OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, December 19, 1906, 3:30 O'CLOCK EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1906-12-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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WS v " k
, W?
Christmas Trade
jgaCTKy wrir um
mil wn w t i3gggi
Alexander Young Bldg.
Hotel Street Corner,
THE GRILL, will be a l.i carle.
THE MENU will be varied and high-class, dainty and tempting.
It will be the aim of the management to make the Alexander
Young Cafe
A POPULAR RCNOEZVOU3 for business men ao well .13 ladles.
A CANDY FACTORY In charge of an expert candy maker from the Coast,
with an efficient corps of assistants, is already In opriatlon. Trrsh
supplies of the home product dally.
HUYLER'S CANDIES-a full line alvays carried.
CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES In candy packages, fancy bon bons, (crackers),
Christmas trees, etc.
CAKES, CONFECTIONS, Pies. Tarts. Plain and Taney Dread, the output
of a newly constructed bakery to be run In conjunction with the
Cafe, are destined to jump Into public favor by reason of their ex
cellence. CICAHS AND CIGARETTES of all Hie popular brands will be a promt,
nent feature.
AN ICE CREAM AND SODA FOUNTAIN, modern In all Its appointments,
will tempt the palate with every known decoction In this line,
CATERING TOR SOCIETY FUNCTIONS, and family trade generally, will
be handled with promptness and In a manner which can not fall to
please. 'PHONE MAIN S9.
SPOTLESS CLEANLINESS will be rigidly enforced In every department.
Open from 1 a.m. to II p.m.
Meeting Adopts Entire
Report Made By
A ini-ctliiRof Ilic iiiiniiiltlcc In Inn Re
nl I lie (lovernor's Sail I'iiukIhio Kcllrf
Kinnl ns held yestcrduv in the lim
eruor'n ullli'u I" ilcclile iikiii tin- I'.uul
dlslilhiitloii nf tie lll.coil ulil renminbi-;.
Those pifMcul were (lovcrnor I'ur
Iri, Mi-osm. C. .M. Cooke. .1 I' .Moriwii,
I., rciuic I'etk. IC. I. KpnldliiK. Sitn
lury II. I'. Wood mill I''. I). Cit'i-iliin. the
iiivvriiiH'M iirivi.lt Hecieliir. who uil
id ii h scuctar dnriiii most or the
In openlii; (ho ineclliii; the Cuvoiiiii.'
Hiaii'il that In had piepaied u i i-jiui t ol
leciiniiiieiidutloiii' fin the disposition of
lliii fund, based (ill llifiirinatiiill btipplUd
1. 1 in b .1. l- Morgan, who hail denoted
must nl his time in personally titter
lij.iut nl lllii cliiUKiH liinde public
Ihiiiiii'.li Hie puus an lo iliu InvJlli lenej
ii lie wiriiius relief orsaiilz.itlnus In
.San I'n.nclsui were iinfiiiiiiiliil, and
nt bom hno now been leiiieilled.
'I He icplcsi-nl.tlhcH uf tile AtnsMithu
' it . Fund, tnier u Uiiii'ijukIi IiivimUu
iIiiii on the Klouiid, eiiiidenin only I lie
!i.i."iKt: paid foi polleo and saultui) ,
Horn aim riircimy point out that ilu-;
IiiihIh wine not etiiitrlhiilt-il for the
lienelil ol I he ell,. Kind illnent, lint ill"
! i I i I of sulTcrem. anil to an outildci
ii apH',ii'K a inlM.piinipiiailoii of riiiulti,
liuMiiu Hie ell) Irce in deole Hh omi
IiiiiiI lo other pnriHiiU'H. hut uh the
work hid lo he done and tile ill) nlli
i lain refused lo umleitiike n, the lotn
liilllee Ih cxoneiniid.
oil mil leiulll) nee I hut If every
itimiuiiiiil) Willi Ii mill ,i-i II.. il fiindH to
the re III) I of Ban 1'iuiulwai irli .1, wlth
out a cenlial oiyaiiiziitloii, to illshiir.ii
the riliulu llirougii their own a-cncti ,
lellet would ovcilap, the expense Woiili:
he v.int I;, givalei and Ihu lemillH pro
porllou.ilel) lens i-ITu-live. Kn lliut
)ou i an not do belter than lo tiiippoit
the iciltrul in main lellef loiuinlttee.
On the other band, our Information
i'linin iliat the hospital of Sun I-'ii.ii-
elhio me taxed lo their titiuiiKt cip.ii-
Hi In ill 1 1 m; Tor sufTijierH, and riiml.l
scut illicit lo them will alforil Imnied
l.He lellef. riieieforu 1 iicoinmelul
that six thniis.tml two hundred ami lift)
Jlllinfc 1,1 Ills llliiu III lIl'IMIUUII llfc,,"l-i
lalnlliK the needs ol the hospitals of 'I" ...) he illvldtd iiiiiiiiii? hui-ii
Kan r-'i.iiiclsui; fiiini Hem) llul-thl a
enlleKeiiiale, and luloiiiiutloii Kiipiilleil
h Mrt, Mel I III. Ills ichiiI, width was
iMlopted, was as follow :
Dei ember 17, litoU.
Institutions us mc liiieliinlier Het forth
the iillelul relief limillllltee of Sail
I'raiiilmo lo he uoillli'd of Niieh action,
nafil .inioiiiils to he fcni bv jour tie.is
iller ililett; and thai the entile balaiiie
To the ilemheih of the Com'iiiiii'h .San,""'11 H'Iii.iIiiIiik he liinied over In iliu
I'mmlmti Itellel Fund Cotiimlltci'. -i-"','-I fH"'! fund, to he dUpon-d of in.
(!entleiiieii.-ln roliroriull) with thui11"" -"I'e-Hleo HiliikH hem, with Hie
oleol oiiruiliiliiltteeiit llHlam i.ieet-!,',(l,,l,"" "'" " lesene Jlmi. to he
Iiir. 1 li.iNenenl hoth olllulal mid prlviitn ' '' Hi' Kiiiifiimii Home at
li-tlnii to varloiiB pintles. Ill Han Fran- "" """-' I"1"1" " J,ll ' u". '' '"
i-Ihiii, wekltiK liir.iiniatliili as lo the '" Hut I"-'' immiiiil he iiiimiI
best einiibC t( piirnue ill illstllbutlliK j "'""' ,,,l,cr '" -H olf itH limrt
lli,. h.il.iiii, rim.lx sn cpiieniiislv U"''!!0! '""' lr "'' It ''"' linolllpllltlied
i.iib-rlbi'il by the hmiIij ol Hawaii Nel ,,v "'' l",Vl' ''"' "'" Keneriil nllef
fur Hi,, n.lli.r of I In. so wlei uiilT..li.il mi I ttl III 1 1 1 - lllell lie lite III llls.(ise nf
airouiil nl Hie Kie.il iIKikIc-i ol AiiII,i,Ih I0Oii ll m:i deem bent
IS hint at Kan I'liini Ituo '"lu imditiltloiiH I would leeoiuiiieiul
While all or in) lettem lme mil )ei ""' " riillowd:
been ausweieil. utlll fiiini Hie daia! Hosplttil lor flilldieii and Tmlii-
ulread) teemed ami tiniii .Mi. .Morgaii
exIniiHllve liivexllKiitluu (Hie lepmi nl
wlilill In iitt.u lied), as well 113 a init
ial i-tii.ly of (lit- pamphlet uhlng the
rt'HiiltH of nil llivestlcatliin of Kan 1'iun
elKtti lellef affali'H h) a tomiiiltteo lep-
It'M'llllllK HlU .MllKKai'llllblltlK l'llllll, I
am able to leath a ilellliltt) toiieliiitloii,
and ptefer to report at thlu time mi that
the IiiihIh may le.ieli S.in I'i.uh lnn lj
Chrlstliian ill at leimt hefoie the be
UllllillIK of Hie new )ear
.M) Infill liiatkin I'oiitiiieed tut that
('.ilfonila Wnuien'K HoKpllal,
oils Shi ram. Miln utiett, all 01
Knnltiiltuii ilepemllliK aliiiosl
enlli-.)) upon finally; prior to
Hie iIliuiKier It win operatlni;
III flee I..'. Is, slllre whleh It
Iliu iiudeitnktli a iiiueli larger
nun unit of fne work ltiuu
St. l.nl.eV lloi-pllal. 27th and Va
leiiela; an liiKtltiitinii that ban
iilwaui done Mis- work, mill in
parllriilarl) In li.e.l of eiiilp
melit III the wa or Kill gl. al I11-Hli-iiiiieutti
Kt. limepli'M HoiiiL' fur liieiiialilen.
Park rtini and Il.iker Hlieet: the
hoHpllal under till ii.iiihi le
.i!i m for lis iialleulii land
III. 11 lllkeH flee l.llll'llll. hut Hill
mono lllils Keeiiied HilpporlH
tlm IniuialileK at the Home;
would therefore leiiiiniueml tor
Hit- I Ionic r.nu
Km rraiu-lMii Materult). I1HS
V.ilenila, a upti'iulli! ingaiila-
t Itiii. w lik Ii eaii'H for iiiutlierH
III enllllllemelll III I heir Iiiiiiiiii,
provides Kleiillzed mitlllH, and
I0111I and 1111n.es If neeeismir) ;
ItH entile plant was ileKtnryed
h) Hid Hie, bill, illiillMiiii)ed.
ll hns eouliliiieil Hh W.Hl; to
Hie extent allowed by tlm money
lontrlliiiied In a reimul.able ami
eperKetle luaiiiier Se'l
KIiir'h D.niulilers: a htiiuo for In
eiiralilex or old pisiplu not ellg
llde 10 enter nil) oidlnar) home
In the aeeepted kciikii; lit prehuht
lailUK for alioiii tort) heiieli
eluiles and ver) Iiiueli ovellaxul r.lnl
Kloieiue Ciliteiilou Home, No. il 1 1
liUlh nveuiie; carex for needy,
unfortunate ami eirliiK )ouiiK
w dineii and their elilhlren
I Very Hlneeiel) unni,
(BlKiml) ll.-U. CAUTKH.
The (ioerniir stnteil tlial the uim
inlttie mlitlil he illbt'liarKeil from ItH
iliilieH, ami be IIioiikIiI that Terrltorhil
Auditor KlKher would an. Ill the ae
lounlH of TieiiHiner Peek On million
of Mr. Cooke a vole of thank wax ex
truded to .Mr. 1'i.eli fur Ills henltes.
I'ranl.lln UarKeiit, Ifnlted Klales Coni
uilsKliiuei of IninilKr.itl.iii, Ih wonder
iiiK what hu ever did to Hie Athtiilaii
Club nf Oakland: the iiiemherH ol that
exeliiKlvu or.ianUatlnn nie nut no luile'i
In .loiiht abinil what the) did to him.
When Hit) lieu 11 wit, 11-inlieil o)er the
wire that President KiKiKevell had old-
I erei! Karitent on a fillKrimiiKe to the lla-
(wallan IkI.iiiiIh to IliM'stlitale the HtaliiK
ol the Ill.onilllK eiiilir)olllv Allieniaii
IlizeiiK, a lew of Hie ebolie mill ItH of
Hie 1 lull miiile pieariiHoi)H to mtet tin
nl R.t,trm1IrfJMik Ajl
Hie eluli up ner the 'phone ami an
iioiiiietil that lit) bud made ll inliilake
uhoiil the arrival of Hie Overland. lbs
seld that ll Ini.l pulled In at nine-
thirl). Instead of twelve o'cl.nl;, iih hoi
had experted. '
The eniiimltlie I lined lilm up town,
then a iIIWhI'iii of Hie eoniliilltee'H
fun-in. h) this time Kieatl) iiilKllirnted,
beramu nt-tcKsai). and a Hjnteniallc
Keaiili wuh In itltuted, I'mm Hie inolor
man of the tar that hrnutlit Sargenl
up town, ll was learnul that the eini-
il 111 1 1 ir had informi d a Mont, miKrx -.
lookllli' I'liKbeiiKel thill the AtllMillih
Club wiih In Went Oakland, as be luulj
read of a "IioxIiik toiiruaineiil" thai)
t 1 ...i 1 1 ii,.,. i.t.. 1. 1.1
.... ....-.i ,,.., .... .t.i ,,. I... - , blsttred lier and- ,et ep run out ,or about four month., whin
of liifoiiuiitii.il its u elue. one heetlonl . ,' u hDr ... , . . . . . ,... .,. ot ,.. wh.n wori,,H. I
. .--.. .... ,. ..u ... -.... . -.... -- - ....
San Francisco.
Trwy Chemical Co., Blnghamlon, N. Y.
Dear Sirs: About tvjj years ago a vory fine, well bred mire I own
(jot whst seemed o be a Bad sprain of the off fore fetlock, which mide- hir
111 Hut loiiiiiilltee Hlarleil down towards
Sew'iith sin it to tiiku ihu ln.-al. On
Hie wa) Hie) eneoillltereil a mull loaded
down with two iirlpn ami a Huiiom-lil'-illsj-usle.l
ail. lie louUeil us if he wm
lost, ami the) asl.eil bllil 111 -t Hume.
He aiisweiul ".M) name wn Kar
Kelit when I left WuhIiIiikIoii, hut I am
somewhat In iloulit ahonl It now." Then
iiiiniiilasloiier In a liiuuner bellltliiKulicv fell oil his iietk.aud he Weill hiiinii
the rinitiitlon of CMIItoiiil.i for luis-, t u,,. , u, nm ,. (, ruiialim ol
pllallty. A hamiuet was ordered, nii'I i1P Inuiqnct. S. V. New Letter,
a Kpeetal reteptlon (oiiiuilltee aimlnt- , ,
eil. A teleijinin was Kent to K.illtent ill CHOCK-FULL OF NEWS
It. -no en mule, telling ll I ill ahiiiit the .
Inleifhts Hie i.-l.lents of Oakland wire IMareUKO (Iowa) IK'iiubUe.iu
then tried another kind of blister with about the same results.
Last Spring I bought a bottle of your Save-the-Horse from your agent
In this city. After treating the mare with this for about two weeka I
aave her some slow driving; sne Improved very much, ind by the time I
had useuTup the bottle I was able to drive her twenty or thirty mile with
out any apparent bad effects. She now goes sound; I also with the simc
bottle removed two wind galls from her hind legs. .
Moping that this will be or some benefit to you, I am, your truly,
MARRTIN QURNELL, 401 California St I
Positively and permanently cures Spavin, Ringbone, Thoroughpln, Curb,
Splint, Capped Hock, Wind Puff, broken down, bowed or strained tendon ar
any case of lameness. Horse ran bo worked nK usual and with boots, aa
no harm will result from Hcaldlug nf limb nr destruction of hair.
&r rr per bottle with a written Buarantec, as blndlne to protect yau M
)JUU.0 lC8. ll(.n talent could tnnke It.
laklin; In ti It. tiip, and asklm him (! The Republican Is In receipt or 11
I... .,,..l. fi.M . ..... 1.1 . .,1 II..I.I lit I.!..'........ .. ..... ... ,... ...... .... ....
Ill- IlilWJ MX .1 H.,.,,1 H'M .,,.,-, ,w . l-lll) 111 IHU I'.tlllllUi; llllllltllll, 11 II
Kill lit lilt) depot, When ll reeepHoii ,aK paper illlle.l Sept. 20, IWHi. pull
toi.iiultte would he In wallliiK. Ilhbeil at Honolulu. Territory or lla-
luiliiedlallely oil letelpt of Hie news.1 w. ', Mulletln wiih Issued mi this i
tin- iiiiiiiiilhHlniitr Ih-kuii lo in'i.iitfoidiitn by Hiiulheiji Callforula eilllois.
a hlieiiuoiiH period of ellJo)lueiil. Tllfi v. In. hail Kiinn to the Iblallil of ilawi'll L,MMMMTJVVAAtVUSArVVVVUVVVVVVVVWVVVVVVWm
tin ilieir aiiiiuiil owiirKlon. II
tliock-fnll of iiiiwh ami Interestlni: nay
pasi.i-nr.elb Ink up the luater of tile le
leplhin iih If It weie meant for Hum
ImlMdll.ill) They ot lOKetller mill
... . ... ...i
.-..u niseiiBi-eii nie iiittnieH 01 ittiniiiK .1 ,,aijp, ,.th II1.1 lleatlnent thev
Mi. iiorKim it-ixulH unit various in- leiepiion 1 ney iiriituieu a rpeei.i lcw.,, tum ,(, ,,a,VUH IlU( ,,,K.r lvs.
iliiieineiilH were held out lo the eniii- tll, iliwiKiieu in a reioimeii )un nan
inlllen, tlinniRli him, hiii Ii us for Ihuler of one of the llastern tolleut's l'ei
iMiihllsliineiit of liee Hawaiian heilsl liapii It was tills tint iilineived thu Wi
lli hospitals, whleh would redound to ulneer and euused the train to he, late
the ereillt of 0111 1 oiniiiiiiilly for ailj ll 'i is 1I1.1 all nine it'iloi I; 111 Hie liiiirn
Hun In ilium, iipplleiilloiiH were iilwi, Ihu, iind Hi. uiipltiin loininltlee wn.
mail, lo him h. oilier umnilriitloii-i'o.i IiiiihI Then Hie axeut unleswi
Ink's of these editors who were liluhly
IdelilH of thu places lslleil on the Isl
mid leceiitly uiinuxed by Uncle Sam.
than I hose mentioned, hut In limn) ol that ome n nt'lu l"-i Hh ili'lu if ..iy
lluioi eiihes I lie liiHtltutloiiH niiike a een If an overland
eli.irie. and thus an mil ho Kieatl) 111 tia-li
II 1011I1I he blile-
I fo" nil) old 1I1I111, c.cn a tii-lclii
niK M-iiooi ror iMii-bis, 11 tor
poiiiilou, the Hoard ol llliuel
ors eullslstlllK of Jus. I). I'he
lau, .1. I-', .Meiilll, I, con Stnius,
W. J. Diitlnii ami Holla V.
Walt i.vii
.M01111I 'Ami llnspllal. 2311 Sut
ter stieet; a i-urinimtliiii under
Ilthraw iiiniumeiiient, hut noii
sectiirlan and doing a tiemeu
inis am. innt of gnod: expenses
at present aiu about funr times
the liieoiue 5oo
need of Immediate lellef thai kept v. Illllll Hid limits of its helled
ll may be pioper for me in mid Hun, nlo This wuh emoiiiiiKliiK fur Hit
onlliiarll), I would oiime any of thl3 (ouiliilllee, which went awn) with tin.
leliol money t-iiliii townrds Hie jiay. itmlerstaiidlliK Hint thu (lain would
uielil of 11 11101 tmiKC, hut thu Kaufinan I surely he In at six 01 lock
lluseiie Home wiih hIioiii!) letiiinmeiul-! The Athenian Club was treated to tin
The will or the Jtitu lion l.tikn Nuk.t
panliu wan udniltled to piohaie lui-t
Tliui'Kila.v. Thu will, ultnes.,e. I y V
t). C'Kiwell mid .I.. K Kuiiiiiilnl, lea.
IiIh entire esttilc, uinouuilni lu ubiiiil
cll'ht tlioiisaml doll.UH, lo Ills widow
niul children, who were all piesent Hi
court. Juilitn Iliudy tiipolntfil V. O.
Clowelt iiilmlnliitriiliir of the esiutu
j nailer a bond of three thousand dollars
which was fin nlslied by I, (lay and A
ed .is iloliit exit Ileal work, thu nioit-l sp-'tini le of a humpu'l with tlm uuest j Uohlnwin n sureties (lardeii Inland,
lut;e or "iMJij wus as"iiintil h) tliosu luioi nonor hiiiiiiiiiih 01 nines nwiiy. ai Dec, 17.
1 hargii In order to Immediately toui least the Atheiil.iliB iiuderslood Ihat liel
iiieiiee iiiieraHiius, and thu HiiKKiMtril! '"s liunilieds of iiiIIch away, and then QORN.
olfer, I hullovo, will blhniilate othei Ih a possibility Ihat they would still In SCHMIDT III Honolulu, Dee. 18, llioil,
lo niiso Ihu lemaliilliK tlOn ieiiiiled loor that opluloii hut ror the thoiiKhltill- '" l'- i""1 vl1'3- '. T. Kellluldt. a
III ll of all eliouinbraiiiu hiloiti July ness or Ihu hlallon iieiit, who called' ' wm.
Mrs, Doris E, Paris
Dr, McLean's Preparations
These remedies are well and favorably known on the Pacific
Coast Hundreds of letters hsve been received, all testifying to the
good results from their use,
THE GOLDEN SEAL for oily hair (My seforrhea) will cure
this condition, while shampooing aggravates it.
It keeps light hair light and glossy,
DANDELION DANDRUFF CURE for dry and brltle hair, with
dandruff, also brings testimonials; and many other preparations
for each condition Indicated,
Poi't Struct, opp. Convent.
Weekly Bulletin, $1 Year
,A .. .
. ..din hAkM

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