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The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, September 15, 1893, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Pledged to neitfar Sect nor Party,
But Established for the Jienefll of Alt.
FRIDAY, SEET. 15, 18U3.
By an articlo from an oxclmngo it
nppoars California is compotout to
givo Hawaii compotitiou in tobacco
raising as woll as in many other
articles that this country has figured
on making a good thing out of.
Hil Hi I Hi! Walk up ladies and
gontloinon and soo tho celebrated
Professor von Schmidt from tho
sandy plains of San Diogo in his
celebrated act of twisting tho tail of
tho British lion, preparatory to
mashing it into a bloody pulp with
tho butt cud of his "Japanese eor
Taut's revolver" wo moan to say, aid
ed by his Spoils Club. Hurry up,
or you'll got loft.
Journalism in Honolulu is being
rovolutionizod by tho Star, to judgo
by its own solf-praiso. Its boast
ings can, however, bo roproducod
from tho graves of many failures
that have preceded it. So long as
tho dupos put up the coin for a big
spread of letterpress with little now
in it, tho show will go on and de
ceive a fow shallow observers. But
whenever tho concern is loft to its
own resources, what yxept up like
the rockot will come down liko tho
stick. As it is, the Bulletin con
tinues to givo the best variety of
news, tho most accurately presented
and tho latest, of any journal in
A fow weeks ago tho Minister oi
Finance introduced a bill in the
Councils to amend tho law of 1892
rolative to tho importation of alco-1
hoi. The bdl was direct in reaching I
its object and as clear and explicit
aa kuuiu ub. it pruviueu iuul aico- measure man uetoro, nowever, oy
hoi could bo withdrawn from the the employment of tho ship Phila
custom houso, by tho holders ol delphia namesako of tho "city of
licenses for its sale, on payment of ' brotherly lovo" to right tho griev-
alcoholic duty in proportion to its
strength." This would havo destroy
ed the profits on alcohol to bo used
in making bogus liquors. Tho bill
went to tho judiciary committee,
whose members consulted liquor
merchants and druggists, tho result
being that a substitute bill framed
to meet the views of these dealer,
was introduced by the committee at.
a substitute for Minister Damon.'.--bill.
When tho bills came up for con
sideration on first reading in tho
Councils yesterday, Mr. Emmoluth
fought hard against tho committeo's
bill. Tho majority was against him.
however, and the committee's bill
gained first reading in preference to
the Minister's. We believe that Mr.
Emmoluth has got hold of tho right
side of tho question. The commit
tee's bill is very guarded in its stipu
lations as to the sale of alcohol foi
medicinal purposes, but places abso
lutely no restriction except in quan
tity on sales to all-comers, who arf
limited to one-half pint at a timo
The druggist has, it is true, to koHj-
a record of all sales with tho names :
of the buyers, but this is not a re ,
striction boyond its being a tax on
the druggist's timo. Tho duty is i.
specific one of one dollar a gallon, j
as that of tho law of 1892 to be re- '
pealed. J
If the druggists aro favored in ;
any way by the substitute as com-'
pared with the Minister's bill, in j
regard to tho duty, they aro de
prived of what would seem to bo
their rights in s section that pro
hibits the use or sale of alcohol for
the manufacture of perfumery, co
logne, Florida water, bay rum or
perfumod water of any description.
If thore iB liability to abuses from
the uso of alcohol in tho local man
ufacture of those articles, then:
must bo just as much of the samo
liability from the importation there
of. This provision looks liko a deli
berate attack on domestic industry.
To our mind tho apparent principle
of tho Minister's bill is tho right ono
for meeting tho evils at which it
was aimed. For all tho alcohol
that is used legitimately, tho public
will not suffer in having tho articlo
made costly enough to prevent iU
being used illegitimately, either as a
Bubstituto for the intoxicating
drinks of commerce or in tho manu
facture of imitations of those drinks,
which are roputed to bo as noxious
in moderate as the genuine articles
are in excessive indulgence.
An articlo in to-day's Advortisor
takes affectionate farewell of tho U.
S. S. Boston, hor olBcors and mou.
Nobody can take exception to the
purported object of tho articlo. The
Bulletin certainly does uot, as it has
numbered many of both olllcers and
mon among its patrons and friends.
What wo do objoct to, though, is tho
deliberate falsifying of history in
the said articlo. This is done when
it reprosouta tho Boston's forces as
being landed on tho ovoning of Jauti
ary 17, which is intondod to givo
neriooB who do not know better tho
""Hv-"r-imv gmrnTrrni 1 1 1 iirHaaaanaowriimuM
impression Hiat the United States
authorities did not interforo in Ha
waiian affairs until after tho Provi
sional Government had proclaimed
its own oxistonco and tho abrogation
of tho monarchy. Tho misstatement
might bo regarded as only a caroless
I slip of memory on tho part of tho
I author of tho article, only that the
downright lio it involves is not told
for tho first time. From tho most
trustworthy sources it is learned
that partisans of tho rovolutiou
from hero have mado tho samo false
statomont on public platforms in the
United States. If oilicors of tho
! Boston who know tho iuwarduess of
i tho revolution aro put on tho stand,
they will havo to testify that tho
I lauding of tho forces of that ship '
on tho 10th of last January was
dono umlor a previous arraugomont
, with tho intending revolutionists.
, Also, they would havo to testify that
when tho troops wore landed, thoro
was not the slightest danger to
American lives or proporty, except
ing from a commotion that tho samo
revolutionists wore plotting to make.
Another fact capable of proof and !
tho proof is now in 'Washington is I
that tho American diplomatic ropro- i
soutativo rofusod to lend assistance
to tho constituted authorities of Ha-
waii for tho protection of life and
property. Socially, tho officers and '
men of tho Boston will carry away
with them tho goodwill and aloha
of all parties and classes. Politi
cally, tho poriod of tho Boston's
stay hero will over bo regarded by a i
large majority of tho Hawaiian body '
politic as the darkest hour in thoir '
country's history. Tho ship was
used as a tool in tho hands of un-'
scrupulous and unprincipled men to
destroy tho independence of Hawaii
in tins jubiloo year, as such tuo
ship wiped out for tho timo being
all the fond confidence of Hawaii in
tho United States nation as tho
friend and protector of hor huinblo
and weak neighbors. That conn
donee may be restored in stronger
i ous wrong committed by the Boston.
This is the year of Hawaii's jubilee
Within Two Weeks.
The P. M. S. S. China will be due
from San Francisco on Monday next,
, 18th iust.j three days following the
R. M. S. S. Mariposa will be along
l from tho Colonies en route to
Francisco. The C. & A. S. S. Warri-
! moo will arrive on Saturday, 23rd
i iust., from Vancouver en route to
tho Colonies, and on the 25th tho O.
; & O. S. S. Oceanic drops in from tho
: Orient en route to San Francisco.
1 Tho R. M. S. S. Alameda will be duo
I from the Coast on the 2Sth.
Trusts and Combinations
Are unpopular. But thore is ono
form of trust against which no ono
has anything to say. That is the
trust which tho public reposes in
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and tho best of
it is tho trust is fully justified by
tho merit of tho medicine. For, re
member, Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable,
and do not purge, pain or gripe.
Sold by all druggists.
Latest News Itemized.
There aro eighteen small-pox cases
at Muucie, Ind.
The rate of taxation just fixed in
Now York is the lowest in thirty
Governor Turney of Tennessee is
out in a proclamation denouncing
A sea turtle weighing 1000 pounds
was captured near Portland, Maine,
tho other day.
Atlanta is about to celebrate her
fiftieth anniversary. Hor popula
tion is in close neighborhood of
Tho countries of Western New
York report a plague of grasshop
pers that is doiug much harm to
the crops.
Railroads with a mileage of over
1G,000 miles and capital of S1,000,
000,000 havo gono into receivers'
bauds in the United States this year.
Rooms to lot
wai, Waikiki.
with board at Hani-
Root Beor on draught at Benson,
Smith & Co.'s.
For Now Silks and Infants
fits go to "Ka Mailo."
After shaving uso Cucumber Skin
Tonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents.
Sunburn relieved at onco by Cu
cumber Tonic. Benson, Smith & Co.,
Dr. it. 1. Alooro, dentist, has re
moved his oilice to Arlington House,
Hotel street Parlor No. 2.
Dr. Goo. II. Huddy, D. D. S., has
removed his oilice from King street
to Borotaiiia street, near Emma.
Stamp collectors can obtain at the
Bulletin oilice printed stamp sheets
for Hawaiian postal stamps m quan
tities to suit, from one up.
Do not forgot tho timo when you
can riug up N. P. Burgess to do
your work. Watch his ad,, till nine
in tho morning. Mutual telephone
If your pinno wauts to bo tuned,
please remember Chr, Herskiud, cer
tificated piano maker and tuner,
l'unhallow house, oppoalto St. An
drow'ti Church, Burutuuia s trout,
Mutuul tolophouo Gil.
Terrible Deed or One of the
Oalm Leper Outlaws,
Deputy Marshal Brown and an Armed
Posse Harry to the Scone.
Body Found
Riddled With
Latest Particulars From tho "Bulle
tin" Reporter on tho Ground.
A telephone mossago was received
from Waiawa, near Pearl City, Inst
night that Aikunlaui, a leper who
has been living: in tho mountains,
had shot his wife dead, and was do
fvinc anvouo to co near tho houso.
As far as could be gathered through
tho telophouo Aikualaui carao down
from tho mountain early in tho
evening with his riilo in his hand,
and passed sovoral people. He
went to tho house occupied by
his wife and entering it shut tho
door. Between 7 and 8 o'clock a.
shot was hoard, and presontly
tho loper bandit appeared at the
door with a smoking riflo in his
hand. A native who was standing
near on seeing Ailuialaui got scared
i and ran down tho valley and told
tho neighbors that Aikualaui had
shot his wife. Tho natives wore
afraid to go near tho houso, as tho
h'per has a record of being a dead
shot with the riflo or pistol. To
keep the neighbors awaj tho lepor
i kept firing pistol shots"
all ni"tit
around the house. When seen this
morning ho had two belts of cart
ridges, two pistols ono at each side
and a Springfield riilo.
Deputy Marshal Brown was made
acquainted of the facts and left on
an early train this morning for Wai
awa. He was followed later by Cap
tain Parker and four police officers
armed with riiles.
Aikuilani and Manuoln, two leper?,
have been in hiding in the Waiawa
mountains, ever since an effort was
made bv the irovommont some timo
' ago to arrest and tako them to tho
Leper Settlement at Molokai. In
tho night they conio down from the
mountains and mingle with thoir
families. Of late, however, tlioy
havo been bold, and havo been
known to live in tho valley for sev
eral days. Both are fully armed and
aro very clever in tho uso of fire
arms. Mauuola is the man who, as
reported in tho Bulletin' several
weeks ago, amuses himself by lasso
ing wild horses and riding thorn
bareback, Indian fnshion.
Whou tho Doput3'-Marshal and
Captain Parker with his posse ar
rived, they wore mot by a number
of tho district polico under Deputy
Sheriff Wond. It was loarued that
Aikualaui was still in the house.
The police surrounded the houso
and after calling out to tho man to
surrender, and receiving no answer,
oponed firo on tho building. After
firing a few rounds, tho lepor re
turned tho shots, and tho firing has
been kept up over since. Tho am
munition of tho polico is nearly ex
hausted, and tho crack of tho leper's
Springfield show that he is still alive
and in the house.
Deputy-Marshal Brown camo
within an ace of being shot by the
lepor, a bullet from him passing in
very uncomfortable proximitj.
This afternoon a detachment of
20 men from Co. A, auxiliary, doing
guard duty at tho Judiciary build
ing, was told off to go to Ewa.
uaptain jiegier toou command m
person. The 1:45 train was delayed
some minutes to await tho arrival of
tho soldiers at tho station.
Accompanying tho expedition
wore Attorney-General W. O.Smith,
Major G. C. l'ottor and Lieut. Pratt,
a .Bulletin- reporter and others.
After the soldiers loft tho Judiciary
building, blankets and supplies for
tho expedition were being busily
got together thore for sending by a
later train.
About 10 minutes to 3 o'clock our
roporter telephoned that Aikuilani
was dead. His body was found rid
dled with bullets. His riilo was
broken in two. It was thought ho
must have been dead somotimo be
fore tho discovery was made. A
message was sent to Pearl City to
inform tho military thoir services
were not needed at tho scene, as tho
policomou wore bringing down tho
After Bonding tho foregoing mos
sago, our roportor wont to tho scouo
of tho tragcd3. Ho found tho houso
to lio a comfortable cotlngo contain
ing a parlor, two bedrooms and an
othor room in tho rear. Thoro were
about a thousand bullet holes
through tho house. It was lilorally
riddled liko a basket.
After Aikuilani had ceased return
ing tho lire of tho police. Deputy
iMarshal Brown sent Ailuiilaui's
brother into tho houso to investi
gate. The brother entered only to
rush out immediately, yelling, "Ho
is doatl!" Captain Parltor doubting
tho roport aslted Mr. Brown to keep
the brother under cover, whilo Park
er entered tho houso himself.
Captain Parltor found that tho
roport was correct. Ailmilani's
body, perfectly riddled with bullets,
was found lying across tho body of
his wife, The woman's body had
been propurly laid out, with face
upward, by hor husband. Aikui
lani's brains were scatteri'd about
I the room. No count had boon made
of tho shots in Ailtuilnui's body
I whuu our roportor telephoned. Ho
.nt.amiiroiin w i ri iminTvnyr"s
had returned wijh tho. polico to
Pearl City station, whonco tho wholo
expedition 'Would tako tho afternoon
train for Honolulu.
Our roportor gleaned from cur
rent roports at 13 wo tho following
nccount of what led to Aikuilani's
shooting of his wife. Ho camo down
from tho mountain yesterday and
could not find his wife. On search
ing lio discovereu nor unuor tno
house with nn cx-policemnn named
Kaonaoun. This man mado n grab
for Aikuilani and knocked nim
down. Kaonaona thou ran away
and, wheu only 10 yards olf, hoard
the shot that is supposed to havo
killed tho woman.
Tho very latest from our roportor
is that writing was found on tho
wall in Hawaiian, by tho man, saying
Niau his wife died because she con
spired with another to broak tho
stock of his rifle. Ho was doing all
his shooting to-day with tho broken
gun, which fortunately inado his
firo much moro limited than it
would have boon otherwise.
By Iiowis J. Lovoy.
House & Lot
On THURSDAY, Sept. 21
The Lease of House & Lot
.A-t "Wa-ilcilsLi,
Xntv npniln'
led by Mrs. W.
L. nrpon, nnd
formerly the residence of the
lain linn. P.
O. Wilifer, nnd vituntnl Iwtwi'on the lot
now occupied by Airs. H. G. Wilder and
Hon. O. H. Bishop.
CST- The lc;M3 fur the entire Premises
Is for II yp.irn with a privilege of 10 years
Lewis J". 3Lvy,
Ex Barliontines "AV..H. Dltnonvl" and
'ti. G. Wilder,"
Hay, Grain m Feed
For sale in quantities to suit and at
Qtaeeia Street.
Mutual Telephone .W. Bell Telephone 53.
tablished a Domestic Ijkpahtment
and is prepared to t.iko order. for jellies,
bread and nikfa. Alt orders for fruitcake
for Thanksgiving ami Chiistmua should be
sent at oucu. 829 lm
on Ewa side
. street,
of Waikuualulu
OllCCii Ull
Mutual Tel. No. 419.
X tho Bankrupt Eitate of Mary Hop
Kec and Akuu of kolua, Kauai, has pre
paratory to his final account nnd dividend
Mibmittcd his accounts as such assignee,
and filed the same before Judge Cooper of
the Circuit Court of the Firs.t Circuit, to
whom he will apply nt 10 a. in. on Satur
day, tho llith day of September, for settle
ment of said account, unci far a discharge
from nil liability us Mich assignee, and for
an order to make a liiml dividend.
W. C. 1'AIIKE,
Honolulu, Sept. 13, 1M)'L Assignee.
Merchant Tailor,
46 Nu.via.iiu. Street.
And Gives a Good Fit Every Time.
Clothes Altered to Suit Ctntoinors!
Glotbos Cleaned and Dyedl
Fort Street.
At this Well-known Storo, a beautiful and
artistic lino of Goodx is now on view, all
having been personally selected. In tho
Dry Goods Department
Which la now under the management of
Mit. W. It. Nichols, late of New York,
there Is to be found a choice assortment of
India and Burruli Silks, I'ougee ami Ciapo
hSIIkn, I'craiau Lawns, Kwlss Muslins, Or
guudles and many other Fabrics of lovely
designs and colors. Mho
Children's and Infants' De
partment Is tho iiiijut complete in the city. Tho
Fancy Goods Department
Has not been neglected and In wull-xtocke.l
with H choice collection of High Class No.
IF'ort Street,
t irrnimrn"
Go., L'fl
Saturday, Sept. 9, 189S.
The wind blows gently and
the clouds hover over Manoa
and there the rain softly pat
ters on the shingles. On the
lower levels, outside the realms
of the water carts, the dust
piles up thicker than rumors
as to the political situation.
The Water Works seem to
be out of a job and the Aer
motor silently pumps, pumps,
pumps and tne lawns, some
lawns prow greener every
day. Cane land which other
wise would go to waste has
been made available on a half
dozen plantations by the use
of Aermotors. Managers will
understand the term when we
say that at Kahuku the Aer
motor supplies three men's
water. If it does so much at
Kahuku it will do it elsewhere.
The recent robberies com
mitted throughout the city, but
more particularly "on the
plains," warrant people every
where guarding themselves
against midnight intruders.
Pistols and watchmen's whis
tles are excellent things to
keep under the pillow. We
have imported some very fine
Smith & Wesson Revolvers of
the finest quality and particu
larly adapted for use on peo
ple who break in and steal.
We have selected none but
double acting with blue barrels,
guaranteed to be the best
Honolulu is one of the few
places on the map where the
sun shines on both sides of the
street every day in the year
and this fact makes it particu
larly pleasant for persons who
enjoy an afternoon siesta in a
hammock, pleasant, not be
cause the sun shines on them,
but because there are no cold
winds to run a shiver along
one's spinal column. We
have a few Hammocks, p;ood
ones too, that were built espe
cially for two people. We
have hammock hooks and
rings for people who have
been used to tying their ham
mocks to the trees.
By the "Australia" we re
ceived more of the Keystone
Egg Beaters, the acknow
ledged superior to any egg
beater ever sold in this mar
ket. They are easiest to
handle and easiest to clean,
and do the best work in the
shortest time.
Bailey's Rubber Brushes are
used extensively in the United
States for toilet purposes and
I, most people prefer them to
bristles. We have a few of
the small size flesh and nail
sort that we are anxious to get
rid of because they do not
rig-htly belong; in the stock of
the hardware merchant. You
can have them for about half
the usual price.
Our San Francisco buyer
sent us some of the hand
somest Levels for carpenters
and masons' use we have ever
seen. Not only handsome but
useful, mechanically accurate,
with horizontal and perpendi
cular glasses. We have also
the cheaper variety for plain
every day work. In addition
to levels we have every sort
of tool used, by carpenters and
of the finest quality. Disston's
Saws are a specialty with us.
The China steamer will be
along presently and you'll
want a brass cage for the bird
you are going to buy. Another
reason for your wanting a cage
is the arrival of the "Irmgard"
with an assortment of Laysan
Island birds. We have a fine
assortment of Solid Brass
Cages as pretty as you care
to have thorn.
Picture Hooks for mouldings
and Picture Knobs for driving
may be obtained from us a bit
cheaper and probably a trifle
better than the average run of
them. Gilt and Silver Picture
Cords made by the Hendryx
Company in Connecticut have
a place on our shelves. If
your pictures are heavy get
the gilt, it's stronger.
Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'd
0)onlU) HpreclcbU' Uloolc,
VT n
Corner Fort 8a
Figured Swisses, fast colors; at 15c.
Fancy Sateens at 15c.
Figured Ohallies at 16c.
Victoria Lawn at 65c. Piece.
(3-rea.t iELecl-motiori:
ScotchZephyrs&Dress Ginghams
Corner Fort and Hotel Sts., - - - - Honolulu, H. I.
We Guarantee Every Package
40 Oases I
QO ZDozem. I
1920 IFsiolsieiges I
8S3 TT'crrt Street, - - - TTonolxilxx, H. I.
Neckwear !
ew Summer Neckwear
100 Doz. Four-in-Hands
100 Doz. Four-in-Hands
mum niinimnnf miwniTiriir- "irnii
Hotol Streets,
'. Food
Neckwear !
25c. Each
SO Cents.
35c. Each
75 Cents.

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