OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, December 05, 1898, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1898-12-05/ed-1/seq-1/

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Use Bulletin
Evening Bulletin
Live Subjects, Live News, Live Merchants, Live Everything Appear in the Live Paper TUB BULLETIN.
$& Strike
While the Iron is
Jl Hot and
M Get Tenants.
I? you have
Rooms to Rent.
Vol. V. No. .1084.
Pkioe 5 Ousts.
- - .- . .T r t if "I jjjjjjBjjjj !
miuCo -
The Hawaiian Fruit and Taro Com
pany Doing a Large Bnsines.
Accident to Juror Wedding After Brier Woo
ing Meeting of Teachers No Horse
Races on Christmas.
Wuilnku, Maui, Deo. 2, 1898. --Judgo
Kalua (joes over to Lihaina
today to bo in rnadiuesH for tlio
opening of the coming Docombcr
torm next Wednesday.
Jus. Mululu, ono of tlio Huwai
inn jurors for tbo comitic terra of
ilia Oirouit Court, mot with n very
painful accident Inst Snturdny.
While ho was on his way to Iao
his mulo Bhiod nl somo strango
object nnd Mnlulu was thrown on
tho ground, tho body of tho mulo
falliug on Mnlulu's head. When
i tho rider got up ho mounted his
1 mulo nud proceeded on his wny to
"work, not knowing thnt ho wns se
riously iujured. llo wns grontly
surprised when told by others
about his injuries, and wont to Dr.
Armitage, who droseed his wounds.
Mnlulu's lips wero bndly injured,
lint his wounds aro healing up rn
piilly now.
It is ezpocted that thero will be
grent timos nt Lnhninn during tbo
torm of tho Circuit Court. Sevornl
dancing parties havo boen stnrted
at Lnhninn for entertaining those
attending tho terra.
The Hawaiian Fruit & Tbh) Co.
of Wniluku is sending about eight
or ten tons of paini to tho lopor
settlement every week now. This
institution is perhnpstho only ono
of tbo kind in exiBtonce, excopt
perhaps Mr. Wilcox's poi factory
nt Knlihi, which, however, is not
so large a scalo as this. JLho taro
after being cooked by stoma is put
in a mill having n capacity of threo
hundred 21-lb paiais a day. The
Lehua takos from horo to tho Sot
tloment about 095 21-lb bundles of
paiais every waok, and has been
doiug so for the past three months,
and thero is enough taro horo to
supply tho Settlement for the next
three montliB. Tho factory is run
by Wm. E. Unl, a halt whito who
had served his time at the Hono
lulu Iron Works and also at tho
-coast. Ho has a forco of about
nine natives undor him, but they
are not engaged during tbo entiro
week. This mill can aho produco
the wollknown taro -Hour, and
thero are already about ten tons on
Mr. Knlaiwan, assistant teacher
at the Waihco government school,
wad mumed to u girl from the
Kamehamoba girls' school ono
day this week. He is receiving
congratulations from bis numer
ous friends, for he wooed and
wn the fair brido in leas than
twenty hours.
Tho Mnui Toaohers' Association
held its o nveutiou in the Wni
luku school house yesterday. A
largo number of the teachers from
this island was present. Tho
bull, whioh was to be given dur
ing tho oveuiug, was postponed
sine dio on account of tho in
clomoucy of tho weather. The
couvoution was considerod a sua
cess howovsr.
D. Freeman, a trusty in Wajlu
ku jail, was reloased from prison
todayxby order of District Magis
trates McKay and Kaloikau sit
ting together. Tho prisoner was
fined 8350 ono yeat ago yesterday
at tho Labaina torm of tho Circuit
Lnhaina will be tho busiest
town on Maui during tho next two
or tbroo woeks.
Tho wifo of John Kanakamai
kni, na omployo of tho Wailuka
Tax Offioe, gavo birth to twin girls
Friday ovoning. Mother and
babes are doing well.
Tho Maui Jockey club held p.
srwoial moetinc in the Courthouse
on Friday evening to decide ways
and means in connection with tho
Christmas raceb which woreto be
held at tho Eahului race track
this yoar. Tho mooting docided
not to have any races this year on
account of the great oxpenso tho
club will have to meet in putting
tho track in shipshape Another
reason for the postponomont of
tho races, howovor, was tho rocont
ohango of hands of tho Sprockels
villo management, as somo of tho
hoises oxpected to bo catered by
them will not bo ontorcd,and thero
foro tho club could not boo how
thoy could meet tho exponees of
tho coming moot, although thero
is about $U0O in tho treasury. Tbo
Kahului track is said to bo in bad
condition on account of tho tido
washing away a portion of tho
track, and it requires nt least $200
to put it in condition for tho races.
Tho rogulor rncos, however, will
tnke place next Fourth of July.
Sovoral of tho Maui teachers
woro entertained by Mrs. Heapy
at hpr homo last oveuiug. An ex
ceedingly good time was had by
tlioso present. Ice- cream and
othor cool rofrosbmeutB wore
sorved beforo tho happy band of
pedagogs parted just beforo mid
night. The American schooner H. C
Wright left in ballast tho early
pnrt of this week for Gray's Har
. The Amorican brig Oonsuelo,
which was oxpected nt Kahului
this week, .has not put in her np
poaronco as yet.
valuaiim: hkl kstatk.
It Will be Hold by .Thiiivi F. Moriritn on
What do you want in real
estato ? Do you wnnt to purchase
property, as valuable rb it is now,
that will double, possibly treble,
in prico within two years Y If
you do attond James F. Morgan's
groat real estato sale on Wednes
day nt noon. On that day
and hour ho will Bell fivo
large lots on Vineyard streot within
sixty foot of Emma street. A loca
tion which is destined to' bo tbo
hoart of the city.
Ho will also sell that dosirablo
resilience proporty at tho corner
of Lunalilo and Ketvalo Btreets,
having a frontago of 14G feot on
Lunalilo street and 237.2 feot on
Another bargain offoro'l at tho
same tirao is a full residenco lot
on tho bench at Wnikiki, a section
that can't bo stopped from crow
ing if nil the eiluriaua combined
to check its progross. Heo Mor
gan's Sales on Eighth page; thoy
are intorosting rending mattor.
Wnte h I'enclntr Mnich.
An officer of ono of tho remain
ing military companies has sout in
a challenge to Captain Parker of
tbo police force to a fencing
match. Tho challenge will not bo
accepted as Captain Parker con
aiders that, holding the position
ho does, oach a proceeding would
not bo proper.
Captain bpillnor of the Mounted
Patrol, is as auxious as Captain
Parker to raoet tho military man
luit will not seek for a cont--t for
tho samo reason iib that g van in
the caso of Captain P. r c r.
Hoi. U. HherliUn.
Sol. Sheridan, ono of tbo presa
'representatives who passed
through hore in tbo U. S. S.
Charleston, was a through passon
gor in tbo Ciiy of Peking. All
through tho most troublous timos
in and about Manila Mr. Sheridau
represented the Call-Herald. Ho
does not speak very onthusiasti
cally of Manila.
Keyed make the food pure,
wboleMme and dallclea.
Round the World Preacher Arrives and
Begins Holding Services.
Large Assembly Hears Him at Central Union
Church -Sries of Meetings for Five
Days Is Arranged.
ltev. G. Noedbam arrivod in tho
City of Poking ns expected, and
yostorday took part in sovoral re
ligious services. His wifo is with
bim, tho couplo boiug guests of
W. O. Woedon, president ot the
Y. M. O. A.
In tho ovening tho Methodist
and Christian congregations gavo
np their sorvices to join iu a
uniou meeting nt Central Union
church. Tho edifice was nearly
filled. Rovs. W. M. Kincaid, G.
L. Pearson and T. D. Garvin of
those threo churches, llov. J. A.
Gru.an of tho Foreign church at
Hilo and II. E. Colemnn, gonernl
secretary of tho Y. M. O. A., wero
on tho platform with Mr.
Messrs. Kincaid, Pearson and
Garvin eaoh shared in conducting
tho opening dovotional exorcises.
Tho regular choir was reinforcod
by Mrs. J. A. Oruzan nnd Mrs. J.
U. Pnty, who woro motribors to
gether of tho old Fort-stroot
church choir.
Mr. Koedhnm preachod on tho
office of tho Holy Spirit, which he
showed to bo tho representation
of tho Doity on earth in tho pres
ent ago or dispensation. tho
scriptures ho said proved a
real abBonco instead of a real
presonce of tho Rodeomor in this
time. He held tho oxproesion,
"gotting up a rovivol," as convey
ing n falso idea. Itovivals woro
not got up in oarth, thoy came
down from hcavon through tho
agency of tho Holy Spirit. A ro
yival was tho reviving of interest
in tho hearts of Christians grown
cold, tho awakening of sinners to
see tho oternal valuo of union with
their Savior. Mr. Noedhnm dis
tinctly repudiated tho designation
of "rovivaliBt" for himself. Tho
greater portion of his discourse
was an exposition of how tho Holy
Spirit takes of tho things of Christ
auu shows tuem to mon, as tho
toxt 'on which ho boynn his re
marks states. With language tho
plainest and simplest and illus
trationB most homely, the proach
or hold tho largo congregation in
tho closest attention to his utter
ances from boginning to end.
Iu tho courso of his conversa
tional discourse, tho preacher re
forrcd to tho meetings ho had just
hold in Japan. To tlio peoplo of
that country ho had declared that
ho did not represent any religion,
but carao as tho ropiojeutativo of
a King who was ready to do for
them everythiug that they vainly
nought from their many gods.
Among Bomo hundreds of inquirers
were three very noted characters,
ono of them a devotoo who had
withpred hia hand in a II a mo to
propitiate a falso deity.
Mr. Needhatn, in about a quart
er of a century's preaching in all
the onds of tho earth, has not lost
his rich old country brogue.
Neither do his robust corporation
and rubicund physioguomy plead
guilty to the awful indictment
brought by a newly arrived
Scotchman against his brothor iu
uodton that ho had "gron up tbo
garritob" bb well as noglocted the
hortor Catechism in his house-
It was announced last night
that Mr. Needhatn would address
meetings at Y. M. 0. A. ball, up
till his doparture at -1:30 and 7:30
p. m. daily. Ho intends leaving
tor San Franoisco in tho steamer
Gaolio advortised to sail on Fri
day. Tho writer of this notico re
ported ono of Mr. Neodhara's
meetings in an Atlantic coast
town twonty-ono yoarB ago.
m m
The adjournod annual mooting
of Ookala Btnokboldois will be
Held Tuesday, JJeo. u, at V) a. m.,
in Chamber of Commuoi room.
Soo Now Today.
Garrison Soon to Be Established
in Honolulu.
Application For Charter Will Soon Be Sent
on to Columbus, 0. large Number
of Names Already Secured.
In a 'abort time now thoro will
bo in existence in Honolulu a
garrison of tho Army and Navy
Uniou, an organization akin to
tho G. A. 11 with branches all
over the United States of America
By the Alameda or possibly, a
littlo later, nil application for a
ohartor will go forth to headquar
ters in Columbus, Ohio. At the
present time, M. II. Sandors is
going nbout with papers, seeking
out those mon how havo had
honora&lo discharges from the
Army and Navy of tho United
Statos. I Ho hns now nbout forty
names. I Probably doublo that
numbotwill bo obtained beforo
the list! aro sont on. All of these
will bofadmitted into tho garrison
as charlor members.
Tho 'formation of u garrison
horo has beon long talked about
but not until rocently has it
taken doDnito shape Mr. San
dors is tho man who has taken tho
most active part iu the work.
Who n he wrote for instructions ho
received n letter appointing him
Spocial Assistant Inspector Gen
eral of tho Hawaiiau Islands.
This appointment of Mr. Sau
dors has facilitated mntters to n
great extout as it has given him
; tho authority to proceed with the
work without delay.
As soon as tho chartor is ro
ooived, tho garrison will bo formed
and a suitable placo for n head
quarters clinson.
Came Into
With Hack
Captain Porkor is determined
that ho will stop furious aud heed
less driving in tho city on tho purt
of hack drivers.
Saturday ovening, Ward, a
rnotuber of Co. F of the First Co
lorado Voluuteors, who had beon
out of tho military hospital but a
fow doys, wns crossing Fort stroot
noar Hotol. Hack 73 wont around
the corner at a rapid rate and ran
into tho Boldior who was thrown
to tho ground and bruised bo bad
ly that it bocamo necessary to re
turn him to tho hospital. Ono of
his knoea was badly injured and
ho was very severely bruised about
the chest.
Officer Pohaku was on tho spot
at tho limo and immediately grasp
ed tho reins of the hackman'a
liorso. The soldier and his frionds
nsked at tho timo that tho hack
man bo allowed to go on his way,
which was done.
This morning anotbor soldier
called at tbo police station aud laid
iu a complaint ngainnt tho hack
man. Tho Iattor was summoned
immediately. It has been decided
to allow tho mattor to rest until
Ward is able to get about again.
A numbor of tho town boys
wero down on tho Halawa ridge
after wild cattle yesterday. Two
out of a herd of ten woro caught
with tbo lasso.
When the very best Ulcycle rroJuceJ In America li
quoteJ at $9, you may be sure that ruck bottom tin
. .-.'-'. i ll..Lk. . 1...
oren rratnea. I veniure u picjtki uiai mn cna ii
come to those annual reductions that have so demoraN
lieJ trade. Only the finest ol equipments, with rlsU
economy of management, can produce such a marvel
of cheapness as a standard American Bicycle at the
prices quoted In advance for '99. Do not look for any
more sweeping reductions. Capital must have fair
returns, and the American artlian will have cood
A few more second hand Hikes at $15, also New
Guaranteed ll'cycles at J)o; only a lew left.
Bicycles kept In running order and punctures re
paired at Si per month, Repairs for all Bicycles at
231 King Street.
LitafcllsheJ ,891,
Sentence and Judgments are Entered id
Last Hours.
Dr. Raymond Withdraws Long-Pending Suit
New Trustee Woods Estate Two
Hore Lawyers Admitted.
Judge Perry this morning sen
toncod Yau Hang alias Ah Ynn,
convictod by a jury of importing
opium concealod in a raillstono, to
be imprisoned three months at
hard labor aud to pay a fino ol
fivo hundred dollars and cobIh.
Judgment for costs hns been
ontored against plaintiff in the
cross dog malicious prosecution
case of Antonio Forroiru vs. Man
uel Farias, n jury having found
for tbo defendant.
Judgo Stanley, in tbo Franca
divorce caso,hns awarded tho wife,
u ran ted soparation, alimony of
310 a month, with the uso of the
cottngo on School street or $1G
more, ,paymont to bo in ado the
fifth of each month. Croighton
for libuleo uotod an oxception aud
gavo notico of appeal to tbo Su
promo Court.
Tom King, tho haokman who
ran iuto aud wrecked a row of
carriages nt Y. M. C. A. corner,
forfeited bail on his appeal from
tho District Court. Ho told UaililT
McGurn, who notified him to ap
pear, that he did not wnnt to be
bothered with court business, his
fino had been paid at tho polico
station nud ho held a recoipt for
it. Ho has ouly $2 50 costs on his
appeal to pay aud tho moribuud
ilepublio will call it square.
llio November term ot tho I irst
Circuit Court .adjourned biuo .die
this afternoon.
Dr. Itaymond by his attorneys,
Robertson & Wildor, discontinues
his cause against tbo Paia
Plantation Co., which has boon in
tbo courts somo years.
ThoB. 11. Wolkor, Godfrey
Urown nnd John A. Maguiro np
point F. M. Swanzy ns their co
trustco of tho estate of tho late
JamoB Woods in placo of tho late
Theo. H. Davios, tho six children
of tho tostutor having bo request
ed in accordance with tho tonus
of thoir father's will.
Francis James Barry and Guy
F. Maydwell have each been
granted a full license to practise
law in tho Hawaiian Islands. Mr.
Derry is 28 yonrs of ago and was
admitted to tbo bar of California
in 1895. His certificate of char
acter is signed by J. Alfrod
Magoon and W. Georgo Ashloy.
Mr. Maydwell is 29 years of ago
and has boon a moinbor of tho
California bar nenrly fivo years.
Ho is certified professionally and
as to personal character by Jus
tice MoFnrland of the Supromo
Court of California.
Postmaster Genoral Oat has re J
coived a lettor from Postmaster
Soveranco of Hilo, stating that
steamer Garonno arrived Saturday
morning with 17.) passengors.
Hide Too Illah.
Contractors, a second timo in n
week, havo displayed biggor ideas
of publio works than tho Govern
ment and jjogisiatnre. xonuors
for tho Kipahulu courthouBO aud
jail building wero oppued today,
but tho lowost was 3.250 abovo tho
appropriation. Consequently the
contract is not awarded.
0. H. Bishop of Lihuo, Kauai,
is in town.
Captain Wildes of tho U. 8. S.
Boston was a thorough passenger
in tbo City of Poking. Ho was
in tho brilliant engagement iu
Manila as is well known and is
now on his ,way homo on a two
months' leavo.
No shop-worn goods on the coun
ters of merchants who advertise in
The Bulletin.
secretary Gtrvln Gets Into Billet In
Custom House.
Two Guards Detailed to Assist Inspector Brown
Chinese Arrived In City o! Peking
Chinese Office Busy. ,
Chinese immigration business
under tho United States exclusion
laws may be said to havo come
intofull swing with the arrival of
tho steamer City of Peking. Tho
Tho Chitieo buu-au of tho For
eign Office is abolished. J. W.
(iirvin, who as eecrotary conduct
ed the bureau, has been appoint
ed as a customa guard to assist
lunpcctor Joshua K. Brown, of
tho U. S. Treasury department, in
Chiueso immigration butinoss.
Kelly Drown, son of the inspec
tor, lian also beon made a customs
guard for the samo purpose.
Now nnd bonreforth tho Port
Surveyor has uotbiua to do with
Chinese seeking admission to
theso islauds. Mr. Strutetneyor
is not at all put out ovor boing
rolieved of thin part of his many
duties. Inspector Brown re
cognizee no official of tho Hawai
iau Government ns requiring to
he consulted by him excepting
tbo Collector of Customs.
Mr. Brown passed two of tho
Chinese arriving" in tho City of
Pokiug, aud sout eighteen to tho
quarantine Btation for further in
vestigation. The inspector and his assistants
aro very busy today, taking tho
namos, family and property con-
dititiuB, photogrnptiH, bodily
marks, ages, do , of Chinoto
thronging tho oflico for return cer
tificates. .ImliCe Wllilrr III.
Word comes from Uilo that
Judgo Gardnor K. Wilder took to
his bed November 80th, ill of a
fever It is hoped his illnosa will
not tie serinna or of long duration.
With .Judgo Wilder and Steno
grapher MeMahou both on the
sick list it looks as though tho
wheels of jnatico might bo clogged
on the big inland at the opening of
tbo January torm. Mr. MoMnhnn
hopes to be nblo to come to Hono
lulu on tho next Kiuati to spend
his timo of oiuvnl-scetice.
m m
At the Tliputor.
Tho McKeo Rankin Co. played
up to tho mark in both the mati
nee aud ovening performance Sat
urday but unfortunately noithor
tbo doublo bill iu the aftoruoon
nor tho play in tho evening wero
greeted by very largo audiences.
U'O laBt appearance- of Nnnco
O'Noil and tun McKeo Itiukin
Co. will bo tomorrow ovening
"Lod Astray" will bo the given.
This pieco lias never boen put on
tho stago hero before.
Another Soldier I)l-.
John V. Springsteen, private
Co. G, N. Y. V., died of pneumo
nia in hospital yostorday evening.
He was 111 years of ugp, nnd tho
thiid member of Co G dying in
Honolulu. Tho body will be sent
home by E. A. Williams tho un
dertaker. Funeral services will
be held nt St. Andrew's cathedral
at 10 o'clock tomorrow
Highest Honors World's Fli
Oold Medal, Midwinter Pair.
A Pure Orapc Cream ot Tartar Powder.
, Aii-.Jl !.. i-. .- - -v - -A " '
I. , . J., ii.ifHfc-.ru. ' J -
Iiiii ..VliAl-u -UAl---

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