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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 22, 1895, Image 4

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fP" '-v
KVliNINa BULLliTIN, AUGUST 122, 1805.
5r) Euer Bulletin
Willi ulilcli I ItirnrimrnlrilJ tlm
TIIUHSPAY,- - AUG. '2'2, 181)5.
Puck says tlm I locnl option
moans Hint onoh community shall
docido for itaolf whothor liquor
shall be sold in saloons or drug
stores. Special prominonco is given in
this issue to tho powerful condem
nation by " Cosmos" of oflioiul
proorastinution in tho mattor of
finishing tho now inarkot.
A London syndioato has created
a cornor in diamonds, having so
ourod oontrol of tho entire output
of tho Kimborly mines in South
Africa. Its capital is said to bo
Sixty-threo and one-half pounds
ofsngur par capita is tho annual
avenigo consumed in tho United
States and a contemporary notes
that this amount is estimated to
be in oxcoss of tho consumption
of bioad for tho samo poriod.
Satisfactory progress is boing
made on tho now fortifications of
San Francisco harbor. Tho an
nexation of tho United States to
Hawaii would entail additional
defenses for San Francisco ns woll
as tho erection of fortifications to
protoot this city and environs,
tho expense of which Minister
Damon can hardly ailbrd at tho
pioseut timo.
Jack Lucas, agent to t.iko ac
knowledgments, writes to tho
Advertiser from tho Quarantine
Station. Uo scouts the idea of
thero being any cholera thoro aud
expresses wonder that, among
500 immigrants, there is so littlo
sickness at tho placo. Mr. Lucus
further contradicts the report
that Awana, who camo in the
steerage, had boon allowed to e.s
capo quarantine with tho others
and go to Maui. Awana's roturn
home to Maui was reportod in the
Advertiser, and this paper quite
properly commented on tho sup
posedly authentic nows.
" Tho old Fish Market at the
west end of Queen Street has of
late years bouomo noted for its
filthincsH, and as a breeding place
for disease, which is hastening the
extinction of the aboriginal raco.
An ofl'ort was made to provide
u new murkut, and a building was
eroded for this purpose so vera 1
yours since, but fr reasons not
known it has nover beon completed
and put into uso. That tho o't-nge
from tho old to the new market
would result in bonofit to tho
health of tho city, thoro can bo
no doubt."
Tho foregoing is an extract from
tin last edition of tho " Tourists
Guide through tho Hawaiian Isl
ands," and will bo found on page
21 of that publication. If thoro
is as much truth in tho rost of,
this book us in the linos quoted,
tourists will do well to Mubmit
tliumHolvoB to its guidanco, for it
will lead thoin to tho ploasant and
houlthy upota on thoio islands,
unil wurn thorn nir such prbtholos
ns tho proiont market.
Wu do not, howovtr, ooiibtruct
inurkulH ns mIiow places, but its
(soiivoufont ouitioi whoro, tm'Jor
proper hygienic nonJlt'r m, oat,
flili, Nogol ibloH. and other porish
tiblo food pioduotn may bj ox
posed for nnl Htid tho h iter tho
tnlcomblo, dirty, in I odorous, dis
graceful, tumblo-down, disease
linpiv;nitod, rotten shanties
known as "Tho Fish Markot," aro
sol fire to and tho aslios swopt into
tho bay, tho bettor it will ho fr
the hoalth of Honolulu.
Wo aro vory proud to show our
visitors our wondorful tolcphonio
and eloctlc light Hystoms, our
luxurious governm t buildings,
our Punchbowl and our I'ali, and
they think it is all "perfectly
lovely, don't you know," but whon
wo introduco them to that markot
of ours from which so much
of our food ooraos, and, bo
foro they havo fully rooovored
from tho Bhock, lot them know
that wo have no sewerage system,
it cannot bo wondered at if they
turn groon, and form tho opinion
that tho "Paradise of tho Pncifio"
is not all it is cricked up to bo.
Sinco Pasteur mado his first
discovorios in tho vitality of fer
montation a comploto ohango has
taken placo in the idoas of all
woll organized communities as to
the mannr in which meat and
vogotablos are kopt, and it is now
perfectly understood and univer
sally admitted that "scientific
cleanliness" is as all-important
in markets as it is in hospitals.
Without cleanliness wo must
havo always present tho iurisiblo
agonts of putrofaction and disoaso.
At tho a o timo lot it bo said
that tho daily washing and scrub
bing from roof to iloor of that
abomination wo call a market
would by no moans do away with
the gonns which lurk in its nooks,
orannios, corners, and in overy
crack of its rapidly decaying
boards. Nothing short of total
annihilation of those discaso-soak-od
walls, floors and tables will
meet with tho requirements of
tho case, and tho s loner they are
swopt out of that, tho better.
If through lack of funds, or
appreciation of the proper thing
to do. or because of indifferonoo
to public comfort and convoni
enco, it is impossible for tho
Govorninent to utilize the build
ing erooted for n murket, lot the
public suffer for lack of a market,
but do not foroe thorn to buy food
in a disoaso-haunted, filthy cdifioe
and to suffer because of a market.
Now, why cannot the now build
ing at tho foot of Alakea street be
utilized as a markot place instead
of the present abomination? Its po
sition is excellent; no hotter could
bo found. It has no build
ing abutting upon it but
stands oloar in an opon
space whore air can reach it from
all quartors. It is convenient to
tho harbor, so that fishermen can
easily reuch it with thoir catoh.It
is noarer to tho ico houso whoro
moat is kept than is tho prcsont
markot, and the next building to
it is the eloctrio light and power
station, whore tho now ico factory
and cold storage is about to bo
established. It is oonvoniont to
the dhipping, and far more con
venient to tho great majority of
Honolulu residonts than tho pro
sent market. A trumcar lino is
laid right up to it ready for use as
soon ns the markot is agoing,
Thero is in fact not ouu objection
to tho site, except tho proximity
of certain coal pilos constitutes nn
objection, but ns tho wind wry
rnioly blows from the direction of
(how pllen toward the market,
oven IhJK objootion (a of vory lit
tlo weight,
To porfootly fit tho building for
uso as n market n woll laid ooinont
lloor tiud inarblo or shtto tnblun
aro roquirod. Homo few addition
al cxponscs would probnbly bo
nucossiry, but tho inon-ty spoilt
on thorn would bo woll spout.
A docont murkut would bo a
boon to tho community and I hope
tho timo is not very far distant
whon the g-n u: nf tho Siiiorm
tendont of Public Works will bo
diroctod toward tho completion of
that building for whoso oroction
(in thoso monorchia! days whon
ivc aro told nothing for tho
well-being of tho place was ever
dono) ho has tho credit.
GOO Dozen Socks, just received
at Tracy's. 1.G0 to $2.40 per
Speaking of window curtains,
nm ...ill anil ImnufinU flf 7ft nntlfa !
V1U Mill C3UI1 UUl.Wfc.vM mv v ww-w
a pair, during tho cloaranco sale
at tho Tomplo of Fashion Sop
tembor 2.
Nothing Strange.
Intelligent people, who realizo tho Im
portant part the blood holds in keoping
the body in a normal condition, find noth
ing strange in tho number of diseases
Hood's Snrenparilla is able to euro. So many
troubles result from impuro blood, tho best
way to treat them is through the blood,
Hood's Sarsaparilla vitalizes the blood.
Hood's Pills are the best after dinner
pills, assist digestion, prevent constipation.
Short Talks.
from tho V. 13. & L. Association, at
their last meeting, would havo cost you
37 .CO per mouth, for say, 10 years, a total
of $4,500- 3,000 when your mortgago would
1)0 cauccllcd, $4,5O0$ir,00 interest In 10
years, or 150 iutercst in 1 year, $1505
percent on $3,uuu,
Office Hours
so to UtfO A. M.
to 5 1 M,
Chamber of Commerco Rooms,
70-tf Secretary,
L Pith hats have beon roduced from $2.C0
to $1.00 each, other goods reducod in pro
portion. A. BARNES.
Republic Building. 78-tf
: and :
Undertaking Establishment.
vv Fort and Berotania Sts.
Day Tolophono : : : : 846
Night " : : : : 849
H. H. Williams,
80-tf Manager.
(Successor to Ohas. Hammer.)
Kino and Foot Streets,
Is prepared to manufacture all kinds
and grades of Hand-made Harness at
short notice.
All work guaranteed to bo satisfactory
before leaving the shop. 5-3m
is what
H. E. Walker, Esq.
Dkah Sim It fs'a pleasure to Ihi able to
add uiy prsiso to the iiutly i unowned
merlin of llio ULKVKLAN1) lllOVCLEH. I
huvo ridden a CLEVELAND for morn than
a your, ami have nuvir hud uccanioii to find
I l.o sliuhU'st fault with iU Mechanism or
KUMhty . I heartily recommend tho CM'.VJi
LAND to all pontoiu who couUnupUtu thu
purubuw of a good wheel, Hlneorely yours,
H. E. Walker,
Holo Agoit,
Aost people make their wills
before they die, and some of
them are great curiosities in
their way. Among the maiiy
curious fegr.ries made lately is
that of a Christiana man who
directs that his whole fortune
shall be expended in bicycles.
A Norwegian newspaper which
does not give itself up to the
comic element relates that a
Dutch lawyer, named Nikolson,
bequeathed the whole of his
property to trustees, to be em
ployed in the purchase of bicy
cles for the use of children at
tending school, while part of
the money is to go towards
paying the teacher to train the
boys in bicycle riding.
The validity of the will has
been disputed by the sons of
the testator, wno retuse to ac
knowledge it, so that it is still a
question of doubt whether the
children will reap the benefit
of the strange bequest. That
the testator was sincere enough,
and that he recognized in the
wheel untold blessings which
might have escaped the ob
servation of minds of less
acumen, the concluding portion
of the will should go to prove.
It says :-
1 have always found a bi
cycle capital protection against
the importunity of those
people who persist in stopping
you in your walk to spin a long
yarn in the hot sun or in the
biting east wind. My machine,
unlike a horse, never shied once;
and in my drives I have had no
neea 10 intrust nre ana uniD
to the tender mercies of a
Now that lawyer had good
hard, solid sense and plenty of
it, in fact, a good deal more of
it than most lawyers are credit
ed with, and yet not more than
many boys and girls in Hono
lulu have, for are there not
many of the latter who are
spending their whole fortunes
in purchasing a bicycle and they
are wise in spending their
money on something that will
give them their money's worth
every time.
The bicycle of the Khedive
of Egypt is a gorgeous ma
chine, almost entirely covered
with silver plating but if anyone
wants a duplicate of it we can
furnish it, or if something
"English you know" is wanted
we can supply similiar ma
chines to those used by the
Prince of Wales' boys and girls,
all of whom are expert riders.
But for common every day
people like those who reside in
Paradise, we mean the Hawaii
an Paradise, the Monarch is
the machine to buy. It gives
you better value for the money
than any other make, and we
can furnish it in any style and
price."" We have received by
the Australia the largest con
signment of wheels ever brought
to the islands, and also a
complete line of extra fittings.
If any portion of a Monarch
wheel gets broken or out of
order we can replace it at a
moment's notice at factory
Mr. T. V. King, who arrived
by the same steamer, will have
charge of the mechanical depart
ment of our bicycle business.
His large experience in that line
enables us to guarantee satisfac
tion in all work entrusted to
The Hawaiian Iltrta Co, Ltd
Trains will Icavo Honolulu at OilB n.m , and
1:15 ii.tn. itcturiiliig will nrrhe in Honolulu
at 8:11 p.m. mid 5:,V p.m.
1st CInss $i 75
2nd Glass, i 25
P. O. Smith,
Gon'l ross. and Tiokot Agont.
$5.00 Per Week.
Accommodated with excellent board In a
prlvuto fuiully; apply nt 8 ttcretanla street.
during the next two months all orders
for milk or wood from Walanao Ranch will
have tho careful attention or Mr. 8cblclsser
who will beat tho lanch ofllco to receive
telephone messages from 0:80 to 8 1 m. All
orders for either milk or wood will be
promptly filled.
Uonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.
Transnct n general Uanklng and Ex
chanco Buslnoss. Loaun mndo on approved
security. Bills discounted, Commercial
credits grantod. Deposits rcceivod on cur
rent account subjcot to chcok.
l.ettors of credit issued ou tho principal
cities of tho world.
Agents of Tho Liverpool, Loudon and
Gtouo Insuranco Company.
Insect Chaser.
To save plants, flowers, trees, etc, from
tho doHtruct'on of insects, you will do well
to communicate with tho undersigned as ha
manufactures a Pure Yegetablo Compound
free of any poisonous substances; thereforo.
it doos not kill tho insects, but keeps tho
same off tho plants, and will not injure tho
plants or fruits. "Hones," "Grapes," otc,
will not suffer any longor but grow hoolthy
and pretty by tho uso of tho Compound and
to convinco the public of its success, I shall
perform a trial ordor or application without
Lililia street, noar School
To tho Public and Tourists.
Any party wishing to tako a
rido around the Island, or to tho
Pali, can bo accomomdatod at a
small cost by F. Smith, tho Bus
man. At Smith's Stablos can bo
found at a moment's notico Buss
es, Wagonottos, Buggies, Saddle
Horses, etc., for hiro.
Spooial attontion paid to Tour
ists wishing to tako in the sights
at a small faro. This is the cheap
est placo in town.
Horsos broke, doublo or singlo;
alBo horsos bought, sold or ex
changed. For furthor particulars
apply to
Bus and Livory Stablos.
King St, between Fort and Bothol.
Tolophono 408. Juno 18, 6-mo.
I nra now prepared to Move Farattaro
iu better shnpo than any other exprefo
poncora in tho city, us I havo a WAtiOM
larKO enough to movo n whole- hoasoCoJl
of Furnituro at one lond.
I hnvo tho lntflst PIANO MOVING
APPAHATU8 nud Kunrantoo to movo
Pianos without Boratoliing, to any part of
tho city for 82.50. I am a rustlor and
don't euro who known it; am always to
bo found at my Utaud,
Cor, Nuuanu & King Stroota,
Tolophono 1!1D,
ITHTI movo my l'unilliiro HO I'AHT
Hint it inula my oompotitor HWKAT
to oven look at mo.
Youm for JIiwIiiobu only,

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