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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, March 01, 1897, Image 4

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Wr'fmrr WF
1 ".' ;"
Department of Publio
Tlio Goverumont Schools
throufihout tho Republic yiill
clone for tho usual Easter Vacation
ou Friday, April 9, and ro-open on
Monday, April 19, 1897. .
"Bvo'rdorof tho Department of
Public Instruction.
llouolulu, March 1, 1897.
5I?? Euepir Bulletii),
MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1897.
ABLES. Hospital accommodation for
consumptives is- a question that is
.causing great concern in differout
communities of the world at the
present timo. As renders of tho
.Bulletin know, this class of pa
tients has, by recent action of tho
trustees, been dobarrcd from tho
waids of tho Queen's Hospital in
this city. Upon tho publication
of that decision' this paper aud
the Anglican Church Chronicle,
almost simultaneously but without
any mutual understanding before
hand, advocated that hospital ac
commodation for consumptives
should bo provided in these isl
ands. This paper suggested the
establishment of sanatoriums at
different places, having in viow
, elevated localities near the sea sev
eral of which in tho group are noted
for their salubrious qualities of
climate. Tho subject is one that
should not bo allowed to drop out
of sight. Thore is no loom for
questioning tho wisdom of the de
cision of the Queen's Hospital
board, which is in lino with tho
action of hospital authpritics
elsewhere. Lately the governing
committee of uonerul hospital at
Bttthnrst, Now South Wales, re
ceived a report from its medical
officers, adverse to a suggestion
for tho treatment of phthisical
cases in the institution. From
tho chief reasons given for re
porting against tho suggestion
the following may bo quoted:
"That it may be considered as
generally agreed upon that isola
tion of phthisical cases should bo
aimed at to avoid the risk of in
fection, and for this reason their
presence in tho wards and bal
conies of a goueral hdspital can
not be recommended. Putting
on one side the risk of infection,
the presence of any numbor of
such patients in an advanced state
of pulmonary disoase is to be de
precated as'likely to have a pre
judicially depressing influence
upon ordinary convalescents, nor
' would it bo possible to exercise
any check upon tho class of cases
or stage of disease which might
in Sydney bo deomed suitablo for
admission." Tho leport goos ou
to , bay that the suggested re
muneration seamed inadequate,
considering the peculiar necessi
ties of dieting, etc., for that class
of cases. Also, that tho difficulty
of doaling with cases from outside
would bo increased "upon the fact
becoming kuown that a hospital
for consumptives existed in Bat
hurst aud i would be impossible
to restrict applications for admis
sion to those coming through tho
originally recognised channel, viz.,
from Sydney, and wo should in
.ovitably have patients drifting
from many less favored districts,
possibly neighboring colonies,
and it is quite possible toconcoivo
that a sorionB tax upon publio'
oharity might thus bo established,
ns. well as a now aud iindosirablo
ailment addod to our population
in tho shape of a class of invalids
in many cases sufficiently strong
tj move about, aud m tnml
iug1 t disseminato the germs
ul disoase," etc. Lastly, it is
argued "that at any time tho
occurrence of a severe epidemic
may imparativoly demand, that tho
j hospital spare beds bo put to their
moro legitimate use." All of thoso
reasons would apply to any gen
eral hospital in Honolulu or oibe-
fwhoro. They simply emphasize
tho necessity, as a measure of
humanity aud of prevention of
the spread of tho scourge in ques
tion, for tho establishment of hos
pitals for consumptives. Such
institutions should bo isolated
from all dwellings beyond any
fear of infection, and withiu them
selves havo provision for segrega
tion of different stages of the
malady. Thoro are sites for such
hospitals oil those islands where
tho air is so bland and
healing that, under proper medical
attendance, entire cures of. inci
pient cases might be expected to
result from the institution theio
of sanatoriums.
IIII.MILUl.l! CltlCKKT 41.111.
Klecllon ul Olllcori and I'rcllnilti
arlea nl Nasioii,
There was no wait for a quo
lum at tho annual meeting of tho
Honolulu Cricket Club, held at
tho Arlington Hotel ou Saturday
evening. Sevoral now membois
with a fair attendance of tho old
guard niodo what was considered
a very good meeting. M. Biasch,
president, repot toil verbally for
the board of management. Tho
most important subject was that
of grounds, as the players say the
present lot is unsuitable A com
mittee was appointed on this sub
ject. The finances nic not in too
bad a stnte. available resources
boing sufficient for expected needs.
Officers for tho ensuing year
were olected as follows: Dr. II.
V. Murray, president; AV. H. C.
Norton, vice-president; W. Thomp
son, secretary aud treasurer; II.
Herbert, captaiu; A. II. Hatfield,
vice-captain, and those with D.
Shanks, J. H. Catton and AvSt.
M. Mackintosh, the board of man
agement. A voto of thanks was tendered
to the retiring officers, and the
miiiuto thereot was kindly prom
ised to bo ongrossed by Viggo
Jacobsen. Thomas E. Krouso,
proprietor tho Arlington, was
given a vote of thauks for the uho
of tho parlor.
Tho captain, vico-eaptain and
Mr. Mackintosh woro appoiuted a
committee of selection for nil
TIn'MiiiiiliirTcrror t'miipletril lit I.nai
Washington, February 12. -Commodoro
Sicard, Commandant
at tho Now York Navy Yard, has
notified tho Navy Department that
the double-turret monitor Terror
will bo roady for bea tomonow,
and Bbe has been ordered to join
Admiral Bunco's fleet off Charles
ton. Tho Terror was launched
sovonteon years ago, but tho long
delay in completing her has not
been so very harmful, for it has
enabled tho depaVtment to embody
now ideas as thoy havo developed
in that poriod of time, bo that now
sho is an up-to-date coaBt-defenso
ship in every respect. This is the
iirst of our naval ships to bo fitted
with pneumatic mechanism for the
revolution of her turrets and
working of her guns. Tho roport
of the trial bouid, just received at
tho Navy Department, shows that
tho now system woiked 'satisfacto
rily upon trial.
ki:adv rou wau.
The sentiment In fnor of f lie Cuban.
Insurgents heeins to bo groning eery
iluy. In Washington the cause of the
Insurgents. Is warmly espoused. Vcs
teiriujk the Ciiineron i (.'solution, which
the morning dispatches reported
would piobably bo Introduced Into tho
Semite .Monday, n the cnusu of
much comment. Accoidlug to Secie
tnry of Stnte Olnej, thin resolution
practically means war with Spntu.
There 1h no danger or probability that
war with Spain will In the least nttect
the quality of. .Rainier licer. No mut
ter what happens Italnler Heer will
always be the beat. On tnp or In bot
tles lit the Crlteilon Saloon,
King Bros, havo just received a
now lot of tissue paper, window'
polos, sash rods, artists' materials,
picture frnmos, oto.
inn HAHir ikii.
I rtlltiii.to Irom it .11 ii ll hi Will.
urrd iiropliini llnlill
Honolulu, H. I., Feb. 27, 1897.
To tho Hawaiian Hagoy Institute;
Dear Sir: Enlivened by tho
deepost gratitude for the great
chaugo that has been brought
Inbolit in my lifo through tho
agoncy of the Hugo; lustituto, I
tako this means of thanking you
and giving a testimonial ns to tho
merit of your cure, with tho liopo
that it may bo a means of saving
others from a life of wretchedness
and degradation.
Fouiteen yenrs ago I was per
suaded by an acquaintance of
mine to tiy opium for tho purpose
of nlloviatiug me from all distioss
iug pains, aud without thinking
at the time ho advised me to do so
thnt I would bocome a slave to the
I use of it, but after using opium
only thrco days it hrmly fastened ,
the habit upon me. Many a kind
frioud had adked me to innko a do- !
termiucd effort tocast tho nbouiin-
able stuff asido forever, but that ,
was a matter of impossibility,
and my good, sineoro and earnest j
lCdolutious wero like chaff beforo i
the wind. Blessed with a strong t
constitution, X nave beou able to
stand tho constant drain on my
vital sources until the Inst month.
My excessive use of tho drug is a
well known fact to tho people of
this city.
Ou the 13th day of January,
1897, 1 entered tho Institute, met
me omcers mii cnarge, unci a con
versation nud leceived their pro
position: "No cure, no pay;"
aud immediately took tho tioat
ment for 150 day's. Shortly after
taking the remedy 1 began to feol
better. I now have a woudorful
appetito. I eat four hearty meals
n clay ana Bleep like a baby.
It was a dreadful plight to bo
in, though, just at that particular
stage of the treatment, and it is
my actual belief that if I had not
entered tho Institute as soon as I
did I would surely have died. 1
bore state for the benefit of thoso
who nio so uufortunate ns to be
similarly aillicled: Tako my ad
vice and take tho Hagoy treat
ment, nud get rid of the dreadful
habit. '
Oh, what a gladsome relief when
it is nil over. As to the effect of
the rometty whilo using it, I can
truly say that thero is nothing in
jurious or unpleasant nbbnt it at
all. Tho treatmout has mado a
decided improvement in my con
ditiou, boih mentally mid physi
cally. It has donev a marvelous
thing for me, nnd it will do tho
same for all of my friends nnd nc
quaiutnuces, who are addicted to
tho use of opium, who will adhere
and follow my eample, and I
theroforo urgently ask all to tako
tho Hagoy pure without delay.
Thore is up confinement whatever
whilo uudor treatment.
I nm a changed man and free
from tho curse, nud if at any time
I can bo of service to my fellow
men who are addicted to the use
of opium, I will happily do so
willingly aud unhesitatingly.
May prospoiity over.atteud tho
Hagey Institute, and may its
namo bo declared throughout
these Islands as a noble institu
tion that is elevating humanity to
a proper and useful standard in
In conclusion, I desire to espe
cially thank' the kind aud gen-
nrmia ft-imirl whn Yna nnnmiin.itu
www . .w iu I.VUUIQIIIT
asBisieu me; to ut. wayson,
physician in charge; to Mr. T. E.
Cowart, for tho untiring, pationt,
and nttentive services rendered me
at tho Institute, nnd it affords mo
gient pleasure in giving my tobti
raoninl to tho power of a rome'dy
for opium, morphiue and cocaiuo
habits. I also l'egnrd it as one
of tho most romnrkablodiscovories
yet produced to the light of this
progressive world.
Tho day I entered tho Instituto
1 weighed but 110 pounds, aud
siuco that timo my woightyhns in
cieaeed to JOG pouuds.
Yours most gratefully,
F. Metoalf.
I'm- Kent.
A (5-roomed cottage, stables
and servant's quarters, situate ou
Wildor avenue. Largo grounds
well Mnid out nnd plnnted with
fruit nnd ornamental trees; one
full set of furuituro nnd cooking
stove can remain in tlio house if
wanted. Apply to A. V. Gear,
210 King street.
Dr. 0. 13. High, doutist, gin
duato Philadelphia Dontnl Col
logo, 1802. Masonic Temple.
t-r. w.
after arrival of "Aus
tralia " at . . . .
Reduced Prices
Mortgagee's Notico of Intention to
Foreclose and of Sale
Notice Ih hereby given thnt by vir
tue of a power of sale contained in a
certain nmrtgtge dated the 15th day
of Ootnber. 1889, made by Mauoel
Gouvela of North Kouh, Hawaii, to
Mnuooii of Honolulu, recorded
In the RegMer OlhVe, Oahu, In Liber
, 117, panes 463 pud 40 1; the nuld John
' Mhuomi, mnrtgHgee, Intend to fore
close tald mortgage for a brearh of
the conditions In said tuortgdKe con
tained, to wit : the non-payment of
the principal and interest when due.
Notice Ih alno hereby given thnt all
and singular the property iu bald uiort
guge contained and described will ho
cold ut lubllo Miction at the auction
room of James F. Morgan, ou Queen
street, In said Honolulu, on Wednes
day, the 24th day of March, 1897, at
12 o'clock noon of said day. The pro
perty In said mortgage is thus des
cribed: Six shares in the Hul of Hnlualoa,
of N. Kona, conveyed to Mauoel
Gouvela aud Bam Iknika, M. 8. Slnie
ona and Alo, and I. F. Liluha aud
Sera Ida by deeds recorded respective
ly in Liber 118, p. p. 133, 117, p. 422,
118, p. 422, and apana 1 In Koyul
Patent 4442, L. C. A. 10770, issued In
thfe name of Puuoue conveyed to said
Gouvela by deed of Keoui H. Kau
haihaoaud Kabaka, recorded in Liber
110, page-lOTi.
Terms u.ish U. 8. Gold coin
at the, expense of purchaser.
For further particulars apply to
Attorney for MortKagee.
Dated Honolulu, Feb. 28, 1897.
Mortgagee's Notice of Intention to
Foreclose and of Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that bv vlr-
tuo of a power of sale contained in a
certain mortgage dated the 3rd day ot
August, 1895, made by Antone Fer
nandez and Moklliana Fernandez, his
wife, of Honolulu, Oahu, to Alfred
W. Carter, trustee, of said Honolulu,
and recorded in the Register Office,
Oahu, iu Liber 157, page 53, 54 and
65, and by the mid Alfred W. Cm tor,
trustee, duly assigned to J. Alfred
Magonn, the said J.' Alfred Magoon
Intends to foreclose said mortgage for
a breach ot the conditions in said
mortgage contained,, to wit. : the non
payment of the principal and Interest
when due. Notice is also hereby given
that all aud singular the lands, tene
ments and hereditaments iu said mort
gage contained and described will be
sold at publio auction at the auction
room of W. 8 Luce, on Queen street,
In said Honolulu, ou Thursday, the
25th day of March, 1897, at 12 o'clock
noon of said day. The property covered
by said mortgage is thus described:
All of the following described piece
and tract of laud situate at Auaukal,,
Waikikl, Island of Oahu, being same
premles described In Roval Patent
No. 2833, L. C. A. No. 0670, contain
ing three (3) apauasof an area of three
hundred and ninety-one (391) squaro
fathoms, and being tbesame premises
couveyed to the mortgagor by Opunul
et. al., by deed recorded iu tue Regis
ter Office, Othii. iu liber 79, pnuu 144.
Assignee of Mortgage.
Deed at expanse of purchaser. Terms
cash U. S. Gold coin.
Dated Feb. 28, 1897. 546- td
Kilobana Art Lcapo Entertainment
Two Farces at the lioomti of
the Kilobana Art League,
Tuesday Evening, March, 2.
"A - Proposal - Under - Difficulties "
"The - Bicyclers."
YZT Admission, 50 cts. Seats on sale
nt IJouBini, Smith k Co. 540-2t
Suboribe for the Evkning Bnir
i.Ei'iN 75 conta per month,
Table v Linen !
Damask and White Table Linen
35 Cents
si. do -
Table Linen .
Fort Street,
Goods For
I Every Day
In the YEAR
Are the kind of goods wo
haudlo. Whilst' the holidays
have mado groat gaps in some
lines, most of our Hues will
still bo found very com-
floto, notably that of Watches,
t takos n good many Bales to
make an impression in our
stock, wo carry so many.
Watches for $3
For meu nnd boys, and
I Watches for $300
For those with a longer
purse and au inclination for
something out of the ordinary.
We wnnt to ndd you to our
list of pleased wntch customers,
no matter how little or how
much you havo to spond for tho
purpose. Wo have tho goods,
and our many years of experi
ence will bo Kindly given to aid
you in selecting one which will
bo best for you.
H. F. Wichman
.... IB DONE AT...
No. 142 ITovfc Street.
UVir IivaIva vnnra T linvft mftllft tlin
Clothing of our best people. Thsir con-
unueu patronage is a guurauiee 01 my
Cleaning and Repairing
Iu first-class Style.
To Let.
A Cottage' suitable for a small fa
mily at No. 30 "Kluau street, near
Alapal. Apply ou premises.
OrncKt SOS Merchant Attest, Campbell
Illock rear ot J. O. Carter' offlcol. P. O,
Box 3.-16 ,
- per Yard
- 3 Yards
- . Table Linen
Lewis Co,
t If a runn's dinner is right,
and ho rises from tho tabic
conscious thnt his w.ifo has
used tho same judgment ns to
price thnt she did in tho selec
tion of thd articles disposed of
there can be no indigestion to
follow. Our goods uro of the
kind which bring health,
happiness and a fat purse.
Table delicacies are a fad
with us thoy are bought be
cause wo known tho average
Honoluluite is fond of good
things for tho stomach. Our
prices are bolow tho average
and special inducements aro
offered to cash purchasers. Our
latest importations include tho
best goods obtainable- in the
English markets.
Copeland's English Peas;
Cod's Koe, Mackerel in Mus
tard Sauce and Cambridge
Sausages in tins are so. well
put up that it would be diffi
cult to detect tho difference
between them and the same
articles direct from tho market.
"Toyssonnqau" is a long
namo to nut before Pnto but.
the combination makes the best
tid bit ever placed before a
gourmet. These arc goods
that anyone may eat without
fear of mdigestion following.
They aro put up iu the best'
factories iu Europe and como
to us in elegant condition.
Lewis & Co.,
Kort Street,
Building aqd Loan Relation
Tho. Regular Monthly Mpoting
will bo hold ut tho Ohambfrof
Ooirfmerco on MONDAY EVEN
ING, March 1, 1897, at 7:30
S5C Paymonts aro, required in
Gold Coiu.
54-l-2t Soorotary.
Meeting Notice.
Tlio Itegular Annual Meeting of the
Stockholders of the Inter-Inland Steam
Navigation Co , L'1, will be held at
tbe Olllco of the Company,' on Tues
day, Mnroh 0, at 10 o'clock a. ni.
Honolulu, H. I., Feb. 23, 1897.
Meeting Notice.
The Regular Meeting of the Board
of Directors of the Young Mou'h Chris
tian Association will be held at their
parlors Monday "Evening, March 1.
Ihe Association meeting will be hold
Immediately afterwardt Members aro
urged to como, as neveral matters of
Impurtauce aro to be considered.
645 2t
I .A

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