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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, May 09, 1899, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1899-05-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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- iift
vening Bulletin
DnfVnirw. ASSUViH
n .
WAN! AU. u
In the
Bulletin ..l
Bulletin WANTS Give the! Best Returns on the Money Invested.
Vol. VI. No. 1210.
nH'ii' II r Tiim TfTUOIk ."lBVji-iitf.HyBiBKVS9f
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Be Known ,
Pihoh 5 Cents. .,.J
Meeting of Britishers to Hake Arrange
1 .
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Bailiff McGurn has been sonur
inp Iho town nil roorniug for
talesmen for n jury to try tho first
of tbo Kahuku murder cases, in
which thero aro fivo defendants.
Thus far thero bnvo beon thirty
five men excused for cause. Fivo
have been peremptorily cballeng
rd by defendants, onn has beon
challenged by tho prosooution.
Two not off by consent. This
makes 43 altogothor who have
been oallad at.d let ont. As the
defendants have each twelve chal
lenges available, ami the prosecu
tion has six all told, miking a to
tal of sixty-six, it is hard to say
when tho end will be iti sight.
Judgo Stanloy is still hearing
John Eaikeiki vs. Naleilehua,
pjectmont, with a Hawaiian jury.
It is for land in .Kpolaupoko.
Morrla Bitala Dlvlilnn.
M. D. Monsnrrat, surveyor, has
mado a report to Judgo Perry on
the Morris estate division. Ho
euggoats that tho northwest por
tion, containing l.b-lUUU aero,
being unsuitable for an equal
division, bo sold at public anction
and the proceeds divided amongst
tho heirs. ' This would leave
8.2GG 1000 nores which ho recom
mends be divided as follows:
Ono eighth to W. 0. Aohi, lying
wrst and south of L. 0. Award
1231, Ap. 2, to Palau, nnd L. O.
Award 4455, Ap. 2, (6 Eanloa, said
awards being owned by him.
Ono eignth to Antono Morris,
lying south of W. O. Achi's
Ono fourth to Rita Alana, lying
south of Anlono Morris1 piece.
Ouo fourth to Mile Morris, ly
ing south of Rita Alana's piece.
Ouo fourth to Joe Mo ris, lying
south of Mille Morris' piece.
All members of. tho Hnoulu and
Hnola L'lhui Society are request
ed to attocd their regular monthly
meeting at the Eapiolani .Mater
nity Homo tomorrow in truing at
10 o'clock.
1 Waterhouse's :
I? you're looking Son the best goods,
strlci; modern methods, AND A SQUARE
DUAL all around, you'll find them at
v M -t
Established .1851 Leaders 1800
St. Louis, April 28. Tho Post
Dispatch today says: Dr. Emil
Preetoriutf, editor of tho St. Louis
Weetliche Post, ono of tbo most
influential German dailies of tbu
Mississippi valley nud who has
been identified with tho Republic,
an party sinco its birth enid today
in an interviow that tho gunH of
tho German press aro .directed
agaiiiBt thl expansion polioy of
President MuKiuloy and that the
meeting of trans Missouri Gor
man newspaper representatives
held horo this week was tho fore
runner of a systematic movement
to tight imperialism, militarism
and jingoism in tho Republican
pa. ty.
Ho addod that tho German press
is a unit in opposition to forcible
annexation by criminal nggro3eiou.
If tho demands of tbo German
Americans aro not rospectod, Dr.
Preotorius declaroa tbo question
will bo carried into tho next na
tional Ropublioan convention and
that defeat thero will 'mean tho
formation of a new political party.
Figures o! the Fast Opening
The total value of merchandise
exported to Hongkong, Manila and
the Hawaiian Islands during the
first two months of i8oo, as com
pared with the same period In 1S98,
Is as follows, according to custom
house records:
Hongkong $391,780
Manila i.ih
Hawaiian Islands .. 5J'.83
Total $ o34,oi j
Total Increase...
Total percentage
of Increase. ......,
S. F. Examiner.
$ I,7l3.JIJ
$ 741,0:10
The Increase of exports to the Q
Hawaiian ULinds, according to the 3
S foregoing, for the first two months fl
S( of the year Is $554,42!). si
The Bulletin, 75c per month.
Ttment Store
The Executive's Hew Electoral Oath
Disturbing Factor.
More Sugar Plantations Expected Work to San
Francisco Mechanics Failure to
Raise Steamer Subsidy.
A Jnpancno patient, delirious
from fovor, CEcaped from tho Ililo
hoBpital nnd, jumping into tho
rivor, wa9 drowned.
Typhoid fever is prevalont at
Hilo. Tho Herald discusses a
thnory that it is crtUHod by seepage
from tho bonomenl fertilized cane
fields. Bad wator is nbo con
TIip attempt to raiso a subsidy
of 52,00.) a month for tho B'ntish
Amoricau Lino will probably end
iu failuro.
Most of tho available lands in
tho neighborhood of Hilo aro
uuder options for sugar cano
plantation, and tho Herald says
that, should all th deals go
through, it is probable that, at
leant, throo or four mills will bo
erected in tho district besides the
Olna and Puna mills.
M. Q. Barney, lately of Hono
lulu, has opened a law officio at
After a now mill a nino roller
ono daily expected is" installed at
onuapo, it will do all tbo griud
ing for Hilca and Naalehu as troll
as Honnnpo.
Iticliley & Russell, contractors
for tho Peacock block, will pro
bably lot tho brickwork to San
Francisco men, as it seems im
possible to make terras with tho
Hilo masons.
There is less than $22 loft in
the troasary to tho credit of tho
Hilo Bond Board.
Commodore Geo. 0. Beckley of
Wilder's fleet celebrated his fif
tieth birthday by giving a dinner
ut the Hilo hotel on Thursday
A petition to tbo Board of
Hoallh to investigate and if possi
ble romovothoeourodsof tho pres
ent general eicknoHB in Hilo has
been circulated during tho past
week and signed by nearly every
The Portucuceo mill has closed
down for tho season with a total
output of 'J35 tons.
Tho Hsckfelds ezpect tho ma
chinery for tho big Hilo coffee
mill iu a fow days. Tbo Tribuuu
says tlioflo peoplo will not releaso
to the stiQar men tho 2000 acres of
land which they hold in Olaa, or
if they do, may, it is rumorod,
take ap the lands lying abovo the
proposed sugar plantations.
Representative A. B.Lobenstcin
ha uaade a protest ngaint being
refused rouistration ou his declin
ing to tako the new oath. Ho
soys ho does not object to swonr
ing allegiance to tho country of
hiB birth, but desires " to oppose
tho extraordinary powers assumed
by tho Executive."
Tho Hilo Tribune sngecsts
"that as tho Excauiivo has as
sumed tho richt to tinker with tho
constitutional oath, thoy mi'iut
just as well keep on nud abolish
tho need of denization papers;
they would bo coiug no farther in
transgressing thoir actual prero
gative, and they certainly would
tie performing much moro useful
Capliutltii Coming.
Besides Win, G. Irwin, tho Aas
tralia will bring Mr. Pollilz, also
Mr. Buck, another strong capita
list of San Francisco. It will be
straopo if Mr. Pollilz nlono will
not be able to make a bumming
among tho sugar cano stalks.
Ualia Haar Oomp'ny,
Oahn mill ha not begun to
griud tbo crop yet, but tho ma
chinery waa turned over lat
week. Everything woiked well.
Holders of CmIiu stock are in high
fettlo theso days.
Look ont for the now article that
will shortly appear on tho Or
pheum boards.
ments for Celebrating the Day.
lo Limit the Popular Festivities
i Dance -Reception by Consul
Hoare at Consulate.-
There was a very sati factory
rcapouBO to tho call for a meeting
(illiritisU restitonts at the Wavor
ley Club rooms yesterday evening.
Husiness. professional nud mecha
nical men wero there, making the
osBomblHgo qnitu representative
Among; others preeont wnro Jwluo
Stanley, Dr Slougett, Robert Cat
ton, T Clivo Davie, W W Wright,
Prof Hall, R A Jordnu, Fred Har
rison, W O Roe, A St M Mackin
tosh, EB Thomas, O M V Forater,
A P Morris, J3 H Wodehouso. E
W M Miit. Frank Davov. Georco
Turner and W H Pain.
Consul Hoare was unanimously
elected chairman, both temporary
and permanent, and W. Horace
Wright, secretary. Mr. Hoare on
tnkiug the. chair delivered an elo
qnent speech, stating his pleasuro
at meeting so many countrymen
and paiug a beautiful tribute to
tho venernblo Sovereign approach
ing her lonr-Bcoro years of age.
After very little discustion it was
resolved to celebrate tho nunivor-
snry with a dance, at a placn lo be
selected by 11 special committee.
Other iotails were discussed in
formally, and referred to tho ap
propriate committeos, which wero
olocted as follows:
Committee ou ohoo9iuc a hall
-18 Bailey, W U Pain, F Davoy.
W W Wright, Uobert Cation, O M
V Former, R A Jorduu, Dr Shj..
gett, Wen "."rrisoii and E I1
lUomas. ibis committee will meet
tomorrow evening nt 8 o'olock at
tho Waverley Club.
Finnnco Onmmilteo T Rain
Walkor, chairman; W M Giffanl,
.1 8 Oleghoru, W H Pain, T M
Starkov, J A Konuedy, E W .lor
ilnu, Hugh Melntyre, Tom May,
Johu Phillips, F M Swanzy, 8 O
Allen, W H liaird, Alatau 'J At
UiuBon, W F Wilson, Godfrey
Brown, Obas Girdler, Goo W
Invitation and Recoplion Com
railteo Dr H V Murray, W L
Stanley, Rev Alex Mackintosh, T
Clivo Davio, John S Walkor, Dr
Robt McKibbin, Mark R binsou,
AAiaproull, Wray Taylor, Frod
Harrison, J Mnnkhouse.'Rov V H
Kitcat, J Lightfoot.'GeoS Harris,
Charles Croighton, Dr Humphris,
T G Balloutyne, John G Uothwell,
u i tviiBon, ueorge oiuuson.
i'loor Com in it too -A St M
MHckintosli, Fred Whitney, Eru
eBt Wodehous, H W M Mist. A 13
Hcrirageour, Ed Stiles, L Hart, O
St J Gilbert, O G Uallentyuo, W
G SiuglehniBt, ,T M Mousarrat, S
P Woods, E II Giffard. A GarvK
Uapt Tnllett, It A Jor Ian, J 8
Bailey. W 8 Luoe, Goj Smithies,
0 narrn lUaeKHnzie.
ltofreshiiiiint Cornmitten W W
Wriuht. W A HonHhall, T 8
Douglai, F Davov, W Lishmati, J
Cowan, John Wright, W O Roe,
T Rawlin-, H O Roid. ,k
Duoorntion Committeo George
uali, vigg.)daont)8en, W U Pain,
u It Thomas, ired Itoilwnrd, T
MoMillan, J Lucas, W White. J
Liuhtfoot, J E Westbrook, Robert
W bliarpe.
Printing and Advertising
Daniel Ldgan, W Horaoe Wriuhl,
Wroy Tavlor, H L Herbert, J
Smith, A P Morris.
All communications for tho So
cretary should bo addressed to P
O Box G70.
Mr. Philip Rosenthal informed
tho meeting tint he had executed
a design exemplify in the unity
of tho English-speaking raco and
tendered it for Ihe uso of the pro
uram committeo.The offer was ac
cepted with thanks.
After a vote of thanks to Consul
Hoare for his able presidency, the
meeting adjourned with the sing
ing of "God Save the Queou."
mm m m
Have you heard Billy Howard
sing "Mothor and I ?"
Gear, Lansing & Co. Has Been Given
All Court Proceedings Stopped Friday Sum of
$32,000 Paid Young Hec to
Haul Today.
All further proceedings in tho
caso of Young Hee vs. Gear, Lou-
biou & (Jo. m tbo xouug Ht-o
ranch matter have comts to an ouu
and Gear, Lansing & Co. are now
the owners of tho place. What it
is their iutoution to do with tho
ranch has not yot beon decided.
Rumor of the settlement of tho
Young Hee-Goar, Lansing affair
was heard from different people
this forenoon. Mr. Magoon, at
torney for Young Hoo wa4 seen
and, in rosponso to a question re-
enrdinc tho truth of tho
stated, that ho was not in a pjsi
tion to say
Mr. Lansing was fonnd in bis
office today and, in answer to
questions, said that the deed had
been rasdo over to Gear, Lansing
& Co. for the original sum of
5,000. This was dono Friday
afternoon und tho deed was re
corded Saturday morning. The
sum of $32,000 was paid over for
the place, Bubjoct to au $18,1)00
Youna liae, tbo former ownor
of tbo ranch on Mnui, about -which
there has been so much tnlk, will
eave for Mnui in the Olaodiuo
this afternoon, there, to remain it
cnuplo of months, attending to
HoMLr; p.d oa Tod.y,
Tho troops in tbo transports
Ohio nnd Senator wero all paid
off today at tho paymaster's ollico
Tho mon wero marclipd up com
pany by company. The eoldiers
are glad to recoivo their pay but
vory sorry that it did not come a
day or so ago whon thoy could
have had some fun. Howover, the
officers are woll aware of what
they aro doing. They hovo learn
ed from tho oxperionoo of tho
otlic-Ts on tho other transports
that bnvo passed tlnough hero ou
their way to Manila that to give
soldiers money a day or so bofore
their departure means to take
away with them a smallor number
than they brought. Tho troona of
iho Ohio and Senator aro not
being given vory much freedom
after tho rccoipt of their pay.
Fordnn Allowed to Do.
James Fordon, the Quaker doc
tor, appoared iu the Police Court
this moruiug. Marshal Brown
stated that tho caso on which lie
had beon arrested last had been
continued until moved on by the
prosecution. Ho would movo that
the caso bo brought up again and
that a nollo pros, bo onterod.
Fe.nl on und promised not to cou
tinuo tho biuiuess of doctoring
pooplo auain in this country. Bo
sides that, Ferdon was about to
leave tho oouutry. On those
grounds ho was perfectly willing
to havo tho caso nolle pros'd.
Fordon went out of tho room a
happy man.
Tho Omnhn Exhibition.
The Chamber of Oommorco will
havo tho question of a Hawaiian
exhibit at tho Omaha Exposition
this summer beforo it tomorrow
morniug. Commissioner Umsted,
when ho arrived, delivered to tho
Government a letter from tho pre
sident of the Exposition, covering
tho proposition in all excepting the
matter of loading the Hawaiian
bnnd. Today, pursuant to tho sti
pulation of the Executive Couuoil
the other day, Mr. Omstod pre
sented a letter relating to tho and.
Everything is in good ah ' r
an enrly start of construct 1 y
tho Rapid Transit Co. Protiius of
routes, etc., aro oomploted, and n
large amount of material hss ar
rived in tho sohooner Mary E.
Occasion for Interesting Remarks from
Judge Wilcox.
Marshal's Intent to, Fnta Art RflMlniJ in -3
Drays Horses Left Untied at
Post Office.
Marshal Brown has decided to
enforce Section 221 of tbo Penal .
Laws which read as follows:
"No dray usal for tho carriago
of poods or frvipht of any do
Bcriplion within the District of
Honolulu shall, whether laden or
unladen, bo driven at a faster
pace than a walk."
Up to the timo tho Bulletin
wont to press yesterday afternoon
throe arrests had been mudo.
From that timo until 5 o'clock,
five, moro arrosts woro mndo. AIL
the drivers appeared in tbo Police
(Jnurt this morning. As these,
fellows were tho drivers of litrhk
drays, Deputy Marshal Hitchcock
licked that the men no reprimand
ed, givon a warning nnd dischargT
oil. It was tho intention of tub
Marshal to follow up tho matter
and to make arrests as tho casca
were Beon by the o Ulcers on tho
Iu tho caso of a Portuguese
driver, Judge. Wilcox remarked
that ho bclioveu there wbb a great
deal of careless driving iudulced
ii. by tbo drivonot drays. Na
ture had put his face on tho front
part of his head and ho did not
believe that ho could imprnvo
much on Nature uy turning his
face to ouo bide nnd then tho
other whilo driving along tho
In the caso of a Japanese,
charged with leaving bis horao
untied in (he Btreot ns woll na
driving his drnv faster than 11
walk, Judijo Wilcox remarked
that a lot of Missionaries were in
tho habit of leaving their uoreoa
untied nt different narta of Mer-
ohont street nnd goiug to tbo Poat
Ollico to remain fivo or ten min
In tho caso of a Ohinoso driver.
Judgo Wilcox ventured tbo opin-
lou that the law the Marsha' vovf
proposed to onfo;5Pf had never
received tlio attontion of tho
police. On beiDg nssured by
Deputy Marshal Hitchcock that
it had beou enforced a long timo
Ago, Judgo Wilcox roiuaiked thai
it must have beon so loug Bgo
that tho youngor generation did
not remembor anything about it.'
Two of thodrivora had to bo
sent for. They explained upon,
appearing in tho Polico Courl
that their bosses would not allow
them to go. Judgo Wilcox said
he was vory sorry ho could not
get at tbo bosses.
Take Stuck In IUuk.
Stockholders of tho Honolulu
Investment Company will bo
ploasrd, no doubt, to learn that
thoy havo an intorest in tho
American Bank of Hawaii. Tho
directors npplied for a block of
the new bunk's capiial stock, but
it will bo sorao weeks beforn it
oanbekuowu how much will fall
to the investing corporation.
Tho Olaudinn sailing this nftor
noon will not call at Lahaiua.
Highest Honors, World's Fair
Oold Medal, Midwinter Pair
AtoM lltktiiK Powders containing
ftluu. They uro Injurlon, to health
WKfc,:1. I

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