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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, May 15, 1896, Image 1

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WOm" r r "V .
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Zfos Advertising Medium . - 7'
The Only Eight Tage
jw ;m7 fra the DullcLn
Evening Paper Published
yon Doift Gil ALL the News.
on the Hawaiian Islands.
Subscription 75c. a month.
It Reaches ALL tlui Teoplc.
V ---
Vol. 1. No. 305.
HONOLULU, H. I., FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1896.
Piuoe 5 Cents.
Published every day excopt Sunday at
COO King Strcot, Honolulu, II. I.
For Month, nnywhero in tho Ha-
waiinn Islands S 75
For Year. 8 UO
For Year, postpaid to America,
Canada, or Mexico lQOO
Por Year, postpaid, othor Foreign
Countries 13 00
I'nynblo Invariably lu Advance.
Tclophono 250. P. O. Box 89.
B. L. FINNEY, Manager.
business o tho No. 10 Fort Street
Store from tho estate of tho late
J. T. Wntorhouso, I will continuo
tho same business under ray own
Thanking tho patrons for thoir
patronage during the twonty-fivo
oars of ray munagomontof tho
msiness, 1 ask for a continuance
of tho same liberal patronage.
A full lino of Dry Goods and
Fancy Goods will bo kept con
stantly on hand at lowest prices.
Ex IrnoLgard"
An nshortment of
Victoria Lawns, Doylo3's, Cool
ing Cloths and
Linen Tublo Dnrnask and Lin
en 'Napkins, Linen and Turk
ish Towels, Curtain Loops,
Silk Beltings, etc., etc.
Just -:- Arrived
P. D. Corsets
Wo beg to call special attention to tbe
P. X.
Summer Corsets
Of which we carry All Sizes in Stock.
rvlorohunt Strout, I-Ionolulu.
Stationers, Music .
. and News Dealers.
Jf Carry tho Lurgost Assortment in
theso liuos of any houso on tho Islands. No
Lower Trices.
Just Received a consignment ot
Vosb & Sonsf Schiller &8mitli and Barnes
13" Special attention called to tho last
named to thoso who want a good Piano at
a moderate prico. Wo soil Pianos on the
installment plan.
We Muuulactiiro llubbcr Manip.
Kj Ibland orders solicited. Give us a
triaPand wo guarantee satisfaction.
Health and Strength
Ayer's Sarsaparilla
Mm. 91. A. dimming, of YarrnTllle.
Victoria, Aiittrnlln, Snyt
"About a year ago, I had a sovero
attack of Inlluenzn, which left mo
very weak, without energy, appe
tite, or interest in life. Obtaining
little or no relief from doctors, or
from tho many remedies recom
mended to mi-, 1 finally tried Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, and from that time,
began to gain health and strength,
I continued tho treatment until
fully recovered, and now have very
great pleasuro in telling my friomls
of tho merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
and tho happy results of its use. I
consider It tho best blood-purificr
Cold Medals at the World's Chid Expositions.
AYErj'Q PJM 'or Constipation
Hll.no rlLLO and Biliousness.
Sugar-Coatod, Mild but Effoctlvo
Hollister Drug Co., Ltd.
Bolo Agents for the Itopublio ot Hawaii.
(f iitpm m
0 ""&
Imports of Champagne In
to the United States,
G H Mumm & Co.'s extra
dry 30,831
Pommory & Grono 11,798
Moot & Ohnudon 9,G08
Heidsieok & Co., (dry
Monopole) 7.501
Louis Roedoror 3,438
Ruinnrt 3,130
Perrier Jouot 3.286
Irroy&Co 1,785
Vvo. Clicquot 2,378
BouoheSec 992
Dolbeok&Co 728
St. Maroohux 834
Krug&Oo 270
Ohas. Hoidsiook . . . 355
Various 5,419
Total -.81,859
Macfarlane & Co.,
Bolo Ageuta for G. H. Mumm & Co.
for tho Hawaiian Islands.
Administrator's Notice.
Tho uudorsignod, having been duly up.
pointed Administrator of the Estate of
JAMES DONNELLY, Into of Honolulu,
Island of Onhu , deceased. Nodco is horoby
givou to nil uieditois of tho docoased to
present their claims,, whether secured by
mortgngo or otborwUo, dnlv nuthouticnted
and with proper vouchers, if nuy exist, to
the uii(li:rsijuu 1 within six mouths from
the dato hereof, or thoy will be forover
baned, and nil ptrsous indebted to tho
said dcceiiwid aro requestod to make immo
dinte pnymeut to tho undorsigncd nt his
ofilco, No t'J Merchant ntreot, Honolulu.
AdminiHtrncor ot tho Estate of James
Donnelij , dLconfod.
Hoiiololu, April 23, 1800. 235-8t
To Let or Lease.
ono mile from postoftlce. Lurgo houso with
tnrnitnro. Four bod rooms, parlor, largo
dining room, pantry, kitchen, bath rooms,
hot and cold wuter, with patent closets,
servant bonnes, stables, horbe paddook,
garden nnd trees. A charming location.
tf Morchaut at,, next FoutofUcei
DoHcIency Appropriation mill Knplo.
Innl Furls HIM Fun tlio Senate
I'rocccllni: In Lower lloti.c.
Sixty-Seventh Day, May 15th.
In the Senato Jhis morning a
communication fromytho Houso
was road concerning t,ho proceed
ings, of that body.
Sonator Baldwin from tho Com
mittee on Commerce roportod a
substitute bill for tho various
bills proposed having for thoir
object tho making of Knilun a
port of entry.
Tho same Senator on behalf of
tho Joint Foreign Affairs Com
mitteo presented an amended pho
tograph of tho now great Seal and
tho Joint Resolution thereon. Tho
resolution passed.
Minister Coopor gave notico of
his intention to introduce u bill
granting a franchiso to tho Ha
waiian Tramways Company to
run an olectric street-car Bystom
through tho streets of Honolulu.
Senate Bill 35, relating to tho
permanent settlement of Knpio
lani park, was taken up on tho
order of the day on third rending
and passed unanimously.
Sonato Bill 41, making appro
priations for unpaid bill prior to
December 31, 1895, u1b passed
third reading unanimously.
Houso Bill 21, to promote
fencing, passed third reading,
Senators Brown nnd Wilcox
voting no.
Houso Bill 43, relating to crimi
nnl jurisdiction of District Ma
gistrates, passed third reading
Minister Coopor asked permis
sion to withdraw tho notico ho
gave of a bill for tho introduction
of tho Electric Railroad franchise,
in ordor that tho Com mitteo which
had tho matter under considera
tion might introduco tho bill.
Houso Bill 44, granting ad
ditional jurisdiction to District
Magistrates, passed third road
ing. Tho bill relating to', collection
districts and ports of entry in
troduced by tho Committee on
Commorco was rend tho first timo
and referred to tho Printing Com
mittee. Sonnto Bill 46, to uuthorizo n
national loan and tho issunuco of
bonds as security therefor, was
taken up on second reading.
Section 1, containing tho sum
total of tho bonds, was doforred.
Section 2 regulatos tho amount
of mtorest. Senator McCandless
Bnid 5 por cent wns enough. Ho
had discovered that sinco this bill
had boon introduced all tho re
maining 6 por cent bonds had
been taken up at par, and that
thoy woro now hold at a premium
of 1 por cent. Tho roas6n thoy
had not boon at n premium be
fore was becauso nnyono could go
to tho Minister of Finance nud
got a bond at par. Under this
showing ho thought there would
bo no difficulty in placing tho 5
por cent bonds. Tho section pass
ed as read, as did Sections 3, 4, 5,
6 nnd 7 with slight amendments.
Section 8 provides for tho dis
position of tho monoy as follows:
Now School Houses and Teach
ers' Cottago, $32,000; Now Laund
ries, Honolulu, 811,000; Now Jail,
Ililo, 83,500; Now Powder Maga
zine, Hilo, $400; Now Korosono
AVnrohouso, Hilo, $500; New Hos
pital, Hilo, 82,500; Now Jailor's
Houso, Kohala, S300; Now Court
houso and Site, Koloa, 82,000;
Now Korosono Warohouso, Kahu
lui, S500; Now Central Fire Sta
Hon, Honolulu, $25,000; Now
Wharf at Waiakoa, 830,000; Now
Wharf at Kawailme, S1,000; New
Wharf at Kihoi, $1,100; Harbor
Improvement, Honolulu, 8127,
700; Now Roads, North Hilo, S40,
000; Now Roads, Ililo, 850,000;
New Roads, Puna, 825,000; Now
Roads, Kohala to Waimoa, $5,000;
Now Roads, South Kona, $40,000;
Now Roads, North Kona, $50,000;
Now Roads, Kau, 87,000; Now
Roads, Hamakua Homesteads,
At this point Senator Bald win
precipitated n discussion by mov
ing to insert nu additional item of
85000 for a road from Kula to Ki
hoi. Boforo an agreement wns
reached the Senato took a recess
to 1:30 p. m.
Sixty-Ninth Day, May 15th.
house of hepresentatives.
Rep. Robertson, ou'bohnlf of 'R.
W. iiwin, asked permission to
withdraw that goutloman's peti
tion for an appropriation of 80000,
money expended in excess of tho
amount allowed in connection
with tho shipmont of Jnpaneso
laborors to tho Islands. Granted.
A recess of 15 minutes wns fol
lowed by a speech by tho Attor
ney Gonoral relative to tho
appropriation and tax bills.
Ho asked if the Houso could not
tako up tho appropriation bill
for currout expenses.
Rop. Rycroft said that intelli
gent work could not bo done up
on this bill until somo of tint tax
bills had boon acted upon. There
was much coimuittco work in ro
tation to thoso bills and ho
thought it best to adjourn, bo that
tho committees could got through
with it.
Rop. Robertson thought it best
to do as suggested by Rop. Ry
croft. Said action on tho current
expenses bill had best bo doforred.
The Ropresontativo said ho
thought that thoro had boon con
siderable unfair criticism, somo
of which emanated from tho
executive, relative to tho dilator
iness of the Houso in passing bills.
Tho newspapers also had been
too Bovero on this point. As a
matter of fact, tho Houso was
working very hard, a largo portion
of their labor being in comraittoo
mootings. This work is necessary
aiul with tho rush of bills at tho
present timo, each ono of which
requires consideration, thoro is
not tho possibility of passing bills
with any degree of rapidity until
tho committees have dpcided upon
them. Ho boliovod the Houho
should adjourn and by tomorrow
morning a number of measures
would bo ready for final action to
bo taken.
Rep. Rycroft Btatod that tho
Executive wns much to blame forno
bettor progress having been made.
At the beginning of tho session
all tho Houso could do wns to
moot and ndjourn. Thoro woro at
that timo many bills in tho hands
of tho Executive which might
have been sent to tho Houso
aud acted upon. Nothing of tho
kind was done, however, nnd aa a
consecjuonco thoro was an im
mense amount of work brought in
near tho close. Tho Houso was
making n groat denl bettor pro
gress than many supposed and
when tho committees got through,
as thoy vory soon would, bills
would bo handled rapidly. Tho
Houso was doing ovorything thoy
Rep. Richards "If wo nro go
ing to resolve oursolvos into a
mutual ndmirntion society, lot's
adjourn and got aftor tho com
mittoo work."
Houso adjourned until tomor
row at 10:55 n. m.
I'ollce Court Hems.
Three Japanese woro arrested
lost night, under tho new act for
bidding libidinous solicitation.
Thoir case will bo hoard on tho
Isabella Claudinc and Mnuaolo,
nativo womon, failed to comply
with tho law requiring peoplo of
thoir class to appear for examina
tion boforo tho govornmont phyBi
cian and woro arrested this morn
ing. Koola ploaded guilty of tho
larceny of a watch valued at 825.
Ho was sontonccd to throo months
Dew will not form on simo co
lors. While a yellow board will be
covered with daw, a rod or a black
ono besido it will bo porfeotly dry.
, Throe Juror Dli'cnt I'roin the Vor
dIct-Frotiate nnd Oilier Matter
-Convicted of Dlntlllluc.
The appeal of Julien D. Hayne,
on a conviction in tho District
Court as a public nuisance, was
taken up boforo Judgo Perry and
tho following jury yostorday
morning: C. J. Shorwood, O. V.
Sturdevnnt, Archio Turner, F.
Hustnce, J. J. Locker, C. B. Hus
ton, Goo. Gray, F. M. Starkoy,
Wm. Lucas, A. B. Wood, O. B.
Gray and B. It. Campboll.
Tho prosecution called Georgo
H. Paris, J. J. Greono, W. J. For
bes, J. A. Thompson and E. S.
Boyd as witnesses nud introduced
copies of tho Hawaiian magazino
and tho printer's proofs of certain
portions thoroof.
Tho defondant offered no ovi
donco in his own behalf, but
movo tho Court to instruct tho
jury to bring in n verdict
of acquittal and argued
at longtu in support of tho mo
tion. Deputy Attorney Gonornl
replied for tho prosecution and
tho Court donicd the motion.
At 3:45 p. m. yostorday Mr.
Hayno addressed tho jury in his
own bohalf, concluding at 5:35
when tho Court adjourned for tho
At thip morning's session Do
puty Attorney General Dolo ad
dressed tho jury in a speech of
thirty-fivo minutes duration, at
tho conclusion of which Judgo
Perry charged tho jury. At 9:5(5
tho jury retired to consider thoir
verdict, roturning into court at
10:13 with a verdict of not guilty,
three dissouting.
Tho enso of tho Ropublic of Ha
waii vs. Adolph Kunst, distilling
liquor, was tried boforo Judgo
Porry and tho following jury this
morning: D. W. Corbott, B. It.
Campboll, A. B. Wood, A. Tumor,
H. G. Wootton, J. J. Egan, Goo.
Gray, J. M. McChesnoy,C. B. Gray,
Wm. Lucas, Willard Brown and J.
D. Tregloau. Theo. Wolfo wns
sworn as Gorman interpreter. F.
Pahia, John Bell nnd Bishop Pa
llia wore sworn ns witnesses for
tho prosecution and tho defendant
testified in his own bohalf. Aftor
nn absence of fivo minutes tho
jury brought in avordict of guilty
as charged, ono dissouting.
This afternoon tho caso of Aka-
ua, charged with tho sumo offonso,
is on trial.
W. O. Smith has boon appoint
ed guardian of the persons of tho
minor children of Georgo E.
Richnrdson, of Wailuku.
Mary K. Spoucor has filed a
petition for tho nppoiutmont of n
guardian for Dora Spencer, a
minor child.
Judgo Carter and n jury aro en
gaged in tho trial of a civil caso.
Virginia Apple for Vlctorln.
Captain J. Killobrow 1ms just
visitod Albomnrlo county. Va. , to
seo about tho applos tho Queen of
England oats, which nro not to
bo obtained nnywhero excopt in
Albomnrlo and Nelson counties.
Fifteen years ngo an English gen
tloman traveling in Virginia had
his attontion direoted to tho Al
bormarlu pippin, and was so
ploasod ho tent a barrel of them
to Queen Victoria.
Every year Binco an order for
six barrels oomos to a grower, who
has his orchards betwoon Chnr-
lottosvillo and Alton, on top of
tho Blue Ridgo mountains. Tho
apples for the Queen aro specially
packed in polishod barrels, with
h small United States Hag and an
I'lDglisli jack painted on tho top.
Sterling, tho paintor, is pro
pared to quoto prices on roof
painting. Houses n composition of
coal tar and coniimt. Cheapest
and best roof preparation in Ho
Curlou TciintoNcc Lake.
There is a small Inko nbout
milo in length in tho Fifth dis
trict of White county, says the
Sparta Exportor, which rises in
the wintor and fall ns dry woatb
or comes 011 till it becomes entire
ly dry. About six years ngo it
wns noticed that very largo fish
enmo up out of tho ground as tho
wator rises, and Binco that time
many huvo been caught with hook
and lino, somo of them weighing
as high as lnu pounds. Tiny are
catfish, aud frequently largo hears
nro found on thorn, supposed to
havo been cntisod by the rocks nnd
crevices which thoy havo como
through to reach tho surface As
tho water falls tho fish go back to
thoir underground homo. Unliko
tho fish in the Mammoth Cave
and othor places underground.
wioHo nau uavo eyes and aro per
fectly developed yollow 0.1 1. It is
supposed by some that this under
ground luko is fed by tho Cum
berland or Coney Fork rivers, nnd
when tho river" rises tho wnter is
forced to tho surfneo at this pltice1T
Tho existence i.f fish in tho hi ko
makes tho theory reasonable.
I'll n Son mid Heir.
Mr. TouBorial Roach, tho popu
lar barber's youngest, n boy, will
bo ono dny old tomorrow morning.
Ho was born baldhcaded, or near
ly so, but his papa believes that
ho can romedy that defect in timo
by the uso of his hair invigorator.
Othor manipulators of shaving
tools havo signed a petition re
questing Mr. Roach to bring up
tho boy in Bomo other lino of bu
siness ns competition is already
too closo. The child is a pretty
little shavor.
Central Union Nodal.
Tho following program wna
rendered at tho Central Union
monthly church social la3t night:
Piano duet by tho Misses Hopper;
soprano boIo by Miss Richards;
solo by Prof. Ingnlls; soprano
solo by MrB. Pnty with violin ob
ligate; solo by E. Mott-Smith.
Quito a number of people woro pre
sont and an enjoynblo timo was
had. Refreshment, woro Borvod
during the evening as usual.
Volcoluiinn Specie Ilmili.
Tho card of tho Yokohama
Specie Bank, ono of tho most
prosperous institutions of the
kind in the world, appears in
this is8uo. It has a subscribed
capital of 12,000,000 yon, a paid
up capital of 4,500,000 yon nnd its
reservo tuna amounts to 4,130,000
yon. Tho Honolulu ngoncy is
now fully equipped for doing
businoBB nt its now quarters in,
Tho Republic building.
The Tennl Tournament.
The somi'-finals will be played
off on tho courts of tho Pacific
Tonuis Club this afternoon, as
Four o'clock Dillingham and
Coney agaiiiBt S. G. Wildor and
Fivo o'clock Woods and Wodo
houso against Hydo and Norton.
Tho public gonernlly is invited
to attoud.
Hawaiian CofTuo Aliroail.
Tho Syduoy Morning Hornld
reports tho sale of n lot of Ha
waiian coffee at a high figure nnd
spoaks flatteringly of its quality.
All duties on coffee, cocoa nnd
sovoral othor similar mvwlnnta
will bo removed on July 1st by
tho Now South Wnlos Govern
ment. Just twenty pieces of those
famous washablo dress silks forin
orly sold nt 35 cents aro now going
nt 30 coutB to closo out, and you
had bottor hurry as twonty pieces
iB positivoly nil wo havo in stock.
Iwakami, Hotel stroet, next to
Ordwav & Porter's.
Thoso Foulard nud shot silks at
tho Watorhouso bargain salo are
just tho thing for suinmor -wonr.
Prolty dosigus, sploudid quality.
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