OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, February 29, 1896, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Best Advertising Medium. ?
Evening Daily Published
on the Hawaiian Islands.
If you Don 7 Rtqd the JJullchn
you Don't Get ALL the News.
X oiium ijjiiuii ji.umumn.
Rttu-lw 41.1. IllA'PMhU.
Vol. 1. No. 240.
Pkice 5 Cents.
The Only Eight Vagi f
Published every day except Sundny nt
009 King Street, Honolulu, II. I.
Per Month, nnywhero In the Ha
waiian Islands 8 70
Per Year. 8 00
For Yenr, postpaid to America,
Canada, or Mexico 10 00
Per Yenr, postpaid, other Foreign
Countries '. 1.1 00
I'nynlilu Iinnrliililv In Aclvntieo.
Telephono 230. 1. O. Box 80.
B. L FINNEY, Manager.
a iirHfa Si HOP
U u.j .sgoi'cg of goad kaslth.
tor's a&sa3a6illa
t:!cl:ss Puro Blood,
Strsmgtlions the tiorvos,
Shcipsr.s iko Appotito,
Removes that Tirod Feeling,
and Makes Lifo Worth Living.
debility, skin
diseases, or
any other .'ill
incut arising
from impure
blood, should
GoM fIcJils st the World's Great Expositions.
fryiVwnriMif rlionplm'tntloju. Tlio
name Ayer's tiar.ta,)urltlit Is promi
nent mi tint wrapper, unit is blown in
tho gl.'it, vl i:n li buttle.
Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.
Solo Agents fortbo llopublio of Hawaii.
Something Iiitoliii !
Imports of Champagne In
to the United States,
G H Mumm & Co.'s extra
dry 30,831
Fommory & Grono 11,798
Moot & Ohandon 9.C08
Hoidsieck & Co., (dry
Monopolo) 7.601
Louis Roodoror 3.438
Ruinnrt 3,13(5
Perrior Jouot 3.280
Irroy & Co 1.785
Vve. Clicquot 2,378
BouoheSee 992
Dolbeck&Co 728
St. Marco.ux 33 1
Krng&Oo 270
Ohas. Hoidsieck 355
Various 5.419
Total 81,859
Macfarlane & Co.,
Solo Agents for G. II.Mumtu fcCo.
for tho Hawaiian Islands.
Practical Painters,
Decorative Paper-hanging
and Calcimining a Specialty.
Paints Mixed to Order wliilo you wait.
Pots and Brushes Loaned Freo
219-tf llcictunlu nml Tort Streets.
-. t yo
TDK Itlf.Ii .MAKING icaii.ua a
iMinr of i.vriiy lMssro.
Artel n 1 wcnlj'-niln.ito f;tnii mi
Ailjuiirtitiicnt I.Tnlicn Until
Moiiilii.v .'Fornlii'.:.
Ninth Day, Fehhuahy 29th
HOUSE 01' REl'ilEsEXTATlVE.-".
Speaker Naone called tlio Hou&d
to order at 10 o'clock this morn
ing, and tlio usual preliminaries
were had.
Rep. Rialinrds from the Print
ing Committee- reported back
Houso Bill No. 2 as printed and
ready for final passe go.
Representative Ilanuna gavo
notice of his intention to intro
duce a bill amending Sections 381
and 385 of tho Civil Code, relating
to sou fisheries.
On the order of the day, House
Hill No. 2, creating a port of en
try at Knilun, was takon up, read
tho third timo and passed unani
mously. At 10:20 a. m. tho House ad
journed to Monday morning.
After tho session of tho Houso
this morning an informal dis
cussion arose over tho Great Seal.
It seemed to bo tho opinion of
members that Viggo Jaeobscn's
design should bo accoptcd with
Representatives Robortsou.Win
ston, McBrydo aud Haia woroab
sont from this morning's session.
Clerk of tho Houso Keola vns
ongaged after tho morning session
in making out drafts for $25 each
for such of tho mombors ns need
ed cash.
Workmen woro employed this
morning in erecting a screen
around tho rear portion of tho
Senate Chamber, shutting the
latter oil' from the government
ALi:AM)i:iC YOUXU IliniKI.S.
C. lleilcmauii Appointed .11 mincer of
the. Iron urliN
Tho resignation of Alexander
Young as manager of tho Hono
lulu Iron Works was accopted at
tho recent meeting of tho Board
of Directors and assistant-man-agor
C. Hedemann has beon de
servedly promoted to tho vacancy
thoreby created.
Tho following letter shows the
appreciation of Mr. Young's ser
vices ontortained by the company
and tho high esteom in which ho
is rogardod by its officers:
Honolulu, Fob. 29, ISOfi.
Alexandeu Younci, Esq.,
Dea.ii Silt: At the annual moot
ing of tho shnroholders of tlio Ho
nolulu Iron Works Company, held
on tho 25th inst., I was requested,
by unanimous resolution, to con
vey to you an expression of tho
deep regret with which wo accept
your resignation of tho responsi
ble position which you havo held
for so many years as manager of
tho company.
From tho incorporation of tho
company until this day, yon havo
beon so completely identified with
its progress that it is difficult to
think or speak of one without
thinking of tho other, and tho
gratifying position which tho com
pany has attained in this country
is very largely due to tlio ability,
onorgy and conscientiousness with
which you havo discharged your
important trust.
It is most gratifying to us to
know that as tho timo approaches
whou men havo a right to claim a
respite from tho strain of con
tinuous toil, whother of mind or
body, you havo secured such a
condition of prosperity as more
than justifies your retirement
from tho daily round which has
been your lifo work, "Wo very
earnestly express our hopo that
you may bo spared to many years
of prosperity, happiness and use
fulness to your family, and to tho
country whero your lot is cast.
"Wo aro un willing to sover, any
further than may bo absolutely
necessary,y our official connections
with ourselves, and therefore we
request yon to accept tho honora
ry post of consulting engineer to
tho company, and to consider that
you will bo as welcome as you
have over been to your iilnco in
tho offijo of tho company, whoro a
desk will always bo at your ser
vice. Personally tlio history of tho
Honolulu Iron Works Company
is tho history of tho friend
ship between you and my
Bolf, which has novor been
broken in all theso years it is
therefore especially gratifying to
mo that I have beon deputed to
convey to you this cordial nssur
anco of regret and esteem on tho
part of tho company you havo so
laithfully sorved. lnin, dear sir,
Very faithfully yours,
Theo. H. Davies,
Pros. Honolulu Iron Works Co.
IiHrov lit illitilclrit.
In a work published in Paris
last yoar Dr. Jules Ooldschmidt
records his observations and ex
perience during twonty-six years'
professional labor among tho
lepers of tho island of Madoira.
Tho first colonists wero criminals
and tho lowest of tho peoplo.
Somo of tho original settlors woro
later found to bo affected with
leprosy, mid the disease has never
beon exterminated. Tho lazaretto,
built about 1450, is still used, but
the records do not go farther buck
than ltioO. Thero has been a
groat falling off of the number
admitted annually, duo to tho ces
sation of coercion. Tlio entire
number of oases in tho Hand at
tho prchonl timo is .estimated at
sovonty, or six to every 10,000 in
habitants. Tho spread ofloproxy
dopends greatly on locality. Al
though the island i-tvonqwi at ivelj
hiimll in men, it is not equally in
fected. Fuuchol, tho capital, gives
1.(54 cases per 1000, while "afcPontn
oo ooi mo proportion is more
tiiuu double.
i'.WTJ tenth Nnlu I Frrn.
At tho closing out salo thai bo-
gins on Monday, March 2, at the
Toniplo of Fashion, Mr. Silva will
givo away every 10th salo regard
less of tho amount, that is, every
tenth purchasor will got their
goods for nothing. If you aro
fortunate enough to bo tho tenth
person, you can got something for
nothing. As soon as tho 10th salo
is registered, Mr. Silva will ring a
boll and tho next purchaso will bo
No. 1, and so on up to 10 again.
If 500 people buy goods 50 will
get thoir bill of goods (no matter
tho amount) for nothing. This
offer holds good for Monday only.
At I.'iiiiiiii Sqiniro.
Tho following is tho program
for tho band concort to bo given
at Emma square this aftornoon
at 4:30.
1. Mari'li "X. fi. It."
''. Overture "Jolly Student"
lt Kiintuma "l'rlnci"j Ah"..
4 tfi'lui'liuii "Iloljin Hood".,
.'). Wall. "Tlif &vri'iii."
0. J'ulU 'A (itiiiil K1m"
"Hawaii l'oiiol."
... ('linen
..III' Kouii
A. J. Dorby, D.D.S.,
office Cottage No. 100,
slioet, telephone v o. 015
hours 9 A.M. to 4 p.m.
Dent tij
Mechanics' lLiino, oorner lit til
and Nuiiinii streets, lodging by
Jay, wook or month. Torus: 25
and 50 cents por uighf il, and
1 25 uor week.
Thoro will bo a Hpooinl sale of
Dr. Jaeger's Huiitary Wool Un
dortvour at Tr.icy's, to reduce
stook. Pricos will bo 3 por suit
for regular sizes, and s?3.50 por
suit for oxtra lan;u sizi's. Lndios'
suits, Jill sizos, white and nuturnl,
at if 3 i,or suit. Do not lot this
opportunity pass to got those
goods at much less than their
value, as the salo will only Inst
till stock is roducid.
tiii: co.virsir.n ixection case
im:foki: tiii: sri'itmiK comer.
Tlio Itp.CmitilliiK n( tlm Hiilliit. Com-
lilctcit Notvt ori'rolmlo. Divorce
hikI Oilier .TIntler.
Tho hearing of tho domurror in
tho caso of Rudolph Spreckols vs.
Panuhau Plantation Company
comes up before Judgo Carter on
Judge Perry will take up mat
ters connected with tho estate of
Isaac and H. Robinson on Mon
day. Tho hearing of tho final accounts
and petition for dischnrgo of ad
ministrator in tho cstato of Ann
Maria Diamond is set for Monday,
March 9th.
Tho next regular session of tho
Supremo Court comnionco on
Monday, March lGth.
Chief Clerk Honry Smith is
proud of a now typewriter desk
which ho has had mado to order
by P. A. Andersen. By nn inge
nious arrangement of springs tho
typewriter is ulways kept in a
vortical position. When closed it
makes a handsomo writing desk.
Six kinds of native wood woro used
in its construction.
Judgo Perry was engaged in
hearing tho ro argument on tho
question of estoppel in tho caso
of Booth vs. Kapuakeln this morn
ing. iJurymou woro boing paid off in.
tho Clerk's ollico today.
In the caso oE John Eniiiio
luth vs. John Cook, tho
plaintiff by his attorney, S. M.
Ballon, has filed a motion for a
now trial.
In tho contested election caso,
argument was being had before
tho Supvomc Court on tho regu
larity of tho lmllotfi cast, all of
which v-re before tho Court. Tho
argument wns divided into
sections, one rolating to tho par
ticular fatylo and shape of the cross
mado on tho ballot, another to
tho exact position of tho crosses
whether in or out of tho particu
lar space required by law, another
to signs and symbols used in
place of or in addition to tho
cross, and so forth.
Tho argument of L. A. Thurs
ton for 31 r. Holstcin and S. M.
Ballon for Mr. Young wns con
cluded a little beforo noon, when
tho Chief Justico announced that
tho caso would bo takon under
Enrron Bulletin: Tho moan
contomptiblo articlo that appeared
in tho Star of yesterday evening,
is on a piece with what is expect
ed of that scrub journal. On tho
27th inst. tho luminary advocates
a heavy tax on "shows" like tho
above, because thov draw very
'heavily from tho natives. This is
tho first occasion tho Star lias
shown "any concern for aborig
ines. Lot us onmo to last night's
virulent articlo, who told, tho vul
var fakir that MrWij (called
oy tlio scrubuior " Arry ; nau
mado 12,000? Aro tho books of
Wirth's circus open to thosheoney
auditor general who niissaudits
the books of tho luminary of tho
sixth magnitude?
fin far from 'Wjb'tli and hi
artists boing grabbers, they
Iiiiyo proved most generous.
What of the Grand Army of the
Republic? Its bonelit netted
SI ISO. While tho bonofit for tljp
Lepers ljrought about 300. Next
week tho Matornity nonio and tlio
Y. H. I. will havo a joint benefit,
the profits to bo equally divided.
Whoro does tho selfishness como
Mr. Wirth has paid this proci
ous paper about 10 por weok for
ads, and now ho is getting repaid
in locals of a despicable character.
No doubt Wirth is getting weary
of the tax, and refuses to bo as-
sessed any longer by this bogus
tax ollico.
As for today's performance, who
advertised chariots and Amciicnn
Indians? The writer of tho articlo
in tho Star must havo been in-1
dulging in tiro water, 'and
his brains must have been
soaked with anu'sthotics.
Wo wero not awaro that tho
Twinklir bossed tho Hawaiian
band or tho color of its instru
: monts.
j Tho writers of this aro confi
, dent of n splendid exhibition to
1 day, and will mark their satisfac
1 tion of it by dismissing tho Star's
subscription from their list nf i-
A more vulgar, ungenerous, un
truthful and uncalled for article
novor camo from even that alleged
Many Suiischiiieiis.
IikiiUh .11 r. Wlrtli nml 1'nlroimtn- In
Thero appeared in yesterday's
Star a tirado against tho Circus,
tho causo of which was tho with
drawal of tho circus advertisement.
Evor sinco tho Wirth combination
arrived in this country, tho Star
has had nothing but praiso to of
for, until tho circus managers saw
fit to stop pouring golden coin
into tho Star sack, when
tho caso becamo different. Mr.
Cameron, Mr. Wirth's manager,
is a liberal advertiser and tho
Star has heretofore had an equal
amount with the other papers, be
sides receiving orders for the
majority of tho posters, dodgers
and other job printing that a com
bination of this kind needs, after
which tho Star publishes an item
about Mr. Wirth that is unkind,
unjournalistic and entirely un
called for. Naturally Mr. Wirth
decides not to givo thoni uny more
business. Tho Star people at
tempted to square themselves,
failing in which thoy publish a
contomptiblo articlo in which
they endeavor to keep the
public away from the Car
nival that takes placo this
afternoon at tho ball pa''k. In
this they will undoubtedly fail.
Mr. Cameron has secured tho
soi vices of sevornl natives, who
aro as good horsomon us any cow
punchers on the plains of Ame
ricn. 1 Ionian Chariot races he
doesnotadvertise.but thero will bo
hippodrome races of different
kinds and Wilfred Burns (who
is an old partner of Prof. Prico)
will mako the balloon ascension
and pnrnchuto leap. Tho Star's
abuse will go for naught, as every
body who has read tho articlo is
crying "Sour Grapes."
m m
I.iuiti'rii Lecture
The slides to bo shown at Y. M.
C. A. hall this evening, illustrat
ing Mr. Birnio's lecture, wero
mado by ono of the best photo
graphers in tho United States, tho
man who wns employed by Stod
dard to tako views for his famous
lectures. Pictures will bo thrown
on tho screen of the famous sites
north of Jerusalem as far as Baal
bek. Shilofi, Jacob's well, Ger
zim, Jozreol, Capernaum, Son of
Galileo, Tiborins, Ciesareu, Phil
ippi, Damascus and many other
places will bo shown. Mr. Birnie
saw tho pictures taken ami his
looturw will givo personal expcii
ojicaa and iiilpie&sions. '
; ' Tl Club Miildei hnl.
Auctioneer- Morgan sold tho
Club Stables proporty nt noon to
day to Gus .Schumann for,S(J,300..
Tho upset prico fixed by tho Court
was 1750. Tho debts aro about
Tho Tbyivul orvices couducted
by Messrs. Romig and Ilarroll
liibt night wpro woll attended and
specially interesting. Tho nddross
upon tho "Wise Lepers" and the
likeness of thoir condition to that
of tho sinnor was portrayed with
tolling power, tho speaker urging
tho nncomorted to awake and
snvo themselves from the contagion
of sin mid its awful consequences
to body anil soul. Prof. 11 u roll's
solo was a sermon in itself.
l'ntlier Cniirunlj- Will Ilepiiit fur a
Frcli Ncni ot I.Mhor.
By n recent mail Father Con
rardy, for eight years resident
priest nt the Molokai Leper Set
tlement, recoived letters from a
friend in Hongkong containing
accounts of the deplorable condi
tion of the lepers in Canton.
From thco it would appear thoro
am large numbers of lepers in
that great city, or nioro correctly
outside of it. for thoy aro not al
lowed to livo within its walls but
are driven outsido every night.
These lepers aro veritable out
casts, and exist only on cha
rity and tho fow cash thoy
can pick up by doing tho most
menial and loathsome of occupa
tions. Thoy hnve no ono to look
after thoni, no hospitals, no doc
tors, no medicines or placo to live,
and spend their existence in wau
doring about looking for refuse
morsoiB of food and clothing.
Tho Board of Health having
finally and peremptorily refused
Father Conrardy's services at tho
Molokai settlement in any capa
city whntover, ho has resolved to
go to Canton and do what ho can
lor tho lepers there. Ho will go
to Japan on tho Chiyoda inaru
if ho can mako suitnblo arrange
ments and Btny there long enough
to investigate tho reported discov
ery of a cure for leprosy by n Jap
anese physician, and from thouco
ho will go to Hongkong and Can
ton. tiii: s,iikim; conci:ki.
Hun. .IokpiiIi .IImi-hH'Ii win lrcIiln
'lliln livening.
Arrangements havo boon fully
perfected for tho smoking concert
to bo given under tho unspioes of
tho Honolulu Cricket Club this
evening at tho hall of tho Scottish
Thistle Club. 5
Hon. Joseph Mnrsden hns been
-.e'ected to prosido during tho
evening and his past record in thnt
capacity is sufficient guarantee
that ho is the right man in tho
right placo.
Tho following program lias
boon prepared for tho occasion :
iai:t 1.
I Piano Solo Pnr. llcr"er
J Quartette Dlllliilinm, Wilder,
Coney mid Norton.
!' SOUK CheMor Doyle
Hi-'iliiii; Mr. I!racli
' Sonj; t jay
"'!.' A StM Miicklulosb
7 Mandolin Solo.
S Souk W 1. Stanley
Interval l.ecrilcinnlii, Hon Jo Mamileii.
I Trio Wray Taylor, I!
L Mr anil Smlllilei.
- Sons Or Hcrliert
Quiirtcttc Dillingham, Wilder,
Coney nml Norton.
Soni; W Thompson
r Souu' I'lieHer Doyle
0 Vltilln Solo U J. .M;,rx
" Song nnil C'liomt T Stay
S Son;,' A St M Macl.ltitosfi
il lnstrumontul colo.
10 Snug nml Uliorii W L Stanley
The Shipment ol Snnr.
Tho bag has displaced both the
hogsheod and the barrel in tho
shipment of refined mid raw sugars.
Thero wns a time, not so very long
ago, when suoh a thing as ship
ping, sugar in anything but a
Btavoniado vessol was unheard of,
but now it is just tho other way.
The bag has become popujar be
cuuso it is cheaper, while tho
wooden receptacles advance in
price in anoui mu same ratio. iiivou
molasses has gone back on the
stave, and that sticky commodity
is boing carried in bulk. Phila
delphia Record.
A (.oiiil Tiling.
Now, don't j mi make n nillo!io by luisglD
Ins thut sonic lieerit arc Jint n good as
"lleluler" or "Olympic." Ilt-mem mr Hint tho
Siottlu ItrcMiiignnd Mailing Co. have made
It a ntn.lv "I hoi to hruw only the puicotaml
ln'ttlllilct beer. Oilier may try to Imitate,
hut ean thuj ? Put Imps, by relying on their
Imagination. IT thai the, can', nil artist
ought never be out ofcaAli. He could diaw
money unjtlme he wanted to.
To put It brlelly, you had better let some
one lUu do tho Imagining; leu to It thai you
get tlm 1k-1 and purest aud lirth.it way your
health will not he apt to autler.
Oil paintings of tho Volcano all
sizes and prices ut King Bros,
Hotol St.
i '91
!' tV . T ill
k . A-if'j- tve
JHfl.r .J
UUm.'u.i, '(ivii. ' , . " Jd .
isiix .w;
M-tjn, Ji-ii.'--

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