OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, March 22, 1897, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1897-03-22/ed-1/seq-4/

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. . . ,
- 'y
-nfffp-vr 'Mmmj' , nffiF
Notice for Tenders.
Tlio i'mio i'h mnro that ot llio tax
piyoiH 1 1 114 11 of llio (lovornnituit,
nml for this reason the lit't.MrriN
hopes tlmt tho Government will
touts nro about right for tlm objont
in iew, which into piovulo 1 fa- l
wniian school chililrun with n
paper ot thoir owu. Through tlio
Imely Jopi
Sealed Teliili-rx for iiMIaIiIii tlm
list of I)olliictieiit Tuxpiijers tor lH'ill,
lu tlie KuiilNIi mid IIhwhIUu Ian
KtiHirt" In weekly newHimporH, will be
rtcelv.il 'it tlio I'ux Atpmor h (Jlllee,
UHO it discretion, judicially con-1 medium of tdiort Morion, poonm,
finned iih it has been, with grout
care. Elsewhere n reportor gives
Bonio details of tlio examination
under which somo hundreds of
Hoi-o'ulii, until 12 o'elw k noon, ' JnpnnoBO havo boon pricked back
SATl'UDAY, March the Willi hist
Further liiforuit.tlon can be lnul by
application Id the Afsecgor.
TIih AMhHorloe not bind lilnielf
to accept tliu lowest or any bid.
f0l-3t Awnor Firot DIvNInn.
Quarantine Notice
Oftk e up the Ho n op Hiwtrii,
HoloiiiIii, MhicIi 17, 18il7. J
Nolle- Is hereby jrlv'ti tlmt YOKO
POUT; tlmt, until further notice, nil
Vessels mid Passengers fioni Yoko
huiuii, Japan, will be strictly qimnui
tluei for the full ietloti of Eighteen
Unys from il'ite of leaving Yokohama.
1$ ottler of the Ho-inl of He'Oth.
561 St Secretary.
Tenders for Beef Cattle.
Honolulu, Mitrch 17, 1SD7. )
Tender will be received at this
Olllco until lii o'clock noon, WED
NESDAY, Mureli HI, 1M)7, for supply
ing tile I.epi'r Settlement at Moloktl
wlth'l, Fat Beef C'altl-, or c!) Gooil
B-i f Cattle, to weigh not lew than 350
pound net when drexved. Cittle to
be delivered nt the Lepei Settlement
at an avenge of about ninety head
per month, lorthe period of dx ninnth
ending .September ,'!0, 1VJ7.
The tender inut bo for the price per
pound Ureeo, and t.ot per head.
Hliiin mid Tillnw to be the property
of the Hoard.
The Hoard of Health dneH not bind
Itself to vecept the lowest or n: bid.
By order of the Hotid of Health.
5fll-3t . Stcretury.
5I?? Euerjir Bulletin
to their own lnnd in tlio flteanior
that brought thorn. It is not
quite certain that koiup of tlio
seemingly factitious iinswors given
by tlio piiHsougers iu ques
tion nro nt nil fraudulent.
According to tlio laws of Jnpnu
property descends to the firstborn
son, in whom it is vested as the
head of the family, and ho is the
custodian of the family treasury.
It is a sort of patriarchal system.
Therefoie, any motuburof u family
other thnn the constituted head
who needed money to take him to
aud into Ilnwaii would roquiro to
obtain it from his grandfather,
father or elder brother. Also, as
it would bo no uso to bring Japa
nese currency here, tlio amount
required from tlio family hoard
ings would need to bo exchanged
before leaving Japan for Amorie
nn coinage or currency, which is
legal toudor iu this country. So
that somo of tlio answers of
Japanese applicants for admis
sion to Hawaii, which nro popular
ly regarded as prima facie
evidenc of fraud, may be nil i itjht
and truo. Probably tho Gov
ernment is aware of theso facts
and acts accordingly, rejecting
applying immigrants only upon
more touablo grounds. At nil
events, tho Buxm:tik givos the
facts iu fulfilment of its duties to
tho country, that will be tho sdf-
ferer in the oveut of nuy official
mistakes iu tho premises.
March 22, iSgj.
We have recently imported
Patent - Shaft - Springs
articles aud paragraphs on im
portant homo nml foreign news, , a few 1 1 1 1 1 (3 novelties for the I
etc., tho conductors eeok nt onco household which WC are Sure
to improve tho intoiiigcuco oi wm fincj reaiy appreciation
pupils and help thorn to speak, amomr Honolulu people.
read aud write tho English lang- a Cigar Rest and Ash Trav ,
uijgo with propriety. Osmer Ab-' s something new. It can be '
bott, principal of Lahainnlunn fastened to any table and is'
Bchool, is tho editor of Hawaii's jus (ie thing to USC during a I
Young rooplo, and o. E. Hose- sociable game of cards. It is '
oraus his associate. It is punted as easy to adjust as a letter
by pupils of Hint school, ilinstrnt-1 ciP) contains a receptacle for '
od by Mr. Hosecraus, and contains , the Hrrhted citrar and another '
10 page-, of rending matter. llio for the ashes. It takes up little ! 7t -,,,,, , itirr ir
mechanical nppeaiauceot the first 0r 110 Space, doesn't tip your Jf UulltQratGS AH, rLQVSQ MoltOU
number is not what it should be, liind tn the other fellow or
and the lum.gtin would suggest make any side remarks about
tho employment, for u few weeks, ( y0Ur had playing, but by its
of ouo of tlm old printers now out , convenience leads' to that Teel-
of work in Honolulu to show tho j ng of satisfaction and content-
Lnliniiiiilmin master pi inter how ment without which 110 mail
to get a good impression. Another ! can properly play the great1
thing that is not quite right, nspo- American eame of whist. i i
Invented aud Patented by W. W. WltlGHr.
This device 0.111 bo attached to Any Brake
with Straight Shafts
IJ. For full particulars, call on or adilrtsn
Propriolor Honolulu Ciirringa Mnuufditory, Tort sti-ett, nbovo flotol.
oially for nn educational papor, is
tho varied stylo of expressing one
subject. For instance, tlio papor
leaves out "tlio" boforo "United
Stntes" in soveral places aud iu
sorts it iu other places.
Latoly a Mr. Goodol, member
of the Legislature of Michigau,
was iu Chicago and on countered a
Peoole have often wondered
why barkeepers always mix
cocktails to order instead of
making up a lot and keeping
them on hand. The reason is
that they never taste as well
after standing. The same rea
soning applies to lemonade, the
delicate aroma of the lemon
and the other stuff you flavor
bill of fnioprin-ed in French. Il the leillOll With disappears Oil
ordered five uIuUdii the bii, standing. We have Lemonade
MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1897.
AVhy not confine discussion of
Jnpnneso immigration to the mer
its of paitieular oiihob ? Theio is
no sense in lating at tho flooding
of the country with Japanese, if
those meant hip nuy who entor tho
country iu accordance with Ha
waiian laws aud tho treaty aud
labor convention with Japan.
Tho (lOM'innient, sustained by the
Supienie (Joint, hns shown that it
will not knowingly permit tho
illegal ontry of Japanese. This
ought to bo enough for tho public
satisfaction rpgaiding that phnse
of tho matter, and it sorvos no
useful end to aggravato any possi
ble iriitntiou over Executive firm
ness by nn agitation at this time
against Japanese immigration in
itself. If it is tho sense of thecoun
try that tho treaty, or tho labor
convention, or both, should bo
abtoyuted, ndvoeV-y of such a
policy would bo more discreet in
calm moments when no controver
sy is up about the status of nny
pnrticulnr thatch of iuteuding im
migrants. On tho other hnud, if
there is a question nt i&suo re
garding tho dogreo of lespect paid
by the Hawaiian Government to
tho treaty rights of tho Japanese,
it does not seem quite the thing
for a Hawaiian paper thnt pio
fessos especial friendship for the
Government to piejudge tho caso
of the Govornmont. Yet this
would seem to bo what is boing
done by tho labored elTorts of two
papers in Honolulu to put the
Hnwniian Government in tho
wrong, nnticipntively of any
possiblo claim by tho Jap
aueso Govornmont on bohalf
of any uumbor of its
subjects refused admission.
Friendly caution to tho authori
ties is not tho nature of tho writ- Hawaii's Young People, the first
lugs m question. If it woro thoro jiumbor of which has boon recoiv
would bo no call for criticism, cd, is planned vory well. Its con-
Thoro are only small haudfuls
of Turks iu Crete, chiefly soldiers
in garrison and officials. It is as
much as their lives aro worth for
them to go into tho intorior nnd
mountainous districts, so odious
has tho suzerainty of Turkey be
como. The disturbances that led
to tho interference by Gieece wore
between tho Christians and Ma
hommedaus of the Cretans them
selves. Taking tho island as a
whole the Chiistians largely out
number tho Mahotniiiednus, yet
tho Mnhommedaus are sufficiently
stroug in somo of tho towns to re
quire but slight iiibtitjat-um for
fanatical outbreaks. J liey also
count on tho support of tho
Turkish soldiers iu nny deviltry.
This was what they did whon, at
tho lccent fenst of llania.an, thoy
started riot and massacro at Canon,
aud thoir confidonco in tho Turks
was not misplaced. Tho soldiers
aided the rioters iu murdor nnd
rapiuo. In tho latest nows it is
roluted how coccomed tho repre
sentatives of tho Fowors aro for
tho safety of tho Mahomraodnns
in somo of tho intorior towns.
Without knowing what wont bo
foro in Crete, ono might conclude
that the Christians woro threaten
ing the Mahommednus out of
roveugo for tho outrages on the
Armouians. Thoy aro simply
making reprisals for the treacher
ous npiibing of tho Mahommo
duns at Cauea and elsowhoro
ngainst thoir own countrymen.
In race and speech the Cretans
nro allied to the Greeks, theiofoie
Greece rightly regards herself as
thoir natural protector. Itepoot
ed promises of reform in Croto
have been mndo by Turkey only
to bo broken, and Greece having
lost all pationco is making tho
gallant staud ngainst tho Turk
which oxoitos tho aduurntiou of
winch weie listed at an ocurei'iito
of eighty cents, and whon the re
past was sot before him ho found
only potatoes cooked iu five dif
foronl ways. After returning
homo ho introduced a bill iu tho
Legislature at Lansing, providing
that bills of fare of public dining
rooms must be printed only iutho
Euglish language. It is rnther
humilintiug thnt English-speaking
people ennuot got victunls in thoir
own language at hotels in their
own countries.
Mr. Sowall the younger of
Moino would have tho advantago
of being well and favorably known
at Honolulu, but thero is email
chance of bis getting such a nice
place in preforonce to old lino He
publicans. It is a mean objec
tion to raise against him, how
ever, that ho is tho sou
of the Domooratic candidate
for Vice President, us that fnct
would only .go to prove the
siucority of his now political faith
aud, besides, he has long since
passed his majority aud becotuo
responsible foi Ins own actions.
If capacity for hard work,
faithful servico and uibauity of
conduct mnko him, Mr. Chambers
of Alabama ought to bo a good
Chiof Justice for Samoa. Tho
way ho put through his duties as
Land Commissioner in that group
was a caution to lazy officials iu
tho tropics. Mr. Ido of Now
Hampshiro does not seom to havo
givon completo satisfaction as
Ohiof Justice. Mr. Chambers is
in the primo of lifo, businosshko
in his ways aud as the writer
found in intoi viewing him
affable aud courteous in a marked
Al llio Hold
Shakers in sizes to suit from
! one to six persons, so that you
urn imiKe jusi uie requisite
amount. They are in silver or
nickel as preferred.
Gem Ice Shavers will be
found both economical and
labor saving in mixing cold
Have you a dog? If so you
had better get him a collar and
a license tag. We have the
collars in allsizes, shapes and
styles and the tax man will do
the rest
Hawaiian Hardware Co.
U Yielding to a universal do
g maud, I havongain inaugurated
j a seiies of my
I Popular
J Watch Clubs.
M Most of vou nro ocnuaintod
& with tho mode of proceduro, but
H to thoso who nro uot, wo would
g explain, tlmt it is a plan uovised,
whereby you get a Fine Solid
ra Gold Watch,of recognized value,
1 by payiug a weekly sum of
It is of especial valuo to thoso
who could not nfi'ord tho ontiro
amount in ouo naymont, nud
Following is tho program to bo $ hP1)C'i1b 1,ll0r, )vl0 (lo,"ot
cj bum itJi tliu JVUUIIL 11UUDIB IUU1U
every week.
It took loss than ouo week to
fill ono club complete, nnd ono
halt of a socond club. This alouo
is Hiilllcinnt guarantee of its
popularity, and of tho confidonco
placed upon tho reliability of
thoso in chargo. Club numbor
one draws today.
Club number two will bo full
boforo tho noxt week is out.
Each day adds from ono to two
dozeu uames to tho list.
Will you bo ono to join this
comiug week.
A rare good bargain was the
buying ot a hundred dozen
shirt waists. And you sharo
the honclits. Shirt wuists of
newest patterns in colorings
and cut go to you at a dollnr.
Tho lot is almost gone, some of I pnrts of the spoons which
the prettiest will not lust the jn contact with tho tab
weoK out.
A new stock of ladies and
mens hose and half hose at
half price. Cricketers flannel,
just what is wanted by men
who try with tho wickets, at
low prices. Outing flannels for
ladies, in beautiful shades.
Such linen duck bargains
wero never heard of in Hono
lulu. It's the result of stock
taking maybe ovor-buying
has something to do with it
whichever it is you aro the
winner. Summer dress goods,
new importations, wero never
prettier than now. Tlio weaver
seems to know as much as the
designer these days, and he
puts them together so they
wear. This applies to Dimities,
Organdies and Muslins. Theso
arc in fancies; tho plains are as
A wholo department of Cor
sets gives you tho chance
you've waited for. Prima
Donna, P. D., R. & G. and
ventilated. The price is right.
.Navy JJluo and Ulack ram
proof cloth is serviceable for
wraps at this season.
Stock taking ulTccts Turkish
Towel prices tho same as ovory
thing olse. This is customers'
week in profit sharing.
Queen Street.
roudored by tho Government baud
at the German celebration iu hon
or of the Emperor William's cen
tennial at tho Hawaiian hotel this
March Ourman Kinplri) Fuuit
Mvcitiirt lubul Klotow
Knutttsln Kmiieror'a Cin ultowLm . . . .i lilelu
C'liiiius raunliauHfr W'jiier
Mulley (urumu.Mnrcliis Sd(kiJt;i.iu
(ln uttH Iloliunrolli-rn Con nidi
Kimtnuln W'ur Hienllii'lliin . . ..Kapjie)
Mmtli Emperor William linger
lUe Willi liou tliu Idling,
llauull I'ouol.
.Neulllo llut'h.
By tho steamer Mioworn, tho
Criterion Saloon received a largo
consignment of tho celebrated bock
beor, browed by tho Seattle Brow
ing and Malting Co. This is tho
first bock to niako its nppearauco,
and is a suro indication of bottor
days. .
H. F. Wichman
Tho plated spoons and forks
mode by the Holmes & Ed
wards Silver Company cannot
be distinguished from solid sil
ver, except in weight. Tho
patterns ore identical with tho
solid goods, and tho bowls and
handles aro reinforced with
sterlintr silver, so thnt tlinsn
u come
bio aro
well protected and will last as
long as solid ware. Every piece
sold by us is guaranteed by
the manufacturers, by this cer
tificate: "Wc guarantee these good.-, in or
dinary family .service to wear Twenty
five Years, and in hotels from Ten to
Fifteen Years. Wc also nirrce tn ur .
ccpt as half payment, sucli goods as
show wear during next five years
after the term of guarantee, if other
wise in good order."
In buying these inlaid goods
you practically havo the use of
tbem for thirty years at half
what you originally pay for
them. No other manufacturers
give such a guarantee; no other
manufacturer can afl'ord to.
We believe we Have the lar
gest stock of cutlery in Hono
lulu, and it is from the best
English and American manu
facturers they make good
knives in tho United States
and our prices aro low. Tho
best makers are using grained
celluloid ns a substitute, for
ivory handles and the effect is
vory pretty. Bono handles turn
yellow, tho celluloid imita
tions do not'. Tho price is in
favor of bone handles, if cheap
ness is tho object.
Medium knives, bono han
dles, $4.75 a dozen, with cellu
loid $6. Dessert, ivory handles
$5.75; bone, $4.25. Roger's
English knives, bono handle,
$3.50. Dessert $3. Plated
knives $2.50 and $2.75. Large
assortment of carvors from $1
to $27 per set.
Von I-Iolfc Block.
And the (ullowiiij diiyj, I will display a
new M of
French - Morn -
And NovoHIm. Also
Will be tliu feuturo of
An inspection bollcited,
5C.1 td Fort streot, Honolnla, II. I.
Horse Show
25 and 50 Cents I
Scliool children Inn body ,15cts
ut llutinocs. .
Keorvcd Bcutu nt Wall, NlchoU, Ctmimnv.
VyWi'k'$r .. . At
e t'J!SviKiL!,',' S '-iJJh.''&iSl&,M)Jlk
S,-.fc.M!s;''-xT e'-vi'U
4 ,

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