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The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, February 13, 1888, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1888-02-13/ed-1/seq-4/

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fe.iww- vi j nryig? twgjw w.'O' 'fl t. ,7 ' " .
The first mention of tea, or ns it
was then called, tay as nn article
of British commerce occurs in n
letter dated tho 27th of June, 1G15,
which appears in the records of the
East India Company. Tho first
largo consignment of tea was re
ceived in 1657, by Thomas Garway,
a London morchant, and with it ho
opened a "stand," known to the
present generation as "Garraway's
Coffec-Ilouse. Glasgow Herald.
Tea, coffee, and cocoa, are three
admissible drinks, but none in ex
cess. For the oiec, cocoa is the
most beneficial. It should never be
made too strong, and those cocoas
nro the best that have been deprived
of their oil. A cup of thin cocoa
just warm is more to bo lceommcnd
cd between tho exertions of singing
than any alcoholic beverage. Tea
must not bo taken too strong, nor
when it has drawn too long, for tea
then becomes acid and has a bad
influence upon tho mucous mem
brane of the throat. Thcte is al
ways a dry sensation after having
taken a cup of tea that has been al
lowed to draw too long. A vocalist
had better do without sugar in tea,
and only take milk with it. Anic
rican Druggist.
Ordinary drinking water, if taken
in largo quantities, acts as a solvent
and a diuretic, and also increases
the perspiration if the temperature
of the air be high. Taken in the
quantity of one or two quarts at a
time the diluent effect of water is
often sufllcient to eliminate an ex
cess of alcohol from the blood as
after taking too much wine. .An
other effect of large draughts of
water is to make the pulse slower
and to diminish slightly the normal
temperature of the body. Increase
of weight has been claimed as a re
sult of systematic water drinking on
retiring for the night. The latest
researches do not bear out this con
clusion. Water thus taken will pre
vent any actual loss of weight, but
it is not shown that it will do any
thing more. With the addition ot .n
moderate stimulant, however, it has
often a decidedly fattening effect.
Harper's magazine.
Eichard Peun Smith, a well-known
Philadelphia "vet," once killed his
pigs on tho 8th of January. The
next day a friend remarked : "Yes
terday was a fine day for killing
pigs." "Yes," replied Smith, "it
was, but a bad day for Packcn
ham." 0. S. S. CO.'S TIME TABLE.
Arrive at Honolulu from San Francisco.
Zealandia February Hi
Australia March (i
Alameda March 15
Australia April li
Mariposa April 12
Aiibtralia May 1
Zealandia May 10
Australia May 29
Alameda June 7
Australia , . .June 20
Mariposa July 5
Australia July 24
Zealandia August 2
Australia August 21
Alameda August 30
Australia .September 18
Mariposa September 27
Australia Ootober 10
Zealandia October 25
Australia November 111
Alameda November 22
Australia December 11
Lcavo Honolulu (or San Francisco.
Australia February 14
Mariposa March 11
Australia March 13
Zealandia April 8
Australia April 10
Alameda May 0
Australia May 8
Mariposa Juno 3
Australia Juno 5
Zealandia July 1
Australia July 3
Alameda July 29
Australia July 31
Mariposa August 20
Australia August 28
Zealandia : September 23
Australia September 25
Alameda '. October 21
Australia October 23
Mariposa November 18
Australia November 20
Zealandia December 10
Australia December 18
Alameda . . . .(1889) Junuary 13
"Bulletin" Summarv
Fkiuiuaiit 11. No. 30.
60 Columns of Original Matter.
Is now issued and will be found to
be an interesting and comprehensive
number, containing 00 columns of
reading matter on local topics, and
a complete resume of Honolulu and
island nowa. There is no better paper
published in the Kingdom to send to
friends abroad. Subscription 82.50
per annum, including postage to
foreign countries. To be had from
J. II. Soper, Merchant street,
A. M. Ilcwctt, Merchant street,
and ButiXTiN Office.
. advertise In tho Daily .Bulletin.
ftT TJafcys a. tf.
"Ar"a t!? rti" ''3,fa8aiit'Jit
Uuder tho above heading the
Doncastcr Reporter of July Glh,
1887, publishes the following in its
editorial columns
Our readers may recall the cir
cumstance of a.young clerk, named
Arthur Richold, falling insensible
on tho Weatley Lano in this town
some time ago, nnd being picked
up, as he continued perfectly help
less, and taken iu a cab by two
gentlemen to the office of F. W.
Fisher, Esq; tho solicitor who em
ployed him. On restoring hiin to
consciousness it. was ascertained
that ho was aflicted with what
seemed to be an incurable disease.
"When he was able to speak he
said ho had been to his dinner and
and was on his way back to his
work, when suddenly his head was
in a whirl and ho fell in the street
like a man who is knocked down.
On coming to his senses iu the soli
citor's office he thought what this
might mean, and feared he was
going to have a fit of illness, which
we all know is a very dreadful
thing for a poor man witli a family
to care for.
"With this in his mind lie at once
sought the best medical advice,
telling the doctors how he had been
attacked. They questioned him
and found that his present malady
was exhaustion of the nervous sys
tem resulting from general debility,
indigestion, and dyspepsia of a
chronic nature. This in turn had
been caused by confinement to his
desk and grief at the loss of dear
friends by death. Tho coming on
of this strange disease, as dcsciibed
by Mr. Richold, must be of inter
est both to sick and well. lie had
noticed for several ycais previously,
in fact, that his eyes and face be
gan to have a yellow look; theie
was a sticky and unpleasant slime
on the gums and teeth in the
morning ; the tongue coated ; and
tho bowels so bound and costive
that it induced that most painful
and tioublesomc ailment the piles,
lie says there was some pain in
the sides and back and a sense of
fulness on the light side, as though
the liver were enlarging, which
proved to bo the terrible fact.
The secretions fiom the kidneys
would be scanty and high-coloured,
with a kind of gritty or bandy
deposit after standing.
These things had troubled Mr.
Richold. a long time, and after his
fall in the streot he clearly perceived
that the lit of giddiness was nothing
more than a sign of the bteadbj
and deadly advance of the complaint,
which began in digestion and dys
pepsia. His story of how he went
from one physician to another in
scai ch of a cure that his ife and
little ones might not come to want is
very pathetic and touching. Finally
ho became too ill to keep his situa
tion and had to give it up. This
was a sad calamity. He was appall
ed to think how lie should be ablo to
live. But God raised up friends
who helped to keep the wolf from
the door. He then went to the sea
sido at "Walton-on-tbc-Naze, but
neither the change, nor the phy
sicians who treated him there, did
any good. All being without avail
ho visited London, with a sort of
vague hope that somo advantage
might happen to him in the metro
polis. This was in October, 1885.
How wonderful, indeed, are the
ways of Providence, which dashes
down our highest hopes and tiien
helps us when we least expect it.
While in London he staled his con
dition to a fiiend, who strongly ad
vised him to try a medicine which he
called Mother Sciyrl's Curative
Syrup, saying it was genuine and
honest, and often cured when every
thing else had failed. lie bought
a bottle of a chemist in Pimlico, ami
began using it according to the di
rections, lie did this without faith
or hope, and the public, may there
fore judge of his surprise and plea
sure when after taking a few doses
he felt great .relief. Ho could eat
better; his food distressed him less;
the symptoms we hnve named abated ;
tho dark tpols which had floated
before his eyes like smuts of soot,
gradually disappeared, and his
strength increased. Bofore this
time his knees would knock together
whenever he tried to walk. So en
couraged ivas lie now that he kept
on using itothir Sciyet'a Curative
Syrup until it ended iu completely
curing him.
In speaking of his wonderful re
covery Mr. Richold says it mado
him think of poor Robiiibon Crusoe,
and his deliverance fiom captivity
on his island in the sea; nnd added,
"But for Mother SeigePa Curathc
Syrup the grass would now be
growing over my grave."
Our readers can rest assured of
of tho strict truth of all the state
ments in this most remarkable case,
as Mr. Richold (now residing at
Swiss Cottage, Walton-on-the-Naze)
belongs to ono of the oldest and
most respected families in the beau
tiful ullaKo of Long Mclford,
Suffolk, and his pcibonal character
is attested by bo high an authority
as tho Rev. O. J. Maityn, rector
of that paiish, besides other excel
lent names. Wo have deemed the
case of such inportanco to tho pub
lic as to justify us in givirnr this
shot t account of it iu our columns.
January IS, 1888.
Mttttint Tol. 130
i O. Vox 415.
Offlco .
88 Merchant St., Iloaolu'u
General Business Agency.
Convoyanclng a Specialty Hecord f enroll
ed and abstracts of title furnished on
short notice.
Copying, Translating, and cngio!iirln nil
Inncuiigcs iu gem nil usu in the King
dom. Custom llouso brokerage File and Life
insmancu receive imimpt iitkntlon.
MR. JOHN GOOD JR.-Authoilzed
Skilled arc) Unskilled Labor Furnished.
bouuht, told anil i cute J.
Scveiul v.iliuhle properties in ami
nround ihu city now for sulj on isy
Convenient Collages in do in bin health
IouUIoub in mill ueai thu city to lei or
lease ut leusomiblo ratis.
Employment Wanted by several men and
bos, who will iiiuku ilain-iohcs use
ful in puifoimiug il o vailouo (itllci'ii
nnd chores nquliul by pmatc f.tiiil-
. lies.
Full p'litlcuUrs given on appllcution
at tlicxgincy.
Onlein iroin the other Islands piompt
ly intended to.
Richard Cayford,
Lain Pinier toll. R II. Prince of
"vVu'c' 12th R.iyal Lanceis.
Shoeiaig" Foir-es
Horses and Cattle Treated for
all Diseases.
JSeBlUcnce: 511 AJitJcea Street,
P. o. BOX tos. 20W
Bell Telephone ;,B53.
The new ami line Al steel steamship
"Alameda," .
Of the Uccnnic Steamship Company, will
be due at Honolulu from Kjdi.cy
and Auckland, on r about
February 2, 088.
And will le.ive for tho above port with
mulls and passengers on or about that
Tor f i eight or pnssapc, having SU
Wtt G. IRWIN & CO., Agents.
For Sydney and. Auckland,
The new and line Al steel teamship
Of the Oceanic Steamship Compihy,ivill
be due at Honolulu fium San
Francisco on or about
February 8 6, 1888,
And will lmvii prompt (lit patch with
mails nnd jiatfcengcis for the above port.
For freight or passage, having fcjU.
to '
37 WM. G. IRWIN & CO.. Agents.
ice lo
Oi mi after Dec. 31, '87
"Tho Daily Bulletin."
AIL complaints, &c, in future,
must bo mado direct to tho Managor
of tho Daily Bulletin ; and
All Subscriptions
Duo up to this day, Deo. 3 1st, 1887
will bo collected by J. E. Brown &
Co,, whoso receipt for tho samo will
bo recognized only.
Bulletin Office,
Honolulu, Doo. 31, 1887.
A most popular paper published,
. . 1
ss? g
Grass Seeds
Grass Seeds
Grass Seeds
Now is Hie Time to Plait
n i nn
V' AIM n
IU.W ljt
The undersigned have just received,
fresh, from the Colonies,
assure Grass Seeds
In great vat iety, and which
they ofler
In Lots to Suit.
As tho rainr icason is now com.
ing on, Planters and Graziers
aio particulaily called on to
Give ttee Grasses a Mai
a. g. rai & Co.
07 lm23
Your wives and children will rejoice,
Having found tho Sampler Cigar your choice
21 First Street. 8. F.
For sale Everywhere,
sK- Hawaiian Livery Stables,
Sia LELEO, Rqlama.
Horhi's takui to homd by the day, week
or month fed will, and looltid nfter
liy careful nnd expriieneid t-talilcmon.
Cirrhifres nnd nil kind'1 of Vih'o'cs
kipt clean and en ml Irr. im wrll us
4l lm Hun ger.
roit SALE.
3 WHALE BOATS; 1 Decked
Whiilo llo-it, HO feet loug, 8 foot
deep; 8 feet wide s 2 22 feet Surf Boats:
1 18 feet Sin f Hout; 2 Decked I'luiijicr'
10 feet lonjj, 0 feet (I inches wide, 2 feet
0 inches deep, with must anil sallaall
complete; 1 2 feu failing Scow, with
mast and falls all complete Anplv to.
Hoat Builder and General Joliher. 51 tf
v'uiriericic L&
Hn.ivltntta.-v fMt
averinvent'd'S 6
irio current ;xp
VZW11JJ of liolh
niii Anrnu 1
tTl'i' UKxrnOnriiil
1 stab lb73. Send f or
Free Pamphlet No.?.
7,r "" -o-.
AfldniHR. MAI
2 KORi'SIOliiJlBTiiEE1
i-wiT :u thuhh rift..
- jTf ... j-uiuitiiiut nu
Feb. 8, '87. 1671 ly
-V) l-l
, r"" " " '- .f"-r, .
ALL persons who want to communl
cnte with tho Poituinicsc, cither
for business), or for procuring workmen,
Rcrvants or any other helps, will find it
iho most prolllnhlo wy to advertise In
tho Luso Iatvaiiano, tlio now organ of
tho Portuguese colon', which is pub
lished on Merchant striet, Gatcite Build,
liip, (Post-Olllco Letter Box E.), and
only charges reasonable rotes for odver
Morse Clipping
NEATLY DONE nnd with despatch
BLES. Hind Clipper. 82lf
Importers and Jobbers of Fine
Ko. 15 Nuunnu Ht., Honolulu.
05 TELKruoK tOS. L8ni-w&s
OR, SVtilS.
Tho Walkiki residence of Mr. Fred II
II'iseKlen situated at Kapiolini Paik
between thi residences of lion. XV. G.
Irwiu, and Mi. Frank Brown, U offered
for lent, lease, or sale. For terms apply
to the under-igned
Apples, Honey,
Boned Chicken & Turkey
Breakfast Gem
Hi an, Oats,
Cition, Lemon & Orange Peel
Cala Prunes, Dates,
Cape Cod Cranberries
Eastern Codfibb
French Peas, Rolled Oats
Germea, Crackers,
Jersey Blue Potatoes
Kegs Family Beef
Lunch Tonguo
And a general assortment
Okas. Hnstace, -
importers and Dealers in
Groceries, Provisions and Feed,
east corner fort and kino streets.
,, Newr Goods received by every Packet from the Fr.stern States and Europe
Fresh California Pioducc by every Steafher. All orders faithfully attended te.
ami Goodi- delivered to any part of the city frco of charge. Island orders foli
cited. Sutisfiiction guaranteed. Post Office Box 145. Telephone No. 92. 108 ly
Every Description of
Xm ' H
mm mm
Executed with neatness and dispatch.
-- .........? . ,.. .r
'Sews !
At J. J. f I
03 tf
For Sale! To Let! For Lease!
FOR SALE t Lot of Land. 175x108 ft.
llealtliy Location. Good view, $060.
t Lot of Lund, lfifixlOS ft. Healthy Lo
cation, cte., $850.
TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 room;,
$1b per month.
1 House with Store, ?40 per month.
Booms, en suite or single, from $3 to $5
per week.
FOB, LEASE 1 Lois, each 0070 feet,
for building. Good Location; water
laid on; tenns easy and tho right par
tics usistcd in building.
CopylHt anil euc ml JiiiMiucsa Agent
No. 8-1 Klnir Street.
P O. Box 845. Burgess' Express Office.
Hook Binding of all description neatly
and promptly executed.
Campbell Block, Booms 10 and ll,Mcr
72i?1 ell-nit street. ly
Mince Moat, in 5 lb tubs
Nuts, Raisins,
Oxford Sausages
Onions, Wheat, Corn,
Paragon Bacon
Plum Pudding
Rusbian Caviar
Saloon & Medium Bread
Smoked Beef
Salt Pork, 5 lb tins
Smoked Halibut
World's Breakfast Food
"Whittaker Ilaius
of Groceries, for sale by
- IKing- Street.
Many people believe that Nnturo
has somowliero a remedy for every
tliscaso. So many and bo terrible
are the ills of life, and so slight tho
pleasuro wo get as time flies past,
that such a belief is tho least faith
wo can show in a gracious and all
wise Providenco. A few remedies
but, nlas, how few I have been
found. Others, so fnr, lie hidden
from human inquiry. Occasionally
death follows quickly on tho heels of
the evil an Illustration of the dan
gerous character of the ailment to
be relieved.
For example, Nervous Dyspepsia
is a comparatively ?icto disease,
growing out of the conditions of
modern life. It is a joint affection
of tho digestive organs and of the
nervous system. These two wore
formerly treated as separate ail
ments, and it was left for the clear
sighted thinkers to prove that tho
basis of this terrible and often fatal
complication lies chicfty in the dis
ordered and depraved functions of
digestion and nutrition. They
reasoned thus: "If we can induce
the stomach to do its work, and
stimulate the excretive organs to
drive out of the body the poisonous
waste matters which remain after
the life-giving elements of the food
have been absorbed, we shall have"
conquered Nervous D3rspepsia and
Nervous Exhaustion." And they
were right. Knowing the infallible
power of Sicgcl's Syrup in less com
plicated though similar diseases,
they resolved to test it fully in this.
To leave no ground for doubt, they
prescribed the remedy in hundreds
of cases which had been pronounced
incurable with perfect success in
ever' instance where their directions
as to living and diet were scrupu
lously followed. Nervous Dyspep
sia and Exhaustion may almost bo
called a peculiarly English disease.
To a greater or less extent half the
people of this country suffer from it
both sexes and all ages. In no
country in the world are there so
many insane asylums filled to over
flowing, all resulting from this
alarming disease. Its leading symp
toms aro these; frequent or con
tinual headache ; a dull pain at the
base of tho brain ; bad breath ;
nauseous eructations ; the rising of
sour and pungent fluids to the
throat; a sense of oppression and
faintness at the pit of the stomach,
flatulence ; wakefulness and loss of
sleep ; disgust with food oven when
weak from the need of it; sticky
and slimy matter on the teeth or in
the mouth, especially on rising in
the morning; furred and coated
tongue ; dull eyes ; cold hands and
feet ; constipation ; dry or rough
skin; inability to fix the mind on
any labour or calling continuous at
tention; and oppressive and sad
forebodings and fear.
" All this terrible group Mother
Siegel's Curative Syrup removes by
its positive, powerful, direct, yet
painless and gentle action upon the
functions of 'digestion and assimila
tion. Those elements of tho food
that build up and strengthen the
system are sent upon their mission,
while all waste matters (tho ashes of
life's fire) which, unremoved poison
and kill, are expelled from the body
through the bowels, kidneys, and
skin. Tho weak and prostrated
nerves are quieted, toned, and fed
by the purified blood. As the re
sult, health, with its enjoyments,
blessings and power, returns to tho
sufferer, who has perhaps abandoned
all hopo of ever seeing another well
Mother Seigcl's Curative Syrup
is for sale by all chemists and medi
cine vendors, and by the proprietors,
A. J. "White, Limited, 83, Farring
tlon Road, London.
January 13, 1888.
Honolulu Library
Reading Room Association.
Cor. JSIotel & Alnkfn Street).
Open every Day and Evening.
The Library consists at the present
time of over Five Thousand Volumes.
Tho Reading Room is supplied with
about llfty of the leading newspapers
ami periodicals.
A Parlor is provided for conversation
ind games.
Terms of membership, fifty cents a
Jionth, payable quarterly In advance.
No formality required iu joining except
signing the roll.
Strangers from foreign countries and
visitors from the other Islauds aio wel
come to the rooms at all times as guests.
This Association having no legular
means of support except the dues of
members, It Is expected that icsIdonU
of Honolulu who desire to avail them
selves of Its privileges, and all who feel
an Intel est In maintaining an Institution
of this kind, will put down their names
and become legular contributors.
M. M. BCOTT, Vice-President,
II. A. PAHMELEE, Secretary,
A. L.SMITH, Tieasuror,
Chairman Hall and Library Commltteo,
JL Dally Bulletin BO eti per moatu,
.AjA'Jkl -&3fa
iP-Jwtj 5,i ,& -iUuD)tSmSm
t jfc AjAfciUfe. uML.Jd-AMdMiJi
a iii.'j.iw -'iMtii,i

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