OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, May 19, 1900, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1900-05-19/ed-1/seq-11/

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Mondir. Mnr II.
T. (J. Alliftlon or the I'n-lrtr Ciufi
Is (lie i hnrnpliiii In single for the
tirrcnt -niiitt, ho hflrlriK tWented I'
M. l-nt)ilnl(' In ensy fashion on III" I'
T. 0. con r l Hntiirilny nfln nmm. 'I ho
scons of tlio three sots were (110 2.
7-5, At the conclusion of tlio lndl"S
lournnnuiit, Altiitlon will try crnel'i
slims with HIMnti, Innt yen in (tiiihi
Iilon. Undoubtedly, Athcrtim itnuili n I
good chnnco of defeating lllston fur ho
Is playing In better form I linn ter hi
fore. In the scml-flnnls Saturday F. C.
Athcrton wan from K. 11. Adam, 0-2,
4-C, 8-G, Adams lighting for cv.iry
point and giving his opponent nl. tlio
work he wanted. I. M. l-itifm lo von
from H. (1. Wilder G-3, u-fi. e-n. The
winners of these two matches were pic
dieted In the llulletln Saturday.
Wcdncsdny, May 1C.
The lady tennis players began their
tnnrnament on tho grounds of tlio Fu
clflc Club yesterday afternoon, tho fol
lowlng being tho result:
Mrs. F. II. C. aibbons vb Miss (ler
truclo Scott. Miss Scott wins by do
fault. Mrs. Ulbbona was III.
Mrs. 8. G. Wilder vb Mrs. F. U. Field,
Mrs. Wilder wins, C-3, C-2. C-l. Mm.
Wilder Ih ngnln playing In her old tlmo
excellent form,
MrB. A. M. Drown vs Mis. II, Oiinn,
Mrs. llrown wins, C-2, C-l.
These were tho preliminary matched
In tho tournament. The matches of
tho first round will bo played this nt
tcrnoon, beginning nt 4 o'clock, ns fol
lows: Mrs. John Watcrhousc vs Mrs. von
Miss May Young vs Miss Gertrudo
Mrs, A. M. llrown vs Mrs. 8. O. Wil
Mrs. E. It. Adams vs Miss Ilcrtha
Tho mnteli between Mrs. A. M.
Drown and Mrs. 8. (1. Wilder will bo
watched with a great deal of Interest,
tho two being sisters and both crack
players among tho ladies. Undoubted
ly one of tho two will win tho tournn
incnt. Thursday, May 17.
Thoro was a very largo und fashion
ublo audlcnco on tho grounds of tho
1'uclflc Tennis Club yesterday after
noon, present to witness tho first round
of matches In tho ladles' tennis tour
nament. Tho results woro ns follows:
Miss Dcrtha Young vs Mrs. 10. It.
Adams, Miss Young wins easily, C-0,
Miss Gertrudo Scott vs Miss Mary
Young, Miss Scott wlus utter a hotly
contested match, C-3, 3-C, 0-1.
Mrs. J. Watcrhouso vs Mrs. D. von
Ilnmm, Mrs. Watcrhouso wins, C-l, C-l.
Drllllant plays characterized this
Mrs. A. M. Drown vs Mrs. 8. G. Wil
der, Mrs. Drown wins, C-3, 4-G, 7-!. This
was undoubtedly tho most stubbornly
contested match of tlio day, tho ex
citement being Intense throughout. In
tho last sets tho scoro ran 4-nll and 5
all, each point being fought for with
set determination on tlio part of each
of tho contestants.
Tho matches ot the second round
will bo played this afternoon, commen
cing nt 4 o'clock, ns follows:
Mrs. J. Watcrhouso vb Miss Gertrudo
Mrs. A. M. Drown vs Miss Ilortlm
Tho winners of these two imitchcH
will meet for tho llnnl Friday after
noon. Mrs. Watcrhouso and Miss
Scott aro both excellent players and It
Is hnrd to tell which will eomo oil win
ner. On Saturday afternoon tlio winner
ot tho final will play Miss May Hart,
last year's champion. On tho sumo nf
ternoon F. C. Athcrton will moot
Charles Elston, this and lust year's
People Interested In tennlH are cor
dially Invited to tho grounds or tho 1.
T. C.
Friday, May 18.
Tlicro was another largo nttendanco
at tho courts of tho 1. T. O. yesterday
uftornoon, tho attraction being tho
Bcml-llnals In tho Indies' tournament.
Tho result was as follows:
Mrs. John Watorhoimo vb Miss Gor
trudo Scott, MrB. Wntcrliounn wins
easily, C-0, 0-1.
Mrs. A. M. Drown vu Miss Dortha
Young, Mrs. Drown wins, 0-4, 7-5. Tula
waB ono of tho most stubbornly con
tested raatchcB of tho serlcB, Doth
players furnished nil klndfl of excite
ment for tlio Bpcctntois. To Illustrate
tho close play, tho last sot Btoud G-G
and then C-G before Mrs. Drown suc
ceeded In pulling out tho deciding
At 4:30 o'clock this afternoon Mrs.
Drown and Mrs. Watcrhousc will play
tho final, tho winner to play Miss Mary
Hart tomorrow,
Another exciting match tomorrow
will be between CIiub. Klston nnd F.
C. Atherton.
Friday, May 18.
Tho Doard of Education met In regu
lar session yesterday afternoon. Thoro
wero present Minister Mott-Smlth, Dr.
Muxwcll, II. M. von Holt, CJ. I.. Hop
kins, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Jordan, I rof.
Alexander, T. II. aibson and decretory
The question of raising teachers
Hillarlcs wbb brought up and took most
of tho nftcrnoonj tho question of spe
cialists salurles nnd those of Individ
mils being gono Into. Mr. von Holt
took a prominent part In tho discussion
and asked Bomo very pointed questions.
Mrs. Hull favored tho establishment
of an agricultural branch for educa
tional work In tho Territory, such as
exist on tho Malnlandjond bIki raised
tho question as to whether a portion of
o 110,000 appropriated for an experl-
cntal 'agricultural station could no
bo "iBcd for establishing tho proposed
,,rnrf Maxwell made a full statement as
to Inquiries already made of Secro ary
Wilson touching tho question rased
by Mrs. Hall. His opinion was that
Secretary Wilson's object was merely
To expand and make morj. useful the
present experimental station, but not
io mid thereto; therefore, (he lit, 000,
nil Mr. Wilson understood Mm matter,
could tint ho lined to establish a de
partment for Itnchlii agriculture.
Othcis hnd already applied for portions
of tho fund mentioned, nnd he had nt
ready ndtlscd them Hint It would not
be available for establishing teaching
departments In tho vnrlous schools, or
even In tho (lovcitinuiit schools.
Half a dozen applications were re
ceived from teachers fur positions,
transfers and hare ot nhsence, which
were referred to tho proper commit
tees, with tho exception of Miss Helen
8cvcrnnr6 of Hllo, who was granted
permission to lenvo for tho Coast two
weeks before tho present term ends.
A letter wns read expressing tho
views of the teachers ot North Konn
on ncatlon.
A letter from tho principal of Ka-llhl-wnena
school stated that the
school wns overcrowded nnd pupil
wcro dally turned nwny. He, there
fore, submitted plans for u now build
ing. Tlio matter was referred to the
committee on lauds and buildings and
action on his application to open n
night school was deferred.
a petition from South Konn was re
ceived through tho Interior oulco ask
ing that new roads bo opened to tho
school hoiiBo; Mr. Howell thought It
would bo best to movo tho school
house. Deferred to tho school agent.
Mr. Mott-Smlth announced that the
appropriation bills had been signed
nnd that unpaid contracts and bills
could now bo paid nnd other Important
expenditures made.
Considerable discussion on Bchool
topics took placo and beforo tho meet
ing closed President Mott-Smlth spoke
ot his plcnsant relations with tho Com
missioners of Education nnd ot his re
tirement on tho lGth of Juno under tho
Territorial Act. Ho hoped tho com
missioners would carry on tho good
work without fnlterlng nnd asked that
they would keep In sight tho policy of
tho past to securo n general ralso In
teachers salaries as soon ns possible.
"Friday, May 18.
Since tho approval of tho approprla
tlon bills by tho President, tho sec ro
tary ot tho education department has
been busy making up tho local appro
priations on a now basis, with tho re
sult that ho lias forwarded to the
school ngentB ot tho Territory tlio fol
lowing containing tho specific amount
they will ho allowed to spend:
"Sir: You aro hereby authorized te
expend tho sum of for repairs on
school buildings In your district for
tho two years ending December 31,
1001, This will Include any repairs that
mny liavo been mndo or ordored from
January 1st to tho present time.
"O. T. ItODailltS,"
Filiiay. May 18.
Her Drltnniiiu Majesty's Consul will
bo pleased to welcome nil callers on
Thursday next, tho 21th Inst., tho an
niversary of Qucon Victoria's birth
day, between tho bourn of 11 a. m. nnd
1 p. in. nt tho Drltlsli Consulate, Kn
palama. "Friday May 18.
Judgo Duvls consulted tho Jury At 12
o'clock yesterday nbout length of ro
cess. Juror I.. C. Abies uroBO nnd said
tho Jurymen did not llko to appear and
bo kept waiting an hour nnd n half
for tlio Court nnd lawyers to liavo busi
ness rendy. They wero busy men nnd
ho protested ngulnHt their being kopt
hnnglng nbout thn lobbies with noth
ing to do. Tlio Judgo mild warmly:
"You needn't think you aro going to
control tho business of tho Court. Tho
Court Ih doing tho best It can. No, thoro
Is no need ot any discussion. Hoccsb
till 1 o'clock.
Friday, May 18.
Minister Mott-Esilth this morning
reported to tho Rxecutlvo Council that
ho had notified tho Hawaiian consuls
that their duties will tcrmlnato nt 12
o'clock midnight on tho 11th of Juno,
nnd that thereafter they nro to forward
tho archives of their consulates to the
Secretary of tho Territory of Hawaii.
Friday, May 18.
Samuel M. Damon, Minister of Fi
nance, was today commissioned by Mr,
Dole hb Minister of tho Interior ad In
terim during tho nhsence of Alexander
Friday, Mny 18.
Tho Cabinet haB approved of tho up
polntincnt by tho President ot Dr. C. D.
Cooper and 10. C. Winston ns members
of tho Doard of Health.
Friday, May 18.
Tho German bark J. C. Plluegcr Ball
ed for Sun Francisco tills morning with
colors flying. She is tho very Inst for
clgu vessel that will carry u cargo of
sugar to San Francisco und sho rouBt
bo at that placo by tho 14th of Juno in
order to get her sugar In. Sho carries
tho following cargo: 24,384 bags,
weighing 2,079,170 pounds, valued nt
$117,701.80 and Blilpped by tho follow
ing: 7072 by C. Drowcr & Co., to
Welch & Co.; 11,481 by Castlo &
Cooko to Welch & Co., nnd G231 by II.
Hackfeld & Co. to Wlllloma, Dlmond
& Co.
Tho schooner Ifclcno sailed for San
Francisco from tho Oceanic wharf this
forenoon with u cargo of 27,000 bags of
sugar weighing G,C8G,42G pounds, valu
ed at $147,625 nnd shipped as follows:
1000 bags by W. G. Irwin & Co. to J,
I), Sprcckcls & Co.; G000 bags by J. M.
DnWBctt to J. I). Sprockets & Co.; 2700
by T. II. Davles & Co, to Williams, Dl
mond & Co.; 8187 by Alexander &
Daldwln to Williams, Dlmond & Co..
and 10,423 by M, 8, Orlrthaum & Co. to
M. S. Grlnbaum &. Co.
Tho Ilobcrt Lowers, sailing for Pan
Francisco early this afternoon, wll
carry a cargo of 21,217 bags ot sugar,
weighing 674,387 pounds, valued at
$100,3CC40 and shipped nB follows: 891
by M. 8. Grlnbaum & Co. to M. 8, Grln
baum & Co., apd 20,320 by II. Hackfeld
& Co. to Williams', nimomj & Co.
Tho W. H. Dlmond lias finished tak
ing on sugar and will sail for Ban
Francisco this afternoon,
Tho Pflueger, Holene, Ilobcrt Lew-
N t ft. ft iji f- r r re. r m tot
a Norn i Mil m Ciiiillrnieil. M
M - - U
I'll Washington, May 9, The ti
fa Sennle has continued the fol- fk
fa lowing iiotnlimtioiis ra
Fa H. II, Dole to bo Governor of r
r" nnd Henry II. Couptr to he flee- K
f4 retnty of Hawaii. f.
f9 J. M. O.U to bs Postmaster nt f
ra Honolulu. ri
Im r rn ru P. tn f-t f-o Pji Ta ra fa P i
(is nnd W. II, Dltnond, nil putting t
sen within i tew hums oi each oln;
will undoubtedly uinko nn Inlcrtstln.
men to San Francisco,
Thn I) a Ncuu, May lo. leu thousnn
Doers under command ot General Stcyt.
nro reported to bo east ot Thalia Nchn
A battlo Is Imminent.
Ixiudon, May 11, 10: GO n. m. Iord
Roberts telegraphs to tho War Onlo
from hlctsprult, under dntc of May 10,
evening, as follows:
"Wo have had n successful day nnd
liavo driven tho enemy from point to
point. French with Porter's nnd Dick
eon's brfdnges of cavalry and Mutton's
mounted Infnntry, crossed tho Zand nt
Vcrmcntcns Kranl nnd then workci.
round In n northeasterly direction to
Mnntscnhppy, being opposed continu
ously by tho enemy.
Pole-Carew's division nnd Gordon's
cavalry brigade nugmented by "J"
battery of tho Iloyal Horso Artillery,
and by Henry's nnd ltoss's mounted
Infnntry, crossed tho river by a drift
near tho railway bridge. My quarters
accompanied this force. With tho In
fantry portion wo aro eight miles north
of tho river. Tho cavalry nnd mounted
Infantry nro nt Vcntcrsburg road sta
tion nnd Tucker's division Is nt Dccl
fontelnnord. Inn Hamilton's forces nnd Droad
wood's cavalry brlgado was making for
tho cross roads nenr Vcntcrsburg when
I IiiBt heard from them. Hamilton's
column met with stubborn resistance,
und Smlth-Dorrlcn's brldngo wns en
gaged for so mo hours In protecting tho
rear und Hank of his force.
"Tho only casualties reported at
present nro:
"Killed: Ilnnk nnd flic, four;
wounded, five. No roturns yet ro-
colvcd from tho cnvnlry nor Hamil
ton s force."
Washington, May 8. In reply to nn
Inquiry regarding surveys of tho wa
ters ot tho now Insular possessions of
tho United States, Sccrotnry Long has
sent to tho Sennto n statement show
ing tlio progress of tho work, Surveys
ot tho Hnwallun Islands nnd of the
American possessions In tho Snmnnii
group nro practically completed.
Wulliiku, Mny 11. Whllo this town
wnB bright with tho holiday celebra
tion of tho Jnpancso on Wednesday,
tho plantation managers ot tho Island
wcro holding nn Important meeting .it
tho residence oi Mnnngcr Wells ot
Wulliiku plantation to discuss tho la
bor situation, Thoso present wcro W.
F. Poguo of Klhcl, Dnrkhnuscn of Kl
pahulu, Daldwln ot Ilamnkuapoko,
Lindsay ot Pala, Lowrlo ot Sprockets
vlllo, Ahlborn ot Lnhalnn anil Wells of
Thn wholo situation wns thoroughly
canvassed and recent strikes of Jnpan
cso discussed. '1 ho nctlon of tho I.u
liiilna and Olowalu managers In ac
ccedlng to tho demnnds ot strikers was
severely criticised. Tho following reso
lution wns passed:
ltcsolved, to organize u labor biircilu
with an olTlce nt Wulliiku under tho
control of trustees from tho plantors
to bo superintended by n good paid
mnnngcr. All labor for tho plantations
Is to bo employed through this Durcuii.
Passbooks with various data to bo giv
en ench man nnd In caso of dlschnrgo
tho cauBo of tho dlncliargo to bn clear
ly stated.
Further details and tho tlmo of the
Inauguration of this system Is to bo
governed by tho final action of tho
United Stntcs Congress on Hawaiian
labor matters.
Washington, Mny 0. A meeting of
tho Foreign Delations Comlmttco of
tho Sennto wns held today, nt which
wns discussed tho proposition to tuku
up tho Indebtedness of iluwatl us as
sumed by tho United Stntcs when tho
resolution annexing Hawaii to this
country was adopted. Secretary Gago
explained tho necessity for additional
authority boforo ho could takn nctlon
to wlpo out tho Indebtedness.
Tho resolution of annexation pro
vided for tho taking up of bonds und
other Indebtedness to tho amount of
$1,000,000, but It has been developed
that tho full amount of tho Indebted
ness Is approximately $4,C00,000, In
cluding tho liabilities of tho Hawaiian
postnl Bavings bank. A bill wns drawn
authorizing tho Secretary to tako up
this Indebtedness nnd tho comiultteo
today authorized u favorablo report to
. u0 ,n,0 0ut.
Hllo Tribune
Wu know nothing nbout tho alleged
Itcpuhlican machlno In Honolulu, If
there bo such u thing. Tho fact that
tno Advertiser says It Is smashed
causes us to believo that It isn't. The
fact that tho Advertiser Is pouring out
upon it all Its assorted vials of wrath,
contempt, ridicule and nbuso, lends us
to suppose that It must have nt leant
several redeeming features,
Ban FrnnclBco, May 10. All iirrnnge
mcntB hnvo been completed for thu
launch of tho big steamer California,
whjch Is to take placo at tho Union
Iron Works on Saturday night by tho
light of tho moon. Tho mass of steel
occupies tho first borth from Kentucky
street, and to tlio eft of her nro the
Yarous warships In progress of con
struction, Tho namo ot tho vessel Is
nn both sides of thu prow, ngalnst
which a bottlo of champaguo Is to bo
smashed when Miss Kdlth Cliesohrough
christens tho craft,
On next Monday two boilers und thn
hod of tho cnglno wII ho put into their
places on tho steamer and sho will then
bo hurried to completion,
A A. M
' III UilKD .1 t. ,.
... ,....... M.n.e, fet tft I bian Ir m
. i i
. .1. ,.. WHIIi.ll ll. , . ,, !.,,
Length over nil, 4SS ftet 4 Inches,
-lain litiwini iHsrpuiuiuiiats, mi U.
Inch; beam, immitii, m uoi, iitpui
molded, 35 fett, rtopth to ii.tr um,
12.0 feet; draught or wnlir, uiaiiiu, i
(tet; luudtil lllSilnceliulil, lb.ivU tolls
Jead weight enpaeiiy, lu.ow toiu
..uusuieu eapaeliy, ju.wtw tons; w.iu
j.illtist, 3,100 tons, ui.il buiiKir tu,..
Ity, 1,800 tuns, lioisu power, 2,i,Ju
,ncd half-loadid, 11 knots; spcn
.uned, 10 'j Itnois.
i ho ussil Is to he dellveicd to li
jwners In thirteen months with ovory
jppllunco for rapid nnd ehenp loading
jf Iter Immense cargoes, 'lius makcv
nu sixth steamer that has been or
dered by the Atncrie.iii.iiinllun Com
puny. A sister ship Is to bo built and
hue nic to be four In nil llko thu Call
.orula. A eompnilsuu hclweecn th.
Cnllfoinlu nnd tho new vessel can U-
Irnwu from tho dimensions of th
founer. Sho Is 43G feet over nil; Is Gl
feet In breadth; 8.2G0 tons dead weight
carrying capacity, and her loaded dis
placement Is ll.'JSO tons.
Wnlluku, May 11. JuiigcfKalua de
cided this week lu favor of Asa Ilium
oka, plalntlft-ln-crror, vs. Kntnnkn, do-femlniit-ln-crror.
This writ of error
wns Issued by lions & Coka when
Magistrate Kahukuolunn of Makawao
decided In favor of tho husband Kata
oka. It appears that Kataoka, who has
been n resident ot Hawaii for tho Inst
four years, wrote to his parents In Ja
pan to liutn him up n wife, nnd his fa
ther succeeded lu obtaining ono und
sho eamo to liiiwull ucl with the hope
of getting man led to him If she fouiu.
him companionable. On arriving lu
Honolulu, where sho II ret met her In
tended, sho declared that sho would
hino uotu.ug to do wit, i him, mid on
coming to Maul sho went nnd livid
with her relatives In Kula, and utter
ly refused to llvo with Kataoka, Hence
tho stilt In tho lower court for desert
ing bed nnd board. Tho Judgo In the
Ic.vcr court held Hint such marriages
wcro vallu In Japan nud therefore valid
Tho Hnwnllnn Commercial & Sugar
Co. bus Instituted this week n suit In
bankruptcy against J. J. Combs, the
young mnn who startled Walluku tho
past few weeks by somo of his remark
ablo new ventures In business. Tho
easo wiiB heara beforo Judgo Kulin
nt chambers yesterday, and tho Judgo
being Indisposed today, tho said cause
wns postponed until next Monday
morning. Tho Sheriff has tnken Into
his chnrgo nil tho property of wild J.
J. Coins per ordor of tho court.
A $5,000 suit ngalnst n well known
Walluku attorney to bo brought by nn
enterprising young mnn ot this town,
Is tho talk of tho town these days. Al
though tho papery In tho said suit,
drawn up by u Honolulu attorney, nro
said to bo In tho possession of tho
young mini, yet tho suit hits not yet
been filed In tho Circuit Court, und
may yet vanish Into thin ulr llko Dan
quo's ghost.
Tho Hawaiian Commercial ft Sugar
Co. ct al has brought n bill for Injunc
tion nnd to cancel lensu against ths
Maul Sugar Co. nnd twcnty-nlnu oth
ers, most of thn defendants being un
lives of Huclo on thin Island. Thn hill
was Issued by tho clerk ot tho Circuit
Court today nud tho Sheriff will servo
tho summons on tho parties.
Washington, Mny 7. Commissioner
Wilson of tho Internal revenue bureau
has Issued Instructions to collectors to
tho effect that from nud uftcr June II,
1900, thn following articles manufac
tured and produced lu thu United
Stntes cannot bo exported lo tho Ter
ritory of Hawaii In bond without tho
payment of tux, nor with thn benefit of
drawback, us heretofore: Distilled
spirits, stills und worms; tobacco,
snuff unit clgmcttcs; fermented liquors,
playing curds, oleomargarine, mixed
Hour, proprietary nrlleles, medicines,
bottled wines nnd nil other products
named In schedule D of the war rove
nun act of Juno 12, 1898.
Astoilo, Oregon, Muy 0. The Drills)
ship Argus, Captain lluuterlii ballast
from Port Los Angeles to Portland, ar
rived nt the quiiriintlno station tills af
ternoon, having on board llfteen of the
crew nud four passengeis of tho Hawa
iian ship Iulniil, bound from Hllo to
Sun Finuclsco, which sunk off tlio
eo.ist nenr Sun Francisco on tho night
of May 3d In n collision with thn Ar
gus, Thn loluul wim a total loss, but
tho crow and piiBsoiigers wero saved,
Mimllu, Muy G. Tho United Stutes
transport Mcmlo sailed nt G o'clock this
afternoon for tlio I'lilted States with
General Otis and two aides do rump on
board. Thu war vessels lu port fired n
major general's salute us thu steamer
raised her anchor.
Hlnco tho beginning of thu lumirrcu
lion General Otis bus kept fit his desk
from early morning until midnight, He
has neyer been seen on tho Lunetii,
lllio thu nthor nflleeiH, and only two or
threo times bus ho been seen In society,
und theso occasions wi'io scml-ofuclul
receptions, 'I ho general leavs tho
army ndinlinbly organized, provisioned
nnd clotnedj
Thu Scuttle P.-l, or Apil 20 says;
Scuttle's opportunities or getting
trnds with Hawaii wero spoken of bo
foro tho Chamber of Coiiimcrco yester
day by C, (1, llulleutyno, manager of
tho Honolulu Itapid Transit Compuny,
Mr, Dallentyno appeared nt u special
meeting of that body Tuesday for tho
purpose of getting Its Indorsement of
tho reinstatement of tho provision In
thn Hawaiian measures oxtoiuling thu
tlnio of thn effectiveness of tho coast
ing laws n year after tho adoption of
thu net, and yesterday stated that tho
conference committed of tho Semite
and Hoiiho hnd refused to so rolnstutu
It, which would miiko tho coastwise
laws go Into effect ut thn same tlmo 'is
w.,M I.M tf .M .
me Mil- fMtjr-Mvc us? niter imfrWK.
"lbete M iMrtlnllR l-e IWit ran b
1ttt Mid Mr llall'iitytie, and he
prMrf his tliMiks fur the I titer wit
hut the ilminlK-r had In km In th mat
' I aiiprtrtnlo the Interest you
i shown.' bo mid, nnd coiilnmlng
II the trade outlook
"Our people want to trade with you.
ml If you will give them tho oppur-
unity there Is n good Held In the lal-
lids fur Washington cxportcis nnd
mporiFts. Thtro Is much room for the
development ot trade for the prim
xpoits now nro fodder and timber.
There Is the opportunity of sending
JUppllts of fresh ment, which Is now
eupplled from San Francisco and Neu
Zealand. In case ot tho latter, ns soon
b tho new law goes Into cfTect It will
f eourso cut off tho supply from there
tho grazing lands near Honolulu have
jeen turned Into sugar plantations
.lilch lenvts thnt city dependent upon
lie outsldo for her fresh meat supply
fhero will bo nlso n heavy trndo In
hilry products, which now cornu large
y from Australia. I see no reason whv
vou should not get your sharo of this
rode, nud when you nro competing
villi San Francisco It will mnko the
;oods ehrnper for us."
Mr. Dallentyno advised tho eslnb
Ishment of n sugnr refinery In Seattle,
which ho said would bo sure to bring
much of tho sugar crop of tho Islands
o tliis port. Ho said tho growers
were anxious to get nwny from tho su
tnr trust, but wero forced to keep to
heir contracts, though when these
agreements expired, which would be
won, they would bo glad of an oppor
tunity to transfer their business deal
ings to others. Ho said thnt If a re
finery was built hero It would lu n
Inrgo inenBiiro settle tho proposition of
vessels being run nt u profit, as It
would glvo them return cargoes.
Thu ehnmber gave n voto of thnnks
to Mr, Dnllcntyiio for ills suggestions,
Wnlluku. May 11. Manager Ahlborn
Is reported to liavo decided to with
draw from thu management ot Pioneer
mill. Mr. Diirekhuuscii of Klpahulu is
said to bo scheduled for tho posltlcn
nt Lnhaliiu.
Churles Lennox, foimcrly nt Uwn
and with Mr. Lowrlo nt Sprcckclsvllle.
Is to ho tho manager ot tho new Labor
Diirenu to bo eslunllshcd by tho Maul
Walluku, May 11. Thu new road
crusher for Wnlluku nnd Knhulul has
been moved up to Wnlluku now and
will bo used to eiiish tlio stones requir
ed for building tho new reservoir for
tlio Wnlluku water works.
San Francisco, May 7. Public Ad
ministrator Doland today filed nu ap
plication In thu probnto court for apo
dal letters ot administration upon tho
cstato of James Campbell, tho million
aire who died at Honolulu on April
Mr. Campbell left somo property lu
this city, Including cash on deposit In
vurlous banks. Ilo also owned largo
realty belongings In Han Jose, where
his two daughters aro attending school,
Washington, Mny 4. Iteprcsontatlvo
Corliss of Michigan lias liitioduced n
lesolutlon setting May lGth for the
consideration by the llouso of tho Pa
cific cuhlo bill, the votu to bo taken
May 10th.
Just landed a full lino ot grupoa, ap
ples, oranges, lemons, celery, cabbago.
cauliflower, cranberries, burbank and
red potatoes, dates, salmon, flounders,
halibut, crabs, Eastern and California
oysters (In tin und shell,) turkoys,
chickens, ducks, quail. A .all Hue of
Olive Oil
FlltHT To be absolutely 1MJUHOLIVK
SKCOND-To glvu peifeet satisfaction
to thn consumer.
TIIIIID To not become rancid on thu
shelf, If kept lu thu package,
Thu liiaiiufaclincr offers to pay $100
for liny bottlo of Girford'u Ollva Oil, lu
original package, found to contain any
.A.t. .A.11 Orooers,
Itoj Watcrhouso k Co
Qui in Simii
Sanitary Flooring
Harbors no Kins, It It tho only floor
suitable for residences, and Its cleanliness
and moderate cost recommend It to all
Plans and estimate! cheerfully furnished
upon application to
Lowers & Cooke,
Sole Agents for
Johnson's Celebrated Parquetry.
Johnson's Floor Wax,
Johnson's Ploor Brushes,
Johnson's Restorer,
Johnson's Solvent,
ImuIu ck W. I Inn key,
Lovh Building, (;oht St.
R ioms 4 and j,
hrancis J. Heiry,
cmis ) anJ 4, Love llulldlnR, Fort St.
a. L. C. Atkinson and a. V. Judd, Jr.)
Attorneys and
Couns ilo" T Law.
OSes over UlBliup m Co.'s Hank, cor.
CnuKanuand Merchant Street.
Attorney ami
Oounmillor nt Law.
Progress Dlock opposlto Catholic
:hureh, Fort Street, Honolulu, II. I.
Telephono 1122
UK Judd Ilulldlng. Telephone 211
TJornoy at Law and
jNTofcarv Public.
Kaahumnnu Street.
attorney mid OotuiHollor at
Office: In tho Occidental Hotel,
orner of King nnd Alnkea Street,
V, O. Achl. Enoch Johnson.
vttornoys and OouiiBulora
at Law.
Office No. 10 West King Street
Telephone 884.
Attorney at Law
Spreckols Dullding, Fort Stroet
Sttrgoons, Physicians and Dentists.
Dr. K E. Coudert,
Iterutunlti Sti'ceL. opposite
Huwollun Motel.
iffice Hours: 9:30a.m. to 12 in.; 2-4
p. nv, 7 8 p. in.
"ldence: EnRltslde, Vineyard Street.
Dlisc(iHCH of Children
ii Hpeclulty.
X. C. WALL, D. D. S.,
O. E. WALL, D. D. S.,
Love Dullding, Fort Street
Hours; 8 to 4. Telephono 431.
Cilice und Residence: Ileretnuln and
Alnkea BtrccfH.
Olllco Hours: 'J lo 10 11. m.; 2 to 1
p. in,; 7 to 8 p. m.
THI.Kl'HONH 204.
Hawaiian Hotel.)
telephone C10 1. O, llox C01.
Otflco hours, 8 to 10 n. ra.j 1 to I
p. .; 7 to 8 p, ra. Sundays, 8 to 11 . m.
Office; 202 Hotel Street.
Office Hours: 0 to 12 and 1 to 4.
0. G01DON H 3 "GINS.
COTTAGE, corner Hotel nnd Itlclmrdi
Street. Office hours: 9 to 11; 2 to 43
7 to 8, Telephone 0E3,
ekool Street, between Kmna .and Fort.
Hours: I to 10 , m., 1 to 4 p, .
1 to I p, ,; BundBjri, 9 to 10 , ro.

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