OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, February 27, 1889, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1889-02-27/ed-1/seq-3/

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J&Aixtf MULLatttin .Honolulu, tu, JtM flflBluuitv ar, isao.
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Hack stand : Merchant and Fort
Btrcet. Telephones, 335.
inch 9-88-ly
'X' u in
gaily, iuTltfin
WEDNESDAY, FEU. 27, 1880.
Feb 27
aSclir KaaloUal from Kauai
Hark Ed lMilunnv from Nowc-v-llc,
Keb 27
Am bktno DWcovery, McNeil, for San
Hktnc vv II Dlmuiid,' Drew, for San
Haw bark Kaliikaua. Duncan, for Hong
kong Stnir Kwa for Ewu
Schr Kawallatii for ICoolau
CoMroiiTAiiiA furnished rooms are
to let.
What is the irieo
and spccillcntioiiB?
of blue prints
Hoi.ogna eauagcsof prime quality
at the City Meat Market.
Tin: Honolulu Arion Society will
have a rehearsal this evening at tho
usual time and place.
Tin: Uru.r.Ti.v stall' were regaled
yesterday with a ease of the celc
butted Tahiti lemonade. It struck
the right spot.
Stnir Kaala for Waialuaatid Waianae at
!) a in
Schr I.eabl for ICobala
Schr Ku Mol for Hawaii
For San Francisco, per bk W 11 God
frey, Feb 20 F Kuppe.
For Kauai, per stnir Walalcale,'l'eb
20 W S Luce.
For Kauai, per stnir Mikahala. Feb
20 Mr Ilroiifon, Mrllruee, Mrsl'aiulcr,
Mr Urltto, Masters llerteltnaiin (2), It
l'uiki, ltcv Father T.eonore and -JO deck.
For Hongkong, per bk Kalakaua, Fcl)
27 John Howler ami 12 Chinese.
For i-an Francisco, per bktno V II
Diinonil, Fob 27 Win Woolbain, Win
Horn, II ltatcdo, wife and :s children.
Schr Ka Mol :MC0 bg sugar.
Schr Lealii 1SC0 bgs Migar,
Sebr Kawallanl (100 bgs rice.
Schr Moktiola 200 bgs rice.
Schr Waichu 100 bgs rice.
The bark Kalakau.i took a quantity of
iutik to Hongkong to-day.
The AV H Diinonil sailed for San
Francisco to-dav with 0,87il bags of
sugar, 4452 bags "of rice, and i:il linebs
of bananas. Uonicstie value, SG5.801,-
" The bark WH Godfrey took to San
Francisco on the 20th, 1 0,0(51. bags u
gar and 000 bugs rice, valued at f$i)l,
7iri.r:5. The bktuc Discovery left for San
Francisco to-day with 11.080 bgs sugar,
valued at !JOG,10.".71.
A special meeting of the Myrtlo
lloat Club will be held Thursday eve
ning, the 28th inst. Important bu
siness will come up.
Tuxdkiih nio called for by Iho Min
ister of Interior for tho erection of
a Iho engine house on Maunnkca
stieet, and for repairs on Oaliu .lail.
Uy Hie Australia due next Tuesday
Mr. N. S. Sachs, of the Popular Mil
linery House will receive all the lat
est spring and summer ulyles in mil
linery. At a meeting of Hie Chinese con
gregation of St. Andrew's Cathedtal
last evening, All Hung was elected
to represent the congregation at the
Diocesan Synod.
Arriiit Prof. Melville leaves Hono
lulu he will go to tho Colonics and
then to Japan. He expects to be in
Paiis in August, to jump with his
parachute fioin tho Eill'ol Tower now
in course of election.
til;FOtti; noi.r.
Xi:xt Saturday evening a conceit
will bo given at the Hawaiian Opera
House, for the benefit of Me&.srs
Chns. Tlnower and Theo. Schmidt,
at which a number of our leading
local amateurs will, assist. The box
plan is now open at the oflice of J.
13. Hi own it Co.
Tun ollicers of the Hawaiian Fruit
and Taio Company for the ensuing
year are :
Hon. John Itiehardson ..President
diailes Ciopp Vice-President
Hon. W. H. Daniels
Secretary it Treasurer
A. N. Kepoikai Auditor
TiiritsiiAY, Feb. 2Sth.
The King vs. Ho Hoc; unlawful
possession of opium. Defendant's
appeal from Honolulu Police Court.
J. L. KauluUou for defendant.
Tho King vs. George lions ; keep
ing a disorderly house. Defend
ant's appeal from Police Court, Ho
nolulu. Paul Neumann for defend
ant. The King vs. Julia de .Souxu;
keeping a disorderly house. De
fendant's appeal from Police Court,
The King vs. Ah Kea ; unlawful
possession of opium. Defendant's
appeal from Police Court, Honolulu.
The King vs. All Lim ; unlawful
possession of opium. Defendant's
appeal from Police Court, Honolulu.
J. Sylva vs. Ah Chit; damages,
S100. Defendant's appeal from
District Court, Koolnupoko. W.
O. Smith for plaintiff; V. V. Ash
ford for defendant.
Mellaril Cayford s. Marcus Col
hum; assumpsit for fc'J7.7fi. De
fendant's appeal from Police Court,
Honolulu. A. lvosa for defendant.
Hamilton Johnson vs. Jono de
Oiiveira; assumpsit for $87.80.
Plaintiff's appeal jrom Police Court,
Honolulu. V. V. Ashford for de
fendant. Mnhoc et al vs. 'Maria Kaanaana ;
summary proceedings to recover
possession of lands. Defendant's
appeal from DislrictrConil, Kwa.
M. E. Silva vs. Ah Fat; assump
sit, 25. Defendant's appeal lrom
Police Court, Honolulu.
J. Hunt vs. J. P. IJowen : as-
sumnsitSlOO and interest. W. 11. AN
Seal garnishee. Defendant's appeal
from Police Court. Honolulu.
Hamilton Johnson vs. Ncetario
JoscLuiz; assumpsit $72. 22. Plain
tiff's appeal from Police Court, Ho
nolulu. James Lyle vs. Kaymond Iteyes.
Damages for $200. Defendant's
appeal from Police Court, Honolulu.
V. V. Ashford for plantiff.
n. -j-y-it.BPJ . ..xi (! gff hwm
Comer of Hotel & Fort Streets.
1 liL'iob' beg to inform the general public that during my Clearance Sale' largo inducements will be offered,
and immense reductions are made in every department.
and Laces of all descriptions !
real Heouotion
Drill Co. C Honolulu Uilles,
nni'onr. m'clt.i.y, .t.
Wi:dxi:sday, Feb. 27th.
In re guardianship ot the minor
children of G. A. Bridges. Petition
of Rev. Hiram Bingham for allow
ance of accounts, discharge and final
order of distribution. Urdercd that
accounts arc approved and bond to
be cancelled upon filing final receipt ;
and that W. O. Smith lie appointed
guardian under bond of $300. W.
O. Smith for petitioner.
ui:foke doi.i: J.
W. R. Castle vs. J. L. Kaulukou.
Replevin. Continued by agreement
of counsel until called up. W. R.
Castle in person ; V. V. Ashford for
Services at St. Andrew's Cathe
dral and Central Union Church, at
7:30 p. in.
Rehearsal HonoluluArion Society,
at 7:30.
Oaliu Lodge No. 1 K. of P., at
Mystic Lodge No. 2 K. of P., at
in tniDroiaeries
The Entire Stock will be offered in that Department at Cost.
bos, Misses & Childrens (Vluslin Underwear !
"Will be offered at a great sacrilice. I call particular attention that every article must be
closed out in that department. Immense bargains tire offered in
Curtains nil Gretonnes, its., etc, etc. ' ""0''' c""-" .- White Dresses, Lace Cans, Sim Bonnets, etc.
Of every description will be closed out. Kid Gloves aOeapair; Silk Gloves & Mitts greatly reduced.
Parasols, prices cut in half ; Extreme Bargains in Table Linen & Napkins.
IS8 A Large Remnant Table Every Day of our Clearing- Sale B
Mosquito Nettings reduced to $2.25 a piece ; Try our prices in White Cotton ; Best Brands Dress Ginghams, Perceles,
fast colors ; Calicos, Seersuckers, White Goods, Lawns, Muslins, other largo lines of wash
material, etc., are offered at an immense reduction.
rfateenes & Satins reduced; Ladies Cloth, Ladies Tricot sold at cost. Try our Flannel, extra wide, 35c yard; immense
reduction in Black Cassemeres. My entire stock of
Will be closed out at Cost Price. Do not miss this chance.
175 Jm s. EHRLICH, Proprietor.
WunsiaoAY, Feb. 27.
Thompson and Jim Doune had
each to pay the usual amount for
Ah Tai, for assault and battery
en Akionu, was remanded to March
Several other cases were continued.
I.. J. I.KVKV.
in., regular
At 10 a. in., regular cash sale,
when will be offered amongst other
tilings, a quantity of furniture.
At noon, Underwriter's sale of
cases of Royal Baking Powder and
card matches.
Nothing is clearer than that rivalry
and competition arc not merely
actual but inevitable elements of
human life. And therefore, it is
our wisdom not to pretend that they
do not exist, and even less to pretend
that there is something so naughty in
them that they ought not to exist,and,
Jeast of all to pretend that though
they are naughty, they are never
theless necessary, and we must com
pete and strive and struggle to excel
and outwit our neighbor just as hard
as we can, only taking care, if pos
sible, not to let anybody see what
we are doing, or suspect in us the
competitive spirit. In a word, this
is just one of those questions which
wants to be ventilated with a strong
breeze of candid and courageous
common sense, and there can be no
litter moment for opening the win
dows and letting such a breeze blow
through than just now.
Let us understand, then, that
competition a strife to excel, nay,
if you chooso, down-right rivalry
lias a just and rightful place in the
plan of any human life. A prize
ilght is probably the most disgusting
spectacle on earth, but it has in it
just one moment which very nearly
approaches the btiblime; and that is
when the combatants shake hands
with each other and exchange that
salutation as old as the classic
arena, "may the best man win."
Of course it is possible to suppose
such a tiling as a life without rival
ries and competitions, and to look
forward to a time when, amid other
conditions, they will be at ouco
ucedlesH and incongruous, but in
such a Hfo as ours is now in a life,
that is to say, which so plainly has
.discipline and education for its end
to take all rivalry and competi
tion out of it would be to rob it of
one of the mightiest ami most whole
some agencies for the ennobling of
human character. riJ'6"0P Potter,
in Scribncr'' Magaziue.
That three thousand people will
witness the balloon ascension: that
the hours for irrigation are not
strictly adhered to : that the Super
intendent of Water Works ought to
keep a sharp look-out for offenders :
that a storm is brewing: that there
will not be room for all the members
of the Cabinet in the balloon at one
time: thai the electric light is a
lizzie: that the steps ron the Post
Ollice verandah were not built for
the accommodation of roosters: that
important sugar news may be looked
for next Tuesday: that nobody
knows what the sugar king came to
the islands for: that the concert
Saturdaj- night will be a fine one :
that Melville will drop in the Casino:
that there are too many lawyers for
such a small place as Honolulu:
that tho Saturday half-holiday will
bean accomplished fact: that the
members of the Cabinet arc all good
for their present positions for the
period of their natural lives: that
this rumor is entirely without found
ation in fact: that sometimes ru
mors sometimes hit the truth, and
sometimes they don't.
.j . . ,
In the window of the Pacific
Hardware Company's store, may bo
seen a very handsome oil painting
of a square basket of pansies, of
different varieties, the work of Miss
Lulu Fanning. The canvas is 20 by
21, and it is the largest picture the
young lady has yet painted. There
is also a black and white of William
Toll's chapel. It looks as if done
in crayons, but on close examina
tion it will be found to bo in oils.
Miss Fanning painted her llrst pic
ture in April, 1887. It was a
placque of pansies. Since then she
has gone on steadily improving un
til we find her turning out work with
a most artistic linish. Since her re
turn from San Francibto, some few
mouths ago, the young lady has
been kept very busy filling orders,
and at the present time has a large
quantity of woik on hand. One
thing she is doing is a screen, the
frame work of which is koa, while
island scenery and ilowers will bo
painted on bolting cloth, When
completed it will be placed on exhi
bition and will no doubt attract attention.
The basket of pansies mentioned
above will bear close inspection, the
Ilowers being exquisitely painted.
The black and white is also n charm
ing piece of work. Any orders left
at the Pacific Hardware Company's
store will bo promptly attended to.
The bridge over the Indus at Suk
kur is at present the largest lailroad
bridge in the world.
A permanent library composed
solely of books written by women
is to be established in Paris.
After the manner of all other ex
hibitions, the Melbourne Exhibition
closes with a deficit of a million dol
The vote -jf the Massachusetts
towns and cities in 1888 on the
question of granting liquor licenses
shows a marked gain for license.
In 100 years Knglaud has aided
her merchaut ships to the amount
of S27u,0U0,000 and her private
ship-yards to the amount of $100,
000,000. In a lithograph establishment in
New York, employing 000 men, the
employers have to furnish each man
with a quart of beer per day.
It lias been suggested that the
word "telephrase" be considered as
proper for a telephone message. The
tendency of the times is to abridge
At a recent book sale in Boston a
pamphlet entitled "Captivity in
Canada," and published by the
Rev. John Norton in 17-17, fetched
The statistics of New England
prove that seven out ot every ten
women left widows under the age of
thirty-five, marry again within
two years.
Of every eight loaves of bread
which the Londoner eats, seven arc
made of foreign wheat two being
Russian and only one of home
grown grain.
At what time was Adam married?
Upon Ills wedding Eve.
A clergyman who married a
couple of deaf mutes the other day
wished them "unspeakable bliss."
Old Lady (to grocer's boy)
"What makes the price on them po
tatoes so stiff, my boy? Grocer's
boy It's because there's bo much
starcli in 'cm, mum.
Utah cannot come into the Union
because of too much marrying.
Some States ought to go out because
of loo much divorcing. Cincinnati
At Monte Carlo 8120,000,000
change hands annually, and the
bank's percentage amounts to i?t),
500,000. Of the 270 alarms of fire in Wash
ington, 1). C, during the year just
closed no less than 10a were received
over the telephone.
A teacher asked a class to write
an essay on "The Result of Lazi
ness," and one of the bright but
lazy boys in the class handed in as
his composition a blank sheet ol pa
per. Exchange.
You never sit and talk to me as
you did before we were married,
sighed the young wife. No, replied
the husband, (who was a drummer)
the boss always told me to stop
praising tho goods as soon as the
bargain was struck. N. Y. Sun.
A modern economist says "take
care of your nickels and the slots
will take care of themselves."
A physician says that more wrin
kles come from laughing than from
worrying. Young women should
remcnibor this when they see a
man's hat blow off and go whirling
down the street. fNorristown Her
ald. Tho rumor that a Kentucky father
has disinherited Ids son because the
young man signed the temperance
pledge and introduced water into
the hoiiac lacks confirmation, but it
sounds plausible enough. Exchange.
i S this is Jubilee year it tends to
J.':k. make one look back and think
of the (light of time, and in this way
1 am reminded that I am one of the
veterans in the sale of your valua
ble and successful medicine. I
have sold it fiom the very first, and
have sent it into every .country in
Em-land and many parts of Scot
land. Well do I remember the
lirat circular you sent out some nine
or ten years ago. You had come to
England from America to introduce
Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup,
and 1 was struck by a paragraph in
which you used these words:
'Being a stranger in a stragc land,
I do nut wish the people to feel that
I want to take the least advantage
over them. I feel that I have a
remedy that will cure disease, and
I have so much confidence in it that
1 authorise my agents to refund the
money if people should say that
they have not benefitted by its use."
I felt at once that you would never
ay that unless the medicine had
merit, and I applied foi the agency,
a step which 1 now look back upon
with pride and satisfaction.
Ever since that time 1 have found
it by far the best lcmedy for Indi
gestion and Dyspepsia I have met
with, and 1 have sold thousands of
hollies. It has never failed in any
case where there were any of the
following symptoms: Nervous or
sick headache, sourness of the sto
mach, rising of the food after eat
ing, a sense of fulness and heavi
ne, dizziness, bad breath, slime
and mucus on the gums and teeth,
constipation, and yellowness of the
eyes and skin, dull and sleepy sen
sations, ringing in the ears, heart
burn, loss of appetite, and, in short,
wherever there are signs that the
systems is clogged, and the blood is
ou l of order. Upon repeated in
quiries, covering a great variety of
lilmculs, my customers have always
aiisweiod, "I am better," or "I am
pcifcctiv well." "What I have sel
dom or never seen before in the
ca-e of any medicine is that people
tell each other of its virtues, and
those who have been cured say to
the suffering: "Oo and get Mother
Seigel's Curative Syrup, it will
make you well." Out of the hun
dreds of cures I will name one or
two that happen to come into my
Two old gentlemen, whose names
they would not like ine tii give you,
had been maityrs to Indigestion
and Dyspepsia for many years.
They had tried all kinds of medi
cine without iclief. One of them
was so bad he could not bear a
glass of ale. Both weie advised to
uiic the Syrup and both iccovered,
and were as hale and hearty as men
in the prime of life.
A leinarka'ule ease is that of a
lioiiie painter named Jeffries, who
lived at Peushurst, in Kent. His
business obliged him to expose him
self a great deal to wind and weath
er, and lie was seized with rlieuma
tisin, and his joints soon swelled up
wiili dropsy, and were very stilf
and painful. Nothing that the doc
tors could do seemed to reach the
seal of the trouble. It so crippled
him thai he could do hardly any
work, and for the whole of the win
ter of 1878 and '7!1, he had to give
up and take lo his bed. He had
been allhcted in this sorry way for
three years, and was getting worn
out and discouraged. Besides, he
hud spent over V,i for- what he
called "doctor's stuff" without tho
least benefit. In the Spring he
hoard of what Mother Seigel's Cura
tive Syrup lias done for others and
bought a 2s. (id. bottle of me. In
a few days he sent me word he waB
much better before he had finished
the bottle, lie then sent lo me for
a -Is. (id. bottle, and as 1 was goinr
that way I carried it down to him
uivieif. On gelling to his house
what was my nMonUhuicnl and sur.
prise to find him out in the garden
weeding an onion bed. 1 could
hardly believe my own eyes, and
"You ought not to be out here,
man. it may be the death of you,
after being laid up all winter with
rheumatism and dropsy."
His reply w.is: "There is no
danger. The weather is line, and
Mother Seigel's Curative Syiup has
done for me in a few days what the
doctors could not do in three years.
I think I shall get well now."
He kept on with the Syrup, and
in three weeks he was at work again,
and has had no return of the trou
ble for now nearly Ion years. Any
medicine that' can do this should be
known all over the world.
Yours faithfully,
(Signed) Riut.iet Chaiiam,
Of Graham & Son.
Ilolloway House, Sunbury,
June 2.")th, 1887.
The above wonderful cure of
Rheumatism ivai the result of the
remarkable power of Mother Seigel's
Curative Syrup to cleanse the blood
of the poisonous humours that arise
from Indigestion and Dyspepsia.
.Mother Seigel's Curative Syrup
is for sale by all chemists and me
dicine vendors, and by the proprie
tors, A. J. While, Limited, :!5,
Farringdon Road, London, Eng.
Jan. 1U-88-2
75 and 111E1G-JS Sc CO. Fort Street.
Spin Ma, Prints, Plain & Fancy Salines. Batiste,
Piques, ChalliB, Cretonnes, Furniture Prints,
The very latest shades and styles. Come and examine our impor
tation of
Sum Dress (Ms, Cream Mires, Lace Butin &c.
Our Now Stock ol Silk Gimp, IJeart Ornaments,
Novelty Braid, Silk Ornament Braid, Trimming Velvets, Pearl Bnttons,
rJilloiiN, X'lumcM, "XMiik, JEte., JEt-.,
Is the fines. t ever seen in this city. Hcforc buying elsewhere look at our
new assortment of
Ladies Boots, Shoes & Slippers, Hosiery
And a COMPLETE STOCK of UNDERWEAR, latest style
and elegant in design. In our gents department
we nflej- the latest in
Custom-made Clothing, for Men, Youths & Children,
t'r.ivats, Neckties, Cuds fc Collais and Gents Furniture of every
description. We call particular attention to our
enormous stock of the latest styles in
Straw Hats il,ul ?n"nT0rrl' Gaiters, Oxf. Ties, Opera Slippers,
Sept Fill Hats, Trunks, Valises, Etc., Etc. 17-88
I?ell Teleplioue, SO -asST Mutuu.1 lUoleplioue, 371
Xotlctt unttrr f It hrail 'ire ehrigtd 10 ctnlt
per line for thcjlitt Itiiertlon, mill "i tent per line
every uthltlioiial insertion.
110 111
Cone hi- iiy if jmi em,
A w lib jvle j'oiiii' iiiun,
I nm u in ihi' t.'isliiim
All't HlMlim Ml llltlli!ll?
With ".loi.n JI. Sti-Uoii" on.
1 love uiiilVl wxiil mill wo-,
Tlie M'cil f .rulf in miw,
Tlieie in nniliing liMiiii:
Ami ni'vtr mil ciciinu
As u "J. II. S. Cii:iH'in .'
Agent 1).
Ho. 24 Merchant Street, near Fort Street.
Ct?1 f AAA bi .-inn "I ' "' leM
JplUjUvJW, iii.i,yt mo in, uiiiiii
hvi-uiiii -. c. iiui.Ti;,
183 L'l
.Ti in.
laipiiu' Clerk,
Hugnrs received and tliiiipcil; vessels
d'iclmrgcil, 1'iitr es pii'iril mid guii'ial
b.'lpplni! work. All nrdei- lilt nt llii
luce & KobiiiHin's ollle , ..' mi tieet.
will iccuive prrtoiial mii-iiium mill ;itjf.
fiiction gniinn 'ceil. 152 lm
Whale Boats,
answer to several enquiries eon-
eernlnir Wlndi; Uoal 1'ranieh, we
have now in emirse of coiintruetloii,
:t Whale limit 1 rami's 74 feet by HU feet
long, Tlu'nu fruini'ft uio bum In one
piece of euk', and held to Miapc, tluir.
rumiliiux liltli' tact to hot them up ami
build. Tim full flame for Mich boats,
including cants. I.' M-ctiniis in number,
i twill at &t.'tt; with large siciiii' on keel,
and ready to pkuil: !(). They aienot
intended to In- clinker built, nor as the
frail imported whale boats proper, hut
arc Intended fur rough in-e and durabi
lity, yet light withal, for fishing and
trading piuposcri. Wo have exported
tlicpo liMiui's mid Intend doing t-o, and
iiiake this offer to nuiatciii'ri and others
desirous of trjing their hand, with
plenty of lebiue and small eauh to maku
a lmsiucss. Will bend frames to any
given model from fi to 25 tons. AIho ou
hand for Hide Siufand I'leasuro limits,
Stems', KuecH and Timber. Mutual
Telephone No ".I'-'S.
7 U Hint Bullden.
J. ad nr U80 In the Daily Bullktuj.
.... A ...
OF . .
All Brands of American Whiskies I
Bourbon, Rye and Monongahela,
In Bulk or Case;
In Glass and Stone .lam;
Very Fine and Very Cheap Qualtities, as are wanted ;
G-INS, in Large and Small Bottles,
(White or Ulack), aleo, STONE JUGS;
O JL. X TOM O- I N !
Jlest Urand in the Market.
In Hulk and Ciiku;
All Brands of American Lager Beer,
English Ale & Porter, German Beer, etc
In Pints and Quarts;
Finest Brands CHAMPAGNES',
In 1'inth and Quart?.
Bitters, Liquers, Absinthe,
Apoilinari Water Kummels.
Zlnfandel, MaCaga, Tokay, Madeira,
Port, Sherry, Riesling, Hocks, &c, &.
0- All of which will he sold AT LOWEST KATES by
Xi-aiilc Brown,
fofcV tefftetlifaiiig i fa
w-aBfe JU-AfeUjii.
.rf'...satei4Ar,iaiU JttMMfiiatmteuiMA

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