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Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, May 18, 1902, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Rolling Stones of
Different States
Study of the recent United Stntca
census shows some remarkably Inter
esting facts, and among them the cno
that we are the greatest nation of
rolling stones on the earth, but, not
withstanding that fact, we succeed in
gathering the moss ot material pros
perity. Tiio official figures show that out ot
a native born population ot 05,843,302
there arc 13, 803,031 living In States
different from those In which they
were born. That is, more than cno
person out of IHo has left the State of
Ins-blrth to Beek his fortune elsewhere.
If we count the 10.4C0.736 foreign
born residents we find that about one
third of the population has moved
from the State or country of birth
These figures show our mobility to bo
In the ratio of ten to one as compared
with that of Europe.
The State of New York has sent out
1,300,000 of hef children, who are now
residing In other btates, and has re
ceived from other States In theft stead
534,000 residents. Vermont has a
most remarkable record, which shows
that she has children living in other
States equal In number to one-halt of
her present population.
Santos Dumont Has Many American Rivals
The Good Man,
"Your papa likes dogs. I see." re
marked the visitor. 'Oh1 no." replied
the boy "Then why does he keep so
many about the houjflf" "1 guess lfs
'cause mamma doesn't like 'em."
St. Louis, April 27. M. Santos-Du-mont,
who Is now conferring with
World's Fair officials on the. subject
of the airship races to take placo dur
ing the Louisiana l'urc-Tfaso Exposi
tion, may find warmer competition
among the American aeronauts than
he anticipates at this time.
Many American lnventorsTwIth mon
ey to back them, arc laying plans to
dispute the" Brazilian's title to being
the only "wizard of tjio air."
Probably the most formidable con
testant Santos-Tjumont will have Is
Alanson Wood of Toledo, Ohio, who,
with his partner, made a fortuno In
twelve months from his Invention tho
rol'er coaster. Mr. Wood Is now com
pleting the detail work on nn ntrshlp,
wit-i which ho will compete for tho
prize at tlie St. Louis World's Fair.
Mr. Wood has leen steadily at
work for months, and his plans bnvo
reached a stage where there Is, ac
cording to u own statement, no fur
ther doubt as to his final success.
New Yorker Building One.
l.eo Stevens Is onother airship oillld
er who has n machine within sixty
d.is of completion. Ho has his work
shop on the second floor of No. 201
1'iphth nvenue. New York city, and
revs he will contest for the big ptlzo
at St. Louis Ho expects to mnko his
of JltiO.OOO offered
Prst trip through tho air over tho this lifting surtaco aro nlnety-slx II It
tops of New Yori?s skyscrapers. Ing wheels, forty-eight on each side.
The framework of this machine Is Gustavo Whitehead of Bridgeport,
made of steel pipe. The entire weight Conn., is also working on a dirigible.
of the framework will be only 108 tlrthlp, with the Intention of meeting Fair management, 7iavo
pounds, although It Is about 85 lect Sahtos-Dumont In n raco at tho agreed upon by tho committee of aero
long and 15 feet high. There will uo orld's Fair. Whitehead recently con'
two gas "envelopes," or balloons, In- ducted a series of tests with his ma
chine, and ho Is elated over tho suc
cess ot tho trials.
He asserts that he made a complcto
s'.cad of one, n smaller one
Li tit within the largo one.
Mr. Stevens lias added a water bal
list attachment, constructed on a slid
ing track, so that he can move It hack
Conditions of the Race. g. wilklns of tTTe University of Ala-
General conditions to bo observed in bama: Robert Moore of 8t. Louis, ores
the airship race, which is for a prize ,lcnt of tho American Society of Civil (lightning strokes,
uj. mu ivunuB engineers; and I'rofcssor Calvin M.
now bien Woodward, of tho engineering depart
ment of Washington University.
Figure "8" Course Adopted.
A figure "8" course has been finally
decided upon by the committee.
The course has been laid out by the
Seven Hundred Yearly
Killed by Lightning
From 700 (o 800 persons are hilled
annually by lightning in tho United
States, according to estimates mado
by Alfred J, Henry of tho United States
Weather Bureau. In 1900 tho Curcau
received reports of 713 cases of fatal
static experts, The contest is to bo
open to the world, without any dis
tinction as to class or method em
ployed. Speed Is to be the only test of mor-
experts, with its focus marked by a
circuit In tho air, covcrfilg an area of It. The airship that covers tho courso huge captive balloon above tho Wash
about n quarter of a mile, returning to and Is first to pass tho goal Balloon ington University tract ot tho Hxno-
Hnd forth at will and keep the oqulll-! within fifty feet of the starting point,, will bo tho winner of that trial. Thero sltlon site, and Its elliptical orbits
1. ,.. w,t ... .. m.hUIhh ...... t... ' ...I.-. f. mnnlilnn itnsnnnilntl nn A will tin n sorlna nt 111 nan trlnla nvni- dlf. ...nn ...... i ... .
ItliUlll ui uiu uiuiuiuv itciu'Li, UUb nitvil U.U iii.,n; .............
what ho considers his greatest Im
provement over Dumont's machine Is
the addition of two automatic wings
attached to the balloon which will fold
Ll-nnnn-l Itf-lilU- In tl.P SnOTO.
Derlin Inventor to Come.
Herman Ganswlndt, a noted Berlin
onu , wm ue a series or tneso trials over dlf- sween outward over tho onen rmintrv
fercnt klndB of courses, .tho days for to tho southeast and tho northwest,
tho several trials to bo selected with CaDtlvo ualloona will Imllratn dm
In the same year, according to tho
reports collected by tho Weather Bu
reau, 973 persons were moro or less
seriously injured by lightning. Tho
loss ot life from lightning Is greatest
In the Ohio Valley and the Mlddlo At
lantic States. If density of population
only bo considered it is greatest In the
upper Missouri Valley and in tbo mid
dle' Rocky Mountain region;
Of the 713 fatal cases reported in
1900, 291 persons were killed in tho
open, 158 In houses, 57 under frees and
66 In barns. Tho circumstances nt-
Inventor, Is coming all the way from tlons.
up wTfen the balloon shoots upward Ocrmany 'to race with his airship In The three general propositions form-
, and open as It descends, acting as a, tho ncrlal contests nt the Exposition. Ing the basis of tho conditions laid
nt-nittiin ' rv... inn tn... nnnnwlnilt linn boon ox-1 ilnwn hv the exnertn nrn those, nrivn-
.-.' ..". r" - --- J - r
Indiana and Connecticut. perlmcntlng, and has produced an alp catcd by M. Santos-Dumont In various
Alvln W. Van Dofstln of South Bend, ship which .(lies successfully by means newspapcrlnforvlews In St. Louis and
lnd.. a sVlllcd mechanic and pattern ,of a motor and without tho use of a' elsewhere. They were considered
reference to the meteorological condi- measurement of ten miles In tho air ,'tctullng tho ;,atIl 0n remnln,ng 151
maker, has a patent pending for a fly- balloon.
uannwlmlt has repeateuiy uemon'
from every phase by tho conferees of
the committee, who concurred In
Ing machine with which he hopes to
nrry off the World's Fair prize. Dcrs- strated his Invention before thp chief them
tin's living snip Is to bo operated by of the general staff of the German or- Tho conferees were
gasolene. The body of tho vessel Is my. Several officers ot tho airship
100 Tod long by 37 feet beam In tho division of tho German War Depart-
wldist place. The total weight of tho mont havo expressed theselves most Harvard University; Charles D. Mosh
mat nine will be 1C00 pounds. The lift- enthusiastically about Ganswlndt's In'
Ing surface Is 2300 feet. Included In volition nnd consider it practical.
Jf. Santos-Du
mont. A. Lawrcnco Pctch, meteorolo
gist oHIio Blue Hill Observatory of
...... ... ..... :f
",l """-" "'""' " a'rsu.ps must wcro not roportc(,. Tlita seems to dls
fly In the shortest average time Jt a' of tho oId BUpcrattIon that tho
n!u , sn'est place to bo In during n thunder-
The flight of tho air vehicles will bo'storm ,8 tll0 opon country ond the
past a stauum seating ten thousand most oangCrouSi ,lnuor a trcc.
o.ji'timurti, uuiwnru ami nrounu tno
great curve of tho track In tho north
western sky and back toward tho
stadium, passing that point nt tho fo
cus or Intersection of, tho orbits and
continuing around tho great orbit,
A Distinction.
Brlggs Kate used to say that Fred
was as good as pie.
Griggs She still thinks so; but she
has a different wn of savlnir It. She
sweeping through tho southwestern now says that 'Fred Is crusty. Boston
point of tho compass, and thenco on Transcript.
tho homestretch past the great nxuo-i .
er, builder of high power lightweight , sltlon bullulngs to tho finish at the fo- Thero are about T14.500 telegraph
motors and yachts; I'rofcssor Qcorgo cus. 'offices throughout tho civilized world.
WHY MRS. JONES CAME HOME. j Cj, j 2 j J pjp. fa JJ Wonmn
Only two j ears was the span of their
married oljslum.
"Yes. 1 really think the trip will do
OU good." he had said, when she pro
posed putting In the summer with her
mother at ITie shore.
Mis Jones went. After a fortnight
of copious letter writing, chlelly de
voted to anxious Inquiries as to Jones
dally habltp of living en garcon, IiIb
care of himself, his linen, tho house,
his business -nc' his heart, T.Irs. Jones
settled down comfortably by the pea,
wrote two gosBlpy conjugal letters a
week, all about herself, the baby, and
Tiialil, and left poor Jones to his own
Mrs. J. to Mr. J. "Yes, dear, In tho
steamer trunk, NOT the old Saratoga.
The key Is under the enrpet to tho lett
of baby's crib. You can't possibly miss
it; but if not there look in tho medi
cine closet. I am posltlvo it Is In one
oi the two places, for I havo Hunted
for It here, high nnd low, nnd thero
isnt a sign oi it. It Is nice to
think you miss us so much. At first
1 was afraid our going was a relief
an eensy-teensy relief, wasn't It real
ly, dear? but jour recent letters aro
certainly plaintive; Is the wall for me
o'r (he baby, sweet?
"It is agreeably dull here. Poor
'Jack' Holmes bangs around, and Is
baby's pet companion. She calls him
yack.' Don t try to darn your
underwear, love. Let It accumulate
for me Baby and I send a thousand
"A tol. a tot toujour.
Mr. J. to Mrs. J. I found the toap,
by following your directions In tho
laundry. It 1b a brunette soap, now
to me and et of a familiar aspect,
gritty and oleaginous. By bearing
down hard on the razor 1 can plough
througTi the suds.
"Ilemcmbor mo to Mack,' nnd keep
your eye on the Baby. Jack' used
to bo absent-minded at Ynlo, and
walk off with a fellow's pipe or stick.
Bessie Glvealear met me on Four
teenth street today, nnd asked after
you. I never knew a woman hold hor
age as sho does.
'Whenever 'Jnck' looks abstracted
bury baby In tho sand.
Mrs. J. to Mr. J. "Baby has anoth
er togth! I was chatting with 'Jack
Holmes when nurse pounced down up
on us and told me. 1 screamed, and
he nearly, as you Bay, 'had a fit' 1
mean 'Jack.' He doesn't understand
what that little eensy tooth means to
us, does he, dear?"
Mr. J. to Mrs. J. "You ask me bow
I while away the nights.
'I' wish I knew how to while tliem
away. I think It is about timo for mo
to take a vacation' The houso is
haunted or I am possessed. Tho fact
Is, 1 havo been sleeping first in one
Tied, then In another, and finding test
In none, r suppose It's tho bed ticking,
or I am developing a rash from club
diet. ,
"Anyhow, I'm off this Saturday to
lay In a new skin. You say
'Jack' will bo down this week nnd Is
lh.ely to call on me. Give him vour
key nnd toll him to occupy tho sparo
room. Maybe ne can exorcise tho
Telegram from Mrs. J. to Mr. J.
"Letter Just received. Don't go. Am
leaving on the noon train. '
William Townsley of Cleveland Is and grabbed the pipe from tho man's
fond of telling nn especially thrilling lips. Bcfme he could recover from
story. i his astonishment the woman threw tho
"Some time ago," said Mr. Towns- 'pipe out of the window nnd coolly Bet-
ley, "I got on n train at Krle, Pa., and tied back In her Beat, nnd began cares- (
started for Cleveland. When about i sing doggy.
half wny to Cleveland n woman gotl "Tho travelling man, as soon as ho
on tho train with a small pet dog. She could recover from his amazement,
was refused admittance to the ladles' Btood up and'gazed nt tho woman long
conch with the dog and the brnkeman and critically. In nil Tils llfo ho bad
finally suggested that she put the lit- j never been subjected to such nn In
tlo creature In tho baggage car. Sho dignity. Ho decided not to stnnd It
Indignantly scorned tho suggestion . and deliberately grabbed tho dog by '
and was finally told thni If Bhe wanted tho neck and threw It out of tho win
to bravo the discomfiture that sheldow, Tho woman screamed ns tho
might find in the smoking car sho dog went sailing through the window i
could sit there with tho dog. Giving, nnd declared that tho man was an nh
tho brakeman an indignant glance, sho
walked Into tho smoker. She took a
seat Just behind a husky looking com
mercial traveller, who was smoking a
"After they had gone a little wny
tho woman, halt-choked wltTi Tobacco
smoke from the man's pipe, leaned ov
solute brute. In a short time the train '
1 liffillMU
Onco upon rt time a man who had
been very upright began to lean to-
er nnd Indignantly exclaimed, 'Sir. you 'Rr, Intemperance and went from bad
nre no gentleman.' The man took the to worse, much to tho astonishment
pipe from his mouth, looked around nt'of his friends,
tho woman and, after giving her a I Ono very Bllppery day, while blind-
good, long stare, remarked, 'Is that ng snow was falling, ho was hasten
so?' He reasoned that as tho amok- Ing along tho street under tho Indu
ing enr was mado to smoke In and as enco of liquor, when ho slipped, fell
tho woman had no business there, sho on his back and went several feet and
could stand his tobacco. After his against a brick wall with such force
reasoning he placed the plpo in his thai tho llfo was nearly knocked out
mourn again and began to puJT great of him.
volumes of smoke. The woman bo- "I will never drink another- drop'o'f
enme almost speechless with rage, liquor as long as I live," he said, when
She stood it na long as she could and .nfter a great effort ho had regained his
finally her Indignation got tho better feet.
of her discretion. She deliberately MOIULA man may Be Improved
roso from her scat, reached forward by backsliding.
drew Into the depot at Cleveland. Tho
woman, her eyes flashing fire and her
face flushed with Indignation, hurried
lrom the smoker nnd rnn smack Into
the arms of a big man who was evi
dently her husband. The travelling
man came along about the samo time,
and the woman pointed him out. 'Thnt
man -that man" she almost shrieked
In her rage, pointing toward tho trav
elling salesman, 'that man throw my
dog out the window? Tho husband
glared nt the traveller and then start
ed for him.
"Sir," ho exclaimed, catching tho
traveller by tho arm, 'did you throw
my wife's dog through tho wlndtfw?"
"'Sir.' replied tho travelling man,
shaking oft the Irate man's grasp, "It
that woman Is your wife I certainly
did throw her dog through tho win
dow.' At this the hdshand struck tho
traveller square In tho face. Then
they began tOjflglit and n crowd gath
ered. Finally tho depot police separ
ated them and tho crowd dispersed.
The husband, however, had not rccelv
eu satisfaction and In a few minutes
he and the man who had Insulted his
wife were fighting agaTti. It looked as
if some one would be badly hurt and
people were beginning to get anxious
when some one shouted: 'Look, what's
coming.' Everbody looked, anil what
did they see?
"Well, what did they sec?" breath
lessly Inquired one ot Townsley's audi
"What did they see? Why, they
saw tho little dog coming Into the de
pot carrying the man's plpo In his
All the big now resort hotels havo
largo corridors ami lobbies where men
nnd women assemble, giving a sort of
drawing-room atmosphcro to them.
The only trouble with tho plan, so far
as the bachelor guest is concerned, Is
thnt they have so little accommoda
tion for men exclusively.
There Is little, If nny, spaco set
npart for what might bo called tho
club llfo of n big hotel having In
mind tho English Bishop's definition
of a club ns a place whero women
cease from troubling and the wicked
are at rest. Men, for onp thing, leel
themselves under constraint in tho
matter of smoking.
The clerk ot ono of these hotels had
a good dealto say when this situation
was brought to his attention tho other
"Where can you smoke?" ho repeal
ed indignantly in answer to a question.
"Why, Bmoko right here, right where
you are. If tho women who aro swarm
ing all around here get smoko blown
In their faces It's their own fault.
"Do you eeo thnt elevator there?
Well, all tho space this side of that
elevator is frco to smokers. On tho
other slde'dt the elevator aro tbo long
corMdor, half a dozen rooms and al
coves and at the end of It nn enormous
pnrlor. All that spaco TJ reserved for
women who wish to get nwny from to
bacco smoke.
"And yet Just look at Itl It's a
black desert of carpeting nnd furni
ture. Not a womnn fn sight. Now look
at the women hero whero thoy know
(tho rules of tho hotel authorlzo men
to smoke. They aro so thick you havo
I to pick your way about among them.
"We set npnrt a room hero on this
floor for tffo men to wrlto their letters
In and smoko as I7it-y wrlto if they
want to. In less than a week tho
women had deserted their own writing
room nnd taken possessTon ot tho one
reserved for tho men.
"Then wo gnvo the men n big loung
ing and smoking room away oft at tho
end of a hnlt down on tho ground lloor
and equipped with writing desks. 1 d
like to havo yffu go down and look Into
that room at this minute. If it Un't
swarming with vomeu I'll receipt your
bill without a cent of money.
"Tho women have now deserted tao
waiting room up hero out of which
they drove tho men and It ono of 'em
has a letter to write, or makes bellevo
Islie has, sho'll wals. a quarter of a
mile to get Into that subterraneous
lounging room downstairs. It was
man's last stand, that lounging room,
and when tho women stormed thnt cit
adel and took It wo gave tho thing up.
"Am la woman-hater? Well, no, not
much. I like 'em all tho better for It,
1.1 - rnu ,,i t.- , -
uh-bb i;iu. iiivy win uo wucro men.
'are and that's Just where they" belong. I
I "Hmntn nnnm vnt, ntnnni, ),, It r,t
'really want to get away from women
t go down Into that saloon thero beyond
I the elevator, which Is reserved exclu
sively for women."
First SmalT boy Johnny Smith's
mother's awful good to hTm,
Second Small Boy What's she
First Small Boy Let him havo tho
measles tho day school Opened! Tit-Bits.
-x- :
LasassssASr.. - "Br 7 -ss-
fclliiilllll?: . v-1' mm JW f
Science Threatens the Hard-Working Hen at
Can an egg be manufactured? In
these days of tabloid foods, when a
barrel ot beer, so to speak, may bo
carried fn a man's coat pocket, no
statement la to be regarded as ex
travagant. Therefore, when a man
learned In chemistry nnd other sci
ences states that a hen's egg, in sub
stance, form and witu Its shell, can be
artificially duplicated, with its quali
ties exactly the samo, except for tho
purpose of progenlture, that man is en
titled to at least a hearing.
Other men say tho thing can't bo
done, though all-admit thnt the com
ponent chemical structure is well
known, and tifo quantity ot each In
the formation ot the whole has been
definitely calculated, together with
tho manner of their admixture. Not
alono Is this true of tho Interior of tno
egg but jiT its overcoat, or shell, as
II. L. Murray, expert chemist for
Merck & Co., gives as his opinion: "At
different times I havo seen random
notes to tho effect that scientists havo
sudceeded In producing eggs by chem
ical process. I havo novor for a mo
ment bellovcd nny of these reports. As
a matter of fact, such n chemical proc
ess has never been evolved.
"Tho mineral constituents ot eggs
before Incubation aro:
oooooo O
Two young ladles woro talking tho
other day about a third, who bad Just
become engaged to a widower who
plnys tho cornet and has four children.
"What could bo worse," exclaimed
one, "than four children nnd n cor-
m i
Dry Substances
Free from Fat. Abb.
In whltc 15.090 0.85
In yolk 15.1C0 0.90
Totals 30.250 1.73
Insoluble Soluble
Phosphates. Salts.
In white 0.13 0.C8
In olk 0.90 0.00
Totals 1.03 0.08
'The shell of thp domestic fowl's
egg Is composed of these constituents,
according to Vnuquelin nnd Proust: j
Vnuquelln. Proust.
Carbonato of calclirm 89.G 01
Phosphate of calcium 5.7 7
Animal matter con
taining BUlphur .... 4.7 2
Totals 100 100
"In this analysis of tho shell It is
evident that both Vauqueiln and
Proust havo mado nn error In suppos
ing that tho Inner film, pelllclo or llfo
tlssuo of tho egg Is n part of tho shell,
for, In fact. It is less a part of tho shell
than either tho whlto or tho yolk. In
tho first periods of Incubation this pel
llclo Is tho scat ot tho blood veins
London, May 1. London military and society circles aro discussing tbo
possibility ot Gen. Lord Kltcbenor being In London for tho coronation. Do
Bplto the many reverses, trials and tribulations and tho long-windcdness ot
the struggle In South Africa, Kitchener still retains a warm sport In tho oet?"
heart of tho British public and bis home comlng'wlll bo an occasion ot much "Nothing," Bald tho othor, "except
hurrahing and enthusiasm. perhaps nix children and a trombone"
Austin, Tex., April 25. Gcorgo T.
Lowondalo, a coffeo plantor of Mexico,
who Is In town, confirms the roport
that a syndicate has been organized
In Moxlco for tho purposo ot control
' ling tho production and prlco of coffeo.
Mr. Lawcndulo says that tTi6 syndicate
Intends oxtcndlng its operations to all
coffee-growing countries.
which first begin to form and contain
tho first blood ot the Incubating
A man who makes an "egg mlxturo"
piomptly declares:
"Yes, we make eggs. And tho shells?
Say, It j on bought a chicken would
Vou expect to get a feather bed?"
In regard to fact as to whether or
not artificial eggs with yolk, whlto and
shell have been produced, It can bo
stated that they have been produced
and a method ot doing bo is simple and
as follows: Subject tho Ingredient for
the yolk to freezing temperature,
freeze It solid, surround tho frozen
yolk with while or albumen prepara
tion, freeze that In proper Bhnpe, sub
ject tho frozen egg to a solution of
lime, calcium or chnlk while undergo
ing a rotary motion In a drying tem
perature of heat, and after being sub
mitted to the heat for a proper length
ot time tho shell is hard and tho whlto
and yofk are thawed out, retaining
their proper relative positions, and tho
artificial egg Is not only produced but
Fowls are now producing all egs
necessary for reproduction of their
species and an Jncraeslng supply for
food purposes, and will continue to
produco eggs cheaper and far superior
to artificial eggs.
There havo been a Vow outright pur
chases of coffeo plantations, but in
most Instances tho planters havo
merged their Interests Into tho syndi
cate and will recelvo tho full benefit
of tho proposed advance in tho pneo
of coffeo. Many 6T tho American cof
feo growers on tho Isttfmus of Tohnun
tepee havo Joliful Tho combine
' Large coffee warehouses will bo es
tablished. In tho principal dlstrlGutlng
centors of tho United Stales and Eu-
i rope.
III 'I U rSWK, i-Tl
V .. J
fer7 .'
iMBif r t
rv. y
Now York, May 3. Lord Kelvin, the famous British scientist, past pres
ident of tho Iloyal Society, is In tho United Statoa on a visit. Lord Kelvin
comes to America to make a careful study of its electrical and scientific de
velopments. Ho Is vory much Interested In wireless telegraphy. '
A Cultivated Taste.
Boggs So you're a poet, eh? 17 o
know I'm gettln' so I toko quite an In
toreBt In poetry.
Tho Poot Indeed!
Boggs Yes, there ain't nothln' I en
Joy moro than rendln' them advertise
ments In tbo street cars.
Perhaps It Didn't.
He Tho last tlmo I played foot
ball, I remember my face got bo knock
ed about wasn't llko a face at all in
fact I thought it never would get bet
ter. Sho And did It? I mean er of
of course, I see It didn't crcr I
mcan .
: ujb,

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