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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 04, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1899-04-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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Evening Bulletin
gCgjggQggCg) 3J& PsgsgT 3?bb in tk Feetece 2ta&&
,The Bulletin le
IREAD-o"- a
It Is the Paper
JO? American
(From Hawaii
'To Niihau. .
Progress &
Vol. VI. No. 1180.
Pities 5 Gents.
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A. W. Kocoh in obargo of the
Engineers Department, of Ihe In-
"tor-Island Co., is an enthasiaston
.-the proposition of having a naval
,.--'" reserve in Honolulu. Ho has
papors and is securing tho names
of those who have an idea they
would like to beeomo members,
aud is now casting about for more
information in the matter so that
hn will be able to Bpeuk more in
telligently to those whom he ap
proaches. Speaking of tho matter
veatorday, Mr. Koccu saw:
"lam iniavor of having a naval
rfiRorvn becanao.it will furnish to
many young men here, both in
airnntion and nleasuro and will
also sorve as a protecting force,
fully competent to aid whatever
land forces might happened to bo
stationed hero.
"The men who join will not
have to Baorifice any of the timo
thoy need for their respective call
ings. In fact, a naval reserve is
of vorv much tho satno nature as
militia. It will certainly be more
"There is no doubt that tho
Unilod States will send out a ship
with a competent naval officer to
give instructions, should success
be mot with in forming a naval
reservo bore."
On Street Mprlnkllntr.
The recout hoavy winds, sond
4jing.up olouds of dust, has caused
tho minds of many people to dwell
on tho 'street watering problom.
Tho .water that is sprinkled on
tho principal streets has boon
found to bo inadequate.
Several have BUReested the
adoption here of tho plan in vogue
in San Fraucisco and other coast
cities that of sprinkling the
streets with salt water. It is said
that, after constant use, this forms
aooatinu that nolds i Do dirt ana
prevents the dust from rising. It
is' suggested that a trial be made,
Staple and Fancy.
Everything useful and ornamental.
Household necessities a spe
cialty with us.
You'll find them best and
cheapest, quality consid
ered. at
Department Store
Olaa is to havo a ten thousand
dollar coffeo mill in tho near
future. Tho plant is now on the
way from San Francisco and P.
Peck, who ordered it, is on his
way to Olna in tho Einaa to make
arrangements for its reception.
The plant will bo put up on Mr.
Peok'a land and tho owner guar
antees to do all the work of tho
Mr. Pock has given to L. A.
ThurBton and Dr. NioholB an op
tion on five hundred acres of his
land, bnt he will retain 250 acres
for himself, keeping this in coffeo.
Mr. Peck will remain in Olaa.
American Relief Fund.
There was no quorum for tho
annual meeting of the Amorioan
Relief Fund called for laBt Wed
nesday. W. O. Atwator, treasur
er, tins ktnuly responded to tne
request of a Bulletin roportor for
a Btatement of tho finances of the
organization. This is it:
To balauco on hand
Feb. 22, 1898....
$ 580 16
To dues, donations,
interest on bonds.
1403 00
1983 15
Charity various per
sons Balanco on hand Feb.
907 00
1076 15
Walalae Plantation,
Tho proposed promotors of
Waialao plantation were out look
ing over the land this morning so
that it will probably bo bnt a
short time now before another
plantation is .floated,
The Bulletin 76c per month
Established 1851-
-Lendcr 1800
Has No Complaints to Offer for
It. '
Would Have Ellen Hits Hid There Been
ods and Potatoes on the Side Not
Suitable for Sick Hen.
Now York. March 25. Tho
army court of inquiry investigat
ing tho chargoa made byr Gonoral
Miles that th'6'beof furuishod the
soldiers iu tho Ouban and Forto
Rican campaigns was unfit for
uso, convoneu in mis oity touay.
lieforo the bearing began, Major
Leo said he beliovod Govornor
Roosevelt would bo the only wit
ness beard hero.
Upon his arrival, Govornor
RooBevelt shook hands with sev
eral member? of tho court and
then took the stand, after Col.
Davis had administered tho oath.
"When was the first complaint
you heard of tho rations?" asked
Oolonol Davis.
"May I answer that in my own
way" asked tho govornor.
"Well, it waB aboard ship at
Tampa. I saw a man, I think bis
name was Ash, I know be camo
from Kentuoky throwing away a
can of tho eo-callod roast beef. I
askod what wai tho matter and be
said ho could not eat it. I told
him not to bo a baby, and that
ho did not volunteer for a good
time and ought to be able
to take what camo. I thought no
moro of tho mattor until I heard
that complaints were being made
on all sides. Thon I mado in
quiries and was told that the roast
beef was part of the regular ration
aud thata all tho yoluntoera.woro
"I spoko to Colonel Wood about
it and said it was tho regular
ration. I ate a mouthful, or two,
myself, but I could not oat it."
Governor Roosevelt spoko of the
issue of rations in Cuba and said
that although ho did not liko the
beof and his men would not eat it,
he never heard anyone say it was
an "unfit ration."
"What did the meat look liko ?"
aBked Davis.
"When tho cans wero opened,
thore was a covering of slime. It
was unattraotivo. Tho meat was
stringy and it did not agree with
the men who ato it."
"Gould you not eat it, when
served with onions and potatoes."
"I think at that limo I could
have eaten my hat, if I could havo
hadonionB and potatoes. Tho men
would havo eaten anything with
fresh vegetables. They stowed
tho meat with mangoes aud ate
it. Some of tho mon seemed to
eat the meat without difficulty or
distress, but it was not suitable
for sick or half sick men."
Governor Roosovelt told at
length of his attempts to got sup
plies in UUU4. no repeated
statements no made to tho army
investigating oommitteo, as to his
attempts to organizo a transporta
tion train to bring supplies to his
men from oiboney.
"When did you boy in receiving
refrigerated beef," asked Colonol
"About July 22, when ashore
about a mouth."
"Wero the supplies regular?"
"Sometimes. Wo received them
about noon."
"What was their condition whon
you received tbem ?"
"Tuqir condition aB a rulo was
good. The outside was some
times bad, but it seemed awfully
good to us ?
Fr.h FLU ana Poultry.
Tho Metropolitan Meat Com
pany received a consignment of
fresh fish and poultry by tho S.
S. Garonno from Soattla today.
Mrs. Eigan loft for Hilo In tho
Rioau this noon t) pay a visit to
hor son in Olaa.
Hllo Railroad Company Accepts Char
ter and Elects Officers.
Oahu Railroad
Manager the
Surveys Will
President Pre
Be Hade
B. F. Dillingham, President.
L. A. Thurston, Yico President.
A. "W. Carter, Secretary.
M. P. Robinson, Troasuror.
Henry Waterhouso, Auditor.
A. S. Hortwell, F. M. Hatch,
Albert Whyte, Directors.
This is the strong board of offi
cers oleoted at a mooting of tho
shareholders of tho Hilo Railroad
Company, Limited, this morning.
It was voted to aocopt tho
charter as it has passod tho Gov
ernment. A. W. Carter, former Judgo of
the First Cironit Court, was ap
pointed as general manager in ad
dition to his oleotion as secretary.
OporatiooB will bogin as soon
as possible. Gonoral Manager
Gartor will try to get away in tho
steamer Mauna Loa on Friday for
tho purpose of taking a thorough
look over tho ground. Ho will
take along with him a civil
Washington, Moroh 25. The
War Department has beon asked
if some of the volunteer regimonts
returning from Cuba, which wore
organized aa immunes could bo
ro-enlisted in their entirety. It
was stated that some of theso re
giments dosiro to so onlist and bo
uehi'to tho Philippines.
In reply tho department says'
that such enlistments canot be
mado. Tho temporary ro-onliet-monts
provided for under tho
army law aro to bo mado from
volunteer troops now serving in
tho Philippines, who will bo sub
ject to immediate muster out as
soon as tho ratihcation of the
poaco troaty is proclaimed.
It is oxpooted that General Otis
will organizo a brigado or moro of
these mon. Tho organizations
will bo ontiroly now and
no semblanco of tho former
State regiments will bo maintain
ed. It is possiblo that some of
tho volunteer officers of tho State
militia who havo shown great
aptitude in military matters will
be givon commissions in the tem
porary regiments to be organized
in the Philippines.
Theso now rogimonts will not
be kept in servioo very long un
less the situation in the Philip
pines beoomes much worse. Tho
belief is oxprosnod that this is
not likely, as the reports from
General Otis for a week or ten
days havo indioatod an early col-
tuoflapao of the rebellion in Luzon.
The temporary organizations will
be rotained until tho regular
troops now under orders for Ma
nila reaob that plaoo.
Tho majority of tho drivers of
the U. S. Governmont coal carts
aro natives.
Absolutely Pure
flaile from Pure drape Cream
of Tartar
Tbey Are
Causing General
Some Trouble,
Handled Better By
Talking Than
Resigns to Look
Santiago Do Cuba, March 25.
There has boen considerable
troublo from banditti in tho last
few days in tho vicinity of San
Whon it was reported General
Wood, Military Govornor, sont
monnted troops, as well as tho en
tiro force of gendarmes into tho
district with instructions to cap
ture tho bandits if possible Thoy
met with no success, but finally
Lieutenant Hanna, General
Wood's aide, wont to San Luis to
mako a personal investigation,
with tho result that within twenty
four hours tho ringleador, Fran
cisco Dieguez and fivo others wero
captured and later to moro taken
and one killed while resisting
All are now closoly guarded in
tho military prison hero, tho jail
not boing considered safe, owing
to the friendship felt for the
prisoners by soveral prominent
insurgent officets residing in San
tiajjo. Colonel Francisco Valionte,
chief of Goneral Wood's gendar
merie, lias resigned nis position.
Throo days ago ho left for San
Luis to try tolocato tho bandits.
Three mon accompanied him.
After thoy had proceeded a short
distance Colonol Yaliente ordered
the mon to roturn, saying: "If
wo should bo attacked by bandit
ti, wo would havo to fight; but if I
wero alono, I could talk with them
and get away safoJy,
Finally, as tho story goes, tho
bandits captured him, hold a court
martial and sentenced him to
death, but finally rolontod and re
leased hici Thjs tale is common
talk at tho Cuban Club aud is
generally believed. Anyway,
Colonol Valiento's resignation
seems to give it color. Ho is
eitbor ont of tho city or in hiding.
Tho now ohief of gondarmorie
is Colonol Juan Vian. Tho gen
darmerie in the San Luis district
are now nnder tho orders of
Lieutenant Butts, who is in com
mand of a mounted troop of'tbo
Fifth Regulars. Groat satisfac
tion is felt in this part of the
province at the capture of so
many bandits.
Gorernmant Land Hale.
J. F. Brown, Agent of Public
Lands, held a salo at tho Judi
ciary building at noon. It was
romarkablp, in comparison with
any previous land Bale in recent
times, from tho fact that tho upset
price was not exoeodod in any
case, Following are tho parti
Lots- at Puuanahulu, North
Eona. S. B. Dole, 30.01 acres at
875; Mrs. E. N. Low, 18.07 acres
at Slo; J. M. Hind, 20.02 aoros
at $50.
V'Lot of 1 7-10 ocros at Paubala,
Ewa, in roar of school lot and in
connection with main government
road, Catbolio Mission at $200.
m . i
The Cunlmot Confirmed.
At tho Exeoutivo Council this
morning only Ministers Mott-
Smitb and Damon wero present
with President Dole. Minister
King and Attorney Goneral Coop
er were both at homo ill. The
only business dono was to confirm
tho contract for tho Berotauin
street schoolhouBe to Mr. Hoff
mann of San Fraucisco at$17.'J99,
awarded by Minister Mott-Smith
yesterday as exclusively nn
uouucod in the Bulletin.
Tho Oity of Punbla h.s a very
creditable band. The conceits
givon aboard ship aro Uuteued to
by many with groat pleasure.
Strong Names Form the List or
Officers Elected.
Articles of Association are Adopted-President
Waterbouse Makes a Statement
to the Shareholders.
Honry Waterhouso, President.
F. M. Hatch, Vice President.
Tom May, Auditor.
H. WaterhouEO Jr., Treasurer.
R. W. Shiuglo, Secretary.
Cecil Brown and Francis Gay,
Snob is tho list of officors elect
ed at tho mooting of shareholders
of the Niulii Sugar Company,
hold at tho offices of H. Water-
nouso (X uo. it would bo ft
mere commonplace romark to say
that the uamos aro a guarantee of
good faith, able direction and, in
every way, inspiring of public
Articles of association wero
agreed to and ordered filod in tho
Intorior dopaitment.
Mr. Wntorhouse, promotor and
preflidont, gave an outlino of tho
project. Ho said that the optioni
ho had scoured on sugar cano
lands adjacent to Niulii plantation
would bo turned ovor to the com
pany at cost, without commission
or promoter's fee. Judge Hart
would operate the plantation nnd
pay running expenses until tho
oud of April, whon tho proporty
would be turned ovor clour to tho
company and the oiop returns
paid into its treasury.
Thorn would be a surplus of
$000,000 for uxpusiou purposoa.
Mr. WaterbouHQ is going t thu
district in tho8tonnur Mnuna Loa
on Friday, to look-over tuo whola
ground and conclude corUin do-
tails that will bo mule kuown in
due time.
ChnterDojrl, TUporl. Actlr Hltrn. I.
Kllnilen Crm.r.
Tho steatuor Kinati is going to
mako a dotour from hor regular
routo this trip. She goes to Kai
lua, Koua, to land Chester A.
Doyle, tho Japaneso interpreter.
for an important triul at that
placo. Mr. Doyle will bo back
on Tuesday next, to attend tho
preliminary examination of tho
Eabuku riotors.
Mr. Doylo says whon he was
voyaging homeward last week a
groat vol u mo of amoko was ascond
ing from Kilauea, and smoko wa
also Been issuing from tho orator
of Mokuaweoweo.
PaMeaKnr Agent injured.
Mr. G. AlcGinnis, the goneral
passpngor and froight agent for
tho Brithb-Amorican line, is a
pussonger in the Garonno from
Seattlo. A woek ago Monday
night, Mr. McGinnis had tho mis
fortuno to fall down the midships
gangway, breaking two ribs. He
has been confined to his bed evor
since. Mr.McOiuuis camo dow
to do a lot of business so that lbs
acoidt'nt is doubly unfo-unato.
a runt qrapc crum or tartan powom
Highest Honors, World's Fair
Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair
AtoIiI IHUIiib I'nwileri ronlnlnliijt
luiu. '1 Key re iujurluu Iu livtUUi
ttfomkesik ''
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At.. .' .
P.rJ&L1&A&F '.VT-Vtt.
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