OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, December 13, 1892, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1892-12-13/ed-1/seq-8/

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Hiding Judgo liiny rosorvo tlio samo for tlio consideration of
tlio Supvoino Ctmvl ; and in such caso slinll roporl tlio canso,
or so nmcli tlioicof as may bo necessary to n full understand
ing of tlio questions, to tlio Suproino Court.
Suction 73. Any question may bo reserved in 1iko manner
upon tlio motion of oithor parly, on account of any opinion,
direction, instruction, ruling or order of tlio Juilgo in any
matter of law.
Suction 7-1. A parly may nllego oxcoplions to any such
opinion, direction, instruction, ruling or ordor, and the samo
being reduced to writing in a summary mode, and presented
to tlio Judgo during the torni or within ten days thereafter;
or, in caso of proceedings in vacation as of the term, within
ton days aflor the opinion, direction, instruction, ruling or
ordor objected to, and being found conformablo to truth, shall
bo allowed and signed by the Judgo, but if the Judge shall
rofuso to allow find sign such exceptions, tlio truth of the
allegations tlioroin contained, may, nevertheless, bo estab
lished before the Supreme Court, and the exceptions allowed
by it ; provided, that further time may be allowed by tlio
Judgo in his discretion.
Section 7o. Upon the allowance of such exceptions and
tho doposit of twenty-five dollars, or a bond of this amount,
by tho party excepting, with the Clerk of such Court, for
costs to accrue in tho Supremo Court, the questions arising
thoroon shall bo considered by tho Supreme Court. If,
however, the exceptions shall appear to the Judgo before
whom the trial is had to be frivolous, immaterial or intended
for delay, judgment may bo entered in the cause, and execu
tion may bo awarded or stayed on such terms as the Judge
shall doom reasonable, notwithstanding the allowance of ex
ceptions. Suction' 70. AVlion, upon the hearing of a cause brought
beforo the Supreme Court upon exceptions, it shall appear
that tho exceptions aro frivolous or immaterial, or wore in
tended for delay, tho Court may award against tho party
taking ilio exceptions, double costs from tho time when tho
same wore alleged ; and also interest, from tho same time, at
the rale of nine per cent, per annum on the sum, if any, found
duo for debt or damages; or may award any part of such,
additional costs and interest as it may deem proper.
Suction 77. "When judgment has been entered in any
cause in which exceptions have boon allowed, tho judgment
may be vacated by tho Supreme Court without any writ of
error in like manner as if it had been entered by mistake,
and thereupon such further proceedings shall be had in tho
cause as to law and justice shall appertain.
Section 7S. Xo trial by jury shall be prevented or
delayed by the alleging, filing, or allowance of such excep
tions ; but the verdict shall be received and such further
proceedings shall bo had in the cause as the Court may
ordor, in pursuance of tho foregoing provisions.
Suction 7!i. All appeals to tho Supreme Court in Banco
and all exceptions and writs of error taken prior to tho first
day of January next to the Supremo Court in Banco, which
slinll bo ponding on said first day of January shall be return
able beforo tho Supreme Court as if the same had been
taken under tho provisions of this Act.
All appeals taken generally and not solely on points of
law, to tho Supreme Court or to a Justice thereof at Cham
bers prior to said first day of January which shall then be
ponding shall be returnable respectively before the Circuit
Court of the Pirst Circuit or a Judge thereof at Chambers.
All civil actions and suits which before the first day of
January, A. D. lSi)3, shall have been filed in the office of the
Clerk of tho Supremo Court, shall, if term Cases, be return
able before the First Circuit Court, and, if Chamber cases,
before a Judge of the First Circuit Court at Chambers.
All civil actions and suits which before tho first day of
January, A. ). 189.'), shall have been filed in any Circuit
Court or before any Judge thereof at Chambers, shall, if term
cases, bo returnable beforo the now Circuit Court established
by this Act for tho same Circuit, and, if Chamber cases,
before a Judgo of such Ciicnit.
The Circuit Court for tho First Circuit shall have jurisdic
tion of and slinll try and dispose of all commitments, indict
ments and other criminal matters which on tho first day of
January next shall bo ponding in the present Supremo Court,
and tho same Circuit Court and (ho Judges thereof at Cham
bers shall bo deemed to have succeeded to all tho unfinished
business, civil as well as criminal, of said Supremo Court and
of its Justices at Chambers, and shall hoar, determine or
otherwise dispose of all causes and proceedings which on
said first day of January shall bo ponding in said Supremo
Court or before its Justices at Chambers, and every motion or
proceeding then ponding or thereafter made in such causes
and proceedings and of which said Supremo Court or its
Justices would hnvo had jurisdiction but for the operation of
this Act; provided, however, that all matters before tho
present Supromo Court in Banco shall bo retained and dis
posed of by tho Supromo Court established by this Act as if
tho samo had come up or arisen under the provisions of this
Act; and provided further, that oxcopt as above provided all
causes which shall have boon wholly or partially heard at tho
time when this Act shall go into ell'oct, shall proceed to tho
completion thereof in tho Courts or before tho Justicos beforo
whom tho trial of such causes has boon begun, and such
Courts and Justices shall have jurisdiction to proceed with
tho hearing of such causes to judgment or other disposition
thereof, anything in this Act to tho contrary notwithstanding.
Suction 80. Section U of tho Civil Code, tho latter part
of Section .'522 of the Civil Code, beginning with tho words
"which prosecution," Sections 815, 81(5, 81!), 820, 82S, 821,
828,82!), 8IU to 8111 both inclusive, 845, 817 to 872 both
inclusive, 871, 87G to 010 both inclusive, 018 to 021 both
inclusive, 018, 1005 to 1008 both inclusive, 1010 to 1012
both inclusivo, 1015, 1111, 1 J3G and 1312 of the Civil Code, an
Act to provido for reports of judicial proceedings laws of
1808, an Act to provido for an additional term of the Circuit
Court in tho Third Judicial Circuit laws of 1808, Section ',
of Chapter XXXV. of tho Laws of 1870, Soction do of Chap
tor XXXIX. of tho Laws of 1882, Chapter LIX. of tho Laws
of 1880, Chaptor LXII. of tho Laws of 1880, Chaplor XXI.
of tho Laws of 1887, and all specific amendments thoroto are
horoby repealed; and all laws and parts of laws whether
heroin enumerated or not which aro inconsistent with the
provisions of this Act aro horoby repealed or amended to
conform to the provisions of this Act ; provided, that noth
ing heroin contained shall repeal or amend any of the pro
visions of Chapters XXXII. and XL. of tho Laws of 1870.
Suction 81. Upon this Act talcing ofi'oct all Police and
District Justices now holding commissions as such, shall,
until tho expiration of the tonus of thoir rospootivo commis
sions, bo Magistrates of thoir respective District Courts ; and
all 'Circuit Judges now holding commissions as such, shall
until tho expiration of the terms of their respective commis
sions, bo Circuit Judges undor tho provisions of this Act as
follows: Tho Circuit Judgo of tho former Second Judicial
Circuit shall be Judgo of the Circuit Court of tho Second
Circuit; tho Circuit Judges of the former Third Judicial
Circuit, to wit, Hon. S. L. Austin, and Hon. F. S. Lyman,
shall bo Judges of the Circuit Court of tho Third Circuit,
and of tho Circuit Court of the Fourth Circuit, respectively ;
and the Circuit Judgo of the former Fourth Judicial Circuit
shall be Judgo of tho Circuit Court of tho Fifth Circuit ; pro
vided, however, that upon tho first expiration of a commis
sion of either of tho said Judges of tho Circuit Courts of the
Third and Fourth Circuits, tho remaining Judgo shall bo ex
officio Judge of the Circuit Courts of tho Third and Fourth
Circuits and shall have all authority under this Act to do
and perform all things in the said Third and Fourth Circuits
which is heroin given to tho Judge of any Circuit Court.
The Justices of tho Supremo Court, now holding commis
sions as such, shall under the provisions of this Act bo Jus
tices of the Supromo Court hereby established.
Section 82. This Act shall take effect and be in force
upon and after the first day of Jnuuary in the year of our
Lord, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-three ; and all
juries for and of tho Circuit Court of the First Circuit shall
thereafter bo drawn and obtained by a Judge and Cleric of
said Court, in like manner as now provided for drawing and
obtaining juries for service in the Supreme Court, and all
provisions of law in respect of the preparing of lists of juries
and the drawing and summoning of jurors and talesman now
in force shall continue to be in force except in so far as they
are modified iu this Section.
Approved this 25th day of NovemboVj A. D. 1892.
- -. -
For Sale at Greatly Reduced Rates for
Two "Weelszs.
By the Queen :
G. N. Wilcox,
Minister of tltc Interior.
The Markets of San Francisco
Purchasing Bureau
Which is Operated Directly by the
Greatest I Newspapers
Y!e Are Constantly Making Purchases
Residents Hawaii
Do Yon Need Something from
San Francisco?
Write To Us About It !
Wucansavoyou money ; our buyers hnvo
secured hundreds of special con
tracts which enables us
to oiler
Watches, Jewelry, Bilverwaro,
llusicnl Instruments, Furniture,
Clothing, Dress Goods,
Agricultural Implements,
And Thousands of Other Articles
At prices which will astonish you.
AVrltft 11H fnr Mtlntntfniiu .. n..
- " --.- - ." ipvinttuilo J UMJ-
uiiny nun juu muy neuu,
Yon Can Soe tho Advantages of PurcUas
lng Through Us I
AVo are buying for our uustomers at
wholesale and you reap the benefit.
Address all communications
Ban I'Va.n.oisoo,
California, U. S, A.
Beware of Imitations!
I CAUTION the Public against the offer
ings of "Normal banitary Jaeger
Underwear" advertised bv unscrupulous
houses to mislead the public. The
Cannot be lmrchabed there, but
only at my Store.
For the Hawaiian Islands of Dr. med. G.
Jaeger's Sanitary Underwear.
3 -Horse Power
Baxter Engine I Boiler !
For particulars or terms apply to
General Mercantile
Commission Agents
J. O. Carter President and Manager
(1. H. Robertson Treasurer
Hi K H1?!10' Secretary
W.K.Allen Auditor
Hon. O. R.lllshop. .,...)
B. 0. Allen ) Directors
II tcrlioube J
As a Convenience to their Many Patrons, the Entire Stock. of
Holiday Novelties has been Moved to the
Furnishing & Haberdashery Goods:
Embroidered Lisle Hosiery, Neckwear,
Silk Shirts, Argosy Suspenders,
Scarf Pins, London Novelties.
Chenille Window Drapery:
Chenille Portieres, Lace Curtains,
"Rugs and Carpets, Scrim Curtains,
Cornice Poles and Fixings.
Oriental House Furnishings:
Japanese Screens, Mirror Screens, Brass Screens, ' .
Japanese Satsuma Vases, Pine China and Porcelain,
Tea Sets and Urns, Mush Sets, Silk ,Goods.
Standard Mechanical Toys:
Dolls, Dressed and Undressed ;
Endless Presents for Children,
"Wheelbarrows, Ships and Carts.
Christmas and New Year's Cards:
Pine and Artistic Holiday Souvenirs,
Art Novelties for the Season,
McLaughlin's Picture Books.
Wakefield Rattan Chairs:
Bric-a-Brac Cabinets,
Hall Chairs, Fancy Tables,
Lamp Stands, Flower' 'Vases'.
Croquet and Lawn Tennis Sets:
Outing Shirts, Bicycle Shoes,
Lawn Tennis Caps and Blaziers,
Belts, Negligee Shirts, Caps, iiEtc.
Velvet Pile Center Rugs:
Smyrna Center Rugs,
Axminstcr Rugs and Carpets, "" ,
Writing Cases and Albums:
Portfolios, Letter Cases,
Photo Cases, Purses,
Pocket Books, ' Calendars.
Embroidered Silk Handkerchiefs:
Open Work Handkerchiefs, Point Lace Handkerchiefs,
Limerick Laco Handkerchiefs,
Laces, Silks, Velvets,
- jL-

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