OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, January 23, 1894, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1894-01-23/ed-1/seq-2/

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I'ledyed to neither Sect nor Party,
Hut Fttablhhed for Af oViiffif oiH.
TUESDAY. JAN. 21. 1891
lllov eland has violated tin- I uited
Status Constitution, is tli crv of hi
eiiutnies who claim thoy are a vnt
majority of tho people, of tho I'liion.
Why in thunder, thou, don't thoy
revoluto ami secure "atnhlu govern
incut" inuler a IN U.?
With lotteries let loose in Louis
ville, lynch law broken out in tho
old .State of Ohio, and a huge opium
ring unearthed in San Francisco,
John L. .Stevens ought to advocate
the importation of tho llawaiinu l.
U. to give tho United States noun?
needed Christian ivili.ation. This
country would gladly receive back
its constitutional government and
autonomy in exchange.
Papers opposed to the admiuistia
tion iu the United State are plaxiug
the trick of calling the existing lln
witiiau concern "a republican gov
ernment." It is an oligarchy some
what restricted by sundry eorct
toeietio whose members, strongly
armed and equipped for war by it
Mlf, are evincing an increasing dis
position to exercise control over
both the legislative and executive
funcliotis of tho government.
Motis. Kinile I'roy. who was men
tioued previously a having suc
ceeded to the presidency of Switzer
land, worked on a farm in Ohio
before the war, hi main object being
to acquire a knowledge of American
agricultural methods. He enlisted
iu the Union tinny mid fought at
Gettysburg and man other places.
For eventy-seveii days lie lay iu
Libby prison, to the damage of hi
health. At the close of the war.
after several promotions, he was
mustered out as captain ami breveted
major "for gallant and meritoroiis
fervices." Uetnruing home he went
into journalism iu the interest ol
social democracy, and has had nu
honorable career through the legis
lature, the diplomatic service and
the Vicc.Prosidout'- chair to the
highest ollice in the republic. He
was appointed Minister to the United
States iu ISJ. holding the position
until S7.
The colony of New South Wales
has pascd a new electoral act, the
chirr feature of which is to detiue
the conditions under which foreign
ers can vote. The act provides that
no person can obtain enrolment uu
til lie has resided iu tho colon v for a
year afier the date of naturalization,
and letters of naturalization can
only be obtained after a live yean-'
ioidcuce iu the colony. According
to the aliens act. a boy under Hi
years of age arriving with his parents
is regarded as a subject of New
itoiilh Wale-, provided his father
has taken out naturalization papers.
If the bo is over 10 yeni of age,
then the son inii-I himself apply for
a certilicate. If a foreigner marries
a native of New South Wales the
woman become a subject of the
count rv to which her husband be
longs. A porou holding naturaliza
tion paper from any other British
territory, upon having them endors
ed by the governor, is entitled to full
citizenship in New South Wale.
This question of how the sturd
oiiug colonies of Britain iu the
ftoiith Pacific o largely permeated
by democratic ideas -regulate the
admission of aliens into the British
family, is of much iuluicsl to u. It
proves that iu the now law, the New
South Welshmen have followed the
Council. These demands upon tho
Provisional Government to enlarge
its borders, so as to admit Waller, G.
Smith iu a crowd into a position
that he cannot attain to by himself,
are made on behalf of what are call
ed "the people. Without waiting
yet to inquire who are tho people
referred to, it may be asked what
remains to be desired on tho part of
the people - any section or whole
people of the country. Have we not
been told until our ears are tired
that the original and only P. G.
which possesses the power of the
lizard to renew a brokou-oiT tail or
leg is t he best government the isl
ands ever had? That there is grow
ing contentment and prosperity,
public and private, under its benign
sway.' What more can "tho people"'
want? Government employees have
been "fired" right and left because
the refused to pledge themselves
to shoot at the I uited Mates Hag
and uniform in the dofouso of this
same Piovisioual Government. The
American League was organized for
the express purpose of supporting
thi identical P. G. -not as the
League had a view to reconstruct it,
but just a it was found fttllilliug
the functions of government when
the League came into existence. It
cannot be, therefore, that the
League is sanctioning the Star's
movement for a sub-revolution to
destroy the power of the original P.
G., with its claims of more than
divine right to rule this country!
The question deferred iu tho fore
going answers itelf Smith is "the
people," and being a stranger, if not
au orphan, should have a ehnneo.
Take him iu out of the cold by all
means, and mayhap ho may turn out
to be au angel. Anything to keep
the other nine of Tim's "lambs" out
of the Councils.
It is Passed By a Portuguese on ly
Follow Countryman.
J. Fernandez, a Portuguese, was
arrested this afternoon, on a charge
of gross cheat, a warrant for tho ar
rest having been issued by a fellow
countryman. Fernandez was re
leased later on a bond of S2.MI, filed
bv J. L Kaiilukou. his counsel.
"As far as can lie gleaned the facts
which led to the arrest are ns fol
lows: l niamkz, a few days ago,
became short of funds, ami having
in his possession a note of tho
Amador Canal and Mining Co. of
the United Slates with a V ou it,
palmed it oil" upon another Portu
guese, valuing it at Si. It turned
out, however, lo be worthless.
Iu order to make the note valua
ble in the States it had lo bear the
names of the president and secretary
of the company. This particular
note lore the sinuature of the presi
dent, but not of the secretary, hi
addition there wa no date or
Ask Your Frionds
Who hnvn taken Hood's Sarsntiarilla
what th-y think of it, and tho replies
will be positive iu its favor. Simply
what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that
tells the story of its merit. One has
been cured of indigestion or dyspep
sia, another linds it indisnoiisablo
for sick headache or biliousness,
while others report remarkable cures
of scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism,
salt rheum, etc.
Hood's Pills are purely vegetable.
Hawaiian Harflware Co.. L'a WHY LUCOL
By Jus. F. Morgau.
Wanted nn Evangelist.
Kditoh Bullutin: -
A native New Zealand evangelist
named Haugi, has started out from
Ins tribal village for a tour of Aus
tralia. He is spoken of a a llueiit
speaker iu Kuglish, and iu Sydney
lectured iu the large Centennial hall
with success to a full house. A
favorite subject is the ancient man
ners and customs of his people,
when the evangelist appears clad iu
the primitive full dress, mat and
feathers, of the .Maori. Uaugi would
doubtless confess to the mode in
which his ancestors disposed of the
well-conditioned I'ukvlm, who be
came too obtrusive to escape losing
the number of his mess by involun
tary absorption into the tribe. But
the philosophic Maori will perceive
that modern society is very success
ful iu producing much the same re
sults bv other methods. The modern
Australian squatter becomes a millionaire-
by consuming the marrow
and sinew of the shearer and cheap
"sundowner" while alive, and the
more liiimaue savage oi larauaiu
lirst ended his misery with a club.
That is about the dillcroiico.
This reminds me that the men
leading the new church movement
am ug the Hawaiian ought lo take
a Iomoii from their New Zealand
cousin, and send au evangelist to
San Francisco. He could shew that
in the old times tho Hawaiiaus had
no tramps, no charity feeding of
able-bodied men, for although they
had no Bible they had the motto,
"lie that won't work neither shall
he eat," and then every man had a
chance to work which men have not
What a dictioumy of texts the
peculiar program of crimes, the pro
duct of "western civilization." would
furnish the Hawaiian evangelist!
Civilization indeed!! The man In
search of au atmosphere of honesty
and social docouey would be able to
breathe purer air iu Persia, or any of
the ''heathen" natious of the Orient,
than iu the centers of so-called
'Christian civilization."
m .
Central American War.
The New York World of .Ian. 12
has the following from Tegucigalpa,
Honduras: President Vasquoz to
day ordered his troops to advance
towards mo poMiiou laieiy occupied
On Friday Evening, Jan. 26th,
A'l 7 UTI.Ui K.
I HIM M I I. IT IT Ml ll l till.
iTHIln.V mil I'M T.M.vril'
llill.l.KIt "kAI'KS. IIKM IIKrt,
Nickel Plating Outfit,
Hiiiifiiih' Mini llruckel l.mii,
I iv llnx, Kti Klc. Ktc.
Jas. F Morgan,
u-is.ll AIUTIO.S'KKK.
to-lo:r:ro-w' !
MortniiKou' Notice of Intention to
FornclOHe and of Suln.
lead of their American cousins in I ,v ti, Kh-nraguan allies of the Hon
conservatism, ami iicpancu wnieiy
fiuiiithe imperial policy of admit
ting foioiguers to full citizenship
after a few month' residence.
Iu Hawaii in 17 a clique largely
composed of foreigners conspired
and armed themselves partly for the
purpose of controlling the ballot
box by granting the voting franchise
to their illiterate alien coutract labor
serfs, who knew as much about the
ninritHof the economic illlestious of
duras rebelb, but from which they
had fallen back. This movement
was followed this evening by au at
tack on the left Dank of the enemy,
who were repulsed with tvvuiity
New arms have arrived from the
L'nited States and a battery of artil
lery has already been sunt to the
front. Tho Nicaraguans have au ad
vantage iu the matter of artillery,
but the arrival of Ilotchkiss and
Gatliug guns will soon change the
aspect of affairs. Communication
with Ainanaia lias neon cut ou. it
TnI l IlKltKIIY lilVl'.N MAT
IX I IV Vlrlllt' lit II (Hitter nf llll llllltllllteil
In ii i-i'rluln iiiortL-iiKc dutod tin- .11 li dsiv uf
I'vUruiirv, A. I, is.).', inintu liy l.tlkutu.l
iiml I'himi ik.) tier IjiMiund, ol llmiiiliilii,
Mmiil ef Oiiliit, tu Hubert Mt'Kllibln, of
nulil lliiiiubilil, ireurilcd III tin- iillli'unf the
Iti-ulstrar uf niiviiviuict'-, In Liber I'll,
folios l.l'i l.W iiml I'I7, the -nl-l Itebvrt
.McKlbbln, iiiurittUKi-f, Inti'iiils to tiircclne
said inottiiui' fur a lirtui-li nf til Midi-
lion- in mi Id iniirtiMKc I'niitiiuiftl, to wit:
till' t M 1 1 -1 : ( ' 1 1 1 -1 1 1 ill till' tllllTl-t when dill'.
Nut It-ii Ih'iiImi hereby given Unit nil iiml
sliiKiilur tin- IiiiiiIs, tenement iiml here
dllmiiiMits In -ill. I ninrtK'iKu fiililii.l uml
ik-crllii'.l. will In- -ulil lit public iiiii'ilon.iit
tin- iiiirtlnii room uf .Imiii's 1 Murpun, on
ijui'tm strui't, In siid Honolulu, on VKI
M'.SIIAY, tin- Jltli ilnv nf .Imiiinr.v, A. I.
s!l, lit r.'ll'lllock llllt'll uf -lllll dii,.
Tilt' uroitTty in nlil imiriKHKi' is thus
di-iTilii'd, vl.:
All llillt rrrilllll ilifi ill- iiurt'i'l uf Imul
hltlllltl'llt KallllUllld. Ill -lllll flllilolill'V !.
si-linuuf liuitiim i .an: I ii'-u ml kulu. Mini
li-lliU a 'irl uf Aimin I uf liovul I'utvilt
Nu. .Wis, Lunl (.-oiuiiils.loii Award No.
Ilni, tu i'llil l.illll, and liniinili'il mid dt's-
IT I III'. I IlK flloW- I'lllllllll'IIL'llIt; lit lilt'
iniikiil .-outli i-unicr mlJoliiliiK I'milii'ium's
lili'i't mid Kolulii lime, and niniiliiK N. II
tie).'. K, IsT lliik uli.iiK Kulitiii In iu- mid
Kt'inii'kiiiii, limine S. Hidcit. W.I7illnk
iiloiiK Kiililnii, S. 'iii.leK. W.'IT links, N.
IU ilvu. W. I'.' llllks iiliiii Kuiiuhlkl lu llif
nildillt uf niiuili. Ilieiii't'S. IT ilrjr. .'!0 mill.
W. Jill links iilunt; uiliviil mljiiliiliii; Krone
nlii, tiii'iii-c b. .11 die. ."41 lulu. K III liuk,
S. MiU'k. .ui mill. Ii. II- links, . l.'itli'K. '
lulu. I-.. -.-JS links, M'iurutlnK t Ito illvl-lnii
uf tlie helm Apatui to initial point. Area
"lUuf uu iuti', and linl ni; the mttiii' pre-nil-en
tlmt were InlieriU'd liy tlie sii d I.llkti
(n. I from lier slter Kiu-liii ujilu, tu vtlioiu
tin) same v ere ronvi'li'd lu Uiieliit mil (w I
l deed dated Mau.'li .'In, Ii7l, mid reeoriled
in tlie ollli'i'of the said KeKister III I.I her
.t'l. tin folios 17. n.
IV I he alio ve iireiniMiH Ifo Imuk of Mr.
MiniiU'l Ditlttht's place (M.irlu King vsluie
iiruiiilMs) ai uiiiiiiaiiiii. ami tire ruaeneu
liv u lane rillililliK from Kluc street or the
ka pa I ii I mi rn.nl.
IIOUKIIT Mi KlillliN. MorlciiKfii.
Term- I'llsli. leei ill exptlleuf pllr-
gtT" I'ur further iartlftihtr- uppl lu
.1. M. Mu.MiM,IIVT,
Alturue) fur MurtK'tKee.
Dnteil lluliollllil. Ilei'i'iulier W, Islll.
the country as they would about the I i(i rmored that tho garrison there
declension of a Oreok verb. The has gone over to I'olicarpo Houilla.
question of who shall be eligible for Prisoners taken from Uonilla do not
citizenship is a v ital one, no less to ' '"l'" these reports.
Hawaii than to New Mnilh Wales., How t0 Ouro La Orippo.
and thi latest endorsement of1
United States .aw on ,,,.,-ii , ,; "', ,"??"
, ( Ill-Ill, l wi ,i. tlll'l'"' .... .U, ,.J
instructive, am ,jj.i,t for about six weeks; my
- - - - wife then suggested that 1 try C'ham-
TO HKVISU THE HEVOLUTION. berlaiu's Cough Itemedy. At first I
could nee no ditreretice, but still kept
Them has been a change of tac- tai,j,, ;i ,.,i M)0I1 found that it was
Jus, v.
A 1,1. IIII.J- mi7AIAIN.STTill': Ho
nolulu lloiid llinirit in future, art- le
iiuusted to lie pre-emi'd IU the ollice of the
Ro.nl hup- rvisur uf iluiinlulit oil the 'JUth
of uucli inolith, i'lhri's the) will he ex
empl fiiim that inoiilli's eitiinuU' mid Ilk- -I)
not tu he tin nl fur une or two iiiuiitlis
n'fter. lt onli-r of the Hoiiolulu Ituiiii
liimrd, V. II ITMMINUS,
s'ul.tf Itoad hilpurvlsoi, Honolulu.
Saturday, Jnt. SO, 180 .
The arrival of the "Martha
Davis" busted the corner in
oil and added goods to our al
ready large stock of plantation
Last week we filled an order
from a manager on Hawaii for
eight miles of the locked fence
and another from a manager
on Kauai for three miles. In
the first instance the manager
guaranteed the owners an in
crease of thirty-three and one
third percent in fat cattle if
they would adopt the locked
fence for the pasture fields,
not that a particular kind of
fence would make the grass
grow but that the locked fence
was strong enough to keep
depredatory cattle out while
the feed was growing. The
three mile order from Kauai
was simply a trial trip, and if
it is satisfactory we expect to
see most of the island girdled
with locked wire fence. It is
only a question of time when
it will be universally used be
cause it has so many points of
superiority which commend it
to people who use wire fences.
Durability, Strength and Eco
nomy in price are the three
points which make it the best
fence in the world. You will
understand that while we call
it a fence, we do not sell it
made up. Wo simply sell you
the wire, stays dnd washers
necessary to make it. If you
do not wish to build a new
fence but to repair an old one
we will sell the stays and
washers and you may make
your fence as good as new.
These stays cost you six dol
lars a hundred and the washers
forty-two cents a hundred. In
ordering by mail remember
that you need a washer wher
ever your wire joins a stay; if
yours is a five wire fence you
will require live washers to
each stay. It's an easy mat
ter to calculate the saving: any
one who knows that two and
two make four will understand
that a wire stay which costs
six cents is cheaper than a
wooden post at sixteen cents.
Ordinarily the original cost of
an article is the greatest ex
pense. Consider the saving
there is in a locked fence, and
the lirst cost is reduced to a
Carbolinium Avenarius is an
article much used by builders
for coating wood placed in con
tact with the ground and where
moisture quickly affects it; the
object of the preparation is to
preserve the wood from decay
consequent upon the ravages
(of ants and underground bugs.
We understand that one Hono
lulu merchant is selling it at
S i .2 :; per gallon. We sell yon
the same article exactly, for So
cents a gallon or $30 per bar
rel. Not much difference, per
haps, but enough for everyone
to consider.
This difference in price is
about on a par with other arti
cles we sell. We secure the
best quality, always, and ar
range the price to meet the
purses of the people. The re
sult is that our business rapidly
outgrew our quarters; first one
warehouse was added and then
another until now we have
three warehouses full of goods
besides those in our Fort street
The "Wertheim" has jumped
from a plebeian to a king
among sewing machines. The
fact of people getting an arti
cle that practically combines
three in one is what makes it
valuable to every lady in the Km. Hug rilutes, riroluicks,
lnnrl VVi. L-nnw nf nn other Sheet Zinc, Sheet Lend,
land. L Know Ol no Oilier Plain ami Corr.iKatcil lion,
macnine inai win give a iuck,
chain or embroidery stitch by
Corner Fort Hotel Streets.
Dries perfectly solid Inside of twenty
Forms a dtirahle nnd elastic, not a brit
tle coating.
Ketalns Us gloss longer than any other
Keslsts the action ot nclds and alkalies
better than any other oil.
Flows freely from the brush without run
ning and spreads well.
With the addition uf Litharge, yields a
hard surface, suitable for Moors, steps, etc.
Mixes readllv with tiiRiuents ground In
oil in paste form.
rtrltitf nut the real shades of tlie colors
'mid kcops them unaltered.
n a solvent for the most delirate of the
new coat tar colors.
Added to varnish greatly Improves the
working of the varnish.
Docs not darken white lead or any deli
cate colors.
Has greater body than any other oil.
Ketiulres one-third lesi ulitment than
any other oil.
Can be added to Unseed oil and ll will
greatly Improve the linseed.
Can be thinned with turpentine.
liy iietiial tests, has outlasted the best
liueed oil.
Therefore, Is the liect paint oil ever man
ufactured. Direction for Use.
Use Litoi. in every rcsjicct in the
Hitnie inniiiier its you would linseed
nil, with the Kindle exception lliniyou
nniy ailil fully (iuu-iuarlcr more Lit
col. to tho mi tnu iiiunlity of pigment
tliiin you would of liti'ccri.
In tiMiie, metallic, Venetian red, the
ochniit, and other dry ii;inciit, it 1
mlvimihlu to mix til) the jutiiit at lciibt
one iluy heforc ll in lo w Hard, then
niht n third more l.tvoi. and the ulnt
will he found to cover well uml luivc
ll glKllI C,l(l!.
Where hard surfaces such as floor,
steps, etc., arc rciiuireil use litharge
only, never use Jupiiut?.
anil ascisU their working 11ml im
prover their iippeiiruncc hut tiikv
mixkii, otherwise the gum of the var
uiidi uiity ho precipitated or the mix
tion curdled.
Tho addition of from 1 lo A of Id'
coi. to varnishes docs not reduce their
hidre nor retard their hardening and
Irvine, uml it prevents their cracking.
"Will be olfi'ietl to the Public nnd it will pay you to trade at
Agents for the Hawaiian Islands
.... 1 AM OFFEHINO NOW ....
For Friday and Saturday Only,
Boys' Cambric and Flanette Waists
Elegant Afwm-tiiuMit of Colors at 20 CVntn Each.
Jiwt HetH'ivi'd by hint "Australia" a Large. Stock of
To be Hold for osk wkkk only at 10o., 12jc., He. and lGJc.
per yard. Oooda worth 25c. a yard.
..soo piEoae,.
H. Held & Co
tics nn the pint nf the Star iii it i 1 vv liiil I needed.
ellort to have lln editor elevated into
I he I'roviniolinl (iovelllllieut I'ind-
lf I
II111111I11I11. .Ian. V Nil.
1 writti'l:
liriU'lU'lk l V Wll'l.' Ill V A II k' A.
trot no relief 1 V 1.'.., i,u. i..(. ,. il.i ,n..i 1 r,i
from one tloo I took another, and it 1 Uu. in u uivi' (!(' that 1 will not Im m
vvic. only a few day until I was free iiiiliile u an di'inn rimtruiind by the
r 1.. 1. 1 .i,i,,i, ,...,, 1.. ; Mild lliiuili K tt in 1 nitliuiii mj written
.1 . .1 I I II ..... ...I IIIIIIIIIUI.IIHII. . ..,..., ".....
.. ..... 1. 1 r r liiiin'iii 'ill ii 1 ill J11111111 1 1. . . ...1.. .....
o'K " " .- tiuierni oiiKiii '' kiiiivv hid vauie 01
him to it m haeied circle mi Ioiik as it t hi renied. and I take pleasure in
hohU the key in the (.itiiatiou, tlie 1 acknowledtfiiiK the houefil I havu re.
.Star advocate, au increase of the j-'iml J""" '.'"" yiM'"i
. , . ., ... , , Oivvav. Ohm. 2.1 and .i() cunt huttles
Advisory ( o.inc.l from fourteen to fu. (i hy B (ltm()rH Ifc1Hlj
ivvonty-foiir uieinheri At hr-l it sinith Co. agent for the llawai
wanted Hid ten new liuunliert elected tail lillllills.
Aie iiil in receipt of lure ImpurU-
liniiK hv their iron hark "l'uil
lM'iiberK"iinil "J.f. I'lliiKcr,"
uml hy u uumbiir of ve-
hiU from Amuticu.
Ciun-ii-liiiK of u huge uml complete
UrHirllllflll of
Vienuii uml Iron Gulden Ftnnitiiie,
Siuldleiy nnd Cutlery,
lion llr.lHteadH, Ktc, Ktc.
Bechstein & Seller Pianos
American & European
Oil" nnd I'ltiutN, I.ulirlcatiuK OreuHC,
1'iiiihlic Sudii, Wash Soda,
Fillei preM Cloth, Twine,
HiKH, Market HuMketH,
l)eiuijnhiiB, Etc., Ktc.
III 10-yard lengths, reduced from SI .00 to 75 centa.
Conor Port and Hotel Sti, .... Hoiolalu, H. I.
1 30,000
Manila Cigars!
ClUlTi.l s
11 turn in
iliiWHJiuli llnii'l and ri'i'rlVH
C. I. IIA...ltl.
I .. i..dinif Itnl niili' lllilliil
uy ...n.n '- .,-,, limrriKll f the IJraud Duku
advice modifum H.IH mad noliou to o llohIlH n,P 'rliiwW Victoria of
the oxlniit that tho mars nieetiiiK i'mtf will taku iilaeo early in the
hhull only inakii the noiiiiimlioiii. Hpiii', ml the Queen of hiiKlnml
They "I" 1 '" "lUlilU'd" ) the will lie prineiit nt the cereiuoi.v
A .I.VI'ANKMl. I'l'ii IHiil,
V l iiiinitlii old lt
turn In IlilWilillill llnlrl II lid
irt'rlVf rrwitrd 'O ll
the simple turninp; of a thumb
screw, and yet that is what the
Wertheim does. In addition to
its being the best sewing ma
chine it has the finest table we
have ever seen.
The porcelain lined bath tubs
seem to have caught the peo
ple's favor and we've had to
send forward orders for dupli
cates. I he one in the store is 1
roomy enough to satisfy any-'
one whose tastes run to roomy
bath tubs. The enamel sinks
are infinitely better for the kit-1
chen than the conventional cast ,
iron affair that is impossible tu
keep clean.
It. It. Muteiiulb,
Steel ItuiU, Etc,
Constaiicia & El Cometa Brands
. . . Jl'ST TO HASH KX "IUTY OK I'KKISO" . . .
K These Cigara are direct from the factory and
should not be confounded with the cheap imitatioiiH which
are ho frequently offered an the "Best Manikin." ONE
TRIAL of these Cigars will convince you of their
683 inort Street,
TToxioluHi, H. I.
Mutual Tki.kpuonk 808-
(iiililen dale, Diuiiiunil.Hpcri) V, Mcr
eliiiiilK nnd Klilniiiiln
uut l.iheial Tciiiii .it
.uwl 1'riee hy
H. Huckfold & Go.
Post Ofkiok Boi 187
No. 19 Nuuanu Street, "Foster Blook."
C, Carpy & Co.'s Very Superior California Wines,
From "Unvle Sam" II W Cellurt, Nayu City.
Frodericksburg Brewing Co.'s Export Lager Beer,
Sim Jtif, diil., U. S. A,
Dullemaml & Co.'s Cream Pure Rye Whisky,
Amrricu't Finn! I'railuetlon, Hirh and Mellow.
Spruance, Slunley & Co.'s "0. P. T." Bourbon Whisky,
-Uniform and RrUuhW.
Scott & Gilbert's "Sassafras" Sour,"
--W I'rini'i- of Summer Drink,
Tlit-im (iuuda are Oiiuntiili-ed Klnt-rUii in rvrv rriiitut mid nn udiirrd lur
mle hi Very ItrutmiHlilf I'rlivi. 3Y-(lui

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