OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 29, 1896, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1896-08-29/ed-1/seq-5/

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i "Wptfr Vf ""
, 4 W
v if
IJBwlmll nl 8:90.
hullorn for A. V.
til Uui.r.iniN
J5iunl concert nl ttnnna Squat o
Mr. Luco will null u valuablo
biiHitKMH Ioumo nl 12 noun onMon
dny. Joseph Tinkor is having a now
front put on hit Nuuamt utroot
butcliur uliop.
"Knowlcdyo ih power." It iniiBt
ho ho, beeiuiHi) tho Miiiiufacturo'a
Shoo Co. nay ho.
A largo unmoor of pooplo visit
ed Diamond I load this liioniing
to viuw tho wreck.
Tho vae.ution grunted tho band
this your in for two weeks, com
inonoiny on Monday.
riogiinont bonofit by tho Elsio
Aduir oom puny und othom nt tho
drill Biied tins evening.
Ex Proaidont Harrison opnned
tho llopubliunn campaign in Now
York city on August 25th.
Custom liouso gunrdB aro
stationed on the bench in tho
vicinity of this morning's wreck.
A number of tbo big tamarind
trees in front of tho Puuahou
Propnrutory school have been cut
If tho uftornooii bo line thero
will bo orioket pructico on tho
grouudH nt King street near "Wai-
kiki road.
A. J. Dorby, D.D.S.,
ffieo Cf.ltnco No. 100,
trout, tt'lephono ? o. (515.
hours 9 a.m. to 4 r.M.
First llegimouta vb. Karaeha
mehus at tho ball grounds this
afternoon. Tho Stnr team will do
tho rooting for the Knnis.
The last band concert nt Alakeo
Island before tho band takes its
vacation comes off tomorrow after
noon, program in another column.
At tho Novelty Thontor, in Lon
don, on n recent evening tho spring
duggor nuido for stngo use failed
to act, and an actor was stubbed
to tho hear.t.
Charles Hustaco.tho well-known
merchant, hns received word of
the death of his venerable mother
t -Brooklyn, N. Y., tho notice of
which apj)ears olsewhore.
Uoautiful, artistic, accurate,
charming island viows at King
Bros. Every prominent point on
the islands is photographed by us
and painted by tho host of our
Tho foroign jury yesterday
evoniug rondored a verdict for
Mrs. (Jims. L. Cartor and others
for tho full amount cluimed from
tho Manhattan Lifo Insuranco
Thoio is a handsomo piece of
proporty, 70x100 feet, on tho cor
ner Prospect and Hackfold stroots.
It is all fenced ready for building
and wator pipos aro laid on. En
quire of II. M. Dow.
City Carriage Co.. J. S. And.
rado, manager. It you want a
haok with good horse and care
ful driver ring up Tolophono 113,
oorner of Fort nud Merchant
streets. Hack at all hours.
If you want to frame anything
in tho very best mnnnor; if you
want your framo to harmonize
with your pioturo; if you want tho
best and most tasteful framo in
the market, go to King Bros.
Makes Better Bread and Pastry than
Any Other Known Brand.
Atk Your Grocer For -It.
UNION FEED CO., Sole Agents.
IKiurtl of Education.
At a special meeting of tho
Board of Education held yester
day afternoon, tho following re
commendations of the Teachers'
Committee woro confirmed:
S. W.Mohoula to Waihoe; Miss
Beerman to Moloua; Miss Juliette
King to a now place in Kauluwela;
Joseph Koalalio to Kipahulu;
Miss Peterson to Waianno; Miss
Jarrot to a now placo at AVaianao
if such bo needed; Miss Qraco
Sharpo as assistant at Kaluaaha,
nud Miss Finckler to Kekaha.
A Cliolr llomctly.
According to a Singapore pnpor,
r GO per cent of tho cholora pationts
taken to tho Puupor Hospital have
boon cured by hypodermic injec
tions of Btrychuiue, whilo 50 per
cent woro saved in tho General
Hodpital by other treatment.
fl.il.VNIIOItOt'llll Vllll(!l(i:i.
Cnnlitwril ffnm tf 1'inir.
combing fioin ohcIi KiueflPnivo
breaker. Tho vcbhoI Hoh on tho
loo Bi'do of Diamond llo'id and is
oxponed to the full hwcII of tho
ocean. If alio woro on this side i
Bomothing might bo done for her.
Captain JL'iillor said that whon tho
Eloti was tugging nt her this '
morning tho hvm lis would raiso
both vessels high tin out of tho
wator and tho efforts of tho tug j
were simply ubcIchh against tho
force of tho wives. j
Captain J. A. King, Minister of
tho Interior, gavo n JIullktin rop-1
rosontativo somo further pur- i
ticulars. Tho Uainsboroiigh j
was hero about four , years j
ago. Ilor cargo is a sample ono. i
Tiio Now Zealand coal of which '
it is composed is claimed to bo 80 I
por cent, better in steam genera- I
ting potency Ihnu any other coal of
Australasia. Thoio would bpoiii
to bo Bomo hoodoo about it, how-
ovor, as nn accident befel tho first
trial shipment of this coal, tho '
second vessel with it was lost, and I
horo is tho third on tho rocks.
Captain McPhail belongs to
Clmrlottotown, Princo Edward
Island, and is a porsonal
acquaintance of Captain
Onmj)boll, Buporintondont of tho
Inter - Island Steam Navigation
Company, also of Captain King
Biuco tho skipper's former visit to
this port.
Captain King Bays tho Gains
borough's draught is 18ft. 7in.,
and thero is only 10
feet of wator now under her
bow. Sho is going farther inland
all the time, and ho thinks hor
caso is hopeless.
Tho Gainsborough was G2 days
out. It was tho captain's watch
whon tho vossol went aground.
Captain McPhail had gono bolow
for coffee, and when ho came on
deck tho ship was grinding on tho
rocks. Tho second mato wub for
ward at tho timo. Captain King
says tho bottom at the place is
soft coral.
It 1b learned that thero is no in
suranco on vessel or cargo, al
though this statement lacks con
firmation. British Vice CohbuI
Walker Bent a note aboard to ask
Captain McPhnil if ho desired as
sistance. Tho captain replied i
that ho did not, but intended to
make another effort to float tho
vessel at high tido tomorrow
FooOmiI! meeting.
The mooting of the football
playors last night was well attend
ed and considerable interest was
shown in tho prospects fornsorios
of games. Mr. Borgor, represent
ing tho H. A. A. C, was present
aud promised to bring up tho
question of tho Club's taking
chargo of tho two jroposed teams,
outfitting them and making all ar
rangements for games. If,
Puuahou Collego decide to put a
team in tho field, the alumni of
tho collego, who havo agreed to
play with tho H. A. A. O., will
join tho College eleven, and tho
club will only put in ono teum.
This will make a throe-cornered
contest and add to the general in
terest. Among those presont were
tho following old playora, who,
scenting tho battle from afar havo
signified their willingness toj)lay:
Mort- Tuft, guard on tho '91
Varsity of the University of Cali
fornia, and Dayton and Cockott of
Inst year's champions. Thoro will
bo a meeting of tho teams tho
coming wook to elect captains and
namo a dato for commencing
EInIo Adtilr'n UciiefU.
Tho bonofit for Miss Elsio
Adnir will tako placo on Monday,
instead of Tuosday evening as
previously announced. No enter
tainer haB ovor won tho
hearts of tho Honolulu
public in a greater dogreo than
tho charming lady whose namo is
tho titular designation of thebril
lian company that has given, un
der circumstances not tho
most favorable, ono of
tho most enjoyable dramntio Bon
sous ovor worked out in Honolu
lu. Como ono, come all, and give
Elsio a buinpor houso.
I'roupcotlv Drop lit Rlcyclr.
Tho London Spectator looks
forward to tho day whon tho oyolo
will cost $25 aud will last ton
years. Cycles will then become
for all tho healthy the universal
moans of locomotion, and will bo
hired out in thousands, instead of
tons, for jienuieu uu hour.
Highest of nil in Leavening Power. Lalohl U. H. Gov't ltopnrl.
jmowimot tojsul
Your Hens
.....'! 1 .,11 ....1. . '.... i
Ullll I lllj HUH IIIIIVS JUll Js'VU
them proper food. Poultry
koopoi-H have got to u.e a little
Egg Food
will make hens lay. Tt has
earned u. roputntion of being the
best. A pound packugo will bo
a fair tost for a dozen fowls
for six weeks, at a cost of 25 cts.
Why not mako your liens more
profitable keeping? You can do
it. Will you try a little scienco
in poultry keoping.
Hobron Drug Co.
Auction Sales by W. S. Luce.
Valuable Lease.
On MONDAY, Aug. 31st,
I shall bell nt nortliwertt corner of AlaVea
mid Kiiitf street, tbo
Valuablo Lease of Said Property
Now held by Mr. O. Huwklns.
g38T This is n good opportunity for
specnlntorx, nn the privileges of tho Le.iso
is in iuIo Known at tho hiiIu ivro gruat utul
large return profita gunranteed. No risk.
A bonanza for anyone Do not fail to
attond this Rale
First Regiment
The Elsie Adair
Supportod by tho
Best Local Talent I
August 29, 189G.
fi- Eosorved Seats at Jacob
son's Jowolry Storo. 301-lt
Oor. Fort and tjueon Streets, Honolulu.
Mercantile Agency
210 King street.
Difficult Collections a Specialty
371-tf ,
It ia with unfeigned griof that
the death of Mr. A. M. Sproull,
tho able civil ongineor, ia record
ed. Ton years ajo tho writer ac
companied Mr. Sproull with Mr.
Dillingham ovor tho laudx that
woro later acquired by tho Onhu
lla'lway k Land Company. Mr.
Sproull waB onynKed on that oc-
ciHion to nuikoaii export report on
irrigation. Tho acquaint-
anco then forniod with him
by tho writer has over since been
highly valued. Mr. .Sproull was
a perfect gentleman of the old
Hcnooi tnoiigii yountf in years.
Pulmonary trouble was what cut
short his useful caroor. A few
yoars ago ho married MIbb Wal
laco in Scotland, sho being a sis
tor of Mr. llobort Wallace, tho
well-known manager of Mr.
Sncyd-Kyuuersloy's plantation
at Kohala. Two children aro
loft with tho young wifo
to mourn their irropara
bio loss. Mr. Sproull was a part
ner of Mr. W. G. Irwin in Hitgar
planting on Maui, aud owned
shares also in a planting enter
prise on Hawaii. Tho Bulletin
oxtonds its most heartfelt sym
pathy to Mrs. Sproull aud hor
fatherless babes, also to Mr. W.
C. Sproull tho morchant, who is a
brother of tho lamented gentlo
man. Iliirni ICnriii'il.
Wilfred Bums, "tho strong
man," wont to bed at hiB lodgings
on Fort streot last night, leaving
a lamp burning on a small tablo
by lii- bedside. Whilo sleeping
tho sleep of tho just a passer-by
aroused the suspicion of "von
leotlo dog Schnoidor" that was loft
on guard. The animal sprang for
tho opeu window and upset tho
table. Tho lump being ovor
turni'il set file to the bedding.
Burns was burned soverely but
not seriously in tho hands, and
about $30 in personal proporty
was destroyed.
ltalnr !!T Sollcltnde.
Shcm Why doyon look podistrcRscd.
ills. No:ih I'm so vonicd about tho
enrputs, my foil Vou havo jio ideu how
much daimigo even ono puir of moths
nmy do nt this season of tho year. New
York Press.
Poor Woman.
Jlrs. Gnbblo Wlmt an nwfully wor
ried, nnsiouB, dcnpairh)g look Mrs.
Gooileoul IiuhI
llrn. Dabble Yes, I pnesa she's stop
ped doing her own work und gono to
keeping a girl. Now York Weekly.
A CutecliUui.
What bcndi men's flguro to an B?
The bleycle.
Whlla ludtos rldo ullli cracctulcwit
Tho bicycle
And what maken Dnpluio with nlnrni,
I'rom Hiidili 11 hjilll forlKxlInt; hurni,
Vluld hur klliu MuWt to U.iiiiuii'a urm?
Tho blcyolu.
What tnokea Amanda eava and scranof
The bicycle.
Till sho can buy tlio latrht shupo
Of bleyclo?
Wliat ninkea n Joint lust d.iyo on dny,
Turned nnd retumiil In sundry wuyH
Ot liuah, rituolod and rueliauffes!
Tho blcyclii.
What playb tho douro w 1th Yunkeo trodet
Tho bicycle.
What's now tho only "notion" mudot
Tho bicycle.
What makes the carrlaco builder alack,
What chcapons cob and tine and hnck,
While tho financiers boom nnd cruokl
Tho blojclo.
What turns the scholar to n dunce!
The bicycle,
llo rides (ho uncd to etudy onco)
The bicycle.
Wliy nro nnurotla novels nliut
And minor rocts ell uncut
And OTcrythlnK nrglecttd but
The bicycler
St. James OaMtta.
m 9
King Bros, latest conBignmont
of picture frames haB takon tho
town by storm. The dosigus aro
ologaut, up-to-dalo and of tho
Storling, tho painter, is pro
parod to quoto pricos on roof
painting. Ho tibcs acompo-sitiou of
coal tar and comont. Ohoapost
and best roof preparation in Ho
nolulu. Seattle is fast becoming a great
city. Ono thing which makes it
famous is Seattle beer, which you
find at tho Criterion. A good
thing always makes its mark.
This is ouo of tho best things on
m m i '
The Ercnintj Bulletin, 75 cents
per month.
5Q0 lorl Stroot.
Lace Striped Dress Mulls
In dolicnto shades, silk lustre, just tho thing for ovoning
tlrossofl, only 20 cents a yard
Pin Dotted Swiss Muslins
In Bolid eulois, sulphur, pink, block and yellow.
Pure Linen Lawn for $3.50
n pioco, containing 1G yards nud guiir.nitf oJ to bo puio
lmen ,
Our White Goods Department
is most comp'oto, Victoria and Pordan Lwu, diinilioa
in Rtripo' and ihids. nau"ookx, mulls, Hvim muslins,
fancy plaid and strip d white K"ds
At Bock Bottom Prices!
Fine White MuhIiii in i p m wiirlc. lloitulitul V tttcrnx,
A great stock of ........
. Valenciennes Laces .
B" Wo expect within ton days a groat and now stock of
Ordered Specialy by Us !
This is known to bo tho
finest Corsot made. . .
We Are Now
Selling a Special
Mado to Remedy tho Dofects
Ex "Australia," nn invoice of tho Fnvorito
Eeyere : Garden : Hose,
Scissors, Slicnts, Hair Clippors,
Packing of All Kinds, Feather Dusters,
Brushes in Grat Variety, Shelf Hardware,
and Another
A 16 to 1 Shot!
Old Prices Busted I
New Ones Provail 1
Boy's All-wool
School Suits!
S2.50, $3.00,
$3.50, $4.00.
"The Kash,"
I. LEYIMSTON, Manager.
Waverloy Block, Hotel Street.
E3T Shirts Made to Order.
&& Co. toy
of Thoso Formerly Used Hore.
Consignment of
Take an Outing
. . . . SUNDAYS
Trains will leavont 9:15 a.m.
and 1:45 v. jr., arriving in Hono
lulu nt 3:11 and 5:55 r. M.
Ut Class 3d CUm
Pearl City $ 75 $ 50
Ewa Plantation...' 1 00 75
Waianao 1 50 1 25
For Sale or Lease
House and I-iot!
On tliu curner of Victoria nml Green
t-ST Ajiply to
38'J-tI AltTHUlt HA1UUBON.
-I "4
f V
vi, ,

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