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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, January 04, 1896, Image 1

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VOL. 1. NO. 194.
t; x
A" .
ft v,
Publiabod overy day oxcopfc Sunday nt
009 King Strcot, Honolulu, II. I.
Per Month, nnywhoro In tho Ha
waiian Islands 3 75
Per Year. 8 00
Por Year, postpaid to Araorlca,
Canada, or Mexico 1000
Per Year, postpaid, other Foreign
Countries 13 00
IA3nblo Invariably In Advnnoo.
Tolephono 250. P. O. Box 89.
B. L FINNEY, Manager.
and Indigestion
Mado Uor Llfo Mlacrnble, Imt SUo Is
Cured by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Jtrmt tbo tcntlmony of Mrs. 1 O.
Monro. ColHiri,', Vlctorln, wloso ior
trult Is Him client
"I Pome few years ago I suffered
terribly with indigestion und gen
oral debility. I could not Bleep,
unci my condition was such as to
nwko my lifo miserable. Xono of
the many remedies 1 tried did mo
any good, mid I despaired of over
totting better. One of my friends
told mo of tho blood-purifying and
strength-giving properties of A.ei's
SuiHaparilla, and I began taking It.
Jleforo 1 had finished the first bottle
1 'felt better, nnd was thus cueoiii
ng( d togivo tho medicine a thorough
tilnl. In all I used four bottles,
' nnd then wufuntirfcctly cured of tbo
grievous trouble which "had nlllleted
me. 1 now recommend, to an nu
suffering as I did.
3 8
As a Splendid Nerve and Blood Modlclns.
Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.
Solo Agents for tho Kopublio of Hawaii.
Imports of Champagne In
to the United States,
G H Mumm & Co.'s extra
dry 30,831
Pommory & Grono 11,798
Moot & Ohuudou 9,008
Hoidsieok & Co., (dry
Monopole) 7.501
Louis Roedorer 3,438
Ruinurt 3,136
Perrier Jouot 3.286
Irroy&Co 1.785
Vvo. Clicquot 2,378
BouoheSeo .992
Delbeok&Co 728
St. Marco ux 834
Krug&Co 270
Ohns. Heidsiook 355
Various 6,419
Total 81,859
Macfarlano & Co.,
Solo Agents for G. H. Mumm & Co.
for tbo Hawaiian Islands.
thi: I'liiiiAun.riiiA's i,ii;ijtkx
a?.t i.s dimikaci;.
Ho Went tin Duly In an Iulnxlrntcd
Cnnillllnn nutl Vinn IMucol
Untlcr Arrril
A court-muitinl to inquire into
tho conduct of Lieutenant P. J.
Worlioh of tho United Slates ship
Philadelphia was hold at Maro
Island on Docombor 23d. Bays
the S. F. Call. Tho court was
composed of Captain H. C. Coch
rnno of the United Stites Marino
CorpB, judge advocate; mombers
of the court, Captain T. F. Kano
of tho Monterey, Lieutenant T S.
Pholps of tho Philadelphia, Liou
tenant J. B. Milton of tho Mon
terey, Lieutenant C. Fox of tho
Philadelphia, Lieutenant W. E.
Wilnor of tho Philadelphia, Lieu
tenant F. E. Groen of tho Ranger,
Lioutonant W. R. Rooney of the
Monterey and ono other officer of
tho Monterey.
The Philadelphia arrived from
Pugot Sound ports at an early
hour on December 21st. It did
not lake tho news of tho lioute
uant's diflgraco long to spread, and
soon half of tho water front was
nwuro of tho fact. The sailors
sided with thoir officer and hoped
he would bo exonerated by tho
board. Tho broach of dfsoiphne
wag a flagrant ono, howevor, and
tho other officers said fhnt Admi
ral Beardsloy was thoroughly in
dignant over the matter. At Port
Townwond, Tacoma, Seuttlo and
Olympiu, Worlioh was leprimnnd
ed, but it did not do him any
good apparently, as his final full
onrao later on.
It appears that while tho Phi
ladelphia was at beattle, Liouto
nunt Worlioh was given u ton
days' leavo of absonco. He had
a jolly time ashore, and the night
beforo ho was to report for duty
his friends gave him u dinner.
The lieutenant looked upon the
wine when it was red and ha fell.
Ho drunk heavily all night and in
the morning tripd to braco up on
oooktaiJT Tho eyperimont was n
disastrous ono, as it mado him
worse than evor. When he readi
ed the warship ho was in no con
dition to go on duty, but ho mado
tho nttompt and in consequence
was arrested und charged with
being "drunk while on duty.1'
Lieutenant-Commander R. R.
lngorsoll was very loth to talk
about tho unfortunate affair. As
to tho merits of tho case ho would
say nothing but hopod that
"Werlich might bo exonerated.
Ho doniotl omphntically a story
to tho effect that tho lieutonaut
had had a woman aboard tho
cruiser at improper hours.
"Lioutonant "Werlich had lady
visitors on recoptiou days, just
tho samo as the other officers,"
siad tho commander, "but his
conduct on thnso occasions was
always thst of an olficor und a
gentleman. There is only ono
ohargo against Worlioh uud that
was his failing."
Lieutenant P. J. Worlioh is
about 36 yoars of ago and graduat
ed from tho Auuapolis Naval
Academy in 1871. Sevoral yoars
moo ho was married to Miss Mac-
Coney of Washington, 1). 0., aud
when ho was ordered to this coast
his wifo followed him. Mrs.
Worlioh has just undergone u
severo surgical operation and the
nows of her husband's troubles
will come as a faovere shook to
hor. Werlich is not confined to
his room, bat ho remains there
from choice and will boo no one.
Ho is n very handsome man and
an idonl-looking officer.
At the oourtmurtial Lieutenant
Werlich made no defeuso, simply
ploading guilty. Tho sentonco of
tho court waB forwarded to Ad-
mirul Boardrtleo for approval nnd
by him to the Secretary of tho
Navy, but thuponulty inilictul is
unknown. Strong eiforts nro being
mndo by tho lioutonant'B friends
to liuvo tho nuthoritios overlook
tlio muttor.
.r.' tmhit IHI.L iassi:i.
IiciKlInt; ?IcKlnlv)- IVntiirrM iirxtorol
No AiiiPiiiliiirnt Alloui-il.
Washington, December 26.
The llouso today responded to tho
appeal of tho President by passing
a tuifl'bill, tho operation of which
is limited to two and a half years
and which is designed to raiso
S40.000.000 for tho roliofof tho
Tronsury. Tho bond will bo pas
Bod tomorrow.
Tho voto today wus on party
lines, with two excoptions. Tbo
Republicans all voted for tho bill,
excopt Ilurtmau of Montana,
who did not voto, and the Demo
crats and Populists against it, save
Newlnnds (Pop.) of Ncvuda, who
votod in favor of the moasoro
Tho special ordor under ,wbich
tho bill uus brought to a voto at
5 o'clock, after thieo nnd one-half
hours of debate, was ironclad in
its charnctor and compelled tho
members to adopt or lejoct it with
out an opportunity of offering
amendments of any kind. Al
though theio was tho brilliant
spoeoh puking that usually ac
companies u field day in' tho
House, tho debate lacked much of
the spirit and vim which general
ly characterizes a partisan bill in
tho lowor branch of Congress.
Evon tho preliminary skiimish
over tho adoption of the rule,
nhioh ordinarily precipitates tho
fiercest wrangliug, pnnsed off
Tho dubuto itself was partici
pated in by tho loaders on both
sides. The Republicans contend
ed that tho first utcoscity for the
Treasury was revenue to bupply
the continued deficiency. Evory
speakor donied that tho proposed
measuro was a Republican pro
tection bill. It was, they claimed,
an omergoucv revonuo bill on
protection lines. It was signifi
cant that sovoial notably
Mr. Dalzoll, Mr. Payno, Mr.
Hopkins and Mr. Grosvonor
predicted tho passage of a genuino
protective moasuro ns soon as tho
Republicans gained control of the
White Houso. Tho Domoorats
took tbo position that thoro was
no lack of revenuo in tho Treasu
ry, and that tho passing of a bill
to increase taxation would in no
wise help tho situation, nor fur
nish tho roliof desired by the
President and Societary of tho
Tho bill passed today repeals
the present tariff luw uutil August
1, 1896. It rostores 60 por cent,
of the McKinloy rates on wool
and woolons, lnmber and carptts,
and makes a horizont-.l incroose
of tho present ratos in all other
schedules, except sugar, of 15 per
eout. when tho bill wus put upon
its possngo it was paused by 205
to 81, tho voto being takon by
ayos and noes,
demonstration of
i'hero was no
any kind ut the
annotincomont of tho voto
l tub Jlmlc Ulml.
Washington D. C, Doc. 21.
The constitution for tho Statn of
Utah which wus submitted to tho
Attorney. General by tho Presi
dent, has beon examined and ap
proved by that officer. Tho Pres
ident will on January 4, 1896,
issue his proclamation admitting
tho Torritory of Utah as a Stato
of tho Union and tho terms of the
Stato officors will bogin on tbo
following Monday, January 6. In
onmplianoo with tho request of
tho delegation that prosontod tho
constitution to tho President, tbo
Attornoy-Gonoral had advised tho
Chiof Justico of tho Territory of
Utah of the contemplated action
J of tho President.
iiavk itr.rN
OUori-r. IrlHtn. Writ nt tirror
CtciiiH siircckrlt AUs for Jloro
Tunc lit Anxiir,
In ihu mutter nf the divorce bill
und croaj bill of Caroline Aj
Laing vs. Robert Laing and vico
versa respectively, tho Supromo
Court iu u decision written by
Justice Fiear ovor-rulos the ex
ecutions of tho husbind to the
decroe of divorco and order of $18
a month given against him. Tho
law of the decision is suiutnjrizod
as follows :
"A decroo granting or douyiug
n divoico, like tho verdict of a
jury, cannot bo set nsido if thore
is sufficient ovidenco to support
"The amount of alimony rests
in tho sound discretion of the trial
court subjoct to modification on
excoptions only for cogent roa
sons. "A now trial will not bo grant
ed for tho introduction of newly
discovered ovidenco which is
merely cumulative; nor for tho
admission of now wituosses known
at tho time of trial, but to pro
cure whose attondunco duo effort
was not made; nor for tho admis
sion of a now witness a'llliough
unknown at the timo of tho trial
unless tho testimony which such
witm'hs would givo is bhown by
an affidavit of tbo witness him
self, or unless good cause is shown
for the absence of suoh affida
vit." W. A. Kinnoy for O. A. Laing;
E. P. Dolo and G. A. Davis for R.
Justico Frear has also writton
the decision of tho Supromo Court
on an appool from a dooreo of tho
Circuit Court quashing proceed
ings held bv District Magistrato
W. L: Wilcox, in the case of
Domingos J. L. Mattosvs. Joso J.
Carvalho. The magistrate grant
ed a motion for discharge of do
fondant, who was Buod for debt
on a note and arreBtod for fraud ,
without hearing evidenco to dis
prove the fraud. Tho Supremo
Court roversoB tho decroo of tho
Circuit Court, on tho ground that
"Cortiorari lies to sot aside only
such proceedings as aro absolute
ly void; not to correct moro errors
of judgment whether of law .or
fact.'' It is also hold that in this
caso tho magistrate had junsdic
tion, contrary to the contention of
the plaintiff. tf. A. Uavis lor
petitioner; W. S. Edings for do
fondant. In tho mnttor of tho estate of
Opao, docoasod, Justico Fronr
writer tho opinion of the Court,
reversing tho decision of tho Cir
cuit Judge of Kauai, which was
that he had no jurisdiction to sit
on a petition ior revocation of
probate of a will previously ad
mitted to probito by himself.
Tho law is laid down thus: "Ar-
tiolo 88 of tho Constitution doos
not disnualifv a iudco from sitting
on a petition for tho revocation of
tho prohato of i will previously
admitted to probato by himsqlf."
E. Johnson for petitioner; S. K.
Kaeo for respondent.
Judge Whiting has rendered a
decision on a cluirn of George K.
Kaia against Julia Barratt, ad
ministratrix, for $70 commissions
and traveling expenses after she
had revoked tho power of attornoy
ho had hold for hor. The olaim
is disallowed excopting for $10
for servioos whilo tho power of at
tornoy existed, and judgment is
entered for plaintiff in tho sum of
20. Eding for plaintiff; Ro
bertson for defendant.
M. de Gouvoia's potition fur
disohargo from bankruptcy will
bo hoard on Jununry 20.
Judge Whiting has ordered up
provul of the accounts of tho trus
tees of the lute Junes Woods os
tato, iu accordance with the
muster's report and tho explana
tion of Mr. Walker, trustee Ho
foro making this oidor tho Court
advised tho trustees boforo in
creasing the debt or liabilities to
get the consout of tho Court.
Join Cook ha filed an appeal
from judgment agnilist him in the
District Court at tho suit of John
Kmmeluth for debt.
C. W. Macfarlano has filed bis
oppoal from judgmout in the Dis
trict Court against him for trover
of u'bicyolo with damages $1(15 at
tho suit of Goo. H. Paris.
In tho bill for an accounting in
oqnity of tho Hawaiian Commer
cial and Sugar CotnpMiy vs. Cluus
Sprockuls, tho defendant by his
uttorney, W. A. Kinney, has filed
a motion iu tho Circuit Court that
further proceedings herein bo
susponded, and tho caso continued
until called up by motion of oithor
party, without prejudico to tho
right of defondunt to answer
whou so called up. Tho motion
is supported by documentary ovi
donco Bhowing that it hud not
boon possible thuu far to obtain
information requisite for tho de
fendant's answer. In Mr Kiu
noy's affidavit ho tolls of a pack
ago containing legil .documents
in tho case, which arrived from
San Francisco by tho stoamor
Coptic in November ami lay nt
tho (J us torn Houso horo until Jan
uary 2, inst., affiant having been
notified about it on tho 31st of
December, but loft it thoro until
stated., thinkintr it wub only a
holiday presout.
Judiciary Appoint men t.
W. A. Whiting, First Judge of
the First Judicial Circuit, has
been promoted to be Socond Asso
ciate Justico of tho Supromo
Court, vico W. F. Frear, pro
moted to bo First Associate Jus
tice in placo of Justice Bickorton,
Alfred W. Curtor, Deputy
Attornoy General, has beon ap
pointed JUirst Judge of tuo inrgt
Circuit in placo of Judgo Whiting,
Alfred Perry, District Magis
trate of Honolulu, has boon pro
motod to bo Second Judgo of tho
First Circuit in placo of Judgo
Alfred Mngoon, resigned.
Georgo do la Vergno, barrister,
has boon nppointod District
Magistrate of Honolulu, in place
of Mr. Perry, promoted.
Til Ik AfK'i-imoit Concert
At Emma square this uftornoon
the Hawaiian band will givo the
usual Saturday concort with tho
following program;
1 Overture "Esmeralda" Herman
2 March "Diroot Forato" Soma
3 UslUd "Don't Be Uro" Zeller
4 Selection "II Trovatore" Verdi
5 Waltz "Coraintnco tlie Ball" Coote
6 TolU- ' rlcndthlp" Mutli
Hawaii l'onoi.
Npont CIirlMtiniiH ANliore.
There is joy on the steamship
Australia. Captiiu Houdlotto bus
boon going to sea for thirty-six
yoais and Chief Stowunl Tom
Jonos has boon at boa since ho
was 18; yet never siuco thoy
shipped did thoy ovor spend
Ohristmns Dav ushoro beforo.
It is on evont in both of thoir
lives, und may never happen
again. Thoy uppreoiuto its plea
sures and novelty, and the spirit
pervades tho steamer and crow.
Tho boys wore paid off yosterday
that thoy might have monoy in
thoir jeanB to proporly observe the
day. S. F. Chroniole.
Tho U. S. S. Boston, sinco
coming out of Maro Island navy
yard, is a fastor vessel than when
eho wub built. On her trial trip
round the Farallonos after repairs
sho made eleven knots against
hor formor average of niuo.
It li it llliicbtioh Cmilnliilne NrSuaii
Ihtk'h Orlglniii ItoiMirl.
Washington. December 21.
"Thoro I as locantlycomo mtoaf
possesion," said Senator Loofo,
'a valuable work which viS'
throw ligt on tt o Vonezne&fc85J&
controversy. This p .blicatiosLlcfcs,i
an old bluobook containinRi3S..'
'original rcptrt nf Sch jmber&air.
tho boundiry question bctvma.
Guilt Untuu and VouezudU.
Fiom the statements of this b
tanist uud explorer, with mtyc.
made in 1841, it appeors Itwti
Groat Britain only claimed fihi1,
land now in dispute, but oxoreiasii
no jurisdiction ovor it.
"A year beforo, a British court,
in sossion at Domerura, rendered'
u.dcoisinn which is portinontar
woll as important at this liwu
An offense had boon committed set
tho Morocco river, which is i
considorab e distance oast of ub
laud now iu controversy, and Qstj
prisoner wis brought before ifr
court. That tribunal rufaffi
Eromptly that ho could not (to
old for tbo reason that the &
fenBO with which ho stood oliarjB
'hud been committed in foreigux
torritory over which tho cuocS
hud no jurisdiction.' If that r
the caso iu 1840, why ahouge
there be any difference of opiafcu:
in 1895?
"These nnd other featurosjeifc
bo set forth in detail wliorMfe-j
VoDGZtiflan mattor oomoa upon
tho Sonuto, and conservative,
thinking man of both poiiticiS
purtlbs aro firmly oonvincod tfc-rfc
all danger of trouble with Gts
Untaiu is at an ond. There fcac
been a great flurry, but the peog&i
aro Bottling down now to a prorr
appreciation of the subject. aisC
with the appointment of a Cc&
mission by the President , nf the
United States there is a reocte
ablo prospoot for tho amicable c
tlement of this matter. j
"Seorotury Onley has beou. in
formed of the existence of titas
dooumonts, as well 'us tho btaa
book to which roferonco has bent
made. A private citizou is tie
owner of this publication, bu&B"
will bo placed at tho disposals
the Stato Department whouerac
it may be desired. As fur as ear.
be learnod it has nevor been n Har
bored among tho possessions of the
diolomutio branch of tho pubfur
sorvico, and its vnlun ut this tint
is simply inoatimablo.'
Ktiiilei-Kurten Oitoiilnen.
Tho Foreign Frco Kindergai&Ki
will open at tho Quoon Enimc
Hall, Monday, January 6, at !?
o'clook. Tho Hawaiian, Chinese,
Japanese and Portuguoso Few
Kindorgirtons will open at tkdrr
rospeotivo placos Monday, Jttu.
13, at 9 o'clock. Mahqaiikt L.
Uoppru, Secret iry Free Kinck
gurton and Children's Aid Asm
oiution. Till: STHAKIini HACK.
EniToit Bulletin: Ono of lies
most exciting ovonts of tho sea
son was the ruco betwoen tho S.E.
Company's steamships Kimui aaS2
Ohiudiuo. The point of Molc&an
was passed by tho Kinau ut 6:3E
p. m., with tho Olaudine cloao at
hor rear with fire blazing from hmr
smokestack, which was red iutt
for some distance from tho top.
Tho exoitemont on board uw
Kinau was intonso, bots beibc;
freely made and tho koonostu
toreat being manifested by oroy
ono aboard tho bout. ' Tho scams
romindedono of tho old time Mj
Bisippi Rivor racos, where tbto
Bauds of dollars changed in a.'&sr
Tho Kinau won by four ac&
quarter minutes, arriving nt E-
naina at iij:uy a. m. Mo one
to their bertha until the. i
stoomers arrived. C. A. Du
Lahuina, Deo. 31, 1895.
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