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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 10, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1899-04-10/ed-1/seq-1/

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L 8ijE$;SiS:-Sa3:-gHlloi's New Railroad Will Foi-e Speedily Ahead.giS-feg-SfegigsgiSfegg-:
i Jk. .
Evening Bulletin
.Foroigm 3Xrx7-s Second ESciitioia.-
v -j
?KfeP Ahead.
Of the....
Vol. VI. No. 1191.
Piticw 5 Oknts.
Tho following notioo ia being
sent out today by Major Langfitt,
tbp commander tbo military post.
"A public meeting of tbo Board
of Oflicers' appointed by order of
tbe S-cretary of Wnr to establish
harbor HneB for tbo harbor of
Honolulu will bo bold in thooffico
of tbo Depot Quartermaster,
Progreofl'bjnckj, qnrnor Fort and
Beretania,ftreefn, ot 1 o'clock p.
m , April 14, 899:
"All parlies dosiring to bo beard
in tbp matt-r are requested to bo
present. Wbero possiblo it Is
specially desirable tbat views or
sugjcstions be submitted in
Thin board consists
"Linnfilt, Gapt. llicknn
Springett. Upon tbe
tbe board will depend
of Mujor
and Oapt.
decision of
tbo limits
to wb'icb piers nnd wharves oan
bo built into tho Honolulu harbor.
Tbe United States guards careful
ly against any encroachment on
the nuvigablo water of tbo har
Tbo steamer Nippon Maru of
tbo Oriental Steamship Company,
on her trip fiom this port on
April 12, will carry three batterips,
and po'sioly four, of tbo Sixth
"Uuited States Artillery to Hono
lulu, under tho command ot Major
Samuel M. Mills. Tho batteries
to ho taken aro A, now stationed
nt St. Francis Bamcks.in Florida,
and I and K, now at Fort Mon
roe, in Virginia. Battory N has
been named in tbo order-j, but ns
this is a new battery, now boiig
recruited at Fort McHenry, Md.,
under the law increasing tbo art
illery rojimonts to fourteen bat
teries each, it is thought it will
not be leadv for transiiortl-tion
with the reit of the battalion. It
will bo Rout to Honolulu later if it
does not arrive in Shu Frnnoieco
beforo April 12th. Chronicle.
Sugar, 47-1G.
Staple and Fancy.
Household necessities a spe
cialty with us.
You'll find them best and
cheapest, quality consid
ered, at
Department Store,
Established 1851 Leaders 1800
Euroka, Cal., April 4. Steamer
Chilkat which sailed this morning
with twenty passengers is upside
down on the Bar. Her people can
bo seon struggling in the breakers.
Lifo saving crew is out also steam
ers from Eureka to plaoo of acci
Sheriff' ot Kauai Ha. Adopted n Good
The Sheriff of Kauai has adopt
ed a plan by which ho hopes to
rid tho Lihue district of the both
eraomo Jopanoao beetles. Becent
ly, letlets woro sent to tbo resi
dents of tho district offering teu
cents for every hundred live
booties handed in to him.
His plan is to take these beetles
as they como and communicate to
them tho parasito discovered by
Prof. Koobelo, froeing them as
soon as thoy have become infest
od. There is no doubt that the offer
will attract the attention of tho
ahildron of tbo Lihue district and
that beotles will be forthcoming in
thousands every day.
Engineer. Ileturn.
The officers and mon of the En
gineers Corps who went to Kauai
iu tho Mikahala, returned in tho
W. G. Hall Sunday, nftor a very
pleasant week. While at Waimea
and Libuo several of tbo men
wont goat hunting. Qood execu
tion was done. Tho engineers
expeoted to roraain a fortnight but
tbo officers douided to return after
a week's stay. Tbe calculation
is that the engineers will sail for
home in the Australia.
Hawaii Will O.t Mare Ht.am.r.
Seattle, March 23. Owing to
the fact that the Pacific Coast
company sees no immediate pros,
pect of securing the release of its
hteamers impressed in the govern
ment tiaosport servico, negotia
tions have been undertaken in the
cast for two steamers to put on
the run betweon Puget Sound and
useful and orria
Waterhoase & Co. Secure 30 Year
Lease on Halawa Lands.
Over 2600 Tons of Sugar for the Company This
Year Plenty or Water Surplus Funds
' to Be Paid Stockholders.
Senator. Henry Watorhouse ro
turued'froui Hawaii Sunday with
a thirty years leaso on tho Hala
wa plantation in his inside pockt.
This leaso includes all of Dr.
Wight's lands and leases which
will bo turned over to tho Niulii
Sugar Company on tho first of
May. It alito includes GOO tons of
sugar yot to como off, the proceeds
from which will pass into tho
treasury of tho Niulii corporation.
Thus tho Niulii plantation
scLorao develops and tho people
who have been crying it down are
beginning to look around for tbo
stock that they wont delinquent
Halawa has an abundanco of
water, having two reservoirs on
tho top of tho mountain, contain
ing three million and four million
gallons respeoliyoly. Another
largo reservoir is in course of con
struction. Niulii, which was purchased
outright, has four streams of water
and water is being developed in the
mountains by tunuolingthun assur
ing abundanco of water for fluraing
cano to tho mill and supplying
power for electrical work.
Betweon 20 10 aud 2300 tons of
sugar havo yet to bo taken from
Niulii thus making over 2G00 tons
of sugar that will pass into tho
corporation as an asset May 1st.
Un this daro tho two properties
Niulii and Halawa will pa-s
into tho hands of tbn corpomtiou
free 'from 'debt, and with all the
working machinery, stock, labor,
etc., etc. in full running order.
Tho Niulii sugar polarizes at 98
porceutand there is already on the
plantation machinery for rofiniug
the raw sugar produot. Thomas
Kay, one of the ablest maniigrs
of the islands will doubtless buthe
managor of the combined proper
ties. Having leased Halawa tboro is
a large surplus on hand which to
gether with the incomo from the
crop to como off will probably bo
paid baok to tbo stockholders iu
tho form of a dividend. This
matter will bo submittod to the
directors and stockholders. Seua
tor Waterbouso is now working
on a prospectus to submit to the
directors and it will bo published
in a snort time.
H. I. M. Cruiser "Piemonto"
arrived this morning fiorn Aca
pulco, Mexico which port she loft
on March 25th.
Sho is a tliiid class cruisor of
301)0 tono displacement, mount
ing 32 guns. Sho is 300 feet long
and 3G feet beam and drawn 20
feot of water. Her Bpeed is givou
as 93 knots. She has a onuv of
310 oilicera and men. It is ex
pected that tho ship will remiiu
hero six or sevon days and will
then sail for Ghina.
Following is a list of oflicers:
Oaptain, Maconigo; Comraauder,
Proli; Lieutenants, Gripeo, Ptis
tcr, Do Grott, Feuzi; Sub-Lieut
enant, Ruspoli; Chief Eoginber,
Buougininn; Second Engineer,
Msrisoo; Third Engineer, Bet
toui; Surgeon, Dardano; Paymas
tor, Carmiuiaui.
Projected flotations.
Jas. 1?. Morgan has reoeived no
word from Moloaa, tbe steamer
having failed to touch there.
August Dreier, owuerof Eleele
plautatiou, Kauai, is in town.
Ho siys he is not anxious to sell
out, but if the promoters of tho
Wnhiawa scheme pay him his
price ho will let it go. Tho mat
ter will probably be dooided with
in a day or two.
The passenger steamer Stella
went down off tho Euglish Coast
and 120 persons woro drowned.
It Will Settle the Recent Differ
All Mailers of the Three Nations In Samoa
Will be Submitted for Decision by
Joint Commissioners.
Now York. Anril 1. A special
to the Sun from Washington says:
This Government has formally
notified tho Qovornment of Germ
any thijtit tegards with favor tbe
proposition to appoint a comtnis-
sion consisting of one representa
tive from each of the threo protec
torate powors to discuss tho 8a
moan qnostion in all its aspects
with a view to removing tho differ
ences which now exists.
"Regards with favor" is not a
very strong impression in ordina
ry' transactions, but in diplomacy
midin this case it moans tbat the
United States will join with Ger
many and Great Britain in tho
formatiou of tho commission.
Tho consent of this country Drac-
tically assures tho appointment oH
tnree commissioners, as Great
Britain, through Sir Julian
Pauncofolo, her Majesty's Embas
sador here, has been inolined to
ward tho idoa from the first. In.
deed, it is reported that Sir Julian
mado tho liwt suggestion tbat
such a commission be formt-d.
Lotd Salisbury, the British Pre
mier, is out of England, however,
and tho ubsont of tho British Gov
ernment will not probably bo
given until Iub return to London.
mtiiop willis iihtions.
At tho 11 a. m. service of the
Cathedral congregation of St
Andrew-! yesterday, tho Right
Ilev. Atfrod Willis, Biehnp of
Honolulu, rrad tin mid reus to thd
clergy aud laity of his diocese
with regard to tho transfer of tho
spiritual jurisdiction from tbo
Sec uf Canterborry to tbo Church
in tbo United States of America.
Tho Bishop related tho proceed
ings of the general convoution of
tho Ainfricau ohurch in tbo mat
tcr, whiub ondod in postponement
autil utter uouferenco oould be
had with tbo authorities of the
Church in England. At first tho
Bishop waB disposed to wait for
somo communication indicating
what steps should be takon. "No
advices, however, having been re
ceived," ho says iu tho address,
"there appoared on mature consi
deration no valid reason why I
should not tako tho initiatory stop
towards handing over to tbo
church in tho United Statos a re
sponsibility which that churoh is
ready and desirous to assume.
"Under these ciroumstanceB the
courso that 1 have adopted has
beon to forward to tho Archbishop
of (Jautorhury (under whom so
fur as tho Church of England is
concerned, tho final authority
rehts) a recommondatton that tho
spiritual jurisdiction of these Isl
ands be transferred to the Church
in the United States, as soon as
that Churoh is in a position to
receive it, and to raako provision
for its support."
Col Funstou of tho Kansas regi
ment was tho first American to
outer Malolo-i.
Absolutely Pure
Made from most highly re
fined grape cream of tartar.
Makes pure, delicious,
wholesome food.
California Applies for Yaloable Ser
vices ol Oar Entomologist.
le Tor Electric Power Plant at Walanae
Executive Conference with Planters
The Cane Borer.
There was a session of the Ex
ecutive Council this morning.
An application of tho Woianao
Company was approved, for an
aero of bind as a sito for an elec
tric power plant, to bo put up nt
public auction.
A bill for analysis of soils nt
Nahiku was approved.
An application was read from
the State Board of Agriculture of
California, to allow Professor
Koobelo to go on an expedition in
quest of usoful insects for that
State. Tho raattor will be discuss
ed at conferonco with the trustees
of tho Hawaiian Sugar Plauters'
Association tomorrow, along with
other subjects affecting tbo agri
cultural interests of tho islands.
President Dole, in answer to a
question after tho meeting, said
ttie cemetery committee would
probably meet tomorrow to de
cide on his report. When this is
received by tho Government, tho
largo oonferenco will bo called
forthwith, to consider that and tbe
question of a hospital for iucura
blcs. Professor Koobelo haB nothing
particulnrtn report of his vicit just
mado to Kauai for investigating
the ravages of tho cane borer. Ho
is confident that tho right antidoto
will ni time be found. In tho
moantiine, the outlay of a mod2r
ate amount for picking off tho pent
would check lto advance. Tho
teason it prevails to n inoro than
u-uh1 extent this year, in some
places, is that it was not picked
off thero last season.
9 m
Till! Olll'UKI'Sr.
Tho managemont has roason to
congratulate thomeolves on tho
growing populaiity of this houeo.
Saturday night saw overy seat
tilled by an appreciative and re
prosentativo audience, which in
cluded somo of our most promi
nent local lights. Tho evening's
entertainment opened with tho
rather grupsomo though laughable
farco entitled "Decapitated, in
whioh Jim Post figures respective
ly as body snutcbor, cadavor and a
livo "subject" on whom is illus
trated the wonderful strides surgi
cal science has attained in tbe
way of bloodless amputation and
dooapitation. Unliko Bnrko nnd
Hare, tbo notorious Edinburgh
body snatchors, James fails to ob
tain payment for his ghoulish
work dishonored vorbal promt's -f-nry
notos being tho bane of
Jamo-t' ntago ciroer. Mr. Pollard
as Dr. Fakir played tho phyBicinu
admirably, giving Post somo first
class opening to got in u fow
deadly hot shots at tho expens of
tbo medical fraternity. Miss May
Ashley as tho doctor's daughter
whs as charming as ever and Mr.
Boyd as the lattor's lover ropto
sentod tho ardeut and artful
swain. Boyd and Oro porformed
some astounding foats on the hori
zintal bar in their celebrated tru
pozo act in whioh ns Josh and Bill
from Penobscot, Maine, they cans
od shouts of laughter. These art
ists contributed materially to tho
general success of the show and in
doferenco to tho wishes of tho au
dience reappeared and bowed ao
knowledgemouts. Antonio Van
Gofre tbe contortionist and Mad
ame Cotreley gavo exhibitions of
juggling and heavy- weight lifting.
MIS"! juorvyu naug nnu wruwny
the banjo specialist playod, theeu
tiro entertainment being of a high
ly satisfactory nature. Saturday,
Apiil lSth, new talent will appear.
M. D. Monsarrnt, tbo surveyor,
will leave for Kauai torn n row to
find out how much available land
there ifl in the Moloaa tract, out of
which it is proposed to trmko au
other plantation.
Agulsaldo Takes Flight from His
American Troops Pursuing Remnants of Ki
Forces to tbe Mountains Seeking
New York, March 31. A
cable to tho Sun dated Manila,
March 31, says: Mnlolot, tho
capital of tho insurgent govorn
moot and supposedly tin strong
est position held by tho robots,
was capturod by General Mao
Arthur's division today after a
fight whioh lasted litllo mora
than half an hour. Our losses
wero only ouo killed aud fifteon
It waB confidently expected that
Aguinaldo would make a despe
rate attempt to hold Malolos a
gainst the Americans, and our
Army was auxious to meot his en
tire force, but the tricky Filipino
leader had onDiirentlv tonrnofl
during tho weuk that giving battlo
io mo Americans was ootthosamo
thing as fighting Spaniards, nnd
he has therefore, praoticalle "taken
to tie woods."
So far us cm bo loarned from
tho prisoners tho Americans havo
captured many of tho untivo sol
dieis are disheartoued and dis
couraged by the contiuuod re
verses they havo Btiffored, and
hopes aro entertained that there
will now bo many dcsrtiouB from
luui-iiioino aruiy, wiiicli is now
nn army in name
(ii. iv, lmvins
lieen reduced to a
held together ouly
mob which is
by four of tho
(ieiM-rtil oil. l!M-rul.
Washington. April 3. Tho foU
lowing cablegram vnB received at
tho War Dep.ulmuut early this
"Manila, April 3. Adju-tout-GunernJ,
Washington: Pre
sent indications denote that
tho insurgont government is ia
a perilous condition, its nrmy
defeated, discouraged and scatter
ed. Insurgents are returning to
their bom.H in the cities and vil
lages betweon hen aud point
north .f Mnlolon, whioh our ro
conuoiteringpirties havo reached,
and desiro the protection of Amer
icans, hgwp rrom tun Vinnvan inl
ands is ruoro encouraging every
day. Otis."
Native. Ilrlurnlne lloiur.
Manila, Aptil 3, U:30 p. m.-
The natives continue returning
homo. They are coining in all
along tbo American hues and
many of them, seeing tho prom
ises of good treatment are ful
filled, nro inducing their relatives
to roturn to thoir horacB.
Olin.lnir Inturirent Troop..
Manila, April 3,7:55 p. 111. A reconnoly
sarice made by cavalry under M.ijor Rucww
tills afternoon devclopeJ Into a sham skh
nilsh with 1,000 insurgents Intrenched at
OuliiRiM, five miles to the northeast of
Milolos, the main tH)Jy of the rebel army
bclnR apparently between QuIiiRua nnJ
P11III.U1. Other detached forces of ttt
enemy retreated to the eastward, and S-
lerej Mateo Valley, where they werele
pulsed by General Hall's troops.
1 mm -
City and town election in Ohio
show genoral Republican gains.
Mayor McKissou wob defeated iu
a purc crapc encAM or tartar power
Highest Honors, World's Fair
Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair
A to lil HnUIn? rowtltr containing
ulum, limy tiro Injurious to liiyiltli
V! ,vAi
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