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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, February 25, 1899, Image 1

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'giyy qgtig
Evening Bulletin
That's Why the Progressive Bulletin Holds thd Lead in the Newspaper Field.
"57iV'"''ISS iiw "5?i "srii
The Progressive
Bulletin Gives the
of Bach Day
Clockwork Vol. VI. No. 1151.
Piuob 5 Oijxts.
After 2 o'clock yesterday, when
tho Bulletin took the number of
votes cast in the oity proaincts,
only 12 moro electors voted. This
whb at tho rnte of four no hour iu
six precincts. The four precincts
boyond Nuuouu street had not
beou visited, as not being worth
the time and travel. They have
comparatively few senatorial
voters, aud, ns the returns show,
but tou of tho wholo number
voted. Tho returns received by
yry lnyior, registrar, aru as 101-
Pre. Fourth Rep. DIs.
1 Government Nursery 2
2 Beretanla street school V.T..20
3 Reservoir BUg. Nuuanu Ave 2
4 Royal School 1 5
5 Kapualwa Building 0
6 Engine House No, 1 10
Pre. Fifth Rep. DIs.
iKaneohe Court House .'. 6
2 Koolauloa Court House 2
3 Wnlalua Coitrt House 3
4 Walanae Court 3
5 Reading Room of Ewa Plantation., o
6 Ew.n Court House 0
7 Reform School 3
8 Tramway Building 1
a Kaaluwela School 3
10 Chinese Engine House 3
Total 84
Tim total numbor of senatorial
voters registered is G03.
Nrw tSnelnnd Itukfry.
Tho plegant garden lanai ad
joining the New England Bakery
on Hotel street will be opened to
tho publio thiB Saturday, Feb 25.
The Houolulu Qniniotte Olab
will furnish instrumental Hud
native vcal music. Palms, flow
ors and hrjlliont electric liuhts
will ndd to the pleasure of tho 03
casiop. Every body is cordially invited.
Guv Kelley took the place of
John Grubs as punr of tho Mi
.kiihaln yesterday'. " 'ThV latter is
acting as port steward. This in
done because Mr. Gruhe is a wit
ness for the Government in an
Eleelo opium case.
Staple and Fancy.
Everything useful and orna
Household necessities a spe
cialty with us.
You'll find them best and
cheapest, quality consid
ered, at
Department Store,
Established 1851 Leaders 1800
yimtiiifaihttrj2...Mt nirdrMiteiatfiiafiift '
The jury trying tho action to
quiet titlo, of L, L. McCandloss
vs. S. Mabolona et al., yeBtodny
evening found each party entitled
to one undivided half of the pro
perty. Mr. Brown for tho plain
tiff and Mr. Wilder for tho dofen
danteacb noted exceptions to the
verdict and snvo notico of motion
for a new trial.
In tho A Id rich forgery caso,
bbfore Judge Stanley thu morn
ing, evi lonco for the defenso was
being takeu. At a fow minutes .0
12 o'clock, the court adjourned till
0:30 Moudny evoning.
Judge Perry is boaring tho
protest against confirmation of tho
sale of tho steamer City of Co
jumbia and petition forareopon
ing of bidding for now shIo. Kiu
ney, Ballon & MoOlanahan for tho
protfatauts; Divis and Diokey for
tho purchaser. In tho coarse of
the hoaring certified ohpquos were
tondorotl on behalf of U. Wator
bouso fc Oo. and A. S. Humphreys,
each for 83000 as an opening bid
in tho event of a now sale being
Tho Jule Walters company will
give its farewell performance in
tho Orphoum thoater tonight. A
brand new program will be put on
that will charm and amuse tho
natrons of this popular house.
This compauy has proved its ex
collonoH during the stay in Hono
lulu, and a largo audience will at
tend the farewell. Tickets on
sale at the Honolulu Drug Com
pany. P'Utponrm.nt of Sale.
Tho mortgagees sale of valuable
city properly 'as advertised by
Auctioneer Jas. F.Morgan, nntice
nf which appears 00 pig.) eight of
this issue, has been postponed till
Monday, March G'tb, at 12 o'clock
WrrtrVffl- 1 i '-t -"'H''f"-1-)
Brlogs Lot of 646 Japanese Laborers for
Hawaii Nei.
Rough Trip on Starling Out Something ol Ves
sel's Record Is Liner on China Coast
List of OHlcers.
Tho British S. S. Fnusaug nr
rivod in port from Yokohama this
forenoon. Sho nppeared at day
light and hovo to outsido for tho
purp)so of allowing tho Port Phy
sician to examino tho Jnpnncse
immigrants for this port, of whon
thero aro GIG.
Tho Fausang sailed from Yoko
hama on tho 11th inst. For tho
first few days out strong north
woatoily gaits, heavy seas and un
pleasont weather generally, were
met with. On approaching the
Islands, fine weather was met.
Tbo Fnusang, oharterod bv tho
N. P. U.K. from the Iudo-China
Steam Navigation Co. of Hong
kong, comos consigned to T. H.
Davios & Co. and brings a hun
dred tonB of general merchandise
from China and Jnptn for this
pirt. Sho is taking through some
1200 ton of general merchandise
for Portland.
The Btoatnor waB bnilt in New
castle on-Tyno by Wighara, Iti
ehnrd-on ife Co. London is hor
port of registry but ho was up to
the time of being chartered by the
N. P. R. R between poits on the
uuiua coast and Java as one of
the regular liners.
Tho measurements of tho Faus
ang nre is follows: Length ovor
n'l 310 feet; breadth of beam, 38;
depth of bold,'23. Hejr cross.ton-
nago i.'i2G0 mid net ldld. The
ollicos are ns follows: N Moncur.
iM'iiu; x a. xuucueii, nrst otuccr;
J Netheiton, second ollicer; O
Berorowdki, third officer; Dr
Barrett, surgeon and purser; I)
Purvirt.outefenf'iuear: W Graham.
second engineer; W G Simpson,
iuiiu enmueoi; A 15, gley, fourth
euyinoor. The Japanese interpre
ter ano-ird is F. W. Hopps. Osp
tain Moncur has been with iIih
ship since Bhe camo out from Eng
land and First Officer Mitoholl
has beou with her ob'.ut two yoarH.
t Immediately tho Fausang haul
ed alongsido thu Pacific Mail
wharf, a Board of Health officer
was posted at tho head of tho
gangway and no ono was allowed
to go aboard until nil tho Japa
nese had been lauded.
On tho trip from Japan, there
was but littlo sickneos among the
immigrants. Otllv ono Jannnnnn
dying. There wns nlso one birth.
Pollc" fNmrt Nil Col.
In the Polio Court this fore
noon Ah Kiu, charged with un
lawful possession of opium, had
sentunco suspended in his caso.
Tbo case of Sylvano Nobrega,
charced with assault and battory
on Kahaunaole w, was sot for
February 28.
Tho S S Fausanc will bnil for
Portland at daylight tomorrow
United States
Reports show
Royal Baking
Powder to be
stronger, pur
er and better
than any other
V.A' -. . I ..j. 'i. . i-.vi
Who Has Had Experience In Management
-Don't Talk Religion Except on Sun
daysWork That Is Appreciated.
In viow of tho starting of a
'Wuians club" in Honolulu, it
mny bo interesting to tho pooplo
of Honolulu to know how similar
institutions aro conducted in the
largo soaporls of tho world, tho
writer havinc been secular man-
agor of ouo of tho largest, tho
oeamons Instituto in San Fran
cisco. Of courso in different places tho
eyatotn of management must bo
cljangod to suit conditions and tho
men who attond.
Tb.o Sun Frauoisco Instituto is
attractive as is shown by tho im
mense attendance, the Average at
tendance for tho year of my man
agement being 28'J per day as
many as 500 being in tho building
at one tima during outortainmoat.
The 8an Francisoo Institute
hns two lloors of tho largo build
ing at 33 Stewart street, the lower
11 tor beiug divided iuto five rooms,
one an officers ond apprentices
billiard roira and opening off this
nu officors aud apprentices reading
room-(wheu au Ennliah bagatelle
board is sot up and drafts, ohess,
dijm.iooos nutl com fort Uilo up.
hotftered chairs aro arrauced aud
"lfS'the papers intuiting to eea-
iiiauaro on uio. 'i.1
lie solojtion nf
tliSo mpors goes fnr. to ranko the
Pli;Ovji sncoixMFrtir Play, noil
. ."jn.j.ur. luiiig luureponHiuio.
Opening off the officer billiard
room is an office aud library com
bined. Tho Roamon have a billiard
room nod letter writing room to
thomsolves and a limited member
nf pipers, a bath room and re-fre-bramt
room are connected
with the dIaco. Rifli in rP. ...!
5c. for refreshmout.
Tho second floor is ono largo
hall whuro a rumnvuliln nvmni.
urn and ohapol aro maintained
wiui a piauorm and piano in tho
On 8undy tho billiard tables
nre covered and all camos aro put
away and two services conductod
in the chapol, tho placo being
onn from 9 a. m. till in
On AVednesday evening a free
concert is givon by the Booioty
ladies of San Francisco, tho con
certs beincr nrrnnrrnrl mnniu ;
ndvanco and it is very important
hjih iu.o liuuuenuQ purely secular
nnd that no reference bo made
to religion, for as sure as rolipion
and secular amusement aro mixod
up it moans ompty chairs. A
numbor of Honolulu sooioty
Indies have contributed to these
concerts in Snn TVnmii.i .nli
enn nttest to tho attendance and
u'entlornanlv beannr nf tlm ..
men. The soampn nnaini nt ti.n
concerts and oIobh tho evoning by
Kinging "shanties" or songB they
sing while, haulicg on rops or
heavinc up tho anchor. TheBe
aro a great attraction, folks com-
ing rrora nan mtaal, but tho por
boh in charge of the ovening must
havo a knowledge of "shantios"
and keep down any that aro not
in ordor, as Bailors appear not to
roalizo what tlipv nrn m'n;
when they sing shantios and
there aro several which must not
bo allowed. Comic songs seem to
take best und tbo violin is greatly
appreciated. On Saturday ovon-
11)11 a SOoinl GVeninrr ia nlinn Uu
tho ladies ond they booorae no
quaiutod vith the men in this
Ladies am ituliannnaim.. tn l...
Work and thnv mnnf hn Imlini. nt
refinement nnd culture and will
ui)(l"dack" knows how to bohavo
hluiself. Tlin nnnrn.iiir.1.0 nn ii,
BntiHh ships aro groat favorites,
Continued on Pago -1.
Detail of Work Done by the
Francisco Institute.
jMjt.uai4dk.'-'iii i hiia -..j..ii,, :t,,M.L,iii.i..,.s .,, tMktii , j--i'tMJii
Imposed on Attorney Humphreys for
Assault on a Witness.
Unpleasant Incident In Court Lobby Yester
day Afternoon Marshal Brown Calls
Attention ol Judge Stanley.
An uupleasant episode in the
precincts of tho Circuit Court,
while it was in sossion yesterday
afternoon, hnd its scquol in con
tempt proceedings against an at
torney at uoon to day.
Judgo Stanloy had excused tho
jury in tho Aldrich case for the
rest of tho day and askod if thero
was nny other matter to be brought
beforo tbo Court.
Marshal A. M. Brown camo
forward, in answer to tho question
saying ho desirod to oall tho at
tention of tbo Court to an occur
rence which took placo yostorday
within hearing of tho Court, As
Frank Davoy, one of the witnesses
in the Aldrioh caso, was loavinu
tho courtroom ho was met by A.
S. Humphreys, an attorney of
that Court, nud some wonts pass
ed between tuora, tho result beinu
that Mr. Humphreys struck Mr
Davey and caused him some in
jury. It seomod to thu Mnrehal
that tho conduct of tbo attorney
at the time, although tho iig
cravation might havo beou great,
was unbecoming aud undiguifiid,
especially when it took place with
in tho hearing if not the sight of
the Court. Ho thought it wa
right that Mr. Humphreys should
bo cited bofnro the Court tp show
uifiiHo whyh'o Hhould not be com
mittod for coutompt of court.
Mr. Humphreys coming forward
said ho had no desiro to Uke. ad
vautpge of techuicalitios, although
Ihp conduct complained of did not
interrupt or disturb tho Court. At
tho sumo time, for his protection
from moro formal proceeding
later, ho would request that tho
Marshal should filo un affidivit "I
complaint. Ho was aware of the
pro'octiou duo to wituos-s in
court, or coming and going thero
from. He regretted that ho should
havo abnegated tho dignity of bin
high offico ns he had, but not that
ho hod struck Mr. Davoy. All h..
woo eorry for, in that regard, was
that be had not Btruck him harder
and oftenor. Ho would plead
guilty to constructive contempt of
oourt if the Marshal would file an
affidavit that would protect him
from further proceedings. From
tho position of liiB otlico ho felt
that ho could not ask for mercy
from tho Court.
Marshal Brown ongaged to
file tho requested affidavit on Mon
day morning.
Mr. Man key pleaded that, on
account of tho frank admission of
Mr. Humphroys, only a nominal
punishmont would bo suffiuient.
Judgo Stanloy, callinir the
offending attorney to tho bar, said
this was tho first instance of thu
kind happening sinco be hod como
to tbo bench. Ono of tho main
duties of the Court was to protect
its witnesses. In justice to the
respondent, ho had ploasuro in
saying that ho was sorry for what
he, tho roepnndent, had dono in
this enso. Further, Mr. Humph
reys had called his attentiou to
the rnattor that morning, and
npkod that proceedings should bo
taken against him. The
offense was such that lmprison-
raout Bhould bo imposed, but the
frank acknowledgment made by
respondent would bo considered.
It was with groat reluotaneof with
unfeigned sorrow, that tbo Court
adjudged him cuiltv of contemn
and sentenced him to pay n fine of
ono hundred dollars.
Mr. HumpbroyB asked for a
stay of Bontonce for about five
minutos, which was grautod.
The La Ninfa will sail for Konn
ports with lumber about Tueedav
Sho will return to this port with
Giving His Views Upon Moaey Areola
Hon and Treasury Balances.
imports of Cold for First Three llonlhs of
1899 Why the Funds are Retained
In Yault.
Hpn. S. M. Damon, Minister
of Finance, wai seou nt his privato
nlllco in the bank of l)iuop it Co.
thiB morning, and iwlcul if ho
had anything to say nhout on
orticlo headed, "Locking Dp
Money," iu this morning's Ad
vertiser. The nrticlo quoted tho
last TronFii y statement, which
Bhoiml S829,G04!)5 of money
locked up iu tho vaults. It held
that, according to tho standnrd in
tho States, thero ought to be
$2,500,000 in circulation now in
tho Hawniian Isloude, but gave n
surmise without quoting authority
that the actual amount of mnnf.tr
iu dirculation is Only 61,500,000.
From these showing tbo art'oiD
deducpB tho proposition that to
"havo mon. than unit of our cir
culating raodium out of temporary
uso" makes thp situn'ion "not a
sound one financially."
Mr. Damon called for tho no
cnunts of cold imported by his
bank thus far this yoar, and gavo
tho figures together with tho es
timate for March. Tho Matemont
chow that more thnn mx hundred
and fifty thuiirnnd dnl'nrs io
United Staltn gold coin will havo
been addtwl tn lh cirmilntiin? me
dium oE Unwiii dating tho first
qunrtor ot lssil). HMi p & (Jo.
iro the only importers of "gol3
coin. Here, i the statetueut for
tho current qunrter:
Jamnrv 201.000
l-ebruary 150,000
March 300,000
5 653,000
"Tho condition of thu Trnniiitf
on outlined in tho figuros of tbi
editorinl of this morning is ol
course correct," Mr. Damon wonl
on to say, "but tun deductions' ns
npplioablo to our conditions nro
tar trom truly reprobating tho
actual situation.
"A conservative eatimntn nf thn
coin iu the oiuntry would bo be
tweou four anil livo millions
nearer five thnn four.
"rho mam reison for tho sur
plus at proent in the Treoxury is
thnt a larifo amount nf (lnH.u Ima
bfon coming in from tho custom
iiou9o in excess ot previous yeors.
As the outlook for tho loss of this
important source of reveuno to
(ho Government is iniminont,
from tho change of our relations
with the United States whoreby
tbo customs and postal revenues
win co into tho United States
treasury, tho Government has
doomoJ it wio to provide for n
hiatus that will naturally follow
tho loss of ono third of tho revenuo
by sotting nsido a rosorvo pro
duced iu the timo of ubundanco.
"Thero has been nn inmnnli'nn
of expenditure, however, from tho
nurront ncaount fuud. Wherever
tuoro has bojn an opportunity to
Continued on Puo 5.
Highest Honors, World's Fair
Oold Aledal, Midwinter Pair
Avilil IIiUIiik I'mnlprs containing
uIiiiii. 1 III1' tiro Injurloui to licntlli

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