OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 28, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1900-04-28/ed-1/seq-4/

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" j.
SATUnUA?Ptt5i2 moo.
rnblldlicil Kvcry .y. except Sunday.
t 210 King utrr.et, Honolulu, II. I.,
by tho
DAN112L LOU AN t. .CltyKditor
Telephone 236
Iost otllce Hox 718
buusciurnoN hates:
Per month, nnywhero In II. I.... I 75
1'cr year. In II. 1 8.00
1'cr year, postpaid, U. S., Cunada
or Mexico 10.00
2?er year, postpaid, other foreign
countries 13.00
fnvium mvnrlnbly In advancp.
SA'ILnurti Al'lUo28, l'JOO.
Tho political platform of tho oinclal
organ will bo: "Tho American pcoplo
bo d d. Hartwcll and Wo do bo IT.
When revolution threatens Hartwcll
will get under tho bed. All salaries
will bo cashed from tho Diplomatic and
Consular apprlprlatlon."
Apropos of tho campaign Inaugurat
ed by tho offlclal organ to turn the poli
tics of Hawaii Into tho channels of a
race war, It Is timely to draw atten
tion to tho statements published dur
ing tho annexation campaign by '. A.
Thurston who now controls tho morn
ing organ,
Tho leading feature of Jlr. Thurs
ton's pamphlet Is, "Twenty Objections
to Annexation and Replies thereto."
Tho fourth objection roads, "Whether
tho annexation of n non-homogeneous
people is constitutional or not. tho
population of Hawaii Is unfit for incor
poration Into, and will bo dangerous
to tho American political system."
In making answer to this objection
Mr. Thurston takes "tho iMHorent
nationalities up In detail." First the
Native Hawallans nre dealt with uf.
"Tho Nntlvo Hawallans, only :!.T 0C0
In number, aio a conservative, peace
ful nnd generous people. They have
had during tho last twenty years to
struggle against tho retrogressive ten
dencies of tho reigning family; but in
spite of that, a very largo proportion
of them havo stood out against such
tendencies, and aro supporters of tho
Republic and of annexation. The ma
jority of the present Houso of Hepro
sentatives, the llrst under tho repub
lic, consists of pure-blooded Native
Hawallans, nnd tho Speaker of tho
Houso Is a Natlvo Hawaiian.
"Tno Hawallans aro not Afrlcnus,
but Polynesians. They aro brown not
black. There. Is not, nnd never has
been any color lino In Hawaii as
against tho native Hawallans, and they
partlclpnto fully and on an equality
with tho white people In nffnlrs poli
tical, social, religious and charitable.
Tno two races freely Intermarry one
with tho other, the results being shown
In a present population of somo .C00 of
mixed blood. They aro a race which
will In the future, as they hao In the
past, easily nnd rapidly asslmilato with
and adopt American ways nnd meth
In 1897, Mr. Thurston published
abroad over his own signature that tho
Natlvo Hawallans aro u "conservative,
peaceful and generous poople;" that
"a very large proportion of thorn
are supporters of tho Republic
and of annexation;" that "there Is not
and never has been any color lino In
Hawaii." Replying to tho "tnth ob
jection" that "a large portion of Ha
waiian voters havo bccil disfranchis
ed;" tho answer reads, "Tho reply to
tho objection Is that no Hawaiian vot
ers havo been disfranchised.
Thus wo find Mr. Thurston clalmins
for tho Hawallans that strength and
breadth of character, tho conaorratlvo
political acumen which Justifies their
admission to tho full rights and privi
leges of American citizenship.
Slnco this pamphlet was issued the
annexation of Hawaii to tho United
States has been consummated, Mr.
Thurston has assumed control rf tho
paper accepted a3 tho mouthpleco of
tho ruling offlclal circle, and the Unit
ed States Congress has passed a bill
which gives citizens of Hawaii an
equal volco In tho local affair of tho
territorial administration. Suffrage
has been limited only by nn educatlounl
qualification In splto of tho elToils of
our local government repiesentntlved
and their arguments picsented thiough
tho columns of tho offlclal organ, to
enforro upon tho people it limitation of
privileges gauged by property values.
As Hawaii Is about to enter upon Its
American career, with tho llo cast so
far as tho question of suffrage, Is eon
ccrncd, tho offlclal organ starts out on
a campaign which Is nn Insult to every
citizen of Hawaii of natlvo Hawaiian
ancestry. Tho Amcrlcnn statesman who
granted tho Natlvo Hawaiian full
American rights, as (hoy must neces
sarily grant "a conscrvntlvo, peaceful
nnd generous people' 'who "oaclly nnd
rapidly nHsliulluto with nnd udopt
Aiiieilcau ways nnd methods,"
worshipping tho fulso god of "Amorl
rnnlsm." Tho organ ulno Iiiih a night
maro of a bitter campaign against tho
"imolo" nnd ponders oer n rneo wnr of
n moat unholy nnd terrible character.
Hnvlng been brought to tlmo by the
people Irrespective of raco or rational
ity, nnd clinging before tho uni
versal condemnation roused by Its In
famous campaign, the organ whines
tlint tho "Royalist organ, tho Indepen
dent" has Instigated "tho color lino In
politics." Admitting this to bo true,
although tho Advertiser was presented
with n communication from Mr. Testa,
proprietor of tho Independent, which
it ha3 not published, Is there r.ny par
ticular reason why tho offlclal organ
should further tho cause of racial war
faro by charging Natlvo Hawallans
throughout tho group with harboring
sentiments entirely now to their per
sonal character and ns they well know
Inimical to their welfare as American
Why should tho offlclal org in at this
tlmo placo such stress upon tho state
ments of tho Independent, whori this
same so-called "Royalist organ" was In
189 1 using Its columns to rcfuto tho
assertions of tho Thurston pamphlet
that "a very largo proportion" of tho
Hawallans "nro supporters of tho Re
public nnd of annexation" nnd "that no '
Hawaiian voters havo been disfranchis
ed." Is tho organ prepared to stato that
tno assertions In Mr. Thurston's
pamphlet aro not truth?
Why did tho offlclal organ put words
In tho mouth of Mr. Tcstn which he
did not utter?
The pcoplo of these Islands can place
but one Interpretation on tho (ourso of
the organ. Enraged nnd dbigruntlcd
that tho United States Congress should
grant to this Territory n thoroughly
Amcrlcnn government, embittered by
the abject falluro of tho offlclal delegate
In dealing with Amcrlcnn statesmen,
tho organ Is prepared to conduct nnd
is now furthering n campaign to forco
a raco war upon tho America politics
of Hawaii, to so enrage tho Native Ha
wallans and their allies as to cause
them to commit such political Indis
cretions, thnt Congress will be willing
by futuro legislation to disfranchise
tho Native Hawallans or iilow tho
enactment of laws by tho Territory
that will accomplish tho samo result.
The people and the Nntlvo Hawallans
know the motives of tho offlclal organ,
and tho faction it represents, too well
to allow It to accomplish Its perfidious
San Francisco Chronicle.
The ordinance providing for tho dis
continuance of Interments in the ceme
teries maintained within tho city lim
its has become a law at last. Aft"i'
banging flro for several weeks tho
measure was finally passed by Urn
Hoard of Supervisors it Monday's ses
sion. It makes It unlawful to Inter a
body within tho city and :ounty llm'.ts
nfter tho 1st of Aueust next venr. Ono
OXCCptlon Is, however. Tilde. The or-
(llnanco does not operato against land
owned and controlled ny tho Unltai
States. No check Is, thei'!fo,e, placed
on the Interment of joidlcis in tho
cemetery located on the l'roldlo reser
vation. As a matter of fact tho muni
cipality has no Jurisdiction over tho
military reservation and tlio exception
was unavoidable..
This is thn Initial step toward tho
ultimate removal of tho cemeteries.
Thcro is nothing sacrihglous In such a
proceeding. Every consideration of tho
sanitary necessities of a populous city
favors It. Tho laws of sanitation nro
opposed to tho burial ot tho (lead In tho
neighborhood of the nbodes of tho liv
ing. Sclcnco has long ago placed Its
veto ngalnst this practice. Tho prcs
enco of cemeteries In tho heart of
crowded communities i.i a standing
mcuaco to tho public health. The Plop
ping of interments In a Ions establish
ed cemetery nnd tho subjenuent ro
moval elsewhere of tho bodies Interred
thcro may grate on tho,ut:nHbllttIes of
some pcoplo who nro controlled by sen
timent; but the, sanitary necessities of
a community nre of far :mnu Import
ance than any consideration of senti
Tho closing of tho cemoteilcs Is tho
first 'practical result of as agitation
which the owners of and utltlenta on
property adjacent to them havo waged
long and persistently. In their strugglo
for relief they havo been backed by tho
Improvement associations nntl suc
cessive Hoards of Health. laverybodv
will concede now that it was a mlstako
to locato them where they are; but
when those sites were irwsen few wuro
snnguluo chough to suppnsn that In n
llttlo over a quarter of u century tho
city would grow beyond ihcm. Such
hns, however, been tho .uao. and In an
other dccailo these, cemeteries will be
occupying tho very heart of tho resi
dential part of San Francisco, Tho
Supervisors nro to bo ciimmtnded for
their work, for every years delay In
discontinuing burials in theso cemeter
ies has been aggravating tho ovits
springing from them.
Uc)tilllcniiH Active.
Tho call for tho itcpubiicim mass
meeting to bo held noxt Wednesday
evening nt tno Drill Shed has rocclvod
hundreds of Hlgnuturrs up to tills af
ternoon. It la now becoming hard to
find n Republican In town who ;uu not
already undorslgncd the propotltlou for
Immcdlnto organization, Full urr.iugo
incuts will bo inndo for n Inrgo gather
ing nnd ftpcukeie will bo provided in
enliven tlio occasion.
The "St. Katherine"
Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd.,
Large Additions to Its Stock of
Refrigerators, Lawn Mowers, Oil Stoves, Hand Sewing
Machines Ice Cream Freezers, Platform Scales, Blacksmiths
Bellows, Forges, Vises, Drills, Jack Screws, Canal Barrows,
Stove Tiucks, Hoes, Picks, Mattocks, Shovels, Scoops, Forks,
Rakes, Concord Hames,. Dandy Brushes Cotton Waste, Ma
nila and Sisal Cordage. Hoop, Bar and Galvanized Sheet Iron.
Crowbars, Nails, Nuts and Washers Cairiage and Wagon
Springs and Axles.
Lsrge importations to arrive.
The Pacific Hardware Co.,
Fort, Merchant, King and Bethel streets.
This will lnlit ycu II you re
i Dasctndant of
any one oi inouiarus oi i
Initlcn famlllct lo
money t-r estates are i.ow In chancery.
A confine ll.t ol rson who have left money or
est lies lo the value oi
The heirs ot which are now urp"sd lo be In the United
Stales but uhuie rresent whereabouts are unknown.
You many have money, neiritoms, or esiaies
It Is not surrrlslnR that In a population so vas
ani among a people contain he lamllles which can
trace back their ancestiy Kr eniurl, s. that even with
families of no no e the ramifications are extraordi
nary, the tics ol lelatlmsMp oltrn varylne from
Peers to feasants, th"URh all springing from one
tree. The annuumemtn that there Is near yl40o.
oto.ooo In money an4 estat. s R"ln(t a-begglne sounds
a little extravagant but It will not appear so extraor
dinary when It Isr.m.mberid that the amount Is bas
ed on a rrcMrred alphabetical list ot persons who
have b en advrtlstd lor all over the world since the
beginning ol the century, in.ludlng chancery heirs,
nealol kin. and leRaiees of peruns who have died
InteMate In (iieal Urlt.ln, Luiope. me. lea and the
Drlllih colnnlea. The main sources ol unclaimed
monies are: unclaimed olvlden. s on Government
stocks: dormant fu ds In chancery; Army and Navy
Prue Monty. Estates of persons who have died Intes
tate without known next-of-kin: unclaimed dividends
in bankruptcy: eeneral unclaimed dividends and un
claimed bark deposits. We are also prepared to
furnish certificates ol Ulrhs. Dea h and Marriages
and otlicial Ciest i.r Coat ol Arms of your family
We are the only firm In Arrfilca tio male a apeclil"
Until claim has been settled.
Enclise five a cent American stamps or ten cents In
sIKer fir nailing, wrarrlng. etc., and we will sind
yo i a book containing lull Information I REE,
W'lte and ste If you are among the lucky ones.
The Heirs At-Lrnv Collection Co.,
loth ard Chesnut streets, St. Louis, Mo,
Perclval Adams, M. A. L. L. U. Counselor-at-Law,
liriilatiCuuniei lor the Coirpany.
NEW 1800 B. G. I.
Sticks and
Also, Extra handles and club
heads put on to suit.
Pad CyclBz& MTe Co.
R. A. DEXTER, Manager.
Designer Mitl itiilliivrof
Yachts.. Boats
and Launches
P.O. t!OX6),
Tf I. o.
Golden Rule Bazaar
New Ms-Hn Pub!
"For the Freedom tf the Sea" by Brady.
"1 he Story of the Boers" by Montague
White (Official).
'Oom Paul's People by Hillegas "
"Cait Jackman" bv Clark Rusiell
"The Sign of the Cross,"-by Wilson
"Stranger Than Fiction" by Albert Ross,
"The Naked Tiuth" bv Albert Ros.
"The World's Me-cy"-by author of
"The Silence of Dean Maitland "
"The Maker of Nations" by Boothby.
"Foes In Ambush" by Capt. Chas
"A Fatal Misunderstanding" by Helm
"Two Daughters of One Race" by
"Agatha Webb"- by Anna K. Gr-en.
"The Greatest Gift"-by Marchmont.
And Hunureds of Other Popular and
Standard Books of the D.iy.
You can always find an Interesting book
Is coming. Cupid calls It cood and beautiful
KTa Hl4lJlai tf A MMWt l AM A. kfeMk '
patterns and makes as does neckwear.
When you see the new the old that you
thought beautiful grows state. We have
just received ournev sp.lng stock and If
you don't say that they a e swell when
you see them we will qu t Importing.
WE ARB NOT exactly selling our
goods at auction, but we are doing the
next best thing by selling them at greatly
reduced prices. It Is not our habit to carry
goods over from one season to another,
so we must sell our remnants of sizes at
once, and at such prices that you will
sive money by buying ot us. These
gooJs must sell even If we Incur a war In
doln so. Boys' and Men's Clothing,
Underweir and Men's Furnishings. W
mean business. Call tnd have a look. i
The "Kash."
Hotel street nnd cor. Hotel
Fort streets,
9-1 1
Telephone 67 and 96,
P. O, Box 558,
Good Air. Good. View. Gooo Health', 1
A special invitaiionjisexlendcd lo everybody to visit He- !,
MSlllllWaF Art a-JllararMlfail wAaij-4sr(.A a- I A
iiuiuiua iiiuDi uciiiiuui icdiuciikc aiic
Via Maxima
Kaiulani Drive aptly termed, the Via Maxima or Grand
Boulevard, and in itself an artistic piece of engineering affords
easy access to all points, as also scenic and marine views of
exquisite grandeur at every turn.
Electric Railway.
Contracts have been let for material, nnd the work of
construction, equipping and installation placedin the hands of
a competent electrical engineer to be fully completed by June
1st. Having an independent power plant we are prepared to
furnish electric power for lighiing,heating and other purposes,
to our home builders at most reasonable rates.
As Promised.
Our reservoirs are now completed and water mains laid so
as to supply each lot. Permits for making water connections
will be granted on application.
An inspection of the attractive' homes now building, or
the names of purchasers of lots, will convince anyone that
PACIFIC HEIGHTS is the choicest and most select of all the
residence sites of Honolulu.
- H - - H - - H
. For further information,
the office of
Progress Block.
Temple of DFaslIozi.
Closed March I3th,
Until Further Notice,
On Account of
Buggies,. Surreys, Phatrtons, j
Traps, Wagonettes,
Everything New and Up-to-Date.
iy, uarnao -m uaiws
Blacksmiths' and
Island Trade Solicited.
Write to us before sending to the Coast, and saveitime and troublr:
stock is complete In every particular,
Lime, Plaster, Cement and Fire Clay,
Sol -A-gents for
Valentine & Co.. N. Y., Colors and
Howell's N. J. Leather; H. H. Habcock Co.,
111 MMV4 Ul I
Pacific Vehicles Supply Co.,
- - H - - H -
prices, terms, etc., apply ai
Six Seaters,
Delivery Wagons,
Drays, Farm Wagons,
Hand 1 rucks.
Horseshoers' Material.
Vamlthesj O'Brien Si Sons' Catrrlnw
N. Y Uugglesj Atlas Pipe TwrTncn
.-Tj. li
I -! j i , .

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