OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, February 24, 1906, 2:30 O'CLOCK EDITION, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1906-02-24/ed-1/seq-11/

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Sir Henry Morgan,
Author of "The Southerner?," "For Love
of Country," "The Grip of Honor," Etc
. (Continued from Saturday)
Tho water vat roaring nml smash
Ing agnlnat tho shore nqt a cable's
length away. Usually In those lati
tudes It deepened tremendously a
.short distance from the low water
mark, and there was a grate question
whether or not the anchor, with tho
scopo they could give It, would reach
bottom. At any rate, It must be tried
and tried now. Morgan had held on
as long as ho dared. Another minute
and they would strike.
"Down helm!" he shouted "Flow
the head sheets! Hound In on the
fore braces there! Show that cntnnn
The lateen sail on the crossjack
yard had been turled, and Morgan, to
force her head around, directed tho af-j
ier (jiiaru 10 spring imo me miizen
rigging with a bit of tarpaulin and by
exposing It and their bodies to the
wind to act as a sail In assisting her to
bead away from tho shore.
"Helm alee! Hard alee!" cried
Hornlgold, who, with his men, was
grasping the spokes like a giant. I
Slowly the old galleon swung up In
to tho wind, the waves beating upon!
her bows with a noise like crashes of
thunder A moment she hung. She
could go no farther.
"Sho's in Irons' Swing that ard!"
oared Morgan. 'Cut and eer away
forward' '
There was a splash as the anchor
dropped ourboard.
"ilawi on that hawser!" he shout
ed. "Ecwbody walk away with It!"
The whole crew apparently piled on
to the anchc hawser In tho hope of
pulling the ship's stern around so that
tho wind would take her on the other
bow. She was still hanging In tho
wind and driving straight on shore.
'Haul away I" cried Morgan, hut tho
hawser came In board through their
hands with a readiness and case that
showed the anchor had not taken the
ground The drng of the cable to tho
anchor, howeer, and tho still unspent
$2000 Given Away in
A $1400 Auto; a $350 Piano, and
PZJ it i
THE SECOND PRIZE It a beautiful
Kroeger Piano purchased from Co -f Ltl., good for ?-10 worth of
tho well-known piano dealers, lho'jnctchnndUo nnd will bo honored
Uergsstrom Miuio Co. Its ensh j,y nny meicmt Xli,0 ndvertiscs in
pricois?350. Tho second pmo'tll;, jml)er, ' Tho winnor of tho
is ns hnudsomo as tho fii"t pri-eo' 1r;z0 lnny cbooso tho storo and tho
aim is ns usciiu miu ucuuimu iui
indoor eutertninment ns tho auto
is for outsido recreation. Tho
piano is full scalo of 7 1-3 octaves,
height 4ft, Gin., width 5ft. 3in.
Tho winner of tho piano may
chooso any color of wood or finisli
.. iw T
mnueuy tno inmous lvroeger rimm
Company of Aew i. ork. A special
feature of this instrument is thnt
it is wired in such manner as to
withstand tho moitturo of our cli
mate. THE THIRD PRIZE It a modern ne
cessity in every homo where
thoughtfulncss for tho future has a
placo it is an order on tho Henry
Waterhouso Trust Co., Ltd., for a
$5000 policy in Tho Continental
Caaualty Co. of Chicago. Tho pre
mium of this policy is $00.00 and
Impetus of the flrtt tiwlng turned the
galleon's stern slightly to windward.
Her head began slowly to fall off.
"She stays! She makes It'" cried
thf pnrifnln. "Mpnl ItOp uIMi ibn halm '
Let go and haul' Cut away the haw
It had been a trciccmlous feat of sea
manshlp and bail fair to be success
ful It was yet touch and go, however,
and the breakers were perilously near
They wero writhing n round her fore
foot now, jet the wind was at last com
ing In over the ether bow.
"We're t&fe' ' cried Morgan, "Flat
ten In forward' Haul aft the sheets
and braces'"
At that Instant there was a terrific
crash heard above tlmroar of the tern-1
pest. The fore topmast of the Alml
rnnte Itecaldc carried sharply off at
the hounds RoJIovim of the pressure,'
she shot up Into tho wind onco more
nnd droe straight into tho seething
The men were as iulik to sec the
danger at was Morpan They camo
rushing aft, baring their weapons,
pouring curses and Imprecations upon
mm. lie stood with owed arms, a
scornful smile on bin old face looking
upon them, Carlb watching and ready
by his side In another second, with a
concussion which threw them all to
the deck, the doomed ship struck
hcaMIy upon the Hands.
Captain Dominique Alarado stood
tlone on the plain of the anclcilt cas
tle which for over a century had been
tho home of the governors of La Ou
ayra. Ho was gazing listlessly down
over the parapet which bordered the
"bare sheer preclplco towering nboc
the seaport town There was nothing
In his eyes, but a great deal In his
hcaty heart.
Captain Alvarado, who filled tho
honorable station of commandanto of
tho port, wsb a soldier of procd cour
age. Tho protege and favorite officer
For many years the BULL.ETIIN has held prize contests to Increase Interest among Its old subscribers and to
add new readers to Its list. The present contest Is the most ambitious prize project ever undertaken
bykany newspaper in this country; the number, the value and the real merit of the prizes places this con
test In a class by Itself
How can the BULLETIN afford to do this? The answer is easy. The Evening- Bulletin achieved
the greatest prosperity of its existence In 1905--it means to shore this success with Its patrons In 1906.
It not only aims to glye the best of all news and publish the best newspaper in this country, but when
it starts a prize contest it means to place it on a level with its other features.
it holds good for ono year, insuring
tho life, health and bodily safety
of the winner for that period. This
is for n preferred risk, moro haz
ardous risks in proportion.
ver l'unch Howl, purchased from
M. 1J. Counter, tho 1'ort street
jeweler, who guarantees its quality
nnd will bo pleased to show it to
any person interested.
THE FIFTH PRICE It an order to be
..: .. 1... i... i..nt:.. t..i.i:i.:.,
iiil'Ji u iiiu -iJiiui'iui x iiimaiiui
THE SIXTH PRIZE is a Domettlc
Sewing Jlncliino, for which tho
Von ilamin-Young Co. arc tho
iiL'tints. It is n hiuh-trrndo inn
..hiiic. comnlcte. usoful nnd u wol
'...'. . . v
cojn(, addition to tho home.
Tho SEVENTH PRIZEIt a fine leath
er golf stick bng, rawhido sowed,
made by thoI3ridgcport Gun Im
plement Co. and will contain n set
of tho very finest Willie Parko
sticks. I Ins popular pnzo is from
tho sporting goods department of
E. O. Hall & Bon, Ltd., who will
select the bag and sticks to suit tho
tasto of tho winnor.
THE EIQHTH PRIZE It a handtome
,22 caliber Winchester Eopcating
of his screno highness tho Count Al
varo dc l.nra, grandee of Spain and
vlccioy of Venezuela, he had been
honored with great responsibilities,
which he had discharged to tho satis
faction of his master. From a military
point of view the offlco of governor
of La Guara, which he then filled,
was of sufllctent Importance to entitle
him to high position and much consid
eration In tho lco regal court of Ca
racas. Of unknown parentage, Aharado
had been received Into the family of
the viceroy when an lnfnnt Ho had
been carefully reared, almost as ho
had been Do Lara's son, and had been
given abundant opportunity to distin
guish himself. In the courso of his
rtiort life he had managed to amass a
modest fortune by honorable means.
He was oung and handsome. Ho had
been Instructed, for the viceroy had
early shown partiality for him, In tho
best schools In the new world. Ills
education had been ripened and pol
ished by a sojourn of several years In
Europe, not only at tho court of Ma-,
drld, but also at that of Versailles,
where the Count 'dc Lara had been
rent as ambassador to tho grand mon
arch during a period In which, for tho
sake of supervising the education of
his only daughter, ho had temporarily
absented himself from his beloved
Venezuela. That an unknown man
should havo been given such opportu-l
nltles, should havo been treated with
so much consideration, was sufficient
commentary on the unprecedented
kindness of heart of tho old hidalgo
who represented tho falling power of
his most catholic majesty of Spain,
Carlos II., tho Uow Itched, In tho new
world. Whatever his origin, there
fore, ho had been brought up as a
Spanish soldier and gentleman, and
the old count was openly proud of him.
With assured station, ample means,
Increasing reputation, with jouth,
health and personal good looks, tho
happj governor should havo been a
happy man nut It was easy to sco
from tho heavy frown upon his sunny
face for ho was that raro thing In
Spain, a bluo eyed blond, who at first
tight might have been mistaken for
an Englishman that his soul was fill
ed with melancholy. And well It
might be, for Alvarado was the victim
of a hopeless passion for Mercedes da
I.ara. tho viceroy's daughter, known
lrom ono end of the Caribbean to tho
other from hor beauty and her father's
rtatlon as tho Pearl of Caracas.
Nor was his present sadness duo to
unrequited passion, for bo was confi
dent that tho adoration of his heart
'was met with an adequato rcsponso
from Its object. Indeed, It was no
secret to htm that Mercedes loved htm
with a devotion that matched his own.
It was not that, but her father had an
Hide. Tho namo this gun hears
cmiios with it nil that is cood nnd
dependable in small arms. This
vnluahlo prize may bo seen at tho
up-to-date sporting goods storo of
Woods & Sheldon.
THE NINTH PRIZE It a 24-lnch
gold-trimmed, leather-lined sole
leathor suit case.
Jf4A,iWj "
The TENTH PRIZE It a 8tyle A Ko.
dak Developing Machine from tho
Honolulu Photo Supply Co. This
prize is in ar handsomo wooden
caso and is part of tho 100G outfit
of every amateur photographer
who desires tho best pictures with
tho least work.
aav,fj,'isrj" 'jaz&3
fflfc'Svf.s. -t sa
i'i1 wVrkV
nounced his Intention to betroth tho tho recollection of tho too ardent pros
girl to Don Felipe do Tobar y Doha- sure of his lips, tho burning vet re
dilla, a young gentleman of ancient spectful glanco he had shot at her, by
lineage and vast wealth, who had been others unpercclvcd, when ho said fare
torn In America and was tho reputed well The situation was complicated
head In tho Western hemisphere of In every possible way for Alvarado
tho famous family whose namo ho Had ho been a man of family, llko his
tore friend Do Tobar, ho would have gone
The consent of Donna Mercedes to boldl) to the viceroy and asked for tho
Ihe betrothal had not been asked That hand of his daughter, In which case
was a detail which was not considered he trought ho would havo met with no
necessary by parentH In the voar of refutal, but, being Ignorant of life
rjra'ce 1085, nnd especially not by birth, having not even a legnl right to
Spanish parents. That she should ob- tho name ho bore, ho knew Hint tho
lect to the engagement or refuse to Proud old hldalgn would rather sco his
carry out her father's plan never daughter dead than wedded to him Of
crossed tho viceroy's Imagination That nil tho ancient splendors of tho Spin
sho might love another was an Idea to lh people there was left them but ono
which ho never gavo a thought It thlni, t which they could bo proud
was tho business of n well brought tip tholr ancient nnmc. Do Lara, who be
Spanlsh maiden to bo a passlvo Instru longed to one of the noblest nnd most
ment In tho carrying out of her fath- distinguished families of tho Iberian
or-, vinixn. pannrlnltv iii tlilncs matrl- peninsula, would never consent to do-
monlal, In which, Indeed, lovo found
llttlo room for entrance Hut Donnn
Morrixlivi loved Hnntnln Atvnntdn. and
sho cared nothing for Don Felipe. Not
that Don Felipe was disagreeable to
her or to any ono, ho was a Spanish
gentleman In every sense of the word
handsome, distinguished, proud nnd
gallant but Bho did not, could not.
lovo him. To complicate matters still
mrthcr Do Tobar was Captain Alva-,
rsdo's cherished companion and most
Intimate friend.
Tho progress of Ihe lovo affair be-
twecn Alvarado and Donna Mercedes
had been subjective rather than ob-
Jectlvo. They had enjoyed somo un -
usual opportunities for meeting on nc-
count of tho station tho former filled
In tho viceroy's household and tho
placo he held In his heart, jet tho op
portunities for extended freedom of In-
tcrcourso between voung men nnd
women of tho gentler class In thoso oung man felt bound In honor b) let-daj-s,
and especially among Spaniards tors that ho could not break,
or high rank, were extremely limited. And there was his friendship for Do
Tho old count took enro to sco that his Tobar Thero were many joung gal
daughter was carefully watched and lants nbout tho vice regal court who,
shielded, not becauso ho suspected her Jealous of Alvarndo's fnvor and en
of anything, for ho did not, but bo- fvloui of his merits, had pot scrupled In
cause It was a habit of his pcoplo and the face of his unknown origin to
his ancestry. Tho busy llfo that helsnetr to mock or to do either of theso
led, the many emplojmcnts which things to so bravo and able a soldier
wero thrust upon him, his military dii- Amid thoso glided joullis Do Tobar,
tics, had kept tho dajs of tho joung with noblo magnanimity nnd nffoctlim,
soldier very full, nnd under tho most had proved himself Alvarado's stanch
favorablo clrcumstnnces ho would 'friend. A romantic attachment hnd
havo had llttlo time for lovcmaklng.
lint, though they had enjojed brief
opportunity for personal Intercourse,
tho very Impossibilities of free com-
munlcatlon. tho difficulties of mectlng.ins bad as to betrny his patron. It was
I had hut added fuel and flro to their nf -
fectlon. Lovo had flamed Into theso
two hearts with all tho intensity or blood though It may havo been Igno
their tropic blood and tropic land Al bio for aught ho knew ran all tho pus
varado's passion could feed for dajalslons of his race with the fervor nnd
and grow largo upon tho remembrance flro of tho best, a man who loved, as
of tho frarirancu of her hand when ho Ihe did, tho ground upon which tho So
kissed It last In formal salutation. Inorlta dc I-nra walked, stand by tamo
Mercedes' soul could Infold Itself In My and sec her given to another, no
THE FIRST PRIZE It a 1903 Reo Touring Car of 16 hone
power, seating five poople nnd sells for Sjl'M0. It i
bought by Tun llui.Lin.v from the pioneer auto firm of Hit
wnii, The Von llanim Vomit; Co. Tho I5eo Car is tho new
est and beat two cylinder cm on tho market. Its graceful
lines, handsomo finish, bonutiful body nnd up-to-thc-minuto
improvements mnko tho Ilco the licllc of tho Auto World.
Dr. Anderson of Honolulu bought tho first ono brought into
tho Territory and says "it is tho finest car I over sat in
running without iioiso nnd Keeping up n high, constant speed
up hills that would simply hold-up an ordiunry nuto."
Tho winner of this magnificent prize will bo known ns
tho most popular person i'i tho Territory of Hawaii.
The Contest Is
'The Persons turning in the greatest number of
vote? will be
Prade his lino l allvlng his only
daughter to a nobody, however worthy
In other respects
the suitor might
prove to be-
Again, had Mcreedes' father been
any other than tho lifelong patron and
friend to whom he literally owed every
thing that he possessed, such was tho
Impttuotlty ot Alvarado's disposition
that at every hazard he would havo ta
ken tho girl by stealth or force from
her father's protection, made her his
wlfe and sought an asylum In England
or Franco or wherever ho could So
despcrato wns his stato of mind, so
overwhelming his love, that ho would
'liiio shrunk from nothing to win her
Yet Just because tho viceroy had boon
father to him, Just becauso he had
1"cd him, had been unexampled In his
kindness and consideration to him,
Just becauso ho reposed such absolutc-
if unlimited confidence In him, tho
(sprung up between the two joung men,
nnd the first confidant of Do Tobar s
.lovo affairs had boon Alvarado him
"elf. To betrny his friend was almost
lnot to bo thought of.
I Yet how could he, a man In whoso
and Best Contest
Ten Prizes
8 other Splendid
the winners
matter who ho might be?
Spain tinder the last poor, crazed,
bewitched degenerate descendant of
the once formidable Hapshurg had
reached the low eft depths of Ignominy
and decnv Alone nlmoit under her
(tag Venezuela wa well governed
from the Spanish standpoint, that Is
From the native American point ol
view the rule of even the gentlest of
Spaniards had made a hell on enrth ol
the ralroKt countiles of the now tontl-
nent Of all the cities nnd garrisons
which wore under sway of tho Viceroy
do Lara La Gtiavra was the best np
pointed and cared for lint It did not
require a great deal of time or ntten
tlon from so skilled a rommander as
Alvarado to keep things In proper
shape. Time therefore hung heavily
on his hands
On tho other side of the mountain
range, after a descent of several thou
sand feet to n beautiful verdant valley
whoso altitude tempered tho tropic
heat of the low latitude Into a salu
brlous and delightful climate, lay the
palace of tho viceroy and the cltj
which surrounded It, St. Jngo or San
tlago dc Leon, commonly called the
city of Caracas,
Many a da had Alvarado turned
backward from the whlto wnllcd red-
tooled town spread out at his feet
baking under the palms, seething In
tho fierce heat, ns If striving lo plerco
with his gaze the great cordlllcras, on
the farther tide of which In tho cool
whlto palace beneath the gigantic eel
has the queen of his heart made her
homo He pictured her at nil hours of
the day; be dwelt upon her Image, go
Ing over again In his mind each detail
of her face and figure
Ho was made, mad with lovo for her,
crnred with hopeless passion There
seemed to be no wnj out of his misery
but for hi into pass Jils own sword
through his heart, or In throw himself
from tho precipice or to plunge Into
tho crml blue of the enveloping Crnlil
benn tho color of the tea changed In
bis cjo with Ills temper, like a woman s
mood Yet he was joung, he hoped In
BplU of himself He pravoil for he
was not old enough to have lost falth
and ho planned llesldos. he wns too
bravo a soldier to kill himself, nnd sho
was not jet married. She was not for
mally betrothed even, although it was
wen hniiwn iiini ner lainer iouhoii in
vorablj upon Dc Tobar's suit, no for
mat announcement hnd been made of
, It as jet So, Jn tplto of his Judg
pienl, ho dreamed. The thoughts of
' youth and lovo arc long, long thoughts
That morning the joung captain en
grossed in his emotions, was not nworo
of tho approach of a messenger until
tho elank ot the man's sword upon the
Mono nags of the plaza caused him to
lift his head He was a soldier, an off!'
rcr of the'' bod j guard of the vlrcroy.
Rules ofthe Contest!
Tho contest opens Thursday
February 1, and will close at 5
o'clock p. in. June 1(1, '1000.
All) ono inny cuter except per
sons or nnyono in tho iminediiito
family of any person in tho regu
lar employ of Tho Uullctin Pub.
Co., Ltd.
During this contest n new sub
scriber will bo understood to bo
any person who has not been regu
larly served with Tun Daily or
Wixki.y Hui.i.rn.v for thirty
tin) a prior to February 1, 1900.
Transfers from ono member of a
household to auothci will not bo
allowed, and all nninca handed in
ns Acto must bo subject to tnu'stt
gationjbefaro otes nro allowed.
Tho final count will be mado bv
thrco judges, selected from among
thoso having no interest in Tin:
nin.i.riiN and no netho interest
in nuy ono of the candidates. Tho
voto will lo announced by tho
judges nnd tho prizes nwarded ac
cording to their findings, there be
ing tio appeal. Subscription ac
counts and everything pertaining
to tho contest will bo opon to their
Only one namo can bo written
on any ballot, and transfers of
votes from 0119 candidate to anoth
er will net bo allowed.
and he bore In his hand a letter sealed;
with tho Do Lara coat of arms. The
messenger saluted and handed the
packet to the captain
' Yesterday evening his excellency
tho viceroy charged mo to deliver this
letter to oti today."
"Fadrlquc," called Alvarado to a
ken Itor "a flagon of wine for the car
aller. lly your leave, sir, ho contln-
lied, with formal politeness opening
the packet and reading the message:
'To the Captain Alvarado Comman-
danlc of La (luayra. Greeting:
"As ono faithful to tho fortunes ot
our lamlly, we would crave your hon-
orable presence at our palace In San-
tlago tomorrow evening In view of
yourf service and devotion wo havo
ilono von the honor to nppoltn )ou as
one of the witnesses to the formal bo-
trothal of our daughter. Donna Mcrco-
des to jour friend, Don Felipe do To-
bar After that, as wo havo received
appeals for help from the Orinoco
country, we propose to lead his most
catholic majesty's Imperial troops thl-
thcr In person to overawe tho natives,
nnd. reposing full trust In your fldct-
itj nnd honor, wo deign to emmlt tho
Donna Mercedes to jour safe keeping
In y "' I Ouayra until wa re-
"i Therefore make jour prcpara-
tlons accordingly
iiivi'u uuiivr uui
band and seal.
(To be continued.)
A German students finds ono of the
onuses of tho Inabllltj of the Russian
railroads to handle their traffic Is ttio
nnilqultj of their locomotives. Tho
number of there seems In tolerable pro
portion to the trnfflr for out of 11.321
locomotives no less than fillfl are from
twcnlj-four to foilj-tlx jears old
Think of n (tinrl mlntnk In a nima
cnntlnir i nn of thou imln of U.e per emr.
urn it in n inn
iirr tluni nr fourth priori wnl fwlmlt
a little kUlmy trmiblA ' V nm uldn
nuklnx tip to tho fact thut tho deaths
from thin rrumtj arn ntrr C0.00 pr J car,
mxl that It In IIiIrih'm Ihwano. Dr.
Ixonil of 1lrlleiit lloxpltul, ilrclirt
tiino-t nth of poonl ocr 40 hive Homo
lorm of llrlfihtrt liiiuie. nml the Health,
I'omtmxulnmr or unir.itfo, in ocionr, mtM,
ho writ thnt nix per cnt of tho adult
nunK of tliit city havo It
Ami the tnm ihonn Hint out of 63.612
ilrnttm fmm khtney irnuhlo In tho year
tsoo R ?h ner nliic-tt ntha, wire du to
Itrlclit IHhcaw
What U tn t tlon?
Httnply thin No matter how mild your
khlnc) tmtihh In bi Im Kafe, treat It at
oncn an IlrlKht I !(. ne.
Tin re ) unly one pre I do known, viz.
niHon'n ltrral Compound for Ilrlsht'a Din
enw Itrroery In almont certain, nearly
ntne-tenthn rerocrlni Aik for remark
ahle Ixtnklot thnt Include tio cane except
thow thnt wire mipimntM to bo Incurable.
Thin tiooktet In for thoughtful people.
Scl,eduIe of
vote credits
In every cop) of the piper thoror
will bo printed 11 coupon which bd
ing properly filled out with tho
iiatno of tho party for whom it is
desired to voto and deposited with
Tub Fvk.vi.no Hui.i.ktix within
ono week after the day of issue,
will bo erediteil as one tote. Addi
tional voto credits will bo allowed
as follows:
For each XIJW subscriber who
has not been regularly served with
Tun Kvkm.nu Jli7i.i.i.Ti.v within a $
period of thirty days prior to tho '
iirst dny ot February, 1000, 'if
paid easii m ndvnnce, credits will
bo allotted, as follows:
Dally 1 year $800 3500
Dally, 6 months 4.00 1600
Dally a montht 2.00 750
Dally 1 month , 75 250
Weekly 1 year '..... 1.00 425 A
Weekly 6 montht 50 200-4
Cash payments on all other sub--'
scriptious, cither payments in nd-( ,
vanco or on account of arrears, will '
rceoivo voto coupons when pay
ment is made, but no voles will be
credited upon sums Jess than 50
cents. In othor words, votes will
Imj credited for cash payments on
regular subscriptions aa follows:
Votea. ,
Dally 1 year $840 3000,
Dally e montht 4.00 1200
Dally 3 montht 2J00 600
Dallv 1 month .TR 5ftn
UaL.lu 1 .. 1 rw jnvfl
...Vn,. . .. Hi TW
Weekly 8 montht .50 175
qlj.,rw .vw .jmAi uj.,&di&i& Awy-44filkA W'4ttiifcdlite

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