OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, January 29, 1908, 3:30 O'CLOCK EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1908-01-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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E v bnistg Bulletin
At 120 King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii.
Pnily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday of each week.
W tllnoc R. Pnrrlnjjton, - - LZdltor
Par Month any herein l" S CI ,7R l'trblv Mouth) . 0 .Ho
IVr yuanei, mijwhereln I S J.TM lr car, anutifrc tn I' S l.oo
I'er Vwr, amahi-re In U 3 M.no Per car. anywhere tn Canaja l.flo
I'cr S car iHittpanl. lutein i. Il.oo Pcr)eai potM. loteiKii 3.t
in the Terrrorr of Hawaii.
CiitTeil at the Pot'ric it Honolulu
11 sacoiul ilaxs malter
The warships of America exist for
no other puiptue thnn to protul
ponce iiRnltiKt poHsllitc aggiessloii mil
justice against posslhlp oppreKslon
Ah between the t'nlteil States nml
llrnzll these Bliips are not men-of-v.nr,
lint are messengers o( friend-
ship nml good-will, commissioned to
tonthlne with nu the long-continued
anil nevei-to-be-lnoken unilly nml
imtttinl helpfulness of tho two great
republics President Hoosevclt.
Enough said.
The energetic women who liavo
aroused the citizens of Honolulu to a
recognition of the hlrthdn of the
'etc President McKlnley nro public'
While tontemplntlug their good
work. It should do our pcoplo some
good to consltlor how. In the past,
Honolulu has neglected McKlnley. i
For to many months that tho (Juio
!s now advancing Into yearn tho peo
ple of this city have been almost,
If not quite, utterly Indifferent to tho
perfection of a lasting memorial to
the martyred Picsldeut, who had a
deeper and more personal Interest In
the Hawaiian Islands than any Pres-
Idont before Iilm, more, indeed,
than nny President likely to como
He was a man above all meu, a,
Piotddcnt above all Presidents, to
whom the people of these Islands
liuuld iuy a permanent tribute ''.
rome Instlng memorial.
The old and tho oung responded
to tho llrst appeal for fuuda to erect
or establish a memorial.
It Is now months and almost yenro
slnie the appeal was muile, and prac
tically nothing has been done un
til, perhaps, today.
The little tlmo dcnted to tho
Prosldent who was Hawaii's friend
has been largely occupied with air
ing a variety of views on whether
tho memorial should take the form
of d park, a Btatue, a sliaft, an arch,
or what not.
Discussion Is good. Dut thero Is
such a thing as talking u subject to
death. This Is the danger threaten
ing tho McKlnley memorial.
Tho meeting today Is to renew In
terest, nnd arouse cur citizens to a
deeper tense of their obligation to
tho memory of a great man. May It
llathcr than spend any further
time In n discussion of what form
tho memorial jliall tako, would It not
be well to make It ceitaln Hint there
Khali he a memorial erected In the
near future, and, whatever happens,
that there ohnll bn Included with
that memorial a statue of the man
A t immunity that has so quickly
forgotten McKlnley should have
Mime reminder, elso future genera
tions will have to he reminded that
the man McKlnley Is tile ono sought
to bo honored
of the oRBHTAL'!aBJS'.-.-::::::::::::tiJffi
Professor William I. Thomas of
the lT-iivcr.li) of Chicago looks upon
the contact of the Orientals with tho
Western raePS as a s,ln,Ius that will
h ni.fi. he Western habits soiiipwI. at.
but In tho end will make for a high-
er elvllizatlon He points out tho
high state of clvlllz.itloi) leached In
Jupati whero white methods htivol
been rigidly applied. "As a result
of the civilization of tho Orient." ho
,nvH. "Hip rlvlll.nll,,,, f Mm wl,.(n .
Is In a erltlial situation. Owing to
tho easo of communication a tapld
movement of. Integration Is going on,
and while all people will not lapldly
becomo of ono blood, they aio with
tint Ullllfriinuu tf I ln.KIilit l.a.i.r.ax I
"'" " u "' "";; """h
nt ono consciousness." In his opiu
Ion tho Inclusion of tho yellow race:
nnd of nil races In our vorld nf con
sciousness will ho only another stop
In contact and (initio), and the cl
t low peril will really furnish stimu
lation for advancing the pi ogress ot
socialization. And why not? 'T were
,t certainly bettor thus.
Telephone 256
JANUARY 29, 1908
Thp following lctolw mlopti'il by
tlio New York Ho.iril of Trado oml
Transportation should be pasted In the
hat of every Congressman nml fed to
Iilm rogisl'irly with each meal:
While we refrain from urging
the adoption of any specific plan
for restorlnn the American mer
chant marine, wc believe that the
necessity of depcndlnn. upon the
colliers and other auxiliaries of
other nations in tho cruise of the
American fleet to the Pacific, Is
humiliation to the American
people and invites disaster, and
we most earnestly urrje upon Con
gress the great Importance of Im
mediately adooting mcaturcs
which will Insure the sailing under
the American flag, whether owned
by the Government or by citizens,
of a sufficient number of trans
ports and colliers, or vessels adapt
ed to thee used to make the
American fleet Independent of for
eign vcirels t-oth In peice and In
Tho only addition tho II u 1 1 1 1 1 n
would suggest Is, that tho humiliation
of tno American penplo Is notably la
creased when tlioy contemplate tho
fa that tho passenger steamers fly
ing mo American nag are liclng
steadily wiped oft tho faco of tho
recall. And. the Gowrniiicnt, Instead
of supporting American passenger
Much with laws and subsidies that
will placu them on an equality with
nlilM- if nllifr tnllnnu iitm I clinu ultti
c ,loav flnt, , ,(s,,1(.;,t ,, tl.lvel.r,
wn ,i:P p.iyhage. between American
rortlli ,, u:iy fitlior than ono of the
hteadlly dwindling number of Amer-
I cun ships.
Protection pronerly nppllod Is the
loundntlon of American progress; nils
a'n lied or neglected, ns In tho caho of
'he r..crclnnt marliiL It works out Its
own salvation In tho form of gradual
.u .ocatlon. '
That lb what Is happening to Amot
ion ship,! un the Pacific Ocean.
It may not bo pleasant to conteim
plate, but as "Hilly" Kent, tho Chicago
icfornier, says, "Whatever Is, Is so.
Tho moat complete collection of
works of Robert Louis Stevenson In
existence will bo wild In Now York
January SO nnd 31. Every cop has ar
autograph, or Ik accompanied by an
autograph letter Tho colleotlon wa
"lade b George M. Williamson and
contains wo-k
coplc j - xis
of which no other
jjtonotvlu. Hawaii.,
Fop Rent
King Street $10,00
Vinfm-,' Crl CIK nfl
frnl Street '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '. '.liO.QQ
jj:au street 530 00
punchbow, st'rc'et". '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. '.ho'.QO
M k A $25.00
vnirm.Vi on nn
ft tet V 1 1 1 1 : 1 ! ! 1 1 1 SflO
rniha. Street S15 00
-pimTiTcsTlVTl vi,uu
.r. nukl u"matl,:'u-
5? ; ' 'f IVnnn
Pr01PeCt Stf"et ?50'00
Fop Sale
A hnrraIn nf Knlmnlrl Sinnfl
. D . T
Three-quarters ol an aero
building lot, Manoo. Val
ley $1600,00
Waterhouse Trust
Comer Tort and Merchant Sti.
'iXWT$MSImS&l&t company.
Do j on wish In
Hont it liouso
Or buy u home?
Wo have long
Lists of furnl9lictl
Aittl unfurnished
Sjilid 1jii kM
llll0 )ou
Insured our
Home nml
Household goods;
If not, you .hail
Itest tin po now
llcforc the lire.
. ft i if i rt K 3
n- i c- e n
The Hnwnllan bnnd will pla this
evening at 7.H0 o'clock at Aala Pari.
Following Is (he program.
March "The Ilersagllerl". .Ellcnherg
Overttiro ' N.iklrls Wedding" ..Llnko
Fantasia "Oernian Tnttoii" Saro
Grand Selection "Marltaua". Wallace
Vocal Hawaiian Songs, ar. by Ilerger
Waltz "Toreador" lloyln
Polka "Tho Wonderful Tower" . . .
Finale "Hocb dor Kaiser" ... Zlkoff
"The Star Spangled U.inni'r."
IM-iitl lit"
"When Women Uivp ' Is being
played for the first lltna ut this aft
ernoon':) matinee at the Orphcum
nnd Is to be repeated tonight and
tomorrow night. This Is a comedy
dintna of the domestic type, mid
while It has it strong plot nnd a
splendid - love story running nil
through it has also much excellent
comedy, furnished by two old men.
veterans of the Civil War on oppo
site sides. Mr. Conley will be seen as
Major Macoy l-'ilwards, a Chicago
pork-packer, who talks "hog" contin
ually. There aio many Ftioijg p;it
In this play, which Mr. Cooley Is
ratlsfled will prove unusually pleas
ing. Friday night tho llrst performance
of "Tho Illaek Flag" Is to bo given.
This Is a stirring melodrama. Next
Monday night tho Odd Fellows' Can
ton holds forth at tho theater, shar
ing In tho receipts. Tickets nro for
tale by all members of tho Canton
i.nd present prospects aro for tho
biggest house nf the season.
Kdltor Uvoiilng n it 1 1 o 1 1 n :
In jour lesuo of Jan. 2Sth, 1008, 1
tee that Mr Cbas. Notley has kindly
provided jou with home nbuslvo re
marks about us.
I beg to state that the advice wo
liavo given Mr. Wnllacli In regard to
the newly drawn up agreement uf the
disappointed Hoard of Health anil
members of tho Cunf nltleo of Ton, Is
that of true and slncoio rrlcnds. .
In the now agreement whoro Mr.
Chas. Notley and tho Commlttco of
'leu nro playing ngalnst Mr. Wnl
lacli and siding with President Plnk-
hnni of tho Hoard of Health "Mr
Wallaeh Is not iillowcd a hoy to tho
doors; of tho experiment station.
whero ho ran go In and out -when
necessary without any check nnd In
terference by tne ngonts of his cno
mlcs." In rase of any dangerous nnd
unexpected attack of a complication,
Mr. Wallaeh having no key In his pna
tcsslon, will ho unable to get to his
patients r elso got out to eccuro nny
additional medical application. In
caao any of li In. patients should dlo hu
will then accaidlng lo law be liable
tn tho chargo of mnnslaughter. Hut
If Mr. Wullaclt had the koy, as given
'him In the ngiccmnnt that he hnu
..Ircady signed, of which President
& Co.,
Fort Ot. '
P. O. Cox 710
I'lnkliam nnd the Committee of Ten
mo trying tn crawl nut of, there
would bo lesj danger of failure, and
n fair clinuco of success of the treat
If Sir. Notley sn that It Is for
Mr. Wnllaeh's true Interest Hint he
han been haunting our ortlco fur the
whole of hiBt wock,nnd lining Hire-tit
In case Mr. Wnllacli did not sign tho
new agreement, 1 nay now, nnd will
t.ay it ng.iln, that It Is not tho truth,
but, Instead, lie Is working only Tot
Mr. Nolley'ri own pocket nnd Inter'
est. IIdwcmt, .iiiv mail with Mr.
Not ley's record or the past, has "to
u.iy, Is not woith the paper written
Wo had thought that this man had
changed In his character, but now wo
rec If Is Itnposslhlp to get nny good
'fiom Iilm for the sake of his pcoplo
.1 ii it nation.
In loEitrtl to fees of examination,
ell patients are examined thoroughly
by my husband liefoie treatment be
gins, nnd whateu'i' hnrgc3 wc have
in our office Is our holiness, itntl nofiuaios, nro department building
1 hanking you very much Tor your
valuable apace, I am, sir,
Yours respect fully,
Tho It u I 1 e I I n has ntso recolv
id it iiimniunleatlou fiom Dr. Atch
crley, which will luie to wait for a
later Issue.
rt it- - ft V
ii ft- 5 -X
January 9.
TemiicratiircH 8 a. in., 70; S tu in.,
73; 10 n. in., 74, noon, 73; morning
minimum, C9.
Dnrimicler, S a in.. rtn.oS; absolute
humidity, S n. in., fi.233 grains per
cubic foot; rolattn' humidity, 8 a. Ill,
71 por cent; dew point, x a. in., fi3.
Wind 0 n. in., velocity 4. direction
K.j S u. in., U'locll) 3, dlrecllon 13. j
10 n. in., eloclu 7. direction K.j
noon, velocity la. direction K.
Ualnfall dining 21 hours ended S a.
in., trace.
Total wind ininement dining 21
hours ended at noon, 101 miles.
Fcctlon Director. I!. S. Weather Ilureau
Lepeku Ke-klcl.i and Kaniel.i. two
Federal prisoners hciitcncod under tbn
IMmumlH Act to luiprlsuntueiit pn.l
flue, were relcapeil on taking the poor
man's oath jusU'tdaj. having served
their Icnitfi mid a iiuutli ncr for the
Wc carry the Tamous HAWKES
glass as well as other cheaper grades.
Our stock comprises Everything
Made in Cut Glass.
Get ready for tlie
Are the Best
St. Clair Bidgood,
bound to please the
most jaded palates, a
specialty at
Hoffman Saloon,
(Billy Howoll's Place)
Hawaiian Hotel
Exlusively European Plan,
EDWIN 0. CHILD Manager
New Dills Introduced h1' Kuhlo In In
. terest of Progress for
This Territory.
Following nro recent bills lullodiicoil
by Delegate Kuhlo:
Dill to amend section nlnety-ono of
an Act to provide a government
for tho Territory of Hawaii.
Ho It enacted by tho tlenalo and
llouso of ltcprcFi'iitnttvu3 of tho Unit
;d Stat-s of America In Congress as
sembled, That section ulncty-uno of
in Art to provide n government for
tho TenUory of Hawaii, approved
April thirtieth, nineteen hiindrod. b,
and It Is hereby, amended by tho ad
lltlon nf tho following. Provided,
however, that tho tltlo to all and sin
gular tho sou'ral public water works
systems, , public highways, parks,
Jails, nnd nit properly nppurtennnces
and Interests used In connection there
with, if nil all buildings and other prop
erty used foi public purposes by tho
territorial t'ovcrnineiit, or tiny polit
ical KUhdivlUun t hereof, fo fur as the
fcamo la cBted In tho Uovcinment of
tho United Htntes, he, nnd tho name
Is hereby, ceded to tho Territory of
A Dill to establish a fish-cultural and
biological station in the Territory
of Hawaii.
Ho It unacted by tho Penato and
House of Rcirecnlatlcs of tho Unit
ed Stales of America In CongrcLS as
sembled, That tho Secretary of Com
nioico nnd I.aoor Is hereby nulhoilrcil,
empowered, nnd directed to establish
u fisli-cultuiiil nnd biological station
on tho Island of O.ibu, III the Terri
tory of Hawaii, as n point or points to
bo bci.ctcd by him on said Island:
Provided, That the Territory r Ha
wall p inldct, and transfers, froo ot
cost, to the (internment of the Hnlted
States Ihu neoosEnry land and water
rights upon wnlch may bo crecto 1
such buildings, wharves, nnd other
structures ns may bo necessary for
tho proper equipment of hnlil station;
and for tho iiecestary hiircs, erec
Hon of buildings nnd other structures,
and Tor tho piopcr equipment of said
fish-eultir.'at nnd biological station tin
sijni of fifty thousand dollarii, or so
much nB m.iy bo necessary, be, and la
hereby, appropriate! out of auj
money In the Treastuj not otherwise
appiopi lalcd.
A Dill to amend the laws concerning
tranport?tIon between tho ports
of the Territory of Hawill and
' oth;r ports of the United States.
Ho it enacted h the Seliale all 1
Ilnusfc of Representatives ot tho Unit
cd St.acs of America In Congress a-
scmbleil, That for a period of olx year
from tho passago of this Act, hiiIors
111 On opinion of tho I'resldvnl then
shall sooner lie ndeijuato transportation
Licilltlis by vessels of tho Unite I
States, par.sengeis may bo transported
without penalty In foreign vessels In
tween porta of the Territory of Hu
wall I nit uihe.- ports of the Unite'
William It. Mason and Joseph
Vanderwtlde. charged with being
the sin) era ot Sctiel Service Agent
,'orciih Walker, will be tried at I)u
r.uiRti, Col., Feb. 7.
Outfit Yourself
For 1908
with office or pocket
DIARIES for daily jottings;
CALE&DAR PADSfor memoranda,
and the
HAWAIIAN ANNUAL-for daily ref
erence. Each or all to be had at
Thrum's. Book Store
Argue as
they will, one fact
remains: Cotton
adulterated cloth
is cheap and will
neither keep
shape nor
wear satisfactor
ily under any
Pure woolen
cloth will.
mm iimi$ '
llRS.C Kramer &&&&
Collins, Col., wrltp i
"Tho majority of women who nro af
ferlng from disordered periods and
other pelvic troubles, liavo such strong
fat til In doctors that they allow them
to experiment on them for kidney, Ilvei
or stomach troubles nntlljtboy become
completely discouraged and their money
li gone.
"This n-as my unfortunate- expe
rience for nearly two y cart when my
attention was called to I'cruna.
"1 hardly dared believe that nt last I
had found tho right medlclno, but n I
kept on luting It nnd was finally cured,
I could only thank Ood nnd taks cour
se. "I bavs had moil satisfying rcmilta
fiom the use of your medicine and.harK
advttjid dozens of women who were suf
fering with woman's ills to use Pcruns
and let the doctors nlono.
"Those who followed my sdvlc srs
better today and many aro fully restored
to health."
Mrs. Wild Mooers, U. F. 0., No. t.
Lents, Ore., writes:
"For tho past four veara f ti a
irretchod woman, suffering with "over
ssckaches and other pains, leaving m
ac woaU nnd weary that It was only
with difficulty that I was able to attend
tc my bousohold duties.
" used different remedies, but
found no retlcf until lhad tried I'cruna.
"Within two weeks thero was a change
(or the hotter and In less than thros
months I was n woll and hsppy woman.
"All tho praise Is due to l'eruaa."
The following wholesale druggli.t''
will supply the retail trado:
iJcnMin, Smith ft Co., Honolulu,
Honolulu Drug Co., Hawaii
, IM ,M Il I II .1
coRNcrtoTONC ror. THT
On the first il.iv of March, the cot
lierslouc of tho new High School l. Mill
ing will be laid under the auspices or
Hie High School Alumni Ani.oclntlou.
Itobeil King, president or Iho ns
seclalloii, f,,ilil rHti'i'dn thill the nr
l.uigeineiiiH Tor the ruiinmi) will be
can led out by the committees appoint
ed fiom the school r.n.l nssoelatton.
Dining-Room 1
i . Sets' .
A HEW STOCK just arrived, made of golden and
weathered oak. Extremely handsome. Prices ranging
from $70, to ?150. Come in and look them over.
Coyne Furniture Co. 3
X OUIlg ltt.
r f rpexMag
Cor. Fort and Merchant
f KSrtiff
The dunrtermastcr-General Gays It
Will De About the First
of March.
Tint tin1 bids for the construction
ot the additional bulldlngst nt Fort
Hhitu- will ho riilletl about March
is the news which II. P. Wood gao
the Chamber of ConmiPice jeslcrday
by forwarding tho following letter
whMi ho had received:
"Washington, Jan. 15, 1D08.
".Mr. II. P. Wood. Secretary, Hono
lulu Chamber of Commerce,
Tho Fiirragul, Wnshliigton, I).
"Sir: Itpplylng t" your letter ot
the 13th Instant, cnrlosliig clippings
from newspapers published In Hono
lulu, Hawaiian Teriltory, In refer
ence lo proposed construction at tho
new post near Hint illy, I have tint
honor to Inform you that the prep
aration of plnns ami specifications
for the buildings required thero has
been somewhat delayed by tho great
pressure of Important work ot tho
saino kind ii Ft. Montno, 'a., which
has not yet been completed, but It la
expected to finlsdi the plans for Iho
buildings nt Honolulu mid send
I hem out with Instructions to Invito
bids for tholr construction on or
nbout tho lltct of March. Respect
fully. J. H. ALKSIIIRK,
'QunrturninMor General, I'. S.
Tho erection of these additional
buildings will not mean that theio
will bo accommodations for any moro
troops thnn nro stationed nt tho Fort
at pio-ent. namely, four coinp.iiilcn.
The fact Is Hint the companies whWi
are there now liavo not siitlleleut nc
coiiimodntlimSnccordliiK to tho ros
ulatlont, and when tho new build
ings, nru provided they will liavo onlv
the stamluril equipment for a mur
ium pun) post.
Hon. Wllllnm .1. Wright died at Iho
ii'hldenci' of bin nephew. IV'iil.iniin
Wright nt Kowiilo l.ial nlfthl. lie
ceased was bin n ut Knliiaaha, Molo
kal on October Hi ISoS, nnd was cdu
rati'il nt tluyllilo Hoarding school nnd
at Lnhalnnluu.i Seminary. In 19)3 ho
wan elected to tho Loglsluturo fnilu
the district of South Kona. -Ills fun
eral will tuko place nt I n'oloc'c this
afternoon. .
Ex-Oovi'Hior P.irdco Fouiula v.i?tflr,:
lo Oikl.iu.l agjlnst imiporrd l u"kis
of the Kmitbtrn Paellle lo try ntun to
monopollzu the w.ilurfroiit.
Ilrlslow'u report shows an alarm
ing decreaso In tralllc on tho Panama
bw ysHajaajwprijaiiaswiinasjiioaM
Our Stem-
clothes are made
of pure woolens,
tested by the wool
test, which is the
beginning of all
''liA.'iiif-iii'iiii'i 'ii i mi ifff
jaMtSJlMaa.'.. lv ft,.a, I

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