OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, March 24, 1906, 2:30 O'CLOCK EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1906-03-24/ed-1/seq-9/

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,, ' :..'- .-.-, '..', ' ' J
WimWtf1it PI Z31
Frcm San Francisco!
is a good creed;
and with the aid of
You are usually able to
practise It.
Evening Bulletin
Hongkong Maru
.....Mch. 22
Korea .
For 8an Francisco:
Mar. 22
Mar. 29
Siberia Mcb. 23
Alameda ...Mar. 28
From Vancouver:
Mlowcra Apr. 7
For Vancouver:
Moana Apr. 4
PAGES 9 tO 12
.vol, xviir. no. 0340.
Manacea Water
s&-A Digestive
Stops that distress after eating
For sale by, your
W, C. Peacock
Our Leader
There are Imitations, But
Ours is the only GENUINE
Wo Hnvo all Othor Flavors AIo
Consolidated Sock Water Works, Ltd.
Wo ar prepared to supply ths People of Honolulu with FreahM H
tULANO MEATS. Also, Oarden Produce of all kinds; Butter, Eggs, Chick
na, Turkeys, ''Sucking Pigs, Bacon, Ham; In fact, everything a FIRST
CLASS MARKET le called upon to furnleh.
JAS. E. vrESTBROOKE..Manaetr.
Corporation Notices.
Notice of Payment of
Waialua Agricultural Co., Ltd,
Notice Is hereby given that the Wat
Ulna' Agricultural Company, Limited,
has exercised Its right to pay the
whole of Its bonds Issued and dated
April 1. 1901, amounting to One' Mil
lion Dollars (11,000.000.09) upon the
1st day of April, 1300, and that said
tonds will be paid with Interest to
April 1, 190C, upon presentation and
surrender thereof at the office of tho
Company, upon March 31, 1906 (said
April 1, 1906 bolng Sunday); and no
tice Is further given that tho said Wat
Blua Agricultural Company, Limited
will be In no wlso chargeable with In
terest upon said bonds from and after
Mid first day or April, 190C.
W. A. DOWEN, Treasurer.
Walalua Agricultural Company, Lim
ited. tlcnolulu, T. H February H, 1906.
3316-to Mar 31
.Pursuant to resolution pa?sed at the
nunual stockholders' meeting of this
Company notice la hereby given to nil
hnlrirm of bonds of this Company
numbered from 1 to 750 both Inclusive
to preittnt tho samo for payment to
the Treasurer ef the Company at his
nfflre In the HacKfeld uuuuing. i
Honolulu, on the 1st day of April. A. D,
1900; und notice Is also given that no
further Interest will bo paid on bonds
outstanding after said 1st day of April
19i6, as Interest will cease on said
Treasurer Oahu Sugar Company, Ltd.
rjated. Honolulu. Feb. 23, 1906.
The Old Plantation"
Thi beautiful new Hawaiian aong
now on talo In sheet 'music form,
Blank books of all sorts, ledgers
etc. manufactured by the Dulletlu Pub.
MsUrg Company.
druggist or. by .
& Co., -Ltd,
Legal Notices.
Notlco Is hereby given that tho ani
mals described bolow havo been Im
pounded In tho Government pound at
Mahlkl, Kona, Island of Oahu, and tin
Jesi tho pound fees and ostray on road
aro sooner satisfied, will be sold at
tho dato hereafter named, according-
to law:
Mar. 20, 1006 White horse; no brand;
has rlngbotio on right foot.
The abovo animal will be sold on
Saturday, March 31st, 1906, at 12
o'clock noon, If not called for before
the dato mentioned.
5338-31 Pound Master.
General Employment Office, cor.
Emma and Beretanla 8ts. Japanese
snd Chinese Laborers Supplied. Con
tract Work of Every Kind Undertake
in. Telephone Blue 2181.
Headquarters for automobiles with
splendidly equipped fireproof garage.
Horse Shoeing.
W.W. Wright Co.
have opened a horse-sboe-lng
department In connec
tion with their carriage
shop, etc. Having secur
ed the services of a first
class she-"- ""7 are pre
pared to ao an work In
trusted to them In a first
class manner
The Weekly Edition of the Evening
Bulletin gives a complete summary of
figgr. v r
Mystified Mother Who
Attempt To Break
Editor Evening Ilulletln: Please
give one a llttlo corner of your paper
to seek enlightenment from whoever
can glvo It. Here Is my nlllkla. I have
two rhllitrnn rnnitv fnr arhnnt. urlin rn.
eelved tho start of their education
Uhii i. i ,. . .,. -., i ..i.
wnnonuroan rorn year, ami wno since
returning here have been a short tlmo
In a plantation school. Now clrcum-
stances force us to live In town nnd I
have tried to put them In school here.
Before making the attempt to get
them in, several parents told me 1 need
not try as they had all tried and failed,
Hut although I listened to them, In my
heart I did not hellovo them, mid
thought they could not really bo nnx-
lous or they would havo managed,
Now I know I am the one who talked
niinoui Knowing.
I Interviewed the lady principal of
the school In my district. 8ho smiled
kindly and regretted profusely, but she
simply could not tako ono more in. She
already had far moro than her share
nnd her "poor asilstnnt" had fourteen
moro than her proper number, nnd
nothing could bcydona to relieve tho
situation "till the fathers kick and
have more money appropriated." She
did not even see the Tiso for putting
Ihe children's names down ns so many
were nhead of them.
So I enmo away wondering If I wcrt
really In tho great land of Ihe Stars
nnu stripes or back ngain amongst the
cncie, nmiquaieu, ignornnt" govern-
ments of tho old world, so derided nnd
jf ,-, ii fi,fi,fi.ri sfa W jsj. ru
Being a Record Of
This thing of kceii competition U 4
luslon anda snare." eald tho Chcer-lbullt
Llarf." and tho man who Insists ou
tho tenders Is usually the one deluded.
I see that the countv Drlntlnc Is now
given out on bid. Instead of the old'aunposed cement and crumble It as yo.t
way. Well my experience In that par- would Hamakua soli. 1 consider that
t cnlnr IItio l Mini ho nun n.-lm ll.o I, I l.l.l. v.. .1 ,.
serous down another on prices usually
gets only what he pays for and not u
sheet over." I
"I've found that to be the case even) th, i. v., .. v.,, ,, .,
when you don't bid," said tho Knocker. Ljr,a,1Ji a.uu' hara Jl?' . "nIrt '"'
"It nil denends on the nntltudo of th MclllI,;r' l ,vn walking down the
BPPnntlN who counts he sheet, nd Brcfl U,c othcr "" w',h Jk Kennedy
the proportion of profit "to the ex- "?, a,w a ,nl" whose business was
"I met n man liUChlcago once who
oved In before the man who wa,
.in.. ....i i ..... . I.-., .h.
Cheerful Liar. "and. well, when he
camo out of tho hospital he waa a
changed man. You should not get so
bus'y Interrupting people when they
.are talking. 1 was rumlnaing on the fl"1arr"?gTCnt J.1"" KenncdJ- cal'el "
foollshncsa of getting bids; If a mnu " 1i,'Vnoo'e1r' , "a a ne,w, one, ""
docs you on prices once you are sure "': noticed the fellow with n short
to nnd It out and you aro not bound T1 "A" '" h,,,, '"n'1 "PParently jab
by any law to go to him again. Uut.ng " ""Wthe erouud as though he
there are othcr things than printing ,n ..'S. pa",tlme' b"- aftcr n
and tho same rule appllea. I do not be- mo"c,nt " ,wa,tc?'Dg w aw that every
llovo the 'government does the best 'Jme he 8Auck ,-be . pr.od J? ,he 8r0'""l
thing to give work out to the lowest .h.e, hfuglt up a leaf. Funny, wasn't
bidder; It certainly docs not follqw thnt
the best wokl T given In conseniienca
aro contracs let at prices that arc ab- "Speaking of tho prisoners rrmtndi
solutcly Impossible, if the work is to me." said the Early Riser, "that Fuji
bo good, I am not sure as to the bids hara u the only man out on lenve al
tor uie roau over in worwi uuo out
you TOay rest assured that they weru
low enough, and note the result; Down
o h rMfcfiftjBV-fc m
" D Ti DAiflriiIUMnfrl'jv'VjrpJxlt J """ I Irt , . 'i
""' umj wrmmH m TYiA 71
despised by all the "freo born" clt
llen of this lanu tnat "IlckB creation
Then I ruminated for days and
thought, "Well children, you must Just
run vtti (or n whn0 nna forBCt you
hnve nlrenrlv learned till the fathers
k,ck Hut when I bethought mo of how
willingly they had been taken Into an
OVBrcrowdcd school in tho country
fr0m which their, parents have sworn
away allegiance, I felt as men must
feel when their collars aro too tight.
go again I hied mo to tho lady prln-
Tho samo smiling regrets and blank
refusals met me. And when I at last
Insisted that their names bo taken
down so they might stand their chance
n rotation, It was reluctantly done. I
was told It was no use, I must go to a
higher authority,
i ventured to ask was that Mr. 1Mb-
The reply was "itv, Rabbit! Is the
Kindest-hearted of men, but what can
ho do with no money?"
"Who. then, nist I go to?" I humb-
y asked.
"To tho Legislature, of course," was
tho answer.
Then I felt I was In deep wnter If
that wero the task set mo. I am not
enough of n new woman to face that
nniltrtaklni:. The lady thought It n
niiv i l.n.i nm lot n,nm nnmin nt ih
,1 the
school thev had been attending.
llovo I arrested her attention long
. M-
enough to make her understand it was
hardly rcnslblc, seeing said school is
on the other side of tho Pall nnd Just
xw tm- j r- wi-M m m 'S
Individual Opinion
on one of the polls where nn arch waj
you can see today where tho al -
legcd cement guard rail has actually
(crumbled away. I am
'Hint von rnuM mVn n hniirffnl
usually an inspector for such work anu
the contractor nays the bill, but who
Inspects the Inspector?"
w lui up. ion uearu, 1 sup-
",a I.i the long-tcriu Prlsonci.
"' " '.'-""'.v"! ,a" Vv
tho 'misdemeanant', whoso buslnrss li
pp"',i,Jr ,'ml"10vlnB. Is engaged In
ma , B,1.ng the "wn ,n fron ?' ""
Court House and as wo passed he wa
picking up fallen and dried leaves with
!' "u,u, lul u suriirisea 10 ieura
that llc vom 8ct a n rebale '"m his
mo present time. There was another
Kan Kow, who went off with less cere
nwny than characterlied the departure
Chicago InLr Octan,
Failed In
Into School
V In, in., which was about his regular
at present circumstances force us to 'hour. Well among the unfortunutes In
lira In tnn.n nn.l ,i fni-lnnomK- t nmlthnt llOUSC WOS DOC WaVSOIl nild DOC
not onco mentioned as a likely reclp-
lent of the Ilulletln auto.
I came homo once more and con-
ftlriproil mv tnlftftlnn tn Ihn Lnrlftlntlll-p.
but compromised with myself by con-
eluding I would see Mr. Babbitt. Sure-
ly a head of education could suggest
something. Hut alas In last night's
Ilulletln I rend: "Mr. Dabbltt ho gono
to Kauai, to took Into the matter of
building schools for the Molokuns."
Now, really! And no money?
Happy llttlo Molokan kclklcs, ho,to
fathers don't need to "kick." You havo
Indeed found n '"hllsRfiil rountrv" mid
a paternal government, which takes a
deal more thought for Its stepchildren
than It Is nble to do for Its own by
birth. No wonder you want to bring
more of your Kith and kin nwny front
the: homo of vour "llllln father." In. 1
stead of from I.os Angeles, where they, -l was the worst inso of sewer gas he
too, I bupposc. already havo found n'ever attended and If It had been In the
kindly stepfather. idayg of hurry-up wagons he would have
Max O'llell said In one of his books' scut in an nlarm. As It was he beefed
"If I might have choice and desire to and he beefed so long nnd so hard over
he something other than I am, let mo
bo nn American wotrfan." I
I have often felt quite n thrill and
agreed with him when 1 remembered
that passage. Now, however, I think I
that a noor Insignificant sentiment. If I
1 had the chance of changing and were
I i,n,i ih ,o,nn nf ri.nnh n,i ro '
iiintmiio.ivii nun n.iui i uiii i Diiutn.ii
s'lgh Just at present to bo n Molokan
.Meanwhile. 1 am merely
Honolulu. March 21.
; . ., , ... -
of the men Inst lrlday, but I believe ho
iui c u uvu ocuiiu wu
ns the slier-
iff i,. -n iin i n .in i ti.
O a secTlGii to view the remains of a ,KC"",11 ol '" """,n on omcuouy1
oma section to view tno rcmnins ot a (0CBi Wliy Q0 )0 know tllnt )n tlio I
" '.r-L-., .K??.?L.BJ?p."r:!!: ?.w years twenty-seven firms nnd
?",', ... T - ".!.
time uciore una ino uoncs were almost
void of flsl.. There were some shreds
0t clot,,,,nK Ma': ll'e kelclon nnJ tnero
iT.1," ".,..7, , in th To m where
'Ki wero .-Icked i n by Cap aln J"
1 1''1 YI? ',f,2n Pfipf .hem . ihnio
not sure lint' ". '. ., .7 -,-, lumirjr in niio a mis nine nnu 1 no
"ndful of tho'01'11 b;,K1?K.0W,at il,e ,"n1,f,h'-',not know when It will be. though, as
uuuiui oi inn MPnni, identified them from a s anh In .... . ... . . .' "...
Vo?Miiou ?" ?Tr,u,nU:
aii. u.e lee Iron to havS room wl'nB Tsl,t.er 1"",
"IOtt Uls leK lron ' ,la' room lU I1COD 0."
escape. Identified them from a slash In
"Let me see," said the Knocker, "that
fellow slipped away about six years.
possibly less, ago and was never heard
from otter except, when Lopex was
b?Kht In 'nflV &. o his sensational
Illght and reported that he was living
In a dugout back In the hills. Well. II
the shoes wero lu good condition, say.
live years afterward, does that not up
set your theory relative to the county,
as well us tho public, nsklng for bids?
It seems to me that you arc off In yout
calculations. Shoes that last so lon,f
would be a good advertisement for any
shoe man's business and the one who
sold that particular lot from which the
late Kan Kow wns supplied could be
traced; tils friends should notify him
to use the affair as an advertisement.
Captain Mnby, for some reason, kept
quiet on that event or It would hne
been In the Hllo papers. He told mv
the other day that lu tho old days run
away prisoners wero not uncommon
and he cited with some amusement thu
time that n bunch of them took lenve
the residence of ono of tho Lymans.' and
made a clean sweep, Including n dress
suit nnd top hat. On another, two men
. ... .. i ... i. ...i,i.
hrnT Jacl. man o an d and with
fts ball In the middle of It. (001,
French leave ono day and went down
IntA Puna to attend a luau. They did
tint break tho chain. It nppears. and
two dnB niter the luau they came back
to Jail ready to finish their sentences,
ti neems to mo that In view of thnt
statement by the Captain the treatment
of prisoners tn the Jail cannot be ns
black as It Is painted by tho klckcis,
for If It wus no fellow would rome back
after leaving to attend a luau. u
seems almost ime nciion urn mem
was a fellow In Jail in Honolulu some
years ago for roubeiy who, on occa
sions, would break out of Jail In the
night and rob a storo or two and Him
ictiirn to his cell without being found
out, , He was finally caugnt coming
back Into tho corridor with the plunder
on his person. They keep him aown
In Honolulu ns a show and when Clear
shows any Indications of preparation
for a Jail delivery they charge that
prisoner with something nnd usually
land him In order to help the Into
Judge In his contention. Ily the way,
(hat fellow la still working for the
county, Oahu county."
"I suppose that as soon os we get
the Bewer down to a working basis
we will hear the kick about sower gas,"
remarked the Mddler.
"As long as It Is to be something
why not the gas?" asked tho Early Ris
"It will bo a result that Honolulu
cannot be held responsible for It It's
sewer gas. It Is a pretty uad smeu,
'" u"-. " " " ' ' .""" "."" .
1 when It la worKing reguinr, anu 1 uo
bad smell is bad for that matter and
that reminds mc ot an experience 1 had
when I lived In Honolulu I boarded
with a fellow who worked late at
nights, except Saturdays, 'that seemed
to be an ofC-nigni with him, nnd some
times he would come In with wet feet
nnd forget the name of the night. One
time, I remember It well, he came In
with n load about 9 o'clock, and It was
so heavy he could not realize that ht
Iliad not been at work. He locked tho
door the samo as If It had been three
"ad n way of attending lodgemcctlngs
" was pretty hard for anjone to
KCCP n "nc " nml- H uapi'eneu mat
line night I speak or the lady of the
house lighted boiiic sulphur candles
ami sei mem in inc Kncncii tor me
'vurposo of ridding the place of roaches,
Well when Doc came iiome he found
ftlio front door locked nnd after making
n few remarks he started lor tho back
door, which, by tho way. happened to
'ho tho one Into the kitchen. Ily that
Jlme the candles were dqlng real well
nnd every step nearer the door made
Hop less agreeable. He Knew nothing
of tho roach exterminators and did not
know what he was up against until he
turned the door knob and made a break
'or the Inside nnd when he got his first
wiur he lost his breath nnd was
knocked out for a moment: he thoucht
the thoughtlessness of the man who
locked the, door that tho fellow gave
up his Job nnd went lo Hllo to live and,
bellovo me, in three months he wus a
Kicker "hlmslf."
.. .... . . .
Von"a.k". ThoK nick
. """ lne pineapple uusincss com
iinnnnn- ,,.,-., it i,i ,i, pi..-.
viivhiiiii 11HII111I J Dll HIV XdllVVl
fill Liar." and sometimes I think there
is no very strong dcslro on the part of
the people here to plill on the rope. This
thing of having nil exodus Is getting
mlghty serious and If there Is not a
change pretty soon wo are going to
,ar ,., , ,' ",,: , ,.., .h. .
,t.... . : "." ...! '? .
inuivuiiiais in this town have gono out
ot bimlness and there has hern no one.
1 10 lake llelr pIacc, tnnt ort of
thing continues I can Imagine 1 hear
tho .homing from the tops of
l,l,f "" .i?st m ." .n. ,lmo. whcre
"tr No. ilr. the pineapple, bui-
'."T '. ""t Jiltogclher a working In-
a Op,)0rtunUy ror investment, noth-
ecr been offered to our
A few years ngo." said tho Early
Miser, "every load of furniture coming
P from tho wharf was directed to-
hv"ri1 a I,rlvata ll0use: ll0w 't bp to
'fcklnglon 1o n certain extent that.
" a good sign for If he did not sell he
would not buy hut all the same It Rlvea
Mow n better feeling to see new
,.-,.. ,.v...B ...,. ..,. ..n.,,,...h.
c want pejplo to come here nnd set-
tie on tho lands and cultivate them
with tho samo assiduousness as the)
have been cultivated by tho cano men.
Thcro aro some things that will give as
good returns to tho planters on this
Island us cane and 1 believe the pine
apple is one of them. In some direc
tions there will be opposition from the
cane men for the reason that every
aero of land put In pines will bo taken
from cane nnd thnt is where It hurts, i'
do not believe, however, that that feel-
Ing Is anything like general, but It 1
sufficiently strong lo make me pause1
nnd ask whether, In view of the depart -
'S. .? B nir.J'?,?i0.. 'I0.. Slc.el
.. i ...v. ..,.. Bi,Uur.
Dgcment for them to stay.'on Invest -
jnent In a hoarse would not bring bct -
tcr retirns than anything else. Of I Tir .,,, , ,. .
course there is an element of risk evcnl lllt' t-AllTlLAQE COMPANl,
In that for.lf the town Bhould pick up' . 1 Avenue de l'Opers,
und not dlo after all I would have the' ),rt- 20' A Paris, France,
hearse on my hands and I know of lrm
better things to have thun a hearse lim-rt i nmiTrn
when there are no funerals. What wo1 II V I AkkI Vrll
nsk for, and what we must hove, U1 wJJl rlltill I IU
something different from the oxygen per 3 s ALAMEDA
treatment, It must bo moro substantial The 8wellest and Largest Stock of
nnd with a Jingle. 8ultnot ever brought to the city.
"1 think you nre dead wrong In tak-'.. . . -,,,
ing bucIi a pessimistic view of affairs.'' ' I HE LAI EST GRAYS
said the Cheerful Liar. "If everythlngl
else falls wo still havo the cllmuto and'
tho olcnno, two commodities which'
continue to bring people here, even
irom ;ionoiuiu, nnd I believe they win
continue to bo u drawing curd for all
tlmo to come. This should nlways be
an attractive place for tourists; not for
what we havo tried to do to get them
Here, but because nature has been good
to us lu the matter of natural nttnic
tlons Luupahochoe should bo the
point of dcburkatlon for all of tho tour
ists from Honolulu for the reason thnt
tho rldo from that point to Hllo is slm-
ply mngnlllcent at nny season of tho
JUUl. 11 ! 11 UP (UUl JUHl 11UW llltll
gulches "it not filled with water' but I
there Is enough to muke the scenery1
along the routa as beautiful aa can be
Been anywhere In tho world, The rldo
down the palls Is to be compared to
ome of the Jaunts over the mountain
roads, In the States, particularly among
me mountains on tne Tactile coast, andi
ure as much enjoyed. Nay, nay this
country Is nil right, and tho hills and'
tho sea will remain to be looked upon
uuu uuiiiiicu uvt.u uiivi uil lutvv bullvl
to the mainland to get a Job of real
lihunt work."
A Stnrtllnpr Stop' Which Will
Interest All Who Aro Short.
The Height of Either Stx Can Quickly Bt
Increased From Two to Five Inches.
These Marvellous Results Can Be
Accomplished at Home With
out the Knowledge of Your
Most Intimate Friends.
Five Book Tells
About It.
Yon All
Mr. K. Leo iJiKarj.
Inventors, scientists and physicians
have for ears been trying to find soma
method whereby tho height ot nn Indi
vidual could bo Increased, and up to tho
Inst few years havo met with failure.
It remained foi n comparatively young
man, Dr. K. Leo MIngca by name, to
discover what so many others had
' i?"V" 5. HS- ,:Mr- MipBes.rwwea in
. Jiociiester. ii. i.. nnu nas ucvoicu mo
tct part of hit llfo In studying and
cxncrlmcntliisc on tho Cartilage nnd
hl.gieat "ffor?." Imvo at' 'tart' beeS
1 crowned with success. A large com
pany compraed. ot riochwter's leadlnK
citizens has been formed for the pur
poio of placing Mr. Mlngea' discovery
nnd Inventions beforo tho public, so
th.it now It Is possible for any lady or
gentleman who Is short to Increuso her
or hit height from two to II vo Inches.
Thcso results aro absolutely, guaran
teed. Mr. Mlngcs has miccessfully used his
method on himself, and has grown
from n short, stunted boy to a hand
Rome, robust man of six feet ono Inch
in height. Thousands of people living
In nil parts of the world aro using bin
method Uhcjiiaiy atartllng multa.
:ct " "end ymi tho - absolute i proof of
r"uuU VS BeSrtU of How to Grow
Tall" which wtSrfrS "nfonnat on that
, Btirprlsoyr. Ten thousand of
mese romarHnble books will be given
Uwny absolutely freo of chargo In or.
der to Introduce them. If vou fall to
receive n copy, you will always regret
It, This groat book tells how Mr.
Mlnges mnde his wonderful discovery.
It tells joii how you ran Increase your
height nnd build up tho cntlro system.
It contnlna tho pictures and statements
ot many who havo used this method.
Aftcr you receive tho book vou will
thank us tho longest day you live for
llav'ne placed within your reach this
K'f"v l'iuniiy.
.; '"l0!'"' a I,,ostnl f will brln
Lt..,, '""f :'or5r.doorv a" ciaFK.f f"5"
1 ffi.'.nTTO'SffirSr,-
VO" wish a freo coj.y of thUbook
an,i tno proof of our c a mi, wrlto to-
j Address
Jaa j.-. oa nQn Q,,tf
pJiJ l(J OU pel OUlL
Have First Choice
Geo. A. Martin
The Weekly EMUIon of the Evening
Bulletin gives a complete summary o(
the news ot the day. For SI a year.
r- Fine Job Printing at the But-
j iilhi
Weekly Bulletin SI per V"-
the news of the day. For SX a year.
not blame the people. Any Kind ot .1
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