OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, February 24, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1902-02-24/ed-1/seq-1/

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Advertising Pays in the Evening Bulletin
Sleamer Table.
From 3. F.
Nippon Mam . Mnr I
Sonoma . .. .Mnr. S
For 8. F.
Alameda Feb. 20
Aincrt Mam . . Mar. I
From Sydney.
Aorangi Mar. 12
For Sydney.
Mlowcra Mar. IS
el ' lied with n K or rnsli spoil-
'I with i ( In what wo nil
wnni n linn limit wishing
to strung, comls for cash
mhi ills, s ll,i tally In flnllj
InWKpapci" Tin paper that
r at In s tin ji M'l or Mono
lulu In Tin i:. nltiK llulktln
Has the Largest Circulation of Any Island Newspaper
Vol. X. No. 2079.
l'lticn 5 Cunts.
HE H1 101
Paiaand: Haiku Com-
panies Hoid'Annual
Re-election of Officers and Directors
Estimates of Crops and
Projected Improve
ments. I'nla and Haiku plantation compan
ies held their annual meetings this
morning at Alexander & Baldwin's
oftlccs in the Stnngcnvvald building
rala re-elected Its omccrs as fol
lows: II. P. Baldwin, president; S.
M. Damon, lco president; J. I'. Cooke,
ticasurer; J. B. Atherton, secretary;
W. O Taylor, auditor. Board of Dlrco
tors-II I. Baldwin, S. M. Damon, J,
I Cooke. J. II. Atherton, T. W. Ho
The. treasurer's report exhibits tho
grand total value of the company's
properly, Including sugar In transit,
as 80l.282.30 The operating expenses
for 1901 wero $323,120 37 The net
earnings were $100 r.08 4-, and divi
dends paid wero $127,500. the total
surplus account being $13I.C00.52. lie
sources at the end of the ear wer
$S0G,842 32. balancing liabilities of
which $750,000 represented tho capital
Manager D. C. Llndsn) In his rcporl
estimates the crop of 1902 at about
5000 tons, against 7310 tons last yean
Although thero has been a scarcity of
i.i.n. d. iintntlnn hnft not been crip-
inuui, iii ,..... -- -
pled from that cause. Under the head
of Improvements he sajs:
"About August or September this
jcar. we hope to be supplied with
crude oil to be used ns fuel In out
pumps, Instead of coal. This will be n
great Improvement and result In a very
considerable saving on a ) car's rua
We purpose this summer to run our
ditch out on the true grade over our
Kallua lands, and also to build In n
reservoir there This will enable us
at an expense of si) $3 000. to cultivate
Immediately over 200 acres of virgin
soil and nt tho same tlmo form a per
manent extension of our ditch foi fu
ture use."
Tho kindergarten vvotk continues
with four teachers and 04 children on
lolled. In the enso of the Haiku Sugar Co.,
tho manager's report shows the fol
lowing Improvements Two rosorvolro
havo been ndded to our storage capa
city One of 10.000.000 gallons capa
city was constructed and nn old reser
voir, abandoned about fifteen years
ago, was rendered serviceable giving
us about 7,000,000 gallons more capa
city The largo reservoir nt Haiku,
mentioned In last jear's report, which,
when completed, will bo capable of Im
pounding over 300,000,000 gallons of
water. Is at present In process of con
struction, but will not bo completed
before next fall, the steam plows will
have to be taken soon from that work.
The estimate made last year of 7000
tons for this crop will prove very
much loo high Thero was stormy
cold weather In January and I'etiriiary
which was exceedingly bad for tho
)oung cane, espoclnllv as much of It
was pranted late In February thero
wero sixteen Inches of inln In April
n verj long and cxcesslvo drought be
gan which effectually prevented the
cane from gi owing and which dried up
completely a considerable part of it
The plantation will probably not get
over 1500 tons.
TIia pmn or 1flft3 utll pnmn from 775
acres of plant cane and 400 acres of
ratoons On account of tho drought
the planting was quite Into but It is
hoped by frequent smalt appllcatons
You want a good
After somo thinking
wo decided that what
Is needed In Honolulu
Is a strictly up tb now
photographic studio,
and wo havo gone
ahead with tho idea.
fitting up thu handsomest placo
In this city
Wo present to tho pub
lic tho facilities, ability
and experience neces
sary to do tho highest
grade of work
Rice & Perkins,
Oregon Block, cor. Hotel and
Union Sts. Entrance on Union.
of ntrato of soda to mako up for His.
Tho young ratoons protnso well but
tho stand s not as good as t would have
been but for the drought.
Following Is n condensed statement
of resources and liabilities to Decern
her 31, 1901:
Resources Stock accounts as per
exhibit A, $008,242.91, cash on hand,
$847 32: sundry accounts duo Haiku
Sugar Co , $1778.89 Total, $010,809.12
Liabilities Capital stock. $300,000,
drafts unpaid, $200 17, due Honolulu
agents, $8192 01. duo Snn Francisco
agents, $79 008 08, sundry and per
sonal nccounts, $11.348 39, surplus,
$12 053.87 Total. $010,809 12
Tho following omccrs were all re
elected II l Baldwin president,
S M Damon, vlco president, J 1
Cooke treasurer; J B Atherton,
secretary, W O Tnvlor auditor; H
P Baldwin, S. M Damon, .1 I"
Cooke J B Atherton nnit C It
Dlcke) board of directors.
Took Nearly Eight Days to Make
Run Alameda Baffled By
Heavy Seas On
the Way.
Both the overdue steamers from
San Francisco, the Alameda and the
Doric, arrived In port Sunday morning.
They had met cxcecdlngl) rough
weather and made long passages, tho
Alameda's tlmo being 7 davu and 18
hours, whllo that of the Doric was 7
das, 19 hours and 22 minutes
Tho Alameda struck rough weather!
nlmost Immediately after leaving San
rrnnclsto nnd had to battle with
strong southordl) and houthwcsiTly
gules and terrific scjs during nlmost
her entire passage On the morning
of tho 18th, while tho steamer was only
running nt ver slow speed a sen was
shipped from forward which stove In
n foiwnrd scuppci smashed the sk
llght window and the fiont of the pilot
house, broke the wheel and the stenm
steering gear, carried away both bin
nacles and finally flooded the saloon
and the deck cabins. Tho glass from
the pilot houso window is th'c-clghtl.s
of an Inch thick nnd as fragments ot
it were found lmbeded In the wood
work of the house, tho man who was
at tho wheel at the tlmo, was very
fortunate to escape uninjured. TIip
Doric was sighted several timet during
the trip.
Washington's blithda) was celebrat
ed on board with speeches and songs
Colonel V. S Spaulding mid Captain
Herrlman delivering the speeches
while vocnl and 1ii81iiiiiimU.i1 music
was remitted bj Princess Knwannna-
ko.i, Miss Allco Campbell, (1 Good
sell, II A Morrison nnd others Toasts
for Picsldcnt Roosevelt, King I M ward
VII and Governor Dolo were respond
ed to by Col. Spaulding, Captain Her.
ilmanundl) V Dillingham.
Tho Alameda brought a cargo o.
nbout 1700 tons of freight nnd a very
heavy mall It Is not jet known
whether tho cargo has received nuy
damage or not.
Tor five days tho Doric had to battle
with tho same rough weather which
delayed tho Alameda's passage On
tho fourth day out a tremendous sou
reached tho crow's nest on the fore
mast, striking It with such force that
tho canvas screens were torn off nnd
the Chinese lookout wns wnshed off
Ho fell to tho dock nnd hnd a very
lucky cscnpo from being swept over
board. Tho Doric carries about 3500
tons of freight for tho Orient.
Tho Doric left this port at 4 p in.
jesterday, nbout half a dozen lav -over
passengers remained here She. had
only n few cabin passengers for tho
Orient nnd slxty-flvc Japanese and
I wcnt -five. Chlneso In the steerage.
Theie was rather a laughnhlo rase
In the Police Court tills forenoon In
which two natives and a Poitugiirso
wero the defendants and oil .1 Kama
the attorney. With a wavo oj his
hand tho old man said ho represent
ed both of tho Hawaiian defendants
and that ho would ask that tho cuse
go over until tomorrow. IPs clients
would both plead not guilty.
At this point Makolo, nno of the
defendants, stated that he did not
approve of the action of his attorney.
Ho would plead guilty The other na
tlo stood by his attorney and tlnu
Kauill, not a bit disturbed or nngond
by the action of Makolo, asked that
this man bo reprimanded and discharg
ed Judge Wilcox fined Makolo and
tho Portuguese $10 and costs, tho
charge being possession of the fa tick
ets. Civil Service Examinations
The Civil Servlco examinations for
positions In the local postolllce which
nio scheduled to take placo on Sat
urday, March 1, aro now opened to
candidates who deslro positions as
clerks Inside, as well. as to those who
desire positions ns mnll carriers on
tho outside force Applications must
bo filed with Prof Ingalls at the Gan
ger's office, Custom House, by 4 p m.
Prlday, Pebruar)' 28, by all those who
expect to be admitted to the exami
nation, A. B. INGALLS,
Writes to Governor Dole
That Everything
Is Loveiy.
Fire and Police Alarm System to be
Joint Control Ship
man's Wild
Governor Dole, at the Hxocutlvo
Counill this morning, road n letter
from Land Commissioner R S. Boyd,
which said that things wero going
along ver favorably in Washington
and cverjthlng was very nice.
Trensuicr. Wright presented nn
amended charter of the Concrete Con
struction Compan), which tho Gov
ernor signed.
A n.ms.lnn nnnyn on t-n,fl nt Ini- .tin
control of the Gnmcwclinro and pollto!"1 '''S1"," " half abend of
alarm svsteni now nbout raid)
operation It wns the sense of thci
Council that the s)stem should bo un
der the Joint control of the Siiperln
Undent of Public Works unci
High Sheriff.
W 11 Shlpmnn wns granted nn ex
tension of three months foi hunting " ' J ' c """ ". renin
..it.i ...! i ,i, m. r.,r..t At the "" 1 171 . IVbruary 20 100 IVbrn-
oviilrnilnii nf Hint lime he must havo
tho beasts all out of the woods
Superintendent Ho)d pii'senttd a
report fiom Hngln.-er Gere on the ,
. . . ... I
ni rinmiiil null limiuiia nt III iltt III
tonnettlon with the report of the ,
lloaid of Health condemning llioi"" """ '" """ "l- l"u ""'"
piemlsos No n.tlon was tnk.n. und seven minutes
,vrtr.r H... ..tlinr heads of detmrt ' . -to fast run of the Coptic makes
After the other heads or depart
Lilts tetiied. Superintendent l)o)d
nialned In protiacttd conferemo
..., l ltwt l,t ftl-Mtt
with tho Govtrnoi upon the pioposed
Nahlkii water lease
, . . . .1 . . i..,.,.ii '
An Important notice to Intending
steerage passengers
appears under
New Toda)
Situation Plainly Stated-Branch of
Federation of Labor Wants
Chinese and Japanese
Pollowing Is the petition which tho
lotnl branch of tho American Kedera
tlcin of Labor liaa sent to Washington
nsklng foi legislation excluding .lap
nnt'se nnd Chinese fiom the Terrlluiy
af Hawaii.
To the Senate nnd Houso of Reprc
sentntlves of tho United States of
Amerieu, Greeting:
We, Jhe undersigned citizens of the
United States, do hereby represent
I'lrst That the present nnd ruturo
prosperlt) of this nation depends In
n great measure on tho maintenance
of the present high standard of living
of Its Inhabitants.
Second That this standnid cannot
bo maintained If the 'sphere of thu
American uiechnnlc Is Invaded by thu
hordes of Asia, whosu modo of lifo
enables them to live comfortably on
u sum which to an American would bo
a mere pittance
Third Thnt at present fully 75 per
cent of all tho labor of thu Hawaiian
Islands, both skilled and unskilled, Is
being performed cntircl) by Orient
als. fourth. Thnt practically all tho
labor both skilled nnd unskilled which
has been performed on buildings nnd
giounds In this Territory for the Ted
eial Government has boon nnd Is still
being performed entirely hy Japanese
and Chinese) to the exclusion of com
petent American mechanics who, by
reason of these, conditions nro at
present forced Into almost complete
Fifth Thnt tho population of tho
Hawaiian Territory Is 150.000, of
which tho Chlneso nnd tho Jnpnneso
number nearly 87,000, tho Americana
about 5000 and tho nntlves 37,000
Sixth That by rigidly excluding nil
Orientals from this Tenltory and
from tho United States, conditions
would soon become such that Ameil
tan citizens would bo enabled to earn
a living for themselves and families,
which they are now practical!) unablo
to do on account of the deplorable nnd
ontlrely un American conditions now
existing hero
Seventh Thnt
for the reasons
abovo set forth )our petitioners earn
estly ask that suitable legislation bo
framed, tho results of which would be
Tlrst Tho complete exclusion or
both Japaueso and Chinese or theli
descendants from American ferritin y
Second The requirement that all
laboi of every description whatsoever
which Is performed for tho Federal
Gov eminent shall bo done by, and only
be, citizens of tho United States
And your petitioners will ever pray.
- Col Sam Parker was about
town today receiving many con-
f gratulatlnns from his friends.
f When asked nbout tho (lover-
nornhlp Mr Barker said, "I have
nothing to Bay Carter and his -f
friends know the contents of the
f President s letter and Carter has
gone on to Wnshlngton. The)
are doing nil the talking. If Car-
ter nnd his friends want to Injure
f me I suppose It Is their privilege
to try It Tho President knows
how I stnnil nnd where I stand
That's all there Is to It " 4
44444 44444444-t444!
Met With Good Weather-Did Not
Beat Chiua'a Record As
Sta'ed by Adver
tiser, The steamship Coptic arrived In rort
time, liming mndo n very fnst vo
ago She was matorlall) aided by hav
ing nt hir stern tho same brccz,
against which tho Doric and the Ala
nieilii had to light their way from San
rranclsto. The dally nips made wero
an follows I'ebruary 10, 37o. I'ebru.
21, 314.
S12 and
I rubiunr)
'li,0 knots
The vessel left Shanghai Febiuary
1nKn"1,,K' . "w 1""1' j"6" " "'"
1 'f It ti nil ill. rlin nirt ntt Ihn 1 t It nt
'-' ,-", I' "' She made the run from
' , . ,, ...,,', ".,
. llp1 A' " ,s'1r .,I" n,t "ic Coptic
l1""01' ,""' ( ''" "'cord. This state-
)1 ' Incorrect, the China having
It 11 fl fin tltn III1 In ftblllnlft u1iai.Ia. 41 fe n
made the run In much shorter tlmo a
few years ago. when sho ran from
Yokohama to this port In the month
of IK,u,nib(lu IIwM'nB ,,, u ,n
ilnvs, (, hours nnd 15 minutes, dcspllo
strong northeasterly gales On that
trip the average speed per hour was
M 1-2 knots and tho mnxlmum sliced
18 83 knots The dally runs were
40O. 411. 417. 401. 400. 101 400 nnd 100
miles pel dn) This trip nntipnlly
rausi'd much (ouunont In the pnpers
here as well ns In the Snn I'ranclseo
papers and Captain Seabury and Chief
nugliieir rergusnn rttflved much
liralse fur theli treilltnhle perform
Tin- Coptic brought ns passengers
to this port I' 8 Commissioner S A
Minpp nnd Mr A A Wilson She lelt
Jli tons of freight here nnd snlled for
Snn I'landsto a tilth afti r 1 p in.
At a meeting of the Chamber ol
Commerce) this nfternnon nt 2 o'clock
tho resolution on IVdernl sanitation
unanimously adopted by tho Mer
chants' Association was turned clown
nnd a committee wns appointed to
confer with the Board of Health Tho
Chamber expressed itscdf of tho opln
Ion thnt the notion of the Merchants'
Association wns III advised and rofus
ed to endorse the icsoliltlnn of thu ns
Tho committee consists of Jos. B.
Atherton. thnlrmnn, P. A Rehncfer
and I J Lowrey, nnd win confer
with l)i Cofer United Stntes Govern
ment qunrantinn odltcr.
There Ih doubt felt that tho Federal
authorities tan do anything In tho
St Louis. Feb 9 An early morn
Ing lire which destro)ed tho Hmplru
Hotel n Inrgo three story lodging
house nt 2700 and 2702 Ollvo street,
decupled by men exclusively, caused
the death of eleven persons ten men
nnd one wennnn nnd dangerously In
jured eight cithers A dozen or more
who had narrow escapes from death.
retolved less serious Injuries or were
frost bitten It Is estimated thnt thero
were between thirty flvo and forty
persons In tho building last night, and
It is believed nil hnve been accounted
foi Tho (lnnnc In! loss Is nominal.
It Is thought thnt $20 000 will cover
the damngo to building nnd contents,
which were totally destioed.
rngiigemcnt Announcctl.
1 ho engagement of Miss Ruth K.irr
of Iloquln, Wash , to James S, McICeo
of Toronto, Canada, lias been nnnounc
ed Mr McKeo Is the )iiunir man who
Is In charge of the WalMU extension
of the ltnpld Transit Co
Tho Hawaiian Dramatic Club's en
, leitnlnments In the Opera Houso will,
i tnko placo on tl.o i5th and 17th of
March. KvcrytbliM la In good shape
,and the old Hawaiian pirns give piom
Iso of being very successful
ni:xt nxi'itnss sti:ami:ii to
Wells, Fargo & Go. Express
TEL. MAIN 199.
Masonic Temple, with American Mis
aenoer Service.
By a Board of Three
Other Men on Sugar
Board of General Appraisers Wts
Also Sustained-Local Collector
On Soldier Cap
The Board of General Appraisers,
consisting ot three general appraisers,
have sustained the action of the one
general appraiser In the matter of an
appeal from the nppralscment of thir
teen different lots of sugar bags In
which the appraiser had sustained thx
figure, made at this port Au appeal
was taken from tho apprnlsi ment maili
lu Honolulu to the general appraiser
lie sustained the appraisement and an
appeal was made from this aitlon to
the board of general appralbirs, who
also sustained the original appraise
ment. This dctlslou Is ot some Inter
est as a large amount of mono) Is In
volved. The Board of General Apjualsers
have also sustained the action of the
Itieut collittor In tho matter of duty
ehargcil on woolen children's soldier
tcps from Japan, the Japanese mer
chants having appealed fiom the dcel
tslon made lu this port.
It Is said on good authorlt) that tho
Department recommends thut the full
penalty of tho law bo given Walter
Dojle nf the local Custom House force
according to section 1793 of the cus
tnmc regulations This penalty will
amount to 30 dnjs suspension of duty
nnd pay, at tho end of which time
Do)lc will be offered another chance.
Jury Drawn To Try the Case of
Henry Smith vs. Hamakua Mill
Co. Matters at
Defe ndants to the latest buttb ot
Grand Jury Indictments were arraign
ed before Judge Gear this morning
Oto malicious Injury, pleaded not
Abraham Pull, Joseph Magel, Ka
main Adam, Muses Adam nnd Jonies
Tourney, larceny second degree, plead
ed not guilt).
Jnmes Ward, two Indlttmtnts for
larttny second clegric, pleaded not
Ah Snng, larceny second degree,
pleuded not guilty.
Horace Bell was nllowcd to reserve
his plea to larcen) second degico until
tho J5th Inst
.Manuel Clnudlna, laiteny second
ucgree, pleaded not guilty
Knuhano, larceny setond degree,
pleaded guilty nnd wns sentenced to
hard labor for three months
Jose ltodrlgues und Maria Oitcz.
Joint!) for Inrcen) setond degree
pleaded not guilty
Before Judge Gear the will of tho
Into Hubert Itohson Hind was admit
ted to probate nnd John Hind, on the
renunciation of co executors nnd exo
cutrlx appointed ndmlulstrntor with
out bond tho will expressly stlpulat
Ing that no bund should bo required
In the case of Carlos Long vs n. C.
Maefarlano et nl . defendants II Ar
milage and W Lucas hy their attor
nc)s llobertson & Wilder, have en
tcri'd n demurrer
Judgo lloblnson appointed Thomns
Pedro guardian of Samuel I'eilio, an
Insane person under $SoO bond '
In the enbo of Beke Ah Sing vs Aknl
Ling Judge Robinson sustained 'the '
demurrer with leave to plaintiff to.
answer In ten da)s
Judgo lloblnson siiHtnlned tho de
murrer In the ense of J Alfred Ma
goon trustee for Sophlo Kohuolo Wl j
ley and J W. Wile) and Chun Km
Fong vs C Lnl Young, without leave
to nmend cnuiplnint nnd dissolving
a Injunction It wns n bill In eqult)
to icunove cloud fiom title to over1
nine acres of land nt Kaneohe
( temporar) Injunction now dissolved
having been to pi event (ho defendnnt ,
C Lnl Veiling from proceeding nkiilnnt
Sophie Kohuole Wile) anil Chun Kin
Fong Mr Mngoon nppealed from thai
decision I
Just before recess the following
Jur) was empaneled before Judge Hob
Insiin to try Henry Smith vs llama
kun Mill Ceiinpnny W Dusenbiig
V. K Kaal James Mcrseberg C.
Illalce A W Jiuld W J Oldway
W F Sabln, F L Dortth, Fred
Goudlu W V Jonos, I. It A Hint.
Cluis. G Spencer.
Tilt! FUNERAL. II!0CI188I0N.
C I rishel, a Past Grand, will be
mamhal for the funeral of the I itn
Captain T. 11 Murray under the nui
plies of Harmony Lodge, I. O. O K.
at 2 1" this artemnon Hugh McKoi h
nle the present Noble Ornnd of that
lodge will celert the pall bearers from
tl.c Past Grands attending.
Tin- honorarv p.ill hearers from tho
Plrst Iteglmrnt N O II will be Cap
tains Paul i-'mllli Belli) Hlpn. Itoic
Klemme and Gons.ilves Au escort
will be piovldcd consisting f Captain
Murrav's old Co II with details from
other to.npanles to bring the strength
up to one hundred men This bod)
will be under command of Captain
lohnson Lieutenants Thompson nno
Nakulnn The regimental drum torpr
will attend with the hand
George O Hara driver for tin Oih'i
Ice and Dlectrlc Compan) had the ttr
rll le misfortune to lose one or hit
hands on Saturday The number was
nrcldentnll) t rushed so badly that .1
could not be saved and It was ampu
tated at tie ()ueen's Hospital Mr
O'llara was formerl) n driver for tho
German bnkery and Is favorably
known to many households
What promises to be nn exhibition
of exceptional interest Is the test of
mental telepathy which will he per
formed by Cunning, the magician, thlJ
Tho experiment takes place from In
front or Wall, Nl hols Co a storn
promptly at 4 30 o'clock It will con
sist ptinl) nnd slmpl) of mind read
ing and will be performed In the foi
lowing manner
A committee of cltlrrns selerttd by
spectators will tonrtal nn article In
somo plate chosen b) themselves and
It turn to Cunnnlug He will enter tho
urrlage which convened the part) to
tho place of concealment and, blind
folded will drive over exactly th
s.inie route as fast as tho horses can
travel direct to tho spot where the arti
cle has been hidden, la) ing his hnnds
directly upon It
liver) thing Is in readiness for tho
experiment and Cunning sas that ho
has never In hla long experience, fail
ed to find tho hidden article. The test
Is well known to knmaalnns who have
seen It performed by Washington
Bishop nnd nlso those who have seen
T)ndall In Chicago King street will
undoubtedly be crowded to witness the
test nnd Cunning promises that uouu
will he disappointed
Mr Ilauku (Koba)ashi), the talented
Japanese artist who left Honolulu
about u year ago to go to Paris ta
Stud) Trench nrt methods, returned
litre a week ago, and last evening wal
given n public welcome home at tho
Duddhlst Templo on Port lane
Spct'ihcs of greeting were made, whlih
Mr. Banko replied to hy telling of tho
countries and people he saw on hU
New York, Feb 15 Mrs Harriet
Zahrioskl (.efforts, a member of ouo
of the wealthiest families 111 I'latbush,
L. I, has committed suicide by shoot
ing, while tempornrll) insane.
The mother of Mrs Clnrencn Cooke
Is Mrs Caroline LcfTcrta and not Mrs
Harriet Znbrleskl Lefferts as given In
the above clipping.
Two nntivo ho)s wero arrested by
Detective Hlvln on Fort- street bo
tvveen 8 and 9 o'clock Inst night One
nf the fellows entered Dnvld Law
rence's cigar store through tho tran
sum whllo the other one stood wntch
outside Hlvln waited until ho hnd
the boys dead tu rights nnd then mail
the arrest The fellow who entered
the store tried to tap tho till hut got
nothing All he had on his person
wns n new pipe
Send the weekly edition of the Bul
letin to your friends. Only $1 a year.
we offer on n pair of Hamilton Brown Seciirlt) Ijvee Shoes v
know the) will be must satlsfnctor) nnd mnko )ou a permanent cus
toiiitr ul ouis
1057 PORT ST.
Federal Attorney Dunne
Lays the Information
Before Court.
Motion to Vacate the Decree in
Primo Beer Case Argued and
Briefs Ordered
'cileral Attorne) Dunne took pro
feedings this morning In the United
Stutes District Court to enforco the
law ngalnst thu Importation of articles
of Immoral uso and purpose He pro-i-chtcd
nn Information entitled United
States of America vs One Dozen Ar
ticles tor the Provtntlon of Concep
tion The Informant gives the court
here to understand nnd be Inormed
Hint In Honolulu on the 2d day of De
cember 1901. one C J. McCrackon,
then nnd thero an examiner of mer
thniidlse of the Customs service, did
seize certain propert), that Is to ray,
one dozen articles for the prevention
of conception nnd delivered the same
to the Collector who holds them in
his tustnd) ns forfeited to the United
hintes for the causes following, to
wit that the) are nrtleles or nn Ille
gal nnd Immoral nature and were un
law mil) imported and brought into
the count!) fiom the Umpire of Japan,
oontrnr) to the form of the statute ot
tne United Stntes in such cases innilc
and provided
The process of the court Is lsketl
to condemn nnd destru) the property
nnd to give notice to all persons crtn
tcrnecl to appear and show cause. It
an) they have, why such foreflture.
condemnation nnd destruction should
not bo adjudged.
Judge Ksteo accordingly ordered a
monition to issuo directed to tho
L....cd Stntes Marshal, to take charge
of the contraband goods and make re
turn thereof In court on March 20.
Aiicitliorpliaseof the Prlmo beer
rase was taken this morning, when
Mr Sllltmnn presented nnd nrgued a
motion to vncnte tho decree of Judge
llstec, vv tilth restrains the Treasurer
iroin Issuing nuy more discriminatory
eer licenses Mr Robertson for the
iiiniplnlnnntH nrgued ngnlnst tho mo
tion, nnd the Court gnvo both parties
five da)H in whlth to file briefs
There wns great excitement on tho
Oceanic dock at about noon toda) The
crj of fire" brought people running
to the dock but It wns after all onl) a
false alarm The alarm was caused by
a native dropping the bottom out of a
kerosene lamp in tho vessel's hold.
Tho man Immediately became rattled
and jelleel (Ire for all he was worth al
though the lamp had gone out. Im
mediate! there was n rush, of steve
dores from the hold, tho Alameda's
men got tho fire hose out nnd grent
excitement prevailed until It was found
out that It was a false alarm.
'But can )oii support n wife?" ask
ed the old gentleman.
"Well " replied the cautious man,
"emu never knows what he can do un
til he tries I once knew a man who
thought he could nfforel a camera, and
ho went broko on the Incidental ex
penses. I knew another who thought
iie eonld afford a few horses und they
put him Into bankruptcy Now. I think
I can afford a wife, but It won't do
to bo dead sure about It until I have
tried "Chicago Post.
While thu steamer W O Hall U
laid up for inspection her route will
be tnken b) the Mlknhala which sails
lor Kauai ports tomorrow.
Spring Heel
School Shoe
Most girls nro hard on sroes
pe, ally co while at school
good, horn - i) made
noes can stand utli sejvlcc
ver) long At
Shoe Store

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