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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 28, 1896, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1896-08-28/ed-1/seq-4/

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Notice to Importers Car
rying Goods in Bond.
On mill nfler Stpti'inlior 1st, 1S0G n re
gular Custom tlonso Wank will bo iro
riiloil (or llio withilniwnl of goods from
fiouil. Such blniil: whon presented to bo
nccumpntiieit by tlie usttnl ohiirRpe; i. e.i
bliiuk $ 1.00, Ice for filing, .f0.
Deputy Collector Gouornl.
a. M. Damov,
Minister of Finntico. .101-31
bl?? Evet)ii)$ Bulletin
F1UDAY, AUG. 23, 18i)(i.
:uoii::nv i'oi'M arn,T,
Juilvi I'cirj: n the llpnrh-Vnrloui
1'robnlo flutter.
11. W. Schmidt & Sons woro
awarded $400, tho ninmmt cluini
ed, ngninst tho lloynl Iiisurniico
Oompnny. Notico of appeal was
given by defendant.
W. 1'. Morrow wns found guilty
of assault with a deadly weapon,
throo jurors dissouting, on Friday
Jiulgo Perry, who arrived from
San Frnnoipco Inst night, presided
in the Circuit Court today, for tho
trial of M. S. Carter and others
vs. Manhattan Lifo Insurance Co.
Kinney & Bnllou for plaintiffs;
lioborteon for defendant. Aftor
four jurors had been excused for
cause, and two by tho plaintiiTs
and one by the defendant, tho fol
lowing jurors being found satis
factory wi'ie sworn: S I Shaw,
Win Chamberlain, W C Wilder
Jr., E M Marshall, F Ilustaco, 0
II Athorton, C J3 Huston, II Da
vis, (1 S Harris Jr., Fritz llowald,
W W Dimond and T M Stnrkoy.
The suit relates to tho disposition
of the amount of insuranco on the
lifo f the lute Charles L. Carter,
who was killed in tho first en
counter with the rebels of ISflij.
A nolle prosequi was entered
by Deputy Attorney General Dole
in the crnse of II. Cook, charged
with selling liquor without a
H. Leonard has 6uod Dr. Mc
Lennan for 81000 damages for
malpractice. As tho doctor was
leaving for ltnrotonga by tho Mo
nowni, ho gave a bond for 81050,
with Thomas Bain Walker, Al
fred "Willis. W. S. Luce and M.
G. Silva as suretios, on account of
the suit.
Judge Carter has appointed M..
P. Robiuson ns administrator of
tho estate of tho late James J.
Robinson under bond of $2,000,
on tho petition of the widow.
Knhooknuo for petitioner.
Knhnimntniiikni, administrator
of tho estate of Mole Koomoepulo
of Waialun, deceased, has render
ed his final account and asked for
dieclmrce. Receipts 82000, pay
ments $171.40.
Mrs. Karen Soronson and Olaf
Sorensoii have prrsonted their
first and final account as execut
ors of tho will of tho Into Thomas
Sorensoii and asked for discharge.
Receipts S3JG2 05, payments
$2999.25, balance $102.80.
s. S. .llmiownl.
Tho S. S. Mouowni left San
Francisco Aug. 20 at 8:15 p.m.,
discharged pilot at 9:5 same day,
mid arriyed at Honolulu on the
27th at 10 p. in. The stoamship
was G hours lato in leaving San
Francisco, having to wait for tho
Englinh mail. Tino weather was
experienced throughout tho voy
age. Besides a largo passenger
list, she brought 15 crates onions,
82 crates apples, !30 sacks pota
toes, 9 cases fruit, 10 casea ice
house goods, 1 ice client and
packages of merchandise. Tho
consignees aro Lewis & Co., P.
G. Camari'os, Hawaiian News
Co., Wall, Nicolls Co., Thos. G.
Captain John Bermingham, U.
S. Supei vising Inspector of Steam
Vssols, lias rondered his decision
as to tho cause of tho loss of tho
eteamor Colombia, which went
ashore nt Pigeon Point, July 13th.
Captain Clark, who was in com
mand, has been found guilty of
unskilfulness nnd negligeneo as a
, navigating oilicer, andas a punish
ment his license has baen uncon
ditionally revoked, and ho is for
bidden to oxorciso tho duties pro-
, scribed in his mnstor's oerlifioato.
S. F. Com. News.
Continued from 1st Page.
a transpacific lino which will
comoin for a share of tho Jnpaneso
. Govornmout's subsidy. Tho throo
1 companies would form a strong
, union which would givo tho Nip
pon nnd tho Groat Northern
Railroad a sharp fight for trade
ami prove a good thing for San
I Francisco.
Another Sau Francisco paper
says tho Nippon Yusou Ivaisha
or Japan Mail Steamship Com
pany has oponed an oflice in Sau
Francisco and is competing for
both piiBsougor and freight busi
ness. Tho Bchedulo of passenger
rates from Seattle to various Asi
atic poiuti has already been is
sued. It shows a most marked re
duction from thoso of the Pacific
Mail and tho Occidental and Ori
ental Steamship companies from
Sau Francisco to the snuio points
across tho Pacific. Tho rides from
San Francisco to these Asiatic
points, via Seattle and tho Nippon
Yuson Kaisha's stuamors.aro made
up of tho 1oi.mi1 rato from San
Francisco to Seattle, ami tho rato
from Seattle to tho point of desti
nation. i .
iiit.cici:.vitii)ii: ahiix,
KiKiiilrlt'K Itccvlvrtl Alum! tin- Cronl
Irom Mlcliltrmi.
Potor High, proprietor of tho
Entorpriso Planing Mill, received
a gotuuiuujcation by tho Monowai
this morning, asking as to tho
social and financial standing of
Mr. Brackenridgo, tho all-round
swindler who left hero sotno eight
months ngo.
Tho letter is from Mr. F. W.
Parker of Algonac, Michigan, and
states thatBrackcuridgc ltpresenls
himself ns assistant Attornoy
Geuornl of tho Islands, claims to
own vast coffee and sugar planta
tions and to have control of much
coin and its equivalent.
Tho wily worker of other peo
ple's sympathies ond credulities
seems to be ilourishiug and hap
py and as able to beat people out
of their money ns ho was when in
When ho was down here ho
tried to work a Bulletin man for
money and recommendations but
ho got nit.
Tin: 41.vki.io stiinii:i.
"the m, line m Honolulu Tmliiy-tVlll
lie Sonic I)n.ys I.utc
News was received in San Frnn
cisco on August 17 that tho O. k
O. S. S. Gaelic, from Hongkong
on the 8th for Sau Francisco, via
Yokohama and Honolulu, had
gone ashore on the 10th near
Shimoneseki, Japan, and was not
iloated until noxt morning. Sho
was towed to Nagasaki anil would
have to go on tho dry dock. Thoro
was twelve feet of water in her
forohold and some of tho ship
ments woro damaged. The Gaelic
was in charge of Captain Pearno.
Sho was duo to arrivo at Hono
lulu today, bringing labor immi
grants. Tho Gaelic had a largo cargo of
toa for San Francisco, much of
which is believed to be damaged
by water. It is likely tho dock
ing will delay her voyage a few
m m
A Loll;; Mi Im,
When tho barkontino S. N.
Castle sailed from San Francisco
for Honolulu, Captain Hubbard
took a well bred pointer to sea
with him, but while tho vessel is
now nenring this port tho dog is
bnok ashore. About noon of tho
day tho vessel loft San Francisco
Dave Crowloy and R. Seuuett of
tho Golden Shore wore within a
couplo of miles of tho whistling
buoy on the outlook for tho in
coming ships. Suddenly they saw
something swimmiugiu tho water,
and in pulling toward it discover
ed n ponitor dog. Tlioy pulled it
on board, and thon discovered
that the poor Lrule's hind quarters
wero almost paralyzed. They
rubbed and worked over it, and
finally aftor two hours' labor thoy
brought it around. Tho Castlo
went out on tho eaily morning
tido, and tho dog must havo been
four or five hours in tho water be
fore ho was picked up.
A. J. Derby, D.D.S., Doutul
office Cott-igo No. 100, Alakoa
Btrool, tclephono o. 015. Office
hours 9 a..m. to i p.m.
Timely Jople5
A short time ago we intro
duced the De Laval Cream
Separators to the notice of the
public through this column
but we were compelled to
change our advertisement in a
few days as the demand created
by it soon exhausted the sup
ply of Separators we had on
We have just received a
fresh supply and again call
attention to their merits..
Have you one or more cows?
If so, what is your purpose in
keeping them? Is it your object
to get the most money from
them, with at same time some
comfort and satisfaction? Are
you doing it?
Have you kept pace with
the improvements in dairy ap
paratus? Have you ever stop
ped to consider the benefits of
the Cream Separator, not to
the world, not to your neigh
bor, but to you personally and
If not, you cannot do any
thing better, and the sooner
the better. Everybody now
understands the principle of
centrifugal creaming. Gravity
causes the cream to rise in the
old way. The separator sim
ply adds centrifugal force to
gravity. It merely uses two
natural forces instead of one
only. It effects the complete
separation of cream from milk,
which is not possible in anv
other way, and in the most all
around practical mannei.
The De Laval Cream Separ
ators are in almost universal
use the world over. They have
revolutionized dairying me
thods. The State Colleges
and Experiment Stations all
use and advocate them. Aore
than 8?,000 have been sold.
All practical creameries have
long used them. Progressive
dairy farmers do so in all sec
tions. There must be many
users around you. No user oi
a De Laval machine ever did
otherwise than endorse it.
The De Laval "Baby" or
Dairy Cream Separators are
now made in six different
styles and sizes. They range
in capacity from 1 0 lbs. per
hour to 700 lbs. per hour.
Capacity means separating
capacity per hour. They are
made for all requirements from
the household buying its milk,
to the dairy of from one cow
to one hundred.
The De Laval machines are
Hand machines. They are de
signed and constructed for
hand use. Women and chil
dren run them. They are used
almost wholly in such way.
Still they may be attached to
any sort of light pbwer, from
dog tread to engine.
We have also a smaller type
of the same maphine, which is
designated as the "Humming
Bird," especially intended for
household use.- It is very
small, very compact, extremely
simple, easily understood and
cared for, safe and durable. It
possesses every advantage to
be found in any of the larger
"Alpha" machines.
Samples and prices of these
machines at
Hawaiian Hardware Co.
Opposito Sprockets' Bank,
to your typo printed visiting
card, whon it is so easy to
got the correct thing right at
No card but an engraved
one is acceptable; others aro
considered shoddy ond should
not bo used.
Wo know tho correct thing,
and any work turned out by
us, will place you right in
tho swim.
Every effort is being made
by us to keep this work at
homo, and if a strict adher
ence to San Francisco prices,
combined with good clenu
work is any inducement to
placo orders horo, wo will got
all your work from now on.
Bear in mind that wo are
not trying to moot tho cut
rates of Eastern Dopartmont
stores for inferior work; but
are doing good workj using
tho very best of material, ana
adhering closely to ruling
rates in Sau Francisco.
Nor is tho work confined
to Cards alone, but Wedding
and Society Stationery, Busi
ness Cards, Announcements,
Bill Heads for Professional
men, Embossing, and the
gfuoral run of work coming
under that head, havo tho
snmo careful attention.
You may not 'need nny
thing now, but it is well to
bear in mind when tho time
comes, and save the oxpenso
of Bonding away for it.
H. F.Wichman
25 and 50
Feet Lengths
Just Received ex
"Archer." . .
Every piece of our
4 Ply Hose
Also, a supply of
3 Ply.
Oastle & Cooke
We Have
Hope You
Are Well Fixed.
K2fWo refor of. courso to Footwoar, particularly all the now shades
in colors for Ladios and Goutlomon.
If You Need Fixing' asmss
Come in and See TJm.
The Manufacturers' Shoe Co,,
Biff Shoe Stove.
.in wi-nr
If you are thinking of gotting n
Bicycle, now is tho timo to got
ono while they last. This offor of
Ramuluus at S75.00 is not a cut in
price, so don't wait oxpoctiug to
soo the price como any lower. Wo
are offering 1895 wheels at this
prico and there aro but a few left.
This wheel is fitted with the
Great Gc. & .T. lire
which has proven so satisfactory
in this laud of tho
Iiiave Tli o I'll
Wo also havo a stock of tho 189G
whools both ladies und gouts which
wo aro offering at a low figure and
on easy terms. Come in nnd havo
a look at our wheels and satisfy
yoursolf that we aro in the Bicycle
An Investment
Stop and think how many Niok
lo8 and Dimeq you might savo
had you a wheel. A ride to Wai
kiki is not only a pleasure, but a
suro saving of health and strength.
You will find now vigor by the use
of muscles never before brought
into use.
E. 0. Hall & Son
Thero are 6 Lots at Waiki
ki, lying on the "Waikiki side
of Knlin Road for snlo, about
11 G feet makai of Waikiki
Those lots will bo sold for
cash or on installment plan.
3P" Eor further particulars
apply to
Real Estate .Broker, Bethel
St., near King.
Aug. 18, 1890.
fi-- .
- -S T-' '--. J., t
ffflpOR I ENTipi
51C Fort Stvoot.
By tho Albert which arriv
ed a few days ago we re
ceived 128 Gurney Cleannblo
Refrigerators, ranging in size
'from the small houschc
box to that used in a r
store. It was a lar
voice not consigned
bought outright. Th
irigeracors anu ice Vbbxes
havo nine points of exce"
lenco, to wit:
Cleanliness, free circulation;
economy in tho uso of ice;
condensation nnd dry air; low
average temperature; freedom
from condensation on the inner
walls; freedom from damage
by tho use of ice picks; propor
location of drip pipe and long
life. These points are found
only in the Gumey Gleanable.
Now for the reason for tho
hrge purchase. Thero aro
128 persons in Honolulu who
need refrigerators, many of
them have old ones. We pro
pose leasing these rofngerators
on the following terms: Tho
selling prico of the article is
divided by six: when tho refri
gerator is delivered one-sixth
of tho prico is paid in cash
and monthly thereafter in
equal payments until tho
ent.ro amount is pmd. If
before tlu expiration of tho
six months, tho lessee wishes
to pay oil' the balance ho will
bo entitled to a discount of
live per cent, on tho amount
unpaid. If a customer wants
to buy outright for cash, ho
gets five per cent, discount
on tho entire amuuut.
Tho Gurney Cleurmble can
be had only of us.
Von Holt Building.
Attention, Company Gr.
AitMoitY Company Q, N. G. II.,
Honolulu, Aug. 28, 1800. J
pnuy Is hereby ordero'l to roport
nt th" Drill Shod, THIS (Frliliiy)
EVENING, Aiir. 28, 1800. ut7:30
o'clock, for Drill.
393 -H Captain Coinunimhug.
Attention, Company H.
AiiMouv Comi-any H, N. G; n.,
Honolulu, August 28, 1800.
II,, N. O. II., io horoby cmltfreil
to uKMjmblo ut tho Drill Shed, THIS
(Fridny) EVENING, Aug. 28
1SU0, ut 7:.'0 o'clock, for Drill.
T.ll. MU1UIAY,
Oaptuiu Couiuimuliug,
u'j.'i u
Ufln- v&, 7
"-7 "V , . " v . '
burA," .cV
few 7
f A
fUJiff"- --ii ff-n ';'gfL-T,A,'iiS"ifir41

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