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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 06, 1896, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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,titmmam, m t.mtmKniiMintrmKimmmwrtiimemnmjtiKrvirmfy
Sealed Tenders
Will bo leceivcil fit (h Oilico of tho Min
ister of tlio Interior till 12 o'clock noon of
August Cflth, lS'JO, for tho construction of
tho following buildings:
1 .A 2 Boom School House at llouauunu,
H.Koim, tliiwull.
2 A 2 ltuutu School llouso fit tho lit mo
Btoail , Uonokan, Hawai
!1 A Tonchor'B CotUgo fit tho Honoktin
riflii find Dcelliratlon nt the Olllcc of
the Superintendent of Public Works, aim
tlimc of the Ilonauuiu School llouro nt the
OIHco of Mr. John furls, Ki-alakekun, and
those- of tho llonokua Uutldlugs nt the store
of A. M. Mti(lay, HonoKnn.
The Mltibtvr doc not bind himself to
accent the lowest or uny bill.
Minister of the Interior.
Interior Offlco, August 0, 1S1!U. 3TU3t8.
Sealed Tenders
Will be recoi(d nt tho Ofllco of the Min
Jhtor of the Interior till 12 o'clock noon
Krhlny, August 11th, 1S!)0, foi tho con
btruclion of tho following buildings:
1 A .1 Itootn School IIouoo nt Maemne,
Honolulu, Oihu.
2 A 2 Ilooni School Houho on Koynl
School l'rciiiihes, lhninn street, Honolulu.
3 A .1 Room School Home nt 1W1 City,
Uwrt, (Juhu.
1'ltns nuil suttlficatlon' at the Olllcc of
Mcurs Klpley ami DicUcj.
1 A 3 Boom School House nt Kuhuku,
5 A leacbw' Cottage at Knliuku, Koo
huUia. l'laii niul f pctlBcRtIon at the Olllco of tlio
Stipnlutenikut of I'ubllc Works.
The MlnUU-r does not bind himself to
aecoiit the lowest or any bid.
Minister of the Interior.
Into ior Ofllco, August (!, 1S0G. 371-3(8.
Sealed Tenders
Will ba teco'ncil at tho Offlcu of tho
Minister of the lutuiior till 12 o'clock noon
of TUU11SDAY, August lllth, 1890, foi
tho rouitruoiion of foundations of tho
(.'ciitrul Tiro Station. i'lans anil specifica
tions nt tho Ofllco of tho Superintendent of
Public Works. Tho Minister do04 not
bind hiojsolt to tccopt tho lowest or any
t J. A. KINO,
Minister of the Intoiior.
Intuiior Omco, Aug. 5, 130(1. 373-3t
'i:nsus miik'i:. t
In iu-uordnuce villi the ruinlremciiJs of tho
law, n jjoiiernl census of the llituntlan Islands
will bo taken as of date or the nh,'lit of Sept-,
ember 'JT, ls'Jfl. Attention Is called to the
following extract fiom the law:
"All persons are liueby required under
pain ol u fine not to oveed fifty dollars; to bo
Itnpojed bj any police or district Justice, to
man er all such questions as shnll be pi opoutiib
cd by tlieiigvuteof tha Hoard of Education, re.
latins to or nceissary fur inaMiij; tlio census '
The follolny District Superintendents bare
been appointed for the purpose ofmakliu; tho
llllo II. C. Austin
ilumakun Chas. Williams
North Kohnln W. I'. MtUougal
South Kolula MlssK. W.Ljous
North Komi Wnldemar Mullcr
South Kona ilnrry T. Mills
Kan 0. Melnecke
I'uni Harry Iljeroft
Lnliaina and I.nual Ilemy Dltl.cnson
Walluku John A. Moore
Uakaw.ui C. II. Dickey
liana It. Strauch
Molokal Geo. Trlmblo
Eh a and Waliuiac C. H. Dcmint
WjIaIim Kd. Horo
Koolauloaaud Koolaupoko.. William Henry
Walmvu and Nllhau K Omsted
Koloa Edward btrcU
Llhue W.J.Wells
Kauallmu H. '.. Austin
Hanalel '. W. E. H. Deu'rlU
General Superintendent of Consul.
37 !-4t p
Irrigation Notice.
rtoldeisof water pi Ivlleges, or those pay
lwj Water rates are hereby notified that tho
bours for Irrigation purposes aro from C to 8
o'cloik a, M. and i to 0 o'clock v. m.
Siipciluluiiiluit Honolulu Waterworks.
J. . Kino,
Minister of the Interior.
Honolulu. Jul J 10, 18H0. fttfi-lm
A now port amvoyor for Ililo
liim nol yet bean appointed.
.Douglas K Brown, h Hawaiian
juror, was fined S10 by Judge
Cnrtor thiB ujornitiK, for not ap
pearing in tho box at 7 o'clock
.last night, puvBiiiiiit to ailjouri.
mont of tho trial for roiosp. Urovn
says ho thought it was 7 o'clock
this morning to which recess was
taken, and that ho was on hand
at that hour.
51? Ever?io Bulletin
THUltSDAY, AUG. G, 1890.
Ouo of tho most distinct wants
for tho oncouragotnent of tourist
travol to Honolulu is a lirat-clasB
hotel at far-famed Waikiki. Al
though thero aro good hotels in
town. viRitorH of mcauB do
.. T ,
not caro to Btay in town.
It does not givo tired
refugees from tho confined air of
other cities a sufficient degree of
chango. As matters stand, a
distinguished visitor, with monoy
to got tho best, has to hire a wholo
house at tho beach. This was tho
caso with Count Mutsu, tho Min
ister of War of Japan. Not nl
ways can a suitable houso bo
obtained, llobort Louis Stoveu
sou was fairly content at Sans
Souci and loved Hawaii for its
Waikiki atmosphoro. A hotel
that would bo an improvement on
Sans Souci in stylo of accommo
dations, with tho usual privileges
of first-class hotels added, would
have a good prospect of existing
with a constant increase of tourist
patronago which would beforo
long make it profitablo to its pro
prietor. As previously stated, it
is not a question of adding to tho
saloons of Honolulu, but of grant
iug an ordinary hotel concession
to :i hotel at Waikiki.
Whe-n the semi public location oE
the nite,tho class of building now
upon it and tho improvements
guaranteed aro considered, tho
project lately submitted to the
Government for a hotel at Wai
kiki eninnriHPK mi onnortunitv for
supplying the dosideratuni that is
not likely over to be again pro-
OXl! OS 4XAltKN0i:
Nolril n J.uujor 'Irilnir to llnlrli
llulloil V.;sk
In a roport of tho arrival of the
Bteamor Australia at San Francis
co, a Chronicle roporter gives tho
following version of a story told
by Steward James of Clarence W.,
Macfarlane, tho all-round athlete,
fancier of poultry, salesman for
Macfarlano Sr Co., and jolly good
follow generally:
As usual, the Australia's jovial
chief steward, Tom James, had a
good story to toll. "'Claronco
McFurlimu, tho attornoy an
b i other of Colonel McFarland of
Houolulu, wants to introduce
game chickeiiB over thero," ho
said, "and overy ttip for tho four
or five months ho has requosted
mo to bring a sotting of eggs of a
good fighting breed. Well, I've
either forgotten tho eggs or nog
looted looking for thorn until it
was too lato each time, and tho
trip beforo this ono ho told mo
that if I camo to Honolulu again
without them ho would break
my skull I believe that
was his throat. As luck would
have it, I forgot thotn again, and
didn't think of tho mattor until
Ave woro entering Honolulu. 1
know Clarouce would board tho
Bteamor on a search for Ids eggs
tho moment sho touched tho dock.
I didn't daro to toll him I had
none for him attain, so I rushed
down to tho cook and told him to
boil six ordinary eggs, and boil
thorn hard. Ho did so. Then ho
fixed them up in cotton and placed
them in a little basket, buro
enough McFarland was tho first
limn to board tho steamor, and ho
rushed down to my oilico ready,
ho said, to carry out his threat if
I hadn't brought his eggs. I
handed him tho basket, and ho
thanked and thanked mo, and said
he'd forgive mo for all tho disap
poiutmcut I'd caused him. When
wo loft Honolulu McFarland had
tho eggs under an old hen that
was holding thoin down twenty
four hours a day. I expect to bo
killed wlion I leturn to Honolulu.
However, ho may lot mo go it I
tako him a dozen good eggs."
mm m mi
Destructive 1'lrc
On Monday aftornoou at about
four o'clock, a firo started in tho
cano fields at Waimanalo from
burning trash. About Bixty acres
of cano woro burned.
imely Jopi8$
Democratic Party And
The Aermotor
The singular situation of the
Democratic parly at this time
is aptly illustrated by the story
of two Irishmen who occupied
berths in a sleeping car on one
of the great American railway
Jines. A collision took place
in the night and confusion
ensued. Both men dressed
hastily, and when they emerged
from behind the curtains, Pat,
recognizing his friend Aike,
said to him, "Mike, are you
hurled?" "No," said Alike,
who in his haste to dress had
gotten into his trousers with
the hind part before, "I am not
hurt, but am fatally twisted."
The Democratic party, it is al
most needless to remark, is like
unto Mike, "fatally twisted."
Instead of being twisted in
a railway collision, however,
Democracy seems to have been
twisted by wind. Whether
some remnants of the recent
St. Louis tornado hovered
around the Chicago convention
or whether it was simply a
tornado issuing from the mouth
of the-'BoyOrator of the Platte"
certain it is that windy
eloquence carried the day in
the Democratic convention,
and from all accounts the
campaign will have to be
carried through on wind, as the
banks refuse to let the Demo
crats have any gold ' to run
it with.
It the windy eloquence of a
boy orator can force a Presi
dential nomination in favor of
an almost unknown candidate,
what must be the power of old
Boreas himself when he turns
loose a consignment of the
real article. We have seen it in
the almost total destruction of
a portion of the city of St.
Louis and we have seen it
take a "twist" through Kapio
lani Park just to show the
people of these islands that we
are not entirely foigotten.
Wind, however, properly
regulated and controlled is not
only a good thing in the mouth
of a man like Win. J. Bryan,
but it is a better one in the
case of the Aermotor Wind
mill, and a very little of it
will answer the purpose. The
mechanism of the Aermotor is
of Steel and it is simplicity
personified. A boy or an
ignorant Jap can run it and
keep it in order. Only a few
weeks ago we replaced a wind
mill set up in the grounds of
the Queen's Hospital, which
would not do the work re
presented, by an Aermotor.
There has been no trouble
about water since. The hospital
people are using more water
than ever before, have more to
use and yet the Aermotor only
runs a portion of the time.
For the first time in the history
of the institution, the trustees
are assured of water enough to
irrigate the entire grounds and
the pipes will soon be laid
to do so.
But enough said! Everybody
knows the Aermotor does
exactly what it is represented
to do. To those who have not
examined its simple construc
tion we would like to show a
small working model which
we have in operation.
Hawaiian Hardware Co.
Opposite Sprockets' Bank,
;ltic'ton Sales by .Iris. 1 Morgan.
Tho Credit Auction S.ilo by
order of Messrs H. Hnokteld
& Co., will bo continued nt tny
On FIUDAY, August C,
When will be sold
, Tobaccoes,
Paints and Oils,
Tubs and Buckets,
Coils Rope,
Furniture !
374 It Auctiouccr,
to your typo printed visiting
card, when it is so eaBy to
get the correct thing right at
No card but an engraved
one is acceptable; others aro
cousideied shoddy and should
not bo uted.
We know tho correct thing,
nud any woik turned out by
us, will place you light in
tho swim.
Every elTort is boing made
by us to keep this work at
hoino, and i a strict adher
ence to Sa'n Tranci-co prices,
combined with good clean
work is any indncoment to
place orders horo, wo will got
all your work from now on.
Bear in mind that wo are
not trying to meet tlio cut
rates of Eastern Uepaitment
slore3 for inferior work; but
are doing good work, using
tho very best of material, and
adhering closely to ruling
lates in San Francisco.
Nor is tho woik confined
to Cards alone, but Wedding
and Socioty Stationery, Busi
ness Cards, Announcements,
Bill Heads for Professional
men, Embossing, and tho
general run of work coming
undor that head, havo tho
same careful attontion.
You may not need any
thing now, but it is well to
boar in mind when tho time
comes, and save tho expense
of souding away for it.
H. P.Wicliman
Basebai! Season
First. Regiment.
Saturday, Augusts, 1896
Game Called at 3:3d i. t.
Hope You
Are Well Fixed.
8""Wo refer of course to Footwear, particularly all tho now shades
in colors for Ladies and Gentlomou.
If You Need Fixiiigses
Como in and See TJ.
The" Manufacturers' Shoe Co.,
DBig- Slioe Store.
If you aro thinking of getting a
Bioyole, now is tho time to get
ono while they last. This olTor of
IUjibleiis at S75.00 is not n, cut m
price, so don't wait expecting to
see tho prico como any lower. Wo
...: -i i... uf n rw inft
This whool is fitted with tho
yjlliJ ItllU IIJU13 fl.J i tt .- ia.l
GJrent - fc .T. Tiro
which has proven so satisfactory
in this laud of tho
Kirnve 'ffhorn
Wo also have a stock of tho 1S9G
wheels both ladies and gonts which
avo aro offering at a low figure and
on easy terms. Como in and have
a look at our wheels and satisfy
yoursolf that we are in the JJicycle
An Investment
Slop and think how many Nick
les and Dimes you might savo
had you a wheel. A rido to Wai
kiki is not only a pleasuro but a
sure saving of health and strength.
You will find uoav vigor by thouso
of muscles novor beforo brought
into use.
Pioneer Building and
Loan Association.
Assets, July 1800, $106,545.15
Monoy Loaned ou Approeil Security.
A S.vUnps Bunk fur Monthly Deposits.
IIousch Built ou tlio Monthly Iimtullmeut
ThiiUuiith Serios of Stook now open.
For further rmitioulurn apply to
A. V. UBAH, Societary.
CImmIkt of Commerce Hooroa.
Otllcohour, iQ.:ip-i.::oiM. U7:Mf
Mercantile Agency
C09 King street.
Difficult Collections a Specialty
371 tf
' SI M B?1B L t- w b
4' AV Ws-.
5 1 0 IT'ort Street.
We've sold refrigerators nnd
stoves until we are tired,
other things as well, but tho
rush has been for refrigerators.
Peoplo appreciate n good thin
when the points are explained
to them. Let's talk hoes, good
The Kretsinger Cut Easy is
as' new to you as lots of other
things we have introduced in
Honolulu. The Cut Enav is
i ,mule 0 tj,0 aa , fc
' n, , , . . ... ' , ,
Y"luoa uluau '"'0 aim looKS
like one broadened out Tho
ivnieiican grass hook
grass nooic is
another now thing. It is built
on new lines and cuts back
and front. A plnntor from
Kauai took a dozen tho other
day, becttuso ho recognized
tho merit there is in it; ono
will lust n life time.
Everyone suffers from the
ignorance of servants whin
it comes to sharpening lawn
mowers. Wo havo a homo
sharpener that protects tho
blado and yet puts it in con
dition to cut a hair. ' These
are gardon implements wo
havo mentioned sprinklers
belong in tho sumo category.
The latest is ono that makes
a beautiful spray and is built so
as to be easity cleaned there's
a placo on tho end of your
garden hose for ono of them.
A ono cup coffeo or tea
maker is a jewel you cannot
afford to be without cheap
Von Holt Building.
Dr. Sloggett
'Physician -:- and -.-- Surgeon
Kesitlence next to II. V. Sohmidt,
lis j., Beretauin htrcet
SjeclaiiF: Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Propnro Torichers for the Next
VZT Apply at Englo Ilouao. 353-lm
The Eveninij Bulletin, 75 cents
per month.
i "
i to
in r
- TL
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