OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, November 21, 1908, 3:30 EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1908-11-21/ed-1/seq-6/

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Doll Contest
Three Specials In
l -E
New 'Attractions Every
Day. Latest Novelties
At Prices That Are
L t
I '
New Goads Pouring
Into Every Depart
ment. Large; Anort
tment. :: :: ;:,::.:
Linen Suits
' t i ')' ui , , t.i
' "
$ 8.00 SUITS FOR $4.50
$ 8.75 SUITS FOR $5.00
$12.00 SUITS . . . . ! . FOR $0.50.
in Moire mul fancy striped effects,
Sec Window Display,
The Rosebury
made from Priestley's Cmvanettc in
nil the desirable colors.
Ladies' Hand-Embroid'rd
Initial Handkerch'fs ;
At 10 Hemstitched with, hand- J
embroidered Initial?' ' ' " I
At 20 or $2.25 a dor. Fine i
eros3 bar hdkfs. with hahd-embrold- J
ercd Initials.
At $1.75 per boi-jExtra fine
and sheer, H. S. corded edge and
hand-embroidered Initials, 1
At $2.00 per Box Extra fine
and sheer, hand-embroidered'wreath
with Initial, 0 in each box.
- Children's
At 20 a Box Colored border In
neat designs.
At 25i a Box A fine, fancy bor
der, put up in pretty boxes.
At 35 a Box A variety of
styles, some fancy borders, tome all
white with Initial, or fancy borders
with Initial, all put up in pretty
f' ,' Our Reputation for Handkerchief Values was established long ago.
This season, we will establish V new and better one, ,if assortment,
quality, and price count for anything. v
' ' ladies' Embroidered Handkerchiefs
I ri I
At 15 Extra fine .quality, H. S. embroidered in many patterns.
At 20S Cross bar tfftotjkH. 6. embroidered in very neat pattern.
At 20 Extra fin$ cross bar, trimmed with tiny Valenciennes lace.
' At 25c and 35 A variety of styles, in beautiful effects.
vAt50 G0 and 75Sr-A choice assortment of real Shamrock in
H. S.' embroidered, with scalloped edge or lace edge, in elegant design.
- Armenian Handkerchiefs
Nothing is daintier" or prettier. This is a choice assortment, all
hand made and handfembroidered, at 75 00 1 and 1.25.
ARMENIAN Lace Edge Handkerchiefs at 35.
Hand-Embroidered Handkerchiefs
Made of fine, sheer linen, with scalloped edge and medallion, fine
work, BO? and up. I 1 ' I '
Initial Handkerch'fs
,,At .10 Each With hand-embroidered
Initial! Besttfaiuftsiyeti-1
At 92.00 a Box Extra fine, all
linen in plain and corded effects,
with hand-embroidered Initials, G in
every box.
Plain, hemstitched hdkfs., from the
least expensive to the very finest of
sheer linen.
1 n m-m H I w v m B m
I white with Initial, or fancy borders I V QEOlnf lMfiJ gUvM WUUMJM vJ"
with Initial, all put up in pretty I 1 f . . MS s
Handkercirt Centers
, Made of fine, sheer linen with tiny
H. S. border, in' all the popular sizes,
at 20f 25 and 30.
Handkerchief Centers
with tiny H. S. border, in neat de
signs. Sheer linen, from 35 up.
Two Handsome
Elegantly Dreswd, Will Be Given
.jQct coupons and cast your votes for
your favorite child.
Specials for
, Wednesday and
00c quality, at 70 each.
extra heavy, $2.25 quality, at
$1.35 per yard, Wednesday and
Thursday only.
tho Hawaiian Hotel (in thp nf
(eiiiiKin of November SCtli
will be n boon to hnusekoep
eis, for all the delicacies dear
ti ThnnlghliiK will bo ror
pjIq and much tlnui ami trouble ran
1L Hatred by tho knowing liousckcep
tra who purchntu their turkejs and
Yrunberry bailee at the Fair. That
It will be Chen tinder thu auspices
of tho St. Andrew's Culld Is guarali
tt'o cnoiiKh that all articles Mild will
bo Ural-elans In oteri respect. Ill-
"dced, I hne been told that tho no
table housekeepers hem will lo with
each other In showing tho fattest,
juiciest turhtjs and ihlckcns ever
bien. This table Is to bo a specialty
and it Is will ror tho public at largo
to Hhale such Miluublti knowledge.
The ilcroratlons will resemble, a reg
ular1 Haivcst Homo fete thu tlnt
ing autumnal nnd tho Idea to bu
thoroughly earrlid out In every de
tail. Tho Hnnl Hawaiian Hand will
play on the lawn and sonio specially
brilliant muule is piomli-ed by Cap
tain llciger. At tho fancy table will
bo some iiiy boautlful ami useful ar
ticles and Christmas kHIi. Mrs. Ar
thur Wall is chtiltinan, and a mora
indofatlfinblo worker fur ull ko'1
causes It would bo tl Illicit It to flint.
ThoMj Interested In tho nllalr are as
(icucrnl Chairman of tho Harvest
Jlotuo restlvnl .Mrs. C. M. Cooke, Jr.
General Trcasuier H. M. on
Holt, HS(.
Fancy Tablo Mrs. Atthur Wall,
ihalrmair Mm. I-'. A. Sajlnr, Mrs. T.
(1. Wall, Mrs. J. I'. Howntt, Mrs, J.
C, Lorunxcn, .Mrs. C. M. V. l'orslor,
JIi-s. V. A. Wall. Mrs. Clifford Kim
ball, Mis. 13. I). Tenner, Mrs. J, Mo-
T nivaro frd
Mru ,t. i vino- . Iwilrinr tins soma very nrettT 'new also arrived in
Ice Cream Table t JJrs. Charles frocks which are sure to become her fpend the Sinter at Sans Soucl, has
llooth, chairman: Mrs. Caroline petlto nnd fetching style. And' Mrs. brought tome sweet frocks, her favor
Clark, Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. G. W. H. Iltlcliard Ivers looked very handsome Ite blue predominating. Mrs. Una-
KB, 4 in her traveling frock of cloth In nlng of Fort Hharter generally ai-
Candy Table Miss Margaret Cal the new catftwba tones and large flat fects copper browns and neulnvl
tn. rhniriiinn; Mrs nilks. Mrs ' hat as she came down the gangplank lints. Her frocks aro always becom-
i.-i,ti,,,,,. tru i.mu i,.,i,i Inr tho M.inehurla. thn other' morn- Ine and suit her flno figure. Mr.i.
A chapcau In the now shade led to surmount
..11 1. ,lln1iiilllimliiAnlii(r Vfivemtinr 9rith. It tft hlirn
Crabbe, Mrs. Lawrence, , are dreams. I hear that Mrs. Arthur admire. i ss jessio nam mm . . , , .... v. . - ... - "-"--;. fottl rai!Ullv llUred and to bo a gay and delightful affair.
me Biuncuurm w m ii. im !,..... .... ... .. -. - . . I..l,l, , .Iw.i.nv i,r tnstn bnlllir
armeii 101 coiniiiiin, itfiiuiu m .t.... ...,
which she has been seen In during
the past weelt, Is simply lovely rest
ing on her dark hair, and tho frock
which accompanies It Is white with
touches of tho sumo tone nf'ied, and
elio also wears a long white feather
boa. This is certainly a trying cll-
Advertlslng CommitteeMrs. Wal- lng. She has some stunning new Ralph Forster nss some lovely new . inaie mr a wu.i.a.. . ..... -
tcr Coombs, chairman: Mrs. Tom frocks which we will all be sure to clothes which have just arrlved-from ln, i.ut softeiy women me utxo.om-
Mlssf '
knowledge of being perfectly iliosHcd.spaiod. I-iito eaiH will bo run for
Innphy, Mia. Archlu Voting, Mrs.
"Will Soier.
I)ellcntoHt.en Tablo Mrs. I!. M.
Min itolt. chairman; Mrs. B. T.
SlmpBoii, Deaconess Poller, Mrs. 13.
Kopke, Miss Uuld. Mrs. Howard
Illtcluock, Mrs Douglas, Mrs. Ichle.',
Jlrs. Andrew Fuller, Mrs. Hobeit
:: :: :: :: :: :: :: , :: :u: :: :: n u
About tliri iai- mro Jlrs. I,, lletkcs
of "81 KliWiam ulrift. OaKlsnu. uai..
rallail at our nalco with a Klrl tlilrtetn
veari old. Hie Intter wenk nnd HstlMW.
' Vliu statnl that nbo bad lust u dancliti-r
IhlouKb kWnsy illiease ami tli Uo.tot
.ow l"fd lur' tills en" was In U19 sniiio
. ,. ..n.t that Kllu ciiul.l Ihti TlUt a. MlOTt
if 1 wjiii".
Vt Thu mntl.ir wiift niarlv dlstroctftil, W
Wd told tier that l'.ldnt-y dlneiisn vrm rfully
Rv Inairatnatlon of. thy kidneys and tmt II
was III luci inrui.ii.i llltu, I ,.n u, ...u.u-
i nil ..r wlileli wiru kldnnv eicltunts.
W . but that an cinolltent for kldni y InHam-
vmitlon bait bien illcucieil and that thu
dilld would probalil ,i-iuver, 'llioiuoin
ir touk the tnutmwii with ncr.
f .... it'.. lUIu thrru vu.ira.
r' ....:. ,.u ..... Mr ii.iirAx rniiMt
with a. rnnlUl yuimt.' Klrl. Wh 4 the
ery nkluro of htallli. Kha Introduced
lur nd 'tho ilylnB pnllMit ot three yenrs
11BO. and told us to rtfer iinbofly In tb
vorld to her. Sim stated tlin rt'mvery
wax roniptc Kbout tlie eipyentli wfi?K.
J'or ttin only emollknt for Inflammation
of thu kldneis, the world has ever wn,
imk for I''nltnn'n Hcnul Conipoiinil. Lit
culture lualli'd rn-e.
joiin J. rurroN co.
Oikland, Cal.
Honolulu Prim Co.. Fort Ht are our
sola local ast'iita Auk for bimonthly
Sharp, Mrs. K. V. Thayer,
Decorating Committee Mrs. 3. D.
Tenney, chairman; Miss Irmgard
Schacfer, Miss Sophie Hycroft. .
The Moana Hotel on Sunday was
the scene of u beautiful dinner, the
hostess being Mrs. Ashley II. Robert
son, wife of Commander Robertson
of tho U. S. Nnvy. Twelve covers en
circled the exquisitely appointed ta
ble and pink and white asters, silver
candlestick softly shaded tn rose pink
made an effective decoration. The
hostess wore 11 lovely Fmplre frock
of white liberty satin, the bodice
composed of real fllet lace being em
broidered in gold, nnd n bnnd of pear-
shaped panels outlined the Helm lace
sleeves, which extended from thq
founded, arm like wings. A crested
belt of gold and American beauty
loses for tho corsage completed n very
becoming toilette.
Mrs. Sidney Hallou, who looked
well in nu Empire frock of palest
blue chiffon upon tho surface ot
which were pink roses, the bretelles
of pink satin nnd dainty bodice ot
ii)d lace making a pleasing combina
tion. .'Thn guests Included 'Doctor
and Mrs. Charles Cooper, Doctor and
Mrs. Wadhams, Judge and Mrs. Sid
ney Hallou, Lieut. Comdr. and Mrs.
Moses, Mrs. Field, Captain Kxton,
U. S.- A., and Ueut. Qhllton, U. S. A.
There havo been some charming
visitors here this .season, and it'll an
undiluted joy to see their pretty
flocks. Among tltem Mrs. 'Robert
roil, who nlwujs wears tho newest,
Parisian confection, can bo mention
ed.' One especially attractive frock
was composed of the softest pink lib
erty satin made with a dlrectolro
tout of sliver net hand embroidered
lu bolid rings nnd applln,uo; the belt
was of silver and tho color nt .the
coast a light London 'smoke; with
this is worn a hat of pink' plumes.
Tho Countess Sennl, as she fluttered
through Honolulu on her way to the
Spalding ranch, wore some of her
pretty dresses. A black one was par
ticularly becoming, composed ot thin
material over a sheathlike under
dtcss, making un unusual effect. It
was ot charming simplicity and pic
turesquencss of design. A largo pic
ture hnt of black was worn which
mltctl the fair wearer perfectly. Mrs.
Uphain, who salletrln the'Manchuria,
ulways looked unusually smart In her
morning frocks. She had a way n(
putting on her clothes so well ind
knew exactly what suited her. Mrs.
Vulhams of Fort Shatter Is wearing
a whlto berge tnilo'r-mado since her
teturn from the Coast which is very
chip. A large Hat chapeau trimmed
with pink rosesitccompanles this tol
following J
you,' feiit it is 'true, nevertheless: The
worst enemies of Temperance are the
Temperance Cranks.
It is a law of human nature that a
man craves that which is i denied him.
Where does the army ,of hevy drinkers
come, from? 'Why, from.the homes in
vvhichfBeer is never allowed. Denied
tat home, a young man seeks it else-wherie.-rrr
and he does not stop at 'Beer.
If 'he did, there-would be no harm
done, for. Beer is not . an intoxicant, in
.any. true sense of the word.
In Germany, ' where Beer ' is a
family V beverage, overindulgence is
almost unknown. They use a very
mild Beer; with almost' identically .the
same percentage of alcohol in it as is in
ouri Erimo Beer; .and . the German
people;are one of the sturdiest nations
' Primo Beer, A TcmPeran" Drink
U it '
Among tho arrivals In the Mnn-
churla wore Mrs. M. I,. Illrney und
her daughter, Miss M. llliney. tho
other and sister of Mrs. (Jtorgo I)a-
vles. who havo lomo to spend tin
winter ut tho Dingle. Miss ltlruuy
is a sweet' young gill ami was inutli I
admired when sho was hero a Tow
joara ago.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude II. Usborno
were also arrivals in tho same steam
er and they will visit Canon and
Mrs. Usborno. Cards tiro out In their
honor for largo dance nt tho Wal
klki residence of tho Usborncs on
Tuesday evening next.
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton J. Hutchins,
who 1110 living nt tho Moana llulol,
relumed, und Mr. Andrew Adams,
the manager of Kahulcu Plantntlou,
at rived after u vacation abroad for
a few tmonths. ' Mr.' Douglas McP.
Iloyd and burbiother John expect to
lemalli In Honolulu ut tho Mount
Hotel for a month lit least. 'Mr. Job"
lloytl-went to tilth Volcano oil Tues
day, his brother remaining at tho
hotel, for ho Is only Just rccovorlm;
from typhoid favor. They weto also
among tho Mnnclmrln passengers.
Miss Heimlno Krupp, of gun fanu,
Is a guest ut the Mimlin Hotel, and
the Is charmed with our livcly Isl
and. Mrs. !:. A. Atkins, tho mother
of Mrs. Wadhams, will upend soveral
months with her daughter. I.leul.
and Mis. Fay of Fort Shaftor loturn-
ed und also Major nnd Mis. Dunning,
who havo been away soma mouths
npd greatly missed. It was an un
usually full passenger list.
Mr. J. Rosensteln, who did such a
clever bust of Doctor Moore, Is again
attracting much attention by his
good work, Ho succeeds lu gcttlug
the likeness of his subjects lu n woti
deiful way, and in tho exhibitions
at the Kilohaua Art I.eiiKue has been
most favoinbly commented upon. Ills
prices uio i cully quite reasonable
when one considers tho vast amount
of skill and patlcnro which is neces
tiary to complete the simplest bit of
marble or bron.o.
Although Miss Nannie Winston
only remained In San Francisco for
three days, she was given two din
ners and three luncheons. She ia
always very popular and Is paid much
attention wherever Bho goes, llor
plana 1110 to spend a fow weeks only
In Virginia, leturnlng tn San Fran
cisco, whero she may enter a sanltn-
rlum for the tubt cum before coming
to Honolulu.
x And now It is "auction bridge,"
which Is attracting world-wide at
tention and fabt ilvaling the old
game wu ull think wo know, 'Tho
new game icqulLcs great finesse and
affords infinitely moie vnrlety. It irf
a sott of poker and bridge combina
tion, and It luiB cumo to Btay, so ev
erybody says.
tho benefit of those who wish to re
main until L o'clock,, nnd a'chiugoof
twcnt-ft)o cents for each person will
bo made. ( Tickets must be obtained
f 1 0111 the hotel oin.ee before boarilln;:
the uiiM. and there Is it prize with
each ticket.
I ..
Frnnk Clnrk's "Rounil-the-World
Tour" In tho Arabic, stopping beiu
February, 1910, Is attracting much
attention nnd many from Honolulu
will Join the sill 11. It Is n safo ami
iiimfni tablo way to seu now uiuu-
ttles without the discomforts of pcr
Eouully looking after one's luggage.
Mis. Vincent Kltcnt expects to re
turn In New Zealand )u Febiuary
much to tho tegret of her friends,
who lime, thoroughly enjoyed seeli.i;
her again after so many-yeais!
i '
Mis'. Selbc, so well known horc, 'a
reported as being very hapoy with
her new husband Und the pretty new
homo. Sho Is m'oro beautiful than
over and gieatly admired.
A meeting of tho Hawaiian branch
of thn Red Ciiihs Society Is called fur
'Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock lu
Judge Dole's chambers nt tho Judi
ciary building.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Case-Decrlng
spent last Sunday ut tho Halelwa
lintel motoring dm lng tho morning
and returning ut night.
Mr. Gcorgu Thleleu, who was ox
peeled to sail In tho Mam bulla, was
detained by business matters nt thu
lust moment.
. '
Mr. 1'VaiiclH M. Swanzy Is Bpendlng
tho week on the Inland of Kauai, He
Will return next Tucbdny.
Miss May Colburn'ii picture Is in
a Into Call. Sho Is a popular society
gill lu San Frunclsvo.
n t: :t n :t n a :: :
Jjull'.tln of late recoveries.
4 Iette. Some ot 'her evening frocks tl
Drinking Men
Not Reliable
Employers Want Sober ifen. i'"
Competition Is too keen and lift) Is
too stioniioiis ror nil employer to keep
men on his payroll whose nerves aro
unsteady und whose bialus are not
clear. 1 '
Every linn of business Is beginning
to closu Its doors to drinking men, I .
DiunkeiincsB Is a disease and Uko
most discuses has its remedy. Or
lino is tho lolliililo tieatment und'is
sold under a posltlvo gpuruutee to' ef
fect u cure or onr money will be re
funded. Orrlno Is In two forms; No. 1
which can be used without the pat
ient's knowledge lu tea, coffee or food;
nnd No. 2 for those who wish to bu
Thu guarantee npplleB to.bqth forms.
Mailed In plain seajed package on ro-
eel lit of Jl (HI. Willi, for fre booklet.
I mailed In nbilii hiihIoiI f.nveloiio. Thn
Tho KlkB havo cards out for a ball ' prrj0 Co., Washington, D. C, or Ho
at the Moana Hotel on Thanksgiving uolulu Drug Co., Fort street.
iiunim j 1 1 1 '.-rawMi , 1 wmmmmrmmm--rimmimmmiMmi,.m.,iiitmmmmummmmmimtwimmmMmnmaMKTmMaMmW'ift

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