OCR Interpretation

The Daily bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Hawaii]) 1882-1895, March 31, 1894, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016412/1894-03-31/ed-1/seq-2/

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- .-jfjjr "vr ' i'i""'
Foreign Newn ami GomI.
Kdltorlnl Paragraph'.
Tor Sweet Cliarit) editorial.
Is McCamllujs the Man? by "Zero
Moiiguo-c llonntv Wantnl In "
Olives as Food.
The Aimrala-lan Steam Line.
Klce Urowing In California.
Til l tin rA'IK.
Marine New
liocal and General Items.
Sitnday Sorvloei.
Fuss Among the Special.
Comfortable Transport.
Noted Hawaiian Ut-ml,
Charity lleneflt.
Uynamltu Fiend at Work.
Fatality In the Storm.
Wlr and Otlierwle.
llnylng Jurors In New York.
Dynamltern In New York.
; i
Tj. -i m i i
tt Hf 'H IU I :). U I K tl U .
Plnta'd to nrith'r Sect nor I'urly,
Hut RlahUhrd for the Hmrfit of All.
in tho world
Well, register, who
wants to stop youT i
Only don't make a song of it.
It would really sootn as if tho or
gans had tho tall McCandlessou tho
brain ever since ho returned from
Canada. This morning's Advertiser
has him commissioned to accompany
Admiral Irwin on a survey of Pearl
Harbor for the purpose of boring
wells in tho water.
No doubt nil tho correspondents of
in Honolulu to get up a revolution
There was not one of them, if ho
had any sense, who over believed a
word of that "now" nnyway. The
Government was simple enoiiL'li.
however, to take a scare to itself on
tho matter and pass laws that will
make its reputation always ridicu
Honolulu has never had anything
but a liberal reputation for its res
ponse to appeals in behalf of dis
tressed humanity. It is the same
hero as everywhere else, however,
that when times are dull ami money
consequently scarce the calls for re
lief are proportionately more fro
tpieut. A symptom of such timet
is to be found in the increased rexort
to indirect methods of raising money
for benevolent purposes. Hy con
certs and other entertainments some
value is offered in return for charity.
People who esteem tho amusement
more than the blessedness of giving
to a good cause and people who
consent to bo ninused or who pay
for a ticket without going to tho
event solely for tho .ako of helping
the object are thus led to contribute,
and tho dollars of one class are just
as good as those of tho other. To
tho credit of the place, most of the
charitv benefit ontortniiimimt ilvn
horo are worthy of patronage hide
pendontlyof the object. This pro
mifies to bo the caco with the concert
j .,. ri- I
to bo givon this evening by local i
laioui tor mo rouei 01 tlio widow of
tho policeman lately slain iu tho
di&chargu of his duty and of his
brave comrade who was desperately
wounded at tho namo time and com
pelled to lie for weeks iu hospital.
The talent is known to be all excel
lent, and nobody with a musical ear
will bo sorry for attending tho con
cert. Neither will anybody unfortu
nate enough to be unable to enjoy
music bo any pooror a year hence
for buying a ticket and sending a
substitute to encourage the per
formers who are gouoroits enough to
give their timo and labor for the
double purpose of amusing tho peo
ple and 1 elpiug to cheer the lives of
smitten fellow-creatures.
la McCandless tho Man r
Kditoii ButLETIN!--
V!io is to bo tin) mxt Mnrshal?
Art) tho "bravo imm whnsu commis
sion tho I. (J. hold" KiK to bo
Hiiubbottshoulil thortitnorod vncnucy
occur in tlio Marshall ofllcof Jh
thoir r)pronontativo fjoiuf,' to gft
loft, ami a man moro coiiKonial to
tlio tasto of tlio fjoody-L'ootly olo
mont appointod? Is ''llamlsomo"
Jack, who shook tho dust of Hono
lulu olT hit) boots after tho position
which ho thought was his, was givon
Jo ".limuo''' Ca.Htlo, to bo appointod?
Tho obtomublo purposo of hm return
was to boro wells, but rumor nays
that he comos to fill Hitchcocli'H
ollicial shoes. Such au appointment
would simply bo a slap in tho face
to tho American Loaguo, and tho P.
G. can hardly alTonl to affront tho
League too often. The League say
that if a now appointment is to be
mado thoy will insist upon being
hoard from. A member of the League
iu spoaking of the matter said:
"While my tendencies are not at all
anarchical, 1 believe that it is high
time that the people should be hoard
in the matter of ollicial appoint
ments." Zi:no.
A Conscientious Nurse -Doctor -Did
you give him that opiate I proi
cribod? 1'atieut Wife Kvory two
hours, doctor. It was hard work to
wake him up to take the medicine,
tnougli. Tit:
A new iol' fiignnl Iibh lately been
macoii at the uai
S'ttuaiiuo iilautl.
ilaced at tho daiiKoroun entrnuco to
foriilirn iintwir linvn aunt lir tit.itnv'a attention tl) the ll('l-Mt V tll.il, mint i "f'ilv .if fMiiir..lu." ,;tl ..l.. ,...'...!
-O-' --" .-.-. .... .. w .... -j . . ,.... vlv , ,,. w . an n in .iiv Xtlllint 1
stoamor a hundred words to con- "" ""' ,m,r " " ,"'" i wov- cousontiaiion wun ow ork city. Ca fornin
' ltrilllltl.lt mill Plnill.irV t n .,- n.wl m . VHII I Ul II lil ,
trndict the story they sent bv pro- s,mn.. ,"'. V,. i ., i,.,; "V " i , . i" i-no Jtoad will run no trains I , , A
vim,. .tn ; ni...... i., ,.1 .,f "lll.l '., T . '"TL".. twm midnight Saturday and ' tlic bust, n
blond-itMheyo CanadianVln, tuMnMZ before !" . " X "h ns il ' is snlHciont. P
The Australasian Steam Line.
Now Zealand has always boon tho
liest friend among (ho Australasian
L'olonios to tho San Francisco mail
rottto. For a Iouk timo it steadily
resisted tho inorotnont in favor of
route', or suoz, tne uaim or van-
. .. . ..
cottvor. Its geographical mvitioti
liindsit toSau Frnnoioco, with Van -
cntiver n second choice. Now it
' iinmnjui n li.-it., it. ..II. ...in......
At a recent conference it was votod
10 support i no uanauinn menu
tho Canadian racifi
fonr-wooklv service toaitornato with
tho San Francisco service. . Strong
representations will ho mado to our
Government, urging a tnoro liberal
policy toward tho San Francisco
It is not impossible that tho foot
ing thus obtained hy tho Canadian
lino mav result in giving it tho wholo
postal hitsinuss. .uv Zealand has
long carried tho heavy ond of tho
bunion. She may tiro of it. unless
wo conclude to bear our full share
of tho cost. Tho Canadian line is
liberally subsidized, while ours wor
ries along with but little Govorn
meut encouragement. Tho natural
trndo of the Colonies with San
Francisco is much greater than with
Vancouver, but already wo havo
seen Eastern shipments diverted to
that route by virtue of inducement
held out by tho subsidized rail and
steam service of the Canadian J'aci
Go. There is also tho urosoect of a
, partial loss of American commercial i
prostiiio in Hawaii. Will tho Demo -
fifinliit tr a I- A u 1I A .. u .........--.
n"t uiitjurii ihu any measure,
in conformity with the representa
tion of tho Now Zeatnuders, to avoid
such a miscarriage of American in
terest in (ho trade of the Pacific.--N.
F. Illiltrth,.
Mongoose Bounty Wnutud,
Editor Ui'i.urns:
I wish you would draw the public
lltl tt liljtlrjti frwl &!..& .... if...
... IFn ..rAK.....ll....l......- t 1.1 .. ... K m . . 'a. I
island is exterminated. Every lovor ' , E,' l n"0jToxas, wants tho Corbott-,
and fancier of poultry will uphold , Jnck"on .fih, ""'' , JIO.tHX)
them in such action. " l,ureo i1'"1 K'jaranteeiiig no interfer
Font Fancikii , nceoithor before or after tho con-,
.-- 1 ' ' test.
..,, """' " " .' "' V" ,?. !
i i i. i.i ..... i...i. '
,-r.i.i -. - WB j ( a-.y wi rr 1 l r$ lin
eases in New York comes from caro
lessuess about catching cold," says
Dr. CvrilS Ednoil. "If ihiiiIi n aim.
trio tiring nnd so common thnt very!
few people, unless it in a case of
pneumonia, pay any attention to a
cold. New Vork is one of the healthi
est places on the Atlantic Coast ami
yet there are a great many cases of
catarrh mid consumption which have
their origin iu this neglect of the
simplest precaution of every tlay life.
The most sensible ad vice" is, when
you have one get rid of it as soon ns
possible. Hy all menus do not nog
led it." Dr. Edsou tloes not toll
you how to cure a cold but wo will.
Take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
It will relievo the lungs, aid cxpee
toratiou, open the secretions and
soon etlect a permanent euro. 'ir
mid TiO cent bottles for ialo by all
dealer. Hi-neon, Smith & Co..
agents for the Hawaiian Islands.
By Ja. F. Morgan.
Household -:- Furniture
L wi.'nvPQl'nv !
! '" " I'sUa lUoDA 1 , A)l'll O
At tli- itM(.tt of C. I1. IAUKKA, K.g
IWeiunln -trt-ct, iimr l'likei Mrout, 1
will -flint I'nlillc Aui-tlciii, tin-
I tou-oliolil Furniture,
Steel Engravings & Oil Paintings,
Uri-Hns Mlrrnr, lnrn Vav,
Kixmy'liliolitm'd r-Vifu,
Kuiy iliulr nnd Itin-km,
Hlitrk U'uhuit Ktagpru,
B. W. Wardrobe & Bureaus,
Drawing room CnrtnliiN nml Poloi,
tvnifr nml Sofn Hugi,
l.ur!K Koa Wiinliuljc, Knu Tnlilu.
liii.ikniM'., Itlmik Wiilmit IIoIIit l)t)k,
II. W. hliK'honril, Illmivr tjot.
Family Carriage,
I'li.ittiiM, t'lirt, Ktc, Ktc.
I'rcmUo iiiiun for Insiiii'llnii nn
Tuu.iliiy, April al, from U a m. to :i r. m.
Jas. F
Visitors. Picnic Parties, Luans
General Fiatolio !
At Smith's Bus and Livery
Stables, King Street,
i Adjoining Metropolitan Mint Miirketj
Is the Chi-iipet place in town you can jjet
lui-o, WiikMimutcH, Huegluo uml baddln
Jlori-i, It will pay von in rail and -re
hefore you try oltewhcrc.
Agent to Take Acknowledgments
W III .iltnnd In Mnniij-eineiit and Mile
of l'ropert and i olleciln: In
all iti liruiicht't.
Houses and Land For Sale
Northerly corner of Kmmii and ll.relanla
Orncn One door hvlovs Uuj. Uvuy.
Iijfttreut. wa-tf
Tho Pickled Ripe Borrios Nutritious
and Palatable.
Socrotarv Lo Loner of the Stnfn
.ii.i r it. .-ii... .11.. ; i..i i
"" iiuiutumin i jum now;
' Kj(,aitv intonfwl tti tho promotion
ir oltyo culture. Ho has oxpori-
, '"""tod oxtotiMvoly m tho trickling
of tlio hem, and has found thnt a
j V. lr"'os! of oxtrnuting tho btttor
' lFtti.i.ttl. .... .a (1... t..9 ....! ..... I
j-. mi iii7 nrr IIIU IIU-V illllt III, 131
generally satisfactory results. To
day he showed a sample of pickled
olives of the Oblonpa variety. The
berries hud been pickled wlieu ripe,
and in their pickled form are nutri
tious, as well as palatable.
Mr. Lo Long linds that ripe olives,
as compared with the green, are far
preferable for food. Ho has a poor
opiuioti of tlm hard green olive of
commerce. He believes that the
olivo, from its hardiness, the eao
with which it can bo grown and its
general adaptability to many varie
ties of our soil and climate, is des
tined to be n irri'.it niil totlm ni.iknra
of rural homes. The tree is an in- I
valuable source of food for domestic
use ns wen as rorproiit. -.v. j- ;
I hi.
Catarrh in the Head
Is undoubtedly a disease of
blood, and as such only a reliable
blood purifier can oiled a ii
and permanent cure. Hood;
a Sar-
! .-n.-irill.- ' tlm lw..t i,tn.i ..i.-ir;....
I I t s '
and it has cured many very severe
cases of catarrh. Catarrh often
times leads to consumption. Take
Hood's Sarsanarilla Iwhiro it is too
Hood's Pills do not purge, pain or
gripe, but act promptly, easily and
efficiently. '2"c.
The Brooklyn Eagle says that the
5 t
H .4
Klnun Iriut. inn- IiIiwk
from linrru fur. nil mikliini
linuroveiiifiiti. a No llsrn.
Muiilo nnd Si-rvnnt'ti IIihiiii
8. HAC'HH,
Kort htrvct.
.a.:r,e -oxj
A Royalist
An Annexationist
Or In Favor of
A Republic?
M uml oiiun t-'xiiri'sl(iii of oilnlun,
from tlu IlifiulilliintH of tlm IIiihiiIIiiii
UlmiiU, upon tlm iiiustloii of aiiiicaii
tlon, tlm Iti-sloriitloii of tliu Monarchy, or
tlio I'ormiition of l(fiilli.
TliN i ilolruil, for tliu lufuriiiiitlon of
tlm ifiiilMiflliB Unllc-il htiilen. Tlinliiimii
ol t'uuli i'orri'i(iniciit will not I mi iimmI, uimI
will I in ri'Kimluil ii- cuiillili-ntla', If no re
iiieti'il. rtiilri'
W. Tun Kyi-L llurili'iiliroiik, .M'ir'r,
l: M Striut, .V. V
il It-s tf 'unliliiKtiiii, I). (,.. U. rt. A.
Hawaiian Stamps!
WrUWII.I.llfV Filt f'AHH I.AIttli: '
y or riiuull (Muutlties of I'-ed 11a-'
wHllan I'liktagn hiiimps at tlm follow hit; ,
price. r hundr.,1 .
u iuiiiiiviivu w nun ' -
I I'nill, violet .$ .,
I I'cnt, lihin tN,
I Vnt, K'cen .. .Mi
'2 Cunt, vermllloii . , 1,7:1
J 1 out, Iimiwii ,a'i
'i Cent, wu ... .IU
' Cent, violet, l'll lMiie. . .lie
A Cent, dark hhiu 1.76
Cent, litththhle . .. I. Ill
II Cent, green.. . .... "."i
It) Cent, hliiek .'.';.'i
ID Cent, vermilion . . ,,,.,
IU Cum, hroun ;.7.'i
I'J Cent, hlaek. .. . 11..V1
1'J Cent, mauve , n,,'i0
15 Cent, lirown .. fi.W
IW Cent, red . 10..VJ
M Cent, purple lu.'H)
fiot'enl, red . 'juoo
II, carmine . . l'ii.oii
I A- Htumpt uhlch am lorn are not
wanti-d 111 any prn- . Addrux
I'HII.A llvl.lsr.S hXOtlASOK.
I' (). llux III,
(Kfllt Mf Wuslilntttiin.I). C, t'.H. A.
K niiiiolnti'il AkiIijiiimi nf llm limit., nt
1 W. lloriii'O Wrtjlil nf lliinnjiilii, 11 voliin.
nir naniirniii, ri'ipin-m nil pmMini imvimi
I'l.ihns ii!iiiiii mild Ktntii in pnoiint tlmlr
(,'IuIiim uitliln x Miiuilln from duln er
thi-y will Ito former Imrid.Hnd nil pumnn
oulnirxild HntiiUi urn livruliy ri'iii-lci to
iniiku liiiincdliitu piiynit'lit to J. W l.iin.
Illtt. t KiiHlilliiianil trret, lliinoliiln,
J. A'. I-UNISU. AlBiitu.
Honolulu, March 27, UUt. W.'-t
Rico Growing in California.
Iioprosontatito Caminotti of Cali
fornia has received a communication
from tho Secretary of Agriculture at
Washington, that tho department
had decided to conduct rice-growing
experiments in the low lauds along
the Sacramento and San Joaquin
rivors. The experiments will at
first bo tnado at tho delta of
the Sacramento and San Joaquin
rivors, whore the sugar cauo experi
ments will also be mado. Professor
E. J. Wiekson of tho University of
California, the department under
stands, is now planting sugar cane.
Only about two acres will bo sown
this spring, just enough to make
seed for next year. About fifteen
years ago rice was planted in tho
low lauds along tho river and was
growing finely when tho sheep de
stroyed it, just as it was to, flower.
Mr. Caminotti believes that both su
gar cane and rice enn bo profitably
grown on this otherwise useless
Secured His Services.
I Mr. V. G. Potior, crayou and va.
' tor-color artist, who has been visit
iug the islands for his health, has
made an engagement with Mr. J. J.
Williams. Mr. Potter's work while
in San Francisco was second to
. ... ...T..
" Xffi$"
. "
Wc lmvc just reccivt'd nn
other cargo of Huy and Grain
by the "Irmgnrd," personally
j selected bv our munairer in
and an we buy
word to the wibo
otnpt delivery.
California Feed Co.
J Offick: Corner Queen
land Xuuanu HtreetH. Hoth
'Telephones 121.
Waukiiousk : King Htreet
near U. It. iV J,. Co.'jj Depot.
Hoth Telephone 53.
Drlei Mrfcctl) rollil limlile of mrniy
Fortiei a durable hiiiI ulnntlc, not a hrlt
tlocoatliiK. iiulHlns Its k1o Innufr than any other
Hexlftk the niitlon of arliU anil alkallm
hrttur than any other oil.
Flown fn-ely from tlm hniuli without ntn
nlliKOiuI sprcadi well.
With tlm aililltlon of UtlmrKe, yields a
Imrd surface, nultiililu for tloon, teH, He.
I ,Mlxn reiullly with iiKiuuiitii ground In
I oil In ato form.
I IlrliiKa out tho real vhaduh of the :olor
uml k c.a them iinullernd.
In it nolvDUt tor the iiiojI dollcate of the
nnw rout tur colors.
Ailileil to varnish itrrntly Improves the
workltiB of the varnWi.
Does not darken white lead or any dell
cat ii colors.
llni ureuter Uiily than any other oil.
ittiiilres oue-thlrd less pigment than
any other oil.
Uuu he lidded lo linseed oil and ll will
Ureal ly Improve the llliaeeil.
Can ho thinned with turpentine.
Hy actual Urntu, hu outlamed the tiest
Unseed oil.
Therufore, Is the hoii pulut nil ever man
ufactured. Direction for Use.
IW I.ucoi, in every rtHjit'ct in the
mono nmn.ici ns you would liimccd
j oil, with tlmwiiiulu exception tlutiyou
may add fully oiiUMiuurler more Lu-
I cot. to the butne nuatuitv of nimnem
I"" '." Wiiulil of lniKCeil.
in lining niutullic. Vonotiiiu rod, the
oclirt'H, and oilier dry iiit;iiiciitt. it if
mlvil,l(,lU, , ,,, J, Ml ,a' h.Hb
, one day licforu it jh to lie lined, then
I add a third more Ltntoi, and the paint
will hu found to cover well and have
j a good gloot,,
hero hunt mirfaccf such ib Ilia ire,
f lepH, mo., are rt'uuired uae lilhtruo
I only, never iiho Jupaim
MI.NKU, othcrwite the eum of the var-
iin-h tuny he precipitated or the mix
due curilhd.
The iiddilion of from to l of I.r-
coi, to varnihhcH dot-it not reduce their
lu-tre nor n tard their liardeninj,' ami
tlryinj! and it prevcntB their erucking
Agents for the Hawaiian Islands
' . wiiii auir. i iii-re is no Silt lo ..,,.. . .. i V ,. ' , . .. ..i uuu niuiniu oudu urciiKic tie
I.IVOI. MIXES WITH VAK- t an(j :f ;s snr:v ... .. iir ! ,"V"",,! T" lf 7;,lm,,,r,,,k'. il fhnplyM,....-of the knives or ctttiew,
NIHIIKH ' ', Sfnn ' s a w,,rc j " l,"',,. ';" '"' VMy ami ,c,.,,omically replaced. The Siihkiiiikk, a" iu
niattress. 1 am conlid-iU that ! """V ""lualeH, nw, tin- cane iulo ,,w of x!,lviiiK leuL-th,. ,,'X y one,"
and tihi.ii.tH ilmir uiu-L-iiu. ,...! ! ...:il .... 1: . . i inu It and al nuiiiii ilie mill in ili,.n. i.,.i. i, i . ' ,..-''
., "" " "i nuiiniiy uuiMiiirv SIOCK. - "'". i"'-" " me juieef witnoui re
prove their appearance hut tiikv i i,,. ..,.,. 'i ,, S He- immeiiMi extra power necchMiiy In uniul or urindi the whole
HIIOIM.il UK HHKIIHAMKIIAV TIIKV AUK . ,aVC SOmt5 tW" 'll"1 a hall ; Cine. The rilll.hlllWK Hhre.l.l. the l..Li.,il e, J,,.! ,.,, ' .1 , . l . -" . ' .
tfawRiiaD Hardware Go.. L'd i
Saturday, March Jl, 18!)h j
As this is the beginning ofi
the close season in grinding .
cane it becomes the duty of,
the economical managers ofi
iim sugar plantations to select
implements for preparing the
ground for planting. If labor
saying means money getting
animal saving must trend in
the same direction. If you can
get a plow that will do the
work of six or eight horses it
means a saving of horse flesh
as well as a saving of the time
of the man who handles the
stock, the two together means
a saving of money. From
what we know of the Hendry
Double Furrow and the Hen
dry Breaking Plows this saving
can be made through tin ir use.
The Double Furrow Plow is
the only one we ever heard of,
that will leave the furrow clean .
and ready for planting or irri- j
gating. Mr. Conant tells in
the following letter what his
experience has been with a ,
Hendry Breaker. Other man-
agers tell us the same good
things about the Hendry Dou
ble Furrow:
Tiif. Hawaiian I Iakdwakb Co.,
Drnr Sirs:
I beg herewith to add my i
name to your list of testimo-1
,mils.in Prais(: of '0llr Huiulry .
During an experience of 16 ,
. years in the cultivation of cane
I on these Islands I can truth !
fully say, that yours is the only ,
j plow that I have seen that will
turn a furrow completely over, ,
under any conditions. i
Another point wherein it ex
I eels is, the shape of the mould
board is such that tho plow
will clean itself, not continu
ally, but say every 200 or 3- o
feet, which obviates the neces
sity of stopping the team; this
makes a very favorable show-
ing in the course of a day's
I remain, yours truly.
Ii. i. CoN.wr.
While one portion of the
laborers are tilling the soil
others are repairini: old fences
or building new ones. In either
case the Jones Locked rence
! materials are the most econo
mical to use. One stav and
five washers cost a trifle under I
eight cents and they take the
place ol a post which costs all
the way from thirteen to nine
teen cents and are double the
trouble and not half so service
able as the Jones method. Il
you are repairing an old fence
we will sell you the stajs and
wasners, or 11 you want to
build an entire new fence you
can get better rates on Plain
or Barbed Galvanized or Hlack
Fence Wire from us than any
where else. When you have
made your fence you will have
one in which the wires do not
sag and you will save fifty do)
lars a mile in building. Read
what Julian Monsarrat says
about it:
Kai'apala Ranch, Kau,
Hawaii, March 10, 1894 )
K. R. Hkniikv, Ksq.,
Manager Hawaiian Hard
ware Co., I lunululu.
Dear Sir:
I have just completed some
three miles of the "Jones Lock
ed Fence" and must say that 1
am veryniuch pleased with it;
in fact, it is the fence for a
ranch. I had about a mile to
rnncrrnnt wf iiilw...l,ni. "
where it was nearly imoossible
to get a post down, and found j
ill this case especially the
"jones I'tince was a great ,
If it
will turn
the si,., ,,
tins part
of the
us pan 01 me land, and I
el confident it will, ynu can
st -ii.iri..l tli-.t it ,.i!ll .
.st assured that it will turn
ost anything, except a lava
Very truly yours,
j... V I I n K l ', . ,!' I"t'"1 ' "': v..ry IiiikuIj a.iKinentH the (juantity of cane
! saving of labor. I hurt: are I ""' ,"I,1 Knnd CJ.ri m fio, .iU.. n n oxtr.u-ii.in of juice (6 tn 12U).
places in this fence where the : "t " h'M.'",' ''l'',""i i".ikiii: known at once the prcKince of iinv
DOStS are at le-ist -- f....t nm,-r i ! hi ,n"l'' ! ,,k'' fr,,m -.. "r im.vlliiiiK which would holiahle to damage
posts arc at least 0 luet aim It. ! . "'"I uwiiik imilt time n re vu um hufon. damaKii.K the mill.
and the space between filled '"' Mi"n.i.i.it u very Miouuly mmh.. and from the manm.r ..i i.,,.,,..
...:.l. ,... .. Tl . ! Hon It Cllti, or tu.in. Hii-.k i.i - ..I ....... I ... i :.i ,. . , ' .
iiu.i:.-, mure iu consiriici over a ' '" ""' '"" ""' ';" away huh lie- mority ,,f hpreadi..K the Inkum liv
country where wild catth: are T, r Z '!! " '" ' wl,.,,r" r",i,Ml," ' "" N Kmimr amount of
verv olentlflll and as mum - in .... T, 'f , i ,,1,1,,'r,,, '" "'v,l'U' l,,r s'""-:'"":' lnm lhal which wu
vi-iy pit uiiiui, anil as sonn as , xiilllcieul for the mill, f, Hit al.ov. n-IIM). v0 fiirnihh full workinu
It has undergone the test there. l"i..g for Ihc i.,-lall.,lio., ol ,.lir Miiiu.iibiw, euahli any co..,..ele..l i i.
will write vou ftirthrr K""'VI '' MWully inriall ami tut ii.,. h '
ru.lon -. .. , tl Ill ..II It" ... J MUn l
temple of fashion
Ooi'noi' Kort &
Notice! Notice!
The "Temple of Fashion" will be
closed for a few clays on account of
Stock Taking.
Corner Fort and Hotel Sts.,
The Drug Business heretofore carried by Hol
listcr & Co. haa been incorporated under th
name of the ......
Hollister Drag Co, L'd.
Having the largest and most complete stock iu
our line, we arc prepared to offer our customers
the best goods at the lowest prices.
15,;, F'ow. t.rt. - Wonolxilu. EC. T.
National km Shredder
eifcHH"'-,y-a- T-s;rZrTi.:rafcM: l'Sf i.
1 ri """", i .7rTJi
llieM' KintiiDiiKiiH and ai miw prepared lo receive orders
no Kie.u iiiiviiniit);er to no utrivid
ilioioiiKiiiy i-fUlilnlioil and aelcuiivlitlj;i d hy I'lantern
The large iiiiml...r of I'lanti-iH ufiig theni in the United SiiUoh, Culm,
,rK'',.,".,,'u Ul'",,'h"' ,'"r,, Aiimi.iU.i and eUwhero, hear wiliiea. to tliu
The u,e of the sin
'.li.n.n ,: . ... Ti. v: ; r:.. "tr. r.
Ill Jirilltl I 111 Slllll'llt.ni.j f I
. nun nun-
'" ; " ' u;iiit i.kh. o. i,-ii i,nd .,, u-e i . ..ciiveiy i0f tlu.
! y;,!11."'",! . "n '"I1 V1";"" 'll'1",,,,,,,.',,u" ""' hi'il f""" "'"
toieiiUi of lioni mill mil ,iafl,and dlMaiie center tine i-h.ifl to front end
of , ,,!.. tim-m- kiiiii:iu.i:iIh ,. i.lK .,., 1V , , mi e.r
""il Hri .Mill. K..I...I... !.., il..-y ..... Kivi.,,- ui.-ui .iiif"'ii.!... M
JXW I nee ami funlit-r pailiciil.n,
WM. Q.
i)J 1 1
Motel Streets.
Honoluln, H. 1.
iirriiS!t A RX it$i3&t
iriini ilio uho of tho National Oa.nk
,:,-,oH ,,", hM: "" -
iin Willi rtlilll.l
l)l)Ki in to hu connected,
may ho had hy aoolyinc to
IRWIN & CO., L'd.,
&l Agtutt for thi Uuiiuiiuii iUiiJ,,
V' skv ,iifeas'

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