OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, November 15, 1899, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1899-11-15/ed-1/seq-4/

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Evening Bulletin,
Published Every Day, except Sunday,
at 210 King street, Honolulu, II. I.,
by tho
W. It. PAnniNGTON Editor
i ' "
Per month, nnywhero In H. 1...$ .73
Per year, In H. 1 8.00
Per year, postpaid, U. S., Canada
or Mexico 10.00
Per year, postpaid, other foreign
countries 13.00
Payablo lnnrlnbly In advance.
Telephone) 2't 3
Post Ofllco Ilox 718
Let the average citizen get into a
friendly boxing match of twenty
five rounds and lie can better ap
preciate the degree of scientific
training of which the Jeffries-Shar-key
contest was a severe teM.
W. N. Armstrong retires from
editorial duties in the spirit usual to
men who take up newspaper work
as a side issue. The trained news
paperman puts his paper first and
his own personality last. His high
est ambition is that his paper shall
gain success. If his efforts have serv
ed to assist in the success, he is
.satisfied; men may come and go but
the paper goes on forever. Per
sonally Mr, Armstrong is a good
fellow and the heart burning he has
suffered from people differing from
his opinions is doubtless equ illy ba
lanced by the fun he has got out of
his newspnrtr comment.
Discussion of the location of HiIo'
new postoflice building turnishes the
people with an object lesson on the
government giving long leases to
public land. While Hilo citiens
were unable to decide unanimously
on any location, the first, second,
third and fourth choice was each-ot
a site on government land leased to
Mr. Severance. As the reader fol
lows dovv.i the list and notes the
committee's statement that .Mr.
.Severance will allow the use of the
land by the government, at a price,
until the expiration of his lease, the
impression is given that Mr. Sever
ance has control of the most valua
ble public property in the town of
Mr. Severance unquestionably
has a right to charge a price for the
use by the people of property leas
ed from (he people. Minister Young
is also following a proper course
when ne rtfuses to use any part of
the Hilo postoflice appropriation to
pay rent for public property. The
result, however, is that the Hilo
postoflice will I e located near the
waterfront, and as the town in
creases in she, will be steadily
forced away from the center of pap
ulation. The people may well view with
satisfaction the compulsory cessa
tion of leasing public lands by the
present officials, and the guarantee,
that, under Territorial rule long
term leases will not be allowed.
Here in Honolulu, the increased
traffic has brought forcibly to the
attention of the people the short
sighted policy of the Executive in
granting long term leases for proper
ty close to the waterfront. Grant
ed that the property is bringing
larger returns than ever before, al
so that the improvements made by
the leaseholders are valuable addi
tions to public convenience at the
present time, the fact remains that
the further increase of traffic will
demand a much larger waterfront
space for public uses. Unless all
indications fail, the day is not far
distant when Honolulu will consider
as Hilo has considered the advisabl
Jityiof paying rent for public pro-
iperty leased to private citizens.'
Hnywood In Mnntln.
Assistant Quartermastor Taylor who
arrived in tho Slam this morning, re
port having seen Wm. Haywood at
Manila. Mr. Haywood took a run over
from Hongkong.
The Bulletin, 75 cents per -month.
Tho trial of Dctognl Marccllo for
murder went nn this morning before
Judgo Perry, and the following Jury:
Wm. niter, Itobert II. French, II. Clal-'
laghcr, E. M. Marshall, J. Schacfcr, E.
L. Marshall, Henry A. Gllcs.'ll. C. Pat
zlg. J. C. Cluney, I M. Lowls, W. L.
Disney, E. I Illsliop. Louis IUishwcll
has been accepted as tho interpreter.
So far Mnilocl Vlttona, Dr. N. U. Emer
son and Nautili Danto have been ex
amined. Fiom tho questioning of tho
witnesses it appears that tho defen
dant's attorney is trying to ma'o oit
u caso of sclf-defcnRo or nt least 'ie
duce tho charge from murder In tho
first degree. There have been admitted
as exhibits pictures of tho seen 3 oC tho
hilling and a day report from tho
Queen's Hospital of the dead min'1:
condition, wounds and death.
In tho enso of Aw a and Anton:,
charged with liming opium In posses
sion, tho court on a statement of Di pu
ty Attorney tiencral Dole discharged
Ill tho caso of Mendonca M.ii'lilinm
Judgo Perry has ordered (icfomiaut'tt
answer stricken from the ,"oid Tho
defendant appear for lilmsolt nud did
not conform .to tho rules of t.ij court
in filing his answer as it wn not writ
ten on legal cay paper us required, nor
was a copy of it served on tho plaintiff
nor his attorney. Defendant lias been
glcn until tomorrow nt 3:30 to fllo an
other answer in a legal manner.
Kauai has sited W. O. Achl for tres
passing upon lands of tho plaintiff nt
Kallhi. 'llin plaintiff claims $50 dam
ages. Geo. W. Lincoln has petitioned ns
trustee to be allowed to sell n portion
and mortgage tho lemalndcr of tho
tstnto held In ti list.
American Law in
Cuba .and PorOTico
Washington, Nov. 3. Tho dinicnltlcs
attending the administration of justice
In Cuha and Porto Hlco nro pointedly
drought out In rcpoitu to tho Advocate
General of tho Army, General Llehcr,
whoso annual repoit was mado public
today. Major Dudley, at Havana, states
In tho couiho of a leport:
"Tho present situation licio has no
e.act pieccdent In that during a tlmo
of neaco wo r.ro In tcnipoiary military
occupation of n friendly tcnltory, not
our own laml, pledged to diBchnrgo the
obligations that may under Interna
tional law, result from tho fact of such
occupation lor the protection of Ilfo
and property, and to withdraw from
tho Island ho boon ns a stable govern
ment of its own shall bo established.
"Tho opposition to a complete
rhiingo of tho spirit, methods and
technicalities of tho Spanish Jaw, as
now uinlntnincd In the system of 'In
communicado' for example, Is especi
ally surprising. Hut though slow In
coming, the assei tion of such pcisonal
rights and liberties as are nlready en
Joyed by Amei leans under American
law will como sooner or Intcrf as be
ing esseutlnl to a free, self-governing
people, sin.li as tho Cubans dcslio to
J, Dunn, Judge Advocnto of tho De
partment of Santiago and Puerto Prin
cipe, makes similar observations, and
hub: 'The supreme law on tho Island
of Cub.i is that of the supremo power,
the United States, and will ho so long
ns nn AmcrUan icmnins hero under
existing conditions, bo that for ono
month or foroer."
Major Sharp, Acting Judge Advocnto
of Porto Rico, icvlcws tho manifold
dlfllctilties in dealing with brigandage,
the complex customs relating to mar
ringo and dlvoice, tho crowding of jails
with men, women and children who
literally rot whllo Justlco pioccedsnt
snails' pace. Ho says every substan
tial leform lb eageily received by tho
people, tho opposition coining from
the small conservative eloment. Ho
deprecntes tho premature withdrawal
of this Government and the establish
ment of n territorial form of govern
ment ns Bomo of the Porto Illcnn news
papers demand, and savs it would he
tho most unfortunate mcasmo that
could possibly befall tho Island. He
Jadds: "Continued military control, for
a reasonable time, aided by wise ad
visory councils, cannot fail to secure
gradual but steady and ultlmnto assi
milation by tho people of our best
American thought and methods of ad
ministration." CONSIDER NEW P088ES8I0N8.
Washington, Nov. 3. Tho 'cabinet'
meeting today lasted two hours, much
of tho tlmo was spent in tho reiullng
and dlBCiisskm of tho pndlmlunry 10
poit of tho Phillpplno Commission.
Tho report vni. considered vory uatin
factory and lecolvcd tho full approval
of tho Cabinet.
Thero was tome incidental discussion
of tho statuB of our insular possessions
In relation to the Postal Union. Post
master General Smith will Investigate
tho subject and report at nome future
A question of civil government for
Cuba also received attention. The ne
cessity for a chnngo from tho present
military system, it is said, becomes
moro nnd more nppnrent and the Presi
dent is waiting only until an entirely
suitable poison ran be found before
tailing action In that direction.
Vice-President's Condition.
Patorson. N. J., Nov .4. At
o'clock tonight Vlco President Hobart
was sleeping. Dr. Newton, boforo ro
tlrlng, said that the patlont was weak,
but bad had a fairly good day. Ho did
not anticipato any troublo tonight. Mr.
Hobart'B pulso &b strong.
Small ads. in the Bulletin are not
overshadowed by bigger ones.
See hlrrf shoot."
King Air Guns
is oil right."
ONLY $1.25, at
Facile Cycle & Mil Go.
R. A. DEXTER, ManaRer.
X direct
shipment of
just received
Laquered Tables, Tray s,.&c
Porcelain Tea
and Coffee Pots,
Cups 9 Saucers,
Vases and
Flower Pots,
ware Co,, Ltd.;
Fort Street.
Which Is now on sale
at the lowest market rates.
Non-Shrinking Patent Red
wood Tanks, assorted sizes,
from $00 to 10000 gallons. e
.. Best Rubber; Hose, assorted
sizes, Y to 2 inch.
Suction Hose and Steam
Hose, assorted sizes.
Different kinds of Packing,
assorted sizes.
Patent Wash-Out Closets,
with latest improvements.
Penn. Lawn Mowers, 10, 12,
14 and Kinclil
' Steel Road Scrapers, Tubular
Wheelbarrows, Pan-American
Wheelbarrows, Champion Ca
nal Wheelbarrows, Extra Heavy
Breaking Plows, Aving's Steel
Plows, Perfect Rice Plows, as
sorted sizes.
The Hawaiian Hartoe Co,
Fort streets. opposite Sprvkels' Bank,
and Lamp
Soiuo of our ri'gulnr prices t
PInnor Set., Gil pieces, In four
patterns (7 00
TugH. set of threo &0
'lea 1'ots, fitono 25
Fancy Clips and Hnucors 25
Tumbler, per di on.... '
Iteny Set, h wm plnce (Ill
l'epnor Shakers 10
Wine GUhn-s, pur do.n 00
Salad Howls .15
Nifklo Heading I .amps with 1'oice-
lalnSliiUle 1 H5
Hnndy Lantern' 25
Night I .'imp 20
1unp Clilnmojs, ouch '. 10
Lamp Wicks, per dozen 10
...Importers of Crock ory and House.
...', Furnishing Goods
Solo Agents Jnwol Stoves, coal or
wood ; (iiicmey Clvanahln Itufrigcra
tors, Stntldnid WickleHs Blue Flame Oil
Stocs, Primus 8toe.
licgil fc Dartun' Plated and Sterling
-Von Holt Block, King street.
Morchnnt atreot entrance next to tho
PostolUco, through our Amulti.
Opera Season
Is on In full swine, and we are prepared to
outfit yon In anything vou may require In
the way of Full Dress Goods.
HERE YOU HAVb a partial list of the
many things you will want for the open
ing night: A full dress suit, either
Tuxedo or skirt coat, a full dress vest
white or black, a full dress shirt, a full
dress tie, a full dress pair of gloves, set of
full dress studs and cuff buttons, and a
crush haf
ALL THESE THINGS may be had at
either of our t 0 stores, and at prices that
will astonish vou. Our dress suits are
from the BEST manufacturer In the
States, and require no altering; they fit
when you put them on, and that Is more
than a tailor-made suit will dc.
Australia also came our delayed stock 'of
Straw and Felt Hats, whlcll we will have
on show to-day; also a magnificent line of
Neckwear, the largest single Importation
of neckw ear ever made in tills town for a
retail st'.re.
WE CANT BEGIN to mention the
styles; you can have anything In the way
of scarfs that are wom, In a variety of de
signs, and silks that will astonish you.
We Make Shirts to Order.
"The Kash'
Noh. 9 and II Hotel tttrcct,nnd
Corner Foit and Hotel streets.
Book Bulletin.
"The Malwith.the Hoe," etc., by Mark
ham. "Makapala-bythe-Sea" new book on the
lslands-by Miss Prescott.
"Stalky & Co "-Kipling.
"David Harum," (the book of the.'year.)
by Westcott.
"Richard CdrveP'-Churchlll,
"When Knighthood Was In Flower Cas
koden. "In the Forbidden Land" Landor.
"A Dash for a Throne" Marchmart.
"When the Sleeper Wakes"-H. G.Wells.
" The Jacksonlan Epoch" Peck.
"The Development of English Thought"
"Reminiscences" Justin McCarthy.
"From Sea to Sea" Kipling.
" I he L.apslna" Benson.
"An Incident and Other Happenings"
"Dross" Merriam.
"Through the Turf Smoke" McManus.
.And hundreds of others.
hr. M. WEBB,
Commencing Monday, Nov. 4th,
Ribbons Laces
Prltes ioc and 5c per yard.
Line of beautiful LADIES' CAPES, suitable for cold weather and holiday wear, just
landed by the Australia.
First line of Ribbons, fotmer price 25c, reduced to 5 cts per yard
First line of Laces, former prices 15c, 20c and 25c, reduced to 5 cts per yard
Ladles' Kelts at 5 cts each
Ladles' Shirt Waist, at... 10 cis each
Ladles' Collars, at 5 cts each
Ginghams, at 20 yards for 1.00
Fine Lawns, at 20 yards for f 1.00
Lace Curtains, at Half Price
Ladles' Undershirts, at 5 for 2$ cents
B6TA beautiful chance to buy goods at very low prices, at the Temple of Fashion,
commencing next Monday, October 23, 1809.
M. PALAU, Manager.
When the Patent Off ice
Grants a patent on a food product, you may be sure that the article has merit,
originality and novel features, which must te new or no patent could be gran'ed.
This applies to the
Not a simple cornstarch preparation, but something new. Five hinds to choose from
Cocoanut Farina, Chocolate, Rice, Tapioca, and Lemon Cream. One Pudding enough
for six pel sons, and at the low price of 10c, or 1 for 25 cents.
Salter's Grocery
Telephone 680. Orpheum Block, Fort Street,
A full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries at Lowest Prices.
- H - - H - -
-jSW. jjW.
- HHH - -
Residence Lots
L a3K. yJgg
No residence DroDertv havintr similar nHvnntno-! anA
attractions, as for healthfulness of location, having an eleva
tion of from 170 to 800 feet, and affording the grandest marine
and scenic views ; as also its proximity to the business part
ui me cay, uciuy iceman a mne irom ine rrogress Block,
has ever before been presented to the people of Honolulu.
One ot the main features of this property, and procured
at great expense, is the abundant supply of pure spring water,
pronounced by Dr. C. B. Wood, as being the purest and best
drinking water obtainable in the Island, which is now being
conducted into storage reservoirs upon the property by an
independent pipe line, and will be supplied to residents at
Government rates.
OUR GUARANTEE: We guarantee .to all pur
chasers of lots on Pacific Heights, that we wilbwithin six
months, provide rapid transportation to the highest lots on
the property, connecting the same with the Honolulu Rapid
Transit Co.'s line on Pauoa Road, at the beginning of Kaiu
lani Drive. ,
. TERMS : li cash, Yi in one year, Yi in two years ;
interest 6 per cent, per annum on deferred payments.
Our carriage will convey parties desiring to inspect the
property to and from the same.
For maps and full particulars call at ,our, office, Rooms
7 and 8;Progresls Block. 4 .
The most complete and up-to-date
line of
Photographic Supplies
ever imported into Honolulu. Ca
meras of all kinds. Fresh Films,
Plates, Photographic papers, Chem
icals, etc., etc.
40,000 card mounts nrfd Christ
mas novelties of nil kinds without
426 Fort Street.
H - - H - - H -
J4 - H - - H -
on Pacific Heights
lUJ&tL mlS&tt .19
Call next Saturday, Nov
ember' 18 and inspect pret
ty horses, rigs and modern
business facilities of the
rfuDolnla StockYaraCo. Lid.
Corner Alakea and
j3oulh streets.
f .;

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