given.
For particulars, apply to
0. BREWER & CO., AcenU.
Honolulu, Auk. 24, 188ft. 13
Store for llent, nnd Fix
tures for Sale.
THAT dcBirnhle Store nnw occupied
by the LADIES' UAZAAB..W Fort
street, aud all the Fixture, QIam Cam,
&o., for sale. For further particular,
enquire on tho Pi emUei. 410
r '
n -i

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