OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, July 22, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1902-07-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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'ftWJfV, ,, ., ,Wyywi. r,, ijii
1 40 y
fcl i -f H i 14 HJ-M 4S-M-MK"f t-M-H
to give lest attention to the ad- 4J
i- vertlslng than to any other do 5
i partment of a business and yet ex-
'Z pect the biggest results of all from X
X It Lorkport N I Journal .
-W 44-9 M4H$n$ !K.S-m-
From San Francisco . 4
Doilc July 23
Ventura July ?0 4'
For San Franelico r
Alameda July 23 V
Coptic July Si i.
'I For Victoria
Mlowern July 30 X
From Victoria
2 Jtoana Aug. 2
J-H M-i-t- $ J4Hff M-HH-
I .
r . -g
Vol. I 'o. 2204. 4"
- -pm
lit TPJflPC 4F r K Hr IMP 11,11
The-Board of Education'
Does Considerable lSevernal lMen Nf! at Police ns'ation 0n
I Charge of Vagrancy-Others
BUSineSS. Are Expected
Are Made in Town and
Schools New School
Agent for Lihue and
A meeting of tlie Hoard of Education
was held this morning, chiefly to Ula-j
pose of the report of the teachers' com-
...uii-e , n.eic was a mil mieting.'nomiCscrlpt characters
luMsisuuK ui auperinienueni A. 1.
Atkinson, Prof W. I). Alexander, Mrs.
II W. Jordan, Harry M. von Holt,
Charles L Hopkins, .Mis. W. W. Hall
and A IJ Wood, together, with Dr. 0.
T. Ilodgeis, secretary, and' J. K. llur
Kett, Inspector
All resignations received wern ac
cepted Miss Taber was appointed drawing
teacher for the Honolulu schools.
.Miss Cnrlotta Stewart was appointed
nssistant In Normal practice school.
Other assignments were ns follows'
Hllo Union Wllhelmlnn Schmidt
vice Mrs Helen Kelsey, resigned; Nel
lie Carr, vice Klennor A Thomas,
Pepeekeo Jean Angus, vice Rebec
ca Macy resigned
Mountain View, Olaa. riorence Hill,
vice Mrs. Clement, resigned.
Twelve Miles, Olna Miss Hansen,
vice Mis Curtis, resigned.
Kukulhucle. Joseph da Sllva, vlco
D W. Lonohiwn resigned, nssistant,
Bernlce Peahl.
Ahualoa I, E Shellberg, vlco E W.
Estep, resigned.
Honokaa Kleanor A. Thomas, vice
Mrs Estep, resigned; Lottie Williams,
v Ice Mabel Chllds, resigned, Mrs. Shell-
berg, vice Iiernlce Peahl, transferred,
Knapahu John Perclda, vice I.. K.
Shellberg. transfened, Wm J Hall,
wee Mrs Shellberg, transferred.
Papalkou. Anna E. Cook, vlco
Maria Maby resigned
High S.I100I. Oahu M Alice King.
tiansfencd fiom Kaahumanu school.
Kaahumanu. Iy W Qlrvln, lio M
Alice King, transferred.
kalllil.wacna.-Mrs J N Taggard.
ilea Ruth Arnold resigned
Manoa -I lien Hopkins, Mce Violet
Beckley, .eslgned
T.nhnfti.i - Aim . Nunos lpn Anna
ni .,.,..i
E Cook, tiansfeired
UlupalaKua Nnncj Cummlngs,
Julian Yates.
Knupakalua, Maul Agnts l'lem
lng, vlco Addle S. Dow die, leslgned
Several of the resigned teachers have
given up their positions to enter thu
Normal school
Charles A. Rice was appointed
school agent for Uhuc and Koloa, vlco
II D. Wlshaid, resigned. 1
The action of the Superintendent In
peimlttlng tho temporary use of a Ger-
man class In the afternoon was appiov-
Tho leading swlnc-rnlslng States arc.
In their order, Iowa, Illinois, Missouri,
Nebraska, Indiana nnd Kansas Iowa,
with 9,72.3,791, has 12.7 pci cent of all
the bogs In the United States, and they
constitute nearl) one-fifth of the wealth
of the State.
The number of pieces of separately
assessed leal estate In New York Is
47CC40 thlsjear
Fort Street
The lazy gentlemen from the Mala
land who como to Hawaii net liy lwuk
or by crook to enjoy a languid tropical
life of case on the sunn) beach of Ho
nolulu are having their Ideals rudely
shaken hy Captain Hnrr I'llnt of tho
watci front police, who Is at p resect
conducting a vigorous campaign on tl.o
Eentlvmcn of leisure who hnvc no viit
tble means of suppirt except the ones
Kind Providence gave them upon thilr
entrance to this busy world.
There has alwa)s been a number uf
dropping off,
from the Btcamers especially, on tha
waterfront of this city, but the poltca
nave been on the lookout for them and
they hae soon departed for otlr
climes In tho regular order of things.
Latcl), however, the numberof vvn.
terfront "bums" has been materially
Increasing, and they hnve "caught en
to" a trick or two by which they can
manage to ttccr within a couple of
points of the law.
While I'llnt has been In charge of
thu waterfiont the record of burglar
ies and the llku has been a remarkably
email one, nnd, as he Intends to con
tlnuo this record, he has decided to
I keep down tie swelling number ol
I toughs There are nearly a score of
tneni on, too waterfront, nil of worn hfl
has kept tab on, and at piesent he is
engaged In gathering them In at every
The manner of tho watei front bumV
life Is a simple one. He first sccur'-s
n place to sleep In. If he Is a tmlou
man, the union provides him with one
If .not, he arranges a shakedown In a
lumber pile or some other convenient
place. Ills meals he gets from the
tars emplojed on tlfe vessels lying In
the harboi. Sometimes ho goes right
on board nsd eats with tho crew, but
as this method Is rather dangerous, ha
more orten Induces some sailor to
carry u bit of grub ashore foi him In
I the evening At times, one can also
Ree the sailors throwing n bite from
thc Vo'castle head to tho waiting bum
on u,t, wmrf,
it H upon those gentlemen of leisure
,llat Fllllt , wnglng n rt,,cntlc8S war,
L,,,, ,, , a gatbcred , a uatt
f fll0 from h , ,, , f3 ,
!a Mmber pile on Cmmc's wharf. The
nuarters wnicli these tramps hail er
ranged can be seen jet, as tho occu
pants aio at present lodged at tho uta
tlnn nnd have not had the opportunity
to effect a removal.
Tho lumber pile stands on tho ev
rtcmc makal end of Emmcs' wharf. A
iioof has been built over the lumbei
anu ,Mo 8ace between this roof an J
tllu board was occupied by tlio gang
n 'ho boards tnoy made bunks of
mats and various rags, while a few U'l
tins and bottles complete the furnish-
Ings The occupants, who had arrived
as stowawavs or as coal passers who
nad been llred here becnuso of tholr
worthlessncss, enjoved their dolco far
nlente In tli'n place and got tholr me us
In the manner describee!. They had u
decided aversion to work and havo on
several occasions, when Captain Flint
offeitd omplovnieirt to them, refused It
with scorn They told him flatly that
they did not como to this country to
w orli.
At present this batch Is confined, but
there aro others at large, and theso
".Vii --" "
jr.io.r&TTE .
Jt yoi.' S
Cui in J
til QtjUra J
Tho Qlobe NaWgatlon Co 's steamer
Tamplio came off the marine rallwa
this morning nfter halng a new blade
put In her propeller In tho place of the
one which was lost Tho Bteamer's
stern was lifted up on the marine rail
way at 3 o'clock estcrda afternoon
the stump of the old blade removed and
the new one put In by the easel's own
engineering foice which worked all
the afternoon and pait of the night
bcfoie the Job was completed,
At 7 o'clock this morning, the Tam
plio was hick at the flshmarket wharf
whcie she Is continuing dlschargliib'
coal toda).
It was found that the propeller ha J
not fallen off altogether through loos
ening of the bolts which held the base
to the shaft, ns had been expected but
the blade had been broken off right
near the base. This leads the ship s
odlrcrs to belkne that there must have
been n flaw at that place and that the
blade was lost while the vessel nn
docking at the Pacific Mall wharf when
she arrived here on Saturday and not
during the ojage
The frequent leterslug of the englnts
during the process of docking caused
an extra stialn on the hlado whlih
probably mndc It break at tho Haw.
1'urthermore. If tho blade had been
lost at sea It would probably have been
noticeable In the action of the engines
and would have nlTected the ship's
time, nelthei of which things happen
ed Owing to thp good work of the
ship's engineers, very little time was
lost and the Tamplco will sail as sche
duled tomorrow afternoon
mi 19 fa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa P-a Pa Pn "a
are now In danger of Joining their us
soclates at the po!ce stntlon Flint U
determined to keep tho waterfront
dear and, by luc looks of things, l.a
will probahl Biiccevd.
There will be a meeting In Foster
hall this evening of the commltteo on
organization of the 1 1 til Kuokoa, the
purpose being to decide whether or no
a mass meeting of the party shall be
held for the purpose of exploiting tho
alms of tho new political organization.
There aro those among tho members
of the party who are not In favor of
holding a mass meeting, It being their
opinion that moro can be gained by
"laying low" than by making too much
of u noise nt the present time. How
ever, the majority aro In favor of hav
ing the meeting nnd of making u stand
on a foundation that will go forth to
the country districts thiough the news
papers and the people themsclvis.
Today emollmcnt lists nnd other
printed matter for the Information ui
the people wire Bent to valious part
workers on Hawaii, Maul nnd Kauai
Such men as Sam K Pua of Ilamnktin
Tom Clark nnd II I.)oiis of Wnlluku
J T Ilaker of Hllo, nnd others hnvu
been sent bundles of litcrntuie per
taining to the new parly
In the Police Court this forenoon,
August Heirlug was inlkd up 011 I ho
charge of assault with a weapon on i
Chinaman at Halnwa. Attorney lilt
ting, lepiescntlng tho prosecution, wng
about to say something when Judge
Wilcox expressed his Intention of uiak
lug a statement.
The Juftgu said he did not see an-
reason vvh) thu Honing cases should
ho brought up before hi in Thcro wotrf
buven of them and. by rlghtu, the
hIioiiIcI be tried before tho district nng
Istratu of Ewa If, as certain uttor
nos had said, theio was no conlldencj
placed tn the district magistrate cf
Ewa, that was not Ills fault It wan
tho mlsfoitunu of tho people, nnd they
could howl through the I.eglslaluro.
A rich and cownrdly corporation os
he saw It, was bringing In a large imm
br of cases wlilth properly belonged
to Ewa, unci ho did not propose to liy
any of them until all of tho Honolul 1
cases had been disposed of
Judgo Wilcox thereupon started In
on the other cases on tho calendar,
and It was not until close to the noon
recess that tho first of the Herring
cases was taken up. Tho complaining
witness was tho only ono examinee!.
The caso will be continued In the Po
lice Court this nfternoon.
The Chinese Social Club Is the latest J
nils oiganlzatlon has taken for Its
home the house at the mauka Wniklki
corner of Vlne)unl and Nuuanu streets
and has titled up rooms suitable for a
gentleman s club 1 he organization of
the club Is the work of A. I. Ahlo, who
Is president Ping-pone Is one of the
games most favored b) tho club niem-
Plan of Wray Taylor To
Interest School
Busy Scene In Drill Shed and Mer
chants' Pavilion Brewing Com
pany Has Made Rapid
Wrn Toj lor, Commission! r of As
rlculture and Foicstry, stated this
morning that It was his Intention In
give two prizes In the shape of dlpli
mas for thu best accounts of the aril
cultural fair, these prizes to lie com
peted for by chlldieu of (he public
schools cxc'luslvcly. No graduates
wilt he allowed to take part In tho
The account or cssa must not con
tain moro than one thousnnd words
and must bo handed In to Mr Tnlor
b) 1.' o clock noon, August .' This
will give the children who intend ti
compete time enough to prepare their
cssan alter the fair has come to m
The idea of Mr Taj lor Is to stlmii
lato Interest among thu children 11
the agricultural fall. II) offcilng ll'c
prizes there is nu Incentive for tho
children to attend the fair Having
something definite In view, their at
tention to detail will bo more llxnl
than In tho case of Just nn onllnnrv
visit nnd a1 cursory glance nt things In
general Thus, the children will net
benefit In the present, but (he Impres
sion made on their minds will carrv
Into the future nnd some there will
surely be who will reap groat benefit
from tho plan that has been mnppid
out by Mr Taylor.
Men nro busy In both the drill Bhod
nnd the merchants' pavilion, getting
things Into shape for the fair. In tin
former place, a central stand hns been
erected for the caladluui show, while
benches on wooden horses havo lieoa
ranged about the hall for the varlei'U
exhibits Tho decoration of the whol
place Is being carried 011 ver rapl'll
under the direction of Commlsslonf
In the merchants pavilion the snino
bus) rc cue inn) be observed Ibo
brewer) people having been the flrrt
on the scene have naturally got nlnug
better than an) of the other prospee t
Ive exhibitors In the mnttor of their
preparations A snnll white house in
one coiner has been ereeted by the
brewing compiii) Its use will la
learned latct
The Hawaiian Electric Company hns
already wired the meichants' pavilion
and Installed a part of Its exhibit.
A numbei of merchants have held
aloof up to the present tlmo nnd havn
not dono an) thing toward Instnllirc
oxhlblts, bo that there aro still n few
spaces left However, tho committee)
In chnrgo of tho fair expects confident
ly tnnt over) Inch of spaco will bo to.
The 10 Is to be a deadsot made this
)cnr to havo the Hawaiian Income
Tax Act Invalidated through tho Unit
ed Stntcu courts It Is believed that
the local law ma) be demonstrated aj
easll) as tho Federal Income tax law
was, to be contini) to the Constltu
tlnn of tho Unite el States and there-
foiu null and void
Some of tho partleulais of tho move
incut Just Indicated aro of n natuie to
lie withheld foi the piesent, hut It inav
sulllce to ha) that a test case will cei
talnl) be made and carried to tho Su
preme Court at Washington It will
have the strongest sort of backing
Parties to the movement aio heard
to say that thu upsetting of the law
Chicago Jul) 11 It was said a.
Democratic headquarters in this clu
toiln) that lien 1 Cable would have
entire cnarge of the campaign west ol
the Allegheules Cable's headquarters
In Ciilcago havo been open for the
last month, and It Is said the prellml
nar) woik of an nctlvo campaign is
rapldl) progressing there Cable Is ex
peeled to arrive from Europe within
n da) or two
As Boon ns Cable lands In New
Ymk Chnlrman Clrlggs will go to that
clt) anel the Democratic triumvirs
Orlggs Cable and Nixon will hold an
extended confeience 'lhere Is declar
ed to be nbsolute harmony among 'he
Democratic campaign officials None
of the three officers are flguri'heads It
Is said, but all will work overtime In
their respective capacities
Chairman tlriggs lias decided to take
an extended Western trip He will po
fiom New York to Ciilcago where no
will remain perhaps a week, then,
after a slioit run to Washington, ho
will go to the Pacific Coast It Is not
expected the chairman of tho emigres
sliuial campaign will take the stump
dm lug his "swing nrotind the circle
but It Is desired to have him come Into
close personal touch with tho various
State oiganlratlons of the Western
section of the eountr) It Is not ex
pccteil that Judge (Irlggs will return o
I Washington until some time in Sep
tember, pa "a "a pa Pa "a Pa Pa "a Pa Pa Pa pa
ken b) the lime the fair begins on S11
111 da) night.
I (iiiveruor Dole hns consented tn tI
low the baud to pl.t) at thu licirsn
races at Knplohinl Park baturda) afr
ernoon lhere Is no iiiestlon wbntev
er tint tho races will be well worth
seeing. Not a single horse hns been
scratched )et Training Is going on
ilall) and sonu very fast times aro bo
ln made. Tho polo pony and gi-ntlo
mens dilvlng rnees have aire ail) been
I A special meeting of the baseball
league has been called for some day
this week for tho purpose of postpon
ing Saturdays baseball games until a
Inter dale in order that tbre shall bi
no interference whatever with the nt
tendance nt the races nt Kaplntuil
Park The cricketers have also licet,
approached, hut It Is not likely that
the match set for Saturday will b
It hns been decided that the band
will be stationed In n manpiee outsilo
Instead of In the "building proper
Jtencflis and chairs will bo plnccl
near the place from which the music
Is to come In older that people ma) en
Jo) thcniMdves to the full
I The tnlr committee will meet this
afternoon to mnke llnnl nirangcmciit
for the fnlr
At about II o'elo k last night fire
was dlKuuieil- on the icjof of the
fining building 011 the Hotel street
side Two watchmen of the Meichants
Patiol put out the lire before tho de
partment could la) n hose The tiro
was In n charcoal barrel Into which It
Is suppcued some of the plumbers pour
ed the contents of their heating out
fits aftei having poured water there
on A spark 01 two muat have rcmiiln
The committee In charge of the Elks'
ping-pong tournament are anxious that
all the outsiders who Intenil to take
part In the contents shall register as
soon as possible
might pinvo to be a barren victory to
1 tar as last )iai s aimnt of the In
come tax or even this )cars payment,
Is concern) d owing to the truth of tl 0
,01)1 udnge that 'It's hard to draw blood
from a stone Judgments against tho
Territoinl (inurnment while tho
iTreasui) Is cliionlenll) empt) might
I cost mote than they como to fur col
lee ting -Yet the main purpose of tho
fight Is'lo settlo tlie principle onco 'or
all, which Includes the rlgfit of every
I man to preserve his prlvato business
from public esplonngo, such as tho oh
noxious law provides, and have e)oni)
I forever In tnls Terrltor) with all
I "stand and deliver" methods of raising
, revenue for Government Ben Ices
II H iffi
Pieced On Flat Cars After Yesterday's
Regular Traffic Closed-Sight
For Palama
People In Palama had the novel sight
)estei)h) evening of a good sized hoiKe
caieerlng over the rice fields along the
line of the Oiliit rallwn) It was a
structure about 1S?0 feet belonging to
tho Ilonid of Health vvhleh It was
found expedient to move from Iwllel
to Kallhl.
Owing to road-mnklng operations
mid the exlstcnee of two street rail
wa)s on King street. It was decided
Impracticable to more the house whole
along tlmt hlgbwa) Therefore the
fain Ic was shifted on rollers to tli
rallwa) .vnrd ami there hoisted upon
two fiat ears. Then It was a simple
matter to do the hauling part for tb
rest of the wa) After the last train
for the da) had passed over the line,
a locomotlvo was attached to the cars
ami aw.i) went the house Il)lug
To clear the rallwa) track for next
da) s traffic was a harder Job than the
transpoitation of tlie house to tin
point nearest Its new site It took a
gang until ncarl) midnight to skid the
building off the cars and awa) from
the track
TIiIb feat of house moving mails
W E Howell s exploit of some )enis
pgo In floating houses upon scows from
the old Knkaako leceivlng station to
E It, Hath who recentl) moved h's
plumbing establishment fiom Richard
to King strict on account of tlie lick
of room for the illspla) of his large
stock of goods Is now rend) to receive
visitors In the new stole.
In the Harmon) hall building at 105
King street Just opposite the Young
building the new establishment Is In
easy ncccss of the business portion of
town and convenient to those desiring
to look over the latest ami most ap
proved st)les of plumbing In the shop
nrc nil sorts of baths closets, sinks,
wnshstands and drains set up for the
better explanation of their working.
Mr Ilath is making a specialty ol
the Douglas Closet which Is the vei)
highest t)pe of closet manufactured
anil has given the best of satisfaction
In the man) places where It hns been
Installed Since locating here Mr Hath
b) his conscientious work and strict
attention to business has made an
enviable name for himself among the
trade and his success has been due to
the stilet business principles udbered
Estimates on all kinds of snultar)
plumbing cheerfull) furnished nt short
sl notice b) calling at the shop Id
King street or ringing up telephone
White II
Fred Carter the man who his tin
handling nf nil the Orove Farm plough
lug engines. Is In the elt) hiving ar
rived on Sunday last lie Intends to
return to his home In England for a
visit, returning when the bus) season
Is on again
OXFORDS, of course and wo or moro pnlrs for frequent changes.
The leet nre responsible for many human discomforts, but you nro re
sponsible for tho shoes on put on them, and shoes aro ovcr)thlus,
panic ularl) during tho warm weather
The smart looking, confutable kinds are here In most satisfying
variety Hero Is a suggestion:
Ideal kid. light extension sole Cuban heol and worked 0)elets. it Is
tho latest and swellest shoo of the season. Como and see It.
1057 FORT
Pieicn 5 Oi:nts.
m mm
Properties in Particular
Districts Upon One
Appeals About Same Number As
Last Year- Small Expectations
Regarding Income
' Tax.
William II. Wilght Treasurer of the
Tenltoi) was spoken to this morning
about the taxes situation What was
mentioned particular!) uas the loud
outer) heard from some taxpa)ors
about tho raising of assessments On
this matter Mr W.rlght said-
"Yes there has been a roir, t tho
number of appeals Is oul) about tho
same ns last )ear. There ale but a
hundred appeals. The time has elaps
ed for appealing The tax nipeil court
will sit from the 1st to the JOlh of Au
gust It re mains to be seen how the as
sesnunts will stund In the tax appeal
court There has not been ah) arbl
trar) raising of assessments Tho
thing Is that we have adopted a uni
form s) sti 111 of rating Where leforo
the assessor would perhaps took over
a fence and make a valuation at hap
hazard, now a fixed rntc of bo much n
Bipiare fool has been placed on pioper
tles within a given district, sa) for In
stance Maklkl.
"Tnxpn)cm who came up with nklck
at their assessments bad the sjstem
explained to them and went nwa) satis
fied The difference In taxes will not
be bo ver) great. With the new S)s
tem wo are not ashamed to let an)'
taxpn)cr see the rating of his neigh
bor ns heretofore might have been tho
case All being treated alike tu Identi
cal situations, there Is nothing tu con
ceal "
Mr Wright corroborated the general
Impression that the prolonged depres
fclon. with Its curtailment of stock divi
dends and other consequences, will ma
terlall) affect the Income taxes
' I do not think Income taxes will
amount lo ninth this )ar" said Hm
The widow of tho late Senator Cush
nian K I)avl has started a new fad
that of wearing around her left arm a
deep bind of black crepe attach))! to
which Is a mltilatuie of her late hus
band S. S. ALAMEDA, JULY 23rd,
Next express steamer to Coast
Express closes 10 a m da) of sailing.
Wells, Fargo & Co. Express
TEL. MAIN 199.
Masonic Temple, with American
Messenger Service.
SHOE CO., Ltd,,

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