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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 20, 1897, Image 8

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f r.
Removal Notice I
The City Furniture Store
Undertaking Parlors
Have removed from tho Old Stand, corner Fort and Bcrc
tania Stroot, to tho
Xiovo Huilding, Port Street.
fully equipped with all tho Latest Facilities in its line.
II II. WlLLIArS, Mnnager,
Undertaker and Embalmer.
Kesidenok: King street, near Rich I Office: Love Building. Telepboue
nrK Telephone No. 841). No. 840.
From New York:
Feed Cutters,
v Nflils, Handles,
Ax, Pick,
Shovels, Axes, Hoe, Etc.,
Scales, Waste,
, Benzine, Axles,
' Mattocks, Pumps,
Wrapping Paper,
Hinges, Lawn Mowers,
Blocks, Washboards,
Candles, Steel,
Pitch, Turpentine,
Wheelbarrows, Oars,
Paper Bags, Axle Grease,
Plumbago, Glue,
Shoo Blacking,
And many other articles that wo have a steady demand
for, and whiqh we offer to you at very low prices.
E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd.
Corner Fort and King Streets.
When planted for soiling purposes cause tho
"round to absorb and hold moisture and net; as
a most efficient .....
nCT-.--ii..-uii i. iTira
Mellowing and
."KTrt TJotnT. TPot.iIiVov i lrTifvam fnv C. A TJT7! T.AlUTlS
53 For sale in quantities to Buit by
The California Feed Co.,
Telephone 131.
,r, Oi Box 480.
JS ow u,nd
Second-hand Furniture
W?)u Sold Ohoup for CunIi Wa
2&F nlnfit Pnfih Prido
at tho IXL, coruor Kiny and
i Bnumr
Queon Street.
TlLLl'llONK 478,
Comer King and Nuu
ami titn.
Of A.11
Klin dfe
paid for .Socnnd-lmnd furniture
Nuuunu strootH.
-- ir ii .i - -- --' - - - '- - - i 'iAi i i fiteAJJaa Ivi f,a An , jkMAjmMitMgmiuSmakMJj iiiMi i fc, .an.. li.-.i
Hark Andrew Welch Hull-Klimu
BcprU Helena Ai-rlvea-forelgn
fthlpplng Hewe-lrnqiinU Pltlkln.
Ship Coram odoro sails for Now
York tomorrow.
Tho" barkontine Amolia Bnilcd
from Port Blakoly Aug 5 for this
Tho barkontino Klikitat sailed
from Port Gamble for this port
Aug 5.
Tho bnrk Hespor henoo for
Puget Sound pnssod TatooBh
Aug 10.
The bark Andrew Welch sailed
for Sau Frnncisco with 1405 tous
of sugar valued at Sl)3,000-at noon
Tomorrow, high tide largo 11:12
a m;high tido small 10:35 p m; low
tido largo 2:18 am; low tidu small
.... p m.
The Bteamor Helena arrived
this morning with a big cargo of
sugar from Paauhuu aud Laupa
hoehoo which is being discharged
into Oceanic wharf.
Tho ship Iroquois, which took
a cargo of sugar from this port to
Now York, had n vory rough pas
sage. She lost hor forotop-gal-luut
and royal yards in a hoavy
storm. This ship was spoken
July 5 lat 5 S Ion 30 W.
A court summons to furnish
eoino information in regard to the
arrival of the last Belgio from
Japan yanked Deputy Collector
McStocker away from a busy desk
for sovoral hours this morniug.
Tho mercantilo community woro
rushing the customhouse hard for
entries for tho steamship Aus
tralia. Purser MoCombe furnished tho
following memoranda of O S S
Australia on voyage No 145, H C
Houdlotto commander, which ar
rived this morniutr. Left San
Francipco, Aug 13. 1807. at 2 p m,
with 53 cabin aud 34 steerage
passengers, and 62 bags mad.
Experienced, light N W winds
for tho first 24 hours, light breeze
to light airs 8 W to N E until
tho 19tb, thence to port light
trades. Docked at Oceanic wharf
Aug 20, at 7 a m. Time G days,
15 hours, 30 minutes; Aug 17, at
4:30 p m, passed S S Coptic. The
Australia loft three days late
owing to repairs being made and
brings a general cargo aud bi'
list of passengers. Two boats,
one for tho Healani Boat Club
and one for tho Myrtle Boat Club,
are on board.
From San Franoifleo, per O S
S Australia, Aug 20 Mrs H Z
Austin, W E Beckwi)h, E N Bee,
Mrs lirpnig, Iv b Brewder, G U
Brooke, Edw G Cooke, W T Cur
rier and wife, W E Dean, Miss F
DreRbaoh, Q Do La Vergno, J
Fernandez aud wife, Mrs M
Gardner, Mrs N E Gedgo and two
children, Mrs G 11 Grau, Mrs M
F Gray, E M Boyd, Hon F M
Hatch and wife, Miss D Heitman,
MiBs B Heitman, T W Hobron,
Miss L S Hutahins, W A Jones,
Mrs V S Leake, J A Low, Mixs
Ethel 11 LyiiiHu, Loverett H
Mesick, David Mollison, W J
Morse, John Muir, Maj S A
Muhlhauscr, Milton Perkins, Mrs
E W Peterson and child, E J
Rector and wife, Miss Mary E
Rice. M N Ssndorr,, Mi3 0 A
Sohwoizer, David V Scott, M M
Scott, Mrs H Silver, Miss T
Tread wall and maid, M M Tuft,
F Waldrou, G il olty, Dr J M
From Hawaii, per stmr Holetio,
August 20 O Kinnoy, Mrs J Na
liiwa aud 5 deck.
For Maui and Hawaii, per stmr
Kinau, August 20 Volcano: Mr
aud Mrs Currier. Way ports:
H E Huudriok, Mibb 0 Nakupu
ahi, Miss Kaiiehuku, J P' Cooke,
L G Torbort, Mrs Edw Mudilen,
It L Auorbach, J B Gibson, Mrs
Torbort, Miss Akiua, E H Wood,
C Furtieaux, Mrs M Kaaena. W
Lemon, G K Wildpr and wifo,Geo
Hapai, G W A Hapai, 0 G Camp
bnll, Mr Plunkott, ltobt Frasor, A
Berry, L Vasconcollos, J Coerpor,
J N Bull, D Kuuu.vauui, U S
Donky, Miss J Doyo, Mins Willis,
NEMay, Frank Dutra, J Wil
cock, Mr Faw, Miss West, Mias
Mary Brown, Mrs llichiird, Mrs
Nakapuahi and 2 children, Mrs
Nuwcoiu ami nlooo, W (1 Walkor,
Fiml Buukloy, F M Wr.kulluld,
alia Kama ami u) Ubuk,
Phiiiat, AurSO.
0 8 8 AiutrMU, llouitlattc, from 8n
81mr lleleno, Freeman, from Hawaii porU.
TilonKHAT, Anjt 10.
8lmr J A Cummliu, ticarlc, for Oahu
Ftiinxr, Aiir 20.
Slmr KIiiru. Clat'ic, for Maul nnJ Ha
waii. Friday, Aiir Si), at 1 a in.
Haw bk Andrew Wclcli. Drew, for San
Francltco, FrldBy, Aug SO, t noon.
Stmr Hawaii, MrDonald, for Olowalu,
Ktiknlau, Ookuln, Linpaliovhoc, llonotilna,
Ilaknt.ui, tlunomu. I'olukumanu, oaturday,
Auif'JI.nt liim.
Am flilp Commodore, Davldton, for Now
York, Saturday, Aui Ml, ut noon.
A l.ons Lnnkeit fr Trit.
The vnriscnpo pictures of the
great Corbotl-fu'z-nnnnouB box
ing contest whii-h took placo at
Carson City, N-'vula, on tho 17th
of lost March will he presented at
the. Opera House on Mouday
evening. These pictures aro the
greatest iichieveinonts in modern
photography. Tho entire world
was interested in the outcome of
the contest and tho success of the
pictures has been simply marvo
lous. Society as well as tho
masses have most liberally patro
nized tho pictures in Now York,
Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago
and other largo cities of theStates.
Every point aud feature of tho
groat battle from tho moment
tho principal entered tho arena are
cleverly depicted.
Ex Antralln.
Tokay GrapeB, Muscat Grapes,
Poaches, Pears,Apple8,Nectarines,
Lemons, Oranges, Cauli
flower, Celery, Fresh Salmon,
Eastorn aud California Frozen
Oysters, Crabs, Fresh Nuts of all
kindB, Potatoes, Onions, etc, etc.,
Oalifoiinia FnuiT Co.
Goo. Andrews, Prop.
King street, cor. Union Alley.
Sugar 32 no change
Tho Philadelphia-Marion min
Btrels have rehearsal overy after
noon in the Opera House.
H. B. M. S. Algoria is going to
survey tho cable routo between
Vancouver Btid Honolulu.
Admiral Miller made, an officinl
call on tho Presidont this morn
ing aud was received with tho
customary honors.
Fred L. Waldron of tho grocery
department of Theo. H. Davios
& Co. returned on tho Australia
from a business trip to San
Tho statement that tho four
oared shell of the Myrtlo Boat
Club was upset in thu bay yester
day is donied by Georgo Martin,
a member of the crow.
Judge Wilcox had vory little to
do thia morning in the polioo
court. A white man was fined
$10 for punching a Portuguese
and ono drunk rocoived tho usual
A prominent fruit man recently
received u cent and a half ouch for
a shipment of pineapples sent to
tho (Joaat. Freight und commis
sions ate up the difference be
tween that iigure aud the sulliug
A reward of $10 is posted at the
police station for the apprehen
sion of Piuil Hermann, chief
quartermaster of tho Philadelphia,
out on tho Mariposa yesterday.
King Bros have oponed the
store adjoiuiug their ait btore on
Hotel street as a show room of
Hawaiiau pictures, consisting of
photos, colored aud plain, paint
lugs, water colors and pastels by
all tho different artists.
Joseph Smith, a desortor from
the Philadelphia, was captured by
Captain Harry Evans whilo
ueaculuuu; the bavk Audiow Welch
just before hur departure today.
Smith had stowed away among
tho dunnage in tho hold.
"Tho Myrtlo March" is tho
laluat addition to Prof. Bcrger's
published music. It is dedi
outed io the Millo Boat
Club und on tho front
contains a view of that club's
house in gala attire and crowded
with guests on llogatta day, also
a lino picturo of tho Myrtlo's
champion Hix-our crow pulling in
theii bargo. I'ublUhod by Wall,
Niuholu Co,
i, in. hi' itiiii;iix m'.ms.
Continued from Jul I'mjc,
murder, was aftor roceiving tho
death sentence placed in heavy
irons and otherwise treated in a
cruel manner. This was by order
of tho Alcalde. The United States
consul protested to the Governor
without avail, and then telegraph
ed a statement to tho United
States Minister at Bogota. Tho
Judgo who tried the caso said
that ho did not expect tho verdict,
which was received with surpriso
aud iudignution by the people
presout at tho trial. Tho jury was
composed of throo vory young
men, all deficient in intelligence.
Jurors cannot bo challenged in
Colombia. Five names are drawn
by tho Government. Ono is
struck out by tho prosecuting at
torney, one by the couusol for tho
defenRO and tho three remaining
constitute tho jury.
In capturing an olovatcd pass
ft oin tho fauutio rebels lately tho
Brazilian troops lost 15 oflicers
and more than C'jO ooldiors killed,
anil more than GOO wounded.
Brazil wants a loan of S10,000,
000 to meet the pressing obliga
tions of the Bopublio, brought
about by the existing depression
and the expouses of tho war with
the fanatics.
on II.
General Calixto Garcia took tho
town of Santa Rosalia, in Santia
go de Cuba province. The insur
gent surprised tho garison whilo
nearly all tho Spanish officers
were attending a ball. They
attacked tho ballroom on all sides,
whilo tho few in charge of tho
garrison and at the outposts had
already eurrondored. One captain,
two lieutenants and 44 soldiers of
the Spanish wore killed in tho
fight. Tho town was burnod by
tho insurgents.
It is roportod that Gonoral
Molina was killed in an engage
ment with tho Cubans near Car
denas. Mignol Bojta, a spy of General
Weyler's, waB hauged without
l.'ial by B.ddenifru Acodto, u
Cuban leader. Bosta bad been
sent to tho camp to assassinate
Acosta, but news of his errand
had preceded him. Ho had a
bloody record as a professional
spy aud bad been instrumental in
sending many Cubans to prison
and death.
Placards in Arabio characters
have been found posted upon the
wallb of ull the Miuistues in (Jon-
stantinoplo, demanding a cbaugo
in the system of government in
the Turkish Empire. Tho pla
cards doclaro that otherwise blood
will flow, ub during tho Armenian
Tho Minister of War has sent a
circular to all the Turkish com
manders, directing them to wotch
their oflicers strictly. This stato
is attributed to tho increasing dis
content in Turkey at the present
The treaty pf peace betweon
Turkey and Greece is still under
consideration by embassadors of
tho powers and the Turksh Min
ister of Foreign Affairs.
Tin: noAitu or i:ii').tion.
Conlinvftl from '.it ruyr.
such schemes. If Mr. lloseorans
must have a $1000 printing press
ho would nik tho Legislature for
it, though he must confess ho
thought tho Legislature would sit
on the proposition at once. But
tutit did uut matter, thu money for
tho support of tho schools and
everything pertaining to them
must corao from tho Legislature
and not from privato sources.
In tho desultory discussion
which followod, Mr. lloseorans'
methods of soliciting money for
his publication wero somewhat
severely criticized. Inspector
GoueralTownBOnd told of a volun
tary contribution yielded rather
involuntarily and Secretary Bod
gors mentioned that ho hud boon
"touched" for a Vin the same
connection, whilo his lady assist
ant had been lot off at half,, tho
amount. ,
Minister, Cooper said this per
sonal solicitatiou of monoy must
llL) BlUPPud UllU UiKtlllD UulllJ LiU
taken to lot Mr. Roseorans know
that hia methods of raising monoy
did not mot with tho approval of
the dopartmout.
On tho application of Mrs. Jor
dan three High Sahool Boholar
ehips woro granted to throo ohil
I drou of poor purouts.
Minister Cooper said no furthor
business remained but tho report
of tho special committee to inves
tigate certain oharges against two
toachors. Tho commiltoo was
ready to report in ono caso but
in tho other would ask for further
time. In the case of Mr. Dumas
some time had elapsed since the
matters complained of were
brought boforo tho Board. If they
had boon taken up promptly, they
would have probably been suffi
cient for his discharge. Tho
Board, however, had dflly-dalliod
with the oaso so long that it was
hardly fair to Mr. Dumas at this
late day to adopt severe moasuros,
as he was now virtually precluded
from obtaining another position
for a year. The committee had
found on a very thorough investi
gation that many of tho charges
made against .Mr. Dumas woro
abiolutely without foundation.
Others rested on a question of
veraoily which the committeo
could not determine Tho finding
of the committee was that thoro
was nn evident incompatibility,
inability or disinclination on Mr.
Dumas' purt to got along with
those with whom he was brought
into daily eout.ict. Tho recom
mendation of the committee was
that ho bo continued in his pres
ent position with an admonish
ment and that he seek other quar
ters than those now occupied by
him in which to take uphiB abode.
Mr. Von Holt What is ho to
be censured about?
Minister Cooper About not
being able to get along with thoso
with whom ho is thrown in con
tact and attend to his own busi
ness. Professor Alexander said tho
committeo had woiked faithfully
in trying to get at the truth of the
charges. Undoubtedly much had
been exaggerated but how much
it was hard to say. Action should
have been takon sooner.
Minister Cooper Baid that whilo
at first in tho minority on tho
committee ho had given way for
the sake of harmony. Ho thought
that much depended on a uuaui
mous report from tho committeo
and that without it no good would
have, been nceomplishpd. For
these reasons he had modified the
views he first held.
Mr. Bowen was very glad the
mattor had assumed its present
shape and thought the committeo
should be sustained by tho Board.
He regretted, however, that tbo
reporters had been allowed to
hear the report, as tho matter
would be spread everywhere and
would reach Mr. Dumas' frionds
who knew nothinc of it.
Minister Oeoper said he saw no
objections to publicity. Tho mat
tor was common talk about town
aud had been for weeks.
M re. Jordan said that whilo re
gretting tho affair very much she
would support the committee's re
port. Sho could not help thinking
that by delaying in this caso until
it was too late to got at tho real
facts tho Board was only bringing
moro of the same kind of troublo
on in the future.
Minister Cooper agreed with
Mrs. Jordan, saying, "I think we
ourselves aro to blame in letting
it uo so long."
Mr. Boweu's motion to endorso
the report of the committee was
unanimously adopted and the sec
retary instructed to writo to Mr.
Dumas of the action taken.
In the other case Mr. Cooper
fill tho uuin in question -..as
waiting outside to defend himself
before the Board. It was decidod
that he should wait until formal
charecs were mado against him.
Tho Board then adjourned to
moot at tho call of tho Miuister,
Commissioner von Holt stating
that he objected to a meoting boing
called at two hours' notice when
ho was out of the city, as tho ono
'held last week was.
Poundmaster'a Notice.
Notice Is hereby given tliut the fol
lowing estrays Imve been Impounded
in the Government Pound at Muklkl,
Houolulu, viz.:
1 Buy home, brande I ''Z." on tho
left hick, wtilto Bpot on thu left back,
whilo spot ou tlioforoliHH), sure buck,
while ilKht fore, leir, bluck left lore
let,', black right hind leg, white left
hind leg.
1 Grey Mnre, branded "K," ou left
hind quarter, white, .epota ou both
sides of the neck, ttiree white Hues
uudf r ibe iicuk.
Anil if hiicIi estraj'H are not claimed
nii't nil nonnd nliirire-s'itl-'fleil i or'
before SATURDAY, Aug. 28, 1897, at
12 o'clook noon, the same will be bold
on that date ami hour to tin hluhent
bidder. K. KKICUKNK,
Honolulu, IT. r Aug. 18. 1MI7.
Oh!) 3t
fJi.bforibe for thuKviwiNO J3oi
letin 75 ooutb pur mouth.
- jiga"rTiiSaW " ' 'JUL I ' I ' ' TTTtTtI iWHal i Sf-:mww i h"j ' t n - i '

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