OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, October 20, 1906, 2:30 O'CLOCK EDITION, Image 9

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1906-10-20/ed-1/seq-9/

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Til t... n2- ,. CJJ.J'- Pj. J W Tmc0J fllirslratgL R. Coi-y KilvertA
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WHEN Dob and Marr come back I
from thslr nfddlni; Journey w
bad a rlpplns tlmo at their
house armiic tkougb the
home was warmed dn before
they emtio home, A onu a
too lurnlturo besan to arrlro from Nen
York Grandma nald the houio mutt l
aired, ami Aunt Jmit iid It must b
warmed, o Kifgj- and I paaseil day open
ing doors and nlndowi for Grandma ami
tmlldlne fratn firm fur Aunt Jane, until
Unci Tom said sometimes ttlieu li camo
Is bo thouzht It uax a void Ur;uo w arc
tome and soiuetlnies u Imki-ry.
It really at a 1'M.cry and a cook Immt
the daj before Ibey riluwd, for (Iraud
ma broucht In Ktvy's uiaiumu and tliey
started ill earl) In tho uivrnlnc bal.lut;
snd cook I nt' sueli u lot of thluitt It inuilu
a fellow nhh he uero mirrled, too, nud
comlnc home In a ikuii warminv- !rund
ina said that she knew- irrfeeil well tint
the poor children hadn't lind a ilnent
t'dnf to eat all lbs time they wro ifune.
it often psIIi lob and .Mar) "poor
MUren," C'oiirh thty tint vr so old
and Ilob Un't n bit poor. Grandma has
I never been In New ork, but he t sure
jibe kuons all nluut It, and the Biiri.it
'thlnir she knows about It l that peopl.'
there eat only Muter ami iney stun
stewed In mpper pots, by heathen rrcnrii
, cooks froi; and snails, rinstlr enoiuh
,to poUon n God fearlns boly, she snjs.
I be "poor children ulieii Ibey nr
rliCil didn't look a bit starved, Inn ns If
they'd been rather well fed while leir
In tr about llli my papn nnd mniumn
'I'hey tlltln t neslc-t any of (irnndmu's
;ood thiuzs, IhoiiEh, nud after supjier Hob
and Mm ' brought out Urn presents ihej'd
lirouir'it lor u nil, and then the house
bemm to warm up, 1 tell join anil we
kids (Ilirsy was there) were allowed to
sit up until wo sans "Home, Nit
Ilon.e." which Mary played on the piano,
nnd Grandpa pbijed on liU ilute, looking
like -I I n ll nod old nncel that ho ,
liecy and his iiioIIipt am llvini; In tin
tottave out nt the farm now, but i:?ny
comes In to school every 'lay, c.irr; In.- ,i
new pnlr of lsios, whlcli he puts on only
for sibool hours and shlnin), His fn t
won't wear out, he sas, hut his boots ,
will, We are tfood frlemls nr.iln, ihonjli
we had n detue of n run after he pl.i)uj
ctoquet with I'nuy when I went to sleep
to cure what ailed me nftir the hard
elder. I told him 1 tlmusht It was a
mucker thluj. to do to hiiiv I1I1 shlnuey
laiMi-i- ,iimi in. ik nun inv cioiiui-i utltne
.iiiii'iui iirinii imat-i, lie snio ni unew
l'ii. Wi'fiiunitli before eter 1 mine to
town nud he bad ns innUi rlithl to iilny
I 1.1- ! I tin. I i I I I I '
..tin ,i", ,, , ii.ni .iiu-ii hi- iiiih u,KPt), i
I l, lull i.Im-i unm on, ... ....... .. .. ia
Ibey were imly one wouldii t i.itc
Anyway. I nljl to IIkcj that suicc if
,-n limn ii jinn tnru ir was lo come
iiiiiiii. n 'ii ii nrwuiiK Jiiiirne) III a housi
wiirniluit with In .; kind, of pie Ipresened
huckleberry pleli I d lunde up mj mind
marrj 1'iusj nnd 1 d Ihiink him not to
l'o about all the time liuLitir r.. i '
lions from her to pljy rroouet. ThVr
made him nnd. and h said t,at (, . '
wore shoes be had as much rJKtit to nlav
wlib lier at I had, and, what was iimr,'
he uiisii't so sure but that he'd inurri'
l'usy himself r
We'd slopped our camo of shlunei m
Jaw out our row, .in.l us we slood ihen
who In eler should we see toinlni; nloiii;
but I'ljssy herself. So I ..lid thai If I,
minted in bo l'u.'s Im-iiii when I
uiililnl lu Isi we'd settle It rtirltt tin u mid
"How-" said l.'szy. "Ily a flirlitV"
I slid I didn't mind n tiiiht, ns he iitj
we knew, but 1 wusu't nshamid lo m.
tllflt IM lull.. 1.. flirlit t.llli l.l, nu... 1.11.
about such a stupid mutter as a woman's
"ir. uiiii I iroposeu in no was to sk
1'iiss) whlcli of us she'd rilher inarr),
nud he'd hae to hurrj about ii.'iiviui: i,i
tl.nt l.-li- ,,r ma, ,11, ii, ( -.1. al.. .. ... -I
-w l " "iir iiiii iiiiiiimi
up to u. Kscy nld nil rluht, so I stemied
mi., inn rum -.ii'i hi I UBny; iWlltll OI
IK would Jon rutin r nnrri ''"
i ".ellher!" sj.ippe.1 l'ussj. n h
awfully HaMierinistcd I iiiuldn't sjj m
other word, but Kkz) cakped out -
"Wli neilheri
"llii.-ii.se I sj'oin jou both fur , .
line me an nillillon lo the house wain
inc. I le kinds of pie and rue not tin re"
Then she swept on us haiiirhtj n. "
actress on the stase, lent lus llin-j ,) .'"
niiiidliu there, a eoupl,. 0f .,.,, , ,'!
the othir fellows Jeering al us. Aft,.r ,
"Vi1 -m'1'?' '"i""'';' Vi' slt'l!l"- "'"he
tlii'n.V """"' """i"
"Wliiil I'ltnieY" I asked,
-ilur .blimey iinme, of cinirsc, i ,..
on """
f)tliniej- U belter limn girls after n
" ' WTtfPn'""
"' "bile a crai on the slilu hurts worse in had taken our nh, aim with the bit
mil a woman s worn, ji.it can snipe blade of til, old p.uket knife he'd cleaned
lu. I. nt the other fellow's shin; -ich with n Iiiru of his wrist The two
liien was a tnucinu- old frost that fit pinj s.inlrrel. ll.ih brought III Grand
night, m 1 bus. led out lo (.raiidpa's earl pi dressed and cut up with no more
in the iiii.rulng nnd found i:ggj wiiltlug trouble, 'fbe tlsh he in.- to Mar. to
Y' !i"'i V1.'""".'?""' )'' ''"ber".' i niir fr. the squirrels he put Into u slenp.iu,
i fill U Jiihi mi time. Im-ii i.isiMiiin nud with some I. niter pepper, silt. shrviN of
ll to BO down t l the pout III". .. . ,. s .III,. ,1l ., Il,.i B,,1rV ,if n,il!il... ..111.
tlsh. lie I stilt ii lire on the bunk, , " ',',, " Vi,i K mH ft .
Hob. who niriied up smiling, went m.-i 'V V, "...V,?1. r;, '.' ',, '. ', "' ,'.'' P1.' ,""'
i tin- wood lot mid w.- beard hi. ,Mt 'l '. "' "" clT. lr. '."'f '"" .!'- . ' r'
gun ,,op n iiuiple of t.n.c. Wh,. .,, ' "J ',,'', J ' ' , "t' ' . JM
;;r;iwv" .,i!,"sr,;r.:a "r'vuw:""':, . .
.till 111 ! tt till 11 III If" h1'.I tllll ll .1......
Mill! ! ! - -s I" M IIIIIH'
uiiyililliv ile nil her life, was 1'iiw.j
11 l-lliw mill. I JI--.--I f.i Biirii )TrlI
I'n ill p cooking It luostlj tu In thlnrs
.link Ihiintelies," lie sahl.
Hut bu made l!gg and me Mitt souu-
." i-i.-... ,.--. :;-" ""-, ---ri. ji imr j..i.-- .... ,..v ..,.,. . n,i,-ui.f, aim .
chince for something Rood to eat nn uuis that was to keep in, friuu poking
ii.u'il ihiuk sheil imer Prnkeii hearts In Into the stew which 1 was djlng to do
haiighly scorn, but had ulwais been nn Hut 1 could see the stewpan iit-r ln.ii-
nngHl .if sweetness and light, like u hero ping up under the tteim, could u,ir o
ine ill n I'-ii'lli. I knew what the wus gurgle and blob, and could smell tin. r.
looking so iweel iili.mt when Mary hegsii plncli uiiors from It een If 1 coul.iu'i
to mil. hi. I a biiktt of lirniiilmii s cakes noke into It,
and plrk. v When tint meal was .Tol I ninile ill.
Hut we ui'Mi ale in such sill) stuff, for my mind Hint I wniild camp nut the rest
Grandpa gnv us n liutii-r III fur spoils, of iiij life! Honestly, i;g and 1 ate so
niii. ibpugh soft kids who iibii cii.iu. t mucli of tint iti-w, .ouriil over bri-iid,
uitb gifts iiiikIii not bars liked if Grand- thill we coul.ln'i cat n ilugl idu (ten
of niin.'c pie. Wtien wo sot to the roattei
ni-iiiL-t mill cueiliiillk Willi niiri luew
liler for Kbit, burd for the grownups
Grandpa winked nt Marj and said tc
Hob -
"Well, son, jou sum to enj j this ui
miiih ns do Hum nud I.'ggjjou, u mar
rleil man!"
"pear !r.indd id." sill Hob, Oiling
Grmidp.i's gliss and his mii, "U 1 seem
lo eiijui this ni. louks belie me. I am
doing tills from a sense of duty. If
pursued Hie .11. tales of mj hiiirt. gate
rein lo the liniiulscs of mj anihiiioti, 1
should plunge infi the lortex of thli In
ilutrl.il age. mi In the struggle for
gold and Ihiu.'s. Hut those Insistent
j earnings I suUlue lu unler to help i.r
sene for posterity the traditions of mr
forefather mid grnu.lfilhers, At llmr.
I am i-nntent to den) turself the Idle 'ie
lights of the wor'd to be found in i'n
nforesald iortr and ri-turn toIn or ir
to pre.eni-- those stern Puritan lu utt,
I'lKtoms; ri turn to the hum re 'nrr
Mar), my hue. If jou gltn I'm.) yet
nnotlier pie the child will esplode Grand
dad, my reuer.ls "
Piissy nnd 1,'ggjr and I art uod frinidi
again now,
i 0m
U 4t'
J timet m Aii.te.ttttwMVtti4
..-sUi'Vki. -il. ..-.

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