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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, June 19, 1895, Image 1

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riing Bulletin
"With, which is Incorporated the "Independent,"
VOL. 1. NO. 28.
Sk-- WPP111
uei?ii Bulletin
filh which Is Incorporated tho IsnrVExn-
Published every day except Sunday nt
G09 King Streot, Honolulu, IL I.
SUIIsbuil'TlOX ltATtt?.
Tcr Month, anywlwsro in tho Ha
waiian Islands , ? CO
Per Year. 6 00
Tiir Year, postpaid to Arcerica,
i Canada, or Mexico 8 00
' For Year, postpaid, other Foreign
Countries 10 00
l'ayaltlo lnvnrlnblv 1" Atlviuico.
' AdvortisemoDtfl unaccompanied by
specific instructions inserted till ordered
Advcrtlsemeeits discontinued beforo
expiration ot specified period will be
1 charged as it continued ibr full term.
Liberal allcwanco on yearly and half
yearly contracts.
y -A'ddress aH communications to tho edi-
torial department to "Editor Bulletin."
Business lottora should bo ndtlrcweil'to
" Manager Eveninc Bulletin."
Tolephona 250. P, O. Box 89.
B. L FINNEY, Manager.
Business Cards.
Cor. Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.
iMpOKtnaS AND DEAIiKHS in Lumiiek
and ali kinds of buildinq
.Fort Street, - - Honolulu.
MANCFACTCIHNa Jkwejjeu and Watoii
MAEr.n. Kukui Jewelry a Specialty. Particular
attention paid to all kinds of repairs.
Campbell Block, - - Merchant Street.
Steau Engines, Sua aii Maui, Bon.miR,
CooiiEus, Ihon, Bhahs and Lead
Castings. .
Machinery of Every Description Mado
to Qrder. Particular attention paid to
Ships' Blacksmithing. Job Work ox
ecuted at Short Notice.
Atlas Assurance Co.
ASSETS, -- 010,000,000.
Agents for Hawaiian Islands.
Jas. F. Morgan.
No. 15 Queen Street.
Export Appraisement of Ileal
Estato and Furniture.
Book and Job Printer
ilorohant Street, Honolulu, 11. 1.
Over Hawaiian Nows Company's
Book Storo. my Id.
W. F. SHARRATT, Manager
) Stand adjoining H. Hackfold &
Co., Fort street. Gonoral Cart
ing and Dhiyago Business dono.
Notary Public, Typewriter
Offic e; OvorGoldon Rulo Bitzaar
my 13
" Does all kinds of Work in
Cement & Stone Sidowalks & Curbing
Ho has on hand a largo supply of
Chinese Granite Curb and alwajs keeps
Hawaiian Curbing Stono. Lstimatcs
given and lowest prices assured. Tolo
phone 833.
Kittau street near Punchbowl
street my 2 1
Practical Confoctioner andBakor,
No 71 Hotel Stroot.
my 20.
Aloha Bath. House.
Next to Marine Hull way. Bath
ing suits on hand. Patrons
brought froo from tug-boat wharf
on telephoning No. 585. Furn
ished rooms to let on tho premises.
Mrs. J. H. Reibt.
my 15-1 'n
H. IVIAY $ oo.,
Wholesale and Retail
98 Fort Street,. Honolulu
Telephoner 22 P.O. Box 470
Jul tf
The SINGER Received
54 First Awards for Skwjno Ma
chines and Embroidery "Work
at tho World's Fair, Chicago, 111.
boing tho largest number of award,
obtained by any Exhibitor, and
more than double the number
given to all other Sewing Ma
chinos B. Berqerson,
ray3l tf Bethel st., Honolulu.
No 25 Nunanu Street
Honolulu, U. 1.
Commission Meohant, Importer and
Dealers in General Merchandise, lino Mani
la Cigars, Chlnoso and Japanese Crockery
ware, Mattings. Vases of all Kinds, Cam
puorwood Trunks, Rattan Chairs. A fma
assortment of Drew Silks, choicest Brands
of Chinoso and Japaneso Teas of Latest Im.
fiCX Inspection of Now Goods respect
Bell Tel. 2f6. P O. Box IBS
from tho Hawaiian Islands, Mr.
T. Ahung will act for mo in. all
matters by full power of attorney.
Attorney-in-fact for T. Ah Kin.
All subscriptions for tho Inde
pendent will be carried out faith
fully by the amalgamated paper.
Those who have paid for both
papers in advance will bo credit
ed iu full according to tho amount.
B.L. Finney, business Manager.
To the Publio and Tourists.
Any party wishing tov take a
rido around tho Island, or to the
Pali, can be accomomdated at a
small oost by F. Smith, the Bus
man. At Smith's Stables can be
found at a momont's notico Buss
es, Wngonottes, Buggies, Saddlo
Horses, etc, for hire,
, Special attontion paid to Tour
ists wishing to tako in the sights
at a small fare, This is tho cheap
est placo in town.
Horsos broke, doublo or singlo;
also horses bought, sold or ox
changed. For further particulars
apply to
Bus and. Livory Stables.
King St, between Fort and Bothol.
Telephone 408. June 18, G-cao.
the senate mnULnra in a sixitirr
lUport of tlio Land Coiiim!lon to
tho Soiintc Tli I.nnd II1I1
Iu tlio Holme.
Wednesday, Juno 19.
Tho Sonato was called to ordor
at 10 o'clock tliis morning, and tlio
proceedings commenced with
prayorby tho chaplain.
Roll called, nil prosont except
Sonator Baldwin, wh6 camo in
Minutes of yesterday road and
Tlio secretary road a report
from the Labor Commission on
paragraph 3, soction 3. of tho
Labor Commission Act, stating
thore is no possible way in which
tho Commission can arrivo at tho
nationality, ago',sex and number of
the luboring population of tho isl
ands except by taking u now cen
sus or using thb old one mado in
1800, which tho Commission states
is valueless for the required pur
pose. The Commission recom
mends that the genoral census
which would be taken noxt year
in tho natural order of events
should bo takon at onco.
Son. Brown moved that the ro
port bo roforred to the Committoo
on Education and Public Health,
"Sen. Brown moved that a ro
cess bo takon for consultation.
Carried. This was afterwards
amended so that tho Senate went
iuto a secret conference which
lasted half an hour. It was
understood that tho subject dis
cussed was the elootion of the
Counoil of Stato.
After recess tho mattor of elect
ing Gvo members of the Council
of Stato was laid on tho tablo,
thoro to romam until called up.
Snator Waterhouso moved that
rules bo susponded in order to
read a communication from the
Hawaiian Republican Club. Car
ried. Tho Senator then read tho
resolution printod in another
column, which was laid over to
bo considered with tho order of
tho day tomorrow.
Tho Sonata then adjourned un
til 10 a.m. Thursday.
Aftor opening rontino Mr. Ka
rnauolm presontod a potition from
South Kona for a BohoolhouBo.
Referred to education committoo.
Mr. McBrydo presented a favor
able report from tho finance com
mittee on the bill to regulate the
currency. Laid on tho table to
bo considered with tho bill.
Mr. Robertson introduced three
bills one to incorporate tho Ho
nolulu Electrio Railway Company,
anothor to grant a franchiso for
tho olectno lighting of Hilo, and
tho third to rogulato tho sailing of
articles by travoljng agents.
Minister Hatch replied to
questions preferred by Mr. Robert
son, as follows:
Q. Has tho govornmont au
thorized tho introduction of any
Chinoso laborors under Chaptor
80, Laws of 1892?
A. Yes; it has.
Q. If bo, how many?
A. Two hundred and eighty
seven. Of these thirty-five arriv
od by the Belgic March 2, 1892.
Of tho remainder 125 pormits had
boon returned. It is not expocted
that the balanco can be utilized
owing to objoctions on tho part of
the authorities at Honakonc. Un
der tho law as amendod byaotof
tho Exooutivo and Advisory Coun
cils of tho Ropublio datod March
19, 1895, 1315 permits have boon
issued. Thoro havo boon no ar
rivals as yet. '
Q. How many Chinoso are
thoro now in tho country on
six months' residonce pormits
nndor said law?
A. Including 115 now on the
quarantine ground, theroaro 1303
Mr. Hanuna introduced tho
following resolution:
Whereas, no pay having boon
fixed for officers of tho houso, tho
following salarien bo paid: inter
preter, $10 a day; clerk, $10 a day;
sergonnt-at-arras and messonger,
$5 a day.
Mr. Robertson thought thoro
wis no roason for extravagant
salaries to officers of the Houso.
They would not have to work so
hard as offioers of tho last Logis
laturo. It has boon customary to
allow tho secretary thirtydays after
tho adjournment to oompleto his
work. Fivo dollars a day to tho
sorgoant-at-arms was more than
a first-class meohanio could earn.
Ho would movo that the clerk re
ceive $7 a day and the sorgeant-at-arms
Ml'. Hanuna considered that
tho mover of tho amend
ment had begun this morning to
give work to the olork at a rato
that would bring his labors up
oloso to the amount dono by form
er secrotaries. The sorgoant had
u good deal to do, having to koep
tho peace in tho House and do its
Mr. Richards favored tho
amendment. The sergeant would
not have much to do iu tho direc
tion of keoping the peace if the
houso continued as pacific as it
had botn.
Air. Kamauoha thought tho
socrotary and interpreter ought to
bo paid oqually, In former Legis
latures tho sorgoant got $5 a day
and tho messenger $3.
Tho Speakor decidod on a tio
against the amendment.
Mr. Robertson Mi on moved that
tho clork roceivo $8 and tho
sorgeant-at-arm $4.
Mr. Kamauoha arguod for giv
ing tho clerk an equal salary with
the interpreter.
Mr. Robertson oontended that
tho intorprotor had just as much
work as in formor legislatures and
ought to havo $10.
Mr. Richards said that thoro
had been no competition for tho
position of interpreter, whioh
showed that thero woro fow who
would undortako tho dutios.
Mr. Rycroft spoko against a re
duction in tho interpreter's pay as
compared with the clerk's.
The question was finally settled
as follows: socrotary, $8; intorpro
tor, $10, and 8ergcant-at-arms,$4.
Mr. Rohortson moved a resolu
tion for a joint committee of
Houso and Sonato on tho printing
of tho rules, Carried,
Tho houso wont into committoa
of the wholo on the land bill, Mr.
Kamauoha in tho chair.
Mr. Richurds asked a question
about fees. Ho moved that tho
fees of unsuccessful supplicants
bo roturned to thorn.
Ministor Smith advocated the
charging of a foo of two c'ollars
on each application for land.
Minister Damon was sony to
disagroe with his colleague.
The applicants would naturally
be people to whom a dollar or
two was important. An applica
tion foo ws a fiuo on tho appli
cant. Minister Smith wished to ox
plain that, while disagreomouts in
tho Cabinet on essential points
would bo highly improper, ho did
not think there was any impro
priety in differences between Min
isters about small details. He
argued that if an eight- acre lot
did not cost a man anything he
would not bo apt to valno it pro
porly. Mr. Rycroft thought tho sub
agont should not roceivo more
than throe applications for one
piece of land. It would not do to
havo twenty applicants for one
Mr. Rohortson did not know
why the Attornoy Genoral was so
anxious to take two dollars ,from
a man without giving him any
thing in return.
Minister Smith argned that
theso land -tonures should not be
granted without certain restric
tions, which would prevont specu
lation, land-grabbing, etc. It
was no hardship to a man who
took up ten acros of land to dig
up a dollar or two, which perhaps
ho might havo spont in buying
gin. Thero had to bo investiga
tions ns to tho applicant's com
pliance with conditions of ob
taining land and these investiga
tions would oost monoy.
Minister Damon said his busi
ness brought him into acquain
tance with somo of tho poorest
pooplo in this country. There
were natives so poor that, if it was
a cold climato, they would freeze
to death. Tho logislaturo ought
to encourage theso poor people to
got land on whioh to make a liv
ing. So unambitious were they
that, if they failod in tho first
application, losing their two dol
lars, they would booomo discour
aged and not try again.
Ministor Smith (interrupting)
asked why an intending applicant
should not ask tho sub-agent if
thero wero any prior applications
for a cortain lot, It was not against
poor men that tho provision in
question was directed, but against
rascals and land-grabbors.
Minister Damon related an
account of how he had reclaimed
a man who had boen a notorious
stealer of fish from his pond by
giving him a small lot on which
to mako his living.
Mr. Winston moved tho feo bo
50 cents.
Minister Smith moved $1.
The amendment of Mr. Richards
carried, leaving tho foo at $2.
At noon tho committee took re
cess till 1:30.
Ladios-Dr, Jaogor's Underwear
at very low prices to cloeo out at
, V
. tu-.U,

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