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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, September 29, 1898, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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You will find
of the
Latest Local News
The Bulletin
Why not tell Coming
Visitors, in
The Bulletin,
What you have
For Sale ?
Evening Bulletin
I '
Vol. V. No. 1028.
Pkioe 5 Oijxts.
i , Mppnjni . 'fw- "rrr" 'spwvjfff'
Twentieth Anniversary of Arrival of
Portuguese Pioneer Immigrants.
Yoyafie of Bark Prlscllla "Breakers Ahead I
Some Esteemed Present Residents
Who Wre Passengers.
Twenty years ago today the
Gurmnu bark Priscilla, AIitouh
mauler, ai rived in Honolulu with
tho first party of Portuguese im
migrants to tbo Hawaiian Islands.
The peoplo catno from Madeira.
" Tbo Priscillii called tlioro for
thnin,haviog nailed from Limerick,
Ireland. 'J'boro wem -100 peoplo
engaged to como, but, for reasons
that noed not bo mentioned np
peuriug upon tbo arrival of the
t vessel at Madeira, on ly 120 souls
embarked for the far distant isl
J. F. Eckardt, now many year
purveyor of the Queen's hospital,
was second officer of tbo Prircill.t.
Dr. F. L. Minor was ship's pbyHi
ciau, this being his first vi-it to
tbo Hawaiian Islauds. Hu left
bore after having acquired a sue
coastal local pructiso, returning
t twolvo years ago to reside perina
noutly. E. Hutchison, now of M
A. Gousalves & Co. Ltd., was tbo
son of tbo British consul at Ma-
, deira and camo out in the Priscilla
as supercargo.
Although tho immigrants the
original 400 had boen ongagod
for tho most part as contract labor
supply under tbo auspicos of tbo
Hawaiian Government, a majority
s of the 120 who came in the. pio-
noor vessol settled in and about
JMiolulu, many of thorn going
o-lnCo trade and industry with vory
' satisfactory results, ultimately, to
themselves and their families.
Among the Priscilla's immi
grants who aro now mora or less
well known as resident of Hono
lulu aud tho country districts are
these: P A Dias, TVo Rodrigues,
f his son J P Rodrigues the tailor
and his daughtor now MrsJl1
Eckardt, who was married a few
mouths aftor arrival, Louis An
drado tho baker, John Figuora,
Mrs Joe Silva, whoso husband
was steward of the Hawaiian hotel
undor Allen Herbert's manage
inont and is now a guard at tho
Asylum, Sabrino Oorroa, A P
Liudo, Luiz d' Olivoira, F F Bran
H co, Jono do Froitas, M S Perry, J
( Laranjal, J A Affonso, Podro
Nunos, Rioardo Nunes, Joao da
Silva, Antono Poreira, Joao M
Fernandez, Luiz J Poreira and M
E St Amaro.
Tho Priscilla mado a fairly good
passage of 117 days from Madeira.
She camo uear boing los in the
Straits of JLie Mairo. more was
a .t-fiMpso of the sun on, tho
a v
ieather was thick bosi'lus, wueu
be droad cry, "Breaker- ahead I"
mo from tli3 lookout man. As
tho shin was worn out u tlio awful
positiou, sho was b.i tlu to tho
rocks that "you could imvo thrown
n notato ashoro." as Mr. Eokardt
puts it.
Manv of thoso who camo in tho
Priscilla would have backed out at
the List moment with tho others
nlreadv mentioned, only that they
. had sold out their li'tle businesses
manner, burning thoir bridges bo
(inn luuu viuuviiiun, iiiuo, iu u
hind thorn.
I The lato Samuel G. "Wildor wbb
,l Miuistor of tho Interior and Pro
sideut of tho Board of Hoalth,
and it was under his direction that
I this beginning was mado in the
introduction of Portuguese sot
v tiers.
' Tho Prisoilla sailod honco for
'i Bias, Mexico,
"ho nest Portuguese immigrant
bo to como was tho British
tp Raoonscraig arriving tho fol-
usalvos, now
importing cor-
Tho P. P. O.'s Portuguoso
ioiieors of tbo PriBeilla are re
joicing in thoir anniversary, but
Mhoy havo neglected to make auy
wing year. a.raon
!, fors was M. A. Oo
flfi of tho largo
Vffiration bearing his
Eroparation for an organized colo
ration. Nobody had a bettor
riaht than thoy to como round
Capo Horn to Book fortuno. For
tho Grst man to navigato tho
Straits of Magellan at that point
was tho Portuguese voyager Ma
galhaeB, although it is a wondor
that in naming tbo straits after
him tho British geographers did
not mako tho term Magiunis.
Ckia of Kmliezxlt-inent.
Manuol Gouveia thinks ho has
boon badly treated. Ho was ar
rested yestord".y on tho charge of
ombezzlement. Ho was employed
by John Sa, tho Arctic Soda
Wator Co. man aud did all the
collecting. Tho story is that he
collected SG.85 from a Chiuainau
and appropriated tho uamo to his
own uso. llo retained a lawyor
but decided later that ho would
nav tho monoy. Sa said ho was
willine but tho attorney for tho
defendant insisted on fighting tho
case Gouveia's father finally
conoented. Tho outcomo of tho
whole thing was that, this morn
ing Gouveia has fiued $20 and
costs, this besides having to pay
his attorney's foes. Tho whole
thing will cost him about $50.
St. Louis Collpgo is to have a
now school house and the Lucas
Bros, havo beou given tho con
tract. It is to bo a two-story
framo affair with four largo rooms
and is to faco on tho extension of
Kukui street, rnnuka of tbo other
buildings on tho St. Louis Col
lego (jrouudfl.
At tbo present timo only a little
past tho foundation of tbo build
ing has boen completed but tho
contract reads that tbo school
bouso complete must bo finished
by tbo 15th of Decomber. This
was insisted on in ordor that the
now building might bo occupied
aftor tho holidays by tho largo
numbor of pupils that are now
awaiting its completion.
The St. J-iouis uollego was
nevor so pushed for room as it is
at tho presont tirao, and it was
doomed best to put up a building
at onoo ao that tho many calls
might be, to somo oxtout at least,
Brothor Bertram was aeon this
morning in regard to the new
building aud stated that ho did
not euro to say much about it. Ho
gavo tbo dimensions as 50x40 and
said that it was to bo built accord
ing to tbo latest and most approv
ed methods.
It was learned, however, that
the school would bo entirely dis
tinct from St. Louis College not
withstanding tho fact that it
would be started as a froo depart
inont of tho institution montionod.
I.ount-il Ilia Pel lull.
Ah Koo and Ah lloo appoared
in tho Polico Court this morning
on the chargo of opium in posses
sion. It appears that Ah Keo is
tbo possessor of a permit to smoko
opium from tbo Board of Health
and that ho did on tho 20th iust.
hand ovor his permit to Ah Hoo
for vory apparent reasons. Ah Keo
got clear but Judgo Wilcox fined
Ah Hoo $50 and costs on tbo
Koyal makes the loo J pure,
wholesome And dellcleas.
Absolutely Pure
Answer of the Supreme Gonrt to the
President's Question.
The Council Has the Discretion Within Itself to
Decide What are the Emergencies for
Its Voting of Money.
As previously stated in tho Bul
letin, tho Executivo submitted a
question of tho powors of the
Council of Stato in connection
with tbo purchaso of the Industri
al school sito to tho Justices of
tbo Supremo Court. Tbo answer
has been rondored as follows:
" Department nf tbo Judiciary,
Honolulu, II. I., September 28,
" To tho Prcsidout. Sir: Your
communication of today's dato ro
quosts tho opinion of tbo Justices
of tho Supromo Court upon tho
following question:
'"lu caao of n renuost by tho
Executivo Council for tho appro
priation of public moneys during
tho vacations of tho Legislature,
has tho Council of State tho dis
cretion within itsolf to docido
what arc tho cmorgoncioB of war,
invasion, rebellion, pustilenco or
other groat public necessity which
shall justify it in appropriating
publio monoys?'
"We answor the question in tho
"Your obedient sorvants,
"A. F. Judu,
"W.F. Fhbaii,
"V. Austin Wiirraa."
It is pot at all cortain that, oven
with this favorablo opinion of tho
Justices, tho Council of Stato will
bo couvoned to consider tho diffi
culty in question. Tboro are other
ways Beon opon by tho Executive
for bringing tho mattor to a satis
factory conclusion.
Tho Klcknpooe.
Thore was an immenso coucourso
presont at tho vaudovillo show of
tho Kickapoo Indian Remedies, at
Uoretania and Alakea strcots, last
night. Many prominont citizens
and visitors wero present. Tho on
tertaininont was amusing in tbo
highest degroo and first-elsss in
its lino. Excellent talent in mins
trelsy is ongaged, and an acrobat
of tho first quality. No medicinos
wero Bold last night. Sales will be
gin this ovoning, along with tho
show. Col. Bigolow, who is a sup
erior orator, gavo an interesting
addresB on tho remedies.
U'lll bo lliueliul! Guinea.
Tho First Regiment baseball
club hold a mooting yostorday
afternor n and dooided to accopt
tho ohallongo of tho Now York
Regime. it basoballists to play a
series t two games. Tho hrst
game will bo played October 8 aB
tho reconstructed First Regiment
team cannot bo gotten ready for
business until that time. The
local toam will bo composed of the
following: loyo Jaouson, p; ,).
B. Gorman, c; A. C. Davis, lb; A.
L. Mooro, 2b; H. Wilder, 3b; B.
Bowor, rf; P. Lishmau, ea. Contr
and loft holds will bo chosen later
Percy Lisbmau will eaptaiu the
Ilnwullun Cleu Club.
Mr. Theo. Richards is now well
along in tho formation of his Club
of Hawaiian sinyors and is hoping
that ho will recoivo tho hoarty
cooperntion of tho young native
singers. Ho has already secured
twonty voices. At iirft it was Mr.
Richnrd's intontion to have but
fifty voices but ho has changed
that plan and ssys now that ho
will havo tho chorus a huudred
stroug. Tboro will bo hardly any
and perhaps no expenses in
connection with joining.
Miss Princo, a botanist who has
boon studying tho ilora of tho
Fiji Islands for a short time, is a
through passongor on tho Warri
Only Justice Whiting of the Regular
Bench Sitting Today.
Several Matters of Probate at Chambers
First City of Columbia Ltbel Hearing
Close of Trial,
A. G. M. Robertson and J. T.
DoBolt sat with Justico Whiting
in tho Supromo Court this morn
ing to hdar Kahului Railroad Co.
vs. Hawaiian Commercial aud
Sugar Co., iu place of Ohiof Jus
tico Judd, disqualifiold, and Jus
tico Frear, dotaiued with Hawai
ian Commission luminous.
Cecil Brown was substitute for
JiiBtico Frear iu hearing tho Ghi
11060 laundrymen's appeal against
tho law prohibiting tho sprinkling
of 6lothes witli tho mouth.
John J Egan by his attornoy,
Geo A Davis, files a discontinu
ance of his assumpsit suit against
It Uickard.
Frauk Rodrigues, ono of tho
heirs of Antonio Rodrigues alias
Antonio Rodrigues Caspar, peti
tion for the appointment of P. J.
Mclnnrny as administrator, in
placo of tho lato Antona Rosa.
Defendant in M. A. P. Reis vs.
A. F. Frauca makes answor of
general deuial to the complaint.
Kaniinakaolo Lazarus appeals
to the Supiemo Court on points of
law from tho District Court, iu its
judgomont in favor of J. O. Car
tor, administrator of tho estnto of
t lio ,1a to Eleazar Lazarus. Plain
titllaimed a irold watch and icw-
olry or tho valuo thereof stated at
This is tho eighth day of tho
S. 8 City of Columbia libel, No.
1 of four, beforo Judge Porry.
Captain Miluor, the last witness
(or tue iloteuso, was under cross
examination by Mr. Kinney when
tho Court took recess at noon.
Faiitbnll, October 1.1.
J. Q. Wood, manager of tho
Town Football team has soon tho
managor nf tho team from tho
ranks of tho PonnBylvania boyB
now in camp at Kapiolani Park
and has arranged with him a game
for October 15, to bo played on tho
Makiki basoball grounds. Tbo
Pennsylvania boys havo tbo
strongest basoball and football
combination of any body of troops
in camp bore.
Mr. Wood wishes tho Town
football mon to turn out for
practico on tho Makiki baseball
grounds Saturday afternoon at an
hour ho will announco lator.
Uniforms will bo on tho grounds
roady for use.
Clinrttfeil Ilia Home.
At 10 a. m. today tho mail
ordorly rushed to tho polico
station with a papor signed by
Captaiu Wadleigh of tho U. S. S.
t'hiladolphia and ottering S10 ro
wan! for J. W. Smith, a bluo-
jackot. Ho wanted tho man im-
tufdiatoly. Tho only bluojackot
arrested was "Petor Oleson." As
that was not tho namo, tho ordorly
walked away. As ho did so ho
happened to catch sight of tho
man iu tho yard. Smith had in
ono night, changed his uamo to
Bailey's MoMu Cyclery.
231 King Street.
Hat been appolnte-l a tent In the Hawaiian IklanJs
lor the famous
Illcvcle's well known fur their ability to stanl harJ
They are LOW In price but HIGH In quality. They
TIKES, flush Joint, Tjuber hangers, II lllock chain
anJ every mnjern Improvement. Enamel anJ Imish
equal to any. Fully guaranteed1 as to material an!
workmanship In every way equal to hlch prkeJ ma
chines for harJ work anJ wear. Price spot cash $40,00
JaJIcsanJ gentlemen's In stock.
Contracts taken to repair all punctures ami keep
' bike In gouJ order at $1,00 per eionth,
The Philanthropic Lady Abandons In-
tentlon of Yisitlng Molokai.
Would Not Walt for Opportunity Her Object
Was to Gain Information
Record of Mercy.
Mias Kato Marsdon, tho world
renowned philanthropic, has
abandoned hor mission to tho lop
or colony oil Molokai,aftor coming
in sight of it at the cost of two
long ocoan voyages aud a laud
journey across the continent of
North America. Yostorday Miss
Marsden left tho Arlington hotel
to stay with a frioud who intended
leaving in tho stearaor Warrimoo,
duo that day from tho Colonies
for British Columbia. This be
cause she hereolf had decided to
loavo tho islands, after loss tint 11 u
week's stay, in tbo same steamer.
What Miss Marsdon has dono
for poor lopers in othor lauds is
kuowu to roadors of macaziues
and uowspapers. She has spent
and boon spent in doing mer
cy to thorn, paying for their com
fort out of hor own fortuno and
sacrificing hor comfort to visit
tbom in thoir ailliction. Miss
Marsdon walked ono hundred and
fifty milos across tho bloak steppes
of Siberia on just such an errand.
binco her arrival in tho steamer
Coptic last Friday, Miss Marsdon
has beou iu communication with
tho President of tho Boaid ot
Hoalth. Sho was surprised to
find that sho could not visit tho
Molokai Sottlomont by any tiip ot I
tho Bteatnor going tboro, but would
havo to await ono of tho officii!
excursions of tho Board to tho
placo. Miss Marsdon, not fcoliug
very woll anyway sinco hor arrival,
then abandoned tbo intention of
going to Molokai.
It is learned that Miss Marsdon
did not desiro to go to tho Settle
incut with an idoa ot doing any
signal acts of mercy for the uu
fortunato inhabitants at the time.
Hor objoct was to look into tho
care and treatment of these wards
of Hawaii, of which favorablo re
ports havo gono out to tho world,
with a viow to mako tho informa
tion and knowledco thus acquired
useful in her ministrations of
inorcy in othor countries.
Sewerage Hyatein Ueelileil l'on Au
thority for lloiifl laaue.
A member of tho Cabinet says
the Executivo Council has decided
to go ahead with tho construction
of a soworago systom for Hono
lulu as authorized by tho Legis
lature. Choico has first of all to
bo mado botweon difforont modes
of procoduro, bat whatever may
bo chosen an irrofragamo cotuti
tion shall bo that tho work bo
directed by exports of oxperionco.
Over everything olso tno lcteas ot
Mr. Horing, tho ongineor on
whoso report tho Govornmcnt
acts, will predominate.
Attornoy Gonoral Smith, boing
asked what authority tho Executivo
had for iasuiug moro bondB, re
plied: " Why, it is tho authority of tho
municipal laws of Hawaii, which
aro declared iib continuing in forco
for tho proBout, by tho Newlands
Resolution. Prosidont MoKinloy,
also, iu his lottor of instructions to
Ministor Sowall on tho transfer of
Bovoroignty, deolaroa that tho ex
isting Govornmont of Hawaii
should coutinuo its functions until
othor arrangoments are mado."
"Up a Mump,"
II A i n.nnnnl- ...,-. nlntin dflllTin' '
said Marshal Brown this aftor
noon in answor to a nuostion ro
uardine tho mystorious doath of
Kiki Ringer.
If you want a nico Rubber tiro
hack with a caroful driver ring up
Club Stablo Hack Staud Tol. 31J,
aud wo guarautoo you will bo
Officers Chosen at a Meeting Held
Last Night.
Large Number of Prominent Men Rejected
Banquet and Speeches Objects of Or
ganization Clearly Stated.
The Forty Club hold a most en
thusiastic meeting and banquet in
a hall in tho city last night. Then
aud there ttioy decided on thoir
work for tho futurn and tho policy
thoy must needs carry out. Tho
first matter during tho business
meeting was tho election of officers
which resulted as follows:
President Clarence Crabbe.
Vice-President Mr. Bray, a re
cently arrived lawyor.
Secretary Mr. Widmau, a re
cently arrived chiropodist.
Treasurer Cha. Dement.
Trustees T. B. Murray, Louis
Tousnaint and Paddy Ryau.
Sergoant-at-arms Harry Evans.
Applications up to nearly 200
wore received, but owing to the
constitution of the club, no moro
than forty could bo admitted, so
that all of these mon, including
some of tho vory host in Honolulu,
had to bo rejected. Only in tho
event of tho death of one of tho
mombers can auotber bo admitted.
Iu order to defray exppusos, tho
mombers woro called upon to con
tribute. Iu a vory short timo tho
sum of 8600 bad beeu guurauteed,
showing tho earnestness aud ou-
thusiasm of tno club.
T. B. Murray presided Bt tho
moeting and the banquet, express
ing himsolf in his usual clear,
aud concise way.
Although tho names of tho men
who mado tho speeches of tho
evening could not bo ascertained,
tho drift of the same was given
out. Tho speeches dealt largely
with tho objects of the political
organization known as tho "Forty
Club" ami the oticonragiog poli
tical outlook on tht'so islauds.
At present the Forty Clubhaa
no regular headquarters but in.
sido of a wcok or ten days tho
mombors will bo established in a
pormauont place.
Stock Kxcliunirc
Quito a good business was dono
on 'chango this inqrning. Tho
following sales from tho atroot
woro roported: 21 shares Oahu
Assessable 8KJ.1, 10 shares Paia
Ploutatiou $225, (5 shares Ameri
can Sugar Stock $110. Attho
session, 10 shares of Aiuorican
Sugar for $110 aud 10 shares Oahu
Assessable for $15 woro sold.
Hamoa stock was offered at $105.
Kipabulu at $120. For Oahu as
sessable $1!)0 was askod and $135
bid at which figure it was sold.
For American Sunar Oo. paid up
$105 was bid and $110 akcd.
Oahu paid up was offorod for
$152A with no buyors. For Paia
$250 was asked and $230 bid.
A dividend of throe per cont
duo and payabla tomorrow on
Wilder S. S. Co. was roported.
Wairaea Sugar Mill Co.'s Stock
was listed and will bo called for
tho first timj tomorrow.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair.
A Pure Grape Cream ot Tartar Powder.
.(. r

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