OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, November 23, 1886, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1886-11-23/ed-1/seq-4/

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' 'J
A 1ugo mid Elegant Block of Misses and Children's Spring Heel Shoes of nil
sizes. Also, a Splendid Stock of
Gents' and Boys' Boots and Shoes.
P K JJOiLJBBfflP f JL03 l?ort BtreetT jl ffi
J01 ITT, No. 8
. o
Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !
Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,
House Keeping Goods,
(Formerly with Samuel Nott
Importer mid Dealer in
Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.
Beaver Block, - Fort Street.
gr Store formerly occupies i 1 S. NuTT, opposite Sprcckch & Co.'s Bnnk. "iiB
flit & tBMlrrall!! I
ill ' WDW
New Goods ly
Stock of Goods
Received ex Zcalandla,
AT ,
70J Queen & F-rt Street Stoics. tf
Heahh is Wealth !
Db. E. 0. West's Nebte and 13b un Tiieat
VK.XT, a guaranteed epoclda far Hystorin, 1)11
nos. Convulsions. Fits, Nervous Neuralgia,
lIon(!aclio,WorTOU8l'roBtnitI()ii,C(iUB(xl by thoiieo
at ulcoliol or tobucco, WakofulnoBO, Mental lc
proaalon, Bnftonlntf of tlio Drain, rosaltmu In in
sanity and loading to misery, ilocay and death;
l'rcinature Old Ako, Darreiiiiees, Losh of l'uwcr
In oithor box. Involuntary Losses nnd Bporrautor.
rhoco, caused by overexertion of tlio limiii, solf.
ubiiso, or vorindulceuoo. Each box coutainu
ono month's treotmont. $1.00 a box, or six boxes
for $5.00, eont by mull prepaid on receipt of price.
To euro any caso. With each order roceivod by us
for six boxes, accompanied with $3.00. vo will
Bond tho purchaser our writton guarantee to ie
fund tho money if tlio treatment does not offoct
ucuro. Guarantees issued only by
W8 will car UutboTtttrad for r mm of UttrCcmpUbii
PriptptU, sick IbuUcht, loiUsttlofe, CooiUptUos or CoaUvrsui,
naul cno Willi W..I', V. j.ut.1. Llu 1T1I, wba U. din.
UoMlM (UlcUy complM wlli. tUjvt punlj TtgUlla,u4
MtorM tattrtMlUlKUoa. 8uU CotUd. Un toil), coo.
Ulnlox M pUU, It cuU. m Mil by U druf ku. Ii..n of
Sf.!jrt!r.iS? l"Ulloi. TU fnulu uuubcturtd oulf Vt
ioiijto. wiar oa.ui M w. uuoo si., cui,i
im ItUl cii tul It atll pr(..U oa rutlpl ( s 3 tut lUSM
IJolllster &: Co.,
B0 Dm Wltoleisalo and ItctoU Agents.
Miiai Street
Pacific Hardware Co., Id,
Novelties in Lamp Oootl,
A new Invoice of Lanterns, Kerosene Oil of the very
Best Quality, Hiovcs, Ranees nnd Tinware.
liccominended by Fire Underwriters of Han Francisco,
etc , etc. An actual Protection against Fire.
Harden Hand Grenades,
A Small Lot, to Close Consignment.
Full lines of llaidwnre, Agriculluial Implements, etc.
Every Hleumeir. 97
R A. Y M JP, N .
LL orders for Cartage promptly at.
xl tended to. Particular attention
paid to the
Storing & Shipping
of goods in transit to the other Islands.
Also, Black and White Sand
tn quantities to suit at lowest prices.
Ofilcc, udjoiping E, P. Adams & Co.'s
aiictiou loom,
98'J ly Mutual T. lepliono No. 19.
Tie Facile Transfer Co.
Olllce with 0. K. Milltr,
13 Merclmnt Street,
Bell Tel., 377, Mutual Tel., 301.
I ii in fully prepared to do all kinds of
diayuge, lutuliug or moviug -work, all of
wniui 1 will guaranteo to execute iullli
210yT S, F. GRAHAM, Pi-opV.
jr. ra. soper,
(Successor to J. M. Oat, Jr. & Co.)
Dealers in all kinds of
The Latest Foreign Papers always on
hand at tho Gaulle Slock. Merchant
tST The English Admiralty Charts
uUnujbou hand, 1 by
HOP. Rear of Lucas' Mill.
Womb's Wm and
A. Voloo i'roiu -A-tiHtvln.
Ner the village of Zillingdorf, in
Lower Austria, llvei Maria llaas, an In
telligent nnd industrious woman, whoso
Btory of phjslenl sullerlng and llnal ro
lief, at related by hcisclf, is of Interest
to English women. "I was employed,"
she says, " in tho work of a largo farm
house. Ovcr.vrorlc brought on sick
headache, followed by a deathly faint
ing and sickness of tho stomach, until I
win unable to retain either food or
drink. I was compelled to take to my
bed for several weeks. Getting a little
better from rest and quiet, I sought t
do some woik, but was soon taken with
it pain in my side, which in a little
while seemed to spread over my whole
body, nnd throbbed in my every limb.
This was followed by a cough and
shortness of breath, until llnally I could
not sew, nnd 1 took to my bcu for tho
second, and, us I thought, for tho last
time. My friends told me that my time
had pearly come, and that I could not
live longer than when the trees put on
their green nee more. Then I happen
ed to get one of the Selgel pamphlets.
I read it, and my dear mother bought
me a bottle of bclgel's Syrup, which I
took exactly according to directions,
and I had not taken the whole of it be
fore I felt a grent change for the better.
My last illness begun Juno t, 1882, and
continued to Aujsust Oth, when I began
to take the Syrup. Very soon 1 could
do a little light work. The cough left
ine, and I was no more troubled in
b entiling. Now I am perfectly cured.
And oh, now happy I am I canuot ex.
picss giatitudu enough for Scigcl's
Syrup. Now 1 must tell you that the
i'oc o'a in our distuct distributed hand
bills cautioning people against the
mtdieine, telling them it would do them
no good, and many were thereby influ.
enced to destroy the Selgel pamphlets;
but now. wherever one is to bo found, it
is kept like a relic. The fow preserved
are borrowed to read, and I have lent
mi nu lor six miles around our district.
People have come eighteen miles to get
me to buy the medicine for them, know
ing that it cured me, and to bo suro to
get the right kind. I know a woman
who was looking like death, and, who
told them there was no help for her,
thqf, eio had consulted severltl doctors,
but none cou.14 liejp )cr. I told her of
Seigel's Syrup, and wrotp tho nam
down for her that she might make no
mistake. She took my advice and tho
Byrup, and now she is in peifect health,
and the people around us are amazed.
Tho rned)clpo h"B lDade suc'1 progress
in our neighborhopd tl,at pepnlo say
they don't want the doctor any more,
but they tal;c the Syrup. Sufferers from
gout who were conllpcd to their bed and
could haidly move a linger, have been
cured by it. There is a girl in our djs
trict who caught a cold by going
through some water, and was in bed five
years with costiveness and rheumatic
pains, and had to have an attendant to
watch by her. There was not a doctor
in the surrounding districts to whom
her mother had not applied to relieve
her child, hut every ono crossed them
selves and said they could not help her.
Whenever the little bell rang which is
rung in our place when somebody is
dead, we thought surely it was for her,
but Scigcl's Syrup and Pills saved her
life, and now she is as healthy as any.
body, goes to church, and can work
even in the fields. Everybody was as
tonished when they saw her out, know
ing how many years sho had been in
bed. To day she adds her gratitude to
mine for (Sod's mercies and Seigel's
Syrup. MabTA Haas."
The people of Euglanu speak confirm,
ing the above.
AJTtcv Hovoral Years.
"Stoke Ferry, January 0th, 1884.
"Gentlemen, 1 hae used Siegel's
Syrup for several years, and have found
It a most clllcacious remedy for Liver
cgmplajpts nnd general debility, and I
always keep some by me, andcanpot
speak too highly in lis praise I re
main, yours truly, Harriett King."
.A.ftcr Hixtcen Years,
"Whittle-le-Woods, near Chorley,
"December 20, 1883.
"Dear Sir, Mother Seigel's raedicino
sells exceeding well with us, all that try
it speak highly In its favor. Wo had a
case ef a young lady that had been trou
bled many years with pains after eating.
She tells us that the pains were entirely
taken away after a few doses of your
medicine Yours truly, E. Picjst,."
Tlio Eileots litwo been
"05, Newgate Street, Worksop, Notts,
"December 20th, 1883.
"Gentlemen, It Is with the greatest
of pleasure I accord my testimony as to
the efficacy of Mother Seigel's Syrup.
Mv wife, who has suffered from acute
Dyspepsia for over sixteen years, is now
perfectly better through the sole help
of your Syi i'p. 1 have sent pounds In
medicines from doctors in fact, I be
gan to think uho was incurable, until
your marvellous medicine was tried,
I remain, yours, thankfully,
Alkkkd Foud."
A-i'tor Mnny Years.
".Ilfoid Road Dispensary, Duklnfleld,
May 3, 1884.
" Dear Sir, I am happy to Inform
you that the salo of your Syrup and Pills
incrciibes here continually. Several of
my customers speak of having derived
more bcnellt from the use of these than
from any other medicine. In some in
stauces tho effects have been wonderful.
Yours vcrv respectfully,
It wlyl Pito. Edwin Eabtwoop, J.B."
Steam Boilers, Furnaces and Ranges
Set. Rrlck and Stonework dono on
reasonable terms.
Alapal Bt., Second door from Hcretanla.
i. u. ilOX 407. 0
Orders from the other Islands punc
tually attended to. 'j2Jy
. wgggSglwA,
to gtyUg) gtttUHu.
.' VI ILLf!!1' 1. - ' " ' ' J - ' ""
TUESDAY, JOV. 23, 1880.
Nowhere in the wiilo world is tho
education of children left so com
pletely to women ns in America.
Whether right or wrong, it s n fnct
thnt the fathers nro but little ac
quainted with their children. Dur
ing the day they scarcely see each
other, and in the evening "pa" is
either too tired to fully enter into
sympathy with the children's in
struction or pleasure, and at best is
cither mechanically petting them for
a moment, or scolding them if he
happens to be in bad humor. So, if
there is any homo training to be
done, it must be done by the
mothers nt home. The wild boy,
tho giddy girl, must be tamed and
held in check by the mother.
Mothers alone can liston with an
interest unequalled by any other
member of the household to the real
or imaginary troubles of their chil
dren, and thus controlling their
studies and polishing their manners.
It is the mothers in America who
mold nnd shape the minds and
characters of the citizen of the
future. Our sons, who in time to
come, will uphold our standard of
liberty, of culture and refinement,
imbibe these qualities and convic
tions nay, their very manhood
from their mothers. This being true,
how neccs'sary it is that our
daughters, the future mothors of
the coming generation, should be
fully equipped to discharge their
duties in the development of the
moral qualities of their offspring.
Woman's heart, her sentiment,
her mind, rules the conduct of man.
It is to her we must look for the
elevation and purification of society ;
and a nation's worth can best be
judged by tho intellectual condition
8f jts WQinen. WJjjc tje smajl perr
centagp pf wompn whp devote their
time; tp driving among moth-eaten
literature arc admirpd neither by
mpn npr by women, yet alj advanced
tinkers havp pecasipn tp rpjoipe at
thp rapid Intellectual progress of
the women of tp-day. She assures
to mankind a steady mental and
moral promptlop, fop tho educated
woman is as much the superior of
the unoducatetl one in moral nature
as she is in ' her oapaoity of fitness
for discharging all duties of the
home. Domestic drudgery is a
thing of the past. Labor saving in
ventions have taken from woman
many of her former burdens, and
her days need no longer to be
divided between the cook-stove, the
spinning-wheel and the needle. Nor
will her education in the least im
pair her efficiency as a housekeeper ;
and above all, her liberal education
Will afford the best means and
opportunities to employ the hpn.rs
left her from domestic duties, and
thus escape the fi ivolities, shoppings,
gossipings, . envies and jealousies,
and all other like traits, winch arc
chiefly found in vulgar, uncultivated
and illiterate women. The religious
clement, too, takes a better hold
upon a cultivated nature, jnc the
frujt that ft bpajs are much mote
luscious and thp cause of Christ so
much more efficiently subserved in
tho family as well as fn tho church.
Farmers Home,
I saw the Queen in Edinburcr.
She is a fat, stout old woman, with
a rosy face and dark gray hair. Her
features are more German than
English, and they look very inoffen
sive and uncharacteristic. She is
probably a woman of great intel
lpctual strength and of cjuepn'y
tjmuglt ; but, p rp appearance, you
may see bottor faces at any recep
tion in America, or in any day's
shopping. She was on her way to
Edinburg exposition and the streets
of Edinburg were cleared of car
riages and street cars during her
march. Plank fences had been
erected outside of the pavements to
keep back thp crowd, and hundreds
of policemen, soldiers and marshals
wore present to edge the divinity
which surrounds the Queen. The
sidewalks along the lino of march
swarmed with people, and the scene
reminded mo much of a great pro
cession in America. When the
Queen left Holyrood Palace, which
is in the city of Edinburg, the can
non on the castlo began to bpom,
and. the marph was mndo to this nnd
the music of tho band. The enthus
iasm of tho peoplu was not great,
and the cheer as sho passed along
was not equal to that of an Ameri
can procession in which the Presi
dent takes part. Queen Victoria,with
two -of her daughters, sat in a
dpuble-seated cairiage hauled by
four horses, nnd a half-doen lordB
and uukes roue in front of and bo
hind her. As tho carriage passed
along, the three women, tho ono old
and tho others middle-aged and
younger, kept continuously bobbing
their heads in bowing response to
tho cheers of the crowd. The whole
scene was a ridiculous one, and the
little soul exhibited in it shows how
fast tho monarchical system Is on
tho wane, and how little the Scotch
and English care for it. "Carp,"
Edingburg co. Cleveland Leader.
'The power of tho affix," said
tho professor, "can best bo illus
trated how, Mr. Stevens?"
"By tho hind legs of the mule."
"Mr. Stevens, this is not tho class
in nalurM philosophy."
MR. J. J. WILLIAMS has some
Plush Albums for views. Pcoplo
wishing to send n handsome Christmas
present homo can havo vlows selected
by themselves, mounted in ono f f those
AJbums in splendid style. 81 2w
Lawn and Satin Tics,
Black Silk Socks,
Patent Leather Pumps
; SiTSt
We should Blot Out Disease
in Its Early Stages.
The disease commences with a slight
derangement of the stomach, but, if
neglected, It in time involves tho whole
frame, embracing the kidneys, liver,
pancreas, and In fact the entire gland
ular system; and the nlllictcd drags out
a miserable existence until death gives
relief from suffering. The disease is
often mistaken for other complaints;
but if tho reader will ask himself the
following questions he w ho able to
determine whether he himself is ono of
the aflliotod Have J distress, pain, or
difficulty in breathing after eating f Is
there a dull, heavy feeling, attended by
diowsincssV Hao the cyos a yellow
tinge? Does a thick, sticky mucous
gather about the gums and teeth in tho
mornings, accompanied by n disagree
able taste? Is tho longuo coated? Is
there paiu In the sides and back? Is
there n fullness about the right side as
If tho liver wee enlarging? Is there
vertigo or diz?lncss when rising sud.
denlj fioin an horizontal position? Are
the secretions from the kidneys highly
coloured, with a deposit after standing?
Does food ferment soon after eating,
accompanied by llntulence or belching
of gas from the stomach? Is there fre
quent palpitation of the heart? These
various symptoms may not be present at
one time, but ihey tormeat tho sufferer
in turn as the dreadful disease pro
gresses. If tho caso bo ono of long
standing, there will ho a dry, hacking
cough, attended after a time by expec
toration, Jfn very advanced stages the
skin assumes a dirty brownish appear
auce, and the hands and feet are covered
by a cold sticky perspiration. As the
liver and kidneys become more and
more dhcascd, rheumatic pains appear,
and the usual treatment proves entirely
unavailing against the latter agonising
disorder, The origin of this malady is
indigestion or dyspepsia, and a small
quantity of tho proper medicine will
remove the disease if taken in Its iucip
iency. It is most important that tho
aisease should be promptly and properly
treated in its first stages, when a llttlo
medicine will offoct a cure, and even
when it has obtained a stiong hold the
correct remedy should bo persevered in
until every vestige of tuo disease is
eradicated, until tho appetite has return
ed, and the digestive organs restored to
a healthy condition. Tho surest and
most effectual remedy for this distress
ing complaint .is "rjclgol'a Curative
Syrup," a vegetable preparation sold by
all cjievflists and mdlolno vendors
theoughout tho world, andbythepio
prietois, A. J. White, Limited, London,
E. O. This Syrvp strikes at the very
foundation of the disease, and drives it,
root and branch, out of the system. Ask
your chemist for Scigcl's Curative
"East-street Mills,, Cambridge-heath,
"Loudpp, Ji. O., July 24th. 1883
"Sir, It gives me great pleasure to bo
able to add iny testimony in favour of
your vnluablo Byrup as a curative agent.
1 had suffeiod for some length of time
from a sovere form of indigestitn, and
the long train of distressing symptoms
following that disease. I had tried all
possible means to get relief, by seeking
the best medical advice. I had swallow,
cd sufficient of their stuff to float a man-of-war,
so to speak, but all to no avail.
A friend of mine, coming on the scene
in the midst of my sufferings, brought
with him a bottle of your Selgel Syrup;
he advibed me to try it, stating he felt
confident it would benefit me. Being
weary of trysng so many drugs, I con
demned it before tilftl, thinking it could
not possibly 4o" mc any good, but ulti
mately determined to tako the Syrup.
After 'doing sp for a, slior time it work
cd such a chango in mo that I continued
taking it for near'y two months, and I
then felt thoroughly cured, for I have
discontinued its ue for flvo weeks, nnd
feci in tho best of health, and can par.
tako any kind of food with case and
comfort. I am therefore thankful to
you that, through tho Instrumentality of
your valuable medicine, I nro restored to
the stRtP of health I now enjoy. Yours
truly, W. S. Fobstbb.
"To Mr. A. J. White."
Those who are in the "Asthma
Fur nace" should loso no time in obtain.
Ing relief by tho use of "Tho Rosing
weed Tar Mixture;" but do not use the
medicine unless you wllf follow all tho
di'cctions "to the letter."
iroor Asinma sutierers, wlio tiro
strangors to "tired Nature's sweet
restorer, bnlrny sleep," should make use
of "The Roslnwecd Tor Mixture." Quiet
refreshing sleep will follow Us uso
'Waterloo Houbo, London Stile, Chls
wick, "February 17th. 1883.
"Messrs. Wnlte and Co., London.
"Gentlemen, It is with threat pleas,
ure that I add my testimony to the
wonderful effects of Seigel's Syrup. For
years I nad been suffering from bilious
attacks, which begau with giddiness;
then a mist would come before my eyes,
so that I should not be able to iceognlso
any one or anvtlilnir at the distance of a.
yaul ortwofiommyface. This would
bo followed by excessive trcmbllugof
my knees, so that I could not stand
without support; after which a sovere
headache would occur, lasting often two
or three dags. I havo tried various
lemediesfor these distressing symptoms,
but until I tried Selircl's Svrun I had no
relief. Since then I have had excellent
health in eyory respect, and If over I
feel a headacho coming on I take one
doso of tho Syrup, wulch arrests It.
Hoping that this testimonial may bo the
menus of Inducing others (who suffer us
I used) to try the Syrup, as I feel sure
they will receive speedy benefit nnd
ultimately bo cured, I ,beg to remain,
yours faithfully,
"A. II. Houton."
Seigel's Operating PJHs pioveut 111
effects from excess In eating or drink
ing. A good dose at bei'-tiino renders
a person lit for busludss in the morning.
If you have Asthma use' 'The Rosluweed
Tar Mixture.'
APRIL 30thOCTOBER 16,1886.
The First and Only
Ever published in this Kingdom
Is Now Ready for Delivery
Over .700 Pages with Index !
This is the Only Original, Correct and Complete Record,
in Book Form, of the Business and Debates of the 'Legisla
tive' Assembly of 1886.
The Book consists of Revised and Corrected Re-prints of
the Reports, published from day to day, throughout the.
Session, in the Bulletin.
The Bulletin Reports
Have been Strictly Impartial, , and have contained during
the greater part of the session
Of the Principal Speeches) delivered in the House.
The AJJEItOlJEiXrriOJS ioiiljl,
Also appears in full, promulgated By Authority, on
Saturday, the 23rd October.
The edition is limited.
sure of being filled. First
at the low price of
REMEMBER! The Only Hansard is to be
had at the
J. H. SOPER'8 and T. C. THRUM'S.
Orders should be in early to be
come, first served I Supplied
! i
4m .im-!!'' tet &v
Mtf i j&.
fJ JkZfrZstJ '& s fyeS&sfeita
w- X M t

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