OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, February 23, 1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-02-23/ed-1/seq-6/

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J5J yv
A ?.
Importation of Women
Prevalent, Say
The Federal (liti'd Jury fur tlio
hprrl.il Fcbruar. term iniulc Its Miol
mid llnnl rvfloit thin morning Out
nf fourteen cures nrriirntoil twelve
tndlc'.mcnls nro roturnpil, nil 1ml one
t tlicni ngalnst Japanese accused of
tlulntlug the Immigration l.iws In
logard to tlio Importation of women
for Immoral purpose Two no trim
hills worn returned. One Hawaiian,
W. K. Aiu:i, Is Indicted for falling
In die tlio certificate of n innrrlaRC
j'crformed by hlni.
Tlio report of tlio (Irntnl .lurj U
brief. Special menllon Is made of
tho prevalence of the Importation of
women for Immoral purposes and the
i-ffoitH nf tho Department of Justlco
to root out this ell Is (omtnended,
k In also the work of tlio United
Stales District Attorney, H. W.
IndlcluientK Man Sing, per Jm
before the Giaml Jury; Shlgc Ynm.i
inoto, violation of Kdmunds Act with
Fujikawa: Fujikawa, harboring u
woman, Shlge Ynmuntnto, for Im
mural purposes, Mutsumoto and Yo
shl Mutsumoto, harboring Shlgo Yn
innnioto, for Immoral purposes; V.
A wliclcss telegram from I.lhtio
thin morning announced that C. M t
Cooke Id much better and IiIm son
Cl.ironco Cooke Is expected homo
iiy the regular steamer from
4 Kauai.
Thin quiets a fooling of nppre-
hcnslon resulting from n very
bad night that Mr. Cooko had on
Frldaj. Shortly nfter tho first
evidence of the shock, ho was In
- n condition that caused consider-
able nlnrni. Ho recovered from
this nnd tlio fact that Clarence
Cooko Is coming to town Is no-
copied as the best proof that tho
father Is now believed to be tin
, the suro road to speedy recovery.
list, which all rocs to prove that the
occasion was celebrated with great
delight by all nationalities. Moanalm,
a well known local character, who has
a penchant for lels nt all seasons, was
one of the festive sports.
Nino' Juveniles, who, Instead of at
tending the parade, had Indulged In
tlio fascinating gamo of "7-11." were
nil held for Investigation.
Messrs. Powell, Drown, Waul nnd
If Ati.tti fnlllt.,- In nin u fnrt I fl ,.fi 1 1.
"1"" r " '" " -- It
of n marrl.iin solemnized bv him; I
. ..... , v
inyiiiuun uno, u.iriioring n woman,
Sato Ono. for tho purpoao of ptcHtltit- momlw ,, ,,, Ilcxt ,,.
i urn ; s.uo uno amnion, siuiya la
iiitinachl, adultei): Nallo harboring
n woman, Toku N'alto, for the pui
ioo of prititltiitiiin, Shlgcmatsii,
liHrbortng n woman, I'mcno Shlgcmut
hi. for the purpose of prostitution,
I'niono Shlgenintsti, adulter), two Indictments
k. ...II, n
fialiil, Cn
if Cuiti
Joyous Lark Is Closing
Event of Floral
Parade Day
Carnival night In Honolulu win n
great success, and was carried out
with n swing nnd n go that inado
everything seem to be In order.
Pranks that on any other occnslon
would be lescnlcd on the spot wcro
last night passed off with n laugh,
tho Joker In most rases getting a no-
laud for his Oliver.
A tremendous crowd gathered
around the main city block, and slm
ply swarmed along Hotel, Fort, and
King streets. The Young Hotel block
was n seething scene of humanity.
Tho crowds caino piling Into town
from alt the Biiburbs and by 7:30 It
was almost Impossible to move along
the sidewalks. All automobile traf
fic was suspended nnd, nlthough tho
Itnpld Transit cars Insisted on run
ning for n while, the Btrccts' proper
Wilson, who appear to occupy suites wcro Ksrn ,, l(, thc festive throng.
Tlio first appearance ot a quartet
of masqiicraders was tho signal for
great cheering and laughter. Three
men and one "lady" composed tho
Hoop, and the endeavors of the
"lady" to dodge thc high wind which
Insltted on disturbing "her" abbrev
iated skirts, were moat ludicrous.
This group entered Into thc fun of
tho ovenlng with great gusto, nnd
one of their turns that of two-stepping
to the band music, right around
tho block was Immense.
The Elks, as usual, did things In
gieut st)le and made a good Impres
sion with their make-up. Lester Pe
trle was tho IITo of the crowd, and
tho whole bunch played up well to
Ills' leid.
runner llajsccd nnd Ills wife car
ried out their part well nnd raised
Honor and
on tliu Inter-Island wharf tho first
class hotels being crowded were up
on a charge that reads like breaking
and entering, but which under the law
Is considered vagrancy. Tho four gen
tlemen denied that they were sailors,
but Judge Amlr.ido seemed to Impress
them with the fact that a life on tho
billows was n lilt better limn one on
the reef Tho four men were given n
banco to ship out of the countrv
Sovernl cases were remanded till to
i. r ? ?
Under the escort of Company !., Nil-I'-wal
liiiard of Hawaii, of l.ahalnn,
"l ., , , ,...i i... ,t... it..i.,ii.,,i
.,11, U...I iii-iiiii-ii iij mv uu"i'it
Company I), of Illlo in command
tain l-'ctter. marched through
tin) streets this forenoon to the Milium
Ken wharf, whence, they boarded tlio
Rtenmer foi Illlo.
The men from Hllo anil l.nhnliin
Hindu a splendid ipins.iralico ,s jliey
marched tlironpli the streets and were
loudly nppluiideiL ,ys they hairdod tho
htcamcr they Veto presenlcd with
flow ere nnd leis.
Six of the Hllo ni"li secure I the per
mlsiloii of Captain letter to remain
here until next week.
Accnidlng to President Kcnnod of
Iho Inter Island Company, the men will
be permitted on the twin deck. On the
trip b.ick to Hllo the men will slug
their now hung, dedicated to Mujur
Dunning of Tort Shutter.
Ah soon as the bow line of tho Man
na Kea was cast off. the Hawaiian
b.ind plajed tho famous "iku hou aim I
kn nanl o Hllo," In honor of tho Hllo
Thin afternoon ut ii o'clock tho La
hnlna men Company D will leave for
their homeh In tlio Helene. Captain
Kellltiol staled Ibis morning Hint tho
men will lie drilled Ircipicutty In tlio
futiiru to keep tliu company up to n
high standard. This company was
complimented by .Major Dunning dur
ing the encampment
Company I, of Wniltiku, Captain Hal
will lenvo In tho Clivudinu sailing on
next Kilday
The yachts that started for I.annl
on l'rldny ovenlng stopped off Molokal,
nnd Uncling tho flsh btlng well, re
mained In that vicinity all the time,
l'lno weather was experienced during
tho run to Molokal, mid tho Hawaii
made good time, of tho beat across.
A lino assortment of (IbIi rewarded
the uclitsmen, and no doubt all their
iilcnds will bo recipients of a mess
each. These Ashing expeditions nro
becoming very popular and already mi
ftthor p.uty of tho disciples of Isank
Walton are talking of making a tllp
to either I.amil or Molokal
(Continued from Pce
tin t.i tii n nf tho iinu' hi tul nt M tint tut i
lias, nnd new muds In Wahmpu Vnl-"'"" " """ U'wn. niRBcrinin
lei'. nnd ut Wnlhee. were taken In for :l,cl"' sl,n,,ll,h ",8' Klr'"v ,flowe
this rn.li. an, I ., s,.nlH,i,t urea lias S'rls. Illlll S.lldlclS llllllglcd With toot-
i,... in..i .. .i, ii. .n.i bailers, sailors, and hobos. Tho sol
that under fiivornblo conditions,
should )leld 16,000 tons of sugar.
Crop 1911 We expect to plant an
acreage, taken with the Holds to ho
ratooncd, that will give an output ot
16,000 tons of sugar for this crop.
Mill Contrary to expcctntlons.tho
evaporator under thc strain of day
nnd night grinding, could not do
their required work. After various
tests, tho Honolulu Iron Works mado
somo alterations In Iho Installation
of this apparatus lato In tho season
which Improved conditions material
ly. Further chenges were made In
tho evaporators after tho crop wns
off, nnd I am pleased to report that
since Marling up this season every
part of thc factory Is working satis-
fa"turlly Some minor defects hnvo
been remedied and wo aro now nbic
to turn nut n dally tonnngo of sugar
well above tho dculcncd capacity.
Tlio flic loom ,i.is iiccn enlarged to
allow for additional stoinie of trash,
as we found lust tcasnn that tbe-o
was not space enough to allow- for
the accumulation of sufficient trash
to last over Sunday, nnd some addi
tional fuel hud to bo burned.
A snek sewing machine and a
"lliown's Portablo Klovator" for pil
ing sugar 'In the wnicboiihe, havo
been added to tho equipment of tho
ImpiuvcmontH, with tho exception
of water development, aro completed.
Water Development Of tho work
now (ontrncted for, there jet remains
to bo done 11 01 feet of tunnel, which
will cost approximately 13200. Re
cent measurements show the total
How of water from lilt the. tunnols to.
be 9,481,240 gallons In 24 hours.
Insect l'csts Wo are particularly
flee from leaf-hopper, nnd nt least
two vnrletics of the leaf-hopper egg
pnraslte are well distributed through
the fields. There is also less evl
denco of tho borer this season than
Forestry A forest nursery was
established this vcar to propagate
.trees for fuel anil other plantation
purposes', 1178 ticcs have been sot
out to date. Tho nursery is well
stocked, and tree planting will bo re
sumed as coon as thero is n good rain.
Labor Theio has been a Rood sup
ply of labor since thc middle of last
grinding season.
Weather Tho past season hns
been tho driest experienced horo In
j ears, There has been but llttlo
lalnfall on the fields, and during tho
first part of tho jenr theio wns a
shortage of water Since tho com
mencement of tho planting season,
however, our water supply hus been
adequate for all needs,
Management Mr, C. II. Wolls re
tlied from tho management of tho
plantation on October 3 1st .of this
j ear, after fifteen yenrs of steady nnd
umcient service In Hint offlce. during
dlcrs must bo given a worn of prnlso
for the way tliev livened things up.
From tho very stiirt they entered
Into the fun of the evening, and
some of their p.nodlcs on icgulatlon
drill wcro very lomlcal.
Tho Indlci fell perfectly safo Jn
playing Jokes on strangers, for no
ono could guess ut their Identity.
Mirny a beilnlo mlddle-iigod man was
bewildered by being tugged this way
nnd that by a plumping little gipsy
or flower girl. Ever thing went and
nil wns enjojed. One man standing
on tho corner of tho Young Hotel
wns gnr.lng enraptured nt n pair of
twinkling shoes that wcro fast disap
pearing towmdii the elevator, when
he felt Ills coat tugged. Looking
mound, ho Razed dawn into n pair of
ingulsh eyes, the owner of which
whispered: "Oh, ou naughty man.
Don't jou dnro to rubber at me when
I follow my friend." Indian Invita
tion could not be resisted, and tho
girl, diving Inlo tho crowd, waR vnln-
ly chased by tho man. She, llko her
friend, caught tho elevator and tho
man missed the 'be.B.
Toward 10 o'clock tho crowd In tho
streets began to thin, many wending
their way into tho movlne-plcture
Tho I'ark Theatre made a ton
sil Iko by having tho pictures of the
Floral I'arado thrown on tho screen.
Mnny of tlicni wprn tinted us to Ufa.
This was culok work and the man
agement were complimented highly
by ever) ono.
The danco on the Young roof gar
don went on till a lato hour, nnd
most of the masqueraders drifted In
(hero when tho Btroet carnival wus
Tho world Is growing better. Not
withstanding tho ncar-slRhlcd folks
who say that this poor earth Is go
ing to tho "bow-wows" with crooked
ness, graft, nnd general corruption
1 bollevc there Is more real, red
blooded honesty In tho land today
than over before. Particularly In
business, and there's a reason apart
from othlcs, Tho "SQUAllE-DHAL"
pays, nnd pays every time. HONES
TY Is still thc best policy and HON
OR the best business principle.
I am an honest man and an hon-
ornblc man If 1 know what the word
means. It I had been a humbug, a
fakir, or n deceiver of tho unwary
(commonly cnllcd "suckers")! would
havo been exposed before now, nnd
If tho "MAYFLOWtJIl" mlno did not
exist nnd the photos of Its Plant nnd
equipment which I havo published
wcro not genuine, somo ono would
certainly havo brought mo up before
this with tho short, quick turn which
1 deserved. Hut the "MAYFLOW
ER" exists very much 2 miles from
Novnda City, California, and every
representation nnd nsscrtlon which I
have nindo concerning It Is nbsolule
ly true to tho best of my knowledge.
nnd belief; nnd I nm eollfnir the
Stock ns nn honornblo 'mnn. over tho
counter of HONESTY, knowing thnt
I will mnko a firm friend of everv
man who buys a share because 1 will
mnko money for him without full.
Scvcial Honolulu business gentle
men havo .visited tho "MAYFLOW
ER" and thought well enough of It
to become largo stockholders, believ
ing, ns 1 profoundly believe, that the
Mlno will respond to development ns
hnndsomely ns the best ot the rich
mines In that section which nro at
present paying tremendous dividends.
Updcr forpicr ownership thero has
been about u.m; .mu.i.,iu.n uoiiars
taken out of tho mine, which fact Is
vouched for by tho Nevada County
Promotion Committee, who uso this
statement, together with a picture of
tho "MAYFLOWER," In their pro
motion literature today. Wrlto and
nsk them for their booklet entitled
"The ilnnnpr (lold County of Cali
fornia." All tho, ore which produced tho
first million was obtained before a
depth of 700 feet wns reached. From
tho experience, and records of adjoin
ing mlnes.on tho bbiiio lodes It Is well
clpally In tho way cf tho Introduction
of bills and resolutions. If tho flood
keeps up to Its present level a few
days more, tho Legislature will havo
bills enough before It to make n sixty
day session look extremely doubtful.
Dills on every subject under tho sun,
bills to amend seemingly every Bopar
ato section of tho Rovlicd Laws, bills
to prohibit anything and everything
nnd bills to mnko It obligatory upon
everybody to do nil sorts of things nro
Lclng hurled nt tho defenseless Speak
er, until Iho tnbfo Of tho clerk Is piled
so high thnt ho can hardly sco over It,
Tho Animosity of certain classes and
Individuals to the sugar planters was
Illustrated this morning by an amend
ment offered by Furtndo to Houso
Joint Resolution 1, Introduced by Shin
gle. This resolution provides for tho
nppotn'tmcnl of n commission of ex
perts to examine Into tho matter of
prlvato wharvcB and landings. Fur
tndo wanted to amend by a provision
that no person connected with tho
sugar Industry or with any steamship
or transtmrtntlon company should bo
a member of this compilssion.
Sheldon thought this amendment a
llttlo loo pointed, nnd suggested that
tho snmo effect could ho produced by
substituting the word "disinterested"
and leaving out all reference to tho
planters. Ho therefore, offered an
amendment to tho amendment. This
was adopted, nnd the resolution as
r.mcnded wns then, ort motion 'ot Shin
gle, put upon Its final passage. It wns
adopted by a unanimous vote.
An administration measure, follow
ing out a recommcndntlon of the Oov
crnor's made In his message, was In
troduced by Moannull. providing for In
determinate sentences for certain fel
onies. Persons convicted of murder
In tho first degree, carnal nbuso ot a
femato under ten, arson In the first
degree, nnd contempt of court, ore ex
cluded from tho provisions of tho bill.
In nil other cases tho court shall Im
poso n sentence of Indefinite duration,
but within tho maximum and minimum
sentences fixed by law for thc partic
ular crime.
Kalelopu had four bills to Introduce
all of which liiisscd first reading by
title. Tho first Is to repeal Section
1018. R, 1... relating lo certificate of
vaccination. Another measure Is lo
do nway with tliu emplrymont in road
work of prisoners sentenced to hard
Another bill of Kalelopu's Is to
emend Section 1033 R. L. relating to
foreclosure of Insanitary property for
lien. Thc section as amended will pro
vide a method for tho foreclosure of
liens entailed by the work of tho Hoard
of Health In cleaning up unsanitary
Tho fourth bill Introduced by Knlcl
opu relates to tho Insuranco of certif
icates of Hawaiian birth, repealing Act
61, S. I 1903, but allows prosecutions
for violations of that Act to continue.
A bill Introduced by Nnkaloka pro
vides that heads of Territorial dopart
merits for the 'pcrforniu"0" of whoso
Whitney & Marsh
First Showing of
New Season's
White Goods
in Plain and
Fancy "Weaves
Barred Nainsook
for Underwear
New Lot of
Dining Room Sets
with tho reason why advertisements them Public Lands Committee
r... 11... .,l..,r f Iwrninalnnitu 111! Ilin' II II. 33. Nllk.lll'kll til lll.lkc till' .aV
other Islands were not published In of lerrllorlil laborers 11 ' u d.v -
tho iiowspapcra of tho counties In Miscellaneous foiuiiilllce
which the lands wcro to bo opened, but
confined only to the newspapers of
Honolulu. It Is oxptrtcd Hint Sheldon
will wear his trophy In n locket a
low hairs being better than no scalp.
Kama Intiuduccd two bills repealing
a dozen or two RtcAtons of tho Revised
Uiwb Suctions 2111 to 2121). nnd 2122
mid 212C, 2128, 2129, 2130, 2131, 213G,
2137, 2138, 2110, 2111, 2142, 2143.
In rcBponwo to the request of tho
Clerk of tho IIouso, mado In accord
nnco with n resolution adopted by Iho
11. I) .10. Long, relating to Inherit
nncu fiom llUgltlmaiu personsJudi
ciary Commlltcc.
II. II. 37. Wnlwnlolu. to make the
taxation, ediicitlniinl nnd Jmllclnl ills
trlctsTcoiiforni .ludlclnry Committee
II. II. BS, Knwcliowchl, llxlng III"
merchandise llccnru feca Flu nice
If. II. 41, Muddy, providing Tor the
appointment of clerks, Bteiiiigr.ipliL's
nnd Intei ,.i cton. r th' 1nrllnrl.il
I courts Jiidlrlnry Committee.
II. II 42. Kama, nnporllonlip: tliu
House And tor Fisher. Registrar Mw- h , , ,,. (!(Xril ,.lv
rlam. Archivist Lydeckcr and Prusl- ,.. M r
dent Rob nson of the Hoard of Health. J. coiumltUe
proven mai me largest 1 """ 'dutcg raf0 f illness or nbsenco no
rich rock .nro to bo found below thoGhcr ,)rin,,on , lmulo I)y ,. ,,,,.
-JIM .... Im.nl til It la fnt thn ivtir. . . '
uw-iuui. hi. i u.... .v . .... ...u -n-ltlm tho approval of tho Governor,
poso of mnlng and milling then(cil5nao Mim(J 01(,r ()fflc,,r ,,, lu
I Ichcr ore bodies that I am now (iub-jBano ,lcI)artrnont to act temporarily.
Ilcly offering n limited quantity of Tho lKnon acting, linwover, Is to
no company s treasury siock m i reccvo no additional compensation for
Cents n share. On March First the
prlro advances to 3G Cents,
If jou nrq at nil Interested In gen
uine gold mining nnd desire to put
some money Into a proposition of
grent possibilities, which Is practi
cally a sure thing, clean, square,
above-board, and honestly conduct.-
by honest and honornblo people,
"MAYFLOWER" Is what you'ro look
ing for. It fills tho bill. 11UY
There wore no less than seventy
cases on tho Police. Court calendar
this tuoinlng This bunch cnmprUod
thn cleanup nf Suturdu. Sunday and
Monday Must of tho offenses wero
UKHllltH III u KU.uumiK awl "owiu oiwn, i - .
Twenty Japanese weie lined I0 each ' "' this estnte has been dovel
for yielding to tho seductions of pal
kail. The wooed tlio god of chance
mid tliu god of law hauled them In
A bunch of boozum who celebiatcd
tho birthday of tho futher of their conn
liy well lint not wisely gin handed four
dollar vouclii'iii. it was n mlved
ciowd, rortugiicsu, iluwnlluus, lilsh
oped Into one of tho flneBt plantation
pioperties on the Islands.
Recall of count d'Ablmns, uttacho of
French consulate, prcdlctod,
Ciillfornl'i club dobalo Ib won bv
blieakeiti who bellevti wIioh should
men' and Americans, 'nil figured on tho fccuk economic liulcpenduucu.
Robert Leo, a boy ot tan enrs of
ago, was badly hurt Just pi lor to tho
sailing of tho Mniinu Ken for Hawaii,
It appears that tho lad wn? perched
on top of a idlo of liim'ior and wnt
watching tro crowd on the wli&if. Sud
denly tlio boy lust tits foolint and fell
ho claims that u Chinese b shnvul
lilm strll'.'ng a b.lt Willi his leg.
Tho limb was bad'v cut Just below
tho kttud, and the boy lost n lot nf
blood before tho poi.cu put ml .,rim
enmo to convey him to tliu hospliul.
Tho CMnoso boy'r name could not
bo learned as hu rtWppumcd In the
crowd as boon us tie accident hap
Tho Mntson liner llllonlan, Captain
Johnson, sailed this morning nt ID
o'clock for San Francisco. The pas
senger list was unusually light. The
fl eight consisted of 3500 cases ot can
ned pines, 3500 bunches of bananas,
1000 hugs of coffee, and siiudr) pack
ages ot general merchandise.
United Stales Attorney General Ho
nnpnile luges District Attorney Devlin
In gel decision on light of nppe.il from
htato courts to federal tilbiinnl In na
turalization cases.
(Continued Fiom 7ce 1)
thought It n shnmo that Ki ma should
thus bo sighted. Everybody's bil
ought to bo printed, else wbnt us- In
Introducing them.
Speaker Molstcln stated thnt tin
Houso owed It to tho pcoplo not to
wnsto tho public money, nn.'. whoro
thoro wore two or more bills nearly
Identical there was no ui In hnvlng
both of them printed
Kalelopu took n hand In thc contro
versy, und gave tho Speakor to under
stand that it ho Introduced nny bill,
ho expected to havo It punted, whether
It duplicated somebody olsu'b bill or
not. "
Rico could seo no senio In this "It
I Itnroduco a bill which Is n Oupllcuto
of one previously Introduce"! by boiiio
body else," ho Bald, "I want It tabled
I don't want money spent lo punt both
of them."
Molstcln mado tho statement that hq
hud purposely made his rul'mi In order
to bring tho subject up. Me thought It
properly a matter for tho Rules Com
mlttco t odonl with. Ho laid the mat
ter ot tho two bills boforo tho Houso
and asked tor a formal expression as
to whothor or not Kama's bill should
be printed, !
Shlnglo moved that "out of courtesy
to Mr. Kama, his bill bo prlntod."
Kalelopu moved to leconslder tho
action nf thu Mouso passing Kama's
bill on Its first reaclln,,.
Sheldon movod to lay Kama's bill on
the table. TIiIf carried.
Shingle moved that In tho future It
bo tho rule of tho House that the first
of any number of bills Introduced be
tl.o ono to bo printed.
Sheldon reminded Shlnglo that it
would bo necessary for him to glvo no
tice ot thu Introduction nf n resolution
lo Hint effect.
An Immense amount of uoik wus
donu by thu Houso this morning, prlu
Iho service.
Doiithltt had two bills to place be
fore tho Houso. Ono Is Intended to
amend tho laws relating to trial by
Jury. Tho other amends tho Inns re
lating to tho granting of charters of
Incorporation, Tho bill makes no
rpcclal provisions, but hints at fur
ther prospective bills, it providing thnt
all charters granted shall be subject lo
all general ldws hereafter to bo enact
id In regard to corporations.
Wnlwiilolo Introduced n bill to
amend tho Inherltnnco tax laws.
Two administration bills, relating to
laundries, wore Introduced by Make
kau. Ono amends Act 96, S. L. 1907,
and makes thd annual llccnso for wash
houses, laundries, dyo works, etc., 125.
No llccnso shall ho IsBiicd except upon
n certificate of tho rtoard of Health
that tho location and building conform
to tho regulations nt the Hoard. Thu
second bill repeals section! 10C-1 to
1067 R. L. and Act 111 of the Scsslor
Laws of the last Legislature.
A bill was Unreduced providing for
district tax courts ot appeal, to ho con
stituted by tho sovernl district magis
trates and deputy Bhorffs of each taxa
tion district, together with ono disin
terested person to bo appointed by tho
Territorial Treasurer. At present
there Is only ono tax court, sitting nt
Honolulu, and all appeals havo to bo
heard here.
An Act proposed by Rico to amend
tho existing laws relating to tho bonds
of public officers provides a form for
all such bonds.
Nakaloka proposed a resolution re
questing tho Hoard of Health forthwith
to uppplnt a Government physician for
that portion of Molokal not Included In
the lopAr settlement,
Nakaloka Introduced n resolution
that tho sum ot J 1000 bo Inserted In
tho appropriation bill for a hcarso for
tho lepor settlement,
Katolopu Introduced n resolution
colling upon tho heads of departments
with Itemized statements of all mnnoys
spent under Incidental appropriations.
Kalelopu also had a resolution calling
for tho appropriation of $10,000 for tho
construction of a road from Alewn
Heights to tho Insane Asjliim,
It Is up to Commissioner Piatt to
rise and explain. Soverul members of
the Houso, It is understood, are after
his sculp. Sheldon this morning suc
ceeded In snatching at least one small
lock nf hair. Ho Introduced n resold
Hon, which was ndnpled, Hint Ihu Com
inlbsloner report to tho Houso forth-
II. II. 41. Wulwalote, nmeiidlng Art
108. S. I- 1807.
II. II. 15, Moillliutl, illlslng the - t.H0i
ngo trt eight years IMiicitlou ('nm.iili
II It 4S lelalliic III Iho Iil-inuf .dure
According to thn piovUlons or u bill of )()t Ili-alth and Pollro CouitiiUfo
Introduced by Kinney, certificates ot . .
Hawaiian birth Issued under nnd by rmTllttOTn IllPrmnrn
.srt?.j,ss: "'?,:. CAPTAINSTBANSFERRtD
... ...U w .,........,. , . .......
of thu facts therein stated before tcr-
submitted lists of the employees In
their several ilepjrtincnts. nnd Presi
dent Robinson submitted n list of thu
registrars of vlfal statistics und of
commissioned agents of tho lloird of
rltorial courts and registration boards.
Second Reading.
Pending Iho overhauling- "f the
tlpumrr W (I. Hall, which w-.s diiiu-
A big batch of bills was reported aged while nt Kuiial, somu ti aimers
l-nck by tho Printing Committee, mid havo been nude among tho captains of
all passed bccoiuI rending by title mil tlio liiler-Island lino, -Thu Klkah.il.i It
wcro referred to various committees, now lulling tho Kimil tun. in the Hail's
as follows: Ipl-ico. Sho Is commanded by Captain
II. II. 32, Moannull, giving circuit Pederson of Iho Noi-nii, vvhlib now
Judges power to remit Iho costs nnd UKcs tlm Molnk.il nm under tie com
havo transcripts of evidence picp.ircd iiiiind ot Capt'iln Pill!!. Captain Plllz
In felony cases Judiciary Committee, j v. ns iikm off the MJImhnhi ami placed
II. II, 29, Knlelopu, piovldlng for Iho on tho Noeau becaiio ho Is well lie
application of 50 per cent, or more ot qualntcd v. it li the dlllleult pjim of
Ihu purchase prlco of scltlenirmt hind Molokal. Tho Nicnu leic.i Iml.iy at
to tho .construction. of loads to open ." o'clock for Molokal, Maul ami I. mil
High - Class
Prince Alberts,
Dress Suits,
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To Order. Cut, Style and Workmanship
Equal to the Best on the Mainland
L B. Kerr & Co., Ltd.
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